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I’m still sick, but improving. Thanks for all your kind emails, and cure suggestions!
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COVID: A new study from Britain has found that people over 60 who have been double-vaccinated against Covid, are dying (of all causes) at TWICE the rate of unvaccinated people. (Source: Office for National Statistics, Great Britain — health.data@ons.gov.uk) 

WHAAAAT????  (See the AFTERAMBLE for more.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your “enlightened phase” continues, Aries. Travel, law, learning, cultural involvements and love, all are emphasized, especially Fri./Sat. and all might contain a subtle, hidden flaw. (In some cases – 15%? – these are favoured by the cosmos, and “destined.”) But wisdom says, don’t fly impetuously into these zones without forethought. If anything here seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Bosses, parents, VIPs continue to favour you. This is a significant thing, with big “growth” potentials, esp. if $ or partnership, relocation or public dealings are involved. Assets, investment, debt, sexual links, research, lifestyle choices remain crucial to your success (to mid-December). Health, yours or another’s, can play a key role. 

Tackle chores Sunday — good progress. Fine time to buy a vehicle, other tools, machinery. Relationships and opportunities arrive Mon./Tues. — good fortune here, esp. in ambition and friendship zones. Be careful with assets, finances and sex Wed., embrace them Thurs. (See above for Fri./Sat.)

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The general emphasis remains on assets, financial actions, medical and lifestyle choices, research and sexual temptations, Taurus, esp. at the end of this week (Fri./Sat.). Before you plunge in, realize that a subtle, perhaps difficult to see flaw might lie curled like a sleeping cat in the centre of these financial, lifestyle, etc. “options.” So think long, and study the realistic future, before plunging in. (E.g., a “can’t lose” investment might go in an unexpected direction.)

You remain favoured (to early next March) in legal, far travel, cultural, academic and love zones. You would not lose if you pursued these areas in a deep way. Relationships remain volatile until mid-December. Be careful with belligerent types! 

Sunday’s for romance, beauty, creativity. True love might appear. (I’m serious.) Tackle chores, support healthy habits Mon./Tues. — all’s well, mostly, esp. Mon. Relationships, opportunities and possible opposition fill Wed./Thurs. — Thurs. better, Wed. “pushes away.” Read above for Fri./Sat.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The accent remains on relationships, opportunities (and opposition/competition), public dealings and relocation, Gemini. These might contain a crucial but seemingly small (or unnoticed) flaw which can affect your life adversely. The roots of such a situation might go back right into last autumn (2020).

Just a mild warning: look deeply and realistically at the probable result of any “relationship” action you take now, esp. this Fri./Sat. (Dec. 3 and 4). In perhaps 15-20% of cases, a relationship or opportunity now (and over the last 15-16 months) could be “destined,” a gift from the cosmos. Best way to tell: if your motives are pure, unselfish, and you remain mellow about it (not frothed up) you might be embracing a true gift from the cosmos. If you feel super-optimistic and confused, back out!

Your luck is strong, good, in sex, finances, research, until next March. An inheritance might greet you. (These 3+ months might bring “deep illness,” but almost w/o pain.) Until mid-December, your health can be under fire, and work demands can be “hot and heavy.”

Be home, deal with family, property, parent-kid matters, Sunday. Good results! For some, a promotion! Sweet romance Mon./Tues. Success in love might require “abandoning” a job, a chore. Tackle chores, health matters Wed./Thurs. Wednesday dicey, Thurs. successful. Fri./Sat. already discussed.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

You’re immersed in a month of work and health concerns, Cancer (perhaps relating to your children or parents). Handle things here, but shy away from increasing your involvements or expanding duties — and be wary, too, of buying machinery/tools — esp. this Fri./Sat. (Dec. 3 and 4). A subtle flaw might sit at the “invisible centre” of your intentions. So do what’s necessary, no more.

Relationships are filled with goodness and love until March/22. An investment or sexual “step,” if undertaken before Dec. 28, can yield rewarding and long-lasting future results. Romance is impulsive, hot, passionate — but not the “broad weave” of your life. 

Sunday brings errands, calls, trips, paperwork and such — a good day, good for love, too. “Home” rules Mon./Tues. — hug the kids, chase security, repair the back porch, etc. Much benevolent luck surrounds you both days. (One “romantic flaw” late Tues.) Romance, creativity, pleasure hit a brick wall Wed., but a welcome mat Thurs. For Fri./Sat., re-read above.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

 Ah, sweet romance! This, and creativity, and speculation/gambles, beauty, pleasure, sports, games and charming kids. All these blossom this week, esp. Fri./Sat. But pause: think, envision the future realistically before you jump in. A subtle flaw might exist — for example, someone’s kookie personality might lead you to ecstasy right now, but the same eccentricities might drive you up a wall when they don’t stop, year after year.

In 10 to 20% of cases, this flaw might not exist. If, for instance, you have no temptation to chase a wildly unusual love, but a realistic, warm person “embraces” you, and your motives are pure, mellow, then true love might be in the cards of destiny. Work and work mates “bless you” now to March/22. A relationship or opportunity or relocation (probably obvious by now) promises a deeply satisfying and lasting future — but it must be worked for. (Romance — potentially “dangerous” now — is self-indulgent; relationships — building blocks for your future — are sharing, between “equals.”) 

Sunday’s for money, spending, collecting (good fortune here). Errands, contacts, communications, travel fill Mon./Tues. — mostly good. Home difficulties Wed., home rewards Thurs. Friday/Sat. are described above.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The weeks ahead continue the emphasis on home, family, property, security and mother nature, Virgo. You usually love this area, but hesitate, think, envision the consequences/future before you plunge into anything significant (e.g., a real estate purchase). This has applied all 2021, but esp. this Fri./Sat. If a goal here seems illogically elusive, or gets you frothed up about succeeding, these are warning signals. In some rare cases, the universe will simply dump a reward on you. (E.g., an uncle leaves you his fishing camp.)

Romance, though “quiet,” will bless you until March/22. Now to year’s end is favourable for machinery purchases, esp. those involving your home or “the earth” (e.g., a backhoe or tractor). (Think about this Tues.)

You energy’s good Sunday — you can really impress a fascinating, puzzling person. Chase money, buy/sell Mon./Tues. Errands, communications, travel, paperwork meet obstacles Wed., succeed nicely Thurs. Friday/Saturday have been described above.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Not the most important of months, Libra. You will probably be travelling, might make one or two significant trips (or issue 2 significant messages or fill out a couple of important applications). Okay, good, but realize that the results, or where it gets you, might not be exactly what you want, might not get you to your goal. Subtle obstacles might interfere. Be realistic, look “down the road.” These are highlighted all week, but esp. Fri./Sat.

Your home, family remain sweet, mellow, fortunate all the way to next March. A romance or creative work, perhaps still evolving, has 4 weeks left in which to “solidify.” This might take work, sacrifice, but can yield decades of goodness. Money flows swiftly — save!

Lie low, rest and plan Sunday. Your energy, charisma soar Mon./Tues. — start things, lead. Pursue $, buy/sell, learn something, indulge in something (someone) sensual — difficult Wed., easy Thurs. For Fri./Sat., read above.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The emphasis lies on money, income, buying/selling, rote learning and casual sex, Scorpio (not love — great romance might come the first half of 2022, not now). These are highlighted Fri./Sat. (Dec. 3, 4). Be a little wary of your own impulses — look carefully, see the realistic, probable future outcome of your actions, before acting. As long as you stick to ordinary, regular means of making money, you’ll do fine.

Only 4 weeks left to make or wrap up a good real estate deal (or lease or rental). Pleasant communications with everyone could lead to opportunities, love/marriage for singles, before mid-March. You’re sexy, magnetic, determined, maybe too aggressive, until mid-December.

Errands, calls, trips, paperwork Sunday. (Love communications flow sweetly.) Retreat, rest and plan Mon./Tues. — all’s well. Your energy and charisma surge upward Wed. (difficult, overcome obstacles) and Thurs. (smooth, easy to accomplish things). For Fri./Sat., re-read first sentences above.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your energy, charisma and clout remain high, Sage. Be a leader, start things. But use your heightened “presence” to attract others, to hook up, to pursue opportunities, to relocate — in essence, to go “out of yourself, to another.” You have the strength, but “they” have the route to success. All this is highlighted the whole month, but esp. Fri./Sat. (Dec. 3/4.)

Your monetary fortunes look very nice to next March. You might purchase a luxury item. Casual sex opens its arms to you, but it isn’t love. A vehicle or computer bought before Dec. 28 will likely last a very long time.

Sunday’s for ambition, attracting the attention of important people. Social joys, optimism, fun, flirting, general happiness greet you Mon./Tues. Withdraw to regenerate, rest, contemplate and plan, and deal with head office or gov’t Wed./Thurs. Wednesday is difficult, obstructions exist; Thurs. flows your way, quite nicely — seek advice early day. Friday/Sat. highlight your “major choice” — reread first paragraph above.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Lie low, work in the background, Cap. You remain in a low energy, low charisma phase until late Dec. Interface with head office, civil servants. Seek advice; plan your future. Rest, recharge your physical and mental batteries. However, don’t plunge deeply into any of these, and don’t wallow in repose, esp. Fri./Sat., when they are emphasized. You have some hope about property or family issues, and/or are attracted to a very sexy/assertive type, until Dec. 12.

Despite the low energy (it happens every year at this time) you radiate a mellowness, a soft attractiveness, that draws others and helps you in love and career, until early March. A significant purchase or a pay raise (if it hasn’t happened yet in 2021) remains very possible until Dec. 28 — hard work, nothing for nothing, but it’s very worth pursuing, can put you on a new level for decades.

Sunday’s philosophical, mellow, “international.” Good day to communicate your deeper thoughts to someone. Be ambitious Mon./Tues. Contact higher-ups, angle for a pay raise. All’s well, but avoid wasting time with mere socializing. Wishes can come true (in a small way) Wed./Thurs. Now’s the time to socialize. Wednesday’s difficult, a struggle; Thurs. flows with ease. Friday/Sat. are described above.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Social joys, optimism, rising popularity, happy flirting and wish fulfillment colour this week and the next four. These are highlighted this Fri./Sat. (Dec. 3 and 4). Enjoy your happiness, Aquarius, but watch that rose-coloured glasses (now there’s a hackneyed phrase!) don’t steer you too strongly into a wishful situation: a subtle but core flaw might lurk, esp. if you think that optimism or a promising development will “solve everything.” It might, in some cases, but don’t bet your life on it: remain realistic before you “wish yourself” into a situation that might eventually “dead end” on you.

Now to March, your contacts with gov’t or “head office” will be pleasant, mildly lucky. (And solitude will be sweet.) Until Dec. 12, higher-ups remain temperamental, impatient — be diplomatic, quick to do your job. Until Dec. 28, you still have the chance to build an enduring “platform” for your future.

Sunday’s sexy, secretive; research rewards. The “bigger picture” unfurls for you Mon./Tues. — understanding, gentle love, international, legal, travel, cultural, academic and similar zones reward. Ambition, prestige relations, your worldly status are in focus Wed. (soft but strong obstacles) and Thurs. (success, easy accomplishment). Friday/Sat. are described above.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The accent remains (and grows) on ambitions, career, prestige relations and worldly status/reputation, Pisces, esp. this Fri./Sat. Yes, be ambitious, do your duty, but be careful about jumping whole-heartedly into an ambitious scheme or project that might have a subtle flaw at its core. (This advice has pertained since May 2020, but “peaks” now.) Before acting, look at the long-range future, and make sure your motives are “innocent” and your goals realistic. If a promotion is “dumped in your lap,” it’s good, deserved!

Until March ’22, your social life will be active, affectionate and fortunate. Avoid lawsuits until Dec. 13. You might think you have done little over the last year, but in truth you have deeply strengthened your position. 

Sunday’s for relationships, opportunities. Someone’s very willing to be with you. Deeper waters Mon./Tues., secrets, sexual desire, financial actions and consequences, medical or lifestyle changes. All’s good — and better if legalities, opinions left out of it. Legal, academic, cultural, international and love matters hit the walls of reality Wed., but sail sweetly Thurs. For Fri./Sat., re-read the first few sentences above.



I suspect Bitcoin will be popularly embraced the first five months of 2022. But mid-2022 to mid-2023 will show its flaws. Still, this will be a temporary set-back: the following 12 months (mid-23 to mid-24) will boost Bitcoin again, maybe hugely. 

Still, I find it hard to put faith in a currency that anyone with enough electrical power and technical smarts can produce. The impoverished little nation of El Salvador, for instance, is starting a bitcoin factory and building a whole planned city around it. (The factory will be powered by a nearby volcano — talk about risky finances!) Such a “factory” could churn out billions, even trillions of dollars worth of bitcoins per year, making little El Salvador the richest nation on earth. Who’s to stop them? Poor traditional dollar counterfeiters — they’re being put out of business!
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I am double Vaxxed. A week or two after my first vaccination, I was hospitalized with a stroke, the first one in my life. In early November my alma mater, U.B.C., sent me a survey about the Covid vaccinations. In either question four or five, the survey asked whether I had been in hospital since being vaccinated. If I answered yes, I had to supply the exact date I was hospitalized. I could only remember that it was in the month of May, so I entered that month but no day.

The survey froze and refused to let me continue. I tried three times; every time that I did not enter an exact day it kicked me out of the survey. I wrote to the surveyors — some medical department at UBC — about this glitch. (Because, 6 months after the hospitalization, I could not remember the exact date.) Dara, the person conducting the survey, wrote back, instructing me to just enter any date I wanted to. She assured me (without my asking) that the dates would not be fact checked.

That brings up a significant problem. Most people responding to this survey would complete it because they were not in the hospital, and therefore were not frozen out of responding.  So their responses, indicating the vaccinations had no bad health effects, were counted 100%. But of those who had been in the hospital, perhaps half would not remember the exact date they were hospitalized, especially because in most cases it would have occurred six months or more prior to the survey.

So most of these respondents, being “kicked out” of the survey, would just give up and not complete it. Some, either acting on their own, or on Dara’s advice, would lie and enter a false date. But these would be a very small portion of the hospitalized. As such, of the people who had actually been hospitalized after being vaccinated, most would not (be able to) complete their survey, ergo their hospitalizations would not be counted.

I am quite certain that an estimated 80% of those who were hospitalized would not be counted in the survey. (I suspect this might be as high as 90 – 95%.) Here is a very approximate example of how this survey distorts the truth:

Say there are 200 respondents to the survey. Say 100 of these experienced no subsequent hospitalization, but 100 did. However, due to the significant flaw in the survey, only 20 of those who were hospitalized complete the survey and become part of the results. So although the truth is that one in two (100 of 200) or 50% of people who are vaccinated are later hospitalized, the survey states that only 20 in 120 (only 120 respondents, not 200 any more) (or 1/6th, or 17%) are hospitalized — a huge distortion from the actual truth of 50%. 

I emailed the surveyors twice to suggest that they change the format to conform to reality, but they refused, again suggesting that I enter false data in order to have my response counted.

This is how “science” lies to us. This survey and its intentionally distorted results will be published and sent to news media to show how low the hospitalization rate from vax’ing is — a finding that is completely and deliberately false. Even after being informed of this basic, truth-distorting flaw, the surveyors refused to correct it. They even refused to reduce the 4th question to “month only,” or to put a little note in the survey, advising people that they could enter any made-up date, as long as it was an exact date. (I’m not worried about them suing me, as I have the emails.)

In other words, the university’s distorting of results was intentional, designed to yield false results to achieve and support their preconceived opinion. No wonder people don’t trust “the science” any more, when “science” is built on deception and is only an instrument to put a “gold stamp” on lies and bias.

Maybe I’m naive, but I’m shocked. 

Remember, since the 1980’s I’ve been saying that universities would be immoral and unethical swamps until 2229 AD? Well, here’s one example. These slimes should be fired, with cause.
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Oh, and then there’s Dr. Fauci, the “follow the science” guy who’s in charge of vaccinating every U.S. citizen. The same Dr. Fauci who approved/funded an experiment in which young dogs (beagles) were strapped down, with their heads “locked” into plexiglass cubes. Sandflies (a carnivorous insect) were then introduced into this plexiglass cage and allowed to feed and breed until they ate out the dog’s eyes, nose, tongue, throat, ears, brains, its entire head until, of course, the dog died. Can you imagine their screams, their days of pain as their eyes, noses and brains were slowly eaten? Can you imagine the lab workers who heard them screaming for days? Were these evil people? I think so, my friend. 

This is the kind of person Dr. Fauci is. The kind of person who now wants you to get a third dose of DNA-altering vaccine. The same person who approved the creation of covid 19 in China, and funded the Wuhan lab, and still insists bats were to blame — yeah, bats in his belfry. The person who is largely responsible for 5 million+ deaths. Does hell await?
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Just apropos of the above items, a new study from Britain has found that people over 60 who have been double-vaccinated against Covid, are dying (of all causes) at TWICE the rate of unvaccinated people. (Source: Office for National Statistics, Great Britain — health.data@ons.gov.uk)  WHAAAAT????
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Creating a centralized economy such as the USSR did, just does not work. Communist China experienced the same failure from a centrally managed economy. (China is doing quite well now, in the last 3 to 6 decades, because the capitalist West gave it a huge boost up from Nixon onward — and China, though still a dictatorship, embraced capitalism. If this country still operated under a centralized, “managed” economy, it would still be a land of starvation and poverty. In gratitude, China is now putting the helpful West in its military sights, one of the greatest acts of hypocrisy, of biting the hand that helped you up off the floor, in history.)

Why then is Biden trying to emulate the two greatest economic failures ever? Less than one year after he left his basement to rule America, his communist executive orders are already creating the same historic failures of Marxist centralization, embodied by rising inflation, workers staying home, and shortages caused by choking, gasping supply chains.

Just one example: in 2020, even with the pandemic, the US was independent in oil, and gas prices were in the two dollar per gallon range. Immediately upon assuming the throne, Biden stopped the Keystone pipeline, outlawed fracking and stopped drilling on federal lands. Result: gasoline prices doubled in less than a year. Like any good communist, Biden then blamed the (private, capitalist) oil companies for the rising prices, and vowed to start an investigation into their “price gouging.” What a jack ass.
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Black supremacists such as Joy Reid and Colin Kaepernick (and a hundred others) somehow, in their twisted views, are calling Kyle Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” even though there is not one shred of evidence that he was/is, and even though he did not attack/confront/shoot one Black man, woman or child. Black figureheads and pontificators are so riled up that they turn to stupidity.

Though Kyle shot 3 WHITE MEN, all who attacked him, and all whom had criminal records as long as your arm (one was convicted of raping 5 boys under the age of 11, among other things — an act now considered acceptable by many American school boards, which have placed books in school libraries showing pornography –  these Black bigots insisted the trial was all about racial prejudice against the Black community.

(BTW, statistics show that white criminals are shot disproportionately MORE than Black felons. And researchers conducting experiments have found that white cops hesitate about one second longer before shooting at Black perps than at White perps. So these Blacks are simply liars and paranoids.)

These fat, wealthy Blacks who spew lies and toxic views should hang their heads in shame. And so Biden, whom Kyle can now sue for calling him a white supremacist before the trial. Biden’s statement was not only defamatory, it also was an attempt to influence the court and jurors to convict Kyle for the most basic and selfish of reasons: he thought it would help him get elected (and “fog over” his own bigotry, his relations to the KKK, his demeaning comments about East Indians, etc.).

I hope Kyle Rittenhouse sues Biden for about 500 million, just as the Sandmann boy sued CNN, MSNBC and other deliberate liars/defamers — and won. (Kyle can probably sue CNN and the rest of Biden’s harem of flunkies, as well as Biden. And probably Facebook and Twitter, who tried to obstruct justice by banning all supportive comments before and during the trial, leaving only negative views of Kyle. Eventually, God will deal with these creatures.)  

Last week, I opined that many Americans will wish there were 100 more Kyle Rittenhouses. Considering the Black media response to his acquittal — and such White Democratic liars-in-chief as Jerry Nadler — read his statement on Kyle’s acquittal for a shockingly laughable distortion of reality — I’m sure it’s on the web — I now wish there were 10,000 Rittenhouses.

It is to weep.
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About those Trump supporters being subpoenaed and threatened with jail if they don’t testify in front of Pelosi’s bogus 6/1 (1/6?) insurrection commission. (She’s the one who ran two malicious partisan “kangaroo court” impeachment trials against Trump, both of which failed despite her collusion with the FBI to hide evidence.) :

The answer isn’t to refuse to appear, as Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows have, the answer is to appear and then to state: “I cannot answer questions created by liars and hypocrites. What kind of true answers can I give if I’m answering the profoundly immoral and wicked people who populate your commission? Therefore I will answer all your questions if you first remove Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC (*) and the others who have lied repeatedly and/or committed felonies over the last five years.” 

“Oh, and two more conditions:

1) you must let me ask a few questions. For example why did the police open doors and invite the crowd into the House? And condition,
2)  if you show the video of the police kicking and clubbing a woman (prone on the ground) until she died, and if you show the video of undercover FBI provocateurs stirring up the crowd(s) and encouraging citizens to enter the House, and the video of Ashley Babbit being shot in the face by police. If you will release all 20,000 hours of video of the “insurrection” and if you remove these forenamed liars and hypocrites, I will be glad to answer all your questions.
Otherwise, I can only say your persistent evil has shocked me so deeply that it has frozen my mind and removed my memory, at least temporarily. Like Herman Melville’s Billy Budd (who by the way was innocent). I am so shocked by your evil accusations that I’m rendered speechless. Please correct your evil, expunge the slimy snakes from this committee, and I will attempt to recover and answer your questions.”

(*) Of course, it would be wise to have a list of these “walking criminals’” and their bad acts to support this statement. (E.g., videos of Schiff telling America that he has “irrefutable proof” of Trump’s Russian collision, when he knew full well that the collusion was Hillary Clinton’s — not Trump’s.)
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 I see the Justice Dept. or someone is suing “white supremacist” organizations (Proud Boys and Oath Keepers?) for the Charlottesville riot that occurred in 2017 when their permitted march was opposed by leftists, with violence ensuing. A white male at some point drove a car into the marchers, killing 1 and maiming 24. Inexcusable, absolutely. This action by one man has become a symbol of violent white supremacists — “WS.” (White supremacists, as opposed to “BS,” Black supremacists).

(Otherwise, the “white supremacists” march through Charlottesville was much more peaceful than the many Antifa and BLM marches/riots which destroyed property, burned police stations and court houses, and beat innocent white people to death.)

Oddly enough, when a Black man last week drove a car through a Christmas parade, killing and maiming 67 people (42 more than the white driver in Charlottesville) not one word has been breathed about his being a Black supremacist — nor even about his being Black, or a member of BLM. It follows that BLM should be sued for the same hundreds of millions as the WS guys. But will he/they be? I doubt it: Blacks have a “Get out of Jail Free” card — as this driver did, being released on a mere $1,000 bail several days before for intentionally running his SUV over a woman who was pregnant with his baby — after he punched her in the face.

In the days of the Black Panthers 50 years ago, political Blacks were railroaded into jail on false evidence (probably supplied by the False Bureau of Investigation) — now the pendulum has swung the other way, exonerating Black violence and condemning Whites. 

The cosmos balances itself, the pendulum swings.
