Tag Archives: love


“QUE SERA SERA” ~ Doris Day
(written by Ray Evans & Jay Livingston)

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Email:  suningem@gmail.com   

All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM Daylight in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. Note: these time differences can be affected by different adoptions of Daylight — for example, until Britain switches to Daylight, their zone is only 7 hours past PDT. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.

START NOTHING: 3:05 pm Mon. to 2:19 am Tues., 9:14 am Wed. to 3:37 am Thurs., and 8:58 pm Fri. to 3:03 am Sat.


ALL SIGNS: Until October, new love, new agreements, new work plans, and new machinery are questionable. Be patient — wait for the right circumstance, person, and inner urge before you commit. These will come in October. (The one exception: Capricorn — this sign tends to succeed in late Sept.)
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All this trouble: I wrote here in early 2019 or late ‘18 that in April/19 Iran would grow belligerent, and could start a war it will lose. That month brought the first small skirmishes (sanctions increased and Iran calls U.S. a “terrorist state”) but real action started in May, when Iran bombed two oil freighters. This is an Aries regime, which says 2 things: 1) it loves war, and 2) it cannot win any war started before 2025. As I said back then, it’s all about nukes, and one might be dropped on Iran. Possible revolution in Iran spring 2020 or, more likely, Dec. 2020 to Feb. 2021.
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Before mankind can become one nation a new kind of bureaucracy must be created.
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Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro should guard against drowning. (Could be water, could be debt.) (I don’t mean right now — it’s a feature of his nativity.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Breathe a sigh of relief, Aries: a period of intense work ebbs now, as fresh horizons, new opportunities, relationships, and relocation themes enter (Monday) for a month. Until October 3, much of your involvement will be with co-workers, employees or other practical links. (New love is bad before Sept. 27.) After the 3rd, if you’re single, exciting meetings, new faces and potential mates appear. You might be headed toward marriage, if in love. (Only you know!)

Sunday/Monday emphasize your domestic situation. Hug the kids, shovel the garden, do repairs, enhance security (cctv?) — and rest. Rest and ponder: who/what should stay in your life, be nurtured, and who/what is old and stale, and should be let go. Sunday’s sluggish, most people oppose you. Monday starts that way, too, but good, successful action fills midday (11-3 pm, PDT).

Romance shoots its sweet barbs Tues./Wed., but a love started now will fall victim to practical realities. Be patient. Tackle chores Thurs./Fri. Someone might disagree with your position or goal Thurs., but is likely to hide this. For the best co-operation, esp. around money and work and computers, act Thurs. morn. Friday’s much more productive. Eat, dress sensibly.

Saturday’s for relationships — the pure essence of them floats toward you. All goes well, others welcome you (mildly) but the same old problem exists: how can you partner with someone when your bosses, parents, other authorities, as well as practical exigencies, go against such a union? You might have to decide: mate, or career? (Dilemma lasts until 2025, but only strongly to next March, 2020.)

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Monday begins a month of hard work, Taurus, and ends four weeks of “dalliance” (romance, art, creativity, pleasure). Get regular rest, eat and dress sensibly. After Oct. 3, the pace and intensity of your chores will double, so get as much done now as you can, “clear the decks.”

Sunday/Monday involve you in errands, communications, paperwork, visits and short trips. Sunday isn’t easy, but you’ll be fine if you stick to the job at hand, and don’t get adventurous. Monday’s fine, smooth, after a mildly challenging morning. Turn toward home, at least in your heart, Tues./Wed. You can get a lot done, but avoid decorating, painting, furniture purchases — anything involving style or beauty — and walking surfaces.

A sweet re-visit of romance blesses you briefly Thurs./Fri. — plunge in either day, but Thurs. night and Fri. are better. Is there a secret attraction? If so, make sure it’s ethical, moral. (No extra-marital stuff.) Saturday brings chores, ones you can easily perform. Avoid chasing romance Sat. night.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Ah, at last, sweet romance! The weeks ahead (starting Monday) feature powerful attractions, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges, and charming children. If unattached, you could meet a life-mate. (Probability is 10X usual.) However, patience wins: the best new loves will start after Oct. 3, for those will fulfill your dreams and will draw you into being more social. In fact, a new romance that starts before Oct. 1 will almost certainly fail.

Deal with money, possessions and sensual attractions Sun./Mon. Pay and collect monies owed, seek bargains, contact potential clients. Sunday’s filled with obstacles, so schedule your actions for Monday — midday (11 am – 3 pm PDT) best.

Errands, easy but numerous chores, communications and short trips fill Tues./Wed. You’ll be reassured that others, in general, like you. Between Tues. pm and Wed. breakfast you can reach consensus, work out a solution with a partner or other. But take care with computers, electricity Tues. morn; and DO NOT start a love affair, no matter how small. (This applies to Thursday, too.)

Thursday morning, computers and electricity work for you — and a new friend might pop up. Friday’s better, you can get a lot done. Both days feature your home, family. Saturday’s romantic — good, if you’re attached. If not, wait for October!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Monday starts a month of domestic matters, Cancer. Time to sink into your soul, touch base with the Earth, nurture family members, update the food list, repair, dig the garden, etc. In work, focus on basics, foundations, premises and “territory.” In general, wait until Oct. 4 onward to start any projects, whether decorative or essential. Until then, examine, plan, contact contractors to ask questions (but don’t hire anyone yet).

Your energy, effectiveness and charisma rise nicely Sun./Mon. If you want to impress someone, now’s the time. Monday’s far better than Sunday. Both days, you might encounter a Capricorn (or a quiet, calm, thoughtful and ambitious person) who needs help. Yes, do help, but don’t form an association nor get deeply involved in his/her life or project. Sign nothing — applies through Sept. 30.

Chase money Tues./Wed., buy/sell, but don’t indulge a sensual attraction (unless you want to feel guilty later). Best time: afternoon Tues. to breakfast Wed. (PDT). Errands, easy chores, paperwork, travel and communications fill Thurs./Fri. All goes well except Thurs. afternoon, when a small dispute can arise over a domestic matter. Saturday starts a weekend that’s pretty immersed in domestic matters — a partner’s consent really is needed, though it’s not obvious.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Monday begins four weeks of communications, paperwork, restlessness, short trips and new but casual contacts. Be curious, ask questions, follow your nose, peruse the media. Try to avoid communications in work and machinery zones until October. October 4 will start 6 weeks of profound thought mixed with daily, light talk/texts. You might start a friendly romance that deepens later to real love. Buy a car in October, not before.

Seek rest, quietude Sun./Mon. Handle gov’t or administrative tasks Mon. midday (11 – 3 PDT). (Same time, if applicable, handle a legal matter involving money or a possession.) Meditate, examine your life thus far. Your energy and pizzazz rebound mightily Tues./Wed. — get out, be seen, make an impression, be a leader! Others won’t co-operate Tues. forenoon, but then to Wed. morning you can persuade almost anyone. (DO NOT start a love affair either day.)

Chase money, buy/sell, seek bargains, butter up clients, etc., Thurs./Fri. These go passably well, but take care with workplace communications Thursday. Saturday begins a busy weekend of calls, trips, paperwork, etc. Saturday itself flows well, but you’ll do better to steer clear of work, employment, co-workers or machinery. Have fun instead!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Starting Monday, focus your prime attention on money, earnings, possessions, purchases, memorizing something, and sensual desires. All these face obstacles until October (and go best after Oct. 7) so patience is your strength.

A wish could come true Sunday/Monday. (Perhaps for “partnership” or for a money opportunity.) But even if it doesn’t, you’ll hardly care, as you feel buoyant and happy! Your popularity rises, but don’t start a new romance (and be cautious with an ongoing one) — not only Sun./Mon., but all week and into early next. But soak up your popularity, and enjoy your (brief?) optimism.

Retreat Tues./Wed. — rest, ponder and plan. Deal with gov’t, institutions, “head office,” agents and advisors. Be charitable, build your karma. Best time: after noon Tues. to Wed. morning. Do NOT seek new romance. (Same Thurs.)

Your energy, charisma and timing rise to a great level Thurs./Fri. Tackle important projects, start ventures, get out, see and be seen — lead others. Best times: forenoon Thurs. (mental inspiration, co-operative computers — hint of employment far away?); Thurs. night (a partnership opportunity with a dreamy, illogical person: frustration and joy); and all Friday (with, ultimately, a financial or sexual urge/event Fri. night). Saturday’s for money — garage sales, overtime, buying groceries, etc. The day’s smooth, but obstacles lurk, so be happy with moderate success.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You’ll be a little weary Sunday, but Monday starts four weeks of huge energy and rising charm, good luck (mostly!) and leadership. Now is the time to start significant ventures — BUT almost all your efforts in September should be directed toward solving home-related problems. Repairs, drainage, children’s woes and their future(s) etc. By October 4, you begin 6 weeks during which partnerships, opportunities (and possible relocation) are:
1) created by and/or controlled by, you; and 2) speak truly to your soul. (Before this, you attract “parasitical mates.”)

Be ambitious Sunday/Monday. Monday’s best. (Sunday’s full of rejections and disappointments — or career-vs.-home dilemmas — so work alone — or take a break.) You might reach a “working agreement” with someone Mon. Wishes can come true Tues./Wed! Your popularity and optimism rise (yes, they’re connected) and social delights, entertainment and flirtations arrive, also. But DON’T start a love affair now (or anytime before Oct. 4). Tuesday morn’s a bit disruptive.

Withdraw Thurs./Fri. — rest, nap, ponder and plan. Deal with advisors, (visit a psychic or astrologer Thurs. forenoon PDT), agents, civil servants and “management types.” Opportunities to tackle domestic/property problems Wed., Thurs., and next Mon. (Sept. 30). Guard health. All works out. Your energy and pizzazz climbs even higher Sat. into the weekend — you’ll get plenty of attention, are served as soon as you enter a store, etc. Use this energy and clout to solve domestic problems.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Monday begins four weeks of withdrawal, quietude and contemplation, Scorpio. A good time to confer with advisors and agents, civil servants and management types. Be spiritual and charitable — build up your karmic bank account. Relations with co-workers remain optimistic and “fun,” but this will fade by early October. Plan future actions (for November). Many secrets available.

A mellow, wise mood enters Sun./Mon., but Sunday’s filled with subtle rebuffs and small disagreements. Monday’s better, esp. on the work scene. If you’re in Europe or Asia, a sweet romantic “vision” visits! Be ambitious Tues./Wed. — display talents (NOT communication talents; they’ll go awry). Co-operation’s non-existent Tues. forenoon, but many things flow well after that (money, gov’t liaison-ing, confidential discussions — co-operation still “weak”).

Your popularity rises Thurs./Fri. (only mildly, as you’re in a generally weary, retreat mood).  Love, agreement and “family matters” go well Thurs. forenoon. But this afternoon brings communication mistakes or obstacles again. Friday’s good — march ahead. Social fun with co-workers possible. Saturday sends you to your corner — sleep, rest, research, contact gov’t or advisors. Be charitable. Check your vehicle: is something wearing out? Realize entire weekend (Sept. 28/29) demands rest and healthy self-pampering.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You’re going to love the four weeks that start Monday, Sage — expect rising popularity, blue-sky optimism, social delights, entertainment and flirtations. A wish could — almost certainly will — come true. (This can occur in a minor, conflicted way before Oct. — e.g., you win a weekend at a resort, but your girlfriend/boyfriend can’t go.) After Oct. 3, a major wish for romance could be granted so casually you might miss it! Keep eyes, ears open.

During almost the entire month ahead, money (and gov’t?) problems “disagree with” your social, romantic and adventurous side. That’s okay, find someone with similar constraints. (Gemini comes to mind, so do Libra and Aries.) If you’re single, somebody wants to marry you, maybe has for some time. DO NOT start a new love Sept. 22 through 30.

Sunday and Monday shunt you into mysterious areas: lust for sex or money or power, lifestyle and medical decisions, heightened intuition. These “fail” Sunday, and have “half a chance” Monday. Safety is the best goal. In money, if indecisive, default to big finances, assets; avoid earnings, “quick money.”

A wise, mellow and love-prone mood steals over you Tues./Wed. Watch health, work, machinery Tues. forenoon — practice safety. either day. Both days favour far travel, beliefs, culture, higher learning, publishing, law, and any intellectual pursuit. And gentle love, but not strongly.

Be ambitious Thurs./Fri. Work goes well Thurs. forenoon, esp. with computers, electricity or “group affairs.” Good money vibes (talk to management) Fri. to noon (PDT). Same day, show bosses how creative you can be. Saturday’s for friends, popularity, flirtations and wishes coming true — be happy, be social, but sign nothing (and write on no one’s heart).

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Monday starts a month of ambition, climbing your career ladder, prestige relations, worldly position and neighbourhood reputation. You’re not terribly lucky this year, but you should do better than anyone else in ambition’s path – as long as you avoid temptation, act like an angel, refuse to complain or denigrate anyone, and just focus on the job at hand. Easy, huh?

While I’m advising most signs to be patient and “wait out” September, as October’s better, I’m giving you the opposite advice: what are obstacles for others, is a clear path to success for you. Only one thing can sabotage you: your own stance, attitude. To succeed, be angelic in temperament!

Relationships fill Sunday/Monday. Remember, until May 2020, independence hurts you, while interdependence blesses you (nudges you onto a wiser, greener, smoother path). Instead of blocking others, try helping them. Sunday holds obstacles. Monday’s easier, might hold a solution to a legal problem affecting your security.

Veer into deeper things Tues./Wed. — major financial prospects, sexual desires, your own subconscious (heightened intuition), lifestyle choices, medical procedures and research. Early afternoon Tues. to early-mid morning Wed. (PDT) is the best time to act. Careful Tues. forenoon, accidents possible. Someone, a higher-up, gives you something valuable, maybe only a nod, maybe more.

Law, ethics, culture, ideas, education, far travel — these themes float in Thurs./Fri. Mostly good; love too. You might need to convince, inform (or explain yourself to!) a higher-up Thurs. Be ambitious Saturday — and don’t quit until Sunday night! (Sept. 29).

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You’ll love the month ahead, Aquarius. (It starts Monday.) Intellectual, cultural, legal, international, publishing and far travel themes will keep your mind active and your heart satisfied. A major love could develop — a very sexually oriented one if it has already started this month or does start before October 4, but a more communicative and social one if it starts October 4 onward. In general, this week through September 30 is not the best time to start a brand-new Love affair. Discuss weddings or other social rituals after October 3.

Tackle chores Sunday and Monday. Sunday is rather difficult with several snags; but Monday works quite well, especially midday and afternoon. Eat and drink sensibly; protect your health. Avoid interfacing with civil servants.

Relationships fill Wed./Thurs. — disruptively Wed. morning, but after this, exciting meetings and fortunate combinations occur — a wish could come true! (But DON’T start a love affair now — find another wish!) Life’s more consequential depths arrive Thurs./Fri. — investment, assets, sex, pregnancy, subconscious promptings, medical or lifestyle decisions. These two days “develop” a relationship into zones of commitment: business agreements become funding decisions; attraction becomes intimacy’s promises, opportunities become concrete.

Thursday morning’s great for home or security, but this day brings a conflict or “hard choice” between ethics and secrets; or a tax dilemma, etc. Delay communications, esp. in legal areas. Friday — charge ahead. For Saturday (and the following Sunday) re-read the first 3 sentences of this forecast — travel, publishing, cultural and educational involvements flow smoothly Sat. Love? Well, okay.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Monday starts a month of depths and consequence, Pisces. Your subconscious bursts to the surface, your intuition rises. Mysteries and research, medical and lifestyle decisions, sexual lures and financial urges — these can lead to a situation or commitment that changes your life. (E.g., sex leads to pregnancy.) In pursuing any of these before Oct. 4, strictly avoid involving your friends or their advice.

Passion and beauty fill Sunday/Monday — but so do obstacles… but in an odd way, as the obstacles are almost all social or your own “wishful thinking.” So plunging into deep romance is better than trying to make/keep friends or a light, social romance. (However, DO NOT pursue new love before Oct.: stick with the ongoing.)

Tackle chores Tues./Wed. Careful Tues. forenoon (PDT) esp. with computers, electricity and machines. This afternoon through Wed. morning aids your efforts — these could even steer you toward a promotion.

Open, obvious relationships fill Thurs./Fri. Now computers, electricity and machines are your friend (Thurs. forenoon). A moment of powerful sexual attraction might occur (Fri.) but this link might dissolve soon, whereas a very strong sexual lure will fill October. (Not recommending it, nor advising against, for the present.) Saturday is the first “peak” of the monthly trend (described above in the first 4 sentences of your forecast). The day flows calmly, productively, but listen to whispers of caution coming from your intuition.



Since 2008, the Toronto Stock Exchange has risen from 15,000 to 16,643 (Sept. 12 — an all-time high) — a rise of 1,640 points in 11 years. This equates to less than 1 per cent per year — less than gov’t bonds! Over the same period in the U.S. the Dow rose from 13,000 to 27,000 — more than a 100% rise, or, over the 11 years, up almost 10% a year (9.79 %). Why invest in Canada? (In July [?] 2014 I wrote here that the TSE would languish for a long time.)
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Trump has trouble picking friends and allies. He is too subject to flattery and what I think (but don’t know) is a sincere desire to be liked, and a trusting attitude. So he picked Bolton as Defense Sect’y, and Bolton immediately destroyed the ‘tll-then successful disarmament treaty negotiations with NoKo.

Despite Trump’s “shoot from the hip” reputation (somewhat deserved), the trend of recent events points to someone who — perhaps only recently, but I think permanently — values human life, even the lives of enemies, very highly. (E.g., the Syrian bombing target was forewarned, to clear humans out of harm’s way. Or the recent pull-back of an attack on Iran because he felt too many Iranians — all members of the military — would be hurt.) His best allies will be Geminis (e.g., Bill Barr, Attorney General) and/or people whose first names begin with E, X, or a sibilant C, as in “Cindy.” (Hard C’s are loyal to him, good employees. Eg., Corey Lewandowski.)
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Racism in America? Here’s all you need to know: during the big housing collapse (2007-09) I went to the eastern States with the idea of buying some houses and renting them out. Houses were selling for $20,000 to $50,000. But almost every time I called or enquired about a specific house, the realtor almost always either 1) warned me off, or 2) simply abandoned me as a client — would not even return my calls. The reason? I was white, and all these houses were in Black neighbourhoods. (The law banning discrimination in housing is almost universally ignored or “worked around.”)

Investigating further, I found that, in general, the same house in the same condition cost (then, 2008/9) 4 to 10 times more in a white suburb than a black one. E.g., a bungalow in the black ‘hood cost, say, $35,000 and the same house, same age, in a white ‘hood cost about $200,000 (depending on the neighbourhood).
