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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING: Before 1:42 am Sun., 6:44 am to 1:54 pm Tues., and 10:39 pm Thurs. to 0:24 am Fri.

*** PREAMBLE:  Merry Christmas Everyone!! ***

BTW, I’m on YouTube, at https://youtu.be/pTC4roAShPM — It’s an interview in which I don’t say much in depth, but it’s something, anyway.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

It’s your last week to cement a social, love, friendship situation, or to launch a project that combines one of these with your ambitions. (Higher-ups continue to favour you, but they’re starting to grow a little thoughtful, indecisive — they’ll respond more quickly now to the old or ongoing, than to something new. This state lasts until late January.) Your intellectual, love, legal, cultural side flares with new intensity (to late Jan.) Tuesday starts a month of ambition, prestige relations and worldly status.

Spend Sun. to early afternoon Tues. at home or in the ‘hood. Hug the kids, improve nutrition, handle property repairs, etc. Sunday/Monday are great, fortunate — Tues., meh. Romance, creative and risk-taking urges, beauty and pleasure visit you midday Tues. (PST) through Thurs. Tues. night best. Otherwise, this romantic period offers a bumpy ride, even possible alienation. Tackle chores and health issues Fri./Sat. Bit of argument Fri., an affectionate, maybe even “destined” Christmas Day.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This week (to Dec.28) is your last chance to impress the boss, to launch a career or other ambitious project. Past enmities fall away. Your sexual and financial courage grows now to late January — perhaps even enough to make you change your life(style). Tuesday begins four weeks of academic, legal, cultural, travel and love interests — you’ll thrive in these, you’ll be surprised by how welcoming people are when you follow these paths.

Sunday to midday Tues. brings errands, paperwork, calls/communications, short trips — be curious, make new contacts, esp. Sun./Mon. One of them can later help a wish come true. (Tuesday’s a little “weak.”) Steer toward home, family, property, security and “meal planning” midday Tues. (PST) through Thurs. This interval needs caution and a willingness to right what’s wrong or change a wrong direction.

Friday/Saturday (Sat. best) bring romance, creative surges, a willingness to take a risk, pleasure and beauty. For some, a “destined love” could appear.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  June 21-July 20

This is your last week (9 days — to Dec. 28) to establish a foreign foothold, book an international trip, apply for higher learning, write or publish, start a legal suit, or join a cultural, philosophical or religious group/trend. Or join hands in love.

Pursue money goals Sun. to midday Tues. (PST). Buy, sell, bill, collect, pay. Realize, now to early March, you are favoured in finances, investments/debt, sexual intimacy, and for medical or lifestyle choices/actions. Listen to your intuition: it’s loud and lucky. Recent ill health should ebb now, but either 1) a major health issue, needing diagnosis, is “arriving,” or 2) your health will be excellent now to March. But even the major issue, if it exists, will be relatively “painless.”

Monday’s great — seek promotion, a pay raise, or gov’t help up your career ladder. Errands, trips, communications, paperwork come Tues. pm through Thurs. Stick to routine here: lady luck’s absent. Head for home, hug the family, Fri./Sat. Wee friction Friday. Joy, warmth and affection Sat.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  July 21-July 22

A series of “wild” romantic urges dies down, but a month of “peer” relationships only now starts, favouring love, marriage, relocation themes, opportunities and dealings with the public. Your work duties grow more intense until late January. This is your last week to make a significant investment, to pay down debt, to stabilize a research platform, undergo an operation or other treatment, or seal an intimate sexual “deal.”

Your energy and charisma surge upward Sun. to midday Tues. Good luck rides with you, Cancer, so charge ahead, lead, start significant projects, seek attention. But slow down Tues. Chase money, buy/sell, Tues.pm through Thurs., but stick to routine, as luck is slim. Not a good time to start a casual sexual affair. Errands, paperwork, swift, easy chores, friends and contacts, communications and show trips/visits — these fill Fri,/Sat. Saturday’s best, affectionate, witty stuff with good people.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Romance is ending yet intensifying, Leo. The broad, general accent switches to work, machinery and health now to late January. At the same time, Mars will intensify your romantic urges — and courage. A significant partnership, marriage prospect, relocation theme or opportunity, standing before you all 2021, remains “waiting” until Dec. 28. If you want to seize something (or someone) here, act quickly. Co-workers, and work, will be affectionate, rewarding until early March.

Lie low, rest, ponder and plan, interact with gov’t, institutions or head office Sun. to midday Tues. (PST). Good stuff here, for your career and your financial worth — best Monday. Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues. pm through Thurs. Be a leader, but be careful where you set your steps, as luck is thin. Chase $ Fri./Sat. Other than a bit of friction Fri. pm, this interval rewards effort, esp. Saturday. A money/work development will take you places.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Career pressures ease, Virgo, as the month ahead emphasizes romance, creativity, speculation/risk, beauty, pleasure and charming children. In fact, your romantic luck could last an unusually long time, into next March. Lover’s indecision, though, until late January. Also until late January, you face some friction at home. (And possible pregnancy for young couples.) A work or machinery opportunity (to put these on a stable, long-term growth curve) has been around all year — now there are 9 days to either complete or start this.

Wishes can come true Sun. to midday Tues! (Sun./Mon. best — esp. Monday, when a social or legal or academic contact could lead to a significant relationship.) Withdraw to quietude Tues. pm through Thurs. Rest, contemplate and plan, liaise with gov’t or head office or a mentor/advisor. Don’t attempt too much, as good luck is rather absent. Your energy and pizzazz shoots skyward Fri./Sat. Be a leader, start things, impress others, contact that attractive person. (Sat. best, as Fri. pm might hold a “refusal to be intimate.”

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Days become more significant, Libra, as the general accent switches from errands and communications to home, children, property ownership, security, hibernation, nutrition and “grounding” yourself — these will be blessed until March. (However, errands, missives, travel, paperwork, etc. will remain important until late January, at least in love, marriage, opportunity, relocation and public dealings.) You have 9 days to seal a tentative romantic “deal,” or to begin a durable creative project.

Be ambitious Sunday to midday Tues. (PST). Others will help, or you hit a “lucky streak” in business, finances, home and career/work. Wishes can come true Tues. pm through Thurs., but the probability isn’t high, as your luck looks a bit dim. Oh well, enjoy the optimism, social joys and general happiness that flows through you. Retreat Fri./Sat., rest, contemplate, plan, deal with neglected chores, gov’t, “head office,” charitable and spiritual orgs. Nature, gardening, “quiet woods” draw you.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’ll be “drawn in” to one or more “rushed money” situations now to late January, Scorpio, but in the main the money phase of recent weeks ebbs now. In its place come errands, paperwork, short trips and communications, also to late January. Friends, casual contacts, treat you graciously and even affectionately until March.

In less than two weeks you’ll plunge into a 5-month wave of romance and creative surges. This “affectionate communications” streak (to March) can certainly help you make contact, get your message across, to someone attractive. One who “seduces” you now might have thin limbs but heavy bones. You have until Dec. 28 to start, finish or otherwise bring real estate into your life in a deep, life-enhancing, durable way.

Academics, law, cultural and philosophical beliefs, ideas and publishing — and love — fill Sunday to midday Tues. (PST). Monday’s great for communicating — both with partners, peers, and a romantic someone. Tuesday, meh, alienation if anything. Your career and prestige relations, your worldly position and rep., are in focus Tues. pm through Thurs. Just do your duty, Scorpio, w/o grasping for more, as luck is outweighed by obstacles. Wish fulfillment, social delights, popularity, optimism and general joy kiss you Fri./Sat. Don’t overspend!

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 20

Though you won’t see it, Sage, the big development this week is that temptation ebbs, freeing you to operate “normally” and productively. (That doesn’t mean you’ll “quit the stage,” tho — in fact, your intensity, vigour, romantic courage and determination flare hot to late January. Apologize for your quick temper!) Tuesday starts 4 weeks of sweet money luck. Also, a good time for a casual intimate affair — another almost drags you into their life/cave. A new car or computer might be a good idea before Dec. 28 (next week).

Secrets, hidden assets, investments, large finances, sexual temptations, lifestyle or medical issues fill Sun. to midday Tues. (PST). Your luck is high, so charge ahead, esp. Mon. Work, employment, family connections blessed Monday. A mild, understanding mood, International travel, law, academia, cultural venues fill mid-week, but don’t get too excited — luck’s low here. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — bosses are watching, approving, esp. Sat. Avoid a tiff Friday pm, might come from an off-hand remark. (Be humble.)

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 21-Jan. 19

Tuesday starts 4 weeks of “ascension,” Cap — you’ll be rising, both in people’s estimation, and in truth. During this same period, you might display unusual physical strength/health, but avoid dangerous places and belligerent people. You might feel a) glad your home supports you, or b) held back by family, domestic circumstances. Nothing that needs action, tho.

You’re the “attractive one” of the zodiac until early March, and you’ll receive glances, invitations, even more. You know or feel intuitively, exactly what to do in romantic situations. You have until Dec. 28 to wrap up an income-producing deal — or to buy a long-lasting machine or asset that can increase your earnings for a long time.

Relationships fill Sun. to midday Tues. Embrace this — good luck can “connect you” to just the right person, esp. Mon. (Tuesday’s a bit disappointing.) Midweek pulls stuff up from the depths — investments, debt, sexual temptations, medical or lifestyle choices. My advice: go slow, be careful. Legal, cultural, academic, travel venues, and “big ideas” — and love — face you Fri./Sat. Beware those belligerent types Fri. — otherwise, two great days! Meet, greet, learn, and love.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Tuesday begins a month of lower energy, quietude, contemplation and planning, Aquarius. Don’t push your physical limits. Do delve into your spiritual journey, or join in charitable actions. Solitude, resting, will be mildly sweet. (You might meet a very comforting nurse. Avoid lawsuits until at least Feb. 4 onward.) This same 4 weeks makes you hopeful and desirous about a friend, or a man if you’re female. You’ll talk your way into a group, and in there might be the one you’re seeking.

You have until Dec. 28 to make a wish come true, perhaps a life long wish, with perhaps life-long rewards. To do so, you will have to “handle” your boogey-men, accept restrictions, admit your shortcomings, reject excuses, etc. In other words, it won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. You might have been toying with this all 2021, even earlier. Well, the time for action is quickly ending, so make your move, or let it go… perhaps forever….

Tackle chores Sun. to midday Tues. You’ll get a lot done. You could make a great machine, car or computer acquisition Mon., even Sun. (Tuesday’s “crippled.”) Midweek brings relationships, but without good luck, so stick with routine, don’t gamble on an “opportunity.” Deep stuff Fri./Sat. — hidden treasure, deep currents of sexual temptation, large financial actions, debt reduction, medical or lifestyle commitments. Good results! (But don’t quibble Fri.)

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Pressures ease, Pisces. You enter four weeks of socializing, fun, happiness, popularity and optimism Tuesday, ending a month of career demands. (Or if you’re young, demands from parents, teachers, etc.) Still, Mars remains in your ambition zone until late January, so be diplomatic, avoid giving higher-ups cause to vent their temper.

This new social phase will be fortunate, will bring affectionate friends, but can also offer a friendly affair that’s both lightly happy and deeply sexual. And, even better, it lasts in some significant ways to next March. You have until Dec. 28 to wrap up a management deal/position.

Romance, passion, creativity, risk and beauty, pleasure fill Sunday to midday Tues. Forget Tues., it’s a bit of a dud. But Sun./Mon. could open your heart to new scenes. A love wish could come true. Tackle chores mid-week, but stick to routine, as good luck isn’t anywhere. Pamper your health. Relationships, opportunities, public dealings and relocation themes (not strong ones) fill Fri./Sat. — in fortunate ways. You might meet someone “destined” to be in your life (maybe as an advisor?). Don’t quibble over money or “seating” Fri.



Here’s a way to determine if numerology really works: In British Columbia (where I live in Canada) there are approximately 5 million people. Because our medicine is socialized, everyone of those people has a health number of ten digits. For example: 9089–568-341. As you know, in numerology every number is broken down by adding the integers until we get a number between one and nine. For example, the number just given, breaks down this way: 9+0+8+9+5+6+8+3+4+1 = 53 = 5+3 = 8. On average, almost 556,000 people would “inhabit” each of the 9 numbers.

It would be a simple matter to collect the health/medical records of all 5 million people, and to reduce every individual’s health number to a number between 1 and 9. We can lump all the medical records of people whose health number reduces to 1, and all the records of people whose health number reduces to 2, and then to 3 and so on. Then we could examine all the medical complaints or issues of everyone in group 1, and see if there’s any commonality in their issues. (Or a common lack of issues.) For example, do those whose health number reduces to 1 have more issues involving a certain part of the body than people in other groups?  Do people whose number adds up to 8 have, statistically, a greater concentration of health issues in an area distinct from those in Group 1, or 2, or 3 or 4 or 7 or 9? 

Using traditional numerology, do those in Group 1 have a preponderance of head concerns, and those in Group 2 have more throat and neck issues, in 3 more lung issues, in 8 more sexual and eliminative issues, etc? However, I would be cautious about using this “pre-classifying” method, because it might tend to warp conclusions, as it gives the researcher a subjective bias goal.

It could be much more objective to first just collate all the issues of each number group, and then see what issue(s) are more frequent among one (each) Group, then compare all 9 groups. (I say could be, because only a university or a government agency [Stats Can?] could undertake such a massive task (*). Unfortunately, universities are sources of deception and bias in our present era, and their collations and sifting and conclusions would need to be thoroughly examined for “accuracy.”

(*) — Another huge barrier might be privacy laws/concerns, etc. 
