TO ALL READERS: Tim is in hospital this week and can’t do the regular weekly forecast, so he’s decided to gift you with part of your 2020 Love Forecast. Enjoy!
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TO ALL READERS: If you have had trouble purchasing Tim’s 2020 Astrology Forecast book from Amazon, you can order it directly from us. Click the ‘LINK TO PDF’ directly above.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
Ah, love. First, the big picture: March begins three years (to March 2023) of a quieter or more sober, mature social life. In many cases, and on many occasions, your career and social spheres will intermingle. This is not a bad influence, only a maturing one — In 2021, you will likely begin/create a whole new, powerful social circle that can be in your life for decades.
For the first 5 months, romance is a bit changeable. January to mid-February sees you being chased, perhaps by an intelligent, outgoing, temperamental person. He/she will be very social, or draw you into a group, but he/she also knows/senses some of your weaknesses or secrets, so be “aware.”
Your physical charms shine in February. March will bring a sensual attraction, but it’s “only physical” — true love and excitement are missing.
Your social life grows a lot livelier in April, as your charisma rises, but so does social activity. Woe to those who would exclude you from “the club” this month. You might meet someone instrumental to your future career success this April, and to some degree all year. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
2020 is one of the best love years in a decade. Last year attractions were primarily sexual. In 2020, love “ascends” to a gentle, socially-welcomed, compassionate and wise level — often, for singles, this translates into a wedding. For this reason, love is more important than usual.
Venus favours you mid-January to mid-February, March (especially!) August (light, friendly affection) and October (romantic). From late November to mid-December, Venus will introduce single Taureans to a potential life mate. Late December, Venus nudges you toward the boudoir.
You could grow indecisive about an attraction or lover; this might arise from a suspicion that your own feelings are too casual, not passionate enough. On the plus side, it’s a good situation. More deeply, you are undecided about yourself (which causes any relationship indecision). Your present “world” is being shaken up, in unpredictable ways. But until the dust settles, perhaps you’re wise to delay commitment. You’ll reach a decision by July, but not before. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
A year ago, one of your love planets, Uranus, moved into a quiet, restrictive zone, where it will stay until 2026. This tends to steer at least some of your love desires into quietude, a restful place or posture, and into secrecy. A Taurus could become very dear to you, and some Gemini-Taurus weddings will occur this year and the next few. A Libra, who usually sees you as the brain without sex appeal, will change his/her tone and could become physically attracted.
Many single Geminis met their future (or present) mate in 2019. Some of you will meet that person this year or next. Until May, sex will tempt yet largely elude you. May to December, sex will be very available — and fortunate. Though 2020 is a very practical year for you, many smaller flowerings of romance occur, and two major romantic periods arrive, one late Spring, the other from Summer to January 2021.
Small stuff: the first half of January wakes your love senses, as someone quirky but inspiring beguiles you. January to mid-February brings intensity to all your relationships. Be co-operative, make love not war. February spells optimism about love, especially the light, flirty kind. Someone met in a group could become an amour. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Love this year, for singles, is heavily weighted toward marriage or co-habitation. You singles could meet true love, even your destined life mate. But read “Luck” under “Jupiter” and “Karma” for the January to May 5 period — your best meetings, attractions and heart developments will arise May to December. Both your marriage and romance planets spend the year in your marriage sector — an exciting, destined “merging” looks likely! Realize the one for you will be diplomatic, inscrutable, sexually oriented, ambitious and stubborn. You might have to be a little flexible, accepting.
You married Cancers will face many ups and downs, perhaps struggles, with your partners. If you are in a lifeless or unhappy marriage, 2020 can end it — guilt free, because your partner wants freedom as much as you do. If you are happily married, 2020 (especially after April) brings adventure, a boost in socializing, and a lot of teasing and laughter.
Bright new friends enter all Cancer’s lives from 2019 to 2026. These people are unpredictable, eccentric free spirits — here today, gone tomorrow (and back on Wednesday). Despite the unpredictable behaviour, these are very loyal people. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
You’re the great lover of the zodiac, Leo. There won’t be a lot this year, as your work will expand to fill empty hours. Still, if you found love in 2019 it is very likely to survive (and 2021 brings a lucky marriage year). Big picture, from May onward deep romance will disappoint, light romance will sail on happily.
Close up: January and the first half of February boosts romance, and will either re-ignite 2019’s ardour, or spark a new one. You’re sexually “awakened” mid-January to early February — and late February/March, perhaps by an old flame. Some of you will marry or co-habitate now.
April to mid-May, relationships intensify — make love, not war. Love is much more likely, as the same month, April, blesses your social life and brings an atmosphere of delight, fun, and flirtation — all the way to early August. You might mull over whether a love, or a social connection, will last, is real, should be embraced, in May/June. It’s complicated, as your sexual desires flare strongly, both months. Co-workers tempt! An old friend/flame might appear these 2 months. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The best developments in love will arrive mid-September onward, but the entire year excites. Your main love (if you’re not already attached) might be someone who you lived with, or who lived nearby, in the past (perhaps in 2019).
Your sexual urges surge from July to year’s end. This blends with your huge romantic luck this year, but you can disrupt a romance if you push too hard for intimacy (or too weakly — just find the healthy midpoint). The danger of “pushing too hard” is strongest in early August and October.Before May, stick with groups, socializing, and light, friendly romance. Deep, heart-filled passion will meet obstacles, delays, and might spur you to glom onto someone who, at core, wants freedom more than you. May to September can bring an old flame — maybe someone you lived with, or near to, in the past. Mid-September to year’s end will tend to bring new love (unless of course you’re already attached).
All year, and until 2026, a new element enters love on the mental side, surprising you with unexpected meetings (and splits) unusual, new ideas about wedded love, and a tendency to link love and work — for example, love with a co-worker. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Though no major planets support love for you this year, two minor planets do, and in a big way: Mars and Venus.
Mars rules partnerships and marriage for you, and it spends six months (July to year’s end) in your marriage sign. It’s almost certain that someone will chase you — this person is not shy. (Sometimes this is a love or hate, love or war influence — choose love!) From early September to mid-November, a lover’s enthusiasm might wane briefly, or a powerful ex-mate might re-appear. A brand new suitor (if he/she shows September-November) might possess sexual problems.
Mars triggers casual friendships January/February…one of these might morph into a friendly love affair. April to mid-May, Mars sparks romantic intensity. This interval can bring a future mate, so be receptive! (If you’re in an ongoing bond, April might nudge you toward co-habitation or marriage.)
Venus rules Libra (that is, you, your overall life) — and sex. This year (and a few to come) romance will probably arise suddenly, unexpectedly, and can swiftly plunge to another, deeper level. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Love will lean heavily toward sexual desire and intimacy in 2020, Scorpio. From April to early August, your marriage planet will stay in your sex sign. If you’re looking for love, listen to your physical desires — they will point to the right mate for you. Whatever happens, you will remember this year as one of the sexiest in your life. A Taurus, Gemini or Libra might be involved. (By the way, some people consider sex a “lower form” of love, or somehow “dirty.” You know it’s not. It’s actually the most important, or humans would not exist. But even more, this year — and all 2021, also — sex itself is karmically blessed. If you could ask a little angel, “what should I do to improve my spiritual side?” the little angel would say, “Have sex.” (Or more politely, “procreate.”)
Earlier, January gives hints of attraction, but doesn’t lead to much. March brings someone who embodies both romance and partnership. But until March 9, he or she should be a returnee from the past — brand new potential amours won’t work unless you meet after March 9. You might exchange love’s whispers right into mid-April.
Late April and May contain exciting meetings with someone who has the markings of a great partner — but domestic strife or rumblings at work might interfere, or add stress to an already “excitable” or tense relationship/situation. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Venus, the planet of love, grace, marriage and affection, spends over four months in your marriage/partnership sign (April to early August). In ordinary years, Venus spends only one month here. Mars (your romantic planet) is not to be outdone. It spends over six months from July to early 2021 in your sign of romance. In most years, Mars spends only six weeks in this area.
If you’re single, this is a banner year! This combination of both Venus and Mars spending four times their usual sojourn in any sign is rare; for them both to spend these intervals in your love signs, is very rare. (I’m not looking, but I would guess this occurs maybe once century.)
If you’re already married, Venus will bring sweet harmony to your marriage, April to August. If you’re single, the result is obvious: you could form a bond that is affectionate and strong, one that, even if it doesn’t last (and it should) will be something you remember all your life. One potential flaw: you might be attracted to two people, which causes confusion, delay and love’s indecision in May/June. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 20
From 2019 to 2026, your most intense romantic feelings will be sparked by someone eccentric, friendly, nerdy, intelligent, aware, a bit of a rebel, and unpredictable — a free spirit or an “electric personality.”
If you’re a parent, your children will act a bit like this — these years, they’re touched by genius, but they might need some calming process (e.g., sports, hikes) as they’re more nervous, high strung than usual. (Any child born in May, 2020-26, will be strongly determined, intelligent, and very, very social.)
Romance might be tied to money. “Casual love” prospects will judge you by your economic position (or dress). You’ll be more possessive — even of a casual date. You will tend to chase people you feel friendly toward, and will find that sex comes quite easily, but doesn’t have a “deep meaning.” On the other hand, you might fall for someone who not only ignores money, but tries to live a life without it. Weird, but this person would be the most thrilling one you’ll meet in 2020. Love might be an odd combination of greed and selflessness. Hard to describe. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)
AQUARIUS: Jan. 21-Feb. 18
Ah, sweet romance! Singles among you face a banner year (Spring, Summer) of amour, while married couples will rejoice in their children and each other. You might make contact with someone who attracts you the second half of January. Your gift of gab lures someone. You attract others in February, when your energy and charisma shine. Affection might arise with a casual friend — this can become more serious, maybe very serious, from July into early 2021.
Mid-February to mid-April, it’s more likely that a former money-related opportunity comes to you than a former lover, but the latter can occur. Remember, though, that this person bored you once, and will again — is a bit of boudoir embrace worth it? (Don’t start any brand-new relationships before mid-March.) This “easy intimacy, eventual boredom” influence lasts into mid-April.
April through early August offers a stunning experience: someone appears who starts a love song singing in your heart. This is serious, Aquarius. A romance started now can at the least give an unforgettable four-month affair; at most, it might sculpt your life in
beauty and joy, bringing a life-long bond with true love. (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.).
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Through April, you will be wise, mellow and “blessed” in heavy romance. (And will find “social romance” or playing the field, is a dry well.) However, the picture turns 180 degrees, May to December — during these eight months, light, flirty, playful love, juggling two or more options/suitors, and broad socializing, all these tap you with a cheerful wand of good fortune. You might meet “the one” at a gathering.
Oddly, at the same time, May to year’s end, love becomes more “down home.” Your love for the kids, for your family and abode, will swell. If single, you might find budding romance in your neighbourhood (rather than far away). If you do fall in love, or already are that way, you might (wisely, correctly) nudge your love toward domesticity, toward living together.
January lights flirty fires, but you would be better off chasing exciting, thrilling, even heart-pounding/embarrassing romance. Someone who looks like a mate prospect appears in February and mid-March to mid-April…but if he/she first appears from February 16 to March 9, she/he’d better be a former flame, or it will never end in a marriage or long-term amour. In March, a friend could become an intimate partner. (You attract attention easily this month.) (The remainder of this is available through the PDF Link above.)