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Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 7:11 am to 12:55 pm Sun., 1 pm to 1:34 pm Tues., 12:26 pm to 1 pm. Thurs., 12:33 pm to 1:07 pm Sat.




Though I don’t mention it in most signs’ forecasts this week, two rather momentous aspects occur early this week. (Sunday night, Monday pre-dawn.) One, Sun trine Jupiter, offers great luck, advancement. The other, Sun square Mars, promotes anger, explosions, accidents, enmities. Perhaps the best way for every sign is to impulsively charge after what’s lucky/working — let that Sun-Mars square bring speed, not anger.


Hurricane Helene devastated western North Carolina, totally wiping out towns such as Asheville.

Kamala Harris didn’t even visit the devastated area for almost a week. Instead, she opted to fund-raise in California.

Biden, same callous laziness; didn’t visit the area until media outcries forced him, almost a week after the catastrophe.

Mayorkas, in charge of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) went shopping for thousand dollar suits, while claiming FEMA had almost no money to help.

Hundreds of people died. Thousands of homes and other buildings were obliterated. In Asheville, there is no water — the water system was washed away. Most roads were washed away too, preventing rescues and supplies from reaching the wiped-out areas.

FEMA, the federal agency responsible for rescuing people and providing food and water, claimed they had less than 1 % of FEMA’s budget to help the Carolinians, because they had spent 99% of their money on housing/healthcare for illegal immigrants. They stated they could only allocate $ 14 million for a disaster that will obviously take many billions to rebuild. Biden said enough was being done and that the victims were “happy.”

Dead people were found in trees, where the flood had left them.

Hundreds are still missing.

Many areas remain isolated, unreachable by rescue workers.

The FEMA disaster relief agency sent only about 400 of their 13,500 employees (gee, what were the other 13,100 employees doing?) to North Carolina, almost all of whom have been holed up in local hotels, waiting for orders. When local people tried to put newly homeless, traumatized, and injured neighbours in these hotels, FEMA told them to get lost. The hotels were reserved for FEMA, every room. Worse, private parties and charities — which have performed 99 % of the recovery/rescue/food — were instructed by Biden to “stand down” and NOT attempt to aid the people of western North Carolina — Asheville, etc.

Why have Biden and Harris been so heartless? (*)

One clue: this part of North Carolina is heavily Republican. As the situation stands, these voters won’t be able to vote due to the transportation break-down. Most phones still do not work.

Why so heartless? It’s just politics, folks — at least the kind Biden and Harris practice.

Here’s one news report:

“As the Biden Regime blocks ongoing rescue operations in North Carolina, Democrat pundit and campaign advisor Axelrod said Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina are mainly Trump voters who will find it hard to vote in the 2024 election.”  (Because there are no roads in and out, no polling stations., and generally no phones nor internet, and no mail. In other words, they are prevented from voting — Biden’s original intention.)

(*) — You might remember, during the Democratic primary in 2019, I wrote here that Kamala Harris was cold-hearted and without empathy. (So I predicted she would not become President — oops.)


Oops again — almost forgot this: Harris, Biden and the rest of the brilliant democrats in Washington have sent hundreds of electric chain saws to towns devastated by Helene, so they can remove trees, etc. Did anyone tell them that these devastated areas have no electricity?


No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. — Desiderata




aries icon  ARIES: March 21-April 19

Relationships remain a top issue, Aries. And with relationships come opportunities, as well as relocation themes and public appearances — all favoured this week and to Oct. 22. Home, family still a source of friction. (Or of action — many Aries will build or repair a home; some will sell/buy a home — now, or in January-to-April next year. But don’t jump too soon — the luckiest real estate year in over a decade will come mid-25 to mid-26. Patience is profitable. This week and the next few offer you secrets, valuable information, or “talk therapy.” Thursday starts a few weeks of affection, and pleasure in travel, success in law, harmony in ideas. Sunday morning is hopeful, social, happy. But by noon (PDT) try to find a quiet place to relax and rest — until mid-day Tuesday. Meditate, contemplate, plan, liaise with gov’t or head office. It’s a bumpy road Sun./Mon., but Tuesday spells sweet success. Your energy and charisma soar mid-day Tuesday to mid-day Thursday. Tuesday’s great, but Wed./Thurs., not so much. Use your extra energy and clout to solve problems rather than launch projects. Collect money, buy/sell, hug a friend, learn something Thursday pm to mid-day Saturday. This is a fairly smooth, productive interval that ends well. Saturday pm — trips, communications, casual friends, paperwork — all’s well.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Keep working, Taurus, and keep your daily health up with proper dress, eating. At last, you can start talking again with someone special. Through October, and again Jan.-to-April/25, your communications might be a little strong or aggressive — lighten up for success. Relationships remain affectionate until Thursday, when things grow more secretive, intimate, and, perhaps, financial, until mid-November. You might feel ambitious Sunday morning, and can accomplish much. But after noon, to midday Tuesday, “celebration” is the mood — you’ll feel optimistic, social, popular, and flirty, which can bring good things Tuesday (mostly) such as love, friendship. But retreat Tuesday pm to midday Thursday — a bit rough (argumentative or accidental) Thursday, but fine before then. Rest, plan, pamper your health, liaise w/gov’t, head office, seek spirit. Your energy and charisma surge upward Thursday pm to midday Sat. — charge after success — you’ll probably reach it by Saturday. Saturday pm, shop and spend — but cautiously.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Your romantic, creative, lucky streak continues, Gemini. Your workload will probably increase soon — maybe lots of discussion around this? Thursday starts several weeks in which others will treat you with affection and positive responses. If in doubt, remember, until mid-January (’25) it is better to be friends or friendly lovers than to pursue deep, powerful romance. Overall, relations and opportunities, happy, social and optimistic projects, will “slow” now to February ’25. That’s okay, just flow with the current. February to June will bring the luck and progress you experienced recently, back again, perhaps even more powerfully. Sunday morning is disruptive but friendly. This pm to midday Tuesday requires ambition, hard work, vision and good relations wit1h higher-ups. These get a boost Sunday and Tuesday, but Monday’s a minor bust. Friends, popularity, optimism, flirting — these fill Tuesday pm to midday Thursday (all PDT). Tuesday’s great, Wednesday’s “unaffected,” and Thursday morning brings both an emotional (happy) climax, and a “destiny barrier.” Retreat to a quiet place Thursday pm top midday Sat. Rest, contemplate, plan. Liaise with gov’t, head office, institutions. A smooth, easy interval. Saturday night, your personality and charisma blossom — approach someone!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Home, family, security, property, mother nature — these are everything this month, Cancer. But you’ll also pleased by a romantic note, or a glance, a conversation that could lead to deeper affection. From Thursday into mid-November, your work will be more enjoyable, co-workers more pleasant. You remain “hot” in ambitious actions, and sexually your magnetism remains powerful (until Nov. 3). But you can also be a little too aggressive or domineering, so watch this. Your mind works slowly now, but accurately. Sunday morning holds secrets, financial puzzles (solving which could lead to “treasure”) or sexy urges. This afternoon to midday Tuesday (PDT) brings legal, philosophical, educational, international and far travel themes to the fore — a great interval, except Monday. Be ambitious midday Tuesday to midday Thursday. Tuesday’s great, Wed./Thurs. are mixed — a potential partner opposes your objectives, perhaps silently/secretly. Wishes can come true Thursday pm to midday Saturday. Optimism, popularity, flirting, social delights tease and please you. Saturday pm, take a break, find rest, contemplate.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The emphasis remains on travel/errands, paperwork, communications, casual friends and general restlessness, Leo. Remember, avoid belligerent individuals and seedy places until Nov. 3 (and again, Jan. to April/25). Family discussions (or convos about repairs, home improvements, etc.) occur for the rest of October. Thursday begins 25 days of a sweet romantic (or creative, or pleasure) streak. This year (June-June, 24-25) offers great social, friendship, light romantic and happy times. Single might even meet/find a life mate in a group. But this area has slowed down, now through January, so be patient, sit back and accept people as they are — new friends, new opportunities will come again, Feb./25 onward! (A wish about true love could come true next Feb.) Sunday morning brings relationships, but not comfortable ones. This pm to midday Tuesday heightens your intuition, your “spidey-sense” and leads you to research, investment, lifestyle changes, medical procedures, sexual desire, successfully Sunday pm (but with a glaring problem, too, maybe a problem of ethics) — unsuccessfully Monday, and with sweet good luck Tuesday. This pm to noonish Thursday focuses on law, international events, far travel, education, media, profound ideas, and gentle love. Great Tuesday, okay Wednesday, and difficult or “counter to destiny” Thursday morn (all PDT). Be ambitious midday Thursday to noonish Saturday. This interval remains rather neutral, gets better Saturday, and ends “on the side of destiny.” Saturday pm, join a group — a happy, social night!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent remains on $, buying/selling, possessions, casual sex and easy (rote) learning, Virgo. This is a mellow, comfortable time overall, partly because events now “dance with” your career and status luck, which is huge this year (June 24-June 25) but will be delayed somewhat now to next February. You travel and talk easily now (Sunday to Nov. 2). Thursday starts 25 days of affection at home — a good time to paint, decorate, etc. Your wishes are still tied up with either sex or money, or both. But avoid impulsiveness here. Sunday morning (PDT) holds chores — or just sleep in. This pm to midday Tuesday brings exciting meetings, opportunities, relocation themes, maybe public appearances — and the need for diplomacy. Sunday’s lucky, but NOT for lust nor finances. Monday’s difficult, and Tuesday’s kind and happy, with a hint of magical true love. Tuesday pm to midday Thursday brings subconscious nudges, major finances, lust, possible surgery, lifestyle decisions — research, find hidden “treasure.” Tuesday’s great, Wednesday’s okay, productive, Thursday’s brings a climax, and a “No,” in sex, finances. Better to sit this day out. Thursday pm to noonish Sat. brings wisdom, gentle love, tolerance, profound ideas, international themes, law, media, higher education. Pick one or two! A good interval, with harmony and understanding.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You remain at the top of your game, Libra. Your energy, charisma, clout and presence are at an annual high. This week is fairly jumbled, good mixed with bad every day, so be nimble. Money communications begin — you’re lucky in money this week, to Thursday. That day starts almost a month of affectionate messages and pleasure travel. Bosses and authorities remain “unamused” — and could be draconian, temperamental, impatient. Smile and go about your business — this “heat from above” trend will end Nov. 3. (It could affect you strongly Sunday/Monday, even cause friction in your main relationship.) You are very favoured in intellectual, media and travel — and love — zones until June 2025. But a slow down, a mild one, comes now through January. That’s okay — it’s a good time to review, rewrite, etc., to be prepared for the fortunate Feb.-to-June events. Sunday morning (PDT) is for romance, happy kids, but unfortunately has a snag or two. This afternoon to midday Tuesday brings chores, duties, dependents, minor health cures. Good Sunday pm, bad Monday, fortunate Tuesday am. This midday to noonish Thursday brings exciting meetings,  promotes partnerships, relocation, public appearances, and general opportunities — good Tuesday, okay Wednesday, and can bring both an emotional/love climax, and destiny’s disapproval, Thursday. Step confidently into research, major financial actions, lust/intimacy, and decisions around health and lifestyle, Thursday pm to midday Saturday — a successful, productive interval. Saturday night, seek love — or at least, agreement.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Continue to lie low, Scorpio — rest, contemplate and plan, visit shut-ins or friends in hospital, liaise with gov’t or head office, pamper your health, meditate and seek spirit (or understanding in yourself) — or, if the spiritual bores you (it sure bores me sometimes) just do a good deed, build up your good karma. You remain attractive to others despite your low energy. Now, communications begin, esp. about more private or secretive plans/hopes. Thursday starts 25 days of good $ luck. Continue to avoid lawsuits, even lawyers. Sleep in or luxuriate around home Sunday am (PDT). Noon to midday Tuesday brings romantic notions, creative streaks and pleasure — good Sun. and Tues., but not so much Monday. Tackle chores and protect your health Tuesday pm to midday Thursday — success Tuesday pm and Wednesday, but not Thursday. Surprise meetings, relationships, opportunities and opposition (be diplomatic) flow your way Thursday pm to noonish Saturday. Tjis whole interval is mildly fortunate and ends with “destiny’s blessing.” Saturday pm, secrets, lust, research — DO NOT invest.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This is your last full week of celebration, optimism, social delights, popularity, flirting and entertainment, Sage. Enjoy it, forget troubles, you need this. Sexual temptations continue (toNov. 3) — if you’ve recently (since August) become heavily involved with someone sexually, this will “lighten” or suspend November and December, then come roaring back January to April next year. (Conflate this with your present huge luck in relationships, June ’24 to June ’25.) Domestic matters still grind slowly, and will until June 2025. Secrets come over the next few weeks. Thursday starts three weeks of “good hair days” — you’ll be charming, gracious, affectionate, which will help the low energy days of next week into Nov. Sunday starts with conversations, errands, but little of it productive. This pm to midday Tuesday (PDT) steers you toward home, family, garden, nature, security and rest. Sunday pm’s good, same Tuesday, but be cautious Monday, when disruptions and incompatible relations exist. Romance, creative surges, pleasure and beauty call Tuesday pm to midday Thursday. Tuesday’s great, Wednesday’s okay, but Thursday brings both a love climax (emotionally) and a hint that you might be trying to pursue what destiny denies. (Though it won’t deny any longer late November onward — for 19 years.) Thursday pm to noonish Saturday brings chores. You’ll do them easily. Dress, eat sensibly. Saturday pm? Possible exciting meeting, the world opens wide — step in!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

One last week of ambition, career striving, prestige relations and worldly status, Cap. Push ahead — you’ll make progress. Soon, you’ll talk with people who support your ideas and might even become friends. Your relations with head office, institutions and the gov’t will grow more beneficial, rewarding Thursday to mid-Nov. Realize not everyone is your friend — some people can be aggressive, some might want to end a relationship (or you do) — applies until Nov. 3. Sunday morning is a throw-away. This pm through midday Tuesday (PDT) brings communications, trips/errands, and paperwork. Sunday’s favourable, Monday’s difficult, and Tuesday succeeds. But on a bigger level/front, your work and career flow with powerful luck, AND your career and a relationship are “enemies.” (Yes, someone might oppose you.) So you face conflicting circumstances. Choose productivity, not “ending” or “fight.” Tuesday pm to midday Thursday emphasizes home, family, rest, recuperation, garden, security — good Tues./Wed., difficult (because you’re going against destiny) Thurs. Romance, creative surges, gambling or risky urges, pleasure and beauty fill Thursday pm to noonish Saturday. All’s well, so march ahead. Saturday night, do chores and/or get your vitamins.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

One last week of luxuriating in intellectual, idealist fields, Aquarius. Far travel, other nations, philosophy, religion, profundity, law, higher learning and a tolerant, understanding mood — and gentle love, fill this week. Higher-ups have favoured you for some weeks. That changes Thursday, when this influence of favour moves to your social arena for 25 days — good. It could bring you to meet like-minded souls, minds who think like you, and who respond with bouncy playfulness. Those bosses who favoured you now want a “conversation” to determine your duties and potentials (mostly, for a creative, or investigative or financial role). But remember one thing: love rules. Your energy is good Sunday morning (PDT) but don’t stir up too much dust, disruption. This pm to noonish Tuesday, collect $, buy/sell, hug a friendly “maybe lover” and/or memorize something. Sunday’s good (a terrific love opening) and bad (a terrific argument or accident potential). Monday’s difficult; Tuesday’s fine, even way better than fine. Tuesday pm to midday Thursday brings errands, trips, paperwork, communications and casual acquaintances. A good interval, but pull back Thursday, as caution flags fly. Spend Thursday afternoon to midday Saturday close to home or with family (or in nature). An easy, restful phase. Saturday pm — romance, creativity, arts, pleasure, beauty.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

One last week of mystery, Pisces. Of lust (for sex or power), of major financial action, research, heightened intuition, medical decisions, lifestyle changes, and spiritual occultism. Ideas and thoughts are starting to come about travel, legal, learning, international, mystic/religious issues, and love. In about 10 days a while month of these interests will arrive, so your present thoughts/convos are a precursor of what’s to come. Thursday begins 25 days in which higher-ups will favour you. (A good preparation for the ambitious actions you’ll undertake late November onward.) Romance is still “hot” — or angry? Sleep in Sunday morning (PDT); you need the rest. But your energy and charisma return smartly Sunday pm to midday Tuesday — take charge! Two momentous trends peak now: one offers sweet good luck in career, home and finances or investment; the other pushes impulse, anger, danger and finances or investment. A real surprise might result, probably not a bad one! Collect $, buy/sell, pursue a “friends with benefits” intimacy, and/or learn something, Tuesday pm to midday Thursday. Be cautious Thursday. This pm to midday Saturday brings errands, calls, messages,  paperwork, casual friends — all’s good, so proceed. Saturday pm, head for home, family. All’s well.




One of the greatest rock and roll lines I’ve ever heard: “And your friends, baby, they treat you like a guest.” There’s such subtle, devastating insight here.


To Democrats, truth is misinformation.


I saw a plane flying over my deck. At first I thought oh there’s a prop, a big prop, but as I looked more closely I realized it was a small commercial jet. It had the lines of a jet. When a dog has a good stance and physical body and otherwise approaches perfection for its breed, they say the dog has good “confirmation.” I never understood that term for a long time. But if you think of it as conform, the doors open: they mean that this particular animal closely conforms to the ideal  specimen, whether it’s an Ideal pointed to by centuries of breeding, or by an abstract genetic goal.


We know that rot is nature’s method of recycling, and therefore really is a beneficial thing. Anyone who picks up a handful of soil in a moist climate and smells it, will know what I mean

But I wonder about corruption in politics. How does this rot recycle into anything beneficial?


I’ve said before that I believe our lives here on earth are already in purgatory — the Earth is the Catholic purgatory. And love is the foretaste of heaven.


In math, I just thought of this method: if you are for instance comparing 5 to 6, you can add them together, then divide the sum, respectively, by five and six, and compare the result, which gives a good visual on their relative strength. For example 11÷6 is 0.83 and 11 divided by 5 is 1.2. But is this a true picture? The gap between the two seems to have widened.


When we freak out that the US national debt is about $34 trillion, we need to remember that a large portion of that debt is owed to Americans through government bonds, treasury’s etc. Not sure if that 34 trillion includes municipal and state debt, which, I suspect are largely held in local hands.


The only thing wrong with my memory is that it is gone.


When a politician lies on the campaign trail, you can bet he won’t do what he says he will. Unfortunately, you don’t know what he will do. I so wish Kamala Harris was more moral, not only for spiritual/psychological reasons, but also because I believe most foreign leaders are very good at telling whether a person is sincere/reliable/truthful or not. I worry that, should she be president – you can see my prediction about this election in the November 2022 column (not sure when, I’ll look it up for next week) — I worry that she would earn a negative  reputation among world leaders. But I worry more that she would institute price controls, controls on the media in violation of the first amendment, control all information, try to break up the Supreme Court and substitute her party’s judges, tax the rich so severely that they flee the US to live elsewhere, and they take their money and investments and sometimes their whole companies with them, and tax even the poor and definitely the middle class at a higher rate to pay for “free” tuition, “free” dental and drugs, and a universal health plan that  would eliminate private insurance. Every one of these, she has publicly said she would do.

With the government controlling all medical spending, including the salaries of doctors, they can keep expenses low. But low paid doctors simply trudge  through their days. A lassitude overcomes everyone, except in politics and The bureaucracy.  This lassitude will tend to enervate and hollow out, or even spell the end of research and innovation in medical fields. Additionally, with all funding controlled by the government, research can be starved or fed, depending on the politicians’ view of the value of research. The direction of research will be set by the government, for it controls ALL the money. When one person or organism directs all the research of a huge nation, that research will tend to wear blinders like buggy horses do, it will tend to tunnel into one direction, possibly ignoring both threats and opportunities to the left or right.

Think of Hitler and the Nazi’s horrific medical experiments. Think how, if Harris controlled all research funds, and believes as she does that little boys should have their penises removed, and little girls should have penises sewn onto them — I.e., transgenderism — think where research would go…


I don’t think we’re meant to understand the universe in the “why do we exist?” sense. It does not favour nor disfavour attempts to understand or define existence in a philosophical, literal, or religious way. The universe (i.e., existence) is, and is meant to be, experienced and enjoyed for its immense, delicate and brutal beauty — these are the true answers. The question Why? in itself is merely a part of the universe. Our explorations into space/time, into quantum mechanics, are themselves merely a part of the universe.


If you want to see the virtues of the sign Virgo, look at Florida governor Ron DeSantis.


BTW, remember when all the Democrats and the debate moderators and tv pundits laughed at the stupid conspiracy claim that Haitian immigrants were killing and eating pets in Springfield? Well, yesterday I saw a video of an immigrant butchering and cooking an animal that looked about the size of a house cat in a little barbeque in the yard of an apartment building — in Springfield.


I hesitated to write this for some months, because I have no proof, and it might be character assassination. But I just have to, now. Look at Kamala Harris: her famous, over-done laugh, the one that never ends — her “word salads” where she keep repeating one or two favourite phrases, w/o answering the question — her abstracting rather than speaking details and facts (her seeming inability to focus on details) — her laziness (she did almost nothing in 4 years as VP).

I was a 1960’s hippie. I know what marijuana does. Harris looks like the poster girl for weed. I might be wrong!


Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s founding fathers, noted it would be justified if North Carolina citizens assassinated Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mayorkas, and Merrick Garland. When citizens are abused by their government, they have the right to overthrow it with violence, to paraphrase him.


On abortion: gov’ts have no right to control women’s bodies, Camel Harris brays constantly, with a chorus of swooning and accusing women. It’s unfair, unjust and totalitarian. It’s proof of the patriarchy! The  gov’t doesn’t control MEN’S bodies!

But like almost everything the democrats say, this is a blatant lie. The gov’t, with the military draft, controls men’s bodies completely, sending them to face death. On the one hand we have women saying, you can’t control my womb; on the other, men simply giving their whole body, their spark of existence, to the gov’t — to protect those womb complainers.

I have only had one experience with abortion, when my daughter-in-law obtained one. Afterward, she wept constantly for 3 days, so loudly the house was an opera.
