Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING: 8:44 pm Sun. to 1:43 am Mon., 3:01 am Tues. to 3 am Wed., and 1:41 am to 6:57 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS: It’s still a “start nothing” phase until 8:13 pm (PST) Thurs., Feb. 3. After that, charge ahead. (You can actually charge ahead on the 2nd and 3rd, as the aspects are fortunate enough to outweigh this slim ending edge of the Mercury retrograde.)
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My health is a lot better now, so I’m doing readings, etc…. Thanks for all your well-wishes!

(I don’t know if the Covid vaccines are good or not, but I doubt I will get a third “booster.” After my first shot, I had the first and so far only stroke of my life. After my second shot, I became ill for 3 months with chest pain, coughing, running nose, shortness of breath, and extreme tiredness, and am still not fully recovered.

I have never been sick for months before. In fact, since I stopped cigarettes in 2000, I have hardly even had a cold. Maybe the shots are responsible, maybe it’s just coincidence. When I mention this coincidence to my doctor, he just says, I think you should get the booster. But I remain wary.)
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You are still in a great social phase, Aries. Wishes can come true, your popularity is solid, your optimism feels few bounds, and group affairs benefit you. Your career and related ambitions are also favoured… and in fact have intensified. Expect much talk and much action in this sphere — but remember, start no new projects before Feb. 4. You might spy an opening in management areas soon.

That ambition area is highlighted Sunday — could just be that people nod to you on the street. But that social popularity and “wishing” trend opens up Monday/Tuesday — go out, have fun, flirt, enjoy life! (Home, family might interfere — or become part of your celebration!)

Pre-dawn Wednesday to dawn Friday (PST) nudges you to withdraw, contemplate, seek advice, show charity and seek spirit. This is a great interval, could land you in a management or policy-making position. Have a confidential discussion. Your energy and charisma soar upward Fri./Sat. — but this is also a sobering time, so cautiously explore career/status prospects.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Focus on your ambitions, career, prestige relations and worldly status, Taurus. This area will be what you make of it — work hard, up; work hard and adventurously, up even more; lazy, down. All the social planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) — and the destiny marker, Pluto, are in your sector of law, love, academia, far travel, foreign countries, cultural and philosophical interests. You might take giant strides here now to early March. (Sunday might show you how, or trigger thoughts about this broad zone.) But remember, start nothing before Feb. 4.

Monday/Tuesday focus on career, ambition, worldly standing. Act early (Monday rather than Tues.). Wish fulfillment, popularity, flirtations, group affairs and optimism fill Wed./Thurs. Good luck rides with you, so get out, mingle, meet. A friendly, sexy old flame might appear. Withdraw Fri./Sat., seek solitude, contemplation, rest and recuperation. Seek advice. Liaise with gov’t, large corporations.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The main emphasis lies on your intellect and how you use it/broadcast it, Gemini. Law, foreign-born people, academia, publishing, far travel, other cultures — and love — are possible fields of activity. Your career standing is buoyant, fortunate. Good time to ask for a promotion or pay raise (to early May). But remember, don’t start anything new before Feb. 4.

Almost as big as the intellectual-love-travel influence is a deep, secretive, sexual or financial drawn-out urge (lasting to early March). Your hopes and social actions, your romantic and creative side, and your personality and security, are all tied up in a) lust, b) major financial action, c) medical exigencies, or d) lifestyle changes.

Sunday features those deep sexual, financial urges. Protect your health. A sweet, mellow mood steals over you Mon./Tues. Enjoy, ponder, learn, expand your horizons, reassure someone of your love, but don’t start anything big. (E.g., don’t buy those airline tickets.)

Your career and other ambitious prospects get a lovely boost Wed./Thurs. — charge ahead, propose, start ventures, contact VIPs, etc. Weeks of delay and indecision are ended. Your optimism and popularity rise Fri./Sat. — make a big, life-altering wish, join friends or a group, flirt, be happy!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Remember, Cancer, don’t start anything big and new early week. Feb. 3 and 4 are good days to charge ahead, and delays/indecision fade slowly after this. You might be dealing with former work/business mates, lovers, or spouses — who have likely “re-entered” in the past few days/weeks. If you’re single and looking, new faces come late this week to early March. One of these could be a strong, viable life-mate prospect — but expect some aggression or volatility to mix with affection.

Thursday onward will offer at least one valid opportunity, relocation chance, or public “appearance.” The general accent lies on secrecy, sex, finances and life changes until late Feb.

Sunday’s for relationships — not new ones. You could reach a “central understanding” with someone. Monday/Tuesday reaffirm the secrecy-sex-finance-medical-lifestyle theme mentioned above, but without much deep result: a wish is denied. A mellow, understanding mood steals over you Wed./Thurs. — foreign cultures, philosophy, love, academia, law, these interest you. All’s well and your good luck is deep — plunge into these. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. Commitment to a project is firm, stable, but don’t argue with partners, others.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The general accent lies on relationships, Leo — until late February. Be eager to join, diplomatic — realize the power is temporarily in another’s hands. But don’t start a relationship nor grab an opportunity until Feb. 3 onward. Your job situation looks intense for 5 weeks ahead — challenging and rewarding. A co-worker romance might begin. Elements of ethics and communications (or travel) play a key role. Don’t cheat with even a wee, white lie on paperwork.

Tackle chores Sunday — eat and dress sensibly. Possible deep insight into a home-related matter affecting your work. Exciting (? dull?) relationships and opportunities start to appear Mon./Tues. — but career duties could interfere. Not much here, frankly.

Life’s more hidden, sexual, power, financial and medical elements rise to the surface Wed./Thurs. You have your hand on the lever of change. My advice? Press it, chase lust, investments, whatever will cause that change. Your luck is splendid here.

Friday/Saturday bring understanding, a wide, mellow view, love, foreign people/cultures, intellectual, legal, travel and philosophical interests. Good, but realize following these can upset your job performance, attendance.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The general accent lies on work, health and machinery until late Feb., Virgo. Recent weeks of delay and indecision end by Thursday. (Wed./Thurs. are excellent days to make a choice, to affirm/join with someone, to seize an opportunity — these might be “from the past” but new ones will “escape” the indecision, too.)

Whether ongoing, or an old flame, or a new one, romance surges now to early March — and this could start a whole new life of partnership if you’re unattached. Romance, sex, partnership — three kinds of love are rolled into one. If you’re attached/married, the same period accents charming kids, adventure, mutual projects, creativity, sports.

Sunday’s for romance or creative stints. Tackle chores Mon./Tues. — eat, dress sensibly. I described Wed./Thurs. above. Friday/Saturday bring depth, sexual urges, financial opportunities, or life changes — but these might not “agree” with your lover, partner.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The general emphasis lies on romance during the weeks ahead, Libra — and on creative, risk-taking, pleasure-beauty seeking, charming children, sports and game activities. These are highlighted Mon./Tues., but it might be a little too early for anything to coalesce, to “form.”

Earlier, Sunday, spend at home, with family, resting, eating intelligently. (This “down home” influence lasts until early March — you’ll be happy in the fold, find joy in the garden, in kids. A “tentative” relationship either settles in with you to a comfy love nest, or ends.)

Wednesday/Thursday bring work, machinery, the needs of dependents — plunge into this area, for it’s very fortunate now, and will reward your efforts right into early May. Don’t worry that I’ve said to wait until Feb. 4 to start anything. This Wed./Thurs. mixes the past and the future in a lucky way — grab any opportunities, buy machinery (Thurs.) work toward a pay raise. Eat, dress sensibly. Relationships fill Fri./Sat. — a mixed picture. Stability, co-operation, but also disagreement, possible rejection of a potential partnership or financial deal.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Scorpio, the general accent lies on home, family, nature, garden, nutrition, rest and contemplation until late February. Wednesday ends recent weeks of delay and indecision, but you can start charging ahead as early as Tuesday, esp. in romance and dealing with kids. Your communications, travel and paperwork sector heats up until early March — send “love letters.”  (This sector affects work, also — read directions!)

Sunday’s for just that — travel, paperwork, and contacts. Steer your heart toward home Mon./Tues. — not a lot happening, so hug the family and get some rest. Romance, beauty, creative surges, risk-taking, sports and games lure you — happily and fortunately — Wed./Thurs. Gather your courage and take that chance. But back to work Fri./Sat. Keep a steady pace, and don’t let gab sessions distract you.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The general accent lies on paperwork, errands, travel and friendly communications, Sage — until late Feb. But there is also an almost equal emphasis on money — buying and selling, wages — and on sex – casual, comfortable, easy sex, probably with someone you would never deeply love. Your memory’s fine.

Technically, Thursday night ends recent weeks of delays, mistakes and indecision. But the Wed./Thurs. aspects are so good I’d act anyway in domestic affairs, even if it is a bit early. Until May 10, you are in a super-lucky real estate, home/family, security phase — maybe best in 12 years. You would never regret selling/buying a home before May 10. (That date will kick off a huge year of romance, creativity, and joy with kids.)

Sunday’s for $ — you might have a revelation, can see “pure reality” in money matters. Those errands, trips, paper jobs arise Mon./Tues. — but not a lot is happening. Maybe the wee nascent start of a travel/communications project — though recent indecision, delay are still in effect. That lucky home influence arrives Wed./Thurs. — if an opportunity arises here, grab it! Romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure come Fri./Sat. — but don’t “spend big” on love.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The general accent lies on money, buy/sell, garage sales, pay raise, etc., Cap — until late Feb. But much is also going on closer to home, to heart — within you. You are magnetic and energetic, even forceful — you shine with “romantic charisma.” (And will, through March 5.) If you’re married, behave! You could make a mistake now: it’s very easy to conquer someone’s heart, to form a love affair now and in weeks to come — but is it strong love, or just easy? Easy often unleashes boredom after a time.

Look at this Sunday, when your charisma hits a new high. (Well, it did yesterday, Saturday the 29th, too — Sunday’s a bit quieter.) Contemplate, observe: you could hit upon the “perfect goal” for the next decade. $ call Mon./Tues. — but with few results. In shopping, stick to routine items.

Calls, trips, errands, paperwork — these fill Wed./Thurs. — in a quite fortunate way, so proceed with them, with new contacts, destinations, even tho’ the “retro” of delays doesn’t technically end until Thurs. night.

Home, property, security call Fri./Sat. — good time for a rest, contemplation. A new income source might appear to you. Avoid argument late Fri. night (PST — pre-dawn EST Sat., mid-morn Europe.)

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Your energy and charisma are at a yearly high, Aquarius (until late Feb.). Perhaps not quite as high as some years, for now your private life demands a lot of attention and effort — and will yield rewards — until early March. A secret love affair isn’t out of the question.

I’ve advised not starting anything new until Feb. 3 — this Thursday. But lucky, fortunate, expansive influences hit your money picture Wed./Thurs. — I’d charge ahead, not wait. You’ll be blessed in money matters until May 10.

Sunday’s for rest, contemplation, spirit, charity — seek advice. Your energy and charisma surge upward Mon./Tues. — but, oddly, there’s little to put your hands on. Be patient. As mentioned, Wed./Thurs. offer splendid luck in money, buying/selling, and casual intimacy. Talk, write, travel, deliver, visit, and perform paperwork Fri./Sat. — but don’t discuss your secrets nor your private life/feelings. A good week.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Overall, Pisces, use February to rest, contemplate, and (after Feb. 3) to plan your future. Good time to seek advice, liaise with gov’t or head office, to seek a management role, or join a charity or spiritual org. Despite some physical weariness, though, you hold strong, sweet hopes for the future, and friends/groups still welcome you — to early March.

It’s possible an old flame or “ex” will appear, but he/she is “too late.” Believe in your optimism — it’s justified!

Sunday boosts that optimism, brings friends. You might spy a deep truth. Sink into solitude, rest and contemplation Mon./Tues. Not much going on. You leap out of your emotional lair Wed./Thurs. — get out, see and be seen, start projects (yes, despite my earlier warnings to wait until Thurs.) Your profile, your visibility rises, esp. if you’re in the media. Chase money Fri./Sat. — all’s okay, but avoid 1) argument and 2) mixing money and friends.



If the U.S. really wants to alleviate their supply chain crisis (and therefore inflation) all they have to do is get the army trucks to replace the missing truckers. Easy-peasy. But perhaps they won’t think of it (at least not until after May/22).
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I told you Biden’s low point would be February ’22.

Hillary Clinton will finally face the karmic music around June 2023; I suspect her political career will end. Before that, her popularity and media profile will expand to early April, 2022. However, she will “hit” the first “punishment” from karma at almost exactly the same time, early April. The happy expansion will take up most of April, but the “karmic flaw” or misdeed or further descent into the muck, or “comeuppance” will take up April through June.

Then the slow year-long decline to June ’23. Oddly, it looks like the encouraging boost in popularity will coincide with the “trap” of karma. So, perhaps, she decides to run for Prez., and launches her campaign, only to have it destroyed within 14 months (if not earlier).
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If Bill Clinton remains alive, his star will rise around July ’22.
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I told you the Nasdaq would fall much more than the Dow or S&P — As I write this, the Nasdaq in 2022 (less than one month) is down 14.4%, the Dow is down just under 6%, and the S&P just under 9%.
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Want to dig into how Biden and other elites are colluding with Communist China (somewhat as the American tycoons sided with and worked secretly with Hitler)? Then buy Peter Schweizer’s Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. It’s on Amazon, and is already causing waves.
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In a few hundred years, maybe a millennium, scientists will become interested in the environment in a way we can’t imagine. Why such an intense focus on our environment? Because they are “mining” it for resources and sources. At present, we separate mining from the rest of our lives — in a pit in the earth, far away. This will be the environment you see five feet away. Very odd. It will be largely accepted by all.
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Why “mayhaps” is no longer said: It’s a perfectly good word, meaning “maybe” —Shakespeare’s characters are always saying it, I think. “Mayhaps” carries the hint of an alternate scenario, the soft, sensual “may” beckoning, and the  “haps” forming a non-threatening partnership. But two competitors arose. “Perhaps” and “maybe,” both reflecting slightly different suggestions about any outcome.

In the word perhaps, the strong syllable is the first one — “per.” In the word maybe the strong syllable is “be.” If we put together the rejected, or “soft” pieces, the ones rejected or seen as weaker, we have may and haps. They didn’t stand a chance against the more aggressive and pointed perhaps, and the velvet but stubborn maybe.

We might even get to “perbe” someday. Or “permay,” or, maybe, “mayhaps.”
