Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  Before 1:38 am Sun., 1:46 am to 5:41 am Tues., 10:03 pm Wed. to 7:22 am Thurs., and 11:05 pm Fri. to 8:24 am Sat.


ALL SIGNS:  Start nothing new before October 18. No new important purchases, relationships nor project launches. Revive something from the past, or stick with and protect ongoing projects, relationships, etc. (“Protect” = double check times and meeting plans, subjects, figures, foresee supply shortages and correct them, etc.)

Readers often ask me whether they can start employment during a mercury retrograde if they interviewed for it before the retrograde. Others ask if they can buy a car during the retro because they arranged the financing before the retrograde. In both these cases, and similar ones, it is still best to postpone action/starts until Mercury goes direct again — in our case, October 18.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Relationships take top billing on the marquee of your future, Aries. Opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes also enter. In all these, “returnees” from the past are favoured; ongoing projects/bonds need protection, and the brand new is stamped with a “low success rating.” An old flame might flare — could lead to a meaningful bond, even a life-long one.

Relationship intensity is so strong (mid-Sept. to October’s  end) that fights are as possible as embraces, so remain diplomatic, aware of others’ feelings. This negative possibility lightens, dissolves somewhat by Thurs. onward, as your love and relationship planet enters one of your love signs for 4 weeks. Some singles among you are headed for marriage, even where it doesn’t look like it. Married Aries should experience a sweet but volatile month.

Tackle work Sun./Mon. Eat, dress sensibly. Do NOT buy machinery/tools. A good interval — you’ll gets loads done. (Esp. if you avoid gov’t, bureaucratic and admin. workers.) Those relationships surge Tues. to Thurs. dawn (PDT). They’re stable (which might not be for you) Tues., more here-there and chatty Wed., but after this rushed chatty period, the image of true love, almost sensed more in your mind than your heart. If this is a new relationship, it will likely fall apart; but it is a valuable clue as it shows you what to look for (and that “what” isn’t far off).

Mysteries, Thurs. morning to Sat. morning. If you must invest, do so Fri. (pm), not Thurs. Saturday starts a mellow weekend.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Another week of work, Taurus. Protect your health. Remember, start nothing new (ventures, relationships, big purchases) before Oct. 18. Instead, protect ongoing ventures, or reprise past  efforts/situations. Others continue to treat you well, graciously and affectionately. By Thursday, this “affection” moves underground, behind the curtains of privacy. (By mid-October, the same influence might bring lucrative investments to your attention.) Past work roles or neglected duties return. Follow safety regs, and avoid workplace confrontations.

Your work is relieved by romance and/or pleasure Sun. to dawn Tues. (PDT). A splendid interval, so plunge in. Work/career rewards or openings, also. A partnership can be “deeply healed.” One dilemma: “Do I go deep romance, or light and friendly?” (I’d go deep, but remember, this isn’t a romantic month overall.)

Tackle those chores Tues. morn to dawn Thurs. You’ll have great success Tues./Wed., but stop after 10 pm Wed., or face an obstacle. (Thurs. dawn/breakfast in Europe, lunchtime in China, etc.) Might was well stay in bed Thurs. — not much succeeds. Partnerships, relationships come into sharp (but confused) focus Thurs. to Sat. morn.

Good, Fri., for romance and loving partnerships. Saturday’s good, workable, productive in zones of finances, research, sex, medical and lifestyle explorations.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Ah, sweet love! Whether you’re attached or single, looking, whatever, affection and beauty fill your eyes and heart — and just the thought of someone, or of love generally, ratchets up your optimism. By mid-Oct. onward, more Geminis than usual will wed or otherwise find lasting love. Love always has a different flavour and a different adventure.

This year, when love is so prominent, it also includes deep themes of sex, financial mingling, necessary lifestyle change, and durability — it could last the rest of your life (or 3 decades). This love is friendly, or with a challenging person. From Thursday on word, the relationship intensity actually increases, as love planet Venus moves into your partnership sign until November 5.

In all this, if you’re single, you’re either dealing with an old flame, or an ongoing romance. (The latter might have slowed down since June, but will soon percolate again.) Aries, Libra and Aquarius play key roles. A tremendously creative week/month. DON’T start anything brand new (ventures, relationships, purchases) before Oct. 18.

Be home, seek security Sun./Mon. Excellent interval for gardening, repairs, hugging the kids, research and rest. You might hear from or contact an old flame Sunday… If so, lucky outcomes! Chase romance, creative projects, sports/games/risk and beauty/pleasure Tues. morn to Thurs. morn. Again, an old flame might appear, again with good fortune “attached.” You can solve sexual and financial problems Tuesday, and legal, academic and moral/philosophical problems Wednesday.

Tackle chores and protect your daily health (good habits) Thurs. morn to Sat. morn. Thursday’s not much good for anything — follow safety rules, do not invest. Friday’s okay. Saturday brings relationships, exciting meetings (VERY talkative ones!).

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

An overwhelming accent on home should find you there many times this month, Cancer. (It’s where you like to be anyway.) But there is a definite element of delay, or a definite return of the past — conditions, opportunities, duties — in your family and home zone. —And in many areas of life, generally. So don’t start any new ventures, relationships or big purchases before Oct. 18.

A wee streak of romance and beauty relieves the domestic trend some days, but this domestic phase is consequential: it might signal your opening an office at home, working in home-related areas (lumber, construction, realty sales, diapers, furniture, food, garden seeds, etc.) or otherwise combining ambition/career with home/family.

This won’t be an easy or “sound of music” domestic month, as Mars can stir up friction, argument — but also great energy if you can aim it right. Don’t dictate or tyrannize kids. (Your temper’s strong right now.) IF it’s an old, former or ongoing project, this is a great time to landscape, dig, cut, prune, etc.

Errands, calls and communications and contacts, travel and paperwork make you rush around Sunday/Monday. This is a very fortunate interval, so charge ahead. Love might be part of your messaging Monday. Earlier, Sunday can bring a stroke of luck in home and financial zones; also a good day to seek pregnancy. The down-home theme is doubly emphasized Tuesday morning to Thursday morn. A very beneficial period, but quit before 10 PM PDT (6 am Britain, 1 pm China, etc.) or any flimsy constructs will collapse.

Romance, tender feelings fill Thurs. morn to Sat. morn. Thursday’s terrible, rejecting; Friday’s a bit jumbled but sweet, empathic. Saturday daytime helps you get jobs done, might even create one or two.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

It’s not an important time, Leo, and yet it is an important time. Your main mode now is to perform errands, make and return contacts and communications, handle paperwork and travel. Usually these are not earthshaking activities. But this year, and especially this month of October, your communications and visits can be directed strongly at a person you want to be in love with, an opportunity or a relocation theme.

The particular situation has been on hold since June and to some degree since May, but in about two weeks the log jam bursts, allowing you to pilot yourself down the river of opportunity/love. If single, you could be dealing now or soon) with someone bright and sassy, but who is also “work.” This could lead to life mating. If attached, other opportunities arise, such as an expanded work or prestige role. Before Oct. 18, ALL viable opportunities or love openings are attached to, come from, the past. (E.g., an ex returns.) Before then, start nothing new.

Chase money Sunday/Monday. Buy/sell, collect and pay. You could hit something lucky, a lodestone. Communicating with an old love could bring a surprisingly gratifying response. Career, work favoured. Casual sex, too, but not if it’s going to interfere with a later, true love.

All those errands, trips and communications are doubly emphasized Tues./Wed. All’s favourable, so send your most important missives. But quit before 10 pm PDT Wed. (6 am U.K., 1 pm China, 3 pm Australia, etc.) Head for home Thurs. to Sat. morning. Thursday’s difficult, Friday’s jumbled but fine, good for sex and investments. Saturday brings romance – and it might be super-charged. (Rapid conversations.) Still, be aware of (and honour) any deeper flaws/snags.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The main accent lies on money and earned income, Virgo. Remember, don’t start any brand new ventures, relationships nor major purchases before Oct. 18, esp. in money zones. A former income source, client or job might return. You might be hell-bent on investing (mid-Sept. through Oct.) — but stop, think, look — is your money (investments) growing, or dribbling away? Bad time to increase debt. Spending needs curbing.

A casual sexual attraction could grow into something intense, deep — but this is not your true love, so proceed a little cautiously. Your home and family will be affectionate and secure Thurs. to early Nov.

Your energy and charisma are tops Sunday/Monday. Charge ahead, be a leader, see and be seen — in money, work, communications, travel, love and partnership, good luck abounds! Chase $ Tues. morn to Thurs. morn — handle clients, seek bargains, collect and pay. All’s good, but quit by suppertime Wed. (PDT — predawn in Europe, lunchtime in Asia) or problems will enter.

Errands, calls, trips, contacts, paperwork fill Thurs. morn to Sat. morn. Thursday’s one big frustration, but Fri. “works,” esp. with a partner, spouse, associate. Saturday starts a weekend of home, family, garden. Big discussions about this (repairs, garden, hike, furniture?) Sat. — but in two weeks, opinions might change. (So commit to nothing brand new, unless it’s the solution to an old problem.)

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You are at the top of your game, Libra! Your clout, charisma, energy and leadership qualities surge upward this month. I didn’t include “effectiveness,” because mercury is retro in your sign — so indecision, delay and confusion reign in personal affairs, as well as in gov’t, background, legal, travel, academic, cultural and scientific areas. (This also counsels against starting any brand new ventures, purchases, or relationships before Oct. 18.)

An old flame might appear — or you make contact. If single, you’re dealing with potent marriage vibes. A romance that has been on hold since last May/June, will be re-invigorated in a week or so and could rush you right to a late-year loving climax. If you marry this person, you will have, long-term, a loving and enduring home in which optimism and practicality will blend. You might be too aggressive now; if so, tone it down — otherwise it can impact your “image.” (E.g., laughing loudly, out of turn.)

Find a place to hide, rest and ponder the world Sunday/Monday. An excellent interval to handle civil servants, admin workers, and to seek counsel or advice. A love message or meeting Sunday. Your energy pops back Tues./Wed. (Read first few sentences above.) Good luck rides with you, so don’t hesitate, don’t be shy! But quit before a final obstacle arises late Wed. night (6-8 am, Europe, lunchtime Asia).

Chase money Thurs. morn to Sat. Morn. Thursday’s difficult, unlucky, but Fri. sails along smoothly enough. Errands, visits, calls, paperwork Sat. — something meaningful here, maybe you talk to your future spouse.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Lie low, Scorpio. Rest, contemplate, pray, meditate, liaise with gov’t, head office, background types, advisers, medical people. DO NOT start brand new projects, relationships nor purchases before Oct. 18. Your money and income fortunes improve from Thursday to early November. A lot of work might be demanded of you this month; balance this with your own need for rest and recuperation. People, messages, items and bureaucracies from the past might return. Strictly avoid dark alleys and places of danger, all month.

Sunday/Monday are for socializing, optimism about the future, entertainment, flirtation and general joy of life — kind of the opposite to your October trend toward privacy and healing. Fortunate days — security enhanced Sun., family loves you, spouse co-operative, calls and trips rewarding Mon.

Retreat Tues. morn to Thurs. morn — re-read the first 2 sentences above. Again, good luck accompanies you, and gratifying results can come from calls to the gov’t, head office links, etc. — good health news. Again, home, family bless you. But quit early Wed. night (PDT — or by 6 am Europe, 1 pm China).

Your energy, clout and charisma rise nicely Thurs. morn to Sat. Morn. But rein yourself in with caution Thurs. — Friday’s fine. Saturday brings money, income and purchasing events — good, but watch a subtle thing: your “long-term” money inclinations are good, but something undercuts short-term money ideas. (Applies generally May 2020 to Jan. 2022.)

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Wishes come true, Sage, your popularity rises, flirtations and entertainment enter, and an old, dear friend, possibly once a lover, appears. You might begin once again to attend a group you had let go in the past. An old flame might literally step out of a group you are with; if so, it can lead to a volatile, intense romance. This person is slightly above you in life.

Thursday starts a bunch of “good hair days” until early Nov. — your physical and emotional charms will radiate nicely, attract admirers. Remember: start no new relationships, major purchases nor projects before Oct. 18.

Be ambitious Sun./Mon. This is a lucky interval, so charge ahead (without starting new things)! Bosses are watching, and they approve. A social note — an invitation? (Accept, or issue one.) October’s social glitz gets even more glamourous Tues. morn to Thurs. morn — a time of joy, popularity, soaring optimism — blue skies. Love possible. But quit by 7 pm Wed. PST, (10 pm EDT, 3 am Britain, 8 am India, 10-11 am Asia) — or a problem will enter.

Retreat, find a quiet, private place to rest, think and “reach centre” Thursday to Sat. morning. Your energy’s low, so don’t force issues nor respond to challenges, esp. during a difficult Thurs. Friday’s okay, contains a good home/family influence. Your energy and pizzazz pop upward Sat. — exciting meetings, conversations can occur, esp. if you are seeking love, flirtation, friendship or “burning romance.”

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The accent lies on your ambitions, prestige relations, career, worldly status and neighbourhood rep, Cap. Strive mightily — but with ongoing or revived situations/ ventures, NOT with anything brand new. (It would fail.) Almost to nudge you, a former boss, career role or similar returns. Yes, if you can, grab it. But realize some higher-ups are impatient, temperamental — be diplomatic, soothe them with your display of hard work. (Bosses more mellow now if you work in a primary industry, forest, farm, mining, etc.)

Don’t start any band new relationships, ventures or purchases before Oct. 18. Thursday thru October will sweeten your inner world: a fine time to meditate, and to deal with gov’t, head office, and advisors. (Best AFTER next Sunday, Oct. 10.)

A wise, mellow mood steals over you Sun./Mon. Import/export, international affairs, law, knowledge and learning, cultural venue, social rituals and love fill a beneficial Sun./Mon. A money/career opportunity/luck Sun. Love, agreement both days. Charge ahead, good results.

This month’s focus — ambition — comes to the fore Tues. morning to Thurs. morn. Great good luck again — and whispers of the past — but quit before obstacles come late Wed. night or Thurs. morn. (7 pm PDT, 10 pm EDT Wed., 3 am Fri. in Britain, 8 am India, 10-11 am Asia).

You feel hopeful, buoyant, happy Thurs. morn to Sat. morn. Your popularity grows, flirtations and social delights embrace you. Don’t try anything important and practical Thurs., though — a difficult day. Friday’s good/okay. Retreat Sat. Daytime (into Sun.) — rest, ponder, pamper your health.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

A thoughtful, mellow month, Aquarius, yet an intense, significant one also. As you’re trying to see the big picture, to find reasons for life itself, actual events can be hectic, confused, and unpredictable. If you’re single, an old flame hovers. For all Aquarians, a former philosophical, loving, schooling, media, international, statistical, scientific, legal or cultural “circumstance” returns — to your benefit, but you need to dial down any “intellectual intensity.” (Means don’t spout your opinions too loudly, forcefully.)

Avoid lawsuits all month. Higher-ups still favour you — to Thursday. After Thurs., your social life improves, into early November. Don’t start any brand new relationships, projects, nor make big important purchases. (Lemons abound; so do later “not needed” verdicts.)

Sunday/Monday stir deeper waters. Lust, financial commitments, secrets and research — and medical and lifestyle decisions — all/any of these benefit you if you plunge in. Dig deep. Pregnancy for hopeful couples. Avoid spending, chasing income. That mellow, wise mood and those international, love, cultural interests, etc., are highlighted Tues./Wed. Great good luck, if you quit before the end! (I.e., quit before 7 pm PDT, 10 pm EDT Wed., 3 to 6 am Thurs. in Europe, noon in Australia, etc.)

Be ambitious Thurs. to Sat. morning. Don’t start any projects, but work assiduously on past or ongoing ventures. Thursday’s terrible, stick to routine. Friday’s much better. Saturday brings social delights, popularity, optimism, entertainment, and a significant meeting/conversation. It could spell love, a fast-paced love, or entry to a good, beneficial group, or simply a romantic wish coming true. Talk is powerful!

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Life’s secrets and depths float to the surface now, Pisces. So does your subconscious and intuition. You might be nudged by circumstances to change your life, lifestyle, or even your bed partner. Go slow with this, think three times. Your sexual drives are powerful in October, could lead you (if, hopefully, single) to a memorable physical affair. A former lover might be involved.

If not sex, then you want to dive into research/spying, an investment or debt situation, a medical procedure, or lifestyle change. Again, think twice. If this investment, medical procedure, etc., comes from the past, good. But remember, before Oct. 18 you should not start any new project, relationship, nor make a big purchase. Thursday to early November, you will be a boss’ favourite. Take advantage. Something “secret” or a gov’t bond, is keeping you restricted; this will end in two weeks.

Relationships, opportunities and relocation themes fill Sun./Mon. — very luckily, so dive in. Sunday, you might hear/see a valuable secret or profit angle. Monday, a “quiet wish” could come true. Tuesday/Wednesday highlight everything discussed in the first paragraph above. (“Life’s secrets…” etc.) Your luck is good, even great, so again, charge ahead. But stop before 7 pm Wed. (PDT — equals 10 pm EDT, 3 am Thurs. in England, 10 am in China, etc.).

An accepting, philosophical, understanding mood floats over you Thurs./Fri. Thursday’s difficult, but Fri. opens to international affairs, legal stuff, cultural and academic venues… and love. Be ambitious Saturday — talks could be intense, involving sex or finances, secrets, research, and career or reputation. Everything’s moving swiftly, will soon be even faster!



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I guess that long, slow stock market slide I forecast last year has arrived. I said there would be a spike upward, followed by a long, slow decline — not an exact description.

So if I were simply a market investor/player on the long side, I’d sell and wait. I plan to hang on. I own REITS (real estate investment trusts) because they give me an average 10% on the purchase price. (About 7% now at today’s prices). I think of them as recession proof.

However — I’ll break this down next week.
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American voters did not make a mistake when they chose Joe Biden as president, even if over half of them regret his election. (Latest Rasmussen poll: 58% disapproval rating across both parties and independents.)

It is like Desiderata: no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Democracies are the easiest system for God or karma (*) to manipulate to their own ends, e.g., to introduce a certain zeitgeist, or to turn a nation such as the US in a direction that nudges the whole world into a new consciousness. (Our consciousness is continually evolving: for instance, who had ever heard of wokism, of BLM or CRT twenty years ago? Even for most of us, 5 years ago?) We still depend on creative artists and writers to expand or further our consciousness, but the “woke” crew is threatening the creative role of artists by volume, decibels, fanaticism, and a sort of grass-fire rapidity of spread.

I see Biden as an instrument of God (or call It karma, or nature). He is meant to inject a huge syringe of leftist, socialist influence and thought patterns into the citizenry of America. It doesn’t matter whether he stole the election or not; God wanted him to win that election and would easily help him cheat if that was the only way to bring about the outcome. Remember my claim that both communism and democracy are headed for a transformational integration that will result in a third, over-arching political system, one we have not quite seen yet… but hints surround us. I think we can have faith that God is making the right choices.

And that God is “present” — for Who else saw that BLM was getting a little ridiculous, and sent a lightning bolt to destroy the huge George Floyd mural, just to give us a little reminder, or a nudge to wake us up from that particular fanaticism. Like many miracles (I believe this was a bona fide one, if minor) the shattering (almost unbelievably) of every single brick of George’s mural (if a shot from God) was meant to instruct, enlighten, show a change in direction, or the error of a present direction; hence, it had an effect that “invaded” a lot of minds and thoughts and was like a spice introduced to a pot of potatoes; it coloured our mental diet.

(*)  I think of Karma as “God’s” right hand, and Nature God’s left.
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PLUTO ARTICLE, PART FOUR: 1983-2229, Our Era and the Centuries ahead:

First, I apologize for how out of focus the 1983 chart looked last week. If I can, I’ll insert a better one below.

Second, the segments below are quite digressive, so if you want to get to the predictions, scale down a couple of pages to “FINALLY, THE PREDICTIONS:”

Third, most of my near-term forecasts will be in the PREAMBLE and other places in the blog. For example, earlier in today’s AFTERAMBLE (above) I’ve predicted the future of the stock markets. In next weeks’ column I will address Hillary C.s future. These are too small for a 247-year view (the length of our present era).


PLACE the planets (and sun, moon) from the return chart in your own birth chart, to show your “connection” to the seminal events unfolding around you. (Count the sun as least affective* — see below.) For example, the Moon’s north node (good karma) in the 1983 Pluto return is in 16 degrees Gemini. The next president of the U.S. was George Bush senior, a Gemini, and since then many Gemini ’s (sun or moon) have risen as national leaders: Obama (moon), Trump, Boris Johnson, Xi JinPing (all Gemini suns).

Jupiter in the 1983 Pluto return is at 13 degrees Sag, so many Sagittarians will be lucky, political and expansive (as is their want anyway) during these 247 years; but the south lunar node is also there (international problems: pandemic, economic, world supply chains, war, etc.). You Sages need to watch your morals and philosophy for the next 2 centuries. (209 years left of Pluto’s 247-year orbit.)

Neptune is also in Sag in the 1983 chart, so Sages will be more indecisive, more security-oriented, and more anxious — but also more psychic, spiritual — than before1983. (An odd thing happens to Sages from 2229 to 4699; they become more secretive, exploratory and begin to believe in the occult — a far journey for such a logical, questing mind.)

Placing the Pluto return planets in your own birth chart is a way of inserting yourself into the subterranean forces in our time. (This is not a connection to the zeitgeist of the times, though — zeitgeists are ruled by Neptune. Neptune returns to Pisces, and Neptune era charts, would also be a fascinating exploration. Neptune rules moods, public romps, interest rates, fears, psychic phenomena, spiritual awakening, pornography, vision, optics, astrophysics, sleep, dreams, subconscious — but not the deep, seminal creation stuff that Pluto does.)

* BTW, in putting 1983 return planets in your own birth chart, don’t pay too much attention to the Sun, nor Pluto. Pluto will be in Scorpio in every return, while the Sun will be in Scorpio in many returns, and is usually somewhere between Libra and Capricorn. This makes the Sun unreliable for most personal predictions.


As above, place the Pluto Return planets in the birth chart a nation or city, to see its “fate” over the centuries ahead.

But note: Don’t try to “relocate” the Pluto chart, nor attempt to determine a rising sign (much less degree) for Pluto’s return — with my poor tools, I can’t tell you the exact minute Pluto’s “light” (image) enters 0 degrees Scorpio; in fact, I would not even be sure of the hour. The 1983 chart is more accurate than the others, by perhaps multiple hours.


Pluto rules mass death, atomic energy and nuclear bombs. Although Pluto entered Scorpio in Nov. 1983 to begin a rare, ultra-plutonic era (5 bodies in Scorpio, vs. the usual 2 or 3.) the atom bomb, the ultimate expression (so far) of Pluto’s “death vibe” was created in the U.S. in 1945, almost 4 decades earlier.

Does this mean the Pluto returns have a critical flaw? Not really. Astrologers from Fagan onward have opined that the effects of a solar or lunar return seem to begin occurring, in the case of the solar return, up to 3 months before the actual return, and in the moon return, up to a week before the actual return. If we follow the same proportions, a Pluto return might “kick in” up to one-quarter of its orbit before the return — or 60 years.

I’ve written before that the Pluto return “times” significant seminal events. But my “window of acceptance” does not adhere strictly to “technicals.” If Pluto enters Scorpio November 6 (or 5) 1983, a cluster of seminal events could occur in a time-radius around that day, rather than starting that day. The biggest example is above, in the creation of the atom bomb. But smaller ones occur: for instance, the first nuclear [Pluto ruled] accidental melt-down occurred in 1979 at Three Mile Island, 4 years before the Pluto entry chart. Still, many significant technological breakthroughs occurred virtually during our own (’83) Pluto return — in 1983, 84 and 85. I’ve listed them below, under “AT LAST — THE PREDICTIONS.”

I don’t know if anyone has ever explained this phenomena of “early effects” of planetary, lunar or solar returns, but I suspect it is linked to, or at least operates in concord with, Michel Gauquelin’s discovery that the effects of angular houses (counted as the most important in the chart — the 1, 4, 7 and 10th houses) actually begin about 10 degrees before the traditional astrological house beginnings, and fade away well before the end of the astrological house.

For example, if the traditional 1st house of someone’s chart runs from 20 degrees Gemini to 20 degrees Cancer, the actual 1st house characteristics, including increased energy and clout with others, starts at about 10 degrees Gemini, and “quits” about 10 degrees Cancer. (This only works with rising charts — solar charts follow a different method, which I might discuss someday. For now, suffice to say solar “houses” usually touch 2 signs, so almost every house is, at least partly, of 2 natures, caused by this overlap.)


Michel Gauquelin (1928-91) was not an astrologer, but a French statistician who set out to disprove astrology with statistics. He ended up doing the opposite. By sorting tens of thousands of birth charts of prominent people (a feat that has never been matched, before or since — (tho’ such statistical gathering and sorting could be done more easily with present day technology) he proved beyond any doubt that astrology “worked,” with stats so extensive that the possibility of error, as the pollsters say, would be about 0.0001%. Put another way, the possibility that his findings were wrong, that the basic tenets of astrology did not work, would be about 1 in a billion (or more).

Gauquelin found that a statistical majority of pro athletes were born with Mars rising; that a large percentage of politicians/statesmen were born with Jupiter in the career house (10th), that many scientists were born with Saturn in the 10th, etc. His work has not been fully embraced by the astrological community, I suspect because it demands a rethinking of where house cusps should lie.

M.G. showed that the important angular houses [1, 4, 7 and 10th] — or more correctly the effects associated with these houses — began about a third of a sign (a sign and a house are roughly similar — 12 of each) before the house. For example, the 9th house rules travel and learning. But the more important 10th house rules career and standing in society, as well as parenting skills.

The “events” (in this case, professional status) of the 10th house, in M.G.’s  studies, actually began appearing about 2/3rds the way through the ninth house, peaked after the 10th cusp (beginning of the tenth house) and died off about two-thirds of the way through the tenth. In a very simple sense, his findings jerked back every house about 10° (or about by 1/3 of the house’s length) to start before the traditional beginnings of each house.

How this fits the mechanics of mathematical astrology (I.e., simple astronomy, which, nevertheless, I don’t understand in any depth) I haven’t a clue; perhaps this — mathematical complexities — is the reason astrologers have not embraced the one man who proved they weren’t quacks. But I don’t think it demands a re-thinking of mechanics, but of the concept of houses, the philosophical basis upon which we erect our “logical structure.” And where we place meaning.

I suspect the cold shoulder many astrologers give Gauquelin is simple intellectual laziness. Yet his work is the only effort I’ve ever seen that actually “proves” astrology. I suspect this, the actual efficacy of astrology, is why the Bible, which is filled with condemnations of diviners, fortune-tellers and “spiritists,” nevertheless does not once condemn astrology — although it does look with disdain on astrologers who can’t predict the future.


First, I don’t think astrology does predict the future. It allows us to see the places and patterns of the planets, etc., and gives us basic “rules,” based on lore, for interpreting the elements of any chart — even many thousands of years into the future — as we will see in this series of Pluto articles. But that is only the pattern. It is up to the intuitive astrologer to read/interpret these (future) patterns, and tell us what events or currents they represent.

But as Dante says, no human can see extremely far into the future (it becomes like a fog, to paraphrase him) — mainly because mankind and his/her environment changes very swiftly, broadly and significantly over the years. I can perhaps predict what scientific or Apple-born product might come in 5 years, but who can even guess what technology will be like in 1,000 years, or even 200 or 300 years?

In this regard, we have to praise sci-fi writers and film makers — many of their imaginative visions of the future have been hauntingly prescient. (There might actually be clues in the era charts regarding technology, so I’ll try to keep my eyes open for them. Still, it will be very generalized.)

When the future held little technological change, it was easy to prophesy the next century or even millennia. But with the rapid pace of tech and human development in our time, a look ahead to, say, 2080, or 2500 AD, will of necessity be confined to emotional, political, and similar long lasting human processes. (Though of course even these change, but slowly, in the big picture.)

I apologize for the fuzzy chart last week: I had procured a very sharp image, but whenever I sent it to this blog it disappeared, so I ended up using an older fuzzy chart. If I can solve this, hopefully the 1983 Return chart below will have better definition.


SINCE 1983:

Many of my larger predictions have been based on this Pluto entry: AIDS, the U.S.S.R. break-up (and perestroika and glasnost), Chernobyl, police states/militarization of police, mass death events (Rwanda), uni-sex/metro-sex, women raping males, advances in fertilization, cloning, Goth.

What I did not predict, but which came almost the very year of the Pluto return: mobile phones, and the ensuing (also not predicted) Twitter, Google, Facebook, etc., nor that they would become huge controllers of public knowledge and opinion. But this fits with the malevolent Jupiter. (Jupiter rules politics and knowledge.)

November 1983 marked the beginning of our present era, the last 247 year Pluto era in a 4,700 year mega-era. We are the last of our “Mega,” — the end era of 18 or 19. For this reason, our era promises to be the climax (and possible plateauing and/or stagnation) of many millennia of progress — with a strong possibility of cataclysmic events or, more likely, more minor upheavals, including within minds/biases (see “pattern of calm” two paragraphs below).

We might see the end of literature, religion, even politics as we know it. At the very least, these will atrophy in our time (era). They might “stick around” past our era, but (increasingly even today, are losing creative force; soon, much of these magnificent accomplishments and artistic endeavours will be like the ballet of today: expertly danced with beautiful costumes, but largely irrelevant, ignored by the populace, historical.

Partly this will be caused by computers and social media. Computers are shifting us away from alphabets and words, to icons and images. Social media will one day replace or reform literature.

There is an ever increasing “sway” of mood/outlook in the U.S., with the pendulum swinging at present in an ultra-liberal woke direction. As we enter the next mega era, which starts in 2229 AD, we’ll see more and more clearly (we already do, actually) that this swaying is composed of waves of emotional/psychic influence. These waves will substitute for politics in the mega-era that starts in 2229.

Major advances in technology, research, medicine, sexuality and reproduction, and financial engineering, and anything Scorpio loves — including spy activity.
This 1983 era chart heavily emphasizes Scorpio. Both Sun and Moon and 3 (of 8) planets are in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign. The first era of our mega-era also had Moon and Sun in Scorpio — we’re like book-ends. So we could call our mega (2400 B.C. to 2229 AD) a highly “scorpionic” era.

Scorpio rules birth and death, sex/conception, research, power and high technology. From this, we can guess that the next mega era, 2229 AD to 4400 AD, will not be as fertile or pell-mell in technological growth as our mega. (Because almost nothing but Pluto and 2 planets are in Scorpio; the Sun is in Capricorn, the Moon in Pisces.

This entire era will be “weaker” than our own; it might, for example, be as slow to innovate as the mega preceding us, (approx. the last 4700 years). The next mega era, starting in 4699, also has a weak “start” in plutonic terms, with only Pluto and the Sun in Scorpio.

But this de-emphasizing of Scorpio in the (return charts of the) next and successive eras after ours, is not necessarily a bad thing. Scorpio is not only earth-bound but water-bound; other than as a vapour (e.g., desire) it cannot rise far above. But the 2229 chart has something perhaps more stunning than research: Neptune on the horizon, with the Moon in Neptune’s sign: means many things, but among them a deep exploration or the ocean, and also something astronomical: a visit? Psychic? Angel? Travels to stars?

So for 208 years (what’s left in our era — and our mega) we will see a pattern of calm, almost stagnant conditions broken up by periodic upheavals or cataclysms. This is Scorpio’s nature. Since Pluto entered Scorpio in 1983 we have had relative calm across the world except for spikes in 1986 (biggest stock market crash to date in history — twice as large %-wise as the great crash of 1929, and Chernobyl, the catastrophic melt-down of a nuclear reactor.) (Three-Mile Island was in 1979, relatively minor, and contained.) 2001 brought 9/11, which triggered 20 years of middle-east war, 2007-09, the credit freeze that destroyed home values and companies and brought stock market upheavals, 2011, the Japanese nuke melt-down, and 2020, the pandemic, which spread world wide and devastated economies, supply chains, etc. This pattern should hold through most of this era, to 2229 AD technically.

So, the return occurred in 1983. It’s now 2021 — 38 years, containing upheavals in 1986, 2001, 2008/9, 2011 (Fukushima melt-down) and 2020. Five, or one every (average) 8 years. (8 is the number of Pluto; Scorpio is the 8th sign.)

(BTW, I have noted the next five or so future pandemics — or more correctly, mass death events — for the century ahead, earlier — I think about a year ago, in this blog.)

1983- 2229 — MORE PREDICTIONS:

Male and female will be “tight,” and will “have fun.” Romance will be social, light (like fire sexually but light emotionally). Couples will stick together, and friendships, social groups, will be formed around the nucleus of a romantic couple. (Virgos will have the most fun for 2 centuries.)

Young women will be generally wise, loyal, and good friends. Young men will be strong and sincere, but brutal, impudent, and — their Achilles heel — vain, susceptible to flattery. (Think Oscar Wilde, a fop, a dandy.) These males have little restraint: they want sexual coupling, period.

Oddly, these males, once “transformed” to a higher level, or to wisdom, can become the leaders of mankind. Both “dating age” men and women (13-35?) will be, in a sense, the forerunners of society, and will often “show” mankind which way to go, or what lies in their future.

Geminis, and researchers, detectives, investors, financial manipulators, will tend to lead humanity wisely, and to give good advice, to give “renewal” to tired people, tired nations. But the lunar north node at 16 Gemini hints these people will seldom be rewarded, and often might be scapegoated (by the “malign Jupiter” folks) despite their great contributions and unselfishness. (Trump’s an example.) Good and charitable work which will be profitable for others, not the native.

The present corruption in the FBI, and the draconian power-wielding intelligence agencies, and the corrupt “deep state” in Washington (and elsewhere!) would seem to contradict this “good and charitable” label I’ve put on researchers and detectives. But the real source of the massive bureaucracy of poison is Scorpio, and the Saturn and Pluto in the 12th house of this 1983 chart.

The 12th rules bureaucracy, hidden actions, massive employee roles, and gov’t institutions. This is where the FBI, et al, live. Pluto is naturally secretive and power-accumulating.  Saturn, at 7 degrees Scorpio, is in a degree of a treasure, but one that has many “locks,” like a Chinese puzzle. This corresponds to the Intel agencies’ (and FBI’s) vast storehouse of data. Because Saturn is involved, the idea/intent is to rule over the environment, the state or the populace. (Saturn always wants to be president.)

The Sun in this 1983 chart is at 12 degrees Scorpio, almost at 13 degrees. The 12th indicates prudent and caution, esp. around war, violence, etc. Hence the “cold war” that preceded this Pluto return (and ended when the return started). But it also shows selfishness, deviousness, a resourceful mind, and a strong sex urge. Also, muffled grudges and anger force us to constantly be on the lookout. Our Karma is strong, bringing consequences.

Mercury is at 16 degrees Scorpio, indicating potential heroes, great determination, and huge skill with farms, agriculture.

The Moon, our emotions and also our home life and parenting, is right on the border between 24 and 25 degrees Scorpio. The 24h degree indicates a home, thrift and humility. The 25th indicates criminal activity. (Moon, criminal = pedophilia?)

Uranus, which rules computers, electronics and electricity, social causes (e.g., Greenpeace), idealism, fanaticism, and unpredictable events, and “home” in the return chart, is in 7 degrees Sagittarius. It’s in the first house, which means home is a very important cultural “possession” in our era, but that what a home is, or how built, or where located, can be subject to some wild variations. Uranus is in Sag, which indicates: the world is our home. Uranus is not stable; it rules running creeks. So in our era, home is not stable or guaranteed, and by the 2229 era, home might actually be a moving thing, as mentioned in the prior column.

Jupiter I’ve already discussed. It is in a money/possessions house, and so is Neptune. Both these planets mean “expansion,” and they’re in the prime sign of expansion, Sagittarius. So huge wealth, whole cadres of society earning very high salaries, living in mansions. All three, Jupiter, Neptune and Sagittarius., are called “double-bodied” in astrology, because they tend to produce two results rather than one. So the other side of this huge (but as hinted earlier, tainted) possessiveness are the poor, homeless, refugees, etc. So a major split: riches and poverty.

This situation in one form or another, will last another 200 years. (Neptune, btw, ruling romance and creativity in this chart, is in 27 degrees Sagittarius, a degree of persuasiveness, charm, even glory, but without moral backbone. Eventually, “enemies” will override this contingency.

For some reason, I want to put Dorsey and Zuckerman, et al, here. Their machines belong in the 12th, in Scorpio. But their personalities belong here, in the 2nd in Sagittarius. This Neptune degree forecasts “payment,” — I quote Carelli here about this Neptune degree: “the envious will refuse to lay down their arms… till they have thrown into disgrace or ruined the native, who [should] therefore be cautious in things political.” If this refers to Dorsey, Zucker, et al…? (The envious, in this scenario, would be the republicans.)

Joe Biden is a Scorpio, with a Taurus Moon. The Moon of this 1983 return is on his birth Sun. The Moon is preceded in the chart by Mercury, Trump’s planet. The next U.S. President (after Trump and Biden) might well be a Sagittarius or (more likely) Aquarian. (Or have a first name starting with D, V, J or U.)

This is a spiritually confused era (1983) with Venus and Mars “square” Neptune, hinting at fantasy, uncertainty, indecision, etc. Despite the “New Age” trend of the 1990’s this will be a poor era spiritually.

(BTW, the malign Jupiter in Sag., as I predicted back in the early 1980’s, will see the Catholic Church — and religion in general — declining.)

Overall, the 1983 chart is extremely concentrated — Sun, Moon and every planet sits in a 95 degree slice of pie, of this whole chart, which contains 360 degrees. Also, all are in a mere 3 signs — leaving 9 signs, and 3/4 of the chart, empty. This is not unheard of, but it’s very unusual. It shows a massive concentration of strength and attention/focus, but a troubling “ignorance” (it’s really something else) of other situations, P.O.V.’s, etc. This wasn’t on my mind when I predicted George Bush (junior’s) invasion of Iraq would turn in a decades-long quagmire. But it supports that forecast.

The U.S., I think, will emerge from the political fires of 2016-24 to remain the world’s leading power for this era — if not in might, then in “guidance.” The U.S.A. Sun is right on the 9th cusp, almost exactly trine or in lucky harmony with, the Sun of this 1983 chart. China, a Libra nation I suspect, is located in the 12th house, or bureaucratic sector of this chart. Communism is a hugely bureaucratic system, so this seems to remain for the era, or most of it. Russia, I suspect, became a Leo nation after the revolution. (Yeltsin took over parliament in August.)

For this era, the U.S. is the international and also philosophical, ideas/culture leader of this era; China is the “unthreatened” structure, the communism idea; and Russia — believe it or not — will become the ruler, leader, the judge and determiner of events, human endeavour and projects. I’ve said before that I think Russia will ally with the U.S. in a crisis-crunch (or will tend to hold China back in disputes) but is more comfortable, personally/culturally, with China. (Canada will hold a position though the era much like the U.S., but in a background, supportive and resource way.)

The U.S. might go to war (bigger than the mid-east) in 2027/28. I think it might be the aggressor. Russia will come out of it quite well, even better than well, but China might face a puzzling situation, and condemnation or dejection — not a win, if in 2027/8.


In observing politics, we can break down an era into approximately 20-year chunks, as Pluto travels through each sign.  (We can do this to look at other things, too. And since we now are not talking about seminal events, but, perhaps, about their evolvement and growth, we can look at the Plutonic effect on many things, science, agriculture, education, etc.

But we have to be aware that many, many things, and their own seminal moments (cycles?) have little to do with Pluto. For example, if I wanted to forecast developments in optics, or glass blowing, or natural gas pipelines, I’d look at Neptune’s cycles, not Pluto’s. We have to avoid mistakenly overweighting Pluto and the Pluto return chart.

Here are the first 4 of those “20 year” chunks:

1983-1995 (Pluto in Scorpio) — new government concepts begin, which will replace democracy and communism. “Pure Scorpio” — technology, medical science blossom.

1996-2008 (Pluto in Sagittarius) — this new type of government idea reaches the manifestation stage. (When Rousseau wrote the General Will and rediscovered democracy, Pluto was in this manifesto stage.) In our present era, I suspect Kendi and all the other “woke” ism intellectuals began their writings to support the present upheavals in U.S. culture when Pluto was in this ideation-manifesto stage.

2009 – 2024 (Pluto in Capricorn) — government hierarchies transformed, destructed and replaced with improvements. E.g., in U.S.A., 2009-2016, federal corruption rampant yet hidden. Then, 2017 onward, corrupt Dems fall, Trump causes dislocation, disruption, U.S. pols and media split into two warring camps, with one purpose: win elections, control citizens. From this, a new hierarchy, re-birthed, will emerge. Stability follows.

THE ABOVE PROCESSES can also be applied to CHINA, which I suspect will be seen by history as the “poster child” of political reshaping.

2024 – 2044 (Pluto in Aquarius) — governments become transformed through upheaval of the population, and electronic/high-tech control of populace. Also revolutionary development of computers, etc. E.g., computers run by water, not silicon chips — tho’ this maybe later. Socialization of technology (already under way).

As I forecast earlier this year, a number of states are standing up to, opposing, Biden’s feds. I have an odd feeling the U.S. could break apart while Pluto’s in Aquarius (2024 to 2044) probably toward the end, near or in the 2040’s. (Hard to say, as the U.S. Moon’s degree can’t be determined. In fact, even the U.S. birth date is indeterminate.)

As I’ve said before, I think the 2024-44 period will be marked by stubborn, violent resistance, underground groups, perhaps terrorists. Difficult to eradicate. There will be pressure.

Major land or real estate reforms.

Most countries would, in the present U.S. political clime, pull apart. But the U.S. is incredibly resilient and adaptable — and always violent in reaction since 1776. So present upheavals and hatreds might just be an historical blip, like the race riots of the 60’s. As Norman Mailer said (I paraphrase) ‘America will survive any change, because it is always in a state of revolution’.

During this sub-era period (2024-44) Uranus will hit the U.S. war degree (’27/’28) (see above). War is not guaranteed of course, but chances are —. All looks peaceful and productive July 2027 but by autumn we might see unexpected pronouncements, By May 2028 Pluto squares Saturn (economic stress/failure — somewhat like 2002) but trines Uranus (technological success). Jupiter squares Uranus — political/religious foment.

I won’t go through the remaining signs. But you get the picture. Generally, while Pluto transits a sign, it transforms the matters ruled by that sign.

In Pisces, right after Aquarius, Pluto will not (see above) transform those things usually left to Neptune: optics and film, “Hollywood” and eye-ball sight, fluid flows, hospital structures, the oil and gas industry, esp. the pipeline side of it, the NYSE, the way nations and central banks handle interest rates. But it might have some influence on those very things by way of accidents, deaths, births (e.g., the birth of Watts led to the Industrial Revolution), cataclysms and catastrophes both economic and natural. Some great psychics will be born. Sex will become romanticized, flowing sheer stuff and all that. The innocent end of Goth. Many pregnancies. The return of pastels, fluffy hats with big brims, etc.

In Aries, Pluto will reform police, armies, combatants, engines, machines, weapons; in Taurus, (luxury) land ownership, banking, money systems, wage compensations, luxuries; in Gemini, modes of transport and communications — a leap forward as big as the I-Phone was.

There’s a legitimate question here: If Pluto cannot transform Neptune’s domain except in limited ways, why can it go transforming Mar’s domain (in Aries) or Venus’s (in Taurus) or Mercury’s (Gemini and Virgo)? I think it involves scope. Mars rules soldiers, but Aries is seldom interested in transforming the army; he just wants to fight. The million man structure of, say, the army, to be restructured or reborn, would need hands bigger than Aries’.


(BTW, there is another, more intricate way to “see” the effect of each Pluto sub-era phase: do an ingress chart for Pluto’s entry into each sign — e.g., into Capricorn at 2:38 am GMT, January 26, 2008. This could give you a picture of the 12 to 25 year “transit.” (Pluto’s orbit is uneven.)

But that’s all for now. As you can see, I’ve given you a sort of broad overview, and you can take any particular situation and delve deeper into it via astrology.

Next week, I’ll look at the 2229 Pluto return — and at the 20 or so centuries after that, since the 2229 return foreshadows an entire 2500 years.
