Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:   9:30 pm Sun. to 10:15 am Mon., 3:53 am to 1:47 pm Wed., and 5:33 am to 7:22 pm Fri.


ALL SIGNS: Remember, start no new relationships, launch no new projects, and make no major purchases before Oct. 18 — a week Monday.
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I have accumulated so many “items” for the AFTERAMBLE that I’m moving my Pluto Article (forecasting 2229 AD + 2,000 years) to next week, so I can get rid of some of these items — some are already 3 weeks old. So the afteramble today is like the old ones, except perhaps longer….. *sigh*….
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BTW, you will often see capital letters where they don’t belong in the text below. That’s because Apple, in their wisdom, programmed their word program to capitalize EVERYTHING after a period(.). I’ve tried to correct this and cannot. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to go through every sentence to correct Apple’s incorrect capitalizations. So please, just bear with the capital letters.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Relationships of all kinds remain strongly in focus, Aries. Expect derision, opposition, competition, as well as invitations, opportunities and growing love — maybe all with the same person! As if to the rescue, a sweet, gentle, mental understanding arrives now (into early Nov.) that should help you to solve any bumps and pot holes in a major relationship. (Applies whether you’re married or single, and applies to business and other connections, also.)

Things are still confused, still under the idea phase, and misunderstandings still exist, but these will “quiet” after this week. Meanwhile, have patience — or send someone out of your life, forever. A Libran might want to share a life together.

That sweet, gentle understanding I just mentioned comes Sun. to late morning Mon. Don’t be spooked or misled by doubts, suspicions, Sunday. They’re 90% unjustified. Show your ambition Monday p.m. to mid day Wednesday. Monday is somewhat unspectacular, but you can get work done. Tuesday is filled with challenges, but also the kind of tension that can boost your efforts. Wednesday morning is okay.

Your mood perks up Wednesday p.m. to Friday eve/night, as a wind of popularity, social delights, happy flirtations, entertainment and sky blue optimism blows away any blues you might have had. This interval has one disruption around mid day Thursday, but is otherwise a fortunate and even splendid time to pursue love and/or partnership and a happy future. You could fall madly in love Thurs. night and Fri. morning. Withdraw from competition, the bustling crowd, late Fri. night and Sat.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Tackle chores, Taurus, esp. those that were neglected in the past. A financial or sexual temptation will face you for the next four weeks — only bite, this week, if the “opportunity” is from the past, and if all is aboveboard, no sleaze. Next week onward, new $ or intimate openings can be entered — fortunately. While working, follow all safety regs, esp. around machinery or heat. (And avoid sweating, then getting cold.) Remember, start nothing big and new before Oct. 18.

Sunday to late Mon. morning (PDT) emphasizes everything above about sexual and financial temptations. Before you commit to anything or anyone, realize that you are not seeing your future clearly. A mellow, understanding mood flows over you Monday p.m. to mid day Wednesday. Be cautious Tuesday; avoid legal problems, international and cultural affairs, and spouting your opinion. Wednesday is mellow and co-operative, but holds few results. Oy vey.

Plunge into your ambitions and career/prestige scenes Wed. pm to Fri. eve. You can make great strides, especially Thursday night through Friday morning. Quit working, and go out and celebrate Friday night through Saturday. Friends will lift your heart! But avoid demanding anything from anyone, especially as Saturday grows very late.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Romance still perks along in your heart, Gemini. In fact, some of you are, or will soon be falling madly in love. Late last week — Thurs. — sweet Venus entered your partnership (and enemy) house, guaranteeing a receptive response from people you approach. However, glitches, delays, “misses,” and misunderstandings still stud your romantic (or creative) path. Be patient, be willing to wait for your own heart and mind to “settle” before you pounce.

Either you’re dealing with a hot-tempered person, or they’re temporarily that way. A Libra wants love and marriage, and might be assertive about it. You could do worse, way worse. If you must break up with anyone, be a friend, not an enemy.

Relationships rule Sun. to late morning Mon. (PDT). It’s a fairly co-operative, quiet interval, but avoid self-deception or con artists Sun. If not sure what to do, work on your career. Lust, investments/debt, medical and lifestyle options, secrets and research — these lure you Mon. pm to Wed. afternoon. Be careful, non-committal for the moment.

A wide understanding, a world view, far travel, legal, cultural and love concerns blossom midday Wed. to Fri. night. This is a good interval, could solve many of love’s problems, even “re-fire” a former flame. But eye an Aquarian skeptically Thurs. pm — he/she is more a disrupter than a co-operator. Saturday’s for ambitions, career, neighbourhood status. Don’t start anything new, and don’t push intimacy nor finances. Love has “secrecy” problems; something “domestic” is hidden.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The focus continues on your domestic sphere, Cancer. Indecision, delays and misunderstandings continue to haunt this area. This in turn might spark friction and arguments. Best approach: to turn all this energy into physical effort such as digging up the garden, landscaping, repairing the house, etc. But these should not be brand new projects — don’t start the new until after October 17. Your work will be satisfying and your co-workers affectionate, now to early November.

Tackle chores Sunday to late morning Monday (PDT — afternoon, EDT, evening/night in Europe, etc.). A smooth, productive interval, but avoid (or assertively repair) plumbing, water, basements. Relationships surprise and might throw you off your game midday Mon. to afternoon Wed. Difficulties Tues. — be diplomatic! Wednesday’s calm.

Sex, lust for intimacy, power or financial gain fill Wed. eve to eve/night Fri. Here, your good fortune abounds, esp. Thurs. night/Fri. morn. A deeply sexual and/or financial situation or dilemma will start moving forward, start bringing lucky outcomes/openings next week into 2022 — Thurs./Fri. is the time to prepare for this. Saturday’s for mellow understanding, a world view, cultural and academic venues, and love. All seems well, but a home-vs-outside, or home-vs-spouse problem could lurk under the surface.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Errands, calls, texts, paperwork, trips, visits are still your main activity, Leo. Careful with these — double-check addresses, figures, times. Do not launch new projects, esp. in this travel/communications sector, before Oct. 18. You might hear from long-ago contacts. Venus just moved into your romantic sector, so now to early Nov. will favour romance, creativity and risk-taking.

Many things — lucky outcomes — have been delayed since June in partnership, love, distant events, opportunities, relocation themes, litigation and negotiation. Those delays burst like a logjam in a swelling river, next week into early 2022. Use Wed. eve through Fri. To prepare for this fortunate “end of delays.”

Romance, creativity, pleasure and beauty fill Sun. to Mon. late morning (PDT). All’s good — but don’t push for sex or you’ll create a refusal. Tackle chores, esp. neglected ones, Mon. pm to midday Wed. Eat, dress sensibly. Tuesday’s hard; Wed.’s smooth but with little result.

Exciting meetings can occur as relationships blow in on the autumn wind Wed. pm to Fri. night. A great, productive, fortunate interval! Charge in, esp. Thurs. night/Fri. morn. (Potential mistake: don’t push for partnership, marriage — or even simple co-operation — before suppertime Thurs.) Saturday stirs ghosts of sexuality, financial gain or ruin, secrets, medical problems, and “the lifestyle I didn’t pick.” Research, but commit to nothing. You’ll see why in a few days or weeks.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent remains on earnings, possessions, rote learning (memorizing) and casual sex, Virgo, but delays and confusions haunt this area. In everything, deal with ongoing or “returned from the past” projects — launch nothing before Oct. 18. That includes new relationships and big purchases. (E.g., if you bought a new shirt now, you’d hardly ever wear it, you’d find the colour unsuitable or whatever.) Your home and family grow increasingly affectionate, beautiful, now to early Nov.

One or two important work (or health) matters have been held up or non-operational since last spring. Next week, maybe even by this Thurs./Fri., this delay will end, and a big new job will rush toward you. Open your arms to receive/grab it. Old or brand new (after Oct. 17) this job can be huge and fortunate. It contains your planets of home and romance/creativity. Could be landscaping, forestry, agri, real estate, manufacture of furniture, clothes, food, etc. Gert ready to bid — and to ask for remuneration.

Sunday through Mon. morning emphasizes your home, family, security. All’s well, except with your spouse: soothe, don’t oppose. Romance, beauty, pleasure, risk, enter your life Mon. pm to Wed. midday. Tuesday’s difficult. Wednesday’s smooth, but lacks results. Ah well, just enjoy yourself, visit art, absorb nature’s beauty. (Don’t gamble Tues.)

Tackle chores, esp. neglected ones, Wed. afternoon to Fri. night. Dress, eat sensibly. This is a productive, beneficial interval with terrific money luck. (Angle for a pay raise? Prepare for the avalanche of work that’s almost here?) Thurs. night/Fri. morn best. Saturday’s for relationships — careful, they might be undercut by a conflict between love/romance and money.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

It’s still your ballgame, Libra. Means you’re in charge, the leader. State your case (despite the Mercury retro), persuade others, pursue what/whom you want. Remember, start no new relationships, projects nor make large purchases before Oct. 18. So much of what you chase now should be newly plucked from the past, or an ongoing thing.

An old flame will tease, intrigue many of you; for some, this can end in marriage and a whole new life. Still, you and any admirers remain indecisive, delayed, confused this week — not next week, when a love or romance or a creative or speculative project will escape the restrictions that have bound it since late spring. Simultaneously, the indecision of both you and a prospective or present lover, dissolves. Soon, your heart will leap!

Communications will become more gracious, affectionate now to early Nov. That includes this Sun. into midday Mon., when errands, talks, letters, etc. are highlighted. Avoid standing water, or working with plumbing. Midday Mon. to Wed. pm shunts you into domestic mode.  Monday’s okay, Tues.’s difficult, Wed.’s easy but rather fruitless. Romance swells Wed. pm to Fri. night. This is a splendid interval. Love could soar, esp. Thurs. night/Fri. morn. Saturday’s for work and diet. A domestic change or problem could be looming: see it early.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re still a bit under the cosmic weather, Scorpio — energy and charisma are low, so rest, contemplate. (Don’t make plans yet — they will change. But it’s an excellent week to examine the past, to see what went right, what wrong, and how you got to this place in your life.) A lot of stuff is dredged up from past experiences, contacts.

Remember, start no brand new relationships, ventures or large purchases before Oct. 18. If anger keeps returning, think about an anger management course. Your money fortunes improve now to early Nov. Great luck in home, family or real estate is “about to come” — patience!

Sunday to Mon. morning emphasizes your income situation. All’s fine, if you refuse to gamble or spend it on party-time at the pub. Errands, communications, travel and paperwork arrive Mon. pm to midday Wed. Stick to routine — Mon.’s okay, Tues.’s difficult, argumentative, and Wed.’s smooth but lacks results.

Wednesday afternoon to Fri. eve/night is for home, kids, garden, security, nutrition, etc. A pretty good interval, very fortunate Thurs. eve and Fri. morn. (PDT). (Next week starts a huge development in this home-realty zone. See above.) Saturday’s for romance, creativity and pleasure, but don’t expect a lot: an old problem lurks, involves secrets, reputation, and communications — gossip?

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Live life, enjoy life, Sage! Your popularity is high, social interactions are everywhere, flirtations and optimism and entertainment fill your days. A friend, or a whole social group, has or might soon (before Oct. 18) return to your life. This could spell attraction, romance, and a wish come true — a wish from the past, perhaps around marriage. Romance can be intense, hot, even temperamentally explosive. Your personal charms glow now to early Nov.

You’ve been waiting a long time for a particular communication (or travel tix, permission) — the wait will be over soon. (Next week into December unleashes a whirlwind of errands, calls, paperwork, answers, etc. — be curious, you’ll learn something life-affecting.)

Your energy is high and happy Sunday/Monday. Be a leader, but remember to not start anything major before October 18. Your home comes into clear focus Sunday night. Late Monday morning to Wed. afternoon brings money and purchasing decisions. Buy nothing important, especially Monday/Tuesday. Wednesday flows well but gives few results — stick to routine.

Friends, contacts, communications, invitations, paperwork, applications, curiosity and travel form a mulligan’s stew midday Wed. to Fri. eve/night — but a lucky stew, esp. Thurs. night/Fri. morning. A partnership could be sewn up, a voyage confirmed, or other uplifting news arrives. Be curious! To home, kids, garden, and security Sat. — an easy day, but a money-vs-social conflict looms.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The accent remains on your ambitions, your career and social status, Cap. Work hard on present or past/revived projects, but avoid launching any new ones. (If your bosses bring you a new project now, there’s a basic flaw in it.) You might need to embrace a former career role for a while, or handle something important that has been neglected.

Management and civil servants favour you now and will listen appreciatively to your suggestions or queries (to Nov. 5). Next week, a major delay will end in $, income or a big purchase (since June). I say “major” because this $ situation is “joined at the hip” with your plans and your life, your direction. Soon, good news in this!

Lie low, rest and ponder Sun. to late morning Mon. Pamper your health, don’t exert too much. Your energy and charisma surge upward mid day Monday to early afternoon Wednesday. Don’t start anything, but do give ongoing projects a firm push. Be a leader, gather allies. But also be cautious: Mon./Tues. are like a bag of problems — but in crisis lies opportunity. Wednesday flows easily, but goes nowhere.

I mentioned above that the $ spigot was about to be turned on, next week through December. This week, midday Wed. to Fri. eve/night, touches $ and possession situations with a magic wand of luck and agreement! It’s like a preview of the Oct.-Dec. money “flood” — and no one could fault you for acting early (esp. Thurs. night, Fri. morning). Saturday’s for short trips, communications, curiosity. A major career bid might be brewing.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

To a large degree you are defining your life philosophy in October, your principles going forward, Aquarius. Yet it’s as if someone plunked you into a bowl of indecision, delay, frustrations and misunderstandings. How can you see years down the road, when you don’t know your own mind about things surrounding you right now, such as legal matters, travel, beliefs, and love? (Strictly avoid lawsuits all October.) One who does love you (whether you’re married or single) is acting angry, aggressive. Why?

Between now and Nov. 5, two wishes will come true (perhaps one about love, and the other about home). Friends will come around, heal the loneliness. By next week, into December, a logjam bursts, and you’ll be thrust into adventure, life expansion, good luck and — well, again, wishes coming true, esp. in a social sense. (You love having many friends.) This Wed. (midday, PDT) to Friday  emphasizes all these things: adventure, luck, joining, love — you’ll be energetic and magnetic — and will draw these things to yourself. (Best: Thurs. eve to Fri. Morn.)

Earlier, Sunday to late morning Monday brings friends, hopes for a bright future, but don’t spend, nor chase income. Avoid money arguments/worries Sunday — they’re mostly mist. Withdraw, seek a quiet place midday Mon. to midday Wed. Contemplate, rest, pamper your health. Contact advisors. I discussed Wed. to Fri. above. Saturday is for money, spending, casual intimacy — but go slow, as a conflict lies buried here.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Secrets, research, medical procedures, strong sexual desires, investments and debt, and possible lifestyle changes – these continue this week, Pisces. And they continue to be either returning from the past, or delayed in the present. In other words, don’t launch any brand new ventures or relationships, especially in these areas of secrecy, sex and finances.

There might be profit in something returning, especially Thursday/Friday. However, keep a rein on your impulsive urges — think twice before any commitment, in finances, sexually, etc. Starting next week, you might find you’re in line for a management position. If so, “capture” it before 2022 — because you’ll need your time for other things when January 2022 triggers six months of life-changing adventure, luck and career progress. Bosses favour you now to Nov. 5.

Sunday to late Mon. morning accents work, career, prestige relations, status in the ‘hood. All’s well! Wishes come true, friends rally ‘round, joy and life and blue skies of optimism lift you on a cloud of contentment, midday Mon. to early afternoon Wed. Just enjoy, forget practical goals, as Mon./Tues. are filled with glitches and blockages, and Wed. flows well but yields little.

Chase money, buy/sell (carefully!) Wed. afternoon to Fri. eve/night. Good luck rides with you, so hop on your horse and lasso an opportunity or two! (Since delays end Oct. 18, this end-of-week is not too early to start something.)



Remember when a few months ago I said that it was quite possible some states would want to leave the USA?

A recent poll done by the University of Virginia Centre for Politics found that 52% of Republicans and 41% of Democrats agreed with this statement:

“The situation in America is such that I would favour (states) seceding from the union to form their own separate country.”

Just today (Oct. 4) over 20 states issued a demand that the entire U.S. federal election of 2020 should be examined forensically for fraud and other criminal activity — not just in any state, but in all 50 states.
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Long term readers of this blog know that I have for many years disapproved of the Catholic Church — since 1984, when I said (whenever I write ”said,” I mean “wrote” — I just don’t like the word ‘wrote”) — I said, in 1984, that the Catholic church would die out soon. This was based on, guess what — Pluto. Since then, the rank pedophilia, the monetary greed, residential schools, the genocide practiced by a long line of popes and their minions, have come to light, and this horrible religion has lost, at least in North America, millions of believers.

In Toronto, almost all Catholic churches are being demolished to build condos. When I lived there a decade ago, I started going to a big church across the street from my apartment. (I’m not religious, but I’m always curious.) The church seemed big enough to seat about 200-300 people. One Sunday I counted: 15 people beside myself and the priest. Then one Sunday the doors were locked. It’s probably an apartment tower by now.

Today (Oct. 4) the news came: either the French police found, or the catholic (not capitalized on purpose) church admitted, that over 210,000 French children had been sexually penetrated by catholic priests, and another 130,000 were raped by church minions such as janitors and Sunday school teachers, since 1950. Well, gee, at 340,000, that’s only 4,857 children destroyed every year — most of them boys, the NY Times says. All of this, the report says, was committed by slightly under 3000 priests. Gee, only 70 rapes per priest!

Any non-priest, ordinary citizen rapist would have been thrown in jail without parole forever for such an accomplishment. These are bad, bad people. They are fully equivalent to murderers — in fact, these despicable priests have committed a sin far worse than merely killing someone (as abortionists do) for homicide would only remove their life — and them from life.

But these priests (known in hell as minions of Satan) have not only taken a butcher knife to over 300,000 souls/ consciousnesses/minds, but in addition they have left them alive to undergo a life of humiliation, shame, deep anger, sexual malfunction, inappropriate partner selection — AND ruined at least another 1 or 2 million people with whom these soul-bruised victims will interact throughout their lives. (Anyone who has married a sexually abused person knows the scars, depths, fears, dreads and anxieties — and lack of intimacy — such people carry around their waist like an extra 50 pounds.)

These priests belong in the hell that they say they believe in, although I don’t think they even believe in God. Here is a church filled with priests who secretly do not believe in God. (Or, like Satan, hate God.) Every catholic church should be burned down.

Now the pope responds with “My heart goes out to all these victims.”  How about if you did the right thing before God, Mr. Francis popey-poo, and fired every priest and cardinal and bishop, ripped off your gorgeous robes and went to live in the streets as a beggar, you hypocrite? “My heart goes out to you” — what’s this, a Hallmark sympathy card? Being homeless, being a street person — that’s all you deserve, dear pope, and better than most popes have deserved for at least 1,000 years.

(When pope Gregory the VII in 1074 proclaimed that priests cannot marry nor own property, he ensured 10 centuries of decay and perversion would follow.)

What kind of God is this, who lets His/Her church defile and destroy so many lives? As I’ve said before, the only way this makes any sense is if reincarnation does occur on a massive scale, and all those 340,000 young boys deserved it for sins committed in a previous lifetime. I guess that applies to the 2 or 20 million other boys destroyed by other priests in other countries?

Like I said a few months ago, you Catholics might not be “bad people,” but your complacency is a sin. Sure, many people need a master, but please, find a new master, not this corrupt mafia of robe-wearing thugs.

Simply going by the mere evidence that we’ve seen in the last 50 years or so, the church seems to be a cabal of demons, and the pope the head Antichrist. Thank God people are fleeing “God’s” church.
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Karl Marx: “The first battlefield is the rewriting of history. If you can keep people from their history they are easily controlled.”

(Gee, remember when the Democrats were all Confederates, fighting to keep slaves? Remember when mere years ago, Democrats and their Millennial thugs went around destroying every statue they could find (statues being the physical embodiment of history)? Notice how they banned the Bible from classrooms, and now, under Biden, they are giving the students pornography books and instructing them to write pornographic stories? Ironic, Biden/Bible.
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A reader from Holland asked me why I was suddenly praising Joe Biden in last week’s AFTERAMBLE, when I have spent the last year trashing him? Well, I was not praising Biden, especially not as an individual. I was pointing out that God often uses bad people to advance ultimately good ends. Adolf Hitler was bad, but his WW 2 led to the eradication of monarchies (and some dictatorships), the creation of social safety nets, and a huge leap in technology: jets, atom bombs, radar, etc. And so with Joe.

He’s a criminal, a fraud, a con artist, has engaged in pay for play, and has probably committed treason against the US. As soon as he became president, he began dismantling the US economy, destroying its energy independence and inflating asset prices. He issued tens of unlawful executive orders — which are very effective because it takes the courts three years to reverse them. (Biden has even bragged about this.)

Like Hitler — and most of his party’s progressives — Biden hates Jews (and East Indians and Blacks and anyone who is not lily-white — all hidden very effectively during the election.) But also like Hitler, Joe is causing an upheaval that will be followed by a better world. (And as with Hitler, not quite the world he imagines he is creating.) Biden is God’s pawn, instrument; that doesn’t mean he’s admirable.
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To continue last week’s call on the stock markets:

First, I forgot to brag about my Nasdaq call of two months ago — that it would decline faster/more than the general markets. (In the last month, Sept. 8 to Oct. 7, the DJIA has declined 1%, S&P 2.73%, and the Nasdaq 4.72%.)

Despite the slowing economy, inflation has invaded the land. Two things can happen now:

1) Gov’t-set “central” Interest rates rise to combat inflation (or as some fear, stagflation). Gov’t bond yields grow, so that at some point (it’s an unfolding process, some converting immediately, some 5 weeks later, or a year) — let’s say yields on the 10-year rise to 5% — not improbable — then many investors will flee sluggish stock markets for bonds. In this way, a correction could become a bear, and a bear a rout.

If interest rates rise, it can hurt REITS with revolving mortgage negotiations. It can also hurt their value, because gov’t — i.e., safe — bonds now pay a competitive rate. Investors aren’t willing to pay up for such a small difference in rates, so sellers have to lower their price, to the point of an attractive yield. This could cut the value, or price, of a REIT share in half. You could just say, I’m happy with my yield and hope the REIT doesn’t die and lets you collect the same or better yield for 3 decades. The risk: that the REIT might fail, given really hostile environments financially and economically.

On the plus side, in an inflationary environment, the value of the REITS holdings (the nav) will increase in dollar terms. However, real estate tends to be very late to inflate, so you might wait a long time for that value pay-off.

If you’re quick, you can take advantage of this decline. Sell everything now, even if it is down 4 or 5%, and go entirely cash. Then, in several months, or a year, or you pick the time, you buy back the REITS at a far higher yield (far lower price) than you sold them for. You can make 20, 50% on this if you’re a good timer.

But what if you do sell your REITS and have decided to buy them back when gov’t yields have climbed from 1% to 5% — all good — but then it takes 8 years to get to this 5%? Sure, you’ll pick them up a lot cheaper, but you’ve lost 8 years of, say, 8% dividends on the original purchase price?

Say you bought it for $1. The dividend is 8 cents, or $0.08 per annum. Over 8 years, that’s 64 cents. Add another 10 cents for compounding (just a wild guess) and the REIT shares that you now hold cost you only 26 cents ($1 less $0.64 in dividends). But if you sold and did not collect dividends, you will need the price of this REIT to fall BELOW 26 cents (74% of its stock price lost) in order to make even the slimmest gain.

The only real risk in holding REITS is if really bad economic and market conditions prevailed, as in a depression, or a high interest rate environment that lasts for years, decades. This risk is shared by possibility 2) below. Both 1) and 2) present another risk: that you’ll lose your nerve and sell near the market bottom.

2) The second inflation/market possibility is that the gov’t, freaked that the economy will fail due to various factors, supply chain delays, pandemic restrictions and a general, growing malaise among the populace, a restless waiting or depression, will keep interest rates down. Equally, the gov’t, terrified that rising rates will bankrupt voters (Stats Canada estimated 34% of homeowners would face foreclosure if rates rose by — what was it, 2%?) will NOT raise rates, or at least at such a snail’s pace that homeowners will be like the frog in the pot. (The water temperature rises so slowly the frog doesn’t notice that he’s being cooked to death.)

This would keep the stock markets fairly buoyant, perhaps brings a soft landing. REITS would stand their ground interest-yield-wise against gov’t bonds, which did not rise much after all. Re-mortgaging is no threat.

But this scenario is threatened by the forecast I made over a year ago: that inflation will rage in the first half of 2022, more than now. If the fed holds firm (not raising rates) real asset values on paper will soar due to inflation — that includes real estate. In this scenario, REITS are a good hedge against inflation. One problem (I’m sure there’s more!): if the economy gets so bad even rents fall. (Esp. if you hold retail REITs.)

Another risk: that you’ll lose your nerve and sell near the market bottom.

Which One?

I favour 2) above, because I think the gov’t knows that in the last 15 years in Canada home buyers paid swiftly rising prices for housing because the gov’t kept mortgage rates incredibly low — so a carpenter could afford a mansion, since 1% and 2% mortgage interest rates made them so affordable. Raising rates would not only be breaking that “promise,” it would also, perhaps, lead to a home-owner-led depression.

Again, the risk is that the feds will panic in the first half of ’22, when prices surge upward, more than now. If they react by firmly increasing rates, be careful with REITS!  (And read 1) again.)

I hope I keep my nerve, ‘cuz I’ve already lost $13,000 these last two weeks. Could lose 20 times that before any real relief comes.
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If, as Einstein says, the closer we approach the speed of light, the more time slows down, then light itself should have no time, as it has “accomplished” the speed of itself. In other words, since they are frozen either in time or outside time, is the light from the stars actually reaching us? And as it reaches us is it actually at its moment of birth, since it is not subject to time?

In other words, in a way, all the stars and the light from them are not moving at all. To move implies time because it implies distance and you cannot travel distance without time. Well, that’s my high school logic talking. Perhaps you can move through vast distances in no time, as Bohm and other physicists think. (What’s that called? Can’t remember.)
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It looks like at least one of Trump’s election fraud claims might be bogus. The audit of Arizona’s Maricopa County (basically Phoenix) was completed two weeks ago by a tech firm supposedly sympathetic to Trump. It found that Biden’s votes were actually under-counted by about 200, and Trump was actually credited with a couple of hundred more votes than he really obtained. Not much difference, as the totals were in the millions, or close to.

(Only a few flies in this healing ointment: over 58,000 votes/ballots were “missing” — Biden won by 10,000 — and the election officials, democrats, refused to submit subpoenaed evidence, fought the auditors every inch, and wiped all election records from the voting machines before the auditors could examine them. In fact, workers were caught on film erasing volumes of data from the voting machines, the night before the audit. This will probably go to court.)

In other words, a crippled, manipulated audit found no major discrepancies. It does look like Trump’s “fraudulent election” claim, at least in Arizona, might not stand up to scrutiny (tho’ scrutiny is not necessarily reality) — but how will we ever be certain?
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When the woke cancel culture began robbing people of their careers, their livelihoods, their reputations and worldly standing, and ultimately, perhaps, their families, for some micro-racist, or chauvinistic, sexist, homophobic or other now-banned remark.(*) When they began doing this, and when they encouraged street riots that smashed and burned small storefronts, when they beat up republicans, and cried “Get in their face”, they were declaring not argument, but war. This is why republicans fight in vain against the “logic” of the left, and why they labour in vain to understand the left’s reasoning. Because war leaves logic behind.

(*) This generation is remarkably bigoted, prejudiced even against other times.
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Hillary (Clinton) will face the music in 2022/23 — peaking about mid-2023. Several minor events precede that peak: Jan./22, initial effervescence, luck, expectation, causes her to attempt something that might later prove too ambitious. In June/July/22, secrets, background skullduggery, maybe questioning. By late summer, possible betrayal by partner, associate, or she chooses a bad lawyer or new co-operator. Relationship issues.

Again, the karmic bus is coming, Jan./22 to July/23, for this particular lost soul. (I shouldn’t be too arrogant; we have all sinned, me a lot!) Why didn’t she take my advice in 2015 to retire from politics and sit on her back porch playing with grandchildren? (Of course I doubt she or anyone she knows reads this humble little blog.) Instead, she chose the temptation of self-proud ambition, cheated in her campaign, and lost. You can see it in her face in many of the pictures since 2016, the glinting, angry eyes, and the resentful, angry, now permanently pursed lips.

After all she suffered, after all the sins she committed (sins as self-debasement, which she resented even at the time, but wallowed in, for it seemed part of the necessary road to victory) — and she still lost. (The real tragedy involved in selling your soul to the devil, is that he’s tricked you, and you find you’ve sold it for an illusion: in this case, the illusion of being President and a permanent place in history. However, she didn’t sell it overnight; this presidential run, and its sins, were the culmination of a long process.)

This lady is unhappy; she could cure much of this unhappiness, and step down the road toward forgiveness, warmth, sharing, intimate trust, a mellow humour and nature’s beauty, merely by quitting politics. By ceasing the effort to promote and worry about her public status. This would be a huge first step to regaining her soul (for no curse nor theft, even the devil’s, is permanent**). But she’s hanging on.

The trouble with anger is that it blinds, shuts off the “reasonable” center, so she will only with difficulty see and enter the soul-healing process. Anger is also addictive: it injects a kind of pleasure-in-rage, a perverse sweetness that is hard to let go, to “not” enjoy. Pride is Hillary’s downfall; to reach happiness she must let it go, flow away. She intuitively thinks it protects her — an essential mistake.

Pride to H.C. is like a slender tree branch that she clings to. She’s not going to let go, because she thinks there is a big, deep, cold pit beneath, and if she lets go of that twig of pride she will fall and drown. Worst of all, her personality will drown. (She imagines.) So she clings to the pride like a shipwrecked sailor at sea clings to flotsam.

I’m sure I lost thousands of female readers when I criticized Hillary some years ago. I received scads of emails informing me I was a misogynist, a woman hater, patriarchal, cretin, caveman, and a bunch of swear words. They were wrong. I only hated anyone evil. (Weirdly, just as I lost these Hillary supporters, millions of Chinese readers began to follow my blog. Now a third of my clients are Chinese.)

(**) Karma is much larger, longer, and stronger than the devil. The devil only has the power of evil. Karma enlists every power, every fibre of every motion of the universe.)
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Virginia Wolfe, one of the literary lights in the Bloomberg “school” (early 20th century) was denied access to the Cambridge University library because she was a woman. (There was a separate school and library for women.) When Justice Ginsberg was enrolled in law school with 3 other women (and 500 men) the professor called on her (them, the 4 women) to state why they deserved to take up a spot that a man should have occupied.

So when feminists cry foul, they have a resounding case.

But the left’s case is more complex, and more fantastical: the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), a strong leftist org, says feminists are bunk because now even men can become women, so women now are no longer women, but “people.” As ever-truth-speaking AOC (the Democrat who attended a $35,000 ticket gala with “Tax the Rich” painted in scarlet red across her slithering white backside) says, and I quote: “The gutting of Roe v Wade imperils every menstruating person in the US… people who aren’t women can menstruate too!” Oh, the science!
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Here’s a possibility: DNA is one of the major carriers of karma. It points to and times your illnesses and death(s), and ditto for your strengths and (because of this) successes. It programs your physique and sex and “looks.” There is evidence DNA also determines temperament. Everyone knows this.

But can DNA and its records transfer from one lifetime on earth to another, i.e., via a reincarnation process?

There is also the possibility that as we act in our day-to-day life, we in a minuscule way alter our DNA — for better or worse. Our DNA might also carry little bags to store things in, in which it stores the reactions and moods, inner chemistry, of every act, kind or cruel. Often, in life, these “DNA pockets” are emptied, like an anemone empties itself in the ocean. When karma/DNA is “emptying” we get pay back: the cosmos exacts its punishment, and a lot of human heads nod in agreement.

There are some people whose DNA never exacts “same life” payment for the most heinous deeds, but there are also people whose karmic payback is almost instant. I know, I’m one of them. If I cut off someone in traffic, count to 30 and before that someone will cut me off. It works the other way, too. I’m finally old enough to drive calmly (most days) and now I stop for peds, wave the other guy through, that sort of thing. These kind of days, often other drivers treat me with an unexpected courtesy. Peace, brother.

But back to “daily karmic DNA.” At this level, we are dealing with the conjunction between biochemistry and thought (or how else could daily action, motivated by thought or other things, affect DNA, a chemical construct?). We already know emotions and mental attitude affect health; this is a toe in the ocean of knowledge here—ultimately, if we keep swimming, the next era (2229 AD onward) will produce not only biochemical-thought “couplings” but at least the initial merging of pure chemistry and thought. Thought affecting not the bio-chemistry within, but the chemistry without.

This will steer us in the direction of the minuscule for awhile (peaking, by my rough math, about 2373 to 2393 AD). (Neptune on the 2229 Pluto return horizon hints that as we go into outer space, Neptune’s domain, we also go into just as vast and complex a universe in oceans and, ultimately, with the world below atoms.) 2400 onward, there might be a slow sloughing off of the ultra-miniscule.

But I’ve wandered into next week’s AFTERAMBLE, where I’ll look at the 2229 era — and the mega-era to follow for 24 centuries.
