Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JUNE 13 – 19, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:   4:16 am to 11:22 am Sun., 10:27 am to 8:02 pm Tues., and 8:54 pm Thurs. to 1:54 am Fri. (ALL TIMES PACIFIC DAYLIGHT.)


ALL SIGNS:  Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.
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The NASDAQ — by which I mean high tech stocks — might reach a crisis Monday. Take note of whatever ”surprises” stock market investors this day — it’s likely to reveal future conditions for tech. (It might emerge from Asian market fears the night/day before.) The last time this aspect occurred was 1999/2000 — wasn’t that the huge tech crash? (The one I forecast back then.)

For everyone, Sunday/Monday is a wrestling match between illusion (deception, indecision) and stark reality, with reality winning.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

It is your last week of errands, paperwork, trips and communications, Aries. It starts out rough the first two days and it’s a bit turbulent again Thursday, but overall this is a good, satisfying week. Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Instead, protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

A romantic streak exists until late July, when a wind of destiny might lift you and a lover into even stronger heart adventures. If you’re creating now, same prospects: strong to August, even stronger in August. Your home and family life has switched from friction to sweet harmony… and arguments won’t “return” for many a month.

Sunday starts “homey.” By noon this day until Tues. eve, the atmosphere turns romantic — but many disruptions and barriers interfere through Monday afternoon (PDT) — after this, everything runs fairly smoothly. Tackle chores and guard your health Tues. eve through Thurs. Lots goes well here if you remain alert. Good accomplishments, esp. Wednesday.

Friday/Sat. bring relationships, opportunities, new or distant horizons, although there might be a wee tussle this Sat. night, an “alienation,” generally both days go well. Love is fairly stable despite any miscommunications or indecision.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

One more week of chasing the dollar, Taurus. Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Instead, protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past. All this applies esp. to money zones.

Until the end of July, your home needs gentleness, co-operation — and (better after June 22) a physically consuming project, to use up the energy that would otherwise cause domestic sparks. Optimism has entered in May to buoy your outlook until August. But this is just a kiss on the cheek compared to the full, lucky embrace of optimism, love and popularity slated for the first half of ’22.

Sunday starts active, restless, but soon settles down to a domestic, restful trend, that lasts until 8 pm (PDT) Tues. Sunday’s deceptive or indecisive; Mon.’s difficult, disruptive; Tues.’s good, smooth.

Midweek pushes your romance button — if you’re single, you’ll see someone who turns you on. But before you chase, re-read the part about “don’t start new relationships.” Many of you will face an old flame this mid-week: yes, enter this one. A good interval! But get your mind and body back to work Fri./Sat. You’ll get a good deal done. Eat and dress sensibly. If someone makes fun of you Sat. afternoon, delete them from your friend file — they’ll never “come around.”|

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You’re still on top, Gemini. Your energy, charisma, wit and openness win allies. Be a leader, but remember not to start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Since late April you’ve been jerked back and forth with a money whip — that ends now, as the 7 weeks ahead turn that energy toward errands, communications, paperwork and travel. You’re going to meet double the amount of people you usually do, through July. (Actually, this week and next boost your income, add a bit of luck to all financial situations.) Your career and reputation are protected, despite an angry person.

Chase money or shop Sun. morning. Don’t commit to anything important, as delusion or deception hovers everywhere. Sunday pm to just past supper Tues. (PDT) highlights the area most vulnerable to mistakes and “re-do’s” — errands, communications, paperwork and travel.

Sunday pm is good for career and interactions with VIPs. Monday’s terrible — quietly protect your own interests. Double-check all figures, addresses, etc. A “bit from your past” (or from your secret life) might emerge Mon. to stymie a love or morality or travel idea.

Steer toward home midweek (Tues. night thru Thurs.) — a great, relaxing interval that helps you ground yourself. Do things with/for the kids. Romance, creative and speculative urges, beauty and pleasure visit you Fri./Sat. Good, lucky — but don’t expect romance to open a door to intimacy.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Remember, Cancer, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

This is your last week of tiredness, low charisma and “interior life.” Pamper your health, seek advice, seek spirit and charity, and deal with any gov’t-related chores. An old spiritual “method” or process might “visit.”

Big ideas, large vistas are starting to intrigue you, and will to July’s end. You’ll chew on these in ’21, will act on them in ’22. You’re heading for one of the success peaks of your life, Cancer, from ’22 to ’24, not just in career. Extra money will flow to you swiftly, now to July’s end. Careful, save it, pay debts, don’t overspend. Despite your weariness, you’re attractive to a special person, and your family.

Sunday starts with a bit of extra energy. By noon (PDT) you enter a money interval, until just after supper Tues. Sun./Mon. are pretty rough. Deception and reality wrestle, with reality doing a “smack down” Mon. (Tues.’s fine, co-operative.) Errands, papers, communications, trips fill Tues. night to midnight Thurs. — a good interval, but make sure you are getting the facts Thurs. afternoon. Be home, hug the kids, garden, repair, Fri./Sat.  All’s good — rest deeply, for next week ends the quietude, rockets you into action!

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Wishes can still come true, Leo — but you’d better hurry, as next week ends the optimism, entertainment, social joys and popularity, flirtations and “hmmm!”s… and will shunt you into a more restful, quiet stance. (Though it won’t be total, for an intense streak of romance or a creative “fine fury,” a legal or travel or intellectual pursuit — any of these could grab you before July 29. )

You’ll be determined, courageous, and sexually magnetic. (Yet in part of your heart you will want to be alone — not this week, though, as social delights and sexual magnetism might create what you might expect!)

A whisper of investment, or pregnancy, of sexual bonding, of research, or lifestyle changes, susses its way through the summer, but won’t “mature” into lucky, actionable situations until ’22. Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Get up slowly Sunday morn (PDT) — you’re tired. But your energy and charisma come roaring back Sun. noon to Tues. twilight. Sun./Mon. are difficult, try to send you in wrong directions, but there is also “opportunity in crisis.” Tuesday’s fine. This night to midnight Thurs. brings money and debts, casual sexual attraction, and memory. All’s well. Errands, paperwork, filing, communications and short trips fill Fri./Sat. — all’s good, but pull back a bit Sat. night.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Remember, Virgo, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past. (A former career role might return.)

Until late July, two influences exist: 1) relationships glow with possibility; and 2) you need to avoid belligerent people and “dark alleys.” This week and next, affectionate friends welcome you, and a small wish about money might come true.

Sunday morning (PDT) is friendly, hopeful, but after noon, to twilight Tues., you sink into a quiet, restful, contemplative mood. Sun./Mon. are difficult, perhaps disturbing, so connect with others (esp. gov’t, head office or institutions) Tues. morn instead.

Your energy and charisma get a solid boost Tues. night to Thurs. midnight. Get out, get involved — others will follow your lead. Thursday, you meet your match — welcome him/her! Chase $, pay bills, snuggle up to someone, learn something Fri./Sat. — but don’t buy big items — lemons exist. This week opens your eyes early, but settles into mellow as the days pass.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Bosses like you, two more weeks. Friends are enthusiastic about you, and you them, until July 29. If you’re single, a group affiliation (hiking club, friendly gathering, party, politics, etc.) might produce a very “likely” mate. In any case, “light romance” will dance around you for almost 7 weeks.

But remember, until June 22, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases). In the meantime, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

The main focus this week and next remains on intellect, ideals, international travel and affairs, cultural rituals — the very areas where confusion and mistakes proliferate, so hold onto your ideas and impulses for now, unless they embrace something/someone from the past. (And an ex lover might well show up.) Work increases a bit now to late July, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.

Careful Sun. morning — don’t be too ambitious. This afternoon (PDT) to twilight Tues. lightens your heart, bring flirts, social joys, optimism — but practical fortune is kaput Sun./Mon., so enjoy w/o committing yourself to anything. You might find “opportunity in crisis.” Tuesday’s smoother, reliable.

Withdraw from the crowd Tues. night to midnight Thurs. Ponder, meditate, rest, contact advisors (from lawyers to psychics) — it’s a smooth, easy interval. Protect your health Thurs. daytime. Your energy and charisma surge upward Fri./Sat. — get out, see and be seen, give ongoing situations/projects a good push.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Mysteries continue, Scorpio. The accent remains on secrets and investigation, medical and lifestyle decisions, sexual temptations and financial actions. This is your “change” month, Scorpio, but this year change seems to shunt you into a former role or situation — but it may change, prove unstable.

Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) before June 22. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Your ideas and principles are admirable for two more weeks, and help to promote love — travel is favoured also, same period. Teasing romantic feelings/notions swirl lightly around you, like ash from a distant volcano, until July’s end. Also to late July, bosses and VIPs tend toward impatience and temperament. Your hard work will soothe their brows.

Speaking about career and relations with higher-ups, after a thoughtful Sunday morning you enter a work-ambition interval, lasting to  8 pm Tues. (PDT). In this, Sun./Mon. are difficult (read PREAMBLE above — in your case, romance, children, marriage, domestic relationships hit potholes) but Tues. offers progress.

Blue-sky hopes, flirtation, social delights, popularity and plain old happiness visit you Tues. twilight to Thurs. midnight. This is a great interval, so dive in!  But withdraw to sleep, rest, ponder and tend to your soul, Fri./Sat. All’s well. Liaise with gov’t, head office, advisors, spiritual and charitable orgs.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The main emphasis lies on relationships, opportunities, distant horizons and public appearances, Sage. Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward. Before that date, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

You might be dealing with an old flame or former life mate; judge it on its own merits. Your sexual side glows with contentment until late June. There is a promise of good home, family developments, but they likely will not “become available” until Jan. to May ’22.

Early Sunday’s for sleep. Noon Sun. to twilight Tues. accents intellectual, far travel, legal, cultural and media interests. Sun./Mon. are difficult, irksome, but Tues. runs smoothly. Your ambitions, your career, worldly standing and prestige relations are highlighted Tues. night to Thurs. midnight. This is a good interval, with much small, quiet support.

A minor tug-o-war Thurs.: do you stay home or charge toward ambitious goals? (Latter better.) Optimism and happiness, a feeling that your dreams will, someday, somehow come true, social joys and popularity — these fill a jubilant Fri./Sat!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Remember, Cap, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) before June 22. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past. The main accent this week lies on work, employment, machinery/tools, and daily health. DON’T buy machinery.

For 7 weeks ahead, you will be sorely tempted by the prospect of intimacy or of financial returns. That’s okay, even good, if you avoid impulsive action. Think first. Relationships remain affectionate, gracious this week and next. (Soon, relationships and co-operation will become very important — next week onward.) Errands, communications grow, but you might wonder: to what end?

Early Sun. brings relationships. This noon (PDT) to twilight Tues. features secrets, sex, finances,  lifestyle and medical decisions. Sunday and Monday are tough, rough — be careful with commitments, finances — but Tues. flows smoothly.

Midweek (Tues. night to midnight Thurs.) features love, mental harmony, intellectual exploration, distant travel, legal, cultural and philosophical pursuits. Here, your luck is good, although Thurs. might need either scepticism or “surrender” to an idea. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — the outlook is favourable, higher-ups are willing to help (more Fri. than Sat.).

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Exciting times are starting, Aquarius: for the next 7 weeks, you can embrace love or war.  Relationships will be intense. Drive defensively, skirt road rage situations. Love can come from emails or other “chatter.” (The same 7 weeks hold promise of extra $, but this might wait until ’22 to be fulfilled.)

Your workplace and co-workers are pleasant. However, big R romance continues to move backwards, to be filled with delay, misunderstandings, etc. — all of which will clear if you wait awhile. Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) before June 22. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Chores, Sun. morning. This noon (PDT) to twilight Tues. brings those relationships mentioned above — suss it out, get the lay of the land before acting or committing — esp. Sun./Mon., which are difficult. You might make a deep, significant decision about your home, family, health and your “personality.” It could end or deepen a situation.

Sex, finances, power plays, research, lifestyle and medical options — these fill midweek (Tues. night through Thurs.) in a beneficial way. Some caution Thurs., when minor self-deception might occur. You end the week with a mellow, loving mood, Fri./Sat. — two good days for intellectual, cultural, philosophical, and international interests. Love? Sort of.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Remember, Pisces, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) before June 22. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

The main focus this week lies on home, kids, property holdings, garden, Mother Nature, nutrition, clothing, security and quiet rest, quiet contemplation. This is the area most prone to delays, mistakes, etc., so DON’T start renovations, decorating, landscaping projects, etc. If a former home beckons, “asks” you to buy or rent it, okay, go ahead — but NO NEW premises.

Romance, while not strong is sweet and heart-warming. By next week, it will grow from a stream to a river.  Now to July 29, work will be intense, demanding — carefully follow all safety precautions. To July 28, you will feel a bit more buoyant, lucky, might whistle while you work. That’s just a hint, a dusting — in ’22 this personal luck will expand, might boost you up the success ladder. For now, be patient, study options for your whole life.

Sunday morning’s for beauty, pleasure, romance. This afternoon to Tuesday’s twilight brings chores, employment affairs, machinery, daily health concerns. (Do I buy this multi-vitamin or that one?) Sun./Mon. are rough, but Tuesday’s smooth. Time actions accordingly. Follow safety rules, esp. around electricity, water and “bare earth”).

Midweek — Tues. night through Thurs. — brings relationships, good ones, even opportune ones (i.e., bearing opportunities for you). Someone might say, “I’m like you, or on same path as you.” Mystery strikes Fri./Sat. — a harmless interval that features finances, sexual urges, pregnancy/birth, medical and lifestyle actions, investigation and subconscious promptings. (But don’t chase love late Sat.)



When it seems like madness, it is probably fate. Fate is, ultimately, benevolent.
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The U.S. could be at some threat of major war between 2023 and 2032.
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Scorpio is a mystery to most signs, but Gemini is a mystery to Scorpio. The cover painting of  Llewellyn’s 2021 “Astrological Calendar” shows all the signs floating on a golden cloud bank, each represented by their “totem” — a crab for Cancer, a woman with two goat horns for Capricorn, a bull for Taurus, etc. There is a kind of community, they are all loosely together, except for two signs: Gemini and Scorpio.

Scorpio hangs in the background, behind the clouds, complete with a hooded cadaverous face and a blood-red robe. On the opposite side of the portrait, but also behind the clouds, stand two women discussing everyone else, garbed in classic suit-dresses, as if at the office. That’s Gemini. Neither sign really joins the group of the other ten. Scorpio rules death. Gemini rules objectivity. Both are generally realistic.

Scorpio is sexually drawn to Gemini, often in powerful ways. It’s not the same in reverse, but when Scorpio wants someone, they can be very persuasive, wrapping their “future” in swaddling affection and hypnotizing caresses. And Geminis are usually easily persuaded, so these two often end up as a couple.
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30 years ago Joe Biden assaulted a woman, Tara Read. The Attorney General at the time (in California?) refused to prosecute Biden, and instead charged Tara with perjury and a host of other crimes — but investigation showed Tara had told the truth in every aspect. However, due to the character assassination by Biden and his allies, Joe never faced the music, not even a bar. (Nor did he face any music from the 7 other women whom he assaulted. And you probably haven’t even heard of them. I hadn’t.) And Tara was left hanging for 30 years.

Just 3 weeks ago, Biden said to a little (5 -year-old?) girl: “You look nineteen, the way you cross your legs.” This kind of man is engineering your future, assigning sexual radicalism training to all schools, trying to make boys into girls and vice-versa, like another Joe, Josef Mengele, demanding that men and women toilet together, declaring that a man can step into a woman’s athletic scene and compete, simply by declaring himself a woman. (In MMA, a man did this, crushed at least two women’s skulls, and is outraged that anyone would think he took advantage…)
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Here’s the real answer to skin colour: so what? Black, white, brown, yellow, red, green — there is no human being difference between the “races.” Obvious differences do exist, but these have emerged from cultural and societal conditioning, over centuries, even millennia.

For example, Americans are creative and inventive, with almost miraculous engineering/techno abilities. I suspect this comes from 2 sources:

1) the American Revolution stamped the concept of Freedom on the American mind, and freedom promotes odd-ball thinking, out-of-the-box ideas, etc.
2) the confluence of many nationalities, ethnicities, and genes, in a sense making a sort of creative stew.

But the Chinese are masters at perfection. They might not have the original idea, but once they grasp it, they take it to perfection. When Nancy and I were in China a few years ago, I think in Guangzhou we were on a high street with a view, and some students were taking pictures of each other with their mobile phones. We had iPhones. But the pictures on these Chinese students were — I’m trying to be realistic rather than exaggerate — about one and a half times brighter, clearer and more precise than our phones. They were Huawei, China’s copy of the iPhone — but a copy far superior to its progenitor, at least camera-wise.

Chinese are studious, careful, socially extremely sophisticated (and great entrepreneurs, equal here to Americans). I think the social sophistication comes from the vast amounts of people (several cities there are as large as all of Canada, population-wise) and the studiousness comes from their carefulness and precise thinking.

In our Western Canada universities, the Chinese students are known, almost feared, for their dedication and unusually high grades in engineering, science, math, etc. Not in the arts. This carefulness might be the result of always living on the edge of famine; over millennia this probably becomes a genetic inherited trait.

We think of China as inscrutable, mysterious. But anyone who has read the “Three Kingdoms” or “The Dream of the Red Chamber” knows the Chinese heart is identical to their own, whether Caucasian, Indian, Negroid…

And there’s a clue to the origins of racism: the unknown. We always fear, mistrust and are ready to fight the unknown (not in the lab, but in daily, real life). This is certainly biological. The deer, standing in a field munching on some stuff, sees the dark woods as different and unknowable, and therefore a reservoir of threat.

The white man, seeing the black man, might feel the same sort of residual threat. And in reverse, the black man can mistrust the white man and this can go through any ethnic or skin colour situation. For example in Croatia in the 1990’s millions were exterminated not because the skin colour was different, but merely because their religions were different.

Yes there are physical differences. Many Negroes have large lips, heavy bones, and big butts. But many whites have thin, breakable bones, skinny lips and big bellies. It’s not a better; it’s a different.
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In future, I’m going to leave the race question alone, partly due to my ignorance of many factors. But my real job is not to comment or broadcast my opinion; it’s to forecast. In that vein, I think Blacks worldwide, as I wrote decades ago, are on the ascendency.

Pluto’s transit through Capricorn (the sign I believe relates to Blacks) from 2008 to 2024 will/has transformed the hierarchy of Black society, as well as should have brought many Blacks into gov’t and other decision-making positions. In 2021 and ’22, Saturn in Aquarius leads to revisions of laws, rebellion, etc., involving Blacks. Eventually, of course, there will be no racial discrimination; even now, only thugs (and those moved temporarily by fear/anger) are consciously racist.

From 2024 to 2043, Pluto will travel through Aquarius, changing many of our ideas and principles. We’re already seeing this, with “The Squad” and other radical left politicians in the U.S. This is only the beginning.
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Of course Fauci for the last 15 months has denied that the Wuhan covid virus came from the Wuhan virology lab — because he was one of the main funders of the Wuhan research! Now that the heat’s off and the truth looks imminent, Fauci says, “Well, it might have come from there…” (“the heat’s off” — The now-in-power Dems protect Democratic criminals, those in a treasonous bed with the enemy [Biden, Swalwell, Hillary, probably Obama] and anyone who praises or protects China. Fauci hid his connections to the Wuhan lab while Trump was his boss.)
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Remember when a few months ago I said that the fight against the Biden Mafia and their Ministries of Truth and Propaganda (the Democratically toxic feds in general) would be carried by the individual states, that they would be most effective against CRT, pandemic oppression, etc. Since then, Texas, Florida, South Dakota and others have passed laws nullifying and defying federal dictates.

Many more will. (Already 15 states have told the “big banks” that if they follow Biden’s directives for banks to refuse to lend to oil companies, they will withdraw all state’s funds — billions upon billions — from the banks.)  Biden’s America will be eaten out from within by its determination to be the opposite of Trump, even to the limits of stupidity.
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Now in hindsight we can see that Trump was probably the most truthful President America has ever had.  Trump’s “lies” were boastful exaggerations, psychic predictions, or insight others “missed.”

(I’m sure he doesn’t know it, but Trump has displayed psychic ability. In several instances he’s said something that seems somewhat unreasonable, that later occurs. E.g., when a multiple shooting occurred in Sweden, Trump immediately called it “terrorism.” He was lambasted for that by the pansy press. A week or two later, it was quietly reported that the Sweden attack had been by terrorists. Just a small thing, but such “psychic” instances occurred again and again.)

Many of Trump’s “stupid, crazy, unhinged” statements (and other CNN epithets) turned out to be true. For example, that the FBI was spying on him and had bugged his offices. What an idiot! What a paranoid! Do we want such a reckless blame-thrower, such a flaming jackass to be president? Oh, gee — turns out Trump was right, the pansies at the FBI WERE spying on him.

Biden’s lies are, by contrast, specifically constructed to deceive. I mean, these are real whoppers: for instance, asserting that he, not Trump, developed the covid vaccine. (A news clip shows Biden receiving a covid vaccine shot in December 2020 — while Trump was still President.)

His latest: that Trump campaigned in 2016 with the message that Blacks were stealing jobs from Whites. That might reflect Biden’s true, secret fear of Blacks, but Trump was a major Black supporter, and opened THE door for them, the door to economic improvement and freedom, something the Democrats have never done — and historically have fought against, from the Civil War to Clinton’s wholesale imprisoning of Black men.

Biden in his own campaign publicly told Blacks that if they didn’t bend the knee to him, acknowledging him as their lord, they weren’t Blacks. But any real Black would recognize Joe for what he wants to be: a sort of plantation owner, with real Blacks in their place. (I’m not just spouting here. Biden’s racist past is well documented.)

Here’s what I don’t get: Biden lies more outrageously and intentionally than Trump ever did. Why then are Biden’s lies believed and his sins ignored?
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There are reports that Biden is shipping thousands of immigrants to cities such as Nashville (?) and simply dumping them there. (In the dead of night?) The solution is simple, quite legal I’m sure, but might be a little heartless: simply take these immigrants and give them exactly what Biden gave them: a one-way bus or train ticket — but this time to Washington DC. If 10 or 20 states or major cities did this, it would bring the problem to Biden and Kamala’s front yard. Let them ignore that! Let the Ministries of Propaganda (the media) spin that.

100,000 migrants do a lot of eating and pooping — I wonder if DC would, after a week, look as bad as San Francisco, whose defecation-littered sidewalks are famous in Canada. (Now there’s a job for Kamala [“Have you seen my heart?”] Harris.)
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Kamala (“Have you seen my heart? Did I leave it in San Francisco?”) Harris. That’s it. No news, no action, no caring. Just that laugh: as if the joke’s on America.
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Facebook has a new con game. About half the time in the last few weeks, when I click on a video in, say, a news article — not having “contacted” FB in any way — suddenly a pop-up appears over the view, asking if I want to download some Facebook app. When I click “no” or “later,” the video immediately disappears from the screen.

So now Facebook is saying, “If you join us and allow us to customize what news you receive, if you allow us to invade your computer with our ‘app,’  we’ll let you see this news video. If not, we will cut you off, EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NOT ON OUR PLATFORM AND THIS NEWS SITE HAS NO CONNECTION TO US — HOWEVER, NOW WE ARE FORCING THE WHOLE WORLD TO BE CONNECTED TO US.” I wonder what’s going on?
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I sometimes feel uncomfortable in social groups such as dinner parties. Everyone is so alive, and there is so much there, that it’s hard to look at. It’s like a bright light shining in your eyes. Except rather than squint I grow impatient, restless, nervous. And a bright light blinds: these faces, people, are too clear, too vivid, their Being shines from them, is upon them like a bright cloak. I guess it’s the Being that I find overwhelming, until I want to run and be alone. Yet sometimes I feel very friendly…but that’s something else.
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I have criticized judges and lawyers and universities for years because the south lunar node in our era chart (1983-2229) is ensconced in the place of universities and judges (et al). It points to temptation, wrong views, bad karma, even evil acts. Now I have to add scholars in general (i.e., profs, many of whom are deeply bigoted — far more bigoted than their students, whom they intend to indoctrinate). And psychologists.

These august pimples and their national U.S. organization have banned a highly respected psychologist because he claims there are 2 sexes, not 50. Maybe he should also claim that the Wuhan virus came from the Wuhan lab, then he’d deserve death by hanging.
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Awwww, poor little AOC… She’s so frail now, she says she’s in Therapy due to the January 6 “shock” she received. (Fact check: she wasn’t even there during the Jan. 6 DC riot. She was in another building, far away.) What a phoney! Admittedly a clever, attractive phoney.

Another puzzle: why are democrats such unrepentant liars and suppressors of facts? AOC, Biden, Brian Williams, Hillary, Bill, and virtually every pundit, writer, newscaster or guest on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, WAPO…Why? I don’t get it. Perhaps their hatred is stronger than their shame. It’s the only explanation.
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You might have noticed that I’ve started to reference Canada in a few items. I often receive emails asking why I don’t write about Canada more. (Since I live here, in paradise-like Vancouver.) I have been drawn to U.S. politics (as have the CBC and CTV) because the drama has been intense the last 4+ years. Canadian pols are, in the majority, stable and boring. That sounds like an insult but it isn’t. I’ve lived in both countries, and I like the quiet, balanced and basically decent Canadian character, and that nature flows through their pols and, ultimately, their government.

(There’s a paradox here: Canada’s more mellow than the U.S., but less creative/inventive — probably because there is less pressure, a vital ingredient of any new work. [Despite popular conception, creativity does not thrive when “creators” are fed and comfortable. Necessity’s the mom of invention, etc.]

America is more vital, alive and creative, but also more violent than Canada, and the gov’t is very scary. I’m sure there are power struggles in Canadian politics, but they tend to be hidden or muffled; and when a scandal breaks out, everyone watches it on the telly, then returns to his/her business, secure in the thought that nothing has truly roiled Cnd. politics since the Depression riots. I’m no historian, but I would suspect the two world wars healed parliament. And neither’s brother stalks the horizon now.)

Canadians are often told (by the gov’t) that they have some of the best healthcare in the world, and it’s free. Of course it’s paid for by our taxes or our medical services fees, depending on the province. But we often experience long wait times for medical procedures. For example, I was notified in March that some local hospital was scheduling an x-ray or something for me. The date of my appointment was late December. Nor is the medical care that special.

America is far more advanced medically and technologically than Canada. In Canada we usually say that we are 10 years behind not only in science but in trends such as fashionable restaurants. When I was in high school we told ourselves that we were going to go down to the states and see what they were doing and bring it back to Canada and make a fortune because we would be 10 years ahead of anybody else in Canada. Plus we could tell what was really successful — because it was. I don’t remember what happened to that idea.

Anyway, I only wanted to ask that you forgive me for any insults I might deliver in the heat of any argument here…

Oh, sorry — why am I stopping political commentary? Because it drags me into anger and frustration. It’s worse than golf (tho’ I don’t play).
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This is from Conrad Black, a billionaire Canadian publisher and financier, about America:

“With the latest job creation numbers 75 percent below forecast, and illegal entry into the U.S. across the southern border up 944 percent from April of last year, and the president having difficulty reconciling his support of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with the vocal anti-Semitism of elements of his own congressional party, and inflation on gasoline, lumber, bread, and a number of other vital products running between 50 and 150 percent, the contemporary Democratic Party is reverting to the only arrow left in its quiver and the only song remaining in its song book: Trump-hate.

“The administration’s demiurgic effort to continue public panic over the Covid virus has failed. Texas, whose opposition to the complete shut-down President Biden denounced as “Neanderthal,” and other anti-shut down states such as Florida and South Dakota, have so completely outperformed the principal Democratic compulsory lockdown states, as to make it very difficult to sustain public pandemic hysteria…” (May 25, Epoch Times.)
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I suspect the Blacks who are beating Asians recently are venting their frustration at the White overlords. (I’m not being sarcastic. During the Watts riots of the 1970’s, Korean and other Asian stores were most damaged. — Tho’ that might have been a result of circumstance, that the Asian stores happened to be in the locale.) The Whites who beat Asians are probably poor, disadvantaged. The wealthy in America bear the ultimate responsibility for crimes generally, but particularly hate crimes. This is the Democratic view. Now, how many Democrats are wealthy?
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Historically, many, many more whites have been enslaved than blacks. The Barbary pirates alone enslaved millions of whites, more than the entire population of slaves in the U.S. in total, from the Plymouth settlers to the Civil War. In fact, the word “slave” comes from “Slav” — the Slavs inhabit most of eastern Europe and parts of Russia, esp. the area between Greece and Italy, and northward. The Slavs were as White as were most caucasians in America, and prime fodder for slavers. When America did practice slavery, so did almost every other country in the world.

Evidently slavery is still practiced in Africa and the Middle East. Maybe someone should tell Hamas. Maybe somebody should ban the Bible, which is full of slavery (and “God-ordained” genocide). In fact, America should be praised for ending slavery, before any other country. (Not sure this is fact, but I believe it is. Came from a Black historian.)

The reparations idea is always promoted by Democrats, whose ancestors were slave owners, and opposed by Republicans, who freed the slaves. (I’ve said before, tongue-in-cheek, but now I’m serious, that if Blacks get reparations, I want my share, for having Irish ancestors. Now, who’s going to pay me? England, which originally enslaved the Irish, or America, who bought and owned the Irish slaves?)

If reparations for slavery are truly justified, then we had better tighten our belts — of the 7 billion people on earth, probably 5 billion are “owed” reparations. We need to give reparations to — not just the children but all descendants — of Holocaust survivors, to all Slavs (all 300 million or so of them — a guess), to many East Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Amerindians (many Indians kept slaves) probably many S.E. Asians…. shall I go on?

Just as the pandemic payments to workers has now disincentivized them to work; reparations might do the same for Blacks, and simply increase the welfare pit that the Dems have relegated them to for decades.

One last point: before the Civil War, most southern whites did not own slaves — only the rich had slaves. So do these poor and working and middle class white people whose ancestors had nothing to do with slavery — probably over 90% of whites in America today —do they need to give Blacks their money because some other white man centuries ago kept a black slave?
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In Canada we did not keep slaves. We corralled Indian children into prisons called “residential schools” — by the hundreds, even thousands, then buggered, raped, beat, whipped and finally killed them and buried them in the school yard. Just last week a graveyard was found with over 200 kids in it — many as young as 3 and 4 years old.

When did we stop doing this? In the 1990’s, at least half a century after we knew what was going on. The 1990’s! 1990’s! Even this claim that all residential schools have been closed down, it essentially false. The gov’t has merely changed the venue. About a year ago I saw a CBC documentary showing how native children from Newfoundland and Labrador were being taken from their natural parents, then shipped south to white “foster parents,” some of whom earned 2, 3 and 5 thousand $ a month for their service. How is this any different than residential schools? It is still cultural genocide, practiced by PM Justin Trudeau and his minions.

For 2 years, the government has ignored the Indians in their quest for a full accounting. (Wouldn’t want to accuse a politician’s relative of having committed murder.
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I suspect slavery was, long, long ago, a compassionate or empathic act as well as a practical, exploitive one. When a tribe, whether of Indians or Neanderthals or Goths, fought a war and won, rather than killing all the losers, the tribe took them in as helpers or slaves. Sometimes this eventually led to freedom or “citizenship.” In essence, it was a way of keeping your defeated enemy from attacking you again, but it was also better for the species if the defeated were enslaved, not killed. So you might see slavery as a biological imperative in times of war.

Hitler violated this imperative by murdering 6 million Jews; so did Stalin, killing 30 million Slavs; so did Mao, killing — what, 80 million peasants? Ping is obeying it, by enslaving the Uighurs. But he is violating it, too.
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Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard law professor, is suing CNN for $300 million for slander — and he is quite likely to win. The station edited his spoken comments to make it appear he was saying the exact opposite of his real statements. I wonder how many other people CNN has treated this way, who could also sue? Dershowitz might be the edge of a wedge.

Florida and South Dakota have passed legislation to permit their residents to sue the Ministries of Truth and Propaganda (Twitter, FB, etc.). I suspect 20 or so other states will hop on board. From 2024 to 2044, technology will be transformed, and so will be the Ministries of Truth and Propaganda. They will not survive in their present form.

BTW, CNN has lost audiences in the past year at a rate that would frighten me if I owned it. Some shows have as little as 50,000 viewers — in the U.S., only 1 in 6,700 people watching! This climbs as high as 1 in 2,000, I think, for the most popular program. Another station which regularly and purposefully broadcasts anti-Republican fake news, MSNBC, is also losing audience at a precipitous rate. Media watchers rack this decline up to the fact that these cable networks no longer have “Trump madness” to fire up their viewers. To go from liar to boring… well, I support that process…
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Liberals in Canada are like patricians, a muted aristocracy.
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A reporter is suing Chicago’s mayor, because she has announced white journalists will not be welcome, and will be refused interviews. Only black journalists are allowed. Nice! Can you imagine the uproar if Trump kicked all coloured reporters out of the White House press room? Or if ANY White politician said the same to Black journalists?
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China recently altered their birth policy: families are now allowed to have 3 children, up from the previous 2. China’s worried about its falling birthrate. But this change won’t help. Chinese citizens have been introduced to capitalism, wealth and return on effort — so young couples save for the Mercedes, not for another baby. Capitalism tends to reduce birth rates.
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