Tag Archives: love

~WEEKLY FORECAST ~ MARCH 15 – 21, 2020

Author Portrait

Email: suningem@gmail.com

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START NOTHING:  2:34 am to 9:25 am Mon., 5:48 pm to 6:16 pm Wed., and 2 am Fri. to 5:33 am Sat.


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All Signs: Mercury retro ended early last week, so you can march ahead with favourite projects, and launch new ones.
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Deaths from the coronavirus will tend to peak March 19 to 23, and might stay in high numbers until April 6.  If the virus survives, we might see a resurgence of deaths in late June and the first half of November. (Although it is possible that these dates bring another “mass death” event.)
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Odd thing about this crash in the stock markets (down 30% as I write this):  the flattening of the yield curve, which was hinting at a recession, has ended during this downfall, so… not hinting at a recession. !?

(BTW, if you’re looking to buy stocks at these “bargain prices,” try Friday, March 13. The markets will likely rise this day.) (PS: Today is Friday; the markets jumped up about 10 %. I think the whole week ahead [March 15-21] will tend to support rising stock prices. (NOTE: March 16, I expected the markets to start recovering after 10 am (PDT). That they did not, hints that this whole week of “recovery” will disappoint, and rather than a temporary relief, might actually be the beginning of the long, low, U-shaped bear I mentioned before.

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Remember when (July 2014) the Toronto stock exchange (TSX) hit 14,000+, and I said the Canadian market would not go up for a long time. Well, today, March 12, the TSE hit 14,500 — where it was 6 years ago. (Today, March 16, it’s actually in the 12,000’s — down almost 15 % over 6 years!) Remember a few months ago, when I wondered why anyone would buy Canadian stocks?
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You’ll soon hear secrets, and might correspond with the gov’t or a large corporation. Continue to lie low, to rest, ponder and plan — until Friday, when a month of rising energy, clout and charisma lifts you on its shoulders. (All the more reason to rest until Fri. — build up your reserves for the energetic action(s) you’ll soon be diving into.) Continue to be diplomatically assertive in your career and with VIPs, bosses. Your money picture looks good.

Saturn enters your social sign Saturday, portending a slightly more sluggish, but career-benefitting social life in the couple of years ahead. Sunday into early Monday draws you toward law, far travel, intellectual pursuits and cultural venues — but not with great success, so proceed cautiously. Your career and relations with prestigious people are highlighted mid day Monday to Wednesday night. This is a truly fortunate interval — or would be, if the lunar south node wasn’t also affecting this area. It counsels waiting until after May 5 to pursue strong ambitions. Still, fortunate aspects in this zone keep you satisfied, productive. Happiness arrives late Wed. to dawn Sat., as your popularity rises, friends welcome you, and entertainment, optimism and flirtations pour your way. An adventurous, ambitious action might pay off in splendid ways. Saturday’s for rest, contemplation — all’s well!

taurus iconTAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Continue to avoid legal complications/fights — or any strong, opinionated arguments, Taurus. Your physical beauty (ok, handsomeness!) continues to grow/glow all month. Yes, someone wants you, but might be scared to upset an applecart. You’ll talk about your hopes and wishes with someone, esp. your wishes about romance. (Someone who eluded you might return.) But you are also entering a month, Friday, that will lower your energy and charisma — a hibernation month. So realize that although affection comes your way, you need to guard against clandestine or verboten bonds.

Sunday’s very sexy, but not particularly lucky — Monday morning, the same. Not a good time to invest, start medical procedures, nor make lifestyle changes. A wise, mellow mood steals over you midday Mon. to Wed. night. Now everything improves. Love possible. Others admire you, you them. Lots of affection Tues., possible merging, partnering Wed. Various strings come together to start a rope. Think in profound terms, not lightly. Thursday/Friday bring pressures, career, status efforts, relations with higher-ups. Not the luckiest period, so proceed with “normal caution.” An adventurous escapade/joining might occur Fri., but long-range it has no propulsion. Saturday’s for enjoying company, optimism, looking far ahead. Happiness whispers!

gemini icon  GEMINI;  May 21-June 20

Your last week of career, status, reputational and similar pressures, Gemini. Work hard — Friday will bring release, will start a month of celebration, popularity and optimism. (But this won’t be total “release,” as the weeks ahead are filled with “ambitious chatter,” or discussions of upcoming projects/duties. Get your gift of gab ready!) Guard against the “burning” of your assets, all March. Your inner life remains mellow, calm. Alone, not lonely. You might be attracted to a Taurus.

Relationships fill Sunday and the first half of Monday (PDT) but not fortunately. Be diplomatic, avoid confrontations. Realize you might be wrong about something: impressions defeat logic. Midday Mon. to Wed. suppertime brings assets, finances, investments and debt to the forefront. Sexual desires, secrets, research, medical procedures also slated. This is a fortunate period, Gemini, so charge ahead. I”m not sure whether to advise investing or not, embracing intimacy or not, commitment or not. On the one hand, good luck surrounds you in these zones; on the other hand, the lunar south node is still sending out warning signals until early May. Your mental, intellectual self takes over Wed. night through Fri. Luck is mixed, so stay within the boundaries of common sense. Far travel, legal, publishing and cultural matters come to the fore. Be ambitious Sat. (Or a conscientious parent.) Store clerks call you “Sir,” or “Ma’am.”

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Relationships remain intense — and filled with possibilities, significance. Not sure if you should dive into this maelstrom of romance, partnership, work/health, ambitions and consequence — certainly you should after May 5, but before that date results are unpredictable: you might ( in 10-20% of cases) “grab destiny,” or you might (in 80-90% of cases) entangle yourself in a rope tied to a sinking ship. Safety says wait, but safety-seekers seldom grab the main prize. Friday ends a month of profound ideas and starts one of ambition and prestige relations.

Tackle chores Sunday to midday Mon. (PDT). Stick to routine; follow safety rules. Eat, dress sensibly. Those intense relationship prospects face you midday Monday to suppertime Wednesday. Some tremendous good luck is floating around these bonds, or potential bonds, but remember the 80 – 20 ratio mentioned above. I think, this interval, that good luck might be accompanied by good karma, i.e., “good destiny” — more than usual. Thursday/Friday steer you into deeper waters: sexual desires, investigation, investments and debt, commitment and consequence. As the consequences don’t look that good, I’d hold off on the commitments. Saturday’s fine, mellow, a good day for lover’s talks, foreign movies, university lectures, or designing a legal strategy.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Friday replaces a month of secrets and deep forces, with a month of wisdom, empathy and universal sight. Your workload continues to be hard and significant, and higher-ups continue to favour you. A promotion might be in sight?

Sunday through mid day Monday speaks of romance; or rather, it mumbles, as there just isn’t much good luck here right now. Enjoy the mood without necessarily acting on it. Nothing disastrous, so don’t worry. Hug the kids, they need to be noticed. Dive into that workload midday Monday to suppertime Wednesday. As I mentioned, your work will be hard but very significant: it may have bearing on your home, security, love life, and philosophical or cultural position in life. This short interval is filled with good luck, but keep a cautious eye open as various subtle difficulties might be larger than they look.

Relationships fill Wednesday night to dawn Saturday. Your luck is mixed here, so don’t push things beyond their boundaries. Be diplomatic, and open to everything presented by others. At work, you might receive the biggest job yet. If this grows, it could become a source of happiness and a feeling that you are doing exactly what you were meant to do on this earth. Saturday flows easily; no problems. You’ll chase a secret, or try to become intimate, or act financially. Saturday begins several months of sober, serious relationship vibes, possible joining with a co-worker.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Like Leo, you might be romancing a co-worker (someone in your field, not necessarily someone at your workplace) next week through June, and again in 2021/22. You won’t notice this at first. Your romantic picture continues to look like a maelstrom of good luck, high sexual desire, significant communications, subtle moral traps or obstacles… and the possibility of true love arising from these complex flames. (If you’re willing to forgo the sexual obsession, you can wait until May onward, when ONLY love can emerge from these depths, and the subtle moral dilemmas will have disappeared.) Through all this, at least in March, you maintain a mellow, compassionate and understanding attitude. This could lead to wedding songs. If you don’t want love, just spend the time ahead locked in your closet.

Sunday/Monday are for your home, garden, children, nutrition and mother nature. As good luck is limited here, stick to routine. Midday Monday (PDT) to Wednesday suppertime brings that “storm of romance” mentioned above. Be good hearted and dive in… carefully. This is also a good interval for teaching children, beauty and the arts, sports and games. Tackle chores Wednesday night to Saturday dawn. If you stick to a routine you’ll be fine and will accomplish a good amount. A sexual/romantic bond might be born. Saturday brings relationships, mild and productive ones… Get out and meet people, look for opportunities.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The accent remains on work and health, Libra — at least until Friday, when a month of relationships begins… a month that will excite your heart, and could lead to very big things later in the year. You can hardly imagine what awaits you, but by the end of the year you’ll say, “Wow! and Whew!” (Love partners for singles, practical partners for the married, and opportunities for all.) Meanwhile, your domestic arena remains:

1) active;
2) a problem (anything from a leaking pipe to “I can’t sell this d—- place!”;
3) incredibly complex;
4) lucky;
5) money-making or money-draining;
6) filled with subtle obstacles and difficult karma (only to May 5) and;
7) somehow, exactly what it should be.

These themes will become obvious this week, Monday midday to suppertime Wed. (PDT) during a couple of very lucky days. March forward, while making sure you’re not trying to fool anyone or skip necessary steps.

Sunday to midday Monday brings errands, communications, paperwork. Be friendly but avoid commitments. Watch what you eat Sunday afternoon. The midweek interval, focusing on your domestic situation, has already been described above. Romance, beauty, pleasure, risk-taking, and charming children arrive Wednesday night to Saturday dawn. Luck is mixed, so proceed with care and grace. A huge property/domestic project might begin (or be necessary). Saturday is for work and daily health. You’ll get things done.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

For the rest of March, Scorpio, others will respond positively to your approach, whether on practical or emotional levels. Seize opportunities. This is your last week of general romantic, creative, speculative and pleasure objectives. You’re very busy, especially with paperwork, communications, travel and errands, esp. Monday noon (PDT) to Wednesday suppertime. Many things are tied up in this busyness: your work,  income, your own personality, and a mild, subtle potential for problems if you ignore small warnings. Friday begins a month of hard work.

Pursue money Sunday till midday Monday, buy and sell, pay and collect, but avoid major purchases, as problems exceed solutions. Monday noon to Wed. suppertime is described above — your luck’s good and strong. Now, what does karma say (what do you deserve)? Steer yourself toward home and family Wednesday night to Saturday dawn. This is neither a lucky well and unlucky interval, so just proceed with your natural instincts. You might begin a big work project with a big $ pay off in mind, or you might start writing something that will grow. Saturday’s for love and romance, sports, beauty, creative urges. If married, take the kids out for fun. All is well!

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The emphasis continues on your home, family, property, nutrition and security, Sage — but only to Thursday. Late this night (PDT) you start a romantic, joyous, beauty-filled month. (One that could contain hints, precursors, of the rest of 2020 — get ready for love’s adventures, Sage!) Your money and possessions remain a tangled web of anger, good luck, subtle karmic “traps,” practical realism and what seems a cruel or unfair restriction. (Someone going through a toxic divorce/settlement would feel like this.) This lasts through March… and the “karmic traps” last until May 5. Listen, Sage, you can try to tackle these money problems now, but there’s no rush (except your own impatience). By May to December, the “difficult karma” will leave this money zone, making your $ actions much more effective. You might tackle some of these obstacles mid-week (Monday midday to suppertime Wed.) when your luck is high and sweet.

Your energy and charisma are top notch Sunday to midday Monday, but a lack of good luck advises just maintaining the status quo. (Just enjoy the attention — or “pull rank” on a jerk.) Mid-week (“money and possessions”) is described above. Errands, paperwork, communications, and short travel fill Wednesday night to Saturday dawn (PDT). Here the planetary aspects are not great, so just shuffle through this without taking big chances. You might begin a major earnings project; it might grow large in future, so take it seriously and give it a chance. Saturday is for home, children, enhancing your security, improving nutrition and embracing mother nature. All’s well!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The general accent remains on swift, easy chores, communications, short trips, paperwork, contacts and errands. Friday changes this, and starts an important month of domesticity, of endings and new beginnings, of pruning “deadwood” from your life and relationships. Until March’s end, Mars will be pushing you to end a situation or bond, perhaps cutting a link to the gov’t or a large corporation. Then, July onward, this same Mars will be nudging you to build something new — a love, a house, a whatever. Until April 3, romance can thrill you, esp. if he/she is “prestigious.”

Lie low, rest and contemplate Sun. to midday Mon. No good luck, no bad luck. Just rest. Your energy, charisma and sense of timing soar midday Mon. to suppertime Wed. (PDT). Superb luck rides with you. Start things, attract allies, be a leader. Your hold most of the power in the zodiac now.  One thing: all you do to reach out, to form bonds, to co-operate, succeeds. But if you work solely for your own benefit, you’ll fail sooner or later. (This advice holds to May 5.) Earnings, possessions, buying/selling, and sensual attractions fill Thurs./Fri. Luck is neither good nor bad, so stick to routine — e.g., buy groceries, not a car. Saturday’s for errands, casual friends, communications… enjoy your neighbourhood.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

The general emphasis remains on buying/selling, income, casual sensual attraction, memory and rote learning. But only to late night Thursday, when a month of quickness, restlessness, short trips, paperwork and easy chores begins. Your background area (gov’t, admin. office, charities, spiritual progress, rest, meditation) holds a lot of sway even though it is not emphasized right now. (Well, it will be emphasized Monday noon to Wed. suppertime this week.) Half of all the planets are there now, representing a stew of optimism and good luck, restrictions and regulations, heat, communications, management and career/ambitions. Whether you give this area a serious try, or simply let it be, you might be wise to wait until May 5 onward to initiate anything huge here.

Sunday to noon Monday brings you fresh hope, boosts your popularity and social joys. Although a lack of good luck says enjoy this mood, but avoid serious action/commitment. Mid-week has been described above (“your background area”). You’ll be tried, so get lots of rest. Your energy and charisma will climb strongly from Wednesday night till dawn Saturday. Be a leader, but start only minor things, as a few difficult obstacles will negatively impact big launches. A gov’t or management connection might blossom into a strong, valid bond or project. Saturday’s for money, possessions, rote learning and sensual attractions… no huge luck here, but no bad luck either; just go steadily ahead and enjoy the day!

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Your energy, charisma and clout remain at a yearly high — but Friday will start a month of money, possessions and learning. Communications are affectionate all March. A friendly love affair might start anytime this month, but esp. this Monday pm to suppertime Wed., when your social life, hopes and wishes, popularity and entertainment desires and flirtatious side all blossom with a complex flower, composed of intellectual and cultural views, love, law, money, future goals and career-boosting good fortune — and, perhaps, a subtle trap if you harbour tawdry motives. (To be absolutely safe, dive into this social area after May 5, for its benefits last almost all year — no rush.) This is the most significant area for you all 2020 — your future is on a kind of hinge, or flex-point, so your choices are important.

Be ambitious, or at least contemplate your career future Sunday to midday Monday. Not the best time for action, or launching projects, but not the worst, either. Just stay on the reasonable side. Monday pm to suppertime Wed. has already been addressed above. (Starting with “a friendly love…”) Withdraw Thurs./Fri. — sleep, ponder, plan, deal with civil servants, agents, counsellors, “head office,” and spiritual and charitable people/ organizations. Your energy and pizzazz surge upward Saturday, so march forth. All’s well, and anything reasonable succeeds.



No matter how much we curse it, we treasure our own destiny. We even brag about our bad luck.
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Whenever I say “karmic event,” I am referring to subtle outcomes, or ones that might take weeks, months or years to unfold. Karma is the thing itself. It has no colour, sheen, flesh, nor any life outside its presence. It is only known by events. Sometimes these events take years to evolve to the point at which we notice and reference them in karmic terms.
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Coronavirus: This idea’s too late, but would still be interesting. Why doesn’t the American CDC draw a grid across the continental United States, with lines, say, 100 miles apart, north-south and e-w. Then test the 100 people closest to the intersections of that grid. This would give about 430 intersections, give or take, and about 43,000 test results. I think this would give a neat picture of the spread of Covid 19. If the test was done weekly or monthly, it would show you how the pathogen is spreading. All sorts of things.
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What’s with these insects? I went out on my east porch the other morning, early March. The sun poured over a frozen landscape. I  almost slipped on a thin, melting pancake of ice. The fields were frosted white. I had left a glass of juice out the night before. On the glass’s rim a housefly balanced. I shooed him and he flew away. Perhaps it was the sun which woke and warmed the fly. Yet similar things occur at night.

Tonight, March 9, while I sat on the back porch in the semi-dark, flying insects, longer and slower than flies, light brown tubular bodies with large lazy, light tan wings (lazy, as insects go). Curious, because I had been talking about these with Bill about 2 weeks ago, both of us remarking on this oddity of insects surviving, even thriving (for a number of them flew around me, and I had seen them on and off for at least 2 weeks) in the cold. So tonight I leapt off the porch and strolled around the house to the north porch, where I had a thermometer. It was between 1.5 and 2 degrees above 0. That was only 9 pm. By 4 or 5 am, freezing could happen.

What kind of insect dances through the air in near freezing temperatures? Is it a super-insect (a super evolvement across many insect species), one that, though not warm blooded as a mammal, can still operate effectively in only a degree or two above freezing. And what caused such an adaptation? Is something coming? Do the insects sense something we can’t? e.g. a looming ice age? If so, that says insects pre-see events, which infers at least intelligence, perhaps more.

Or perhaps it is all just natural, maybe insects have always been this way. Maybe there is no portent, and insects flying in freezing weather is merely an “event,” and such events occur independently of other events, without any event causing another. Yet each is also part of a pattern which spells out the moment’s destiny. That is, certain events might occur together without one causing the other, or with only the tiniest of cause: more like a signal than a driver. Both, perhaps, though seemingly connected only by accident or magic, are caused to appear together in that time by a larger machinery. For example, west coast Indians know that maple trees turn their leaves upside down if it’s going to rain. But who told the maples? (But that’s another story.)
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And a different flattening of the curve:

One of the oldest questions has been: does astrology deserve to be taken seriously or not? To some degree the argument might have existed even 4,000 years (or more) ago, as astrology was being formed. The Old Testament Bible neither praises nor condemns astrology, whereas it does condemn all other methods of divination. In it, God demands that fortune-tellers and psychics (“diviners”) be stoned to death. (The New Testament implies praise of astrology, as it deems astrologers — the 3 wise men — first predicted, found and celebrated the infant Jesus.)

The Old Testament only mentions astrologers twice: in Isaiah, they cannot win a war, and in the Babylonian court, they could not (and said they could not) interpret the king’s dreams. The Old Testament contains only one astrological instruction: do not worship the heavenly bodies. Nevertheless, this Bible contains Prophet Ezekiel’s zodiacal (astrological) visions, including a heaven based on the 12-house chart structure, complete with the “quad” symbols used by astrologers for millennia, the human/angel (Aquarius), lion (Leo),  eagle (Scorpio), and ox (Taurus). These symbols actually came from Babylon, a non-Jewish nation, but one that helped the Jews a lot (after they conquered them).

Earlier, the Babylonians built temples to get closer to the sky, and spent time star-gazing; it is probably inevitable that slowly they would affix meaning to the sky patterns. But do these meanings come from the man’s fantasies, or emotional or other states in the man’s mind, which he then projected onto these star pictures? If so, astrology is just a pleasant fantasy, with nevertheless the ability or power to always spark men’s belief in her. This in itself can spur whole populations, for instance into war.

But if these meanings being affixed to the sky’s patterns come from observation — always a far lonelier and “rewards delayed” situation — then it indicates that astrology, the recipient of this “observation lore,” contains some truth, even if we discover it is only psychological truth. Rewards delayed: the application of fantasy, imagination or psychic revelation can be almost immediate, and since much of the reward for these types lies in helping, in being needed; they benefit as soon as they act. Action comforts them. But observation, to be valuable, should see a phenomenon at least 3 or 4 times — and must see what else appears simultaneously. (Let me use this word broadly.)

This takes much more time than the immediate self-indulgent dive into imagination. It’s possible — I think probable — that what I call imagination might be psychic insight or revelations unremarked, and valuable for that. Or, it is simply imagination, and has shaped the movements of nations. Whether insight or fantasy, I suspect that the hard truths of observation would eventually fill the vaults of astrology to the point where fantasy held only, say, 20 per cent sway.

Oddly, the question of whether astrology is “real,” whether it “works” or not, or whether it can be relied upon statistically, is easy to answer: simply read any of Michel Gauquelin’s books, in which he offers irrefutable (because the sample sizes were so huge —over 10,000 cases in some studies) statistical proof that a planet rising or angular at birth, pointed to success in specific occupations. When he presented his findings to the National Academy of Sciences in France, one member said, “If statistics prove astrology, I no longer believe in statistics.”

I sometimes wonder if astrology was always “meant” to remain the possession of a few people. Say astrology — and astrologers — were so accurate that they could predict the stock market’s ups and downs daily, even to some degree hourly. And this happened, and everybody saw it, and everyone threw away their inhibitions and followed the astrologer’s predictions. Would everyone get rich? No. Would it cause wild gyrations in the market? No (perhaps initially).

It would cause a flattening of the curve. If everyone could predict the stock market’s movements, then the market would suffocate and die, because if it was a good time to buy, no one would sell. If it was a good time to sell, no one would buy. The market would be lifeless. This could lead to a lack of surprise in every part of our lives, and eventually to widespread ennui. (This is one of the essential problems facing humanity: as we evolve and grow more masterful with technology, better farmers, etc., will there remain enough challenge  in our world to keep us enthusiastic?)
