Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373
ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PT (Pacific Time Zone, 8 hours before Greenwich. If you look at the “World Clock” in the right margin, Pacific Time is 2 hours before Chicago, 8 hours before London, 10 hours before Istanbul, 13.5 hours before New Delhi, 15 hours before Jakarta, and 16 hours before Hong Kong. For example, if you are in the same time zone as Hong Kong, you must add 16 hours to any time given in the column. If I write “before 10 pm Monday,” this would change, in Hong Kong, to “before 2 pm Tuesday.”) (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)

START NOTHING: 6:11 pm to 8:05 pm Sun., 9:40 pm Tues. to 6:52 am Wed., and 1:11 pm to 1:55 pm Fri.



I was talking with a new friend, R. C., about Ferguson, Mo. and New York, and the Middle East. Richard said, “It’s ancient anger.” I’ll remember that phrase for a long time. It fits.

The daughter of Eric Garner, the N.Y. man killed by police, said it was not a black-white thing. It was simply the police, committing homicide. I agree. It fits my forecast that the 1984-2237 era, but especially the 2008 to 2024 period, would see the rise of police states. The hierarchy has always used the police to protect itself and dominate the lower echelons of society. Perhaps in America (including Canada, which has as much police brutality and arrogance as the U.S.) — perhaps the brutality occurs because the police a) feel impotent, so kill people to feel power, or b) are disrespected by the public and underpaid by the hierarchy, so take their  frustration out on poor people, black and white. Maybe they have their own kind of “ancient anger.” Unfortunately, b) isn’t always correct — in Toronto, where police earn much more than the average citizen (often $ 150,000 a year) the G-20 massacre showed that rich police can be as bloodthirsty as poor police.
TAURUS, 2015 offers you tremendous opportunities. Until mid-August, you sail on a wave of good luck in real estate, buying and selling a home, nurturing and raising kids, renovating and decorating, etc. There is great practical fortune here, but also great emotional and psychological benevolence. This is a splendid time to heal family wounds, and in yourself, to find a calm, secure center, a soul peace that can support you for years to come. Meditation, yoga, counselling – even simple contemplation – can help you find, know and soothe your soul and heart. If you feel like sleeping more than usual during these 8 months, do so. This is a nurturing time.
From late August onward (into most of 2016) your romantic, creative and risk-taking side awakens. You might begin an affair that is both emotionally and sexually satisfying. (Intimacy, though, will come after a wait – be patient, loyal.) Express yourself, take a chance, speculate, chase adventure. You’ll ride a winning streak! The last two-three years of solid, sober, “grey quietude” in relationships lifts now.
Your dealings with government and other administrations continue to be problematical through November. The best way out of any difficulty here is, believe it or not, passivity. Your social circle continues to expand for the entire decade ahead. Best times for romance: January/Feb. (with a social contact) April/May (when your magnetism surges) September (an old flame?) and late October, early November.
GEMINI, the first 8 months of 2015 keeps you busy with errands, communications, details, paperwork, trips, visits, siblings and casual friends. Be curious, ask questions, explore and seek variety. A place you visit might later become your home neighbourhood. This is a great time if you’re a writer, phone worker, driver, distributor, or work with your hands. Start any major projects in these areas (e.g., buying a phone, or rearranging office systems) April onward, not before. Light, friendly romance is very available for singles. January’s sexy and mentally affectionate. (Old flame possible.) April brings social meetings, but your assertiveness takes a back seat…avoid a clandestine affair. Late May into June your magnetism soars; again, an old flame/friend might appear. This entire 8 months, a seemingly casual romance could turn to marriage.
September onward brings a sluggish feeling and a cosy home – your luck in real estate, with family, in gardening, landscaping and retirement reaches a 13-year high. This is a splendid time to buy and/or sell a home, to give birth, repair the house, to plan and ensure the kids’ futures, to start a retirement investment program, and to heal any family ghosts via group discussions, even therapy.
Start a renovation or construction project Oct. 9th onward. (Plan it in August if you like.) But do not buy or move into a new home from late September to mid-November. December brings intense relationships: a romantic wave could carry you into a commitment.
All year, a burden of chores slowly dissolves, but in its place come relationship puzzles. The answer is (if you’re single): be with someone much older or younger.




Aries.svgARIES March 21-April 19
This is your last week of mellow, gentle thoughts, Aries. Use it well – dive into cultural, educational, intellectual, publishing or travel projects, especially Saturday (Dec. 20) when these very things are emphasized. You might be a bit late by that day, so watch the process: if your initiatives get nowhere, then sigh and pass on to other areas. (Which next week will bring, hugely. Already hints of these new actions hover around you, especially Wed. and Sat. The new arena is an ambition/career one.) You’re going to meet at least two new friends in the weeks ahead. Tackle chores Sunday. This night to pre-dawn Wednesday accents relationships. Sun,/Mon. offer a bumpy ride: you could be rebellious Sunday. Take care with your speech and actions Monday night also. (The morning is great for forming friendships or dealing with the public.) If you need to reach agreement with someone, first, co-operate; second, attempt it Tuesday. Secrets, subconscious desires and hunches, sex, intimacy, large finances arise Wednesday to noon Friday (PT). Wed. daytime is best – intuition’s high, others secretly support you, and you can discover valuable “gems.” (Gems = insights, inspirations, investment opportunities, etc.) Watch rather than act, all day Friday. Saturday is studded with good luck, especially in cultural, intellectual, travel, publishing and love zones. You might sense a “destined turn” in your career – a good one, perhaps through money or love.

taurus weekly forecastTAURUS April 20-May 20
It’s your last week of “heavy things,” Taurus. Secrets, significant financial, health, intimate and lifestyle decisions and commitments — these build to a climax and an end, Saturday (Dec. 20). You could make a mistake in these choices Friday (make the wrong investment, chase the wrong lover, whatever) but the exactly right choice Saturday after 10 am (PT) – jump on a great investment, hold a confidential meeting, show your desire to someone. But if nothing naturally comes into view, don’t work to create, invent, or search for an opportunity – it’s too late for the “brand new.” (It would have no legs, would eventually wither.) Saturday – and to some extent this whole week – shows that lawyers, the law, or intellectual spheres, professors, favour you now. Let’s go back to the beginning of this week: Sunday promises romantic feelings, perhaps sexual success. This whole day, though, especially after dark, brings a conflict between your secret life/secret desires, and your ethical side (even, perhaps, between you and the law). Tackle chores and minor health concerns Sunday night to pre-dawn Wednesday. Monday contains echoes of Sunday: go slow. Tuesday’s great, productive. An exciting meeting could arrive Wed. to Fri. noon – Wednesday’s best: true love hints abound!

Gemini.svgGEMINI May 21-June 20
This is your last week of open, honest relationships, Gemini. You might, at week’s end (Saturday) reach a climax of sorts in a relationship – showing someone you want them, grabbing a business opportunity, undertaking a relocation – even, for the famous, reaching new heights with your public. In past weeks, people have shown where you stand in their eyes: some have abandoned you, some have shown their loyalty. This week you face, ultimately, the question of whether you’ll love, fight, co-operate or challenge another/others. Love and co-operation, of course, will get you further. Stay near home, relax and recuperate Sunday. A conflict between your hopes and your assets/abilities might occur. (E.g., I want to buy a house but I only have $ 8 in the bank; or I want that man, but I’m married.) Protect your health. This night to pre-dawn Wednesday brings romance, beauty, pleasure, sports, gambling, creativity, charming kids. You’ll succeed Monday morning (PT) and Tuesday – but step lightly Mon. night: an echo of Sunday’s problem might occur. Tackle chores and protect your health Wed. through noon Friday. This interval goes well, especially Wed., when your performance earns praise from higher-ups (you might not hear it). Friday pm, Saturday intensify relationships. Wait until 10 am (PT) to act or chase anyone – before this, illusion and disruption prevail. You could embrace true love, or admit your attraction, or decide to relocate. But don’t let any of these be a brand new thing.

Cancer.svgCANCER June 21-July 22
This is your last week of drudgery and niggling health concerns, Cancer. You’ll soon be free! Someone might offer you a new job, or you might be presented with a new pile of work, Friday/Saturday. Don’t accept either, at least without some thought, because this is the end of work, not the start. Earlier, Sunday brings popularity, flirtations and the joy of life. But this day also – especially this night – needs diplomacy with partners and family. Your domestic situation is highlighted Sunday night to pre-dawn Wednesday. Monday morning’s good, but take care this pm – disruptions at home and in relations echo Sunday night’s unease. Romantic feelings, creativity, a risk-taking mood fill you Wed. to noon Friday. Wednesday’s great – love and mental acuity, inspiration and empathy flow through you. Tackle chores Friday pm and Saturday. Friday night and Sat. morning could bring fuzzy thinking, con artists, and unreasonable stances. But after mid-morning (PT) Saturday, suddenly everything works, bosses are friendly, work’s accomplished handily, and (love’s) destiny might tap you on the shoulder.

Leo icon, Luck ForecastLEO July 23-Aug. 22
You are blessed in romance, creativity, pleasure, speculation and self-expression through August. But these have been intensified the last few weeks, and remain so this week. Chase money Sunday, but watch your pennies if shopping. DON’T buy computers, software, electronics nor a vehicle (applies Monday, too). Sunday night to pre-dawn Wednesday brings errands, visits, calls, paperwork, casual friends and siblings. Sunday/Monday reveal problems in home-work-partnership zones – be diplomatic, and wait until Tuesday to solve problems. (Try for brief solutions Monday morning, also – you might meet a stunningly attractive person this morn, but it wouldn’t work long-term.) Aim toward home (in your thoughts if you can’t be there) Wed. to Fri. noon – a pleasant interval with good feelings and progress. Embrace family, enhance security (especially in children’s hearts) decorate for the holidays, garden, meditate, relax and nap. A Wednesday daytime investment could be a splendid one! Romance intensifies Friday pm, Saturday – pursue it Saturday after 10 am (PT). A co-worker might let you know he/she’s interested. But don’t start a brand new romance this day: plunge into the ongoing.

Virgo.svgVIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
This is your last week of domestic concerns. Friday/Saturday (Dec. 19/20) doubly emphasize domestic, real estate, garden, nutrition, security, and retirement themes/opportunities. Friday’s a dud, so act on Saturday, when all these domestic themes meet good luck. But advance projects you’ve already begun, rather than start a brand new one. (Next week you’ll want to pursue pleasure and romance, and you’ll tire of domestic projects.) Earlier, your energy and charisma shine Sunday daytime. Pursue whatever you like – you’ll make some progress, impress others. But this day, and Monday, could reveal a problem in health, finances or sex – watch your nervous system, risky investments, and the kind of lust that prevents romance. Chase money carefully Monday (don’t shop) and without worry Tuesday (buying work tools a good idea). Errands, visits, communications, variety, news, curiosity and casual friends fill Wednesday morning to Friday noon. Wednesday daytime could bring a “future mate” – or someone “similar.” A great day to approach others, talk out problems, seek agreement. You’re feeling more and more “romantic hints.”

Libra.svgLIBRA Sept.23-Oct. 22
This is your last week of hurrying, of errands, trips, calls, emails, paperwork, etc. The week begins with an unwelcome bang, and ends with a happy “whoosh!” Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday. A fairly long-term conflict exists between your romantic and relationship urges, and your need for security, especially financial security. It climaxes Sunday night and Monday, just as your energy recovers and an updraft of charisma attracts others to you. You might be the princess (or prince) wondering whether you should open your heart or your bedroom door to the carpenter (or carpenteress). (My advice: be patient.) Your heightened energy and magnetism last to Wed. morning. Start projects and make new acquaintances Tuesday. Chase money, buy/sell, increase your client list, etc., Wednesday to noon Friday. Wed.’s best – you instinctively catch the flow, the solution, in work and health: both aid your money picture. Thursday’s lucky, but it could bring # 2 luck, and steer you away from # 1luck. Either way, charge ahead (except in political, educational, travel and cultural zones: here, disagreement possible). Friday to 10 am Saturday (PT) is a dud – stick to routine, drive safely. The remainder of Saturday, though, brings splendid things: potential new friend (even new lover) agreement with partners, and something sweet and a bit expensive at home, in home – e.g., a fine vase, or an Xmas tree.

Scorpio.svgSCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Seek money, buy/sell, try to find a way to put yourself on a new earnings plateau. After this week, your “money touch” will temporarily fade, so act now. Sunday daytime brings popularity, social delights, flirtations, entertainment – get out, seek fun. But don’t go overboard, especially this night, drive carefully, practice safety around machines/tools. Retreat Sunday night to pre-dawn Wednesday – contemplate, meditate, rest, plan, spend time working alone, perhaps on governmental or similar duties (taxes?). Monday night echoes Sunday night: again, let the caution flags fly, especially with work, machines, travel and speech. Your energy and effectiveness, charisma and clout surge back Wed. to noon Friday. Wednesday’s excellent, you could pull off a speculative or creative coup, and romance has a real chance late afternoon (PT). Thursday’s fine; Friday morning’s sober, stable. Start new projects in this interval, but not huge ones. Friday pm strikes a money note, but truth and lies mingle inseparably. Wait until 10 am (PT) Saturday – now almost everything succeeds! Work, good; home affairs, good; communications and friends, good!

Sagittarius.svgSAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness remain at a yearly high, Sage – for one more week. Start projects, see people, keep up the pace of recent advances. Be ambitious Sunday daytime. This night to pre-dawn Wednesday elevates your mood to joyful – friends call, someone flirts, entertainment beckons, and the future looks bright. Even the conflicts of Sunday pm and Monday won’t dent your happy mood, but still, watch romantic and friendship currents these two nights. Retreat Wed. to midday Friday – quiet yourself, meditate or contemplate, plan, examine your life thus far, and where you want to go. Increase your spiritual and charitable involvements. Above all, rest, recharge your emotional and physical batteries. Your energy and charisma surge Friday afternoon through Saturday. Friday into 10 am Saturday is mostly useless – misinformation, fuzzy thinking, combine with abrupt, unpredictable reactions. After this, Saturday is your day! You get attention – and generally you get your way. Someone might communicate love. You could stumble upon a valuable or fascinating luxury item (or a travel ticket) – yes, buy it! “Destiny” touches your shoulder, indicates the monetary success looming in late Dec., and early Jan.

Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
This is your last week of weariness and solitude, Cap. Soon, you’ll grab life by the tail and swing it in the direction you want. Meanwhile, though, take care of all outstanding obligations – visit Aunt Sue, do taxes, attend policy meetings, give back the charity that was once given you, etc. Above all, contemplate your present situation and plan your future direction. Sunday’s mellow, wise, and gentle. You see the “rightness” of the world, of society. This night to Wed. dawn, ambition, career, prestige relations, interfacing with authorities, reputation and worldly standing are emphasized. All Sunday/Monday, you might run into domestic or family glitches, especially regarding money – e.g., your son falls out the second-story window and smashes the greenhouse. Expect the unexpected. Tuesday’s fine, productive. Your popularity rises mildly Wed. to midday Fri. – optimism, social joys, entertainment and a general air of freshness fill the days. You might be celebrating a recent career development. Deeply retreat and rest Friday pm and Saturday – re-read the first 4 sentences that start this blurb. Problems and fuzzy thinking exist before 10 am Sat., success and happy surprises after.

Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb. 18
This is your last week (for awhile) of heightened popularity, optimism, social delights, entertainment and flirtation. A last, great wish could be granted, perhaps Saturday (Dec. 20). You’re unusually assertive now, especially in the talking side of love and seduction. But the soft, affectionate side seems missing – it shows in privacy, not amongst a crowd. Sunday’s mysterious, lust-oriented. Research, look beneath surface appearances. This night brings a wise, mellow mood, lasting to Wed. dawn. You’ll need that mellow outlook to handle gossip, unfavourable government edicts, refusals, or some internal problem, Sunday and Monday (worse both nights). Tuesday’s fine, favours mild progress in law, learning, travel, publishing and cultural zones. Be ambitious Wed. to midday Friday – Wed., especially, is filled with good money ideas and hunches – sure, ask for a pay raise. The result, whether now or later, will be good. Friday’s a dud – in the morning for career, business, in the pm for friends. But Saturday can bring wishes true, can bring a great flirty friend. An inner hurt seems healed, or a bit of gossip, a slur against your name, dissolves.

Pisces.svgPISCES Feb. 19-March 20
Remain ambitious for one more week, Pisces. Soon, this heightened pace will end. Sunday brings relationships, opportunities, relocation ideas, dealings with the public. Don’t try too hard for co-operation, especially in background, governmental, institutional, legal, travel or friendship zones. Applies Monday also. Secrets and mysteries subtly swirl up Sunday night through dawn Wednesday. Your sexual yearnings and financial ideas blossom. A health problem might need diagnosis. Tuesday’s fine. Wednesday morning to midday Friday brings a wise, mellow mood, gentle love, compassion, higher learning, far travel, media, cultural events. Wednesday daytime stands out: you and your questions, your needs, stand out in a fortunate way: others give you a subtle nod. Friday isn’t much use for anything, but Saturday brings favours from higher-ups, energy, money ease, perhaps a quiet, friendly reminder that you’re loved. All week, friends show affection. Wednesday onward, invitations come; conversations revolve around the future. Now to mid-January, avoid belligerent people. The government might send you some money.

The End.