Tag Archives: Forecast



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  5:44 am to 5:03 pm Sun, 9:51 am to 7:03 pm Tues., and 11:52 am to 11:54 pm Thurs.


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Here’s what I think: I do not think there will be another major war like WW 1 or WW 2. I think Nations will become so interwoven in their interests, their trade, their medical and scientific discoveries, that for one major nation to make war on another would be like stabbing one’s self in the leg. The nuclear deterrent, which has worked so far, might be seen by history as the first step to worldwide peace. The second step is the existing commercial and cultural intermingling. This cultural intermingling is mirrored on another level by the massive migratory flows occurring in the last 20 or 30 years: Mexico, Syria, Libya, Vietnamese, Poles, Croatians, et al…
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I’m sorry, I just have to say this: the incredibly terrible job Biden and his fellow conspirators are doing, with war, the world, the economy, legal affairs, etc. — This shows what happens when you let a criminal mafia into your neighbourhood. When they steal an election, you get a hollowed out country. This was not an election by the People; it was an election to trap and gain power over the People. So, like all criminal mafias, this administration gives nothing; it only creates that great sucking sound, the sound of your rights, your freedom of expression, your right to justice, being sucked out the window.

Over a year ago I said voting for Biden would be like buying a haunted house. Evil has no fertility, no humanity. Biden and his crooked crew can’t make the nation flourish, much less operate ordinarily. It’s a big, hollow, fragile nation now. The first Revolution (1776) produced a cleavage from England; the present second revolution might produce a cleavage of the nation itself.
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I see Jen Psaki, the White House spokesperson, has said she will be stepping down. I hope so. She has lied so many times to cover Biden’s mistakes, that she’s become 1) not credible, and 2) boring. Look at the reporters during recent press sessions: their eyes have grown hard and skeptical, even angry at her smooth, unguent deceptions. Poo on her; glad to see her go.
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Whoopie Goldberg, who used to be a comic, but now is just an obese dinosaur, claimed today on “The View” that racism is as terrible as ever, but her only examples came from half a century and more ago — she ranted on about lynchings, how Black men had to step off the sidewalk when a White man passed, etc. — all instances from the pre-sixties and MLK. Like fellow Hollywood termites, Cher, Joy Behar, etc., Whoopie is a Class A bigot.

But this brings up another problem: ancient anger. Whoopie’s views might be unreasonable, but they are justified in the sense that the ancient wrongs committed on her “relatives” still exist — in the fires of ancestral resentment. Whites can’t expect their former crimes to simply slide away on the breeze.

Blacks contain a reservoir of anger at the severe injustices and cruelties done to them for 200+ years, and they retain this anger despite the apologies and supplications of the “Whites.” And that’s reasonable in a way: you can’t, for example, murder my father, and then years later come and say, well, sorry, let’s be equal friends now. No justice in that. So they remain much more bigoted than Whites. Who can blame them?

But the other side is, millions of us Whites had nothing to do with their slavery or treatment in the past, NOR DID OUR ANCESTORS. But Blacks blame us anyway. I grew up in extreme poverty, (well, poverty has a limit: what is more extreme than nothing?) and probably had a more horrific childhood than 90% of Blacks. (Hence the psychic abilities: they come from trauma and dissociation.) And, like many Blacks today, I worked my way up economically and… Well not socially, not much.  So, Blacks, get off my case. I owe you nothing, nada. Stand down. Fix your own life.

And when you are already wealthy, powerful and pampered, don’t lecture me on how good your fat Blackness is, and how bad my starving Whiteness is.

(Okay, enuf self-pity, too.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

A karmic week. Secrets, finances, sexual temptations, medical issues and lifestyle changes are possible. Don’t be too impulsive. Bosses favour you — something big or consequential is brewing here, won’t “end” until early 2022.

Travel and ideas are your focus Sunday. By supper time until Tuesday evening, your career, ambitions, prestige relations and standing in the community are highlighted in a lucky way. I said above bosses are favouring you now into 2022 — a rare opportunity. (Some might wed.)

Tuesday night through Thursday brings happiness, social delights, optimism and (mildly muted) popularity. Although your mood is great, conditions are terrible for practical progress, especially Wednesday. Retreat Friday/Saturday. Rest, research, ponder and plan — and liaise with civil servants, admin workers or advisers.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Relationships fill your horizon now, Taurus. Relationships, opportunities, public dealings, possible relocation, and possible opposition or enmity. Be diplomatic but eager. A long, sweet, but ultimately indecision-producing phase brings you academic, international, and/or love success now to early 2022.

Early Sunday contains a mystery, but this suppertime to Tuesday evening brings academic, legal, far travel and cultural matters… in fortunate ways. Your career and worldly status are in focus Tuesday night through Thursday. Proceed carefully here, as at least five obstacles stand in your way. A partner might be upset about the sluggish pace or difficulty in achieving some kind of security.

Friday/Saturday brings social joys, popularity, optimism — and the chance of a wish coming true, especially in romantic or sexual areas. Lucky 2 days!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The general accent lies on work, health, machinery and taking care of dependents, Gemini. Though these are your main focus now to November 20, something big is brewing in your area of investment, debt, sexual intimacy, research, medical and lifestyle choices. Speaking of choices, it might be well into early 2022 before you finally close a deal or make up your mind in this area. Love, and love’s restrictions upon you, will play a powerful role. Some Geminis will undergo a lucky and almost complete change of fortune or of lifestyle.

Remember these words Sunday suppertime (PST) to Tuesday eve — a superb period to chase those investment, sexual, lifestyle etc. goals. (Earlier, Sunday daytime is for relationships: agree to agree.) Law, culture, far travel, academia, publishing, love — these call you Tues. eve through Thurs. Be cautious! Many potholes, traps, or irksome glitches lie in wait, esp. Wed. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — efforts will be rewarded, now or later. Approach the boss, or VIPs.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Until late November, Cancer, the accent is on romance, beauty and pleasure. Although it may have a slender beginning, something huge is brewing in your relationship zone, and will develop right into early 2022. The planet involved is Venus, so the emotion involved must be love — or the attempt to make a wish come true, perhaps about a home, a child. (It’s a fortunate wish, so don’t let go, even through an indecisive phase, mid-late December into January.) You could, this November, meet a future mate — or even a future domicile (at a distance).

All the stuff begins Sunday supper time to Tuesday eve, in a lovely, fortunate way. (Earlier, Sunday’s for chores.) Mid week brings depths of financial, sexual or lifestyle importance. DON’T COMMIT — future consequences might be terrible, or entail a wee financial loss, etc. Friday and Saturday are mellow, calm calm, and farseeing. Your mood will be philosophical and your manner gentle. Love possible, very possible.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Until November 21, Leo, you remain immersed in domestic matters. Use this time to fix family issues, repair premises, and get lots of rest. Take daily naps. Try not to be overbearing or to lose your temper on the domestic front. Children can be more easily cowed than we suspect.

Sunday daytime is romantic, or at least sparks dreams of love. This suppertime to Tues. eve brings a fortunate work phase, good also for machinery purchases/ repairs. This is actually the start of a several-months-long (into early 2022)A improvement in your work zone and in health. (One caution: diabetic, blood sugar, kidney or liver issues might arise for “sweet-toothers.”)

Midweek is filled with relationships and “opportunities” — proceed very cautiously, especially Wednesday, as almost nothing works and almost everything can become a problem. Side step arguments – don’t make enemies. It is easy to start a fight. Friday and Saturday brain sexual temptations, financial opportunities, research and revelations, almost all of it lucky! A fine interval to make an investment, or to change your lifestyle.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A flurry of communications, calls, trips, paperwork and casual contacts will grow into a veritable snowstorm, Virgo, so be prepared: buy stationery, gas up the car, etc. (This dies down, but not completely, after Nov. 20.)

Sunday daytime is for home, family, rest. But  Sunday suppertime to Tuesday eve starts a sweet romantic streak/feeling. This is a major trend, Virgo, that will last into 2022. For romantics, it brings a memorable love. For others of you, it very fortunately boosts your creative, sports/games, child-raising or beauty-oriented efforts — for months. But there will be a period of indecision, mid-Dec. through January (22).

Tackle chores midweek (Tues. eve through Thurs.) — but carefully. Follow safety rules, wear the right clothes. Many obstacles need care, esp. Wed. You might witness cruelty, or an accident. Friday/Saturday are for relationships, opportunities, distant horizons, public dealings. All’s good these 2 days, so plunge ahead, offer yourself as a helper, a partner.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The time to Nov. 21 is filled with money, Libra. But remember, money can flow two ways! Avoid incurring debt. (Actually, the money  flow could reach to mid-December.) You will likely be attracted to a casual sexual affair. Librans in trade school, e.g., learning car mechanics, will have solid success.

Sunday daytime brings calls, errands, nothing of importance. This suppertime ( 5 pm PST) to Tuesday eve brings a down-home quietude. Sink into the bliss of “Home.” It’s a lucky interval, but more importantly, it’s the start of over 3 months of good fortune around the home. A good phase to buy/sell a home or land, to renovate/decorate, give birth, celebrate your children, enhance their future, etc. (DON’T start renovations, etc., mid-Dec. to late January.)

Midweek, Tues. night through Thurs., shunts you into a romantic mood — careful – problems, even cruelties, exist, esp. Wed. Tackle chores, employment issues, health concerns Friday/Sat. — good luck lifts your steps. Good time to buy machinery or tools. (Avoid early morning, Saturday, PST.)

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re in power, in charge, Scorpio! This is your time, make the most of it. Launch projects, lead others, approach VIPs Thursday to Nov. 21. One thing: your communication (and sarcasm?) skills are high now, but so is your assertiveness and determination — don’t let those last two nudge you into being tyrannical or unsympathetic.

Sunday daytime continues a minor money pursuit, but without much result. This suppertime (PST) to Tuesday eve brings good luck in the form of friendly contacts, restless urges to travel, visit, good phone calls/texts, and perhaps a project involving these, such as a mail ad campaign, or redoing the telephone or filing system at your office, or buying a nice car. This trend lasts right into early 2022 — which hints that a medium-range project would be a good choice. Of course if you do nothing, you could just have affectionate relationships for a few months.

Midweek (Tues. eve through Thurs.) steers you toward home, family, security — and obstacles, real ones. Now is when that overbearing streak might appear — be a saint, esp. to kids! Friday/Saturday are purely, potently and fortunately romantic. If single, gear up your courage and chase someone. Creative, pleasurable and beautiful pursuits also favoured. Risk and gambling a bit, too.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

For two more weeks, Sage, lie low, rest and re-gather your strength, ponder and plan. Look at where you are now, how you got here, and where you want to go from here. Seek advice, research, observe. Deal with institutions, civil servants, admin workers. Until mid-December, avoid places of violence, belligerent people and hot machinery. One or two confidential conversations lie ahead: you will be dealing with secrets.

Your energy’s high Sunday daytime, but nothing begs doing. From suppertime Sunday (PST) to Tues. eve, money arrives, and you feel like spending — go ahead. This interval might also “offer” tempting casual intimacy. It’s not deep and passionate, but it might be someone you could love. This is actually the start of a fairly major streak lasting until early 2022. Your $ fortunes are on the rise.

Errands, visits, calls, paperwork, casual contacts fill midweek (Tues. eve through Thurs.) — but NOT in a good way. Think before you speak or text, drive carefully, and ignore cruel gossip, esp. Wed. A brand new friend is likely a bad friend. Be home, with family, Friday/Sat. A splendid two days for nature, garden, security, hugging the kids, repairs, decorating, etc.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Yes, wishes can come true, Cap, esp. this week and next. Be social, be optimistic and be witty — your popularity is high and the future looks bright! A male might befriend you, whatever your sex.

Rest up Sunday daytime. This eve to Tuesday eve imbues you with extra energy, charisma and clout. Your sense of timing will be good. One almost unnoticeable but significant change occurs: you become noticeably more attractive to others, now into early 2022. If single, a friendly love affair might begin — is quite likely. If not in the love market, you’ll still be filled with creative urges, temptations (mostly lucky) to take a risk, or to pursue beauty, pleasure, sports, games. A good outlook for love!

Mid-week (Tues. eve through Thurs.) focuses on money, purchases, sex. TAKE CARE — obstacles, losses, accidents possible, esp. Wed. (Don’t mix friends and $, either.) Friday/Saturday bring errands, paperwork, casual chats, trips — great time for a “patio brunch” on a busy, interesting street. Anyone who befriends you these two days is a “keeper.”

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

This week and next continue the emphasis on your ambitions and your place in the world, Aquarius. Now to mid-December, higher-ups can be impatient and temperamental. Don’t “stand up for yourself,” or you’ll get knocked down. Instead, either humbly do your work, or talk to a boss, conversationally, not challengingly. Remember, in the big picture, you are still headed for solid “adventure,” maybe a new life — and to a $ bonanza in 2022. Don’t jinx it with a fight/argument.

Hopes, friendships brighten Sunday. But retreat this suppertime to Tues. eve. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan. Contact civil servants, admin or institutional workers, a mentor or advisor (or seek one). All background and management contacts/efforts will pay off.

This is a calm, comfortable period, and starts a streak that will last into early 2022 — quiet, affectionate “withdrawal.” Good time to learn meditation. Good time to gain a management position, promotion. Good time generally for investment, also.

Midweek, your energy returns, you want to take charge and get things rolling — but some pretty big obstacles can grab at your ankles, esp. Wed. Go slow. A boss, a cop, a judge, has no humour. Chase $ Friday/Sat. — your luck’s high. Good day to find bargains. A casual embrace might be offered.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Far travel, international affairs, legal, academic, cultural, philosophical and media interests blossom for the next two weeks, Pisces. Oh, and love, too, the gentle sort. Mars in this area cautions against overspending, legal fights (draining funds) and love that is too aggressive.

Sunday daytime invites your ambition, but won’t reward it (much). This supper hour (5 pm PST) to Tuesday eve starts a beautiful, inspiring, social, uplifting mood/streak that will last into 2022. It could bring love, the kind of light love that’s good for marriage. By next February, at least two wishes (about love, but more accurately about sex, or finances) should come true. A great interval — run out and make friends!

Midweek (Tues. eve through Thurs.) your energy wilts, so withdraw to rest and recuperate, to study and manage, to organize and plan. BUT be very cautious with actions, esp. Wed., when “failures lie deep.” Someone’s stubbornness could cause a dispute, perhaps a legal one. Stay out. Friday/Saturday, your energy, pizzazz, clout and effectiveness soar. People will be impressed, follow you with their eyes. Start projects, lead others, try new things, state love. You’ll end this week very satisfied, with a smile.



I was hoping, this week, to give you Chapter Two of my story (and when I do I’ll include Chap. 1 again — partly because it’s changed a bit). But I’ve been in bed for five days with the flu, so those plans went out the window. And, your intrepid computer surfer has wiped out again — it looks like “Pages” (Apple’s word processor) ate a 30,000 word section, already written, one of the climaxes of the story. God hates me, I don’t know why. I just don’t have the heart or passion to write that again. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll just take a sledgehammer to every computer I come across, starting with my own. So, hopefully next week. No promises.
