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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links: 

 Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING: 11:43 pm Sun. to 4:17 am Mon., 7:19 am to 11:23 am Wed., and 4:45 pm to 10:11 pm Fri.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last week of being “held down on the home front” Aries. (Oddly, just as you’re about to break free of domestic bonds/duties, your home and family glow with a new beauty, affection now to Aug. 11.)

Friday will begin a month of pleasure, beauty, creative surges and risk-taking urges — and Romance (with a capital R). If you’re single, this could be one of the greatest romances of your life, could even turn into a wedding. A foreign-born person might be involved. (If you’re single and looking, consider a vacation outside your own nation.) Someone might start talking of love (or creative, etc. things) earlier this week — Tuesday onward. Meanwhile, your sense of cheer, of being alive and confident, only grows (to next May).

Money keeps flowing your way — bank it, don’t overspend.

Rest, contemplate and plan Sunday. Superb day for contacting gov’t, or seeking permission from higher-ups. Plans made this day are inspired, and almost sure to succeed. Excellent day for contacting the spiritual side. Your energy and charisma surge Mon. to noon Wed. Monday’s lucky, But you might have to choose between home and outside ambitions Tues./Wed. — expect some flak.

Pursue $ Wednesday pm through Fri. Good progress, but don’t mix $ and friends (or sex and friends) Friday. Saturday’s for travel. Communications, small, easy chores (and paperwork).


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

 This is your last week of restlessness, Taurus. Complete any last minute communications, send mail. Soon (Friday onward) you’ll switch to a domestic focus, and the messages that come after that will be ones not of practical issues, but of affection. Your sex appeal and courage are at a 2-year high until Aug. 20.

Management circles, institutions and gov’t continue to be sources of good fortune, until next May. Your career remains slow, steady until next March — don’t quit before then unless you have another, better job.

Sunday’s for happiness — and a whole load of joy accompanies you! (Talk of love?) Retreat, rest, ponder and plan, and seek spiritual guidance Monday to midday Wed. Monday’s best, but all 3 days challenge you with obstacles or someone’s disagreement. Wednesday pm through Friday boosts your energy, charisma and effectiveness. Start something, see and be seen. Best time: Friday late morning onward (PDT). Chase $ and sexy people Sat.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Your focus on money and possessions sloughs off this week, Gemini, as Friday starts a month of communications, easy chores, trips and visits, and paperwork. Continue to protect yourself from belligerent people and unsavoury places, until Aug. 20. Your social life continues to expand. Follow up on those hunches that nudge you toward friends and groups, esp. new ones. A marriage wish might be coming true, or will before next May. Your money luck will be good now to Aug. 11. (Buy a little love gift.)

Sunday’s for career, prestige and ambitions — a superb day for these, so you can either go shopping and enjoy the clerks’ admiration, or you can do something much more significant — say, make a proposal to a higher-up, or plan a business coup. Start now, for rewards later. Happiness, high hopes, popularity and flirtations arrive Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). Events won’t be great (delays, break-offs) but your mood is happy, so stick with that!

Retreat, rest, ponder and plan Wednesday pm through Fri. Seek spirit, seek advice, and help the needy. Only real caution comes Friday morning (PDT) when reality is stronger than “retreat.” Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness soar Sat. — get something done or started!


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your last week of “being in charge,” of strong physical and mental energy. So if you have something important still to do or to launch, do it now. You’ll remain charming and attractive to the other sex until Aug. 11.

You have strong hopes about your career, reputation, ambitions and worldly status — and a good portion of these hopes will come true before next May. (So let this be your main focus for the 10 months ahead.) Co-workers will be on your side, ready to follow you.

Sunday’s for sweet pondering, expressing love, learning, even starting to write a book or paper. Be ambitious Monday to midday Wed. Lots of obstacles here, but with careful work you can “use” them (or at least work around them). Your popularity rises, friends invite, flirtations and entertainment add stars to your eyes, and life’s happy, Wednesday pm through Friday (PDT). Retreat from the fray Saturday — rest, ponder, plan, watch and judge. Gov’t and admin people co-operate.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Your tired, bad hair days will end Friday, Leo, when you start a month of charisma, effectiveness and high energy. You’ll get things done! But until then, rest and recuperate, seek advice, contemplate and plan future actions. You’ll start talking, anticipating a “breakthrough” as early as Tuesday. Your interior, spiritual and private self gets a boost of sweetness, of cosmic favour, until Aug. 11. Until Aug. 20, higher-ups will remain prickly, impatient and aggressive. Just smile and bear it — not worth a fight.

Until May, ten months, your intellectual, legal, cultural, love and travel zones are lit with the kind of luck that can bring something lasting into your life. (E.g., weddings have “new worlds” to offer.)

Sunday’s mysterious — and super fortunate if you’re investing, planning finances, researching, having sex, going through surgery, or changing your lifestyle. Act, Leo! Those intellectual, travel and legal matters grab your attention Monday to noon Wed. — but so many obstacles exist, you might be wiser to pursue these later, say in August. Monday, though, could open a lucky door, esp. in love!

Wednesday pm through Friday spurs your ambitions, but watch that cranky boss. You’ll succeed Friday daytime, after 10 am PDT (1 pm EDT, 6 pm Britain, etc.). Saturday’s for friends, and hopes, and joy! Flirt — at worst, it will bring a laughing friend.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is your last week for awhile, Virgo, of social delights, enhanced popularity, optimism and entertainment. So flirt, strengthen friendships, etc. Friday will begin a month of retreat, rest and recuperation. (Though in truth a streak of affection will keep those social contacts/activities going for awhile — to Aug. 11.)

Strictly avoid law suits before Aug. 20. Same period, you can be powerfully attracted to someone sexy — but would he/she be a good mate? Maybe. Actually, this focus on sex will remain strong until next May, and can bring just that (lust, pregnancy, etc.) but can also be very fortunate for finances, investments. Strictly avoid chasing someone already attached — for your own sake.

Sunday’s for relationships — agreement, joining is in the air. If you’re single and meet someone new this day, take note: he/she could become a near-perfect partner. (If married, look for associations, opportunities, relocation.) That sexual, financial, medical influence will blossom Monday to noon Wed. — but not easily, so proceed slowly. Monday best.

A mellow wisdom steals over you Wednesday eve through Fri. (PDT). Study air fares, sexual longings, financial situation(s) and legal, cultural and academic possibilities. Friday best (after 10 am PDT). Be ambitious Saturday — you can complete, start projects, enhance your status.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This is the last week of pressure and status concerns, Libra. Friday begins a month of celebration, wishes coming true, optimism, love, flirtation, popularity and social delights. But work hard until Friday. Like Virgo, you can be attracted to someone very sexy now to Aug. 20 — make sure all is aboveboard, ethical. If you’re single, great good fortune awaits you in the marriage dept. all the way to next May. Your hard work will be noted, now to Aug. 11 — good time to ask for a promotion.

You might want to invest during this time (b4 Aug. 20) with a “partner,” but go slow, realize you’re being impulsive. You’ll make some great investments in mid-2023 to mid-24. No need to rush

Sunday’s for work, chores, and health cures. A superb day to install plumbing, buy machinery or tools, to seek or offer employment. Marriage, practical partnerships, relocation, opportunities and public dealings come Monday to noon Wed. (PDT) — be diplomatic, don’t press, as obstacles are many. Monday best.

Wednesday pm through Friday brings secrets, lust for power, $ or sex, research, medical procedures. Dig deep for treasure. Welcome international affairs, legal, cultural or social “rites,” media and mental expansion Sat. — love could appear.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This is your last week of “higher mind,” Scorpio — of intellectual forays, legal or cultural actions, far travel, media, gentle love and profound thoughts. Friday starts a month of ambition and status-chasing. (Still, a nice thread of affection — and thoughts of far away — wind through those ambitious days ahead, until mid-August.)

Be diplomatic, esp. at work and around machines or cars — others are on a hair-trigger anger binge (to Aug. 20). See and avoid! Your major luck continues to lie in work, health, machinery, etc. – to next May.

Sunday’s romantic — a love started this day has a huge good chance. Dive in, if single. Tackle chores, employment issues, Monday to noon Wed. Dress, eat sensibly. Monday’s best, could offer expanded duties. Relationships fill Wednesday pm through Friday (PDT) — remember what I said above about hair-trigger people (most likely to appear Thurs.).

Friday’s best for accomplishment — after a disappointing morning, Saturday’s intriguing — lust, sex, money/power, and secrets, all attract you. Dig deep for answers and for “treasure.” A pretty good day to invest.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You remain in a powerful but puzzling place, Sage — until Friday, when a month of academic, legal, international, cultural, media and love activities begins. But until Friday, focus on life changes, medical procedures, finances/debt, and research. (Actually, your best investments, debt reductions or lustful liaisons will come now to Aug. 11 — but the facts, the sources, will all be found before Friday.) Find the facts, then act.

Until Aug. 20, work is intense and maybe argumentative. These few weeks might nudge you to chase a co-worker (someone in same field) but this is likely a brief aberration. Until May’23, you have hugely fortunate romantic prospects — don’t waste them on a “half love.”

Sunday’s for home, property, family, nature and nutrition. It’s a superb day to act in these areas — rent a new home, or buy a lot, or start a garden, buy furniture, start a college fund for the kids, etc. Romance flutters in Monday through Wednesday noon — best Monday. After this, be cautious, many glitches.

Tackle chores and protect your daily health (e.g., eat sensibly) Wednesday pm through Friday. Most progress —Friday. Saturday’s for relationships, marriage, business partnerships, opportunities and public dealings. A month of love and travel now begins!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This is your last week of open and obvious relationship development, Cap. Friday begins a month in which relationships veer into the private or more secretive side. For example, an open attraction might turn into intimacy. In the same way, the opportunities of this week and the last three will turned into stages of funding and effort. In a long range view, your income sources remain stable but unexciting to next March.

Your good luck in real estate and anything domestic (e.g., farms, food, furniture, etc.) is at a 12-year peak, and will remain so until next May. Oddly, just as “open relations/opportunities” fade, they also grow more affectionate and accommodating. Expect to hear some significant secret soon.

Sunday’s for errands, visits, paperwork and communications. A splendid day, so do something important (visit or contact someone who can help your future, or paperwork for a loan or gov’t aid, etc.). Head for home Monday to noon Wednesday —Monday’s best, holds that “real estate/domestic”: luck. Then, obstacles. Romance calls Wednesday pm through Friday (PDT). Best Thurs. morn and Friday afternoon. Saturday’s for work, health and machinery. Good day to buy tools, a car.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

A month of drudgery, boredom and (minor) health complaints ends Friday, Aquarius. That day starts a month of significant relationships, new opportunities, and fresh horizons. (But meanwhile, finish the work this week — more, though less, will come in the weeks ahead, work involving your mind — love? academic? — or home — decoration? (But your major, solid chores need to be finished now.) Mars is in your home zone until Aug. 20 — be patient, tolerant, or you could stir up a storm.

Chase $ Sunday — send invoices, hold a garage sale, etc. — or apply for a better-paying job, or buy what you need for ambitious advance. An excellent day. A sexual affair that might begin this Sunday would probably last a long time, despite having a shallow well of love.

Errands, paperwork, communications arise Monday to noon Wednesday. Monday’s best, send important paperwork, or contact someone crucial. Then think twice, Tues./Wed., before speaking, or hopping in the car. Your home, mother nature, nutrition, these become important Wednesday pm through Fri. (PDT). Best time: Friday daytime. Saturday’s for romance, adventure, creative surges, sports, gaming, beauty, pleasure — a month of relationships starts well!


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This is your last week of romance, creative surges, beauty and pleasure, Pisces — for awhile. Friday begins a month of work, employment opportunities, and daily health. In the month ahead, your growing good luck in money/income will be reinforced by your ability to communicate, handle paperwork, and follow where curiosity leads. This money luck will bless you until May’23. Already, you might be receiving “advance warning” of work projects to come.

Although the main thrust of romance (and beauty, et al) dies down this week, affection will linger strongly enough to provide some exciting nights/interludes before Aug. 11.

Sunday is YOUR day — maybe one of the best days this year. Your energy and charisma are high, everyone’s agreeable (and open to suggestions) — you can successfully start or continue almost anything, including love! (“Successfully” — Sunday’s real success might show up much later.)

Chase $, but carefully, Monday to midday Wed. Monday holds a hint of where “the big dollars” lie; Tues./Wed. aren’t so benevolent: expect obstacles. Wednesday pm through Friday brings errands, calls, mail, contacts, paperwork. Better Friday daytime, but Thursday’s okay, too. Sturdy is for home, family, rest and pondering. Give the kids a hug. All’s well!



Well, I was partly wrong about inflation — I forecast it long before the economists, but I thought May would be the peak. But prices rose in June, boosting the inflation rate from 8 to  9%. Still, it will not be a long time — inflation should start ending by March 2023. Only retirees will hurt long-term, as 20 or 30% of their savings will be effectively wiped out by higher prices chivying and then staying on a plateau.

China is wrong to chuckle about the flood of illegal immigrants flowing over the U.S. southern border. Reportedly these border-busters come from over 150 countries. I suspect it takes a lot of courage and determination to arrive at and cross that border, which hints at the character and, more deeply, the DNA of these “new residents.”

If, say, 10 million cross, that adds 1 in 35 new — brave, determined, ambitious — “DNA carriers” to the U.S. gene pool. This can only, ultimately, be enriching and boost the talent and genius of America. In this way, I suspect, Biden is doing good despite himself.

As I’ve said many times, the long range effects of many of the Dem’s actions can be quite positive, despite the havoc and injustices they wield like a whip on hapless citizens. (E.g., the character assassinations practised by the January 1 committee, which is nothing other than a collection of the most blatant liars. Pelosi, Radler, Raskin, Schiff, Cheney, all have been caught in lies. All revel in their hypocrisy, because power supports them.)

At the same time as it is Quarrelling, the world is becoming more integrated. This trend is far longer than history. Only good can come of it.

That man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s  heaven for? I think it was one of the romantic poets, that wrote this, Gabriel or Rosettie or whoever was married to the woman poet — Browning! That’s it!

Today we can super appreciate that reaching for heaven — our present technology is amazing, perhaps more than we know. An astrologer can look ahead to the next Pluto era, starting in 2229, and intuit some things such as, symbolically, an angel larger than the earth visits. But about most things that far away I’m as clueless as a brick. Who knows what technologies will have emerged to change humanity?

I suspect that the future 200 years will not produce the exponential growth of new technologies that occurred pre-1984.  But the present genius of applying minor innovations that amount to fabulous sums — of production, of numbers of items, of ubiquitousness (wide spread markets) and, by taking a little from many, of fabulous profits — this trend is era (250 years) long, I think. (And may be a root or underlying cause of the Democrats‘ passions in the United States.)

And there are other things. There might be religious wars — or more correctly, spiritual versus religious sources/interests. Men, and male sexuality, will be closely guarded, with at least one major male protection organization. There is some very deep violence in this era, from 2229 to about 2476 AD. A philosopher king will rule. If any of these come true, they’re more likely to do so early, in the 23rd century. Ah, enough — I don’t want to step further without the chart , and I’m too lazy to go get it.

Eight thousand years ago they were already farming, pasturing animals, making beads and stone carving and weaving cloth.

Money was used/invented at least 6,000 years ago. (*) Writing might have first come into being as a system for recording money and other assets, about 3000 BC.

(*) from “Dawn of Everything,” page 420/21 — “small tokens.”

But it makes us highbrows think: money was more important than writing. Money was an abstraction of real assets, real position. Writing came literature, which became religions (Bible, Q’uaran) — so writing became an abstraction of thoughts and knowledge. So owning is more primal, basic than thinking.

What if black holes are somewhat like reverse nova’s? What if they are supernovas of dark matter?

Scientists say that dark matter makes up 85% of the universe. If that is true, and black holes are reverse supernovas, then there should be about six times more black holes than supernovas. But what about plain old regular nova’s, and blue dwarfs or for that matter our sun and every other star — Where are the black holes to represent their Darkside?

Of course to even look for them would be to assume dark matter follows the same laws (though perhaps with some inversions) as bright matter. To begin with, these universes are  built from totally, perhaps radically (come from unlike sources) different material. This could hint at two big bangs, or more.

Maybe astrology is the biggest hoax to be perpetrated on humanity in history. Maybe all my predictions are psychic impressions, or maybe my predictions are projections, which an audience large or small inhales, and lets it colour their perception of the day.

Or maybe not.

I envision a bunch of nodules connected to each other and they’re floating down the river and then inside each nodule, which is transparent, there’s a whole world of humans doing everything that humans do, from family to science, from friendship to war. And in it all a vigorous confidence that mankind would and will achieve its ultimate goal. The question is, what is that goal?

I think that it is angelhood., But I don’t mean this in a literal way, that we will all end up with wings and fly around. I mean we will transcend above the material and achieve a fusion of all consciousness, including the sub and un consciousnesses — all will be one, And to a certain degree we will live in ecstasy(*), in the essential bliss of being joined with other people and with all consciousnesses of the world, from microbes to politicians, from neutrons or whatever to universes.

(*) Ecstasy means standing beyond oneself — I think from the Greek.

The Minotaur was a monster, half man and half BULL. It was surrounded by a labyrinth from which few could escape. The story is often said to occur under king Midas on the island of Crete. The only trouble is, Crete was for most of its history ruled by women. Politically dominant women, who held men as pets, serfs or slaves. Yet they portrayed these men’s sexuality as the cock and balls of a huge, potent beast, the bull. This Intensity might reflect the repressing of sexual desires over the years in favour of political or commercial gain. And its consequence was the misshaping and exaggerating of male sexual organs.

From the male side, the Minotaur was surrounded by a Labyrinth from which few escaped. This is extremely female: something that’s within, that you enter, and it’s not too difficult, but once you’re in you are surrounded by a mystery. A plurality if not a majority of men see women this way; as attractive (and often filled with many other great qualities) but surrounded by a mystery (or many) that might never be solved.

(Here I can offer some solace: for finally now in my 74th year I think I understand a few women. And in some ways I suspect I think like them. This understanding came late, after a few losses and a rising realization that I had been the author/creator of my own misfortunes In relationships.

What beautiful, complex beings women are. They will ascend now as male physical advantages grow less important — not biologically but in the worlds of power, riches and politics. Soon female lawyers will outnumber male practitioners. Female professionals in general will outnumber males in perhaps 100 years, maybe sooner — but certainly by 2229, because this future era will see virile men as secretive and dangerous and will keep them contained.
