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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Your romantic, creative, speculative (gambling) streak continues, Aries. If you are unattached, a coworker affair might begin. If looking for love, try scenic gardens, or cafe gardens. A Gemini might join you. (Good.) Money matters remain unpredictable (to 2025). Social life, friendships and optimism soar now through December.

Sunday holds a refusal/rejection, but is otherwise fine, esp. for $. Talk, writing, errand, trips, paperwork fill Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. (PDT). Some surprises here, so be amiable, do what you can. Tuesday (and early Mon. morning) are tough — otherwise, smooth sailing.

A love note/call Wed. If you don’t get one, make one. Home and family, property and security, garden and nutrition, fill Wed. afternoon through Fri. All’s good here except Fri. daytime when disruption or stress can interfere. Saturday is for creative projects, speculation, games, sports, charming kids — and romance. “Disappointing news” really isn’t.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The emphasis remains on your home, family and security, Taurus. Gardening, landscaping, renovations are favoured. Just watch one thing: make sure you have the legal right, the permit, to proceed. (If not, major delays could ensue.) t’s a good week (and month) to rest and ponder. Rest deeply, because lucky events in your work or career can demand a lot of energy through December.

Your energy’s tops Sunday. But proceed diplomatically. Someone will give you the “go ahead” or welcome sign (about 3 pm PDT) — respond gratefully. Chase $, buy/sell, seek new clients or a pay raise, Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. It’s a mangled, mixed outlook — act Mon. daytime into dawn Tues. or forenoon Wed. Other times, act defensively. Travel, wrote, call, do paperwork, ask questions Wed. eve through Fri. An easy interval, but take care Fri. pm. Saturday’s for home, kids, rest.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

All the things you like, and naturally do, arise now to late August, Gemini — travel, talk, reports, anecdotes, questions, curiosity, and new (though casual) friends. Legal or far travel, scholastic or media, deep, meaningful love — these are touched by (maybe gigantic) good fortune now to year’s end. (Until mid-October, these likely involve a person/situation you’re already familiar with; if after, new people, new horizons/ideas.)

Your home life is oddly interesting — you might be dallying with a “domestic” love nest. Perfect time to plant a flower garden. (Don’t over-fertilize.)

Lie low, rest and ponder Sunday. Your energy and charisma shoot upward Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. (PDT). Good and bad luck are jumbled. To avoid difficulty, act midday Monday to pre-dawn Tues., and dawn to noon Wed.. Chase money, pay and collect, seek bargains Wed. afternoon through Fri. Good to midday Fri., then ease up, give it a rest.

Saturday is for all those things you naturally do (see first sentence above) — take any rejection in stride; know it’s aimed much more at someone else than you (even if through you).

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

August is all about money, Cancer (and possessions, and “friendly intimacy” and rote learning — all generally favoured). Communications accompany money. A friendly romance might occur, as errands, paperwork, trips and talks have a sensual side, or contain a flirt.

Until mid-October, good luck returns to a “waiting” situation of intimacy, finances, medical or lifestyle choices. Mid-Oct. to year’s end, same good luck, also involving sex, finances, et al, but with new projects or situations. So, reprise to mid-Oct., launch thereafter.

Sunday’s optimistic, you seek friends and happiness despite a few obstacles. Retreat to find solitude, rest and quiet Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. Think, plan, be charitable and spiritual. Obstacles Mon. morn and all Tues., so act other times (esp. Wed., when a quiet opportunity spells $).

Your energy and charisma return bountifully Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Charge ahead, launch projects, be a leader. But grow cautious Fri. pm — expect the unexpected. Saturday’s for money, shopping, but go slow, it’s hard to find bargains.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

This is your month, Leo! You’re the star, you’re filled with charisma and energy. Do something memorable, launch a project or save a civilization, whatever’s on your mind. This is not really a romantic time, but love’s path splits: 1) your charisma is so strong you could attract casual sex; 2) now to year’s end, a very attractive person is also a prospective mate. (1 and 2 are not likely to involve the same person.)

A strong money streak brings extra $ to you until mid-September, but after mid-August you might lose as much or more, if you don’t stem debts/spending. Light and social is better than hot and heavy, all ’21.

Sunday’s for ambition, community standing. Don’t dent your rep. Your hopes and popularity soar Mon. to Wed. afternoon. Get out, call, invite, answer invitations, have fun! Even the irritations and obstacles (many, Mon. morn and Tues.) don’t really bother you. Good!

Withdraw to obtain deep rest Wed. eve through Fri. Ponder, plan, be spiritual, charitable. Be quiet, self-protective Fri. pm. Saturday, your star shines again! Why, then, is someone so sceptical (about a relationship w/you)? He/she fears his/her own weakness (which might not be emotional, but, say, financial trouble).

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Continue to lie low, Virgo. Get plenty of rest, pamper your health, seek spirit, be charitable, seek advice, deal w/gov’t and head office types. Despite your lowered energy, a sexual or romantic vibe seems to float around you (ultimately, to mid-September). A “supportive” romance, or a secret affair might occur. Be honest, moral.

Investments can be fine, if you think about them thoroughly first. Your work load begins to expand, and will all the rest of ’21. Now to mid-Oct. you’ll be working on neglected or ongoing chores; after this, new work expands. Could be lucrative! (This work might relate somehow to security, earth, real estate, families.)

Sunday’s wise, gently loving, but rejects your work efforts — so just rest, contemplate. Your ambitions, worldly status, prestige relations come into focus Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. (PDT). This is a very jumbled interval, so just work hard and let problems find their own way. Ease up Mon. morn and most of Tues.

Charge after an ambitious goal Wed. — luck’s high! Happiness comes in the form of a wee rise in popularity, social delights, entertainment and, most valuable of all, hopes, Wed. pm through Fri. Blue skies until Fri. pm, when disruption’s likely (and/or your secrets don’t fit your ethics).

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

All life’s possibilities open before you in August, Libra. You’ll be social, popular, witty, and flirtatious. Be wary of that last one, though: you could be drawn into a secret or unethical affair. This is “demon lover” time. You might form a bond with someone who will prove burdensome. Or, you could find a “hot love” from earlier in 2021 now becomes a weight, or too busy for romance. Even another possibility: a former or ongoing romance suddenly blossoms anew, or, later (October) a new romance flares. These last two are your best path: choose. A Gemini figures prominently, acts wisely.

Sunday’s sexy, secretive, tempting. But mostly difficult. Though it might bring the very person you should be with. Gentle love, wisdom, mellow attitude — these float over you Mon. to Wed. afternoon (PDT). However, you might find some glitches on the practical side: law, insurance, publishing, culture, international affairs, import/export, and far travel.

Be ambitious Wed. pm through Fri. Charge ahead in career, status, VIP, and reputational zones. All’s good until Fri. afternoon/night. Saturday is for happiness! But the same “sober romance” as appeared/intuited Sunday, returns to both lure and “reject” (or really, to demand loyalty — this person is “spooked,” worries you aren’t solid, or will reject him/her when you learn about their secret life — which you would hardly raise an eyebrow about).

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Be ambitious, Scorpio. Your career, reputation, worldly standing and prestige relationships are favoured until late August. The “ambition pot” has already been stirred (since mid-June) but now comes the fruitful, strong action/circumstance. A  higher-up might want to discuss a confidential matter. Your social life perks up powerfully now to late September. In August, a “friendly” romance might come from a group you belong to. Your home life grows lucky and cheerful the rest of ’21.

Relationships dominate Sunday. A career-vs-home dilemma, but emotionally you find your feet, might even have a good, enlightening conversation. Secrets, mysteries, finances, sexual temptations, medical and lifestyle decisions fill Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. (PDT). Some bad, some good here — timing’s everything. Try Monday daylight (after 10 am Eastern, after supper in Europe, early Tues. in Asia) and (esp. good) Wed. You could find treasure!

A mellow, compassionate mood arrives Wed. eve through Fri. Pursue legal, academic, insurance, far travel, philosophical, cultural or media interests. A good interval — until Fri. pm starts challenging, disrupting. Speak of love. This month’s main focus — ambition — is highlighted Sat., but success demands yielding to restrictions or to a somewhat skeptical person.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

August is one of your favourite months, Sage. It’s chock-full of travel opportunities, learning, international topics, media, legal and cultural questions — all things you love. You have had a brief respite from local travel and paperwork since mid-May, but these return now. There are a couple of “dropped correspondences” that you might need to catch up on.

Be alert, conscious on career/ambition fronts: bosses are both sentimental and gracious (and favour you), and impatient and temperamental. A boss-employee love affair possible. In all things, keep a wise friend or partner apprised, ask their advice.

Tackle chores Sunday — careful with weight (e.g., don’t catch 100 pound sacks or falling spouses) and sober, ponderous people. Relationships face you Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. (PDT). Realize another holds the advantage; join up rather than fight/compete. You might form a sweet bond with a co-worker. Act (well after dawn) Mon. to dawn Tues., and Wed., to succeed. (Most of Tues. is packed with dead-ends or deception.) A prospective life mate hovers around single Sages.

Secrets, research, big finances and deep sex call you Wed. pm through Fri. — a good, rewarding interval, but quit by/before Fri. afternoon, when snafus come. Saturday highlights everything listed in the first 2 sentences above — travel opportunities, etc. — and love. Not a sparkling day, tho.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You could dig up hidden treasure this month, Cap — whether it’s human, emotional, intimate treasure, or a lucrative deal, a fortunate investment, or even a scholastic ”find.” Best action: research. You might face some medical, surgery or lifestyle choice. (Tho’ surgery is unlikely, it is favoured until mid-September.) Your bank account, somewhat diminished the last few months, is replenished for the rest of 2021.

If you need it, now to mid-October is a good time to contact a former employer for a job (or an ongoing employer for a pay raise). After this, to year’s end, is a great time to find a new, bigger source of income. A romance that starts in August (or did last week) has a deep accent on intimacy/sex, and could become very meaningful, even bring a wedding to some few Caps.

Sunday’s romantic, creative, sweetened with nature’s beauty. Maybe a money opportunity, encased in a puzzle. Tackle chores and protect your health Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. Good and bad luck really mingle here. For best results, act Mon. mid-morn into pre-dawn Tues., and Wed. Skip the rest of Tues. Buy machinery, tools, vehicles Wed. (Prices might be a wee bit high, but they’ll be higher in ’22.)

Relationships, public dealings, fame, fresh horizons, opportunities fill Wed. eve through Fri. — enmity, opposition also possible if you forget diplomacy. A good phase, but the luck runs out about midday Fri., so know when to quit. Saturday’s all about everything listed in the first 3 sentences above, Cap — “You could dig up…” etc. But this Sat., go slow, deal only with honest, loyal types.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

August is filled with consequential relationships, Aquarius. Also with far horizons, relocation themes, opportunities, fame and public dealings — and/or with opposition, challenge and enmity, if you act belligerently. Realize another has the power, the advantage. Yes, you’re sceptical, but you’re also bubbly, optimistic, and believe dreams can come true (now to year’s end). So make a bid to merge.

All this coalesces Saturday (Aug. 7) — hard to say what to do. If you remain sceptical, you’ll be safe but unrewarded. If you let optimism win, you could soar beyond constraints/scepticism. Results? I’m not sure. Now to mid-September, you’re in a highly sexualized mood — temptations will come! If you “marry” now (i.e. begin a mature, sexual and emotional bond) it will be highly sexual — loyalty might be a sore spot in future with this one.

Be home Sunday. Rest, contemplate, avoid launching anything. Romance strikes Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed., but good and bad fortune mingle. For best results, act Mon. well after dawn to pre-dawn Tues., and Wed. before 3:30 pm PDT (11:30 pm Britain, 6:30 am Tues. in China). Tackle chores and protect your daily health Wed. eve through Fri. This is a productive interval, but avoid pushing matters late Fri. Saturday’s discussed above.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Only 3 more weeks of drudgery, Pisces. Just do the job, and protect your health by sensible eating, drinking, and by practicing safety. Your long work days will be relieved by exciting relationship prospects. Someone “dreamy” is in your orbit.

Realize your career luck will come from background areas the rest of ’21 — e.g., gov’t, head office, institutions, warehouses, hospitals, confidential discussions, management roles. Same 5 months, your personal luck will be a bit dim, esp. in competitive areas. At the same time, your inner, spiritual and psychic and psychological worlds will expand, bring valuable “life answers.”

Sunday’s for errands, talk and contacts — but don’t push too hard. Your domestic situation — kids, home, property, meals, garden, security, etc. — is highlighted Mon. to mid-afternoon Wed. Luck here is jumbled, good and bad. Act Mon. mid-morn to Tues. pre-dawn, and again Wed. before noon (PDT) for best results. Your romantic side awakens Wed. eve through Fri. Beauty and pleasure flow. However, pull back Fri. eve, as disruption stresses relations. Saturday’s for work; go slow and careful; this task won’t be rushed.



Did you see the huge George Floyd mural was struck by lightning and completely destroyed? An omen?
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You know what the Cubans need? Guns. What they don’t need? Biden.
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You might have noticed in my last column that I referred to a Saturn square Sun* aspect. I said that because the Sun was at 23° Scorpio and Saturn was at 22 degrees Leo; Saturn’s square was acting like a 12th house (restrictive, enervating) influence on the Sun.

(* Forgive me if I don’t always capitalize Sun, Moon, etc.)

This is a discovery I made about 30 years ago, and other than publishing an article on it in American Astrology, I haven’t promoted it. (Nor have I seen it anywhere else.) Here’s the idea:

Whatever the aspect, unless it is exact, the number of degrees separating the two planets (or whatever) from exactness — gives a secondary character to that aspect. (The exact aspect — e.g., 2° Gemini trine 2 degrees Libra — is most powerful, but in some ways most colourless, for it simply is “itself.”)

For example: Moon trine (harmony) Mars. If exact (the strongest effect of any aspect) it simply points to harmony between emotions (Moon) and assertion (Mars). Good, for instance, for man-woman relations, physical work, or machinery. If 1 degree separates the aspect from exactness, I would suspect it has an effect much like and largely indistinguishable from the exact aspect, but with an impatient, assertive edge.

Something startling happens when 2 degrees separate the aspect (e.g., Moon at 12 Cancer, Mars at 14 Scorpio). Now the harmony has a distinct and separate personality. In this case the harmony occurs in a situation of, or involves, casual sex, and buying things. This “colouring” of the aspect comes from (operates through) the secondary personality indicated by the degrees of separation. If 3 degrees, the harmony is very talkative, both travel. If 4 degrees, the harmony blossoms most on the domestic scene, but this can also indicate the harmony will end. (Though it might be reborn and transform.)

5 degree separation (or orb): pure romance, or romance of romances…

6  degree separation (or orb):  harmony, but in a work-sharing way, maybe domestic bliss

7  degree separation (or orb): harmony that can lead to merging, marriage, partnership — or harmony that might stress, challenge, crumble into fighting/ incompatibility

8 degree separation (or orb): sexual and financial harmony, perhaps illicit

9 degree separation (or orb): intellectual harmony, could lead to wedding, involves school or law or foreign shores

10 degree separation (or orb): ambitious harmony

11 degree separation (or orb): good-time Charlie harmony

12 degree separation (or orb): harmony in which one partner is constrained, nursed, passive

There are further complications: for instance, which person does the harmony (and the “shadow meaning’ of the separation degree) affect, or affect most? But I’m too lazy to get into that now.

A Different Example:

Moon Square (incompatible) Mars should produce anger and conflict. Which it does. But if the square has a 3 degree separation, often they can talk it out; if an 11 degree separation, they end as friends. But a 4 or 7 or 10 degree separation, watch out. (20 Leo to 23 Taurus is a 3 degree separation, 10 Gemini to 21 Virgo is an “11” separation)

The planets involved are important, too. For example. a Venus-Moon square with a 3 degree sep. is more likely to “talk it out” than a 3 degree Moon-Mars square. (Since it is Mars’ nature to fight, and Venus’ nature to compromise and seek peace. In all these cases, by the way, the Moon is reactive, or reflecting. So she will react to Venus’ sweetness with kindness, and to Mar’s anger with red cheeks. Of course, there can be good and bad, gentle and rough people of any sign or planet.)
***   ***

This is bigger than the Civil War, though fought on a different multiplicity of battlegrounds. This is a complete transformation of America, in a pervasive, ubiquitous and systemic way that will colour everything from marriage to politics, commerce to law, emotions, relationships, and human geography. There is no logic to it, nor does there need to be. America’s clock has run full circle; it is being reborn. I wonder what it will look like? Social scientists will have a treasure trove to explore. Social science will begin to merge with chemical, electronic and other fields.

The Revolutionary War was economic and idealistic. This “war” (2016-2025*) is/will be power oriented and idealistic.

— I think this only contains one definition of the war; from 2025 onward for almost 20 years, it is possible a strong, determined, elusive, secret and deadly radical element, perhaps even a rebel “army,” will form, bringing a second phase of the “war,” but more narrowly.

At present, the war is affecting and has participants in all segments and levels of society; in ’25 to approx. ’45, the war will be along clearly-drawn lines, with determined, stubborn actors. It will be more narrow, and a smaller segment of the population will participate than in the 2016-2025 phase; but weapons of death are everywhere. This is true revolt; true rebellion.
