Tag Archives: love


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

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If you have had trouble purchasing Tim’s 2020 Astrology Forecast book from Amazon, you can order it directly from us. Click the ‘LINK TO PDF’ directly above.

START NOTHING: 1:03 am to 2:37 am Tues., 6:18 am to 11:42 am Thurs., and after 8:08 pm Fri. (Yep, right through Saturday.)


ALL SIGNS:  MERCURY turns retrograde Sunday (Feb. 16) through March 9. Start no new projects, relationships or “situations” (e.g. renting a new apartment) before March 10. Instead, reprise the past, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, misunderstandings, or supply shortages, etc.
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Notice I’ve changed the birth date division between Capricorn and Aquarius by 1 day, to bring this division more up to date.
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The Coronavirus spread might not be contained until May-August.
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Just a feeling, could be wrong, but I suspect the DOW (presently 29,500 ) won’t reach 30,000 soon, or if it does, won’t stay there long before declining.
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We’ll feel the timbers groaning with portents this April to June. The threat retreats, then comes true in February 2021 (January to March) — an economic shock. (Sat. sq. Ur.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Start nothing new before March 10, Aries. You end a buoyant, cheerful, social and flirtatious month Tuesday. (A Sagittarian might have been eyeing you.) Now, Tuesday, a month of quietude, rest, contemplation and planning begins — but forget the planning part: any schemes concocted now (to March 9) will be worthless, because the situation will change. VIPs and bosses will be more impatient, temperamental now through March — your ambitions will increase at the same time. Still, people find you attractive, even alluring, until about March 5.

Sunday/Monday bring mellow wisdom, intellectual and cultural, love, travel and legal matters. Be alert Sun. eve through pre-dawn Mon., when misdirection or deception possible. Otherwise, two loving, rewarding days. Deal with higher-ups Tues. morning to midday Thurs. Note “impatient” warning above. That said, you can make some big strides forward, esp. Tues. morning (money/social skills) and Wed. noon to midnight. (DO NOT start new career, ambitious projects.) An echo of the last few weeks sounds Thursday afternoon through Sat. — flirtations, optimism, popularity and social joys — but it’s an echo only, as your energy has begun to decline. The optimism part is very justified — you could grab a money/career plum!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Start no new projects, relationships or “situations” (e.g. renting a new apartment) before March 10, Taurus. Instead, reprise the past, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, misunderstandings, or supply shortages, etc. Strictly avoid lawyers and lawsuits now through March. (If one arises and you can solve it by a concession or negotiation, do so — far cheaper than court.) Relations with head office or gov’t are mildly lucky — put out a feeler and see! A former friend might return anytime until March 10 — could blossom with affection, even romance. A month of celebration, joy, social delights, popularity and optimism starts Tuesday. You’ll be happy!

Sunday/Monday highlight hidden forces: sexual desires, power urges, financial movements. Research rewards. Your intuition/subconscious oozes to the surface, providing answers. Sunday to mid-afternoon and all day Monday provide a productive, good path. A calm, mellow mood drifts over you Tues. to noon Thurs. Intellectual, legal, learning, travel, cultural and love themes arise, with good results. Be ambitious Thurs. pm through Sat. — Thursday might be a bit jumbled, but this eve onward speeds with good luck.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

A wise, intellectual, loving month dissolves now, as Tuesday begins 4 weeks of ambition and status events. Do live up to bosses’ expectations, but do not start new projects, in this or any area, before March 10. No new relationships, either. A former boss or career role might return briefly. Friends remain open-armed, welcoming — a romance could spring up within a group. Your sexual desires will be strong now through March. You will also be impulsive with finances/investments/debt. This can trigger many significant things: health concerns, lifestyle changes, sex, pregnancy, power plays — be careful, what seems “hardly there” can swell unseen, then emerge to change your life. Hints, now to March’s end, of your entire 2020 “destiny.”

Sunday/Monday highlight relationships — both days good, but the night between is a bit difficult. Is it love? Those sexual and financial pursuits heighten Tues. to midday Thurs. A Taurus might agree to a bit of hanky-panky. Good luck prevails, for investments, lifestyle choices and research. A sweet mental mood steals over you Thurs. pm through Sat. Again, love/sex calls, esp. late Thurs., early Fri. — but even into Sat., more mildly.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Tuesday lifts you from darkness and mystery, into a month of illumination, understanding, wide vision, travel, media, and love. Unfortunately (or not) these things immediately enter a swirlwind (new word!) of delays, mistakes, shortages and indecision — until March 9. So contemplate these, but don’t act before March 10. Don’t start any new projects or relationships before that date. (There will be much discussion, but avoid action.) Bosses favour you until early March. Relationships grow intense, now through March. You could start an ambitious partnership, or a battle.

Dive into chores and protect your daily health Sunday/Monday. Good progress. Wee deception pre-dawn Mon. Those now-intensifying relationships come to the fore Tues. morn to midday Thurs. (esp. Tues.) — your luck is good here, so go forth to make friends (not new important ones) flirt with your sweetie, etc. Diplomacy essential, for 6 weeks ahead! If single, you could meet your future mate, and he/she’s likely from the past — an ex-lover. (New ones won’t work.) Opportunities might lure you, but if they are not from the past or an ongoing situation, reject them. Life’s depths emerge Thurs. midday through Saturday. Mysteries, your subconscious, these rise to the surface. Trust your hunches. You might meet a delightful friend — or a handful of them. In finances, handle old problems, but avoid new investments.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Intense, open relationships slough off now, Leo, as they veer toward more private, intimate, power-levered zones. Investments/debts, lifestyle changes, surgery or other medical procedures, sexual/extra-marital temptations rush in. Your intuition soars — depend on it, more than on logic, now to late March. Lawyers and scholars love you now to March 5, will do you a favour. Your work duties heat up until March’s end — work hard, but follow safety rules, esp. around fire, heat (Thurs./Fri.?). In all this, esp. in finances, medical, lifestyle and sexual zones, do not start anything new, esp. with someone new. Instead, support/protect ongoing situations. A former sexual partner might reappear before mid-March.

Sunday/Monday bring romance, self-expression, creativity, charming kids. Good — but don’t push for sex Sun. night, Mon. morn. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Tues. to midday Thurs. You’ll get a lot done, with hardly a glitch. Your workload might increase Wed. Midday Thursday through Saturday brings an echo of relationship(s) and opportunities from the past few weeks. If from the past, sure, grab them. But if these people or open doors are brand new, turn your back.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Recent hands-on work lightens now, as Tuesday starts a month of relationships, fresh horizons,  opportunities — and opposition. However, before March 10, start no new relationships, nor grab any new opportunities nor start new projects — all will tend to die in a confusion of knots. An “ex” is almost certain to return or call, or simply re-appear on your horizon. Take this up, or reject it, based on your appraisal of why it ended before. Your sexual desires are likely to be answered and fulfilled, until March 5. Your romantic courage, desire, and determination surge now to March’s end. A new love affair looks likely — but a “repeat” looks even likelier.

Sunday/Monday steer you toward home — hug the kids, haunt the hardware store, dig the garden, etc. Marital relations not great pre-dawn Monday. But both daytimes easy, happy, productive. Romance calls Tues. morning to midday Thurs. — dive in, significant wheels are slowly turning! Same applies to creative, speculative, sports/gaming, and teaching pursuits. Tackle chores midday Thurs. through Sat. Dress, eat, drink sensibly. Thursday’s a bit disruptive, but the rest of this interval flows well. Early Friday might trigger a combination of philosophy and intimacy, or more bluntly, “electric sex.”

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A romantic month passes Tuesday, as 4 weeks of work and health concerns enter. You’ll focus on former or ongoing chores, might even reprise a former employment role, until March 10. DO NOT start any new projects or relationships before that date. Instead, protect ongoing projects from delays, mistakes or supply shortages. You’ve thought, maybe talked, about marriage with someone, but it was rather casual, without a powerful motive. However, this now transforms into true attraction — or at least a true embrace of the partnership theme — into March 5. Others treat you with affection, grace, same period. Your home has been a source of dilemmas since 2009 — now, in 2020, that increases — and now to March’s end, it intensifies to the point of friction, even separation for some. You’re ready to bring out the big guns to tackle home problems. (But again, start nothing new — e.g., renovations — before March 10.)

Sunday/Monday brings errands, communications, travel, media, paperwork and curiosity. Both days are good, productive but the night between can bring deception, wasted effort. To home, Tues. morning to midday Thurs. — hug the family, dig the garden, do repairs, nuzzle around the ‘hood. (And take long naps.) You might see, Tues., where possible future friction could arise, and take steps to squelch it. Romance (or creative, risk-taking urges) revisit Thursday afternoon through Saturday. Easy for this to “convert” to a lustful, sexual, perhaps verboten bond — don’t let it. Otherwise, all’s well!

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

I hope you rested deeply over the last, domestic-oriented month, Scorpio — because the creative, adventurous, romantic, exciting month ahead will use a lot of stored energy. An old flame might return. If you’re married or involved, throw your affection on your present squeeze. But do not chase brand-new people, nor begin new projects of any kind, before March 10. They would choke in a weed-bed of indecision, mistakes, blindness and delays. Errands, paperwork and communications absorb great amounts of your time these years — this intensifies all 2020 — but esp. now to March’s end. Drive, speak carefully, and be careful with sharp tools. Your workplace remains affectionate, pleasant to March 5. Many discussions, now to early March, about romance and sex — without a definite conclusion.

Chase money Sunday/Monday — buy/sell, seek bargains, schmooze with clients. Casual sex possible Sun. Monday’s work-like, productive. Errands, paperwork, communications and swift, easy chores fill Tues. morning to midday Thurs. (PST). All flows well! More mail, calls than usual Wed. Steer toward home and family midday Thurs. through Saturday. A wee disruption Thurs. pm, then all’s smooth, productive. If a sudden urge to phone or write a spouse or associate hits you, do it — it could open a way to solve a relationship snag.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your restless, curious, wandering weeks end Tuesday, as a month of domesticity arrives. Romance lessens but sweetens. Much money will flow your way now to March’s end, but bank it — you’ll have a unconscious urge to spend. Start nothing new before March 10 — no brand new projects nor relationships, and be careful about buying anything large (e.g., tv or car or new suit). Instead, reprise past bonds, projects, roles, or protect ongoing situations from delays, missed meetings, mistakes, etc. DO NOT begin renovation projects before March 10.

Your energy and charisma are high Sunday/Monday — get going, tackle what needs to be tackled. Be a leader, but remember don’t start anything now. Chase money, buy/sell, seek bargains, pay and be paid Tuesday morning to midday Thursday. Everything flows well this midweek interval. Remember, stand only on routine items. Casual intimacy might spring up with someone. It has the earmarks of romance, but not the soul. Errands, communications, paperwork, easy chores, and trips and visits fill Thursday midday through Saturday. A bit of disruption Thurs. pm — drive carefully, speak judiciously. Otherwise, these 3 days flow very nicely, quiet but active.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

A money month ends Tuesday, when 4 weeks of errands, easy chores, paperwork, communications, travel and curiosity begin. These will flow well, but you might send things to the wrong address, or trigger a series of events that has no profitable end, etc. So double-check, and don’t launch anything new before March 10. My warning to avoid people/places of violence ends. That “war influence” now enters your own personality, so you will be more courageous, determined and assertive than usual now to March’s end — and, probably, more interested in your family and home, which yield sweet rewards now to early March. It’s a great time to improve the garden, paint, etc. BUT don’t start anything big and new before March 10. E.g., dig, plant, but don’t landscape. Repair but don’t renovate.

Lie low, withdraw and rest, ponder and love silently, Sunday/Monday. Don’t travel or communicate late Sun. night or pre-dawn Mon. All’s well. Talk to agents, advisors, and civil servants. Your energy and charisma surge back Tues. morning to midday Thurs. Be a leader, get out, see and be seen, collect the crowds, but again, don’t start anything significant. Chase money Thurs. pm through Sat. — buy/sell, seek bargains, pay and collect. Casual sex possible — chase it, be romantic, Thurs. night (Friday in Asia). A bit of stress Thursday, then all is well through Sat.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

You’ve been “on top” for weeks, Aquarius. Tuesday ends your reign, and begins a month of possessions, buying/selling, earnings and cash flow, rote learning, and casual sex. (When I say “casual” sex I usually mean the bond can grow boring after the first flush of passion.) However, now to March 10 this area, and every area, really, will hit a moving wall of delays, mistakes and misunderstandings. So start nothing new and significant. Be very wary when shopping for big ticket items (cars, clothes, shoes, tv’s, computers, etc.) — lemons surround you. Communications are affectionate. Now to the end of March, avoid biker clubs, dark alleys and belligerent people. You are not a physical fighter, Aquarius; you’re meant to fight with your mind.

Hopes rise and a wish might come true Sunday/Monday. You feel optimistic, flirtatious, social and adventurous. Happiness exists! It is hardly even noticeable, but you should be careful with your money Sunday night/Monday morning. Withdraw from the crowd Tuesday morning to mid day Thursday. Rest, contemplate, reconnect with spirit, and communicate with civil servants, admin workers, advisers and agents. Don’t bother making any plans, as the situation they apply to will change. All goes well. Your charisma and energy leap upward the remainder of this week (Thurs. afternoon onward). Be a leader, get out, see and be seen, gather allies — but DON’T start any new projects nor form new bonds. (Neither would last.)

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Four weeks of lowered energy and charisma end now, as Tuesday onward thrusts you into the spotlight and puts you in charge. You’ll be the leader, the one most people will approach. Take care of others. But DO NOT start any brand new projects or relationships, nor buy big items (lemons abound) before March 10. You grow more hopeful about money now until March’s end.  (And more arrives, at least to early March.) Same period, you might become intimately involved with a friend or someone you know from a group you attend. A former partner or lover is almost certain to appear or to contact you now to March 10. This might be a real godsend. Or not. Decide by thinking about why you separated in the first place. If you are attached, your partner might seem much more indecisive or slow than usual. That’s OK, just let it happen.

Be ambitious Sunday/Monday: you’ll get good results both days but should give it a rest during the night between. Your popularity risers strongly Tuesday morning till mid day Thursday. Open your arms and welcome social delights, optimism, entertainment, and flirtations. You’ll be happy! (This social interval will be a little softer than usual, because you are in a month of quietude and rest.) Withdraw even more deeply, and rest deeply, Thursday mid day through Saturday. Most goes well, but drive/speak carefully Thurs. pm. Good interval for meditation, charity, and contacting government agencies.



Anything random, over time, approaches perfection. Human creativity contains huge imperfections (which is a little like saying “contains holes” — an odd phrase). This could mean that perfection is neither a desirable nor a vibrant place to be, nor the best goal to pursue, unless one wants to produce history’s “miniatures.”
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Meghan and Harry (formerly a Prince) will not stay in love for long. (Well, if they do stay together, or “in love,” it will be to Meghan’s credit, as her Libra Moon wants a marriage to last; in addition, her Sun is in a degree of childish impulse combined with “Christian modesty.” I think she is quite kind, and so might absorb a lot from Harry without crying “deal breaker!”

Their flight from Britain, from the Royal Family, is actually an attempt to save their marriage. (My opinion.) They do not see anything wrong with their bond; they have projected all their internal or couple problems onto the Family, and believe, mistakenly, that the Family is to blame.

Some lighter things help this couple to come together: for example, she’s a Cancer rising, and he’s a Capricorn rising — these two signs tend to marry each other, and the cosmos tends to bring them together. Her Cancer ascendant “welcomes” Harry’s Virgo Sun and his Taurus Moon. Also, her romantic planets, Mars and Venus (Cancer and Virgo) harmonize sweetly with Harry’s Sun and Moon.

BUT she’s a Leo, and needs constant attention and praise. He’s a Virgo, the worst flatterer in the whole zodiac. (Virgos hate to say anything their detailed eye denies.)

Harry’s Moon is square M’s Sun — man/woman friction, struggles of will, disagreement.

Harry is prone to fantasy in relationships, and wants his lover to have his mother’s breasts. (In his Virgo solar chart his marriage planet, Neptune, is in the 4th of home, mother, teats, nourishment, security and “being protected.” (Because M’s Neptune is also there, she fulfills this fantasy for him — but for how long? Not that she possesses anything unique here: Neptune is in this place for everyone born in a 15-year period.) As a Capricorn rising, Harry’s other marriage indicator — the Moon — is also in his fourth of mother and security. Harry lost his mother, and he was the youngest when it happened. The trauma was slow to develop — a typically Taurean (his moon) pace — but it was deep and thorough. Harry was “destined” to marry his “mom”.

Destiny: if we can see, when Harry is 1 hour old (enough time to erect and read his birth chart) that as an adult he will attempt to marry his “mother” — is that not destiny? If something is not destined, how can it be foretold? (Unless destinies can change; but that would seem impossible, or would spark a war of consciousnesses, for if any destiny can change, it is not destiny, and we get thrown back to the days of coincidence.)

Destiny — From one POV, Harry’s mother/marriage fixation only happened because Diana died. In other words, a random or coincidental, or perhaps even likely event (she was hard partying, it looks like) — but not one certain, or “destined,” to occur. It seems. Until you look at Harry’s chart, which could not more clearly draw the result: the marriage/mother fixation. Can we say that the result was destined, but not the pathway there? That seems possible, until you imagine every second of every action/event, and think of Diana’s death as a nexus, her marriage to stuffy-face a nexus, Harry’s birth as a nexus, Harry’s mother-intended marriage, etc. (even down to small acts/events = smaller nexii?). Whichever nexus you stand at, it seems to be destined itself, while one can’t be sure of the others. But each is saying exactly this.

Astrology might support the inevitability of some  of these nexii — e.g., if we examine Diana’s birth chart, will it show that death would come, perhaps when it would occur? If so, her death must have been destined. So we can’t cling to the notion that life is coincidental, or even that it evolves through a set of impersonal rules (for destiny is always personal — what is more personal than Harry wanting to wed his mother? ) Though I believe some kind of rule-structure exists, it’s so complex, and evolving, and “alive,” that we don’t know half the landscape. The bottom line is this: if the event or condition is foretold at birth, nothing but destiny can fulfill that telling.

Harry’s Saturn is square M’s Sun — an indication of coldness, by him, toward her. Since Saturn is one of her marriage rulers, an unhappy marriage, or one that conflicts with her powerful drives toward display, acting, charming, and attracting attention.

Harry’s very sensual (Taurus moon in 8th trine Sun) but his sensual drives tend to demand acquiescence from M, rather than co-operative sensuality. Harry’s moon is in M’s career/status sign, so she will bend to his will and his desires, because she sees this/him as a fruitful path to rising in society. But what, when he ceases being a status-giver?

Harry is affectionate towards Librans, because he has Venus in that sign, and M has a Libra moon.

Harry and Meghan will not, as a couple, create financial success (which they’re trying to do).
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IT ALWAYS TAKES ABOUT TWO YEARS FOR ANY information to reach my brain.  For example, two years ago I spent three weeks travelling through China with my (then) partner. I like to travel, partly because I like newness and strangeness in an environment of — security, I guess — sunshine, friendly people, nice gardens — I feel comfortable travelling. Like sitting in your seat and letting the world display its riches. In Canada the middle class live in relative luxury and comfort; the upper middle live in paradise. Memories of childhood, of life in my aunt’s “palace,” sometimes bloom like a bouquet.

But I’ve wandered. I wanted to write about China as soon as we returned — but I found very little to say, other than a remark about the traffic or the hotels. Now, two years later, my impression is more vibrant somehow. I remember the people’s mood. China is a dictatorship (autocracy if you like) but by most metrics a benevolent one. (Ignoring the Uyghurs.)

I did not see anyone oppressed, or angry or violent or vocal against the government. I saw police of various kinds, in many different colours. Some uniforms were mauve, some white, some blue, even green… In crowded squares, busy traffic corridors and large pedestrian walkways, even in line-ups to various museums and zoos, you will seldom be more than 100 feet from a uniform. Yet people seemed almost unaware of the guards/police, and the police in turn, seemed unaware. I saw them help someone once: they were respectful, gentle. I’m sure there is a crime problem, but I didn’t see anything.

In general, people seemed content. But I don’t remember one smile. I suspect it is a cultural difference: perhaps that they smile when they know you, but not if they don’t; they might consider that crude and aggressive, forcing intimacy by smiling at strangers. But I don’t know. People were content. I saw a mother kicking and slugging her 13-year-old daughter. (They’d been separated in a park.) I saw the suspicious looks the older Chinese cast at us — at, because it was almost an accusation. Young families were more sophisticated. In one small town, a 5 or 6 year old boy broke from his family, ran to me, and yelled, “Hi!” and ran back to his family. His face shone with animal glee. “Hi,” I yelled, and his parents laughed — if it counts, that was the only smile. (At least, until Hong Kong.) There is a strand of the population there, mostly Millennials, who speak English, some very well; they wear black suits, and the women wear black skirts and jackets. At least, that seems to be the “business uniform” — much like ours, but a little more serious. They will probably be the power strata in a decade or two. Be interesting to see how the C. Party handles this, unless it’s a smooth transition, a mere bulge in membership.

I just do not remember laughter outside our little group. (Which means nothing: again, we only met the Chinese in their service job.) Still, the whole atmosphere, over the portions of the nation we saw, during those few weeks, was a little dull, a little down-toned. No one seemed fierce, nor especially animated, and a certain sharp edge that you sense in Americans, is missing. If Xi Jinping really wants his nation to compete with the U.S., he should model China on Hong Kong, not, as he is doing now, trying to force Hong Kong to be like China. I think people are unsure there: conditions are good, economically, but some young people look impatient.

I was surprised that a country of a billion plus people seemed to be carpeted largely with forest — but many of those billions are domiciled in massive cities. We were in one — can’t remember the name — not a remarkable city, but its population equalled the entire nation of Canada’s 35 million. Twenty cities like that and the rest of the billion+ doesn’t look so daunting.
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Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if the U.S. and China combined forces, U.S. ingenuity and confidence with Chinese craftsmanship and social vision?
