Tag Archives: Mercury retrograde


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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING: 11:17 pm Sun. to 10:52 am Mon., 9:55 am to 6:54 pm Wed., and 5:53 pm Fri. to 0:02 am Sat.


Just a hunch, but I think the Covid-19 “variant” might prove to be measurably, even surprisingly, less lethal than the original. Maybe same for the 3rd variant?
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ALL SIGNS: Mercury retrogrades from this Saturday (Jan. 30) through Feb. 20. Stick with ongoing projects, situations and relationships, or reprise any of these from the past. Do not start new projects or relationships before Feb. 21st. Old flames and/or “lover’s indecision” can occur for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Leo and possibly Cancer. (Maybe a bit for Aries and Sagittarius.)


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Start nothing before Feb. 21st, Aries. Instead, use this week to wrap up smaller things. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

A former friend or lover might appear. Whether you embrace this person again, should depend on how they and you acted in the past. Bosses still favour you. (But don’t propose starting anything before late Feb.) Money comes — bank it, don’t spend. Final note: wishes can come true, happiness exists!

Sunday and early Mon. bring errands, calls, paperwork. Late Sun. better than early. Slide toward home, kids, nature, garden, security, nutrition and rest Mon. midday to Wed. suppertime. You’ll see, intuit correctly, but friends and money don’t mix. Sweet romance arises Wed. eve through Friday. Luck’s mixed, but tremendous opportunities hover, also, esp. Thurs. You could be promoted. Love becomes “real.” Tackle chores Sat. — you’ll get them done.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

You’re ambitious, Taurus (in a good way Mon./Tues. and Thurs.) but use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.” A former ambition or career role might return — good?

You are filled with assertiveness, determination and sex appeal until early March. If a former flame returns, it’s likely to hit the same roadblock as before. You can win an argument, but why have it? Your ideas are great, your understanding wide, and love hovers around you.

Sunday to Mon. morn, chase money, buy/sell, or call your mate for a bit of snuggly interlude. Errands, paperwork, calls and visits, emails, travel – these fill Mon. midday to Wed. suppertime (PST). Double-check addresses, numbers. Lean toward home and family, nature, rest, Wed. eve through Friday. Good and bad luck mingle, but the good looks much stronger, esp. Thurs. (and in career, despite the “home” influence). Saturday’s for romance and fun, pleasure and creativity.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The general accent lies on love, far travel, law, intellect, publishing, culture, international affairs and understanding, Gemini. Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

Your finances, investments look good all January — and your intimate life, research, ditto. Now to March 4, avoid dark alleys and belligerent people. Your hopes, same period, involve a “secret situation,” or the gov’t or “head office” — or a spiritual goal.

You’re fit and chipper Sunday to Mon. morn. Best Sun. pm — get something done, or impress someone (long distance words?). Chase $, buy/sell, butter up the boss or new clients, midday Mon. to Wed. suppertime (PST). Beware gossip, or a gov’t restriction, or ethical “failure” Mon./Tues.

Friends, errands, trips, paperwork, easy chores fill Wed. eve through Friday. Some glitches here (check addresses, figures) but some splendid “opportunity luck” also. You could meet love — could be an old flame. Saturday, be home, hug the kids, rest, repair, garden… all’s well!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The accent remains on, and increases on, secrets, research, large finances, sexual temptations, medical procedures and lifestyle decisions, Cancer — until Feb.18. Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

Others treat you with affection and grace all January. A former “sex partner” might return, next week into February. Friends, esp. one male, lift your spirits, tickle your ambitions, boost your popularity (esp. on career scene) right into early March.

Lie low, rest and ponder Sun. to Mon. morning. (Mark your future plans with a question mark.) Your energy and charisma come roaring back Mon. midday to Wed. suppertime (PST) — be a leader, see and be seen, and use your extra energy to finish up a project or “batten down the hatches” on an important situation, to preserve it from upsets before Feb. 21st. Don’t mix friends with finances nor sex.

Chase money, buy/sell, deal with clients, Wed. suppertime through Friday. A big investment or lifestyle opportunity might appear. Saturday’s for errands, friends, curiosity.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The accent lies on relationships, relocation, opportunities, public dealings, negotiations, agreements and possible litigation, Leo. Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st.

During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.” Work mates will be friendly, affectionate. Bosses are temperamental, impatient, until early March — avoid an argument on principles/ethics. A ex or former flame might appear, anytime before late Feb.

Sunday and Mon. (morn only, PST) bring happiness, popularity, flirtations and “delicious anticipation.” But withdraw to solitude and rest Mon. midday to suppertime Wed. Ponder, but don’t bother making plans (they’ll change). Good interval for research, esp. of financial subjects. Possible disruption, career and a relationship. Be diplomatic, co-operative.

Your energy and charisma surge upward Wednesday eve through Friday. Expect happiness! There are some rough spots here, but also some huge opportunities, especially Thurs. Shop, handle money Saturday.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The accent lies on work and health until late Feb., Virgo. Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st — DO NOT buy equipment, machinery, computers, etc. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

A former job role can return. Romance (or your children’s talents) continue to tickle your attention, all January. Strictly avoid lawsuits now to March 4. You might sign papers involving an investment.

Be ambitious Sun. into Mon. morning. Sunday pm best (morning might contain relationship “confusion”). A minor wish might come true midday Mon. to suppertime Wed. An air of happiness floats around you. Your popularity rises. Tuesday’s agreement(s) has a good future.

Withdraw to quietude Wed. eve through Friday. Rest, ponder, be charitable/spiritual. A big new job might arrive (likely Thurs.). Your energy and charisma soar Saturday — attraction could lead to a sexy affair!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The focus remains on romance, creative self-expression, invention, sports/games, risk, talented kids, beauty ands pleasure. Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

An old flame might return: judge its future by its past.Your family remains sweet all January. Deep sexual and financial urges propel you until early March. (Surprise in this area, $/sex, Mon. or Tues.)

Sunday to Mon. morn brings wisdom, gentle love, intellectual growth. Your reputation, worldly standing, career and ambitions are featured Mon. midday to suppertime Wed. (PST). Best time: Tues. pm. Nothing really major. DON’T gamble.

Wish fulfillment, social delights, popularity, optimism, flirtation and friendly love affairs fill Wed. eve through Friday. There are some obstacles here, but also some big doorways to love, to wish fulfillment, esp. Thurs. — step through! (One note: anyone you first meet in a romantic way Jan. 6 to March 3 will likely not end in marriage, or will bring a fractious marriage.)

Saturday, withdraw for rest, contemplation. A good day.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The main emphasis until Feb. 18, Scorpio, lies on home, family, nature, security, garden, nutrition. (But you’ll be discussing this area right into March.) A “prodigal child” might return. If you’re in sales, keep an eye on “territory.” Use the present week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

Casual friends and contacts treat you with affection, all month. But face-to-face and important relationships can be contentious, volatile right into early March — be diplomatic!

Sunday into Mon. morning highlights sex, secrets, financial manoeuvres. Not an important interval. Inspiration, understanding, gentle love, far travel and intellectual, legal or cultural pursuits fill midday Mon. to suppertime Wed. A possible domestic/relationship upset. Best time (romantically, too) is Tues. pm.

Career, business, prestige, ambitions, worldly standing — these become important Wed. eve through Friday. There are glitches, but also good opportunities, esp. in real estate, family zones (esp. Thurs.). Saturday’s for fun! Wee wishes come true, flirtation, optimism, social delights all bless you this day.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Now to late Feb., Sage, the accent lies on errands, communications, paperwork, travel and casual contacts. Be curious! Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

Your money luck is good all January. Work has started to intensify, and will stay intense until March 3. An old friend might return.

Relationships matter Sun. into Mon. morning. (Confusion to noon Sun., then success this late pm.) Life’s secrets, hidden forces move you midday Mon. to suppertime Wed. (PST). Investigate, study financial, medical, lifestyle and intimate factors/situations. (If you want to act on any of these, Tues. night is best.)

A gentle, understanding mood steals over you Wed. pm through Friday. Far travel, education, intellectual pursuits, love, cultural, philosophical and legal matters fill this interval. There’s bad luck but also strong good luck, esp. Thurs. (Romance, no; travel/learning yes.) Be ambitious Sat. — if your goal’s reasonable, you’ll attain it.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Keep your sights on the money in the weeks ahead, Cap. Buy/sell, angle for a pay raise, etc. But: use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

You remain soft, affectionate; others are attracted. Your romantic side has started to heat up, will be intense until March 3.  A former casual sex partner might re-appear. Not a lot there.

Tackle chores Sun. and early Mon. Better success, Sun. pm./night. Relationships fill midday Mon. (PST) to suppertime Wed. Don’t ruin a friendship with sexual assertiveness. Tues. pm best, esp. for communications, visits.

Life’s darker side (secrets, investigations, medical, life style, sexual and financial decisions/commitments — forget commitments for now) emerge Wed. eve through Friday. Obstacles exist, but so do rather large opportunities (Thurs., likely in money areas). Saturday is for mellow wisdom, travel dreams, learning, and gentle love — good luck rides with you!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your energy, clout and charisma ride a peak wave, Aquarius — until Feb. 18. I didn’t write “effective,” because Mercury is about to retrograde. Use this week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

Your interior, spiritual side exists in smooth grace. Until March 4, you can experience hostility at home: be diplomatic. Communication’s the problem (also, perhaps a “distance.”)

Sunday and the first half of Mon. are romantic, creative, playful. Tackle chores midday Mon. (PST) to suppertime Wed. Tuesday pm best for success. DON’T buy machinery. Drive carefully.

Love, understanding, intellectual, legal, travel and cultural pursuits come Wed. eve through Friday. Obstacles exist here (esp. in work zones) but some nice opportunities face you also, esp. Thurs. A communication could grow into a meeting, an opportunity, a project. (But read paragraph above about “starting things.”) Saturday’s for mysteries, investigation, investment, intimacy. Charge ahead, as all is lucky.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The accent remains on rest, solitude, contemplation, charity, spirituality, gov’t and “head office.” Lie low, avoid challenges, and take naps. Use the present week to wrap up projects. Start no new ventures nor relationships before Feb. 21st. During the weeks ahead, reprise past relationships and ventures, and/or protect ongoing projects from delays, supply shortages, indecision and “no-shows.”

You’re likely to become a bit of a chatterbox until early March. Friends, optimism and affection lift your heart all January.

Spend Sun. and Mon. am at home, with family, resting, gardening, etc. Midday Mon. to suppertime Wed. (PST) bring romantic feelings, notions, creative surges, and pleasure. Some disruption early. Tuesday pm best time for action.

Tackle chores Wed. eve through Fri. — some glitches here, but much good luck, too, esp. Thurs. You might learn something fundamental that raises your hopes for the future, esp. for friendship and sex. You could be admitted to a spiritual group or “confidential society.“ Saturday’s for relationships, and it’s a fortunate, happy day — approach someone!



As a reader pointed out, Joe Biden was inaugurated as Prez during a void-of-course Moon (i.e., a “Start Nothing:” period).

She asked, “Does that mean the next four years will be ‘empty’ or useless?”

Well, astrological lore says yes.
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My Wish List:

For Hillary, permanent rehab in a cool, restful place.

For Pelosi, a new heart. (She claimed she broke her (old) one by trying repeatedly to impeach Trump.)

For Schumer, a bit of charisma.

For Republicans, courage, or enslavement.

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As I wrote earlier, the events of 2021 (already seen, Jan. 6) will spark a revolt, a sort of hidden revolution. From 2021 to 2025, the hierarchy will dominate, crushing dissent and controlling information. However, the new light will be lit, and not extinguished. In 2026 onward to 2044, a remarkable resistance, called a terrorist group by the Dems, will harry and enervate the hierarchy. This movement might arise from the now-muzzled Republicans. (Who deserve it for being such cowards 2017-2020.) Or, it might merely arise from a repressed citizenry.

Many deaths, for this “revolutionary movement” has death on its side. The end result? Who knows? But I think this signals the beginning of the end for hierarchies, though the decline could take 2 centuries. However, this decline itself is a sort of rest, and a prep for bigger things, as 2229 will bring the dawn of both a new era (250 years, Pluto’s orbit) and mega-era (thousands of years) — and of new political forces. This new mega era will feature a struggle between “philosopher kings” and spiritual (not religious) forces. These millennia will bring star probes and “communications,” — maybe also travel. What the Old Testament considered angels, these will come to us, and fill the horizon. Whether one angel or many, it doesn’t matter, for to us they are all the same “substance.” It’s possible the dark matter postulated by physicists is not an opposite, or any enemy, to ordinary matter (the corporality we live in) but is a sort of “spiritual” plasma, is the environment, and perhaps the substance, of angels and God, though all is the environment of God. Maybe it’s what psychics touch.


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Was there election fraud? Who knows? No one tells the truth. What is clear is that Trump’s removal from office and Biden’s win, was fated — only fate could operate so blatantly and powerfully in the face of “reasonable expectation.”

But that begs the larger question: why? Why has fate/destiny “intervened” to elect Biden and wipe out the free press? What is the long-range purpose? The biggest and longest range purpose, of course, is that both communism and democracy will be slowly abandoned over these two centuries, to be replaced by a third form of government. I’ve written this since the mid-1980s, but I still don’t have a picture of what the third form of government will look like.
