Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  9:18 pm Mon. to 6:34 am Tues., 7:49 am to 5:53 pm Thurs., and after 4:43 pm Sat.


ALL SIGNS: Launch no significant projects, nor start new relationships, chase brand new opportunities, nor make important purchases, before Oct. 18. This is a dicey Mercury retrograde period, as it is accompanied by strong impulsive urges. Careful — think twice!
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I want to thank all of you who have written those kind and generous emails over the last 3 weeks, esp. “Eunice in Alaska!”
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Trump will win his $100 million lawsuit against the New York Times (and his niece, Mary).
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The Pluto articles continue, at the end of the AFTERAMBLE.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent fully lies on relationships, Aries — intense relationships. But this is a poor time (until Oct. 18) to make or chase brand new relationships. (Ditto brand new projects, job, situations, major purchases — wait until Oct. 18 onward.) Instead, if you’re single, an old flame or former spouse might appear. Be welcoming. He/she has romance in  mind. (If you’re attached, it’s a month of nostalgia.)

Also, former opportunities, relocation themes from the past, old enemies, and old situations might return — in most cases, this is a good thing, as you can pick over the nuggets you bypassed before. (Even a former enemy might be coaxed to become a [begrudging?] friend.) Investments, finances, and physical intimacy remain fortunate and welcoming.

Plunge ahead with errands, paperwork, trips and messaging Sunday/Monday. Monday morning is especially fortunate, but the whole interval is filled with hope, friendliness, and lucky “contact.” Tuesday dawn to Thurs. eve steers you toward home, family, security. Wait until Wed. to act — a great day to wrap up projects, or improve anything around “home base,” including relationships.

Romance draws you Thursday night through Saturday. (As might a creative project, risk-taking, pleasure seeking, or sports/games.) Don’t assume too much. Conversations can turn in unexpected ways, and these ways seem to lead to a break up or standoff. Saturday’s best, but still not perfect, as intimacy is denied.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

You’re solidly into a month of work and daily health concerns, Taurus. This is a more intense workload than you usually face, through October. Be careful with machinery, tools — follow safety rules. If you’re single, someone around you has been and will be interested in you, and will show this by his or her affection and friendliness. This person is quite secretive, but they can get their message across.

DON’T start anything important and brand new before October 18. A former job, work roll, or neglected task will return now through the three weeks ahead. You might get a second chance to buy a car or other machinery that you saw well before this week; but don’t buy anything “new to you.”

Chase money Sunday to Tuesday dawn. Buy/sell, pay bills and collect. Pursue “old debts.” A fortunate interval, if you avoid wishful thinking. Errands, paperwork, short trips and communications fill Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime. Wednesday, your contact efforts  succeed (could even create allies, tho’ uncertain ones). Reach out to friends, a higher-up, legal or teaching people, and one you love (mate or prospective). Avoid disagreements Tuesday night and Thursday daytime.

Head toward home and family Thursday night through Saturday. Thursday night to dawn Fri. needs caution, can lead to break ups and “ugly words.” Friday and Saturday are fairly cooperative, but still contain obstacles. Proceed cautiously. (Or opt out and spend the days resting and contemplating.)

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Now everything turns backwards, Gemini. Until October 18, don’t start any new and important relationships, love affairs, creative projects, purchases, or practical initiatives. If you do, they will likely be chewed up and spit out by the cosmos within a month or two. On the other hand, you might successfully take up an unfinished creative, business or practical project, or buy something you’ve long coveted, which only now (to Oct. 18) becomes available.

And the best for last: an old flame might return in the weeks ahead, perhaps from a trip abroad — perhaps he/she is foreign-born, or your mutual past includes a law office, transport hub, or college/university. This person is quick, lively, and — at least now through October — argumentative, or very assertive, or laughs out of turn, loudly.  thing.Anyway, why am I trying to describe him/her? Partly because you will be very indecisive about love, wanting a “past paradise,” but not sure if it’s real or can last. Some of you are also trying to choose between 5 or 6 “possibles.” If the re-appearing love first re-appears in your social group, that’s a good sign.

You feel much hope and optimism about this person, no matter whether the circumstances are great or hopeless. Soon everything will become clear and march toward a lucky goal.

Your energy, charisma and effectiveness are at a rare peak Sunday to dawn Tuesday. Get out, see and be seen. Be a leader. If you run into (or contact) that old flame (or former creative/practical project/circumstance) a blissful future could result! If you can’t connect, that says something, too. Chase money Tuesday morning to Thursday suppertime. Pay and collect. (DON’T try to chase new clients or try out new money ideas.) Shop sparingly.

On Wed., early, you can succeed or make a good impression, when you combine work and career ambition. Same day, you might find out where you stand legally. Errands and quick easy chores, paperwork and communications and a bit of travel fill Thursday eve through Saturday. This is a slightly dicey period, so proceed with mild caution.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The accent lies on home, family and real estate for the weeks ahead, Cancer. Before October 18, don’t start projects in any area, especially this one. (Also, though it’s less crucial, avoid new, big purchases or relationships before that date.) A sliver of romance lightens your heart (to Oct. 6/7). Be cautious regarding family tiffs, as intense reactions can flare up. Not a good idea to start major home projects such as a garden, landscaping, inbound pool.

You might work at home rather than your downtown office, but I wouldn’t, for you will make more mistakes and run across more missing, needed items than you would in your office. A former real estate deal, or living quarters from the past, might return now.

Lie low, contemplate and rest Sunday to dawn Tues. (PDT). (Don’t make firm long-range plans, as they will change.) A great interval for dealing with civil servants, head office and admin types, institutions, banks and all bureaucracies. Seek advice (mentor, psychic, accountant, etc.) — it will be “gold.” Avoid legal, academic and international venues.

Your energy and charisma shoot upward Tues. morn to suppertime Thurs. Be a leader, take control. This interval can give you a rough ride at first (Tues.) and at last (Thurs. daytime). But Wed., deep into the pre-dawn of Thurs. holds out a lucky hand to aid your progress. Plunge into love, academic, international and cultural venues: you’ll succeed! Pursue $ Thurs. eve through Sat. — buy/sell, etc. But buy no big new items, and pursue no new $ sources (e.g., new clients). Be calm, stick to routine.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Not the most important month, Leo. The accent, until late Oct., lies on errands, missives, travel, calls, paperwork, contacts. Look to the past in all this. Is there someone you forgot to answer? Or an old question that can be settled now? Until Oct. 18, avoid new starts, new projects, new relationships and big new purchases.

Until Oct. 7, your home and family remain sweet, accommodating. A major relationship opportunity will burst open for you soon; it has probably been hovering around you for months, even the entire year. (This could take many forms: for instance, it could be a lover at a distance, and Covid has kept you from meeting for the past year.) In some way, this dovetails with an accent on the past, and past contacts, for the next three weeks. One or two friends from the past will contact you soon.

Hopes and joys, popularity, entertainment, flirtations fill Sun./Mon. Do flirt! This is a superb interval for schmoozing and socializing. Much luck, and as much success as you strive for, but NOT in sex nor finances. Retreat Tues. morn to suppertime Thurs. Rest, ponder, deal with gov’t, head office, institutions, etc. Best time to act (PDT): Wed. Into pre-dawn Thurs. Otherwise, little progress.

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness soar Thurs. night through Sat. — but they don’t help you much in major situations. Stick to routine.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The emphasis remains on money until late October, Virgo. Until October 18, don’t start any new relationships or projects and stay away from major important purchases.  You will receive one or two messages of affection. A former money source, or perhaps a former sensual bed mate, can return in the weeks ahead. That money source might be linked to an investment you made in the past, or an inheritance or the monetizing of your home or insurance policy, etc. (Don’t let impulse rule here; think twice.)

Be ambitious Sunday to dawn Tues. Remember, nothing new, so work on the ongoing or on something from the past. Very good luck accompanies you, so plunge in! (But work alone; others, partners, won’t co-operate.) Life’s joys visit you Tues. morn to suppertime Thurs. (PDT; add 8 hours for Britain, 13.5 for India, 15 for China, 17 for Australia, etc.) Expect popularity, witty flirtations, joyous friends, entertainment and optimism!

Tuesday holds little progress, but you can soar into success after dawn Wed. to pre-dawn Thurs., esp. in love, partnership, opportunities/openings, money/work and beauty/decorations. (Again, all PDT.) Retreat Thurs. eve through Sat. — lie low, rest, pamper your health, meditate, seek spirit. Liaise with gov’t, institutions, head office, and advisors.

Thursday, early Fri. can blow a relationship apart, especially if it was a casually physical one. Something “speaks against” a romance. Though luck is mingled the rest of Fri. and Sat., all’s fine. Be aware and calm.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Now through late October, Libra, you will ride a wave of heightened charisma, energy, clout, and most importantly, of assertiveness. Seldom in your life have you been so energetic and assertive. I would like to add “and sure of your decisions/position,” but I can’t, because we are just entering (Monday) three weeks of delay, confusion, second thoughts, indecision and a resurgent past. So despite your energy, avoid starting any brand new important relationships, making big purchases (including clothes) or launching any new projects.

Instead, reprise things from your past, or attend to and protect ongoing projects. (E.g., protect by ensuring your supply chain for your factory, or double-checking staff schedules.) An old flame might pursue you. Combine this with the fact that you are (if single) presently eager to form a bond, even a life-sharing one, and potent fireworks could ensue! A Gemini could be involved; or an Aries, or, as October matures, a Sagittarius (weakest link of the three).

Hints of such potential love are everywhere Sun./Mon. Avoid work/health situations. If that old flame appears now (or you call him/her) (esp. before 9 am Sunday, PDT, or Mon. afternoon and late night) true love could result. Now, delays can last until mid-October, so be patient. These two days also favour academic learning, insurance, law, cultural venues and international affairs.

Be ambitious Tuesday morning to Thursday suppertime. Remember start nothing new. But you will waste a very successful run from Wednesday morning to predawn Thursday if you’re lazy.

The boss’s ears are open, and somehow romance is stable. Optimism, joy of living, entertainment, popularity and social delights visit you Thursday eve through Saturday. Your luck is mixed here; it could bring a home-based argument or an intimate disruption Thursday/Friday. Still, there are good aspects in here, and Saturday is fine. So enjoy yourself and stay out of arguments!

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The month ahead is one of rest, recuperation, low energy and low charisma, Scorpio. Retreat from the bustling crowd, find quietude, contemplate, seek spirit. Liaise with institutions, advisors, gov’t, and “head office” — but be prepared to handle a lot of work, duties, if you do. Although this is usually a great planning phase, don’t make permanent plans now as they will change markedly.

You might visit sacred or revered places, or revisit a place from your childhood. If you once meditated, years ago, you will likely start again, even if only for a few weeks. Your appearance, your good looks, shine for another two weeks, so you might attract a “playmate.” Strictly avoid launching brand new ventures, buying important items, and starting brand-new relationships, before Oct. 18.

Sunday/Monday are sexy, secret, tempting, and drive you to sexual and/or financial action. This can lead to very fortunate results, IF you avoid chasing “romance.” Lust, favoured here, and romance, are very different things, as you know. A wise, mellow mood steals over you Tuesday morning to Thursday suppertime. Far travel, legal affairs, insurance, media and publishing, cultural venues, higher learning and love are favoured, esp. Wed. morning to pre-dawn Thurs.

Thursday eve through Sat. nudges you toward home, family, real estate, garden, nutrition, rest, nature, and security. Hug the kids. But be careful Thurs. night and most of Fri. (Someone might reveal one of your secrets, or a chatterbox wearies you.) Saturday’s fine, but be sensitive to partners’ wishes.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec.21

Wishes do come true, Sage! The month ahead will bring many rounds of socializing, flirting, and entertainment. Your popularity will grow, so will your optimism. This round of social joy is different than most years, because your love planet, Mars, stays in your “group“ area until October. So a major romance could be nestled in your social network, like a pearl in an oyster. What starts light, witty and flirty can become a burning passion.

At the same time, you should avoid anything new, any new relationship, because it is almost certain to grow limp and indecisive as time goes on. So this nugget amongst the social gatherings is probably someone you already know, could even be an old flame. Avoid starting any brand new, important projects or purchasing anything big, new, before Oct. 18. Until Oct. 7, your relations with gov’t, head office and health institutions will be pleasant and productive.

Sunday/Monday are for relationships. Expect an exciting meeting — maybe two. A splendid interval, so be diplomatic but eager, and chase a person or opening. Real love is possible! Avoid home, kids, Monday.

Dig deep Tues. morn to suppertime Thurs. (PDT) — treasures lie buried. Research, adjust finances, show someone you want intimacy, explore a different lifestyle, undergo that “neglected” or “put off” surgery. Tuesday’s difficult. But dawn (PDT) Wed. to pre-dawn Thurs. bends circumstances in your favour. Your intuition is high, accurate. You might receive an important message dealing with money and your hopes.

Far travel, legalities, academics, cultural venues, publishing and media — and love — are emphasized Thurs. night through Sat. — but with more problems than solutions. Step carefully Thurs./Fri. — Sat.’s okay.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Until Oct. 23, Cap, the focus lies on your career and other practical or status-gaining ambitions. About that:

1) do not launch/start any new projects, esp. in career/status areas;
2) work with ongoing situations (and protect them from supply shortages, misunderstandings, missing personnel, etc.) or reprise a venture from the past;
3) higher-ups will be temperamental, impatient all October;
4) you might want to a) end a job/position or b) make it more secure.

A complex situation — but if you rely on, believe in your most optimistic feelings/ vision, you’ll do well! Income hold-ups will dissolve in 3 weeks. Friends (and a little flirting) buoy your heart.

Tackle chores Sun. to dawn Tues. (PDT). Eat, dress sensibly; protect your health from sniffles, etc. You will accomplish an amazing amount, as almost everything goes well. Avoid time wasting and confusing communications and trips. Relationships fill your horizon Tues. morn to Thurs. suppertime. Tuesday promises friction, and “no’s.” So does Thursday daytime. But Wednesday morning to predawn Thursday offers splendid progress, especially in love, marriage, and working partnerships.

The secret or private side of life, lust, backroom power plays, investments, debts, arrives Thurs. eve through Sat. Research, dig deep, “information treasures” (or potent, meaningful memories) lie hidden. However, do not commit to a financial or sexual bond, especially not a new one. Saturday is the best day of this wee interval. You might grab an income or career op that’s been “hanging around” for some time.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You have just started a four week period, Aquarius, that focusses powerfully on love, weddings and other social rituals, far travel and international affairs, legal, academic and cultural involvement. Very soon, in a week or two, you are going to start acting on these things in an adventurous, confident, cheerful, optimistic and fortunate way. Beyond this, you will feel reborn, as if your life has finally been “released” to achieve your real goals. Your social life will boom. You might talk a mile a minute to express a belief or philosophy or insight.

BUT — until October 18, you should not enter anything significant and brand new, such as a new relationship, launching a new project, or making a major purchase. So, in all the above zones you should work with the past or with something ongoing. (The ongoing will need extra alertness, anticipation of glitches.) In love, you’re either dealing with an old flame, or with an ongoing heartbeat. This month is your chance to elevate pure attraction to a more gentle, understanding and cherishing attitude towards each other.

Sunday to Tuesday morning heightens romantic feelings, and fulfills them. Go all out, show attraction, propose, paint a picture, take a gamble, chase beauty and/or pleasure. Your luck is splendid! Only avoid two things: money, purchases or money talk, and casual sex. (Casual sex occurs where you have little emotional investment in someone. It could ruin your chances for real love at this crucial time.)

Tackle chores, seek employment, and protect your health with sensible eating and dressing, Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday. Do not buy any machinery or tools. Tuesday and Thursday present difficulties, but Wednesday daytime into predawn Thursday offers much cosmic help with work, money and career status.

Relationships rise in importance Thursday evening through Saturday. This is not an easy interval, and it might bring up disputes from the past, esp. if you’re dealing with a Libra or Gemini. Avoid fighting, but recognize why this dispute has “hung around” so long. You will see the problem Thursday/Friday, and you will see the solution Sunday, October 3.

The problem involves your feeling of status and social reputation, keeping secrets, and the worry that you will be socially besmirched, sullied, by this relationship; the cure/solution involves being optimistic about the future, mingling with friends, and, perhaps, legalizing the relationship. (E.g., the wedding theme mentioned above.) Realize this, Aquarius: if you do merge with someone now, it will likely be forever (or at least 28 years) and can include some restrictions.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

A very sexy month lies ahead, Pisces. These few weeks will also bring secrets, lifestyle and life-changing decisions, medical affairs, and opportunities for financial actions, e.g., investments or debt reduction. These areas will be very intense, but also blocked from forward motion until Oct. 18. (By indecision, confusion, second thoughts, withdrawals by others, etc.)

So your attraction might be aimed toward a sexual partner from the past, even an ex-spouse. This period (to late Oct.) always contains the seeds of extramarital temptation. This time around, the drive and desire to possess someone you shouldn’t be with can be extremely strong.

This intense driving force can also be applied to investments and power plays. Again, be moral, cautious — commitment not advised! It’s possible that this intensity could help you form a money/business partnership specifically to boost income. Just remember, start NOTHING brand new and important before Oct. 18.

Be home, with family, Sun. to Tues. morning. A superb interval for money, routine buying, gardening, cooking, even impressing the boss (this, Mon. afternoon PDT). Good interval for family talks, erasing old hurts, etc. Spouses end, Mon. night, with satisfaction and a bit of the old hanky-panky. (Security heightens sex.)

Romance, passion, creative and gambling moods, beauty and pleasure overtake you Tues. morn to suppertime Thurs. (PDT). One superb period exists: Wed. morning to predawn Thurs., when love/beauty form a magic ring. Otherwise, this interval is a bit of a dud, requiring caution. Tackle chores and protect your health Thurs. eve through Sat.

This is a difficult interval, esp. Thurs./Fri., so tackle jobs calmly and with forethought. Follow safety precautions. Do not buy tools or machinery. A dependent (kid, pet) might need attention, help. Saturday’s easier, just work quietly.



The FBI should be disbanded. What use is it, except as a provider of handmaidens to crooked Democratic politicians? The FBI mafia colluded with the Dems to promote the crooked Russia dossier to try to engineer a coup against Trump. They criminally hid evidence during Trump’s second impeachment “trial” (i.e., kangaroo court run by toads) that would have exonerated Trump. They captured and hid the Biden laptop that would have sunk Joe’s presidential run, thereby also colluding in crime, in a cover-up of treason and “pay for play.” Funny how all the FBI’s “stumbles” benefit the Dems, hurt Republicans. Gee, who’s in whose pocket?

The FBI’s latest attempt to abandon America? For about 18 years they received multiple criminal complaints that Nassar, the U.S. Olympic athletes’ medical trainer/doctor, was sexually abusing the teenage female athletes under his care. He sexually abused over 265 young women, some only girls in the physical sense. One complainant stated that he lay on her for several hours, doing what he wanted to her. Yet year after year after year the FBI did absolutely nothing.

In fact, when 4 gold medallist female athletes testified last week before the Senate, one of them recalled that the FBI agent who interviewed her insulted her and would not take her charge seriously. Here is an organization supposedly dedicated to finding criminals, who for years ignored extremely credible reports of multiple rapes — of a serial rapist — What were they doing all this time, all 35,000 of them, sucking on their donuts?

Now that I think of it, why did the FBI let Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire pedophile, operate for so many years untouched? It wasn’t because they did not know that Epstein was corralling cadres of nubile underage girls to let his high society contacts (Prince Andrew — and Clinton?) leisurely rape them. When all the rumour mills were full of the story, the FBI knew nothing? More likely, the FBI’s suckling at the Dem’s teats and the apparent involvement of Bill Clinton in the pedophile ring probably kept Epstein and his parties of child rapists off the FBI’s sniff list.

Get rid of this mafia of suits, these pretenders who hide behind their Democrat protectors while they gnaw away at the fabric of America, like rats on rice. Jail Comey and Brennan and Obama and Hillary and all the colluders, all those who go to bed with the FBI at night, even if only in their guilty, sweating consciences.

(Very recently, the FBI raided 800 safety deposit boxes, confiscating over $86 million, because they suspected one person of having links to a cell-phone-store robber. They have refused to return the money to the 799 innocent, not charged, box holders, forcing them to sue to obtain their own money. So, say you had $50,000 cash and jewelry in your box. Now you have to spend $100,00 on a lawyer? Also, you have to prove that money was legitimately earned, or the FIB will simply keep it.

Not that the FIB ever had any legal or “just” right to take and keep it. This is outright theft. The FIB (not FBI any longer — FIB because truth never seeps from those pursed lips) employs 35,000 people, so $86 million is… let’s see… a nice $2,457 bonus for every FIB employee! [Tho’ I suspect the top brass get at least $10,000 each, and the rank and file less.].) Can you believe how blatant the FIB is?

The Democrats will never disband, much less ever attack the FBI because they’re both in bed together, pregnant with their sins. What they need to realize is that after pregnancy comes the baby, and babies can squeal loudly.
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Last week, we examined the 1736 Pluto ingress (or “return”) chart.

(BTW, I forgot to mention in that chart that the Sagittarius sun indicated world wide expansion, trade, higher learning and laws, universities and lawyers — all of which thrived, 1736-1983 — and an expansion and intensifying of political/religious manifestations.

Political manifestations? Jean-Jacques Rousseau re-created and spread the idea of the will of the people, i.e., democracy. 1776, the Declaration of Independence and the American revolutionary war. 1790, the French revolution and establishment of democracy there. This was the era, 1736 to 1983, when Jesuits and other zealots travelled around the world inculcating Christianity into conquered peoples, while imperialists restructured the politics of vanquished nations. How Sagittarian!

The Sagittarian sun’s degree, 14 Sag, points to mastery, high intellectual functioning and great literature, which were certainly characteristic of the Industrial Revolution (I.R.) era. In addition, the sun in Sagittarius hints at a duality, freedom, enlightenment and an attempt to be just: hence, women started the era and possessions, ended it as free voters.

I also missed the indications of Mars in Aries in the I.R. chart, — the ascendancy of machines, war, fire, explosives, engines, etc. from early blunderbusses to the jets and warships of WW 2. This was the heart of the Industrial Revolution — an “Iron Horse.”)

Now let’s look at the next Pluto return chart — 5 November, 1983 — both for past events and the future. This era, our own, lasts until 2229 AD. Our present mega-era began in 2439 BC and ends in 2229 AD — so this mega-era was 4,668 years in length, or 19 eras, of which our present era is the last. (A new mega-era begins in 2229 AD, and lasts to 4699 AD, or 2,470 years. This is a very short mega-era, about half as long as our own, dying mega, and shorter than most eras, which seem to be around 43 to 45 thousand years long on average.)

So our new era, 1983 to 2229, being the last one of the whole mega (19 eras in length) it’s likely to be a climactic one, with many peak accomplishments and many things dying away, because their mega is over. The next mega-era, which begins in 2229, a very short one, is likely to be “transitional” — meant to move us from one state to another. (The planet ruling home in this chart is in a travel sector. Land is moveable? Home is not rooted in land?)

BTW, I promised to tell you how I ascertain the mega eras. It’s simple: a new mega- era is created every time Neptune changes its position from one set of opposite signs to another.

For example, in the mega-era before ours, in every Pluto return chart, Neptune is either in Taurus or Scorpio. In 2439 B.C., this axis changed to Neptune alternating between Gemini and Sagittarius. (This is why our mega-era has seen a flowering of travel and literature and literate religions — e.g., the Bible, Torah, Qu’oran.) In 2229, we know a new Mega era starts, because for the first time, Neptune is Cancer in the Pluto return chart instead of Gemini or Sag.

So during the next Pluto era return (approx. 2475 AD), Neptune will be in the opposite sign, Capricorn, then Cancer, then Capricorn, and so on, until the mega-era ends (after ten eras) in 4699 AD, when Neptune will be in Leo for the first time (then the return charts will show alternating Leo-Aquarius-Leo-Aquarius Neptunes for a number of eras.

Why does Neptune follow this back-and-forth sign change over the centuries and eras? It’s simple: Pluto’s orbit, at 247 years, is 1.5 times Neptune’s orbit of 164 years. (164 + 82 = 246.) So it will go through 1.5 orbits every Pluto era, which means it changes to the opposite sign.

Then why does it “creep” over the millennia, into the next sign? This is due to nature’s “perfect imperfection,” in which what seem like wobbles or inconsistencies are actually part of a larger mechanism we can’t quite “pin down” to exact human “laws of physics.” One “wobble”: Pluto’s orbit is irregular, but seems to average at 247 years. One and a half Neptune’s orbit is only 246 years — a year short, which over centuries cause “Neptune creep.”

But enough of this. Let’s return to the 1983 chart: (it’s one page down):

November 1983 marked the beginning of our present era, the last 247 year Pluto era in an approximately 5,000 year mega-era. (2400 B.C. to 2200 AD = 4,600.) The last return of our present, familiar mega-era, it promises to be the climax of many millennia of progress — and somewhat cataclysmic, because this era brings the end of major mega trends such as literature, religion, even politics. We see an ever increasing “swaying” of mood/outlook in the U.S., with the pendulum swinging at present in an ultra-liberal woke direction.

As we enter the next mega era, which starts in 2229 AD, we’ll see more and more clearly that this swaying is actually waves of emotional/psychic influence. These waves will substitute for politics in the mega-era that starts in 2229. But back to 1983…

Pluto AD 1983 Chart

Major advances in technology, research, medicine, sexuality and reproduction, and financial engineering. It’s an amazing chart — both sun and moon and almost half the planets (3 of 8) are in Scorpio, the sign of the return. Even more amazing, the first era return of this mega (check this!) also contained Pluto, Sun and Moon in Scorpio.

We can make predictions of our ephemeral present time by looking at the era chart. For example, the conservative drive in the United States to outlaw or severely restrict abortions. That’s right, established by Roe v. Wade, has been considered permanent and inalienable. But if we look at the 1983 return chart, both moon and sun and three planets are in Scorpio, which rules life, death and birth, semen, conception, medical procedures, and change — Scorpio is the ultimate sign of change, with Aquarius second.

Look at Neptune. It rules, in this chart, romance, love of children, and creativity. It is in the second sign/house of Scorpio, indicating Scorpio’s possessions. Scorpio in this chart, has a “desire” to possess these children, these “results of romance” — hence, reduction of abortions. From this, we can predict, though not with certainty — say an 80% probability — that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

Notice Jupiter at 13 degrees Sagittarius, its “home sign.” — In the 1736 I.R. chart, the Sun was at 14 degrees Sag. The 14th° is one of mastery and skill. This ruled the whole IR zeitgeist. But in our 1983 chart, Jupiter is at 13° — a degree of greed, laziness, immorality, corruption, even murder… and eventually, in many cases, of jail or madness.

Jupiter is the political planet: any wonder, then, that our politics, esp. in America, is filled with corruption, mindless millennials spouting slogans but denying all intelligence, journalists turned propagandists [Jupiter also rules publishing], rioters forgiven for arson, murder and destruction by Democrats, because these rioters supported democratic causes, while other rioters, causing very little damage,are locked in basement prisons for months and months w/o charges, w/o human communication, by the same Democrats (because the rioters were not Democrats).

Carelli says of this 13th° that the native “would gladly tread over his father’s corpse.” Now remember the Biden administration asking children to turn in their parents if they suspected the parents were not Democrats, or liked Trump. This Jupiter is in the second house/sign of Sagittarius (just like Neptune is) which says the main effect of this greed will occur in monetary and possession areas.

Greed + laziness + money — does this sound a lot like the problem the U.S. is having because the administration is giving people thousands of dollars a month to stay home and not work, while the economy is starved for workers. This Jupiter is also conjunct the lunar south node — denoting immorality, bad karma, ineffectiveness, and failure.

The lunar north node is in 16° Gemini, a sign of communication and quick action, and a degree of unselfish cooperation. The north node denotes a mellow, calm and wise thought pattern, an easy path and, generally, good behaviour and good karma. So many of the world leaders now to 2229 AD, will be born in Gemini. Trump, Xi Jinping, Boris Johnson, are all Geminis — and this lunar node says they will all be good, benevolent leaders. — Whom the “Sagittarians” — in this case democrats — will bitterly and [see above] immorally, criminally, oppose — even to the point of murder. But the Sagit. pols must eventually lose, as their karma is bad.

(BTW, I am not saying that the Democrats are necessarily Sagittarian in nature, nor that going forward they will be the negative or immoral political party. For the 200 years to 2229, whichever party acts in this Sagittarian manner, will succeed at first, then must fail due to inner rot or lack.)

This double-negative Jupiter (in the 13th° and conjunct the bad karma lunar south node) says that certain segments of humanity will be and act with rather constant despicable motives for 247 years, and be “sinks” of morality. Jupiter, esp. in its home sign Sagit., rules universities, international trade, politics and politicians, law and lawyers, philosophy, and learning. All these will display, until 2229 AD, wrong-headed, immoral wickedness. (A strong word, but I can’t find anything more appropriate.)

Thus, CRT, BLM, “woke” universities, election fraud, cancel culture, the mass disbarring of conservative lawyers by democratic bar associations, professors gone wild, calling for the killing of whites, and denouncing work, effort, ambition as a white man’s racist curse. (Remember, Jupiter is in a degree of laziness — which includes intellectual laziness.)

(It might be a bit self-serving, but in truth the good lunar north node sits on my Sun degree in Gemini, in the house/sign of secrets, hidden power, research and revelation. This might mean that I am the revealer of truth for humanity for the whole 247 year era.)

Here are some things I predicted in this column over the last almost 40 years based on this 1983 Pluto return chart: (hopefully some long-term readers will remember them):


I realize I haven’t made many predictions in this segment. But I will in the next blog/column, I promise: 1983-2229, no (or few) digressions.
