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~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ AUGUST 22 – 28, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  5:02 am to  5:43 am Sun., 2:12 am to 11:57 am Wed., and 2:14 pm to 9:43 pm Thurs.


Sorry, no PREAMBLE this week. But note the interest rate forecast in the AFTERAMBLE.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

A month of work and drudgery faces you, Aries. Oh well, it comes to everyone once a year. Keep your eyes open for machinery bargains. (This week, pre-dawn Mon. and, better, Sat. morning — all PDT.) Many projects/circumstances of the last few weeks continue. But now attractive people and opportunities enter. Be prepared to jump on board if someone offers you a seat on their bandwagon, esp. in September. A money plan might face a revision.

Sunday to noon Tues. nudges you into solitude and rest. Ponder, plan, deal with gov’t and head office types, charities and spiritual orgs. Seek advice. An easy interval. Your energy and pizzazz surge Tues. pm to late Thurs. night. Be a leader, start significant projects, Someone behind the scenes might try to deceive you, but generally this is a good, productive interval.

Money is king Fri./Sat. Be cautious Fri. daytime, when bargains are not, and strength is hollow. Sat’s good for machinery purchases, work for $, and health cures.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Ah, sweet romance — though past weeks have brought rivulets and trickles of love, creativity, beauty and pleasure, now the river comes, Taurus, for 4 weeks. A domicile will play an important role— so might your work place, or co-workers. Work becomes pleasant, more relaxed (even tho’ you might do more of it). Your career is very favoured, yet seems to be going nowhere. This dam will break in mid-October, showering you with career opportunities, a possible promotion, Oct. to Dec.

Wishes can come true Sun. to midday Tues., as social delights, flirtations, popularity and optimism brighten your heart. Someone intriguing might appear late Mon. Withdraw to rest and quietude, to contemplation and meditation, Tues. pm through Thurs. Plan, communicate with gov’t, management, and advisors. Welcome God. Some possible deception (or just a fantasy that you might make a reality soon) Tues. eve/night. but otherwise an easy interval. Avoid trying to “force” a partner Thurs. daytime.

Your energy and clout, charisma and effectiveness soar upward Fri./Sat. Caution needed Fri. (to about 2 pm PDT) — but after this, esp. Sat., start significant ventures, state your case to important people (in love or ambition). See and be seen!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The travel and communications of the past month end now, Gemini, as you turn toward home, family, security, contemplation and Mother Nature until late Sept. This process has already begun, but it gathers more mass now.

In similar fashion, a streak of romantic love winds through the domestic days ahead, but by mid-late September this will expand from a streak to a full stroke. An old flame might return (or you to him/her) by October. (True love possible, more so than in many years, even decades.) But meanwhile, rest, hug the kids, do some repairs, seek nature, etc. Rest up for coming adventures.

Sunday dawn to midday Tues. features career, practical ambitions and prestige relations. All goes well, but there might be a tug-o-war between home and career, Monday. Tues. pm through Thurs. eve brings social delights, love, flirts, optimism and happiness. All’s good — you might see a romantic attraction. Protect health and job Thurs. daytime.

Retire to a quiet place Fri./Sat. — rest deeply, ponder, plan. Don’t commit to anything (esp. financial) Fri. Saturday flows well, a good day to visit an advisor or work on your home, garden.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Your interest in money dies down a bit, Cancer, as a month of travel, curiosity, conversations, contacts and paperwork flows in. You’ve already started some of this, esp. among your more casual friends and contacts. Your home will be a place of affection, calm and rejuvenation until mid-September.

(After this your home and family will encounter serious, significant growth, but with a catch — something, someone from the past will be crucially involved. But that’s weeks away, and meanwhile you have a lot of communicating and movement to perform.) A major financial, research, sexual, medical or lifestyle project has stalled since June, and will until October. Start planning for a big surge in this, Oct. to Dec.

Sunday dawn to midday Tues. brings sweet calm, wisdom, far travel, higher learning or law, culture, love. You could, in a gentle, almost unnoticeable way, meet a prospective mate. Show ambition Tues. pm through Thurs. Try hard, chase goals, chat up a VIP. Best before Thurs. Wish fulfillment, popularity, social joys, flirts and optimism tickle your heart Fri./Sat. Friday holds an obstacle preventing agreement; Sat.’s fine, esp. for love.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Chase money, not love, Leo — now to mid-September. $ have already started to increase, but now you hit the main vein. A powerful relationship might have built over them last year, but it slowed or met a high wall in early summer, and has not righted itself yet. It will, Oct. to Dec., so keep the faith (and don’t utterly alienate anyone!). It’s not apparent, but this person almost certainly regrets your split-up, if it occurred.

October will be the time to re-touch. (If you’re a happy couple, this glitch could refer to pregnancy, which will come Jan.-to-May next year, if you want it.) Meanwhile, casual sex will be rather available — but does it lessen love for the real person? Some chance, too, that the one that’s turned his/her back, is secretly powerfully “in lust” for you. Why can’t you just hold hands and smile and dance and be happy? Puzzling, eh.

You’re feeling pretty sexy yourself, Sun. to midday Tues. You’re ready to commit, to a relationship, to a lifestyle or medical process, a financial or power play. Best late Sun. or late night Mon. Wisdom, a wide view, compassion and empathy enter Tues. pm through Thurs. A good interval, better before Thurs. You’ll “see the truth” about a domestic or employment matter.

Be ambitious Fri./Sat. A boss (or a recently promoted “peer”) could block your efforts or lay a task on you Fri. Go slow, be patient. Saturday’s for success, esp. where money meets ambition.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is your time Virgo! You’re in charge now to late September, filled with energy, drive and determination. Get out, see and be seen, start significant projects, gather allies. Mold your world to your vision. You’ve already done this to a small degree in past weeks, but now is the time for a “full launch.”

Employment and machinery have been “quiet” lately, and remain so (a bit un-moveable) until mid-October. You’re filled with sexual magnetism (or at least, interest!) but if you’re single, you likely have not met “The One” yet — he/she waits on the Jan.-to-May (’22) horizon.

Sunday’s for relationships — Mon. too, and into Thurs. lunchtime. All’s well here. You might meet someone who’s casually sexy and relates well on Sun., or late Mon. night (PDT). Depths arrive Tues. pm through Thurs. — secrets, intuition, subconscious promptings, strong intimate desires, financial openings, medical and lifestyle decisions — and commitments. Also a good, peaceable interval, better before Thurs.

Gentle love, wisdom, far travel, law, culture, life philosophy — these float in Fri. (careful, a practical glitch) and Sat. (good day, esp. for physical attraction, harmony in speaking).

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

From hope and celebration, flirtations and social joys, Libra, you cross now into a month of quietude, rest, self-examination, charity, spiritual seeking, planning, and dealing with gov’t, management people. Do rest up, for exciting times are coming, late September onward.

If you’re single, you will know by then who you want to be with, and you will make your move with courage and certainty (by October at the latest). A former flame might be involved; it could end in a wedding. Meanwhile, romance is rather muted (and only “bad prospects” arrive before Sept. 17). You remain attractive, and will receive a few glances. But sink into your inner world for awhile.

Tackle chores Sun. to midday Tues. Eat, dress sensibly. Mostly good. A fight is not about you, so skirt it. Someone shows their love/loyalty. Relationships, opportunities and relocation themes fill Tues. pm through Thurs. A fairly good interval, esp. for “family secrets.” (Or learning a few good gardening techniques, or planning an irrigation system.)

Friday/Saturday tempt you with intimate visions, financial rewards, power plays, or desired lifestyles. Rewards come to those who 1) dig deep, research, and 2) commit. Friday needs caution; Sat. needs courage, even a bit of impulsiveness.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Pressures will ease over the weeks ahead, Scorpio. Those who have ruled you might befriend you. Your popularity soars, flirtation promises, and hopes lighten your steps. It’s time for fun (just as essential as ambition, effort, even sleep). You’ve already had a taste of this, of social joys and happy friendships, but now the trend deepens and grows. (Oddly, this wishfulness and optimism won’t help an affair turn to marriage, nor does all the flirting help, if you’re married.)

Important domestic projects have been delayed — they will return with vigour in October, so use the intervening time to adjust plans, study options, etc.

Sweet romance (and creative surges) adds their entrancing spell to Sun., Mon., and early Tues. Best Sun. morning (pre-dawn, PDT) and Mon. night (early Tues. in Europe, daytime in Asia). Tackle chores Tues. pm through Thurs. Protect your daily health. Valuable secret — or secret admirer — available late Wed., early Thurs.

Relationships, dealings with the public, opportunities and relocation ideas — and perhaps some opposition if you neglected diplomacy in the past —these face you Fri./Saturday. Careful Fri. daytime: someone is “standing over” (i.e.,controlling, restricting) someone you want to approach. Better left alone. Saturday’s almost the opposite: approach, form contact, woo, whatever —results will please.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Leave your mellow daydreaming (or academic thinking) for awhile, Sage. The 4 weeks ahead feature ambition, career advancement, prestige relations, worldly standing and reputation. (All the same thing, really.) These “factors” have already entered your life, but in a small way, the last 2, 3 weeks. Realize the impatience and temperament of higher-ups will continue to mid-September, so remain diplomatic, and work hard. (You escape this “temperament” if you work in a primary industry such as forestry or mining.)

Communication delays, snafus, will continue to mid-October — don’t waste energy chasing contacts before then. It’s small, just a glimmer or squeak, but social delights, flirtation and optimism begin to filter in — these will grow to a major “stream” late Sept. onward. If single, a future mate might enter in Sept./Oct. — paradoxically, he/she could also be an ex-mate or lover.

Settle into home, kids, garden and your neighbourhood Sun. to midday Tues. A very pleasant friend might show up. You and spouse can make some good, solid plans Sun.

Romance (and pleasure, beauty, creativity and a gambling instinct) fill your thoughts midday Tues. to Thurs. night. Before you get too excited, remember you’re in a lazy, down-home phase. An easy, happy interval, though — you’ll be struck by nature’s beauty. Tackle chores Fri. (cautious, something/someone resists) and Sat. (success, esp. in relation to career, money and communications with management).

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You emerge from the depths now, Cap. What you did, saw or discovered in the last 4 weeks now starts to make sense, you can see the “why” of it, and how it fits into the broader workings of humanity or your society. The four weeks ahead hold a cargo of law, far travel, life philosophy, cultural and academic involvement, international, insurance, scientific and statistical themes as well as gentle love. It’s more a mental than a physical environment. Some of these themes have already emerged since June, but now they swell to larger, significant proportions.

Bosses and authorities will treat you with favour until mid-September; but the same period warns against lawsuits. Money matters have been delayed, and will be again, to mid-October. Be patient, and plan.

Errands, communications, travel and paperwork fill Sun. to midday Tues. March ahead, all’s okay. Career favour could spell more income. Be domestic Tues. pm through Thurs. Hug the kids, start repairs (not renovations if they will carry on into October — they would encounter a major snag). Romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and gambling urges fill Fri. (careful, someone is not impressed) and Sat., (charge ahead, esp. at home — teach your kids, tickle your spouse). A pretty good week.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 19

Relationships attracted, frustrated and sparked your passion (positive or negative) for the last month or two, Aquarius. Now, for the 4 weeks ahead, you don’t exactly leave relationships: instead, their deeper side emerges. There was admiration; now there’s lust. (Actually, the lust has risen quietly all August.) There was an attractive opportunity, now it demands funding and commitment. Dig deep for answers — and possible treasure. Listen to your intuition, your subconscious. A great time to study occult subjects.

To succeed, esp. in sex and finances, you must commit. Fear goes nowhere. You yourself have been indecisive since June, about these, and about lifestyle changes — then is it any wonder others have been indecisive about you? Well, it all ends late September into October, when the rush of events carries you like a raft in rapids, to decisions and conclusions. A former lover might be involved — but not yet!

Chase $ Sun. to midday Tues. Buy tools, machines or travel tickets Sun., collect from someone Mon. Errands, chats, paperwork, short trips fill midweek — all successfully, so march ahead. Steer toward home, mate, kids Fri./Sat. Give ‘em all a hug. Friday’s a bit dejecting, as a project’s weakness shows. Saturday’s for the sweet scent of gardens, nature, lemonade on the porch. Rest and soak up nature’s deep health.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

At last, a month of drudgery ends, Pisces. The 4 weeks ahead bring you face-to-face with relationships, (new and old) opportunities and new horizons. If you’re obstructive or challenging (or have been recently) you’ll face strong opposition.

Actually, this trend started in small ways during the last month, but now hints become realities. You might be forming a money partnership. You can feel all tied up/delayed in red tape, gov’t paperwork, or old obligations — these will clear in mid-October, so don’t waste too much time on them before then.

Your energy and charisma soar Sun. dawn (PDT) to midday Tues. Get out, make contacts, launch projects. People will listen, heed you. Someone appears, someone nit-picky, logical and “cold eyed” — but perhaps perfect for you. Chase $ midweek — find bargains, collect and pay debts. All’s well. Possible good, hopeful conversation with someone.

Errands, easy chores, communications and paperwork flow in Fri./Sat. Friday needs minor caution before suppertime,  but Saturday holds green lights for relationships (esp. financial ones)  and hopeful words. A fine week, Pisces — with promise of a great month ahead. (Your biggest wave of good luck will come the first half of ’22.)



Poor Biden, he’s turning into the most disastrous president in generations. Or is all this — rampant inflation, the broken border, voluntary unemployment while business starves for workers, China’s open, unanswered insults, and a few more and now, at last, Kabul’s fall — is all this not Biden but a shining example of rule by committee? Or, who is the wizard behind the curtain?
***   ***

I WAS RIGHT when I predicted inflation arriving this summer. The pace of inflation might abate shortly if not already, through Dec., then accelerate strongly January to May, ’22, and hold much of it’s ascent in the year following (approx.). Sign your mortgage accordingly!
***   ***

I WAS  WRONG: I wrote that the U.S. peace efforts would fail, and the U.S. would be in Afghanistan militarily for a very long time (wrote in 2019 or 20). (They failed because Biden withdrew from the Trump-negotiated agreement. The disastrous pull-out, loss of all their materiel, transports/humvees, etc., betrayal of the translators and fellow Afghan-born soldiers — estimates range from 20,000 to 80,000, of the number of Afghans who worked for the U.S., a majority of whom remain stranded behind enemy lines.

This betrayal, perhaps more negligence than evil intent (but there is some of that in negligence) came from Biden, who voided the peace agreement, then fled the country like a thief from the toilet, pants half up.

Biden told the Taliban that the U.S. would leave without opposing them (so they overran the country in a few days, and Kabul in mere hours) and simultaneously told the Afghan collaborators that they would be safely admitted to the United States in return for their loyalty and courage. But behind the scenes Biden’s bureaucracy refused to admit them (delay as denial, the favourite tool of bureaucrats) leaving them stranded outside the airport, easy pickings for the murderous Taliban. You couldn’t have designed a better trap.

Now the news says the Taliban are at the airport, shooting at those trying to flee via U.S. military planes. This might not be true. Reportedly the Taliban are going door-to-door hunting for collaborators — many of whom did not make it to the airport, much less onto a plane. It’s reported they have addresses and names (perhaps from files in the presidential palace). Echoes of France after the Germans “left,” the hunt for collaborators.

Biden has asked the Taliban not to invade the airport until Aug. 31 — 13 days after I’m writing this. But they’re already there, shooting other Afghans. The whole world knows the U.S. has/will abandoned [I might be hasty here, let’s see what the few days bring] those who aided and allied with them. That’s terrible. A tragic flaw in the classic European sense.
***   ***

I WAS WRONG about real estate losing value 2019-2026. (Tho’ there’s 5 years to go.) Residential soared in value, but much I.C.I. declined. Real estate trusts, favoured by old people seeking income, fell disastrously in Feb./March/20, but have since recovered most of their pre-pandemic prices — some exceeding it. If interest rates rise, their prices would be threatened.

I WAS RIGHT when I wrote, maybe a year before the pandemic, that the affluent would move to and buy places in nature, in the country. The pandemic made this come true.

I WAS RIGHT that residential real estate would slow down in June/July.

Right about most things involving the pandemic, but wrong that in 2021 it would subside to the dimensions of a flu, would never quite go away, but would be easily handled.

I WAS WRONG that a fairly major war would break out July to December, 2020. Not even an unusual forest fire season. But the fire of covid infection, and the “biological war” raging right now? (And the Taliban did win a major war in that period, forcing Trump to negotiate a peace treaty and withdrawal. Both were obviated by Biden.)
***   ***

Can anyone tell me the difference between 2019-2020 Hong Kong and 2021 Washington DC? Both jailed dissenters w/o charge, w/o bail, w/o visitors, w/o legal counsel, and then (and still to date) torture them. (Is 8 months in solitary w/o processing not torture? Not to mention stories/rumours of actual concrete torture in the DC caverns.) Do we hear anything about the H.K. dissenters jailed 1 and 2 years ago? Do we hear anything about Pelosi’s prisoners, jailed eight months ago?
***   ***

Did’ja see? BLM (Black Lives Matter) reached a peak in public support (25% of all citizens saying, “good on ‘em!”) right around George Floyd’s death. A mural of Floyd was painted on a two-story wall and became an ubiquitous, iconic, ultimate statement of BLM martyrdom/outrage, used by a thousand tv stations to show the heroic face of the movement.

Then a stroke of lightning totally destroyed the mural; every brick of it fell in a heap to the ground. I couldn’t help feeling that was a comment.

Maybe other people thought so too. The same pollsters who recorded the 25% approval of BLM (not bad when only 13% of the pop. is Black) have recorded a new low: only 2% of citizens approve of BLM now (Aug. 13 as I write this). Two per cent looks like the path to death of a movement. Even Blacks, at least 85% of them, disapprove of BLM. Could have something to do with the leaders of the movement siphoning off millions — most — of the fund-raised money for their own private enjoyment.
***   ***

Where are all the lawsuits? The CDC, CNN, and I suppose lots of other Biden media lied about Florida, the state which has banned mask mandates. In one instance, CNN crowed that Florida had a huge spike in C-19 cases —but it turns out the “fact givers” were taking the figures for, say, one month, and publishing that they occurred in one week. Even those figures were bloated by Biden’s shipping of covid-laden immigrants to the state.

In another instance CNN reported, its bobble-head anchors tut-tutting with a disappointed expression, that 4 teachers in one county in FL had died of Covid. The true number was 2. This is one way CNN often distorts the truth, by falsifying the numbers. The other way: CNN “neglected” to reveal that the 2 teachers were 1) old, and 2) not in school and not in contact with students, because school would not even open until two weeks after their death!

This kind of purposely false broadcasting should be illegal, but it’s permitted as long as the Dems rule (and even before, the  mendacity falling on the shoulders of the deep state swamp while Trump semi-ruled. He never really ruled, being hobbled by the deep state bureaucrats. Or, rather, he ruled with one leg: the dems and the swamp cut off the other one with, again, falsehoods: the Russian collusion, the two impeachments, etc.) (How I would love to see Biden impeached!)
***   ***

So here is my question: does Biden feel any guilt about the Afghanistan fiasco? Does he have a heart underneath that charming, welcome-to-my-living room smile? Maybe. I really don’t know. But if he did you and me the same favours he did for his son, we’d all be — well, poor. Not enough money to go around…….
