Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JUNE 6 – 12, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:  (All times Pacific Daylight)  8:07 am to 11:47 am Tues., and 10:38 am Thurs. to 0:23 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS: Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Instead, protect and further ongoing projects/ situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.
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There’s a full solar eclipse Thursday — at 3:53 am PDT, 6:53 Eastern Time, 11:53 in Britain, 12:53 pm in Spain, Paris, 2:53 pm in Budapest, and so on. I don’t use the eclipses; instead, I follow the lunar nodes — basically, the “tracks” down which the Moon runs to cause an eclipse. This eclipse occurs at 19 Gemini, which, if the U.S.A. is Sagittarius rising as some astrologers say,* portends a time of severe indecision in Washington, in dealings with other nations, probably for a half year to year ahead.

*With reason — no one can ever determine the time of the US’s birth, but America’s nature, and that of her citizens, is very Sagittarian. Robust, temperamental, impatient, know-it-all, adventurous, friendly, magnanimous, doesn’t hold a grudge (much — the Cancer Sun has its list of enemies), political, idealistic (must believe in something), braggart, and very world-international oriented, and a gracious, helpful winner. Bright, alert, continually self-questioning (Woody Allen). (The nativism and simple patriotism in the US comes from its Cancer Sun. Cancers love the home, unconditionally.) The word “big” fits Sages.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The main accent still lies on errands, communications, short trips and paperwork, Aries. Be curious, ask questions. Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past. (If it fits in of these two categories, a landscape project will reward.)

You’re (maybe) somehow embroiled — sweetly or otherwise — in a domestic tangle. If so, the “sweetly” will win now through June — maybe already has. Social luck has deserted you for awhile but you’ll shine in management, warehousing, institutional, admin. or gov’t areas — to July 28. (Aries psychics have a banner May-July phase.)

No worries: your romantic or one-on-one life starts revving its engines this Friday through July. A friend who might have recently reappeared in your life might turn to something more in the weeks ahead. In any case, your heart won’t be bored.

Pursue money Sun. to noon Tues. (PDT). Pay and collect. Buy nothing important. Sunday’s friendly, but it hides a deeper (later?) refusal. Monday dawn onward aids communications with bosses, VIPs — and generally everything. The monthly accent on errands, trips, etc., doubles up Tues. afternoon to Thurs. midnight. A good interval, good accomplishment, but watch a difference of opinion Tues. afternoon or a bit of deception Thurs.

Be home Fri./Sat. If single, you need the strength of the family to help you stand tall during the intense romantic cycle that kicks off Friday. Need not be overt. Just, say, have dinner together.  Someone is praising you in secret.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Pursue money, Taurus. Pay and collect, be social with clients, etc. Your curiosity might be whetted by garage sales or similar. A former “tussle in the hay” partner might appear; it was never love and never will be, but a happy day or week whiled away… if you’re footloose, why not? You’re quick to speak, to hop on a bus, plane or phone: if you are going to secret places you need to turn around.

Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Hope glimmers on your horizon now through July; and your social life whispers about expansion — but it’s just a glimmer, a promise. By January to May next year, that promise will be fulfilled, in big ways. For now, enjoy the promise.

You’re the leader Sun. to noon Tues. — energetic, charismatic, with a bucket of confidence! Though Sunday’s pleasant, its actions won’t come to much — real progress begins Mon. This month’s main focus — money, possessions, casual sex and rote learning — is doubled-up midday Tues. to midnight Thurs. A good interval — march forth.

Errands, missives, paperwork and travel fill Fri./Sat. — a productive, affectionate two days. But Friday starts 7 weeks of possible home-related friction. Be gentle with house mates!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Friday starts 7 weeks of intense activity, travel, communications, and papers everywhere, documents, evidence, tickets — as a fog of confusion, delay and mistakes surrounds you, don’t be too quick to act.

Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) before June 22, Gemini. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past. An old flame beckons, but might only be toying with the idea of permanent intimacy. Remain happy, optimistic.

You’re the most attractive member of the zodiac this month; this will become obvious. A patina of good fortune/favour mists your career area this month and next, but it might not come to much. Save your ideas, for this career zone will explode with good luck and opportunity the first half of ’22. Your money/income picture brightens until June’s end.

Sleep in Sunday — Monday too, if you can. Both days are for rest, solitude, spiritual journeys, charity, advice, confidential discussions with management, gov’t. or institutions. Don’t try for love, esp. Sun. You’ll be tired both days, and Tues. (first half) too — but Mon./Tues.’s luck is good, so make some moves.

Your energy and charisma rise to an early high mid-week — be a leader, show the way, see and be seen. Tuesday might hold a difference of opinion (or an unexpected stroke of luck in travel, media or love). Wed.’s stable. Thurs., all comes together — or does it? Doubt might surface. Chase money, pay and collect Fri./Sat. — all’s smooth, and your actions somehow enhance your career prospects.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Two more weeks of rest and recuperation, Cancer. (You’ll be “energized” yet low on energy — focus it, if you can, on career and similar ambitions rather than chasing the wild geese of romance, research or spirituality.) Remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

A former “retreat” (spa, favourite wooded creek, fishing skiff, etc.) appeals, and would be a good idea for awhile. A hint of big ideas, of a widening understanding, intrigues you until late July. The real “blossoming” here will occur January to May, ’22. Meanwhile, now to June 22, a former burden or neglected obligation “returns.”

Optimism, happiness and social or flirtatious delights visit you Sun. to midday Tues. Not good for serious relationships nor for investments pre-Mon., but good later this day onward. Withdraw into the pool of quietude mid-week — a good interval,  although your ideas/opinions might be wrong early Thurs.

Your energy and charisma return (reasonably) Fri./Sat. See and be seen, get things done, relax with good people. Now your ideas/perceptions are “right on.” Thursday starts 7 weeks of intense money flow — to you and from you. A casual sexual affair could be part of this picture.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward, Leo. Until then, double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, supplies, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

On Thursday, Mars enters your sign for 7 weeks, boosting your sexual magnetism, courage, assertiveness and determination. However, careful where you aim, as confusion, delays and mistakes swirl around you. You might be better to “use” this extra intensity after June 22. More immediately, you face 2 more weeks of joy, popularity, flirtations and entertainment — and  blue-sky optimism. A former group or flame might play a significant role.

Be ambitious Sun. to midday Tues. All’s good, but avoid employment-machinery-career action Sun. (to 2 am PDT Mon.). Somehow, your ambition/work enhances your security. This month’s main focus — joy, social delights, optimism, group action — “doubles up” midweek  (midday Tues. through Thurs.). Dive in, have fun, flirt! (But don’t push for physical intimacy , esp. Thurs.)

Withdraw to quietude Fri./Sat. All’s well. Contemplate, rest, forgive, but don’t plan — plans will change. A good week!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Be ambitious, Virgo — but remember, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until late day June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

You might revisit a former career role, or meet a former boss/VIP.  Either is favourable. Now to July’s end you’ll receive hints of a looming fortunate relationship, relocation, public or real estate opportunity — this hint will turn to a swelling wave in the first 5 months of ’22. Thursday starts 7 weeks of sexual, financial and lifestyle (perhaps medical) significance.

Sweet understanding, gentle love, a wide, world view come to you Sun. to midday Tues.(PDT). Sunday’s nice, but the future of its projects looks uncertain, challenging. Success slated daytime Mon. onward. Your career, prestigious contacts, relations with bosses, worldly standing and ambitions come into play midweek (through Thurs. midnight) — a good run, but don’t expect agreement/co-operation Thurs. am.

The simple Joy of living visit you Friday/Saturday. Get out, see friends, discuss your hopes — love, peace and justifiable optimism reign! Someone is very compatible.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward, Libra. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Bosses and VIPs have been impatient, temperamental the last month or more. This Thursday, that ends. In its place come 7 weeks of bliss, enthusiasm and optimism about a relationship, a relocation, or a practical opportunity — or all three!  If unattached, you could meet a viable mate in a group situation. Friends will keep you hopping.

Your “hands-on” workload has increased mildly since mid-May, and will do so until July 28. But not by much — the big wave of chores come the 1st half of ’22. (So chase love now — and in the 2nd half of ’22, 1st half of ’23 — when marriage, co-habitation will “pull you” more than anytime in the last decade.)

Sunday to midday Tues. emphasizes sex, secrets, finances, lifestyle and medical decisions. Commit to nothing Sunday, early Mon. All flows well after that. Midweek doubles up on everything this month is about: far travel, love, wisdom, learning, international consciousness, media, religion, cultural rites. These are most subject to June’s delays, mistakes and indecision.

Friday/Sat. nudge you to be ambitious, display your skills — work right into Sat. night — you’ll be rewarded. Overall, a happy, mellow week. Yes, love exists.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Sex, secrets, financial manoeuvres, medical procedures, lifestyle changes, crime and power, commitment and consequence — these form the over-riding theme for 2 more weeks, Scorpio. Trouble is, this is the area MOST affected by delays, confusion and mistakes until June 22. Until then, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases). Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

This is not a good time to make nor accept promises. Best activity: research — it’s your “treasure map.” Have you ever seen the thinnest sheet of ice/frost glittering on the black surface of the road? That’s what romance is now — new, attractive, but not likely to produce much. (It will produce a huge amount, early ’22, so be patient.)

Your recent intense mental state (e.g., fired up over ideas, politics, right/wrong…) ebbs now. In its place comes 7 weeks of intense ambition, work, and relations with higher-ups. Bosses will be temperamental; be diplomatic. You could make great strides “at work,” esp. if you wait until June 22 onward to start.

Sunday to midday Tues. accents relationships: those appearing before 2 am (PDT) Mon. will trip over domestic realities. Those after (Mon./Tues.) will fare well, harmonize with you. This month’s main thrust (sex, secrets, finances, etc. as in the first sentence above) rises up midweek. Lots of fortunate avenues here — but start nothing brand new.

Love, wide understanding, philosophy, law, travel, cultural venues and an international viewpoint — these fill Fri./Sat. in a good way. You might find/fall into love this weekend.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The main emphasis lies on open, honest relationships (and relocation, opportunities and public dealings) for 2 more weeks, Sage. The best thing you can do, to next January, is to reach out, form contacts/bonds, relocate, grab opportunities, or explore. But this very area, relationships, is most affected by the confusion, delay and indecision that’s floating around until June 22. Before then, don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases). Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

A former lover or spouse might well appear — judge this person and prospect based on the past: why did you split, and is it still a problem, or fixable? Recent (April-May) intense sexual or financial “drives” relax Thursday, as 7 weeks of mental awakening start. (Ideas blossom, romance finds a “justification,” creative urges flower.) (If the present seems a little “dry,” mid-’22 to mid-’23 will bring huge romance.)

Your home has brightened up with optimism, attention — this lasts to late July. If home-hunting, Feb. to mid-May ’22 will bring you some succulent deals!— all’s good, charge ahead!

Tackle chores Sun. to midday Tues. Protect health. Careful pre-dawn Mon. (PDT) — wasted effort. Later Mon., and Tues., you succeed. Those relationships discussed above come to the fore midweek.  All’s well — charge in! (A “dare” Thurs. morning might end a relationship.) Sex, secrets, financial manipulation, research, “buried treasure” fill Fri./Sat. — all’s good, march forth.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Too many chores (and errands) Cap. Ah, well, soldier on. Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Confusion and delay focus esp. on your chores, communications, tools. Read instructions 2, 3 times. Move slowly, carefully. Eat, drink sensibly. Relationships have been intense the last 6 weeks, sometimes hot-tempered. This changes Thursday, when 7 weeks of powerful sexual urges, determination and financial manoeuvres begin. (DON’T invest impulsively, esp. before June 22.) Someone will return your interest in June, with a sweet, gentle reception. (A Cancer native involved?)

Romance calls Sun. to Tues. noon. If you’re attached (or not interested in romance) creativity, a gambling mood, beauty, kids and pleasure call. Before Mon. pre-dawn (PDT) little worthwhile will last. Mon./Tues. are good. Tackle chores midweek — re-read paragraph above. You’ll succeed, feel gratified! Relationships fill Fri./Sat. — good ones.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Ah, sweet romance — if single, don’t waste this time, Aquarius! But truth be told, you are either dealing with an old flame, or have fallen into a chaos of indecision, confusion, delay and misunderstanding with a present romantic situation. Gemini likely involved, but a Leo or Aries might play a key role soon.

Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) until June 22 onward. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

Your income is starting to look better and better, but this might be a mere hint — the “big money” is slated for Jan. to May next year, not now. Thursday begins 7 weeks of intense relationships — anything from mad love to physical fights. Be diplomatic!

Turn to your home, family Sun. to midday Tues. (PDT) — a good interval, so get things done, painting, fixing, security cameras, garden, and nutrition, etc. This month’s main focus — romance and creativity, risk and pleasure — is doubly highlighted midweek. You might fall in love. Things are small, slim, just starting — but with a future. Tackle chores and protect your health Fri./Sat. DON’T buy machinery, etc., but do tackle those chores — you can accomplish a lot with seemingly little effort.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Don’t start any new, important relationships or projects (or purchases) before June 22, Pisces. Double check all addresses, phone numbers, meeting times, etc. Protect and further ongoing projects/situations, or reprise promising ones from the past.

You are halfway through a month of family, home, garden, nature, nutrition and “deep rest.” Well, get as much as you can, because Thurs. starts 7 weeks of intense work demands — and boosted income. The home front is where June’s delays, confusions and mistakes are strongest, so proceed carefully. A sweet “puppy love” type romance might occur, or a “hot affair” now ebbs into affectionate cooing.

Swift, easy chores (errands, paperwork, communications) combine with curiosity Sun. to noon Tues. Better stuff after Mon. dawn than before. The “down home” theme of June doubles up midweek — Tues. pm through Thurs. Plunge into home, hug the kids, catch up on neglected jobs, repairs — or take a short vacation! All’s smooth, fine. Your romantic, passionate artistic, pleasure-loving and risk-taking side emerges Fri./Sat. Not much to worry about, so charge ahead, find beauty, welcome pleasure.



The biggest criminal organization in America is the Left. It encompasses all the intelligence agencies, the FBI, Pelosi’s gang of enforcers, and Schiff’s “Lying Legions,” Joe and Hunter and all their private “deals” with communist China, and of course Killer Kamala (“Did anyone see my heart? I seem to have lost it”) and her legions of Crooked California (and Blue State) prosecutors.

Oh, I forgot the “cowardly lion” judges, a judiciary that has learned not to anger their hidden masters. (For instance, by hearing voter fraud claims in the 6 “dirty” states. By refusing to look at the evidence, these judges are just political toilet paper — or the three monkeys: see no election fraud, hear no election fraud, and speak no election fraud.)
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How do you find the truth, when so many labour to hide it, even from themselves? PolitiFact, an organization of self-proclaimed “neutral” fact checkers (who actually work for Facebook, Instagram and the other Ministries of Truth) have been laughing out loud since last September at claims the Covid virus came from the Wuhan virology lab. Turns out, now Congress — and scientists in general —have determined that it came from the lab. Now even Fauci, who claimed it came from bats, and whose agency actually funded the Covid research at Wuhan, finally admits, okay, it probably came from the lab. What a jackass. 

PolitiFact labelled the Wuhan lab leak information as “an inaccurate and debunked conspiracy theory” — though it was voiced by a scientist who had actually worked in the Wuhan lab. (Of course a scientist who actually worked in the lab where the virus escaped knows so much less than a bunch of fat-bum checkers sitting in their comfy leather seats somewhere in the bowels of the Ministries of Truth, sipping their leftist kool-aid.)

This and other very objective remarks by PolitiFact — e.g., “This claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” —were posted permanently and prominently by Facebook and Instagram, among other Ministries of Truth.

“This assertion,” (the fact-checkers now admit) — that the Covid virus did NOT originate in the Wuhan lab — “is now more widely disputed.” 

“For this reason” (after we have disseminated our falsehoods to 200 million Americans, and poisoned millions of opinions for 9 months) “we are removing this from our database pending a more thorough review.”  Gee, no more Pants on Fire? 

Isn’t it funny how celebrities, politicians, lawyers,— and now, fact-checkers — have perfected the art of not apologizing? (The classic one is a version of “I’m sorry you felt that way. I’m sorry you misunderstood my intentions.” I.e., that you were stupid enough to take my perfectly normal insults or sexual prods as attacks on you.)

There are far more silken and covertly insulting examples of these “crocodile apologies” — for instance, Politifact’s own: “for this reason we are removing this from our data base pending a more thorough review.” (“Oh, no, we weren’t wrong. It just needs more study because someone blew our story.”) Or: (“OK, boys, back in the hot tub! Bring your Baileys — We’ve got to figure out some other way to screw the truth and convince the stupid public that Trump’s a murderer and Biden’s Santa Claus.” — “Or, hey, a new project: let’s convince these rubes that all the attacks on Asians were done by Whites, not by Blacks.”)

When “fact checkers” (i.e., liars of convenience, most of whom work for the Ministries of Truth, or for agencies paid by the Ministries) — when these supposedly “last resort for the real truth” fact checkers will not apologize for their mistakes, even the most egregious ones, then you know you are living either in a fascist state, or in Alice’s wonderland.
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As for my own fact-checking, I told you two weeks ago that I am not a fact-checker — I’m the canary in the coal mine. Then an astute reader pointed out that I’m not dead yet (the canary’s main contribution). (* See above about the reliability of fact-checking.)
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Some States in the U.S. might fight the Federal gov’t, get nowhere, and finally resort to succession or violence. This will be allayed, postponed, if the right wins the 2022 elections.
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After this, I’m going to leave the black-white-hispanic racist question alone, as, living most of my life in Canada, I have little experience. It’s also extremely hard to obtain accurate stats or facts.

My core belief is, I think, shared by most whites: that blacks have been terribly oppressed and deserve a welcoming hand into all the success that whites have had in America. (About Blacks in England, for example, I have no idea — although I know CRT is thriving there.) And, just as during the Women’s Lib movement of the 1970’s, there will be extreme actions from pent-up frustrations.

The Women’s Lib movement, for instance, called for the death of men, rejections of men’s roles in certain situations, and a general hatred and denigrating of males and of their armour — chivalry. In other words, any radical social transformation will have innocent victims and will be violent, heedless, unjust and bullying, because it is in reaction to oppression.

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I just watched a video of a 20-something, big Black woman, seemingly unprovoked, suddenly pull the chair out from under a small White woman who was sitting eating with her two-year old baby. (The baby was brown.) As soon as the little mother was on the floor, the big Black woman began to beat her senseless, holding her head by the hair and punching her at least ten times in the head, then dragged her out of the restaurant onto the sidewalk, where she hit her again multiple times around the head, then stomped on her head 2 x with her boots. Two or three employees, also Black, and one of them a male at least a foot taller than the vicious Black woman, stood and watched.

I guess this is what Dems mean by Critical Race Theory?

I wonder. The child was mulatto (is that a bad word today?). Perhaps what triggered the murderous Black rage was a White woman who had obviously had sex with a Black man. Or perhaps she adopted. Either way, the Big Black woman might have thought: “Us Blacks can’t afford to have children, and they kill our babies, but this White bitch can have any baby she wants, and she has one of our babies!”

Or: “Planned Parenthood kills millions of Black babies, but here’s a honkey toad who has the Whiteness to flaunt her half-Black spawn in the ‘hood. I’m gonna flatten her fat smug face.” Or maybe it was just a beating for the sin of being close to Black people or having a brown baby. (I kid you not. Wokes call it “appropriation.” Remember that?)

Of course, I don’t know what preceded the “fight.” Perhaps the White woman called the Black woman the “N” word or made some other racial slur. But it doesn’t fit: here’s a small White woman who obviously loves her half-Black child (after being beaten she ran back into the restaurant, calling for her baby) — not the likeliest candidate to be a snarl-toothed loud-mouth racist.

Or something. Again, in this century, Blacks are far more prejudiced, biased and violent than Whites. They talk about the “systemic racism” of Whites. But how does that compare to the overt, violent racism Blacks now display? I wonder, of the reportedly 3,800 attacks on Asian Americans since Wuhan entered our vocabulary, how many attacks are by Blacks? Remember the L.A. Watts riots? Whose businesses/premises were destroyed most? Korean shops.
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“Viral videos have exposed several vicious attacks on elderly Asian subway riders and pedestrians in New York City since last fall. An inconvenient detail that anyone with functional eyes can see: the perpetrators in the security camera footage aren’t wearing MAGA hats. They don’t have flaming crosses in hand. Inconveniently for the “defund the police” hipsters, the opportunists robbing, punching and shooting Asians on those videos aren’t White people. They are Black — and that’s just plain fact.

“More facts: Federal Bureau of Justice statistics data show that of nearly 600,000 violent interracial victimizations involving Blacks and Whites, Black suspects committed 537,204 interracial felonies (not including homicides), or 90%; and Whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10%. The Red Elephants blog points out that Black perpetrators are also overrepresented among all perpetrators of hate crimes — by 50% — according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017. Whites are underrepresented by 24%.

You never hear these facts from mainstream media. The leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers have zero evidence that the thugs robbing and murdering vulnerable elderly Asians have ever cared one iota about politics, COVID-19, race or Trump. They have zero evidence that these street attacks were inspired by “anti-Asian hate” — as opposed to pure opportunism, criminal malice or plain evil.’”

Norfolk Daily News, Nebraska, March 10, 2021.

NCBI (U.S. National Library of Medicine) reports that from 1992-2014, 75% of assaults on Asian Americans were performed by “Whites,” and 25% by “Non-whites.” If we assume Hispanics have better things to do, then Blacks (12% of the pop. who commit 25% of hate crimes against Asians) are twice as likely to attack Asians as Whites are. But this is blatantly manipulating stats to support my argument, so I’ll quit.

Again, I am not a fact-checker. I lack the mendacity to be one.
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Newly discovered emails (while Biden was Vice-President, 2016):

“Former FBI director reportedly gave $100K to Biden grandchildren’s trust, emailed Hunter that he’d like to work ‘with you and dad’”— The Blaze Daily.
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Did you see YouTube is cancelling/censoring a lot of universities’ posts/videos? When Prager U.’s postings were all deleted (over 200 of them) YouTube refused to explain why. YouTube, of course, is one of the Ministries of Truth. One of Zuckerberg’s or Dorsey’s or Google’s babies. It was probably because Prager is a conservative, Christian university. One of the videos, for example, was a lesson on the Ten Commandments.

The Ministries of Truth are dedicated to eliminating all belief in God. (Because communism cannot co-exist with monotheistic religion. Examples: China’s genocide of Muslim Uighurs, or China’s persecution of the Falun Gong believers.) I am not religious, but YouTube’s censorship is fascist and totalitarian.
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“The fold effect is large enough to account for discrepancies, but might not be all that’s going on,” the (audit) team said on Twitter on May 22, adding that  “75 folded ballots voted straight Republican. Only 48 votes recorded for them. Folds generated over-votes. This is machine used on Election Day [for] most absentee ballots.”

Another machine was found to have “an even more dramatic problem” by the auditors, who said that only 28 percent of the votes for Republican candidates were counted.

“The work is not completed yet. While the folding seems to be a strong contributor it clearly is not the only factor,” Hursti said on Sunday. “For example: We have observed vastly different error rates on two machines processing the same ballots. Work continues.” — Report on a New Hampshire voting audit in a small county, by EpochTimes.

(BTW, the Epoch Times was judged less biased than the NY Times, WAPO, AP, and a host of other fake news outlets by an independent media watchdog.) 

The machines referenced above were from Dominion voting machines, a Canadian company embroiled in lawsuits over the wildly botched 2020 presidential election. I think it’s Canada’s (unintended or unconscious) revenge for America’s bullying and deception on the oil and gas pipeline front.
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In a Minnesota, the White Bear Lake High School administration refused for a year to let a white student start a (conservative) school club, without actually refusing. In other words, they did a “civil servants” refusal — they slow-walked her application to death. A black student crowed about this, because her own BLM club (whites need not apply) was approved immediately.

So the social media was on fire with racist comments from the loser, the white girl who could not have a club approved, against the black girl, and blacks generally. The Instagram posts were all anti-black, and sent only to black students. They contained death threats and called their black recipients “niggers.” (This is a quote. So don’t blame me for the truth.)

The white girl was suspended, interrogated by police, ostracized at school, and labelled a racist. Gee, then it turns out, through computer and IP address tracking, the black girl actually sent all those “nigger” messages. It was a racist hit job, a black media lynching of an innocent white girl.

But it gets worse: both the school and the police kept the results of the investigation secret, refusing to let the public know the letter-writer’s real identity — nor the fact that she was a person of colour. The police have declined to charge the black girl even though she committed multiple felonies, including obviously pre-meditated hate crimes. (Minimum sentence, probably years in jail?) Nor has the school expelled, suspended or in any way punished her. They have made their “woke” protection of a flagrant racist complete.

So the innocent white girl was maligned, ostracized, accused, slandered/libelled, kicked out of school, criticized in front of her parents and basically had her school year — perhaps her entire school experience —  destroyed by a racist (left wing) school principle protecting a black racist.  Now, what’s going to happen when this white girl is a woman, 20, 30, 40 years old. How will she vote on the “black question?” And if she harbours a racial grudge, who created that grudge?

And the black girl, who did all the damage and acted criminally, with obvious evil intent, goes scott-free (oops, sorry, that must be systemic racism, to use the word “Scott” in reference to “free”) — and is not only not charged, her name is kept secret. (It was only revealed after a Freedom of Information lawsuit was filed against the racist Minnesota police and racist Minnesota school district. [The district’s name? WHITE Bear.] Minnesota seems unusually racist, among states.

The odd thing? I wouldn’t be surprised if the high school principle was white. The newly “oppressed” are whites, condemned by other well-meaning, stupid whites — as stupid, say, as this school principle, or as stupid as Zuckerberg or Dorsey.

So where does this leave white students? I dunno. Ask Joe Biden. He perhaps didn’t start all this, but he embraced and institutionalized anti-white racism. Or ask Andy Ng, an Asian reporter beaten by Antifa, or all the Asians beaten by blacks, or ask the university student who was beaten by campus thugs last year because he was conservative. I wonder — did blacks and hispanics participate in the storming of the Capitol Jan. 6 — the one blamed exclusively on “white supremacists” by Nasty Nancy, the High Hypocrite of Congress?

Did you know that the hundreds arrested for the Jan. 6 riot are all in solitary confinement? — 5 months and counting? In soul-destroying, mental-health-destroying solitary. Punishment far greater than the crime.
***   ***

The absolute naivety of these nations, to believe that each must contend with the other, and that each must keep standing armies and spend their energies on weapons development. If all nations were one, or at least at continuous peace with some mechanism far stronger than the U.N. (or whatever) to settle disputes, think how productive we could be! 

This will not happen, however, as long as ancient grudges remain — as they do in the middle east, in black-white America, India/Pakistan, and many other places. I might be naive myself, but I believe most of the world’s anger came/comes from a sense of aggrieved injustice. The quickest way to assuage, even quell anger is through economics — this works, at least in this day and age, when the main harm is also economic. 

I wonder how we will get there — to the many-communitied, and one-nationed Earth. Slowly for sure: politicians move slowly, perhaps for good reason. But maybe we will get there through generational change. I’ve nattered on for decades about the merging of communism and democracy to create a third system. We are already solidly on that road — China has opened up tremendously and become capitalistic, roughly since Nixon’s 1970’s visit.

And the U.S. is presently in the throes of a War of Roses, a grudge-match between right and left that might become more violent. The reason for the intensity? Because the left wants to march toward the communist system —  and communist countries — just as the right found their hero, their champion, Trump — who raised anti-China sentiment to a national level.

Obviously, it has become a war of power, with the left controlling the media and trying to demolish everything Trump did, while the right coalesces around Trump. It will be interesting to see the outcome. So far, God or karma has been against Trump, because It wants this governmental system metamorphosis to transpire. Some believe God used Hitler and Mao to do Its bidding. If so, then now It is using the corrupt Left. God’s principles are beyond me. 

So I think the Dems, tend to win, to push the U.S. further left, and the generations to follow will go even further left. But where or how this meets the Chinese communist system, I don’t know.

The very vehemence with which the left operates now, from the beatings and arsons of Antifa to the fierce lies and false impeachments with which they attacked Trump and the entire right, with wokism and cancel culture, and the naked evil —and impunity — with which the FBI operates and the Elites’ mirror that impunity — this very vehemence speaks of something fated, something larger than its actors. Add that to my earlier comments on Trump’s “fated” loss in ’20, and look at China’s expansion, and a picture begins to emerge, a picture of a huge, civilization-altering and very slow, wave.
***   ***

Next week – predictions, more than opinions!
