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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: Before 2:42 am Sun., 2:39 pm to 3:20 pm Tues., and 3:40 am to 4:22 am Sat.



Didja ever notice that the words “terrorist” and “territory” are very similar. This hints that most terrorist activity involves land, or possession of “a place.”



aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Relationships are your prime involvement now to late October, Aries. Public appearances, opportunities and relocation themes — and the need for diplomacy — fill the days. You talk quickly and expansively now, especially about love. Co-habitation might loom for singles. Your sexual desires are strong but dipped in affection, so intimacy looks promising. One sour note: you can experience ongoing friction in the home until early Nov., and again early next year. This might be triggering something valuable: a renovation, construction, demolition, opening ground for a garden, etc. — these will “bleed off” the friction, lead to peace AND an accomplishment. Tackle chores Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT). A pretty smooth phase with success at the end. Relationships grow in importance Tuesday eve through Thursday — a new one might start. Be cautious Wednesday night, when friction peaks. By Thursday morning you’ll be happy again — and might talk to someone who will become a romantic “co-operator.” You’ll delve into sex, intimacy, secrets, major finances, lifestyle changes, commitment and consequence Fri./Sat. Be moral — all goes very well.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The weeks ahead feature work, employment issues, daily health, tools and machines, Taurus. Talk grows about purchasing, about work and pay. You receive sweet affection from others, and gracious responses from many casual links, until mid-October. You’re busy and restless, too — get errands, communications and paperwork done, especially if gov’t, management, or institutions involved. Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT) brings romance, creative surges and risky urges — you’ll look back fondly on these three days. Tackle chores, eat and dress sensibly, Tuesday pm through Thursday. A pretty good interval, but avoid argument/conflict around Wed. midnight, and don’t “fight destiny” Thursday night, predawn Fri. A new job, project might start. Relationships, love, opportunities in general, relocation ideas, even a bit of fame occur Fri./Sat. — with excellent results.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The main accent lies on romance, creativity, risk-taking, beauty and pleasure, Gemini. Money might rush to you until Nov. 4 — bank it, or pay down debt. Don’t spend. You’re lucky this year, so expand your horizons, make friends, attempt big things! Career isn’t the happiest place for you, though, last year and to May 2025. Be patient, hard-working, and do nothing improper, and you’ll be fine. One warning: Geminis who quit a job now just to be free, to have fun elsewhere, can face 20 to 30 years of difficult employment situations. Your work is interesting, and co-workers pleasant, for three more weeks. You have the gift of gab now in romance — tell someone how you feel. Spend Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT) with family, at home, or implementing new security measures. At work, handle “territory” or leasing situations. Romance, creative surges, beauty and pleasure welcome you Tuesday pm through Thursday. A new love, or new creative project, might begin. It’s fortunate, but ultimately $ and destiny might go against it. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. — success promised! MIGHT be a good time to buy machinery (electrical might have a flaw).


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The weeks ahead emphasize your family, home, patriotism, security, food, and mother nature, Cancer. A new project might start in this zone this week (and spark much discussion). You remain ambitious and assertive, perhaps aggressive, sexually magnetic, brave, and determined, until early November. You have your eye on someone attractive and sensual. Remember, your biggest source of luck is management and gov’t, and this month ahead gives you the “corresponding work.” Travel, do errands, communicate and handle paperwork Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT) — all goes well; you could make some good new contacts. The home influence doubles Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. Be careful about endings (Friday pre-dawn) but charge ahead with beginnings. A plum opportunity Thursday daytime — grab it. Love, romance, creativity, beauty, pleasure — these flow your way Fri./Sat. You might meet “mate material.” Schedule a date!


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead feature lots of activity, Leo: trips, errands, paperwork, communications. (But remember, superficial stuff might simply waste time: progress lies in big and deep ideas.) Until Nov. 3, strictly avoid belligerent people and sketchy venues — violence lurks. Your home and family are sweet, soothing. Some of you might be working on a major management-legal project — good. Collect money, buy/sell, learn from reading, and/or hug a “casual lover” Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday. All’s well, but be careful with investing, sex Tuesday. (Don’t push either one.) Midweek, Tuesday pm through Thursday, brings those errands, trips, paperwork and contacts.  Lots of good luck here, but in the end, don’t fight destiny (late Thurs. PDT and Friday pre-dawn). Head for home and family Friday/Saturday — you’ll be surprised and gratified by the attention and welcome you receive. Careful Saturday night — drive cautiously, avoid sharp implements.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Collect and earn money for the few weeks ahead, Virgo. Buy, sell, learn by rote, or hug a friend and see what develops. This is a money time for you, but don’t get all wound up in “short term” money — your wisdom, until January, lies in the “heavy money” zone — investments, inheritances, commissions, etc. This is also what you dream and wish about now (and to a large degree, right into next April) — financial rewards, a lifestyle change, sexual pleasure, perhaps pregnancy. One of these, at least, is likely to occur in an intense way. Communications are sweet and gracious. Your energy and charisma peak Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT). This is a fortunate period, so get out and about, start projects, state your case. Tuesday pm through Thursday heightens the monetary activities mentioned above. A new $ project might start. A good interval, but avoid any commitment, investment, Wednesday night — and pre-dawn Fri. Errands, friends, trips, paperwork, calls, texts fill Fri./Sat. — in a lucky, happy, productive way!


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This is your time, Libra! Your energy, clout, charisma, effectiveness and vision are at a yearly peak. Start projects, gather allies, see and be seen. But first, rest, contemplate, plan and pray Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Liaise with management or gov’t if necessary. By Tuesday eve through Thursday, you can set in motion these plans, projects, with much success — but avoid disagreement Wed. night, and don’t fight destiny pre-dawn Friday. Chase $, buy/sell, hug a friend, even bed a friend, learn something new, Friday/Saturday — you’ll succeed, and you might grab an opportunity or meet a “mate prospect” Sat. (However, now to Nov. 3, you are either in ambition mode with your partner, or in friction mode. If single, now to Nov. 3, and again January 6 to April 18, 2025, are NOT good times to meet a new mate; instead, be ambitious.) In general, be good-humoured with bosses; they’re on a bit of a warpath until Nov. 3 — but could offer you a “piece of the pie” — equity, partnership, whatever. Your money luck’s good until mid-October. Work is long, rather boring — best done at home.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Lie low, Scorpio. Find a quiet place to rest, contemplate and plan — and to meditate, pray, seek spirit. Liaise with civil servants, head office, institutions. Your intuition is high now, and this is one of the luckiest investment/financial years of your life. (June 2024 to June 2025.) (There are about 6 or 7 such years in a lifetime.) So plan — and implement — financial actions. (Until about October 8 — after this, through January 2025, work with stocks, plans, made before October.) Despite your weariness, you remain attractive to others. By digging, you can learn much now, even secrets. Strictly avoid lawsuits to Nov. 3, and again next January to April. (In case I forget to mention it then.) Wishes, hopes, optimism, some socializing and entertainment lift your heart Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT). All’s good, so dive in. The rest, contemplation and planning influence intensifies mid-week, Tuesday pm through Thursday. Find a quiet place. It’s a fine interval, but avoid argument Wed. night and Thurs. night. Your energy and pizzazz lifts mildly Fri./Sat. — just in time to receive some good luck or good news, probably involving your children, or a romantic situation.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Wishes do come true, Sage, especially during Octobers! The weeks ahead feature popularity, friendly romance/flirting, social joys, optimism and entertainment. Usually, this would be a good time to join a new group, but this year a group you join might later subtly restrict you or lead you down a tempting, profitless road. Your greatest luck this year centres around partnership, marriage, relocation, general opportunities, and public appearances. From October to February. 3, 2025, concentrate on these things which have already been planned or started (rather than brand-new projects). Someone befriends you — a talkative Gemini? Your sexual desires — and bravery, and magnetism — surge now to November, and again early next year. Don’t invest impulsively — think calmly, then act. Be ambitious, butter up the boss, Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT) — good results. Tuesday pm through Thursday brings — and heightens — the social joys, optimism and popularity mentioned earlier. Another beautiful interval, if you avoid argument Wednesday night. Retreat Fri./Sat. — find quietude, rest, contemplate, meditate, plan, liaise with gov’t, head office — despite your tiredness, two smooth, easy, comfy days — plan career and income moves.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Be ambitious, Cap — strive for success, seek prestige relationships, elevate your worldly standing. BUT: if a project here seems to careen from one obstacle (after it’s solved) to the next, beware. Until January 2025, it can be wiser to vegetate, seek security, home, mom nature, retirement (temporary or not) than to beat on the door of an elusive success. (This also applies to the past, July 2023 to now.) Sometimes you just have to quit and start over. All October, others will be assertive, even aggressive, toward you. This might, in some cases, lead to the end of a love bond. Friends are affectionate; higher-ups are talkative. The major currents of life are supportive, “on your side.” Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT) brings profound ideas, legal, educational, philosophical, cultural situations, tolerance and gentle love. All’s well. That career/ambition influence comes strongly Tuesday pm through Thursday. A new project might begin. All’s good, successful, if you can avoid an argument Wed. night or “fighting destiny” Thursday night. A wishful, optimistic, happy, flirty, social mood dances in you Fri./Sat. — dance away, as everything’s pretty great! (But don’t enter verbal challenges Saturday night.)


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

You will love October, Aquarius. You’re an idealist, and this month is filled with profound ideas. Themes of love, far travel, law, higher learning, import/export, and of “higher truth” fill the weeks ahead — and peak or begin a new phase mid-week, Tuesday pm through Thursday. You suddenly “wake up” to some of these areas, perhaps due to a Gemini or Libra’s input. Bosses favour you until Oct. 17, but work is hard and intense until Nov. 3. (Health-wise, avoid rapid temperature changes and “heart burn” foods.) Remember, your greatest source of good luck until next June lies in romance, creative and pleasure projects — if single, you might meet the very person who can “bring” these. Sex, secrets, finances, surgery, research, lifestyle changes — these are highlighted in a good way Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT). Midweek’s described above, but let me add a caution — avoid a “showdown” or argument Wednesday night. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — great aspects, so charge ahead, but stop after 3:30 pm Sat. (PDT).


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The weeks ahead dip you into the river of consciousness, Pisces — this means your subconscious will be more involved and your intuition high. Research, digging deep, can uncover treasure. Big finances, sex and lust, medical and lifestyle decisions are slated. You’ll discover easily, others will reveal things to you. This trend will peak mid-week, Tuesday pm through Thursday — in a fortunate way, so do commit to a plan, an investment, a lover, etc. (But be cautious Wed. night, when argument — lover’s spat? — possible.) Lawyers, scholars, teachers and news media will be on your side — until late November. Remember, real estate, security, family and mother nature will be your biggest source(s) of luck until next June. Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday offers exciting meetings, opportunities, relocation possibilities, and public appearances. A good interval, so dive in! Midweek, Tuesday pm through Thursday, is described above. Friday/Saturday bring romance, pleasure, beauty and charming kids — and creative or risky projects. Charge forth, all is very fine — until suppertime PDT, when friction starts to develop between gambling and investment, between romance and lust. A good week!






HERE IS KAMEL HARRIS commenting on Elon Musk’s X:

“They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop.”

This is the most chilling thing Harris has said. It is the language of a tyrant. The free speech of citizens and broadcasters must be subject to her “oversight and regulation” — in other words, be puppets and propagandists. Propaganda is a thing Harris understands and is comfortable with.


Why did Biden run his 2020 campaign from his basement? Probably because his dementia was already apparent. This means Kamala knew about Joe’s dementia for 3.5 years, hid it, and finally used it to catapult to fame, not by vote, but by backroom maneuvers.


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