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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific DAYLIGHT Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube


START NOTHING:  8:11 am to 1:43 pm Sun., 1:18 pm to 7:22 pm Tues., and 4:06 am to 5:06 am Fri.


REMEMBER I WROTE here that the Republican victory in Roe-v-Wade, the abortion matter, might spell a loss in the next election. Well, the latest polls, which had the republicans far ahead in the November ballot, has now reversed, to slightly favour the democrats…


I predicted years ago (2016) that Trump would be a scapegoat. Now the FBI has invaded his home and confiscated his records and boxes of material. The raid was almost certainly “ordered” by Biden, who is much more vengeful than he appears.

So let’s count: one Russian collusion/Mueller report; two impeachments; Jan. 6 Kangaroo court, and now this police state raid. The slavering Democrats have formally accused Trump on 4 different occasions, and failed every time because Trump was innocent — and the one side that was shown all the time to be lying, were these slavering Democrats. So in this, the fifth attempt to squirt lighter fluid and burn him at the stake, do you really believe there’s anything there? I doubt it.

I wrote (in 2016) that the Democrats would try to destroy democracy to “protect it” from Trump. That destruction is almost complete. If the Dems successfully falsify the elections again, the destruction will be complete.

BTW, you know I’m always nattering away about the north (good) and south (bad) lunar nodes. The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago when the moon was smack-dab on Trump’s south (bad) node in Sagittarius. That’s why Sagittarians, and people with a first initial “J,” are always attacking or undercutting him. (James Comey, John Bolton, Joe Biden, etc.).


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Romance still a top priority, Aries — and everything that’s similar in passion and risk: creative projects, gambles/risks, adventure, fun, pleasure, raising/teaching children, etc.  Until next late summer, continue to focus on earning money rather than investing it — pitfalls haunt the latter choice. This is the last week of swift money flows. If any comes in, bank it or pay down debt. Buy nothing. Your workplace is growing more active, talkative. A new, deeper, sweeter note enters love, could lead to marriage.

Lie low, rest Sunday morning. This afternoon to Tuesday twilight (PDT) your energy returns, your charisma surges, and your sense of timing rises. Start significant new projects, gain allies. A very successful interval (except, perhaps, in career/prestige stuff) Tuesday around noon. Chase $, buy/sell, hug a sensual someone, or start to learn a language, Tuesday eve to pre-dawn Friday. Some refusals here, and some great good luck — act wisely, and with love.

Friends, swift, easy chores, trips, calls, paperwork fill Friday morning through Sat. — this area is about to grow important, intensely active, Saturday to late March, 2023. Get ready for some travel!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This Saturday (end of week, Aug. 20) starts a rare 7-month money streak, Taurus. Much more than usual will flow your way — but DON’T fall prey to your Taurean instincts (you love to buy) or you could end with less than you have now. This will be a great period to pay down debt, get the taxman off your back, etc. You might earn more due to management’s action, or by stepping into a management role.

You could also be attracted, now to March/23, to a casual sexual bond — realize this person will likely give you security, support, but also restrict you. Other trends: your home life will be affectionate, easy on the eyes, now to early Sept. Romantic signals will intrigue you this week and next.

You start Sunday hopeful, popular and “ready for the world.” But by 2 pm you tire, and should seek quietude, a place to ponder, plan, be spiritual and to rest, until about 7:30 pm Tuesday (all times PDT). A good interval: a mentor aids, or a door opens, to management or successful gov’t interactions.

Your energy and charisma, timing and effectiveness “jump up” Tuesday eve to pre-dawn Friday. Not an easy interval, but it has its moments: e.g., a great domestic opportunity/idea late Wednesday night. Chase money Friday dawn through Sat. — all’s well, stable, but this day starts the 7-month “money train” described above.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The accent continues on travel, calls, paperwork, reports, anecdotal evidence, curiosity and casual contacts, Gemini. These grow more affectionate, pleasant now to early Sept. You might make contact with a lover, or a potential one. A significant discussion is overdue on the home front. Remember, this is your prime time (to next May) to make new contacts, join new groups. The gov’t or “head office” remains friendly but the “situation” is irritating.

Saturday starts seven months during which you’ll be “on fire” — popular, determined, sexually magnetic, brave, and actively chasing a dream or major life wish. You could raise some hackles, some opposition, but stick to your goals, your most optimistic wishes, and you’ll do just fine! A Libran might be attracted.

Early Sunday, think though the changes and challenges of an academic, legal, travel or social ritual situation (e.g., a wedding, bat mitzvah). This afternoon to Tuesday eve (PDT) your hopes and popularity rise, and flirtations occur. This might be a preview of the good emotional/social times awaiting you now to May/23, or a continuation of the love/alliances you’ve made in the past few months. Get out, make new contacts, join a group, chat up that pretty/handsome person.

From Tuesday night to predawn Friday, retreat, find a quiet place to rest, to contemplate your past and future, to make plans and deal with head office, institutions or gov’t. Some closed doors, some open ones. Your energy and charisma return strongly Friday dawn (PDT) through Sat. Go forth to conquer, esp. in academic, research, financial and intimate areas.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The focus remains on income, buying/selling, casual sensual attractions, and rote learning, Cancer. (Rote: e.g., learning a foreign language, or computer processes.) Your money picture is improving, now to early Sept. Your career and reputation remain favourable until May/23, tho’ perhaps a delay enters until November. For seven months, starting Aug. 20, our career advances (or declines) will be tied to gov’t, institutions, or “head office.” Seek a management role. Communications and short trips occur, increase until late Aug.

Early Sunday’s mellow, thoughtful. But this afternoon (2 pm PDT) through Tuesday fires up your ambitions and your skills — charge ahead, you luck is high. Wishes, hopes, popularity, social delights and flirtations fill Tuesday late night to pre-dawn Friday. Have fun, but be aware of a superb income-career “opening” Wednesday eve/night. (9 to 10 am in Europe.) Retreat, find quietude, rest, ponder and plan, be charitable and spiritual, Fri./Sat.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

You continue to ride a wave of charisma, energy, timing and effectiveness, Leo. You’re on top! Your physical appearance also gets a boost now to early Sept. Discussions occur around money, possessions. Legal, academic, far travel, international, cultural, media and philosophical matters continue to bless you until May/23, but they will slow down now to late November. (Keep the faith, as they will roar back to lucky life after late Nov.)

Higher-ups remain impatient, temperamental, but Saturday (Aug. 20) stops that, and brings seven months of optimistic social and love delights — and wish fulfillment! (So make sure you’re wishing/fishing for something or someone.)

Early Sunday’s mysterious, but this afternoon to about 7 pm Tues. (PDT) brings those legal, academic, international (et al) themes mentioned above — in fortunate ways! Be ambitious Tuesday night to pre-dawn Friday. Some luck, some obstacles, so be nimble. A “love declaration” might occur. Friday/Saturday bring a mood of celebration, social delights, flirtations and optimism — lasting, in some ways, to March/23.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your period of seclusion is almost over, Virgo — 9 more days of rest, rejuvenation, low energy and charisma, and dealings with civil servants and admin types. (This whole trend turns positive or lucky now to early Sept., making it a good time to apply for a government loan, etc.) Despite your weariness, you speak well. For one more week, avoid lawsuits, far travel, academic and cultural forays. Your financial luck is huge to May/23 — but might “stall,” or return little, before the December-May period.

Relationships and opportunities fascinate you Sunday morning, but this afternoon to late night Tuesday (PDT) shunts you into the more secret side of relationships, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions. March forward here, benefits are large. A quieter mood steals over you Tuesday night to predawn Friday, a mellow understanding, dealings with intellectual subjects, and gentle love. Not so fortunate an interval, though, so be nimble. You might make a good investment late Wed.

Be ambitious Friday/Saturday — stable, successful results if you don’t aim too high. Friday starts seven months of intensity on the career/prestige front, with a strong leaning toward change.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Wishes can still come true, Libra — in fact are more “come-tru-able” than in the last few weeks. Dive into social activities, groups, entertainment; flirt; be happy and playful. If single, you face another 9 months of superb relationship prospects, but these might seem to go in circles until late November. That’s okay — use the intervening months to “perfect” your vision of the bond you want, and your skills in approaching it/him/her.

Same message and timing for opportunities, relocation, distant horizons, and dealings with the public. (Same 9 months NOT a good time to make enemies. Marriages that are about to fail, will suffer separation soon.) You might be holding confidential discussions, or someone is discussing you.

Some chores arise Sunday morning, but this afternoon to Tuesday night sparks exciting meetings, relationships and opportunities. Welcome them! Life’s deeper regions, sex, major finances, medical and lifestyle decisions, research, commitments and consequences, fill Tuesday night to pre-dawn Friday. Some good luck here, some bad. Best: Wednesday night, when a relationship or relocation wish could come true.

You enter intellectual, academic, legal, cultural, international and media zones Fri./Sat. All’s well. Saturday starts 7 months of intensity in these areas. Many will meet the one they will wed. Avoid lawsuits, unless very necessary.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The emphasis remains on your career, prestige relations, ambitions and worldly status, Scorpio (for 9 more days, then fun enters). Higher-ups turn favourable toward you, are ready to reward “extra effort.” Someone talks about social times, whetting your appetite, but wait until next week to dive in. Relationships continue to be work-oriented, or are snarky, aggressive, volatile — this ends Saturday, when the intensity moves into sexual, research, financial, medical and secretive (power) zones for 7 months. If surgery looms, it will happen before April 2023.

These 7 months will steer you toward sex, and give you the courage and magnetism to pursue it.  Gemini or Taurus could play a key role. However, be cautious Nov. to mid-January/23, when loss of confidence, even impotence, might occur. (If you’re male, and meet a woman during this Nov.-Jan. period, she might be a subtle ego-destroyer.) Changing jobs is natural.

Sunday morning’s romantic, creative. But chores face you this afternoon to Tuesday night. You’ll do them easily, might even grab a new, lucrative job. (The whole 9 months ahead will tend to “promote” you income-wise — be pro-active in this.) Relationships fill Tuesday night to predawn Friday. Not an easy interval, so be diplomatic. An excellent result, Wednesday (pm) if you pursue a work-career idea/project. Friday/Saturday bring sex, lust, power plays, financial actions, etc., and starts 7 months of these (see above).

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains — and grows luckier — on your intellectual, media, academic, legal, far travel and philosophical side, Sage. And on love, about which you have to make a couple of decisions. Your romantic, creative and risky side faces huge luck to next May, although now to November might seem slow, like treading water. If you’re in a bond or creative project, these 3 months are “consolidation” time.

Saturday starts 7 months of relationship intensity: an important bond will either grow more intense, maybe lead to marriage or co-habitation, or might break apart in a shower of angry sparks. A Gemini or Aries might play a key role. In ordinary dealings during these 7 months, be diplomatic, even silent. “Road rage” and other tantrums are likely, so be defensive, cautious. Bosses are talking a new game — listen, be prepared.

Sunday starts sluggishly (have a coffee) but this afternoon to Tuesday night brings romance, creative projects, beauty and pleasure. A good interval, so charge ahead. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Tuesday night to predawn Friday. Go slow, follow safety rules. A fascinating, quick yet “slow flirt” person might make your heart rejoice late Wednesday night. Relationships, relocation themes, public dealings and general opportunities arrive Fri./Sat. — and 7 months of heightened intensity begins in these areas. (See above.)

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The accent continues on sex/lust, Cap, on major finances, research (dig deep for treasure) and medical or lifestyle choices. This zone grows more lucky and beneficial now to early Sept. Scholars, lawyers and travellers have good advice for you. Right now (since early July) Mars is making romance intense, gritty. But that ends Saturday, when 7 months of hard work begin. This work might involve more machinery, vehicles, cutting tools, or you might quit work, or work more on your home/house. (Your domestic situation remains super-lucky until May/23, tho’ you might experience a slow-down until late November.) Remember, this is a great year to sell and/or buy property.

Sunday starts chatty or brings a short trip, but this afternoon slows you down through Tuesday night. Be with family, hug the kids, garden, grocery shop, go house-hunting, etc. A rewarding interval. Romantic notions fill your thoughts Tuesday night to predawn Friday — not such a benevolent interval, though, so go slow, be sure of where you step.

From Sunday eve to late Wednesday night, you could make a very fortunate real estate purchase (or similar: furniture, dishes, lawn mower, etc.). Tackle chores Fri./Sat. (All’s well.) Saturday begins that 7 months of work intensity mentioned above. Watch food; protect your “gut.”

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The emphasis remains on relationships, opportunities, fresh horizons and dealings with the public, Aquarius. These things grow more fortunate, more affectionate now to early September. Secrets float around you. You might make a “gambling investment.” Think.

Your home life has been affected by friction/intensity since early July. This ends Saturday (Aug. 20) and 7 months of romantic, creative, speculative, and pleasure-oriented intensity arrives. You could fall madly (if perhaps temporarily) in love with someone whose conversation impresses you, or whom you keep meeting in transit (e.g., on the bus to work). All the mini-complications of your life “take a rest” now to November, letting you gather your wits again!

Sunday morning focuses on money and possessions (buy cautiously). This afternoon to Tuesday night brings those errands, messages, paperwork, visits and details — but these won’t pile up on you as before. Sunday to Wednesday night is a superb time to contact someone attractive or whom you already love.

Tuesday night to predawn Friday emphasizes your home, family, security, nutrition, rest and contemplation. Not a really fortunate interval, so proceed cautiously, comfortably. Romance (and creative projects, speculation, beauty, pleasure, sports, games) blossoms Fri./Sat. Saturday starts 7 months of intensity in this (see above.)

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Chores still rule your days, Pisces — but only for 9 more. They grow easier, more rewarding now. Someone either attracts you, or is determined to chat with you. Since early July, errands, messaging and paperwork have been hectic. Saturday (Aug. 20) ends this trend, and instead starts 7 months of intensity at home. If a gardener, beware over-fertilizing.

Make peace, not war, with spouse, other significant people. You might spend on real estate, security or other domestic projects, renovations, etc. One source of income might end, and another begin. All before Aril/23. Until May, your income picture looks huge and excellent — but there might not be much forward action until late Nov.

You start Sunday with energy and pizzazz. This afternoon to Tuesday night, chase money, buy/sell, memorize, or snatch a bit of casual intimacy. All’s well. Friends, errands, communications, short trips and paperwork fill Tuesday night to predawn Friday. Go slow here, realize certain obstacles exist. Wednesday night (and perhaps earlier, even to Monday) offers a great chance to combine $/income with work. (Jewelry or something beautiful involved?)

Friday/Saturday should find you at home, or in the ‘hood, preferably with family. Friday is relaxing, restful; Saturday is more energized, intense — and starts 7 months of the trend described above


(No AFTERAMBLE this week.)
