Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde


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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING: Before 12:52 pm Sun., 9:22 am to 5:20 pm Tues., 11:06 am to 11:23 pm Thurs., and after 11:29 pm Sat.


This Mercury retro period, which still has two weeks to run, should prove more annoying than disastrous. When the retro begins, the sky carries a few small irksome aspects with two large, simple and fortunate aspects. So the larger picture is positive; larger things won’t be thrown right off the tracks.

Still, until Feb. 20 we should all avoid starting new projects or relationships, or establishing/joining new situations. Instead, protect ongoing projects from supply shortages, delays, mistakes, confusion and indecision. (To overcome indecision, just do/take the logical or obvious choice, no matter how you feel about it. The decision isn’t important; the indecision is.) Buy nothing important; you’ll either land a lemon or an item you won’t want before much time passes. 


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19 

Wishes can still come true, Aries! You’re in the midst of an upbeat, social, popular, flirty, optimistic and just plain happy cycle — for this month — and this whole year. Be sure to join a club or group; it will have a beneficial life-changing effect. However, wait until after Feb. 20 to do so. Until then, deal only with ongoing projects and relationships, or those from the past — avoid the new.

An old flame might return, or you might see someone stunning in a group. This old flame, if it applies, could be a relationship that you both can build on, deepen, for decades. Money still flows — bank it. 

Early Sun. is mellow, but after midday you grow more ambitious — until suppertime Tues. (PST). Jump into this, esp. if computers or a group involved Sunday. Great money “opening” Mon. This whole month’s influence of social delights, optimism and happiness, intensifies Tues. eve through Thursday.

Hands-off the internet, computers, and money — otherwise, great success, great opportunities, romantic friends. Withdraw Fri./Sat. — rest, contemplate, be charitable, spiritual. All’s good!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The spotlight remains on your career, worldly standing, ambitions and prestige relations, Taurus. No matter what I say below, though, avoid starting any new projects or relationships before Feb. 20. (A former career role or opportunity could return — yes, grab it, as it might be the basis of a major success as 2021 evolves.) Bosses favour you all month. You have a lot of courage, determination and sexual magnetism all Feb. — but don’t let it spur you to argue with higher-ups. 

Sunday morning’s (PST) sexy. Lunchtime Sun. to Tues. suppertime brings a mellow, wise mood, international concerns (including far travel) cultural beliefs and involvements, publishing, law, higher learning…and love. Plunge in, Taurus — almost everything succeeds! (Inspiration and friends Sunday, sexy stuff or money flows Mon. Ease Tues.)

You’ll feel the pressure to perform Tues. eve through Thurs. This interval isn’t so easy. Excellent luck in career, status areas, poor luck in money and computers. Wishes can come true Fri./Sat. — expect social delights, flirts, optimism — happiness!

gemini icon  GEMINI  May 21-June 20

You remain in a gentle., wise, loving mood, Gemini. Far travel, law, culture, beliefs, publishing, intellectual pursuits, all are favoured now. (Esp. love.) BUT don’t start any new projects nor relationships, nor make major purchases, before Feb. 20. (No matter what I say below.) Instead, take up past people/projects, or support ongoing things with “extra attention.”

An old flame might return. You might build on this , even turn it into a lifetime “reunion.” Avoid belligerent people and “dark alleys.” 

Sunday morning (PST) is for relationships, but not much will happen. This lunchtime to Tues. suppertime opens a quiet door to financial activities, sexual temptations, medical and lifestyle decisions/actions. The entire interval flows with smooth good luck — great for secret meetings, intimacy, investments, etc.

Tuesday eve through Thurs. highlights everything this month is about: law, learning, travel, love, etc. Practical matters will not go well, but law, learning, love, etc., will blossom with good fortune. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — by showing your talents, buttering up VIPs. (Remember, nothing new.)

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The spotlight remains on sex, secret meetings, large finances (investment, debt, et al) medical and lifestyle decisions — at the very time that decisions are not reliable. Until Feb. 20, Cancer, don’t start any new (important) relationships, projects nor purchases. Until then, deal with the past, or loyally support ongoing situations.

A former sex partner might re-appear. If you’re single, this could change your life. A former financial partner or project might also return — don’t reject this automatically, as the seeds of a long (3 decade) growth of assets/worth could lie in this “confused return.” Beauty, affection and security involved, too. Males are friendly, social.

Sunday morning holds chores — don’t start a big one. This afternoon to Tues. suppertime brings relationships — good ones! You and your spouse or associates can join in a major agreement — at the least, another will love your “social ideas” — so be social! An opportunity linked to the past? Seize it.

Tuesday eve through Thurs. brings this month’s main influence — outlined in the first sentence above. These, sex, $, research, will prove fortunate and “expansive,” but social/love matters wilt. Understanding, gentle love, far travel, law, learning — these attract you Fri./Sat.— step into these, all is benevolent, smooth.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Relationships are critical now, Leo. One you form, or agreements, can lead to 3 decades of solid, fortunate results, esp. in work and health areas. (And love, of course!) Relocation, opportunities, public dealings, negotiations/agreements, possible enmity and litigation — these fall under the “Relationships” banner, too. In all these, make sure you are dealing with people, situations and opportunities from the past, or at least that “things got underway” before late January.

An old flame or ex-spouse might return — if so, this could develop into many decades of togetherness. Others will treat you well, esp. if you’re male. Bosses are touchy, so don’t upset them (to March 3). 

Sunday morn’s for romance, happy kids — not much happening. This afternoon to Tues. suppertime brings work, health concerns. All is fortunate, so revise your diet, accomplish that neglected (fairly large) chore.

Midweek — Tues. eve (PST) through Thurs. — those relationships and opportunities appear, are inherently lucky, “big” (romance could be huge) but career, status are under a small cloud. Discretion advised! Sexual desires, financial opportunities/ inspirations, medical procedures and lifestyle choices fill Fri./Sat. All’s well, so go ahead.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A major work project might have been laid on your shoulders recently, Virgo — and everything’s confused. My advice: if you have to start something important (work project, relationship, purchase) wait until Feb. 20/21 onward to start. (You might find by then that the urge to start has dissolved.) Still, there is very good luck, short and long-term, mixed up with this new load of work. If it has come to you from the past (e.g., the project involves a former employment role, or a former boss/co-worker is in the picture) then plunge in.

Something here can grow and fulfill you for decades, if from the past and re-birthed now, or if started any other time in 2021. Avoid law, courts, before March 4. 

Sunday morning’s for rest; little gets done. This afternoon to Tues. suppertime (PST) tickles your romantic fancy, fires up your creative (and risk-taking) engines. You’re very lucky now, so take a chance!

But to work Tues. eve through Thurs. — luck’s mixed in this interval: work, health are favoured, but romance/socializing or intellectual pursuits are not. Relationships fill Fri./Sat., with benevolent results, so join, merge, approach!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You’re still in a major romantic phase, Libra — and will be most of 2021. (Creative, teaching, gambling, sports/games phase, also.)  But remember, don’t start new relationships, projects nor major purchases before Feb. 20. An old flame might be around. This could be a good thing, could lead to a solid, deep future. Your sexual desires are strong (to March 3). 

Sunday morn (PST) is for errands, small, easy chores — but not much gets done. This afternoon to Tues. suppertime steers you toward home, family, real estate, security, sales territory, nature, nutrition, etc. Dive in — the whole interval supports you with good fortune. One note: now and Wed., be careful not to push: romance and sex might be in different rooms.

Romance (and creativity, etc.) reaches a peak Tues. eve through Thursday. Avoid sex, money, investing, deep discussions, spying — but do be romantic or creative — here, you could strike gold, goodness! Tackle chores Fri./Sat. All flows smoothly, you’ll get things done.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The main accent lies on your domicile, family, real estate, security, nature, garden, nutrition and rest/relaxation. You might be “building a future” — now, and all 2021 — a fortunate future platform or home, future security, etc. This is much more significant than most years, even most decades.

But remember, don’t start anything new before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise projects, relationships or opportunities from the past, or stick with whatever existed before late January. Others are ready for war, so step lightly, be diplomatic.

Sunday morning emphasizes money, shopping — act cautiously. Errands, swift, easy chores, communications, travel and paperwork fill Sun. pm to Tues. suppertime. This is a superb interval, no obstacles, so make important contacts (e.g., call your wife or that prospect) or get the car repaired.

This month’s main current — domesticity — expands even more Tues. eve through Thurs. All family, food, security and real estate matters will be deeply blessed, but work, health, relationships need caution/care. Romance arrives Fri./Sat. So does a creative surge, speculative urge, charming kids, beauty and pleasure. Dive in, all’s smooth, “workable.”

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Remember, Sage, don’t start any new relationships, projects or major purchases before Feb. 20. Meanwhile, help ongoing situations from being impacted by delays and indecision; and/or reprise situations from the past. Your February focus lies mainly on errands, communications, short travel, paperwork. Be curious, ask questions at every turn. A Gemini might play a significant role in ’21. This is a good year to form relationships, collect allies.

Your energy’s “tops” Sunday morn. But this afternoon to Tues. suppertime switches your focus to money, earnings, something you need to memorize, and/or a casual sexual attraction. All is beneficial, Sage, so plunge in. (Write a letter seeking employment? — but only with a former boss, etc.)

This month’s main theme, errands, travel, paperwork, etc., rises to a peak Tues. eve through Thurs. — and these activities reward. But work and health affairs meet obstacles. Steer toward home, family, garden, nature, security Fri./Sat. A nice interval — hug the kids, relax on the back porch.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The accent continues on money, earnings, possessions, memory and casual sexual attractions. This area is extremely productive and fortunate for you in 2021 – and in someways especially fortunate this month. However, remember not to start any new projects, relationships or big purchases before February 20. Until then, your success will lie in ongoing projects and situations, or situations that return from the past. E.g., a former associate tells you where  a high paying job opening exists.

Your romantic, sexual side is very “awake” until March 3 — and you have the courage to indulge it.

Lie low, rest Sun. morning (PST). This afternoon to Tues. suppertime fills you with energy and charisma — and the whole interval is smooth, fortunate — do something! (Give ongoing, slowing projects a firm push.) Chase money Tues. eve through Thurs. — luck accompanies you in practical affairs, but NOT in romance, love, etc.

Errands, trips, calls and emails, paperwork and little shopping trips fill Fri./Sat. — in a smooth, productive way. (Intimacy’s easy.)

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You’re still in charge, Aquarius! You’re at a yearly peak in charisma, determination   and energy. Something or someone from the past might be an integral part of cementing a new plateau, a new level of life and fortune (which you will develop all ’21).

Remember, start no new projects, relationships or major purchases before Feb. 20. Apply your efforts, instead, to opportunities/situations from your past, or to protecting ongoing situations from distractions, delays and shortages. Tone down conflict on the home front (and in your communications generally) until early March — perhaps you’re being too aggressive, dismissive, disdainful. 

Sunday morning’s hopeful, friendly. But withdraw this afternoon to Tues. suppertime. Seek quietude, contemplate, be spiritual/charitable. Deal with gov’t or “head office.” Seek advice. All flows smoothly and luckily.

Your energy and charisma soar back — to perhaps a yearly high — Tues. eve through Thurs. Your personal luck, clout, are very high, but you can spark fires of enmity if you run roughshod over others’ interests, esp. at home. Be thoughtful, then act. Chase $ Fri./Sat. — two mild, quietly productive, good days.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Continue to lie low Pisces, to meditate, relax, ponder where you’ve been and where you are now. Interface with government or administrative workers. Seek advice. Those you meet confidentially, will treat you with honour, grace, even affection. Ignore an extra-marital temptation. You feel chatty, and might actually talk too much until early March — but at the same time, your communications could lead to extra money. Finances “hold up.”

You might feel ambitious Sun. morning (PST) but don’t knock yourself out, as results will be minimal. Your hopes, optimism and popularity buoy your spirits Sun. afternoon to Tues. suppertime. A wish might come true. A flirtation succeeds.

It’s back to solitude, even more deeply, Tues. eve through Thurs. — here, being alone with your thoughts is benevolent, healing and inspirational (brings great career idea?). But social, travel, and communications urges will run into obstacles. Your energy and charisma bounce back briefly Fri./Sat. — two great, productive days to get things done. 



If you’re having trouble seeing into the souls/personalities of people, do this: if you have a photo of them, cover the left side of the face and study the expression there, esp. around the eye and mouth. Give it a label, as close as you can. Say: angry, or searching, happy, anxious, kind, etc. Then cover the right side of the face, and again try to pin down the expression. If you keep doing this for awhile, you’ll grow more sensitive to these expressions.

I have not researched this method (sheesh, isn’t inventing it good enough?) but I suspect you’ll find two different expressions, one (say, mistrust) on the right side of the face and another (say, yearning) on the left side, in about half of the portraits. I call these “split faces.” Many models have symmetrical faces with mono expressions. I call these “mono faces.” Split faces are more fascinating. Most charismatics are split faces.

You can look at the split face one more way, as a right-brain-left-brain split. (Remember that your left is their right, and so on.) Their right-eye expression reflects their deeper, more emotional and intuitive “moon side” personality; their left-face expression reflects their more conscious, logical, assertive “sun side.”

An interesting thing about split faces: they don’t seem to know what emotions they are projecting… and I suspect these emotions are much truer than the face or personality the subject is trying to portray.
***   *** 

The following applies IF — IF — there was election fraud on the scale Trump avows:

What’s with these Liberals? They can’t get over the fact that a few citizens stormed Congress on Jan. 6, when Congress was committing the very sin the Brits had, which caused the American Revolution — taxation without representation. Or in this case, taxation — as all Americans are taxed — with  false representation, the installation of an illegitimate president, installed by Russian-style voting fraud.

Funny how the loudest cries against the Congress invasion of January 6 are the Democrats, who rigged the vote, then suppressed all knowledge/opposition/ dissenting voices. Even the judges helped, by refusing to look at evidence. (Good little girls and boys, those judges.)

Hey, Democrats, have you never heard of the Boston Tea Party or the Revolutionary War? You, who have wreaked violence on almost every nation on earth, now shake with fear when a few rag-tags take up the same fight for freedom and representation?

In today’s terms, Congress IS the British, and the Jan. 6 crowds were the abused colonists, robbed of their votes.
