Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING: 11:23 pm Sun. to 6:47 am Mon., 11:39 am to 7:08 pm Wed., and 6:22 pm Fri. to 8:11 am Sat.


ALL SIGNS: Avoid starting any new project or relationship before February 3. This is a Mercury retrograde period, but it’s more complex than usual, because Venus, planet of love, is also retrograding most of January. Old flames are likely to show up for many of us, esp. Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, and Libra, Gemini and Leo.
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Evidently, the organizer of my Zoom broadcast Friday, Jan. 7, neglected to put the time of the broadcast on their website (Astrologer’s Den.) It’s 7:30 pm (ending 9 pm) — which will only benefit you if you happen to be reading this early. (The column is published the Thursday evening prior to the Sunday start date.)

To reserve a spot, go to the Astrologer’s Den at:


I’ll just be talking about the year ahead, and answering questions. (I won’t be reading any birth charts.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You start this week in high style, Aries. Your presence, charisma and energy are tops Sunday — but don’t pirouette in front of a speeding garbage truck. Make the limbs you climb out on a bit shorter and sturdier. You’re very favoured by higher-ups, VIPs, even court judges until early March. Present your findings, but don’t put forth new proposals, as a period of indecision, confusion and “retracing steps” begins this were, and lasts to Feb. 3.

Start nothing important in any area during this time, including relationships and major purchases. (If you bought a new suit now, you’d hardly ever wear it.) Legal, travel, media, philosophical, intellectual and love concerns remain vibrant this week and next. Avoid lawsuits.

Your energy and charisma surge nicely Sunday to dawn Mon. (PST). Chase  money, buy/sell, memorize lists Monday morn to Wed. eve. Monday goes fairly well, but Tuesday is filled with obstacles until night time when all goes well – Wednesday too. Errands, visits, communications and  paperwork fill the time between Wed. eve and Saturday dawn.

You’ll succeed until Friday pm, when confusion, indecision and delays enter. Keep your temper! Saturday’s for home, kids, nature, nutrition and rest. You’ll be happy just puttering.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The general accent remains on legal, international, media, intellectual and love matters, Taurus. This zone is generally favoured until early March. If you have a proposition to propose, wait until February or March to make it.

Until May, your social life should expand, as does your popularity. Groups you join now will benefit you for years, maybe decades. Your sex life and sexual magnetism are strong for two more weeks. Avoid tawdry situations.

Lie low, rest Sunday to pre-dawn (PST) Monday. Monday morning to Wednesday afternoon fills you with energy, charisma and clout. But before you charge ahead, realize that new projects are “out of favour” until Feb. 3. Chase money, buy/sell Wednesday eve through Friday. This is a good interval, but back off Friday p.m. when indecision and argument can occur. Casual friends, messages, short travel and paperwork fill Saturday.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Start nothing new before February 3, Gemini. Until then, work with ongoing projects or those you can  revive from the past. This applies to relationships and purchases also. Relationships remain volatile, swinging from attraction to argument and back again.

Your investment and intimacy pictures look benign until early March — same period, a troublesome illness might refuse to go away. Your career and prestige expand in the few months ahead — don’t miss an opportunity to impress others, esp. higher-ups.

Optimism, popularity and joy visit you Sunday to dawn Mon. Retreat to rest, contemplate and examine your life Monday morn to Wed. eve. Communicate with gov’t, head office, and advisors, but be cautious Tues. (to mid-afternoon) — desires mingle with (self?) deception. Your energy, alertness and charisma rise smartly Wednesday eve to Sat. morning. Saturday’s for shopping and a maybe a sensual hug.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Start nothing new before February 3, Cancer. That includes projects, relationships and major purchases. Instead, stick with ongoing matters, or revive circumstances or projects from the past. An old flame or ex-spouse might return any time this month. Relationships in general are blessed now to early March. (In fact, Cancer’s “wedding potential” stays high until mid-May.)

Work remains intense for 2 more weeks. For almost 5 months, your interest in foreign countries and other cultures, law, learning, media — and love — will remain not only strong, but adventurous and lucky. Chase these things, for good outcomes are almost certain.

Be ambitious Sunday, but back away this night (PST). Your popularity rises Monday morning to Wednesday eve. You’ll feel optimistic, flirty —get together with a group.  Careful Tues. before mid-afternoon, though — rejection can be as deep as a “romantic illusion” is strong.

Retreat Wednesday night to Sat. morning. Rest, contemplate, liaise with head office, institutions, gov’t, charities, and advisors. Meditate, seek spirit. Don’t make plans, though — circumstances are too changeable. Saturday, you shine with energy, charisma and hope — a workmate or someone in your field might become something more.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug, 22

Don’t start any new projects nor relationships, nor significant purchases before February 3, Leo. Your romantic engine is still purring; and as soon as that ends (Jan. 24) a partnership/marriage vibe grows strong, into late Feb. Your sexual, intimate life is blessed now to mid-May.

These 5 months are also beneficial for investments, research, life-changing decisions and medical procedures. Beneficial is too weak a word — some Leos will become pregnant now; some will make a good little fortune in stocks or other investments. However, these are best plunged into after Feb. 3, not before. Work and workmates are pleasant, even affectionate, to early March, but don’t start new work projects before Feb. 3.

Sunday’s for pondering, for studying the big picture, in your own life and beyond it. You might mention love, but your timing must be right on; otherwise (10 am onward, PST) you might “create a refusal.” Be ambitious dawn Monday to suppertime Wed. Again, start nothing new, but do put your shoulder to the wheel, esp. around higher-ups. But beware Tues. into the afternoon, when dejection, refusal, mix with an unrealistic but possibly “flaming” attraction.

Social visits, group affairs, popularity and optimism, flirts and friends fill Wednesday eve to Sat. morning. Saturday, take a breather, start a quiet, contemplative weekend. An old flame (or ex-spouse) might appear this late week to early Feb.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Start no new projects, relationships nor big purchases before Feb. 3, Virgo. If an old flame hasn’t returned yet, he or she might do so before January ends. Friction at home should abate in 2 weeks. (If you’re married, this might come from your wandering attention.) Romance is strong and bountiful now to early March, and your partnership prospects (in love and business) are also bountiful now to mid-May.

You face great luck, also, the same 5 months, in relocation and dealings with the public. At least 2 major opportunities will face you — grab them! However, you might be wise to wait until Feb. 3 onward to make that grab or start a good relationship. Before February, a former flame (or spouse) might appear — if so, prospects look good.

Sunday’s sexy, but don’t push it too far. (An investment might appear to you, but it’s a chancy one.) Love’s harmony, affectionate, wondering words and wandering thoughts fill Monday morning to Wednesday eve. A great interval, but skip Tues. before 3 pm (PST), when dejection and delusion make a poor pair. (These three days also trigger intellectual, legal, media or international issues.)

Be ambitious Wed. night to Saturday morning. Careful Friday, when desire and illusion form a tempting lure — but a disappointing one, as time evolves. Saturday is for friends, happy meetings, optimism and flirtations. You’ll be happy!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Start nothing new before February 3, Libra. That includes relationships and major purchases. (Lemons abound.) Your home and property remain unusually affectionate, mildly fortunate to early March, but don’t start any projects here before Feb. 3. A former tenant or child might return. Much busyness around errands, mail, calls, trips, paperwork, for two more weeks. In general, your workload is increasing, through May. Demand payment for extra work.

Sunday’s for relationships, but don’t expect too much. Monday morning to Wednesday eve brings secrets, big finances, lust. Dig deep for rewards, valuable information. Be careful Tuesday before mid-afternoon (PST) — do NOT invest, nor try to approach intimacy.

Intellectual, legal, cultural, media, far travel and International themes arise Wed. night to Saturday dawn. A good interval, but take care Friday pm, when deception, desire or opposition face you. Saturday’s for ambition — a note to a higher-up might earn a nice reward.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct.23-Nov. 21

Avoid all new starts, forming new relationships, or making major purchases before Feb. 3, Scorpio. Instead, focus on ongoing projects and save them from missed appointments, supply shortages, etc. or revive projects or relationships from the past. Extra money continues to flow your way for two more weeks, but try to bank it and avoid that subconscious urge to spend.

The big deal is romance (or a creative or inventive project) until May — great good luck here, but don’t start major things (or relationships) before Feb. 3. (Though before then an old flame might appear — if so, no harm in pursuing.)

Tackle chores Sunday. Follow safety rules. Relationships, opportunities, public dealings and relocation themes fill Monday morn to Wed. eve. The interval flows well, and can bring exciting meetings or good allies/friends, but beware Tuesday, to 2 pm, when desires and ethics and romance seem tangled up in unrealistic ways. Deception quite possible.

Life’s secrets, hidden byways, tantalizing sexual urges, major finances, research, maybe medical issues — these arise Wednesday night to Saturday morning. All good, but pull back Friday (esp. the pm) when again, desire and work and ethics and romance seem tangled in some tempting mire. Saturday’s for calm reflection, big ideas, far travel, love, intellect, law, culture, philosophy. Romance, creative and sports projects get a thumb’s up!

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Start nothing new, projects, relationships or non-routine purchases, before Feb. 3, Sage. Meanwhile, protect ongoing projects from supply shortages, missing personnel, misunderstandings, etc. You might successfully resuscitate a venture you once left behind. A former way of making money might return. Communications can be stalled or lost. Your romantic magnetism remains intense, two more weeks.

Until early March, earnings are buoyant, fortunate, but avoid starting a new project — this has links to the past. Until mid-May, you have a once-in-12 year opportunity to improve your living standard — you’ll find a better rental, or a great real estate deal. Use this winter/spring to establish a new “base,” Sage.

Sunday’s for romance, creative or speculative projects, but don’t expect a lot. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Monday morning to Wednesday eve (PST). You’ll accomplish a pleasing amount, but take care, don’t force things Tuesday before mid-afternoon (PST)— confusion, follow safety rules.

Relationships fill the horizon Wednesday night to Saturday morning — a fairly smooth rise, but confusion or an unreal romantic urge could bother you Friday daytime. Saturday’s for secrets and hidden “gems” — investigate!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Avoid starting any new, significant projects, purchases or relationships before Feb. 3, Cap. You are filled with both charisma and sweetness, energy and — unfortunately, indecision — until then. (Actually, the indecision disappears but the magnetism continues, right into March. You could attract romantic come-ons, favours, attention.)

Until Jan. 24, continue to avoid dark alleys and belligerent people. From the 24th to March 6, you will be “the dangerous one” — assertive, romantic, courageous and determined. Someone might fall madly in love with you — it might be mutual. Many emails, calls, errands, texts, paperwork chores and travel now to mid-May. Be curious, ask questions, esp. of gov’t or management types.

Sunday’s for home, kids, garden, etc. Don’t go too “big.” Romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges visit you Monday morning to Wednesday eve. A great interval, except for the first 14 hours of Tues. (PST) — be cautious, things will not go your way, despite what your imagination tells you.

Tackle chores Wednesday night to Saturday morn. Eat and dress sensibly. Careful Friday — make sure instructions are clear, and follow safety regs. Saturday’s for relationships and opportunities — good, perhaps very good ones, so leave your shyness at home — go forth and join with others.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Rest, recuperate, meditate, Aquarius. Start nothing new before Feb. 3 — no new projects, relationships nor major purchases. (E.g., groceries fine; a new suit bad — you’d never wear it.) Instead, use your energy to reprise past projects or relations, or to protect ongoing ones from scheduling confusions, supply shortages, second-thinking, etc.

Until early March, the government or a large corp, say an insurance company, might contact you — about something from the past, if before Jan. 28 – about something present if after that date. No fear — it’s a good thing. (Also to early March: a great time for quiet healing, meditating, spiritual practice — visit a psychic after Feb. 3, not before.)

Your hopes still revolve around a man, perhaps a desired communication, until Jan. 24. Your income expands, now to mid-May. At work, seek a permanent raise instead of mere overtime, if you can.

Sunday’s for messaging, short trips. Not much happening. Your home, family call you Monday morn to Wednesday eve — be there, hug the kids, upgrade security or make needed repairs (but NO renovations). Careful Tuesday before 2 pm (PST) — deception, dejection, could spark your ire. (This eve is sweet, tho.)

Romance arises Wednesday night to Saturday morning. Good, but remember your energy and charisma remain low (until late Jan.). Don’t push anyone or any agenda Friday. Saturday’s for chores. Eat, dress sensibly.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You’re launched on an adventure, Pisces, even if you don’t know it. (Mainly, now to May, an adventure of prestige, career, success.) Wishes can come true this week and next. Don’t start any new projects nor relationships nor make major purchases before Feb. 3. Until then, focus on a past opportunity that you “dropped,” or protect ongoing projects, relations, from misunderstandings, delays, etc.

A former “light” love or friendly lover might return anytime in January. Bosses remain grouchy, impatient until Jan. 24.

Pursue $, shop (routine items) Sunday — some “squeeze time” with your mate would be nice but seems oddly unattainable. Errands, calls, texts, travel, paperwork — these fill Monday morn to Wednesday eve. A good interval, but take care Tuesday before mid-afternoon (PST) when higher-ups seem particularly critical, or you might “fall prey” to very unrealistic love. Deception, wrong addresses, misunderstandings are possible.

Home and family call Wednesday night to Saturday morn — a good interval, but watch Friday, when again unrealistic love or simple misunderstandings (because someone’s dreaming, inattentive) can occur. Saturday starts a weekend of romance, charming kids, creative and sports/games involvements — joy!



Rec’d a lot of responses about my query: why does hot air rise and cold air fall? At least 3 scientists/researchers responded, all basically saying that cold air falls and hot air rises because cold air is more dense, and hot air much less dense. But I’ll pursue this next column, I’m too tired right now.
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The Symbol for infinity is usually written like this: a number 8, but usually on its side, like this: oo. We could envision this as a ribbon wrapped around two posts, which self-repeats and so “images” infinity for us. (Another image often used is a snake eating its own tail.) But think of this: what if there were not two posts for the ribbon to wrap around, but three, or four, or an infinite number of infinities? What worlds would accessing even one more post, what would this open up? But that must be eons away, for it involves universes and more.

Still, that might not mean an overwhelming or impossible stretch of time/patience, as our linear thinking expects.  What seems physically impossible (i.e., us to traverse universes, or create and/or move them) might be accomplished by other means, non-physical means; or, if you like, supra-physical —supra-supra physical (next stop, immaterial).

Suns (solar beings if you like), though next to God, are not the only force in existence. But I don’t mean dark forces; all force is essentially good. Evil is the decay of good. The first decay is pride and, growing with or upon it, arrogance. Evil essentially is narcissistic.

Arrogance tends to destroy understanding, insight. I see this all the time when I’m trying to predict stuff. When I’m feeling pretty hot and full of myself, I’ll put out predictions that are almost always wrong. Then (mostly from shame) I grow more humble, and the predictions improve. I’m trying to cut out the pride stuff, but it’s hard.

But to return: so we might find infinities spill upon infinities, if we can only locate that third “infinity post.” But what is it? When we look to the first two posts ‘round which the ribbon winds forever, what do they say? Are they a concept? An expression? Points formed by God? Miracles? Gaining knowledge in this broad area could advance many fields, esp. math.

The biggest journey here will be understanding the posts and their nature, if they have one. (I believe, personally, that everything does have a “nature” except, maybe, God.) The posts might be one and the same, quantum-ly, or siblings — or dynamically different in power, like north and south magnetic poles. Or non-existent, just a human symbol for infinity.

I argue against the last possibility (that it’s just a human symbol) on one simple basis, perhaps one that needs a pinch of faith, too: almost everything in the universe is connected. Symbols might not arise from a vacuum; perhaps they are a reflection of an event or a reality we experienced or “saw” at one (no irony intended) time. The symbol we most commonly focus on, oo, rings true intellectually/logically, and “feels right.” (Perhaps the reason it has replaced the self-consuming snake in some areas?).

Usually, to go trite, where there’s smoke there’s fire, and the smoky scent of logic hovering around this choice (oo) inclines me to believe it has a “phenomenal link” — that it reflects some reality beyond its “meaning,” and not just a static reality, but a dynamic, progressing one (changing constantly on one level or another). If only we could get to and understand this world.
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Biden has surrounded himself with unique individuals. Merrick Garland, Justice Minister, lies to Congress from start to finish — and suffers no consequences, as he is of the left, in a powerful position and with the political majority on his side [even if only situationally:  i.e., forced into loyalty to sustain the left’s narrative of self-innocence].)

Another, the Minister of Energy, knew nothing about energy, and could not answer the simplest of questions during a “presser,” such as how many barrels of oil a day is the US consuming, or how many barrels are we importing? At these and all questions, she gave a perfectly likeable, long laugh, and nothing else. Not one answer.

Mayorkas, Biden’s Homeland Security Minister, performed virtually identically before Congress: he has not one iota of knowledge (or claims not to have) about the border, immigrants, how many children are locked in cages, covid-19 among the immigrants, the $450,000 Biden has promised to give minors who crossed the border without their parents, or were separated from them. Nothing. “Sorry, I don’t know that offhand. No, I don’t have that information. Well, I don’t want to guess… I can’t remember.”

Then there’s Kamala, who, when confronted by a television journalist over the fact that she has not visited the border which is seething with illegal crossers, laughs and says, “Well, I haven’t been to Europe, either…(pause)… So what’s your point?” Kamala the heartless.

There’s something eerie about this. It’s not that they’re lying with impunity, that’s just politics. It’s that they don’t care what lies they tell, each one does/says whatever is opportune in the moment, with the insouciance of psychopaths.

These people are so advantage-oriented toward the present that their decisions seldom contain any long-range considerations. What is really weird is that it is possible that these 3 high-level ministers (and are there more?) DON’T know anything about their ministry, and spend their days playing cards, or virtual golf. Or doing whatever Kamala Harris does. And that they appear impervious to consequence.

Kamala completes the heartless four (though I suspect there is a lot of heart, that’s been disappointed, and ultimately disappointed with herself, thus the nervous laughter. She tamps down her feelings, suppresses them, but for how long?) — these four make a fairly strong box around Joe Biden.

How this turns out is dependent on Biden. Let’s forget everything else, all the other squares or oblongs surrounding him: Afghanistan, Hunter’s jinx, pandemic, everything except this man standing before us.

First question: why has Biden surrounded himself with 4 (and quite possibly more) people to whom feelings mean nothing? 4 “vacuums.” What does this say about Biden? If you were a person of feelings, of empathies and regrets, joys and sorrows, would you choose to surround yourself and have to deal with personalities who had no feelings?

But if you had few real human feelings yourself, if you were basically cold-hearted and without empathy, at least you and they would understand each other on a level of expediency: e.g., don’t overthrow me because that’s illegal and you’ll be caught. — Okay. — In return I’ll make you so-and-so. — Good, I support you.

As I write this (*) Biden has just finished a photo-op campaign-style appearance almost “next door” — I’m guessing an hour’s drive? — to Waukesha, where a Black man plowed through a crowd with his SUV and killed or maimed 67 Whites— far more than the fool who drove his car into a Charlottesville march, killing and maiming about 25, I think. That was highly publicized as a major outrageous “white supremacist” crime.

This present (Waukesha) “murder by vehicle,” though 40 bodies more tragic than the Charlottesville one, did not deserve Biden’s attention. His Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, excused this cold-heartedness by mumbling that a presidential visit had to be carefully planned days in advance, “he couldn’t just hop over there” (to give people a hug, I wish she’d added). Of course he could have. And what about the 5 days of “holidays” he enjoyed while Waukesha grieved? Could nothing have been arranged then?

(*) Note: I wrote this a month or two ago, but held it back because I was swearing off politics. But this was just too interesting to let go.

The real reason Biden would not visit the Waukesha county survivors was that a Black man killed and maimed 67 Whites. That is the reverse of the left’s (Democratic Party’s) narrative, that Blacks are good, Whites are bad. Leftists fill the airwaves like a swarm of bees when one Black man, George Floyd, is killed by a white cop. But when a Black man kills and maims 67 Whites, that is untouchable, because it directly contradicts the narrative.

(This “narrative,” which the Democrats and leftist media — almost all the media — have embraced, not only promotes CRT, “wokeness,” hatred and diminishment of parents (elevating government functionaries, i.e. teachers and school boards to the central parenting position)  — it also claims diversity/equity, an excuse to segregate Blacks and Whites — often at Black requests, and to diminish and demean Whites.) Hence, the mainstream media virtually ignored the story of this massacre.

There are many facets to this “movement” we label “Democrat.” But none of them can withstand the picture of a Black mowing down innocent White people and their toddler children. That would take the wind out of the sails on their racist yacht, the sails that have filled with the simple argument: you’re racist because you’re White. No other proof needed. You’re racist because we say you are.

Now look at Joe. He has a terrific, warm smile, maybe the best smile in the business. A few facts: In 1967 while in law school, Joe was punished for plagiarizing. He did it again, when running for senator or prez, I forget which. Joe broke up his best friend’s marriage, ruined his “friend’s” life, and married the divorcee — Jill. He mocked East Indians for being poor, for their hard work at menial jobs. He “shook down” Ukraine with a billion $ threat.

He travelled the world with his son, cutting deals with China, Russia — I think about a dozen countries — that brought in millions of dollars. Were these bribes? I don’t know. They certainly involved Biden’s Washington presence. His parenting? One son  is dead, another is a crack-sex addict, and his daughter has been in and out of rehab for addiction. But he has a grandfatherly gravitas, and a winning smile, and he became President. And he can tell you, with big, soulful eyes, that he has lost, too. But I think his children have lost much more.

Now we have Afghanistan, choked supplies, inflation, the border, anti-vaxxers, Ukraine, a plummeting approval rating, and Joe is grinning through it all. Just this week he lied and said he visited Israel during the Six Days War — in 1967, the year he was caught cheating in law school. There’s a certain chilling irresponsibility running through this administration, from the “Chief of Uncaring” to his laughing Ministers — and Kamala, his “Prime Pick.”
