Tag Archives: love


“QUE SERA SERA” ~ Doris Day
(written by Ray Evans & Jay Livingston)

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Email:  suningem@gmail.com   

All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM Daylight in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. Note: these time differences can be affected by different adoptions of Daylight — for example, until Britain switches to Daylight, their zone is only 7 hours past PDT. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.

START NOTHING: 1:22 am to 1:29 pm Sun., 10:34 am to 2:58 pm Tues., 7:29 am to 7:38 pm Thurs., and after 10:46 pm Sat.



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ALL SIGNS:  Start no new projects or ventures before November 20, as a phase of mental mistakes, false starts, indecision and delay technically starts Oct. 31 (though the slowdown  is already upon us). So stick with ongoing projects, or reprise situations from the past for the next 4 weeks. Old flames might appear for Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn. Scorpio might be haunted by “one who got away.” (This was more lust than love, anyway.)
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I grow weary of constantly writing “PDT” in the column, so please remember that all my time references (e.g., “dawn”) are Pacific Time. You can refer to the sidebar listing of various world cities for a quick estimate. (The “Vancouver Time” is Pacific, the time I write for.)
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They found the crack through which profit flows.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You’re travelling consequential corridors this week and the next few, Aries. Lifestyle changes, intimacy, discovery and searching, medical issues, and financial action — it’s a time of commitment and consequences. In love and partnership, it might be “all or nothing.” No one’s playing. Partnership, relationship intensity sends a spear through your days, until mid-November. Lust and love might intermingle. READ “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble.

Sunday morning needs care; reactions, feelings can be cruel (spouse might disagree with your ambitions.) The pm brings surprises, disruptions, and emphasizes what I’ve described above — lifestyle changes, sex, et al. This “deeper side” lasts to about Tues. noon, and opens the door to splendid investments, valuable information (perhaps on the “qt”) and sweet intimacy.

Your wiser side emerges Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thurs. — a mellow joy helps you advance in intellectual, travel, cultural, love and publishing areas. But avoid secrecy, gov’t, head office, agents and advisors Wed. Thursday technically begins a three-week slowdown. Your ambitions rise Thurs. night through Sat. — a door opens to money/work ideas, or contacts Thurs. night, pre-dawn Fri. This  whole interval goes well, with the possible exception of disagreement with spouse, other partner(s) Sat. morning.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Relationships fill this week and the next few, Taurus. You are in a unique year in which sex, and/or finances, and/or “power plays” and/or investigation into semi-secret things, can lead to big rewards. An “angel” might rescue you financially. (This trend lasts from Nov. 2018 to early Dec. 2019, so much of this might have already begun or fully happened.) In the month ahead, relationships (and/or opportunities, relocation, negotiation, agreements, public dealings, even opposition and litigation) can open the door to the “cosmic wealth” of 2019. (This can, of course, be $ wealth.) READ “ALL SIGNS” ABOVE.

Tackle chores Sun. morning. This pm to Tues. afternoon, those relationship factors/events hit an early peak — a disruptive (or suddenly, surprisingly opportune) peak Sunday and very early Monday, and a splendid one then to Tues. A wish could come true — you’ll be surrounded by friends. Love possible.

Then that deeper zone that 2019 emphasizes semi-secret things, power plays, lust, and finances, unfolds for you Tues. afternoon to Thurs. suppertime. Again, all’s fortunate, so charge ahead, dig deep, find the treasure. One caution: forget wishful thinking, and operate without/away from social contacts.

Ethics, law, intellect, far travel, publishing, culture and beliefs arise Thurs. night through Sat. You need to treat such interests cautiously until May next year, as a subtle tendency to trap yourself exists here. That said, this late-week interval is studded with short-term luck, except Sat. morning, when an argument, accident or work problem could arise.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The weeks ahead hold a lot of work, Gemini. Protect your health by eating, dressing sensibly. Wrap up rather than launch projects, as a 3-week “backwardation” starts now — read “ALL SIGNS” above. Much of the looming workload involves tasks you have neglected to date (though not perilously so). Until mid-November, your romantic side keeps singing its song. If you like what (whom) you see, chase it — you have the courage now. (However, I wouldn’t chase an old flame — he/she either used you or in some other way had no respect for you.)

Sunday morning “says” romance and sex don’t mingle, and neither wins. This afternoon to early Tues. afternoon highlights the major current of the weeks ahead — work and health. These bring “significant” surprises Sunday pm into predawn Mon. (Hints here of heart or neurological symptoms; if they appear, call for a doctor’s visit.) The rest of Mon., to Tues. afternoon, brings work success — and an opportunity to buy or repair machinery, tools or appliances.

Relationships fill Tues. eve to suppertime Thurs. Someone might disagree with your ambitions or “social posture” late Wed., but otherwise this is a lovely interval — you might be dealing with a bountiful, cheerful and temperamental person (a Sagittarius?). You’ll gain from co-operating, not from independence.

Thursday night through Saturday sings alluring songs of sex, finances, investments, secrets/spying, everything mysterious. Be careful what you chase, as it might disappoint rather than reward in the long run. That said, though, this is a lucky phase in “immediate” ways — except around dawn Sat., when arguments or accidents are possible. Thursday to early Friday could spark a happy (yet restrictive) friendship, even love. Friday begins three weeks of sweet luck in relationships.

Cancer iconCANCER:  June 21-July 22

Ah, sweet romance! It’s yours to experience now to late November. Same period, co-workers will be gracious, pleasant. (If an affair starts with a co-worker, it will be light, friendly, and perhaps short.) Realize you’re still pretty dominant and impatient on the home front until mid-November, so be “consciously gentle.” (Even if you must push, say, that wayward child for his/her own good, this applies esp. in status, ambition zones.) If you aren’t in the romance game, this month ahead also touches creative, pleasure, beautifying, sports and “risk” with a magic wand of fortune. Be ready to seize good luck! But 2 things:

1) remember, if single, love, romance are favoured, but not life-mating/marriage — to May 5, 2020; and
2) read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE — not a good time, to Nov. 20, to start any brand-new relationships. (Or any important project.)

Sunday morning drapes you in domestic vibes, but holds potential partnership strain. Sunday afternoon to mid-afternoon Tues. hits this period’s central theme: love, romance, creativity, charming kids, etc. Your luck’s high! A surprise awaits you Sun./early Mon. — could be a sudden friendship, perhaps a flirty one. Tackle chores Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thurs. All flows well, but avoid (il)legal, ethical or philosophical actions/discussions Wednesday.

Thursday suppertime begins a relationship-oriented phase, through Saturday. Other than a “raw” period Sat. around dawn, this is a smooth, deep, satisfying interval, with possibility of strong partnership agreements, open doors, and welcomings. However, realize that lucky meetings, coincidences, agreements, might be leading you to a place where, ultimately, you won’t want to be. Think, envision far ahead.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead focus on domestic themes, Leo — home, kids, property, garden, security, sales territory, and Mother Nature… Apropos of this (and to some degree, of everything) read “ALL SIGNS” above — DON’T start major projects, esp. renovations, decorating, change of homes, etc. before Nov. 20. (After this, you won’t want to anyway.) You might be attracted to, or find yourself in, a former ‘hood. Nostalgia will visit you with its warm nudges. An estranged child or parent might “return.” Until mid-Nov., don’t be afraid to express yourself, your opinions (except Sunday morning) — you’ll tend to be right. You might dream of a foreign home. 

Sunday morning’s for errands and calls, but don’t expect much, and reject unreasonable work demands. (Watch rusty nails if stepping around lumber.) Sunday pm to early afternoon Tues. steers you toward home, toward everything listed in the first sentence above. This is a good, successful interval, and it “establishes” or sets the tone for the weeks ahead — so plunge in, esp. Monday.

Romance calls Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thurs. Again, a pretty fortunate interval, so  press ahead (but take care with sex, the deep, committing kind, Wed., to about suppertime.) Romance (and creativity, risk, beauty, pleasure, arts, glamour, children) are 2019’s major fountain of good fortune for you. (May be evident early Thurs. morning.)

To work Thurs. night through Saturday — all flows well, except Sat. around dawn, when accident or argument is possible. Also, Leo, don’t plunge too wholeheartedly into tasks — hold something back. DO NOT start a brand new work project, and do not buy machinery/tools before Nov. 20.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The weeks ahead hold errands, travel, calls and texts, paperwork and contacts. Many of these might be from the past, or have a link to a situation or relationship you thought was over, or had “gone quiet.” You might visit a former ‘hood — and if you haven’t improved your living conditions yet in 2019, the weeks ahead might nudge you to invest in your past, in a way. (I.e., return to rent or buy in old haunts.) Good fortune here. In everything else, though, read “ALL SIGNS” above — don’t start new ventures; instead, stick with the ongoing or reprise the past. Although your “money month” is over, a sliver of swift $ extends into mid-November — collect, avoid over-spending.

Sunday morning’s about $ and possessions (or a sensual interlude) but not favourably: be cautious. This afternoon to Tues. afternoon brings the main theme of these weeks ahead: travel, errands, et al. But Sunday and a bit of Monday morning hold a surprise — could be a breakdown in communications, or could be a bright new friend! (If a co-worker, romance might develop, but it’d be short.) Monday daytime promotes harmony with spouse, partners, others. You could meet a viable mate prospect.

Domestic matters hold sway Tues. afternoon to Thurs. suppertime — kids, property, etc. Another chance to grab 2019’s good luck in real estate, kids, home concerns, but you might have to convince another (spouse?). Romance, creative and speculative urges, adventure, raising kids, beauty, and pleasure — some or all of these call you with a siren song Thurs. night through Sat. Now, this can be a zone of “self-entrapment” until next May, so step cautiously — look years down the road to see the truth. Careful Sat. morning: accident potential high, and sex seems remote.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The accent remains on money, earnings, purchases, sensual embraces, and memory — until late November. Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble: delays lie ahead. A former sexual friend/partner might reappear — it won’t be more significant than it ever was, but could be a good time for awhile. You remain sexually magnetic and “ready to dive in” until Nov. 18. You’re still eager to merge, whether in love or business.

Sunday morning’s disappointing, perhaps due to a domestic problem. (You have the energy and courage to tackle it now, though. If people say you’re being cruel, they probably mean you aren’t kow-towing to their desires.) Sunday afternoon to mid-afternoon Tuesday brings money fortune — chase it, grab some for yourself. (Or, you might discover a true bargain.) Sunday night can hold a surprise that either “fights” your money goals, or springs open a sudden doorway leading to even more than you’ve sought. These few days hold the essence of the weeks ahead.

And Tues. afternoon to Thurs. suppertime holds the essence of all 2019: errands, swift but easy chores, paperwork, communications, short trips, friendly contacts and curiosity. Again, a fortunate interval — except perhaps late afternoon/eve Wed., when you could feel a little ill (digestion?), and should be cautious with liquids, gas, chemicals. Remember, start nothing big and new before Nov. 20 — don’t buy machinery nor undertake a new nutritional regimen.

Thursday night through Saturday steers you toward home, kids, security themes, Mother Nature, gardening, etc. Be restful, give an hour or two to contemplation each day. Try, but not in a big new, wholesale way, to solve domestic obstacles/problems. (Small things go well, but long-range commitments will be a dead-end. E.g., fix the stairs, but don’t launch renovations nor buy a house.) Only raw point: Saturday around dawn, when partner or spousal friction “barks.”

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It’s your time, Scorpio — your energy, charisma and clout rise sky-high (to late November). But I don’t say “effective” because we are all sliding into a three-week phase of mistakes, delays, false starts, indecision and second-thoughts. (It starts, technically, Oct. 31.) So even though you feel “ready to run,” avoid starting any new projects or relationships before Nov. 20. And, until Nov. 18, continue to

1) avoid places/situations of fire or violence; and
2) don’t volunteer for more work than you already shoulder.

An old wish, and/or a former sexy person, could return soon.

Sunday morning’s weary, sleepy, but this afternoon to mid-afternoon Tues. boosts your energy and charms to a monthly, even yearly high. You might meet someone unpredictable, strong and — odd? — late Sun., early Mon. This person could, in future, send freshness, friendship, and startling recognitions into your life, like little bolts of light(ning). (Or, your spouse or partner begins acting rebellious.)

Later, your luck is high, esp. in romance and love. Charge ahead — but where? Not into the future — instead, aim to “rescue” neglected tasks or ongoing situations, or reach into the past to take up a former opportunity. Money, bills, purchases arise Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thurs. Again, luck blesses you — except in romance or “gambles” Wed. You could grab a money plum!

Errands, paperwork, communications and short trips fill Thurs. night through Saturday. Write or call that person who surprised you Sun./Mon. Although it might go well at first, this is NOT a good time to buy/install new phones or office equipment, unless you are “returning” to buy an article you coveted in the past. Careful Saturday morning — argument, accident possible.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Remain quiet, contemplative, restful and observant, Sage — until late November. This won’t be as “down toned” as most Novembers, as the whole time is lightened by your optimism, cheerfulness and romantic hopes. In addition, on Friday, loving Venus enters your sign for a few weeks, giving you more good hair days and attracting affectionate people. Remember 2 things, Sage:

1) this is supposed to be a restful month, so do nap, sleep, ponder. (But don’t mull over future plans — they won’t work.) And
2) many things go backward or awry now to Nov. 20, so don’t try to launch new projects or relationships (nor make significant purchases). An old flame or ex-partner might re-appear, but this person will restrict you, so handle this lightly.

Sunday morning’s hopeful but not helpful. This afternoon to mid-afternoon Tues. emphasizes the main brunt of November: weariness, contemplation and rest. An early surprise in health or work areas. A fortunate interval, so liaison with gov’t, head offices, institutions. Your energy and charm return somewhat Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thurs. Again, a fortunate interval, so march forth. You might hear from a “gentle love.”

Chase money, pay bills, seek bargains Thurs. night through Saturday, with some qualifications:

1) don’t buy anything important;
2) sexual intimacy might be available, but ask yourself: Do I want to be tied to this?
3) conflict can arise Sat. morning: be discreet. Commit to nothing big, make no promises this late week (nor, now, before Nov. 20).

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dc. 22-Jan. 19

You’re in a wishes-come-true month, Cap. (Late Oct. to Nov. 22.) But the month ahead focuses on the past, so wish about past things! (Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above.) An old flame might appear in the few weeks ahead — this person deserves serious consideration. He/she is willing to be friends, or more. You’ll feel an uptick in your popularity, social connections, optimism, and interest in “light romance.” Bosses and VIPs remain impatient, temperamental until Nov. 18, so exercise humour and flexibility. 

Sunday morning is not your best time, so be quiet, relaxed. This afternoon to mid-afternoon Tues. brings friends, hopes, flirtation — and wish fulfillment. All’s good! Sunday pm to early Monday might, like a jack-in-the-box, surprise you with an unusual romantic meeting/urge, or a brilliant (inventive) idea. Withdraw Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thursday — rest, contemplate, be spiritual/charitable. Probably best to avoid communicating with gov’t, other administrators.

Your energy and buoyant mood return Thurs. night through Sat. You’ll be on top of your game — use this extra charisma, energy, to attract or approach others. (Until May 2020 independence is your “worst path.”) Try “reconnecting” with that person or idea that showed up late Sunday, early Monday. Only one caution: authorities, parents, bosses are short-tempered Sat. morning.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The weeks ahead emphasize your ambitions, career, prestige relations, and worldly standing. You might do quite well here, as a pay raise seems to accompany any additional responsibilities. However, avoid lawsuits and useless travel. All these apply now to late November. Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above — stay away from brand new ventures/projects, relationships, jobs, and agreements. (Promise/sign nothing, and accept no promises.) Buy nothing big or important.

Sunday morning’s a mix of mellow and gloomy. Wait until mid-afternoon, then talk to bosses or parents, and display your skills, until mid-afternoon Tues. You’ll make a good impression, will pass any “career tests” with flying colours. (But remember, tackle past or ongoing projects, not brand new ones.) Your hopes, heart, rise Tues. afternoon to mid-afternoon Thurs. This is “fun time” — a break from all the heavy work that will resume later. Flirtation, social delights, a popularity boost, entertainment, and a beautiful joy in life visit you now. One caution: count your money Wed., esp. around suppertime. (Avoid wilted food.)

Withdraw, seek rest, and contemplate Thursday night through Saturday. Don’t sink deeply into solitude (for this state isn’t good for you, to next May) for a dead-end lies here. Instead, interface with civil servants, admin. workers, institutions, charities and spiritual sources. Don’t bother making plans, they’ll change. Careful Sat. near dawn — argument, accident possible.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

October held secrets and revelations. Now you move to openness, understanding, and “spreading the word/idea.” From dark to light, information to meaning, lust to love. The weeks ahead bring intellectual, educational, far travel, legal, cultural and publishing themes — and gentle love. One thread will extend those darker, secret financial and sexual urges into late November. Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble: start nothing significant before Nov. 20. An old flame is likely to re-appear.

Sunday morning gives a “last taste” of lust, secrecy and investigation — but not a satisfying one. This afternoon to mid-afternoon Tuesday brings the core essence of the whole month ahead: far travel, intellect, law, gentle love, etc. All lights are green, so proceed with confidence. You could find love; or it might find you. Late Sunday, early Monday might surprise with sparkling repartee, or a sudden friendship.

Display your talents, interface with parents, bosses or authorities Tues. afternoon to suppertime Thurs. Be ambitious — but don’t start a brand new venture. Again, your luck’s good! Be social Thurs. night through Sat. — your popularity will rise, optimism buoys your heart, flirtations bubble up. If looking for a date, try calling that “friendly person” from Sunday/Monday. Careful near dawn Sat. — argument possible over money or sex.



One of the pleasures of getting old is that I don’t feel envy anymore. I have what I have, I am what I am, and I’m happy with that. Envy is a strong motivator, even a driver. It works by repulsion: It’s an unpleasant state, and every human wants to be in pleasantness, to have pleasant days like a friendly sun at your favourite time of day. So we automatically strive toward what is pleasant, away from the unpleasant. The ordinary route to escape envy, and I think most effective (the other being philosophical escape, a weaker phenomena) is to climb the ladder of success— i.e., become, on whatever scale matters, the equal or higher of the one once envied.

I suspect envy, though social in nature, is a biological phase, a long one. Almost as if nature injects some of us with this “weakness,” this envy gene, programmed to affect us between the ages of about — late teens? earlier? to about the sixties? That it dies with age might be attributed to people, as they age, growing more comfortable with where and who they are and what they own; and in such a broad way, can’t simply be entirely connected to envy, but to a broader acceptance/love of life. (God, isn’t this life something? Exciting, beautiful, physically pleasurable/ecstatic, life itself is the miracle. I love it.)

And if envy dying was a result of a social process, of a general dying down of effort, and rising acceptance/love of present circumstances. Thus, age defeats envy. But this, too, must be programmed, or “biological” or “DNA-Clock” — otherwise, why would the abandonment of envy, or the social trend of acceptance/love, occur at the same age in most lives. Those born rich don’t (usually, and other outcomes than I mention here, perfectly admirable ones) merely enjoy their wealth, but often are ambitious, and can fall into the envy trap as frequently as any poor or ambitious middle class person. Envy builds its houses in any neighbourhood.
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