Tag Archives: money



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  5:23 to 7:56 am Mon., 4:22 am to 1:08 pm Wed., and 1:39 pm to 5:01 pm Fri.


REMEMBER I wrote here in June I had a hunch the real estate market was slowing down? Now the stats are out: existing home sales fell 8.4% in Canada in  June. Vancouver/BC home sales fell 11.6% in July, month over month, and prices were flat. Toronto, similar, with prices flat. Montreal suffered a whopping 29% drop in home sales in July, year over year. Perhaps the U.S. is similar. This is good news for potential home buyers, but not great news: Stats Can (or Royal Bank? who cares) estimates current non-home-owners will have to save for over 20 years just to amass the down-payment for a new home! In the old days, you paid off the entire mortgage in 20 years.

Present sky-high prices refute/contradict my prediction that realty prices would fall from 2020 to 2026. But then, there are still 5 years of the 7 to go.
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Ideals are the butterflies of history.
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When you love life, it loves you. When you reject life, it rejects you. Happy people flock together. Unhappy people argue together. When you’re angry, you constantly meet angry people. What could be simpler?
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Violence is its own justification and its own reward.
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Every American (and now Canadian) who wonders about the present political/media state should watch the film “V for Vendetta” from 2006. It accurately predicts the Biden-Facebook incest. Actually, it shows the baby that illegitimate embrace will produce, in the 2025 to 2042 period.
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“There is no certainty, only opportunity.” — V.
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Back in the 1980’s (or was it ’90’s?) when I predicted Vancouver would burn sometime in 2023-25, I thought, “What if I’m wrong? Oh well, I’ll be in my seventies by then, so I will hardly care if I’m wrong.” As these years approach, I think, logically, how can a city of concrete burn? And is it majorly unfair to make faithful Vancouver readers worry? So I regularly contemplate retracting that prediction, esp. as I can’t find any astrological basis for it.

But just this week, the 200+ forest fires burning in our province, caused by a record heat wave (49.9 Celsius, 128 degrees Fahrenheit at its peak in Lytton, a town that subsequently burst into flames, leaving only 1 in 10 buildings standing) — these fires have now reached the Fraser Valley, where Vancouver is located. One is burning in Mission, a commuter town 37 miles away (42 miles/67 km by road) — about an hour’s drive in traffic. And many — most — Vancouver homes are built of wood. So I’m not withdrawing that prediction yet. I just don’t know.
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 aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The romantic, creative, risk-taking, pleasurable and poetic vibes continue, Aries. Your social life is buoyant; your popularity will remain high until year’s end. You would do well to form a wish now, for it can come true. (See AFTERAMBLE, first item.) A streak of hard work winds through your days also, and can bring benefits, from a co-worker romance to increased pay.

The romantic (etc.) side is highlighted Sun. to dawn Mon. All’s good, charge ahead. To work, Mon. to midday Wednesday. Eat, dress sensibly. This interval is chock-full of opportunities, and ends with a favourable financial and/or career indication.

Relationships arise mid-Wed. to early supper Fri. (All PDT.) If a co-worker romance is in the cards, Wednesday destiny will “present” him or her. A good run, fresh new horizons, opportunities and general cheerfulness, social joy. Friday suppertime (through the weekend) peels back the layers, shows new data, new opportunities to pursue large financial action (investments, debt, etc.) and brings intimate temptations, perhaps illness. It will be a bumpy ride, so be slow to commit to anything significant.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The emphasis continues on home, family, property, mother nature, gardening,  repairs and renovations, security and rest. You can plunge ahead with any of these, as no large impediments loom. A fine streak of romance and or creativity adds spice to your days.

Your star is rising again in career and status areas, but until mid-October this involves something you’ve already done or have been involved in. After mid-October, to the end of December, your good fortune in career and status will involve new ideas or projects or circumstances.

Be home, hug the kids or dig the garden, Sunday to dawn Mon. Romance, creative and risk-taking urges, pleasure and beauty pursuits — these colour Mon. to midday Wed. — mostly fortunately, with many meetings and options. Get to work Wed. pm to early suppertime Fri. — a good interval, you’ll get a lot done. Relationships and opportunities arise Friday eve through the weekend. Be diplomatic, gentle.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The accent remains on errands, travel, paperwork and communications, Gemini. But a rather significant portion of your time leans toward home, property, security. You might wonder if you really are living in the right place. Love can blossom at home or nearby — anytime to mid-September. Themes of law, international affairs, far travel, academia, publishing — and love — bless you now to Dec. 28. Until mid-October, this benevolent luck applies to relationships, situations, projects already begun or returning. After, to December’s end, the “great luck” involves something/someone new.

For Sun. to dawn Mon., read the first sentence above about errands. You might start a new mail, telephone, paperwork or other project. Look far, far to a distant goal. Lean toward home, family, security, mother nature Mon. to midday Wed.  Many opportunities, or much opposition (or a home-career dilemma) face you; which, depends on your approach, attitude — be optimistic! Life loves those who love her.

Romance (or charming children, or sports or creative surges) call Wed. pm to early suppertime Fri. (PDT). An almost “destined” sexual embrace for some Wed.; love’s (mental) success Friday. Tackle work Fri. suppertime into the weekend — not the easiest interval, so go slow, read instructions, take care with electricity, etc.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Pursue money, Cancer. Buy/sell, seek bargains, pay debts and collect what’s owed you. A flurry of messages, errands, contacts, paperwork swirls around you all month — this can involve essential factors for your career (management vibes, confidential discussions) and your security/family and your hopes/wishes.

A “pot of treasure” waits for you to discover or commit to it, now through December. Investments, debt, lifestyle choices, deep sex and deep psychology involved. (Actually there are two “pots” — one appears before mid-Oct., one after.)

For Sun. to dawn Mon., read the first two sentences above about money. A smooth interval, ending with a potentially big opportunity. Seek to communicate Mon. to midday Wed. — paperwork, errands, trips, also. Many potentially sweet or profitable meetings, perhaps leading to marital bliss!

Home, kids, garden, nature, security and “slowing down” come Wed. pm to early supper Fri. (PDT — add 9 hours for Central Europe, 13 for India, 15 for China.) All’s good. Romance lifts your heart Fri. eve through the weekend. (If attached, read “beauty, pleasure, creativity, a gamble.”) Enter this wee phase cautiously: obstacles exist.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

You remain the star, Leo! Use your high energy and likeable charm to advance projects, relationships, and to improve circumstances. Now to year’s end, relationships offer a bounty: of practical opportunities but also, for singles, a road to marriage — or at least to love. Ongoing or former relationships before mid-October, new ones after. (Now and September, don’t mistake a casual affair — easy, friendly sexual intimacy — for major love.)

A powerful money streak continues, and intensifies. Buy/sell, seek new clients, speak up about a pay raise, etc.

Your energy/charisma reach a peak Sun. to dawn Mon. Perhaps start a new personal project. Chase money, buy/sell, butter up clients, Mon. to midday Wed. Many opportunities, or many obstacles — your choice! (Be positive, not negative!)

Errands, paperwork, communications, contacts and short travel fill Wed. pm to about 5 pm Fri. (PDT). All’s well; it ends with a romantic opening or “lucky chance” early Fri. afternoon. Head for home, family Fri. eve, and anchor there through the weekend. Not an easy interval, so attempt little; rest and contemplate.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Continue to rest and lie low, Virgo. This is your time to swim within, to explore the beautiful grottoes of your soul/heart/mind. Despite your lowered energy, others are attracted, romantically and in other ways. An intimate encounter quite possible. A good time to liaise with gov’t, admin. types, institutions, charities and spiritual orgs.

Ponder and plan your year ahead. (Jan. to May, 2022, will “explode” with opportunities.) Former employers or jobs might return now to October — that’s lucky, so grab what you can.

Rest deeply, contemplate and plan Sun. to dawn Mon. (Some early frustration perhaps, Sun.) Your energy and charisma (despite the overall quietude) rise Mon. morn to midday Wed. This is an excellent time to form bonds, to respond to whomever attracts you, even to “let destiny take over.” Be a bit forward!

Chase $ Wed. pm to early suppertime (PDT) Fri. — a casual, friendly intimacy might develop. Friday offers more $ for more work. This eve through the weekend sends you on errands, trips, calls, emails… ask questions, gather anecdotes, news. But realize little will be easy: obstacles, frustrations exist.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

You continue to ride a wave of hope, anticipation, friendship, light romance, popularity and entertainment. Wishes can come true! Now to Dec. 28, you face the best romantic luck in 13 years. Until mid-October, this applies to a past or ongoing love; after that, a new attraction might arrive. Despite all this great stuff, somehow romance that could lead to a wedding or cohabitation seems a bit “sequestered,” or restricts rather than buoys or advances you, until mid-September. Or, this might hint that the two of you will spend hours in quiet, private communion.

Re-read the first sentence above (“a wave if hope,” etc.) — this describes Sun. to dawn Mon. Enjoy! A new friendship might begin. But withdraw to quietude Mon. to midday Wed. — ponder, plan, contact civil servants, admin. workers, advisors, institutions, spiritual and charitable orgs. This interval holds potentially beautiful contacts, opportunities, spiritual insights.

Your energy returns Wed. pm to about 5 pm (PDT) Fri. Start things, get out and about, issue and accept invitations, take charge, be a leader. You might have a deep, quiet, personal glimpse of fate’s benevolence. Others follow. This interval ends on a note of success with love, creative, sports or “risky” projects. Chase money Fri. eve through the weekend. Buy/sell, seek bargains, etc. — but most of all, be cautious; results are unpredictable Saturday.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The accent remains on your career, worldly status, ambitions and prestige relations, Scorpio. Work hard and make your mark. Your hopes (about life in general) remain high, and will rise even higher after Wed. Expect a compliment or two, social delights, flirtations. A friendly love affair might come, esp. Wed. through the rest of August.

Your domestic, family, property and security interests look very favourable — the next 5 months offer one of the best years in 12 to buy (and sell) real estate. Even if you’re “working poor” and can only scrape together, say, $10,000, try to buy something, even a bit of wilderness somewhere. You will be glad you did, perhaps very, very glad.

Sunday (to dawn Mon.) carries your monthly theme — career and ambition. You might launch a project, or get an idea. Social joys, popularity, flirtations and optimism shower you with good feelings Mon. to midday Wed. Many opportunities here, for love, romance, new friendships — dive in wholeheartedly!

Withdraw, find quietude, a place to rest, ponder and plan, midday Wed. to about 5 pm (PDT) Friday. A smooth, easy interval that ends on a lucky domestic vibe. Your energy and charisma surge upward Fri. eve into the weekend — go after what you want, but take into account the possible unpredictability of another.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent continues on love, intellectual expansion, far travel, law, stats, insurance, fame. These themes are highlighted Sunday to Mon. dawn (PDT). You’re content yet restless. Paperwork, errands, local travel, calls and messages swirl around you now to December’s end — some interesting casual friendships will pop up.

Your career, prestige relations and ambitions grow more and more important. Bosses are both critical and gracious, temperamental and welcoming, and from Wed. onward they will become more talkative, too. This zone is highlighted Mon. morn to midday Wed. — with many opportunities, open doors, and many opportunities to “argue” — reject that last one.

Midday Wed. to early suppertime Fri. brings optimism, joy, social delights, flirtations and entertainment — a good interval, with a fortunate ending, maybe an uplifting message, card, call. Friday eve through the weekend nudges you toward sleep, solitude, rest, contemplation and planning, toward spirit and charity. Don’t attempt too much.

capricorn iconCAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You remain in a potent cycle, Cap — potent in possibility, esp. in financial, sexual   and lifestyle areas. Dig deep, research — there’s a profit angle or a deeply fruitful investment hovering around you. I keep seeing the image of you entering an office, there’s a magazine or report or something, someone answers a question, you decide to commit. Commitment now leads to consequences — good ones. (But not necessarily in sexual zones — here, be honest, moral. Some of the most heart-breaking marriages come from primarily sexual adventures.)

Your income will expand now to year’s end — pursue this. A streak of international, legal, academic, travel or cultural interests helps your perspective, esp. in these financial, lifestyle or sexual areas.  Love is possible, perhaps growing — a gentle love.

Sunday to Mon. dawn accents all those investment, debt, sex, medical and lifestyle issues. Monday to midday Wed. accents those international, academic, travel and love interests. This is a fascinating, maybe beguiling interval, as many doors open to love, adventure, travel, friendship.  Choose the deeper of two, if undecided.

Your career and ambitions are prominent Wed. pm to suppertime Fri. (PDT) — another good interval, so charge after your practical goals. Social joys, flirtation, optimism and (mild, due to this month’s “secrecy” atmosphere) popularity mark Fri. eve through the weekend. Luck is a bit jumbled, so just have fun, sink into life’s joys, rather than chase ambitious goals.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Exciting meetings! If single, you could meet your mate. (Or more correctly, someone could decide that you’ll be their mate.) Opportunities, fresh horizons, true love, relocation, public dealings/fame, litigation, enmity and fights — all are possible. Depends on how you’ve acted recently, your present stance (fight or friends?) and who you approach. You’re serious, burdened by a responsibility, yet lucky and cheerful.

Before 2022, a major life wish will come true, but it will be entwined with that responsibility. That’s okay — this combo could “set you up” for many decades, or lead to major growth in your life. A gov’t agency or management role might be involved. A secondary but strong influence lights up your subconscious, brings secrets, financial opportunities or significant actions (e.g., sell the business, or buy one) and  strong sexual desires. You’ll “live this” Mon. morn to midday Wednesday.

Sunday to dawn Mon. emphasizes relationships, challenges and opportunities. Nothing bad. Wednesday midday to suppertime Fri. brings a mellow, wise mood and gently loving feelings. And legal, intellectual, far travel, cultural involvements. A good interval, so proceed with confidence: make reasonable choices. Friday eve into the weekend brings ambitions and, perhaps, interchanges with authorities. Don’t be heedless: go slow, think before acting. Pretend to be humble.

Pisces icon   PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Well, this is your third week of work and health concerns, Pisces. Sunday is filled with this — work. Eat, dress sensibly. Next week will be the last of the “salt mines” for a year. Meanwhile, just trudge through. Your drudgery will be relieved by a powerful streak of relationship attraction. You could form a money earning partnership in the weeks ahead, or a sexual bond, or an all-round, perhaps marriage-oriented tie.

Whatever happens, a kind of muffled excitement will thrill you. This trend will be fortunately emphasized Mon. to midday Wed. this week. Your management, or gov’t or institutional ties, expand and bring good fortune now to year’s end. Great time, if you have the funds, to find a great vacation lot, spa or resort.

Midday Wed. to about 5 pm (PDT) Fri. lures you with sexual temptations, financial opportunities, or exotic lifestyle potentials. Go ahead, be lured, be willing to commit your body, heart or funds, as results look good. Even your career status could benefit (Fri.). A wise, mellow, gently loving mood steals over you Friday eve through the weekend. Good, but keep a weather eye open for potential problems or incompatibilities. A good week, even if you do have to work hard!



In ARIES, above (in the WEEKLY FORECASTS) I mention making a wish. For all of us, there is a month each year, and a couple of days each month, of making wishes, and/or seeing them fulfilled. I’ve outlined this method before, but it might bear repeating:

If you want to make a serious wish, write it down on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, two times. Then put it under your mattress, preferably near the pillow end, and leave it until you forget it’s there. That’s it. Nothing else.

Best months for wishing:

Aries: February. Taurus: March. Gemini: April. Cancer: May. Leo: June. Virgo: July. Libra: August. Scorpio: September. Sagittarius: October. Capricorn: November. Aquarius: December. Pisces: January.

In each case, your best “wish phase” starts about 8 to 11 days before the month named for your sign, and ends about the 19th to 22nd of the same month. E.g.: Aries’ wish phase, tho’ denoted as February, actually runs from January 20 to February 18 or 19. (The dates sway back and forth, depending on the year.)
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Gwen Berry, the U.S. Olympic candidate hammer thrower who protested “systemic racism” at the podium by turning her back on the American flag, should have pulled her pants down and her shirt up instead, so that she was at least symbolically naked.

I’m serious. If you want to get rid of all systemic oppression, you have to get rid of all clothing and be naked totally all the time, because we have made clothing a uniform (it has always been so). Our clothes are an advertisement of our rank.

People in business suits are at the top, and those in tailored suits are at the top top. Those in T-shirts and worn jeans and ruined shoes are at the bottom. (“The looped and windowed poor,” Shakespeare called the rags of poverty.) And everything in between is filled with subtle rank (in both meanings of the word). When I go to a big mall or supermarket, I can instantly tell who shops at Walmart (Hillary’s “deplorables”), who shops at slightly more expensive stores, and who goes to high end clothiers.

But the uniform is not totally an economic phenomenon. Many of us, probably most of us, choose our clothes as a statement of our societal position. Not just an involuntary statement, but a firmly chosen one. As a British Cockney clings to his lower class status, so we cling to our uniforms… Partly because we need an identity to survive, we need a self image and we need a connection to other people on our level… all this is partially but crucially expressed through our chosen uniform.

Sometimes rich and powerful people like to play poor, so they dress in ripped jeans, etc. In fact, some ripped jeans cost you $200 because they are designer costume ripped jeans, available only to those with a fair amount of money who want to play at being poor — or, perhaps, to play at being out of uniform. It costs money to pretend you have none.

On the other hand, if we were naked all the time, there would still be a hierarchy and its consequent oppressions. Naked, some of us are much larger and stronger than others; some of us are handsome or beautiful or have perfect breasts/abs and asses, and some of us just don’t. So in a way, clothes are a method to dilute or insulate us from raw power, because they replace raw physical confrontations with flags semaphoring our status — and our submission to the pecking order.

That strong, rich guy doesn’t need to whack me in the head as we pass on the street, because I have already “surrendered,” already bent the knee to the rich guy, as announced by the clothes I’m wearing. Of course, in many cases clothes are needed for survival — warmth, protection from the sun and rain, etc. That’s why in communist countries like China, everyone wears an identical outfit. (Except for the very top levels, where they manage to add a bit of glamour or style to their outfits — a tacit admission of love for variety and hierarchy — the very things communism purports to reject/overcome.

I’ll say it again: the trouble with communism is that it gives you everything for free — medical, food, clothes, living quarters — until you have nothing.
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Most bids for freedom die due to the cowardice of bystanders.
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I just realized why 80% of the ads on cable news channels such as Fox, CNN and MSNBC promote pharmaceuticals. It’s because many viewers of such news channels are shut-ins. Which means a lot of them are probably injured or sick or simply old with the complaints of age. You know, like me.
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Recently, a conservative (Republican) congressman and congresswoman tried to hold an election rally in California, a deeply Democratic (and ailing) state. The venue where their first rally was scheduled, was cancelled by the owners or the government (what’s the difference?) without any reason other than “public safety” — a commonly used excuse by two-tongued establishments. A second venue was paid for and scheduled. Oops, cancelled, same reason as before. A third — same result.

So not only are Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twit and others trying to censor every conservative opinion (over 80 million “non-Biden-suck-up” posts taken down by FB alone) now they have moved it to actual physical venues, denying Republican politicians a place to hold rallies. (They did this to Trump at the kick-off of his presidential campaign in 2020.) What’s next, a claim of dire disease that mandates removing the vocal chords of all conservatives? But then those deplorables can still write, so we’ll need to cut off their hands. There’s precedent.
