ARIES: March 21-April 19
Until early November, Aries, intimacy is easy to achieve. Your sexual urges might, if you’re unattached, lead you to a viable long-term mate. If you’re in a relatively new affair, it now grows deeper; a sharing occurs, both physically and financially — or you break up. It’s an all-or-nothing time. If you’re married, pregnancy is closer than usual. Some marrieds, and some singles, need to reject the temptation toward extramarital shenanigans.
Love will tug your sleeve in March. An old friend (more than an old lover) might re-appear in March/April. You might learn that this old friend doesn’t consider you “just a friend”. May/June toss you into a social whirl, one that will last through July, and from September to November. You won’t gain all you anticipate from this group, and someone in the group might give you bad advice or lead you astray, chasing the wrong goals. But from June to August, you might also discover romance within this group — or, even better, attach to someone outside it. Love is the mating kind in late summer and October. November begins 12 months of “gentle love” — the kind that can lead to weddings. International travel, post-secondary school, law offices, libraries and cultural events will be fertile hunting grounds. An old flame might return in August, and two might appear Nov./December!
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Taurus, you could hardly find a better year, if you’re single, to find a bright, cheerful, probably prosperous, sparky and lucky mate. This trend started last October (’17) and continues until early November (’18). Sex and finances/assets will play a big (and beneficial) role. One caution: make sure the one you chase is basically a loyal, one-spouse-for-life type. You might, this year and in 2019, bond with someone who will be tempted by outside/extra-marital interests. If you’re attached, 2018 is splendid for family or couple getaways, foreign adventures, jumping on a mutual opportunity in business, or relocation. Pregnancy is in the air if you’re the right age — hints in 2018, the real thing in ’19.
The one thing that can interfere with amour this year is work demands. (Jail if you’re a criminal.) From mid-May to mid-August, and again mid-September to mid-November, bosses, parents, and authorities will be impatient, pushy, even temperamental. Handle this with a smile, do your best, and remain diplomatic. Above all, don’t stress out. If you find your tension rising, see the doc for relaxation techniques (rather than drugs) or get outdoors for nature’s balm. Relax, take a holiday, before May, and during other gaps in work demands. When all seems too much, remember, this is your splendidly lucky relationship year — seek new opportunities, find solace and bright advice from a loved one or amour. An action-packed, reward-packed year! November 2018 to spring 2019 brings deep embraces: commitment is on the table. Most love this year is of the mature, partnership kind, rather than sighing romance.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Hard to say how much love you’ll get this year, Gemini, as you have so much work to do — lucky, lucrative work. That is, until November. This month kicks off a year (Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019) of bountiful mating prospects. 2019’s accent will be on mature, peer-to-peer love, marital love, rather than on thrilling romance and infatuation.
But in 2018, the first half of March (2018) continues a wishful interest in someone who might have already said he/she wants to marry. Late March into mid-May and late summertime might nudge this bond into sexual commitment, or it might spur you, with out-and-out lust, to chase someone else, and break the first, more honourable link. If you’re married, reject this temptation (March to May, and mid-August to mid-September).
April’s happy, social and flirty. You attract someone in June, but lightly. A friendly romance could pop up in August, and October is deeply romantic. But unless you’re chasing a co-worker, real love waits until late November onward. Someone might aggressively pursue you from late spring to mid-November. This person is strong-willed, assertive, idealistic and stubborn — might be quite thin. I’m not sure this person will have a good effect, long-term. He/she might open the door to bad karma for you. Be astute, think things through, look at the two of you from very far away, and be strictly honest, not tempted. If it still attracts, and there are no undue delays or “I’m already married” strings, then go ahead. But remember, December and 2019 are the real pots of gold, love-wise.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Ah, sweet romance! This is one of the best years in over a decade for love’s quiet explosion. You have also recently entered a three-year marriage influence. Until November, if you’re unattached, you’ll meet at least two amorous prospects. One or both are likely appreciably older or younger than you. Be bold, friendly and forward — you’ll get a good response. (Even those who might reject you will be glad you asked.) Some of you might plunge into a love affair with a co-worker. If you’re married, your children warm your heart with their talents and successes. This is a splendid year to raise/teach children. Take your family on adventures, to art galleries, for a cruise, etc. One caution: from mid-May to mid-November your sex drives flare — but diving into a predominantly physical relationship can leave you disappointed in the end — and could “dent” your karma. Extra-marital temptations soar — be good (for love’s sake)! This might sound paradoxical, but light, casual sex is favoured; deep, heavy stuff isn’t.
Earlier, mid-March to mid-May intensifies relationships — so does mid-August to mid-September —make love, not war. You could stumble upon a huge career opportunity during these intervals (especially March/April). You attract others in July. Married or single, you’ll ponder love all autumn, with a decision not reached until December. January/February of 2019 emphasizes work and career more than romance. Co-workers are affectionate. A solid amour that started in 2018 will stabilize.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Your great luck this year leans heavily to the domestic — home, real estate, food and shelter. If you’re married, deep contentment prevails — your family warms your heart. If you’re unattached, use this period to rest and contemplate your past, present and future: where do you want to go in love? How can you improve your looks and attitude, etc? Mid-November starts a whole year (through Nov. 2019) of huge romantic urges, meetings, and results. Prepare for that rather than chasing an erratic, volatile and intense relationship from mid-May to mid-November. You could be truly stunned by someone during those six months; but be bothered by arguments, and this bond could slowly slide you into a disappointing situation, even into a lawsuit. Be cautious. If you think: “security, rest” in 2018, you’ll be singing “sweet romance” in 2019.
Some Leos might find love close to home, e.g., a neighbour. Your romantic, sexual, and mental sides combine in a potent brew in March. April/May might attract you to a co-worker. So might August/September. June brings happy, affectionate friends and flirtations. Everyone admires you in August. Be home, restful for November, because before this month ends, or in December, and certainly in 2019, romance will flare splendiferously!
VIRGO: August 23-Sept. 22
2018 isn’t the biggest, most amorous year you’ve ever had. Expect much socializing, many casual friends, phones ringing and dinging. A friendly romance is very likely, especially mid-March to mid-May, and August/September, when your romantic (and sexual) courage and determination are high — and you will communicate your desires to another almost subconsciously. You might be tempted to enter a love affair (actually, a lusty affair) with a co-worker from mid-May to November. Be careful here, as this could begin to obstruct/frustrate other areas of your life. For example, the boss might frown on workplace romances — and there you’d be, right in his/her crosshairs. Remember this, though: if single, you’re in the most powerful “get married” phase of your life from 2011 to 2025. So, no matter the dangers and the islands of good amour this year, you might still meet your true mate. How to tell? Well, it will be exciting but not necessarily romantic; mutual admiration, respect and “constant good spirits” will be obvious.
You could meet mate material in March or September, November or December. (Might be an old flame those last two months, or you could face a very secure, bright domestic situation with him/her.) One of your biggest romantic years in over a decade will fill 2020. While 2018 is fun, you might want to wait until then to dive into a major love.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Love is your main interest in life, Libra. Until November, a sensual affair will be pretty easy to find and dive into. But think this through if it occurs: are your intentions honest, and are you open about your feelings, or lack thereof? Will you want to be with this person for forty years? Are you intrigued intellectually, and by his/her personality? If not, this could be a short affair.
There’s another wrinkle: between mid-May and mid-November, a romantic attraction could come in like a freight train, carrying a cargo of dreams of true love. This is a very unusual attraction, carrying intensity, courage, assertiveness and swift action, not only for a week or month, but for many months. This person looks like a perfect marriage prospect — but be careful. Your paramour might have a long karmic tail, one that can subtly stir up unwanted situations and consequences. One hint: if delays constantly hinder the smooth flow of this romance, get out. If no delay occurs. even by autumn, you might be good to stay in. This person might be very brisk, maybe thin, a wee bit “different.”
November starts a whole year (to Dec, 2019) of travel, friends, new contacts. May begins seven years of unusual, unpredictable sexual interludes.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Your relationship sphere is about to undergo a huge change, this May to 2025. your relations with everyone — including your spouse if married, or new amours if single — will become unpredictable, sudden, intense, and friendly. Love can become volatile — more so if/when you move from mere romance to marriage themes. Remember, you are already in a long-term romantic phase from 2008 to 2025, a phase of true love and heady romantic swooning. If we combine these two from 2018 onward, it indicates true love with an eccentric edge. New people who enter now will tend to be stubborn, affectionate, sensual, and freedom-loving. If you have trouble keeping someone, let him/her go, and he/she’ll probably return. (Grammar would be more simple with only one sex.)
Your home can be a source of friction from May to mid-August, and again mid-September to mid-November. If you’re married, be gentle during these times. If single, DO NOT move in with someone during these times.
You’re optimistic, cheerful and lucky through November — this will attract people to you. March is very romantic — don’t opt for a quick, easy lay, if it means ignoring someone not so open, but very sweet. It’s hard to forget someone you meet in April, but you might, as events move very quickly May onward. July is gentle and loving, but good career luck might distract you from romantic chases. You’re very attractive September through December — and you might have to choose between suitors, or decide whether you do really love someone. Romance flares like a flame late year!
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Ouch! Love? If you’re single, you’ll go through many months (May to November) of pondering and a mild, nagging suspicion that this one might not be the one. Listen to those doubts. It’s possible that you fell in love anytime in the last 7 years… now that love/romance is about to be tested. You might decide to break up, to continue, or to pursue a co-worker. In all cases, romance will be connected to short trips, many calls/texts, and many casual friends or contacts. Where these arise in great bunches, they can indicate the wrong romance.
I’m not offering much hope, mainly because you’re in a low energy, low charisma, recuperation phase until late November. This hints that any love you begin now will tend to burden or restrict you, and that you might be aiming below your level.
This quiet phase will end when you burst forth with energy, luck, and magnetism in December. This month begins a whole year (to Dec. 2019) of the best luck and personal accomplishment in over a decade. A year in which, if you want to be mated, life will certainly help you stumble into someone’s charms. (In truth, it will likely cause others to trip over themselves chasing you!)
Earlier, 2018 holds a few gems: March/April might bring an old flame — August and late November, too. April’s romantic; a co-worker might be involved. You’re more into lust than light amour — May, too, and mid-August to mid-September also. July brings a youthful but wise person, and sweet talk of love can fill this month and August. October fills with friends, wishes and social delights — but love seems to be private, even hidden. Oct./Nov. might feature a former love/spouse, but ‘domestic friction” might kibosh any real return to those days. Wait for December and 2019!
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Aim for light, friendly romance in 2018, Cap. You are in a powerful marriage period until 2024 — and almost all your “best prospects” will come from one or another groups or clubs you belong to. In addition, during the same period (from mid-May 2018 onward) deep, heavy romance, or infatuation, will not be very productive for you. Someone you can laugh with, whose friends you enjoy, who can leave for a week without your heart breaking — someone fun and admirable — will make a better future mate than a person who astounds you with their beauty, and makes you toss all night in paroxysms of sleepless desire.
You can find, over the next seven years, that even the lightest romance seems to veer swiftly into intimate situations/questions. You might have to decide quickly whether any particular romance is a keeper, or if you should sidle out before anything consequential occurs. One thing’s certain in 2018: you’ll be happy, maybe surprised at how social you can be, you’ll make new friends (remember, one could be your true mate) and optimism will flow all over you!
Your sexual magnetism peaks mid-March to mid-May, and again mid-August to mid-September. Oddly, these might also be times when you are most likely to end a relationship. All the months not mentioned (to November) also pique your sensual desires. But stop, think during these periods: are you doing the right, honest thing? This question is important, because desire/sexual urges might hold a hidden karmic “disappointment”. September to early January (2019) brings a very sweet, gracious person into your social sphere. You spend January “getting back to normal”. Your magnetism surges in February – expect some attention.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
2018 is such a bountiful career/status/practical ambition year that you might almost forget about romance, Aquarius. At least until November, when a year of spectacular socializing and beautiful romantic possibilities will begin. But before then, my main advice is: get out of yourself, make new contacts, communicate, offer, propose and agree. You’re meeting good, honourable people through October. Some old friends might leave; those who stick are good for you. Honour them. These aren’t necessarily romantic friends or contacts.
Some of you are ready to settle down now, as a 7-year domestic influence steals over you from May to 2025. If you’re in love, there’s no reason not to marry in 2018. Some of you will wed now as a status action.
Your hopes are high in March, and you might make a sweet new friend. But mid-March to mid-May can make you unsure of your sexuality, hesitant to approach someone. The same thing happens mid-August to mid-September. But the exact opposite occurs from mid-May to mid-August, and again this autumn: your magnetism, courage and determination soar to a rare peak. Be understanding, gentle and compassionate. You could bowl almost anyone over during these heightened periods, but should you? Will you want this person, in future, as a lover/mate or a friend? Likely the last. Tempting old flames could enter in April, August or November.
This will be a busy, busy year, Aquarius — but it’s best portion is the last six weeks of 2018 (and almost all 2019) when love is real, social and pure! (BTW, that cloud hanging over you will disappear from November on.)
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
This year favours wedding bells, Pisces. Next year (2019) favours “status” (i.e., ambitious) wedding bells. Take your choice. Many single Pisces will fall in love in 2018, and wed in 2019. No matter your age or marital status, 2018 brings splendid breezes of ambition, career success, international travel, new, profound ideas, and a larger understanding of life. If you’re unattached, you could find a great love prospect at school, while travelling, when in travel hubs (e.g., airports), law offices, publishing or media centres, cultural venues, etc. (E.g, get out to foreign films, or ask a date to attend a Hungarian picnic… ) From 2011 to 2025, you are learning more about yourself, and “growing into” your full personality, becoming “YOU”. This means that whatever you do, if you remain true to yourself, honest, you can only thrive — in love and other matters.
Pisces, DO NOT bed someone just because it’s easy (especially NOT an Aries or Aquarian) — this danger exists from May to November, and, if indulged, could tie you to a burdensome person who will become ‘hard to shake off”. (On the same note, let this be a year of light and understanding: avoid dark pursuits, as well as dark alleys and belligerent people, May to November. E.g., chase love, not lust.)
You shine in March, and make a nice friend in April. (May — to 2025 — frees you from seven years of relative poverty or low wages.) A good-looking person who enters in late May-June won’t last. July’s for passion, breathless romance, perhaps even wedding proposals. (Say yes, if asked. September too.) The entire autumn brings a lucky, heart-filling social whirl, but it could cause you to ponder for weeks over a love question. Before you answer it, re-read the first sentence of this forecast, above. December starts a year of career success, and can nudge you into an ambitious wedding (i.e., upward!).
The End