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~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JULY 4 – 10, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:    9:57 am to 6:24 pm Mon., 9:20 pm Wed. to 6:51 am Thurs., and 9:10 am to 5:21 pm Sat.


The great “Autumn Reset” has begun. Of the five major planets, Jupiter to Pluto, only Uranus remains direct in motion, as seen from the Earth. In October, this mass retrograde begins to lift. It can mean that many large, nation-wide initiatives stall, perhaps a stock market decline, a slowing in vaccinations, etc.

This can also have a personal effect. For example, if you’re a Gemini, your career planet (Neptune) has just turned “retro.” As a result, you can notice a slowing of career events, especially results, for the next 5 months. (Neptune remains “retro” until Nov. 30.) Use this time not to seek quick results, but to organize, plan, prepare, research, protect/shore up projects for a December-onward push or start.

— But Uranus does retro, from mid-August to mid-January ’22.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent remains on domestic themes, Aries. A strong romantic streak will provide some relief from all the down-home stuff. You are still restless and travel prone; perhaps you have to make up for trips and contacts not made in the past month. Your relations with administrations, head office and civil servants remain cheerful, but little results will come from this area. (They will in ’22.)

Sunday morning needs caution (don’t mention your lover in front of your spouse) but the rest of this interval rolls nicely. A “status purchase” goes well. Monday eve to Thurs. dawn brings busy, swift “events” — calls, trips, applications and paperwork, reports. Be curious, ask questions, and believe half the answers. (Wee deception Mon./Tues. “overnight” and Wed. night.) DO NOT chase love — someone first met now will frustrate you.

Sink into home, family, rest, security, Thursday to Sat. — a good interval for yard, repair, and similar projects (esp. plumbing or water fountain or pool stuff). Careful to early afternoon Thurs. — esp. with electricity, paint. Saturday night promises, but won’t fulfill, a romantic “option.”

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Swift, easy chores fill this month, Taurus. Errands, calls, paperwork, tax forms, telephony and office upgrades, etc. Be curious, ask questions and make contacts. Some money questions can be solved now (perhaps remaining from puzzles/delays or “non-answers” in May/June). Your home life will be memorable: both friction and burdens, and affection and approval, mingle in a sweet n’ sour way.

Fine time to begin a domestic project (e.g. landscaping) that you will expand yet also finish by August. Your social life is uplifting as it has been for weeks, but doesn’t expand any more. Facts, truth, might be elusive the first few days.

Your energy, charisma and effectiveness hit a peak Sun./Mon. Best Sun. pm, and Mon. (PDT) Be a leader, start something! Chase money, seek bargains, schmooze with clients, etc., Monday eve to Thursday dawn. Obstacles mingle with open doors, so react to circumstances rather than try to push through. Family members don’t like your outside job.

This month’s main activity —news, errands, communications, etc. — “doubles up” Thurs. dawn to Sat. suppertime. A lovely interval, with social blessings, gracious agreement. Be careful midday Thurs. — being dominant/ unpredictable at home might not get the best results. Saturday night? To bed.

gemini iconGEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The main accent this month falls on money, Gemini — chase it, collect and pay, shop for bargains, angle for a pay raise or fee increase, etc. This is also a fine time to study anything, as your memory’s sharp, retentive. Also good for casual sex. (Someone very friendly is around you, might be willing to “give it a go.”)

Personal indecision, confusing choices, now become clear and you can decide what to do, where to go, etc. (Read PREAMBLE, tho.) Career will receive huge luck in ’22 — be patient meanwhile, plan, prepare.

Lie low Sun./Mon. — rest, contemplate, plan, deal with gov’t, head office, seek advice, dip your hands into the garden. Avoid arguments, sharp tools Sun. daytime. Otherwise, all’s well. Your energy, clout, timing and charisma soar Mon. suppertime to Thurs. dawn. Launch projects, see and be seen, lead and persuade. However, little will be easy, as obstacles mix with productive aspects — NOT a good interval to chase love or romance. (Chase ambitions instead.)

July’s main themes, daily money and casual intimacy, are doubly-emphasized Thurs. morning to Sat. suppertime. Careful midday Thurs. — possible lover’s upset or a friend steps on the wrong eggshell. Otherwise, march ahead, esp. Fri.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your time, Cancer! You hold the aces, you have the energy and charisma, and you have a sense of timing now — go forth and create, produce, start a project, etc. Past “chaos” with gov’t or head office has cleared, so tidy up this area. Spiritual matters also “clear” now. Your $ and income scene remains intense all month: make sure you save more than you spend. A casual intimate affair might occur, but it has more ambition and security motives than love should have.

A wish could come true Sun./Mon.! At the very least, you’ll be happy, buoyant, optimistic — and popular. Avoid a conflict (or reckless driving) midday Sun. But withdraw to rest, recuperate, to contemplate your place in the universe, seek advice, and solve neglected chores, Mon. suppertime to Thurs. dawn. You might need to solve a reputational matter Mon./Tues., and a money puzzle late Tues.

Your energy and pizzazz shoot upward Thurs. morning to Sat. suppertime. Mostly successful sailing — but take care with a money wish (or don’t mix money and friends) midday Thurs. A “telling moment” in a relationship Sat. morn. Sat. night? Caution.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Keep a low profile, Leo. Rest, sleep, ponder, plan, liaise with head office, management types, civil servants, and advisors – psychic, spiritual or practical. Two planets (Mars and Venus, the romantic planets) will keep you from complete rest, as they draw to you (or draw you to) situations of romance, creativity and pleasure, but also of intellectual expansion. You might need to travel.

Financial and sexual “forces” or “deadlines” ebb now. Delays, confusion and “visitors from the past” — evident since late May — now clear, allowing you to see down the road and to make decisions in social zones.

Sunday/Monday spark your ambitions (or should, esp. Mon., when all systems are “go”). Social delights, popularity, optimism and good feelings arrive Tuesday through dawn Thursday. There are some deceptions early Tuesday and late Wednesday, and a rejection of affection Tuesday p.m. So DON’T try to start a new love affair, but do have fun and celebrate your life!

Withdraw to quietude Thursday to suppertime Saturday (PDT) — study, relax, ponder and plan, seek advice and interact with management, government, charities and spiritual organizations. You are attractive now, and others are drawn to you, but disruption and unpredictability can blow away a relationship Thursday, and a small feeling of alienation might occur Saturday morning. Otherwise though this is a smooth, good interval. Your star shines Saturday night!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The “celebration of life” continues, Virgo. Be happy, be optimistic and social. Your popularity is at a year high. A flirtation could occur with someone new, but if so, it will likely lead to casual intimacy, not something long-binding. In career and prestige areas, you move forward now, as a recent delay has ended. You might have a “secret love.” In any case, “romance” awaits when you explorer background areas, liaise with the gov’t, or become involved with a charitable or spiritual org.

Pursue legal, academic, international, cultural, philosophical, media and love goals Sun./Mon. Sidestep an argument Sun. After supper Mon. to dawn Thurs., chase ambitious goals. (Alone — don’t waste time seeking co-operation.) You could rise a notch.

That feeling of joy, of celebration, returns strongly Thurs. morning to Sat. eve. A bit of disruption (in affections) midday Thurs., and a wee bit of opposition Sat. morn (PDT). Otherwise, a good, popular, happy interval!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Be ambitious, Libra. You’ll be tested, judged — and should come out ahead. Something is pushing you to celebrate — if not career or business action(s) it could be that someone met socially is happily flirting with you — most of July. Romantic wishes tend to come true now.

Delays are long over in international, far travel, academic, legal and love zones, so march ahead confidently in these, esp. Monday suppertime to dawn Thurs. However, don’t let work demands interfere, nor chase “new love” these 3 days. The big, macro picture on romance is “slow but sure.”

Lust, power, financial gain capture your attention Sun./Mon. Go slow with this Sunday midday. Mid-week is discussed above. Your ambitions “turn on” Thurs. morning to suppertime Sat. Plunge in, work hard — you could trigger small but potent “approvals.” Saturday night, go out — friends, flirts await.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

July is filled with legal, academic, international, cultural, philosophical, media and love goals — pick one or two and pursue them, Scorpio. It’s a calm, mellow, thoughtful and pleasant month. The only “friction” comes from career/ambition and domestic zones. (Possible choice demanded between these two Tuesday.)

Your forays into ambitious areas might meet with a stunning member of the opposite sex. (Of course with our modern kaleidoscope of sexualities there is now no opposite, just a supposed pot at the end of a rainbow of searching.) You might start an affair with someone higher up, boss’s daughter, whatever.

Relationships fill Sun./Mon. Chase them — and opportunities — from Mon. afternoon (PDT) to Mon. late morning. Dig deep, investigate, chase intimacy this week, esp. Mon. suppertime to Thursday dawn. You’ll learn an unexpected secret. However, to succeed, take off your romantic glasses and be diplomatic, supportive with a family member.

Thursday morning to Sat. suppertime cranks up your ambition, places you in “prestige” situations. You might start a new project (or be informed of it). Sidestep a bit of disruption Thurs. daytime. Saturday night you might get a chance to impress a higher-up. Careful: will it impress or fall on deaf ears?

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

July is packed with mysteries, Sage. Intimacy, financial or power plays/gains, investigation and research, medical and lifestyle decisions, pregnancy, ownership – these become important. Your subconscious will be unusually active, your intuition accurate.

Agreements and fights, relationships and opportunities, delayed and confused through much of June, now “straighten out” — you have one week (this one) to cement any deals, show your attraction, make a bid, etc. A strong love streak harmonizes with this “partnership thrust.” If a romance starts now, or swells, July might bring a wedding agreement. (Realize until Jan./22, most “power” resides in others, so merging might be wise.)

Tackle chores Sun./Mon. Eat, dress sensibly. (Don’t chase romance Sun.) Those relationships discussed above come full front and centre Mon. suppertime (PDT) to Thursday dawn, and then these turn “deep” and consequential Thurs. to Sat. suppertime. Careful Tues. — love disappoints, and relationships might stumble on what’s “unrevealed.” A bit of “love disruption” Thursday daytime also. Saturday night’s for love, ease, thinking.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The accent continues on relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons, relocation themes and dealing with the public. Something very serious winds its way through this relationship atmosphere — it’s that things can get very serious, very quickly, esp. in sex, finances, and medical or lifestyle regions. In most regards, what happens will be good, beneficial. But take a minute to think before plunging.

Work and health matters have advanced beyond the chaos of June, so you now can proceed confidently to finish chores or get that diagnosis. (You’re in a year in which complaints can be cured quickly.)

Romance kisses your cheek Sun./Mon. Better after midday Sun., into Mon. midday. Same timing for creative, gambling, sports/games or the pursuit of pleasure. Tackle chores and eat/dress sensibly Mon. suppertime to Thurs. dawn. You’ll accomplish things, but avoid sex, finances. (Thurs. daytime, too.) Those relationships and opportunities come Thurs. morn to Sat. suppertime (PDT) — charge ahead here, be diplomatic but eager. Saturday night’s mysterious — be cautious physically.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The emphasis remains on work and health, machinery and dependents, Aquarius. June’s frustrating chaos in a romance (or creative work or vacation planning) has ended, so you might make one last bid for romance this week. (In addition, Mars and Venus in your marriage sign almost all July, is sure to spark at least an attraction. This can also refer to relocation involving losing or gaining love.)

Be domestic Sun./Mon., embrace the family, mow the lawn, rest. Sidestep a conflict around midday Sunday. Romance, joy, pleasure, beauty flow in Mon. eve to Thurs. dawn. However, step lightly with your loved one, and if unattached, remain that way. Disruptions and deceptions hover around you.

Tackle those chores Thursday morning to Saturday suppertime. DON’T buy machinery Thurs. daytime (PDT). Do so Fri. (or Sat. morning in Europe) if you want. Don’t “oppose” someone Sat. night.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Ah, sweet romance! Whether you “catch it” or not, your confidence is high, your taste for adventure strong, and your charms — well, more seductive than usual. July is also good for vacations, creative projects, speculation, sports, games, and raising/ entertaining children. You’ll be happy, deep within.

June’s chaos in domestic areas is totally over — use this week to make some decisions, take some actions. (Landscape, pick paint colours, sew curtains, whatever.) A streak of intense work winds through your days — a co-worker romance quite possible!

Errands, communications, travel and paperwork fill Sun,/Mon. A successful interval, but avoid conflict (over $?) and sharp tools midday Sunday. That domestic phase mentioned above is highlighted Mon. supper to Thurs. dawn. Be a little careful and forgiving Tues., which starts with disagreement and ends with mild alienation.

DO NOT start a new romance this week before Thurs. afternoon. That very thing, romance (and creativity, beauty, pleasure, et al) swells Thurs. morning to Sat. suppertime. Thursday’s dicey, but Fri. or Sat could start a new attraction. Retire early if you can, Saturday.



Here’s why I am stopping political commentary:

1. It is almost impossible to separate lies from truth. The only filter that “works” is to have a biased p.o.v., which then sees some words as truth, some as lies, some actions as justified, some not. But without bias, there seems to be no reliable truth. Which means only a slowly unfurling chaos exists.

2. The rank injustices in politics always infuriate me; this leads to anger, ranting, and opinions unworthy of an old fellow like me. I first entered this commentary field due to the injustices dealt to Trump. (*) Even though my sympathies are liberal, I could not stomach the evil — I’m sorry, I do mean evil — pouring out of such Democrats as Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and the others who hated Trump simply because he did not have their manners, and was not a secret servant of the serpent. (We call it the swamp, but it’s more than a swamp; it’s active, hypnotizing.)

3. I no longer have any faith in the American justice system. Many judges are cowards, the prosecutors are malicious, biased and politicized, and honest lawyers who defend conservatives are “cancelled” by crooked, biased and politicized bar associations.

Look at Rudy Giuliani, a true American hero. For no other reason than he worked to defend Trump, his law license has been revoked (without a proper hearing) and his apartment was raided by the FBI Gestapo at, like, 6 am. These gestapo troops took thousands of pages/files/etc. of privileged information/ communications between lawyer and client.

The disbarment went to the New York Supreme Court, a cesspool of bias, where the court manufactured false evidence, mainly to state that the Georgia federal election was “100 per cent honest” with “0% voting error” and that Giuliani should be barred — in New York — for stating it was not honest. He was disbarred, ostensibly, because he worked as a lawyer to contest the Georgia election results — a perfectly legal action.

Not only has the court NO evidence whatsoever that the Georgia election was “100 per cent honest… with 0% voting error” — the vote count has been found to be 21 percent in error, not the NY Coward Court’s “0% voting error.”  (In Georgia, Pennsylvania and elsewhere, encouraged by Biden’s dementia, the left is trying to disbar every lawyer who represents the “audit” demanders).

More and more, it looks like the man responsible for much of this — disbarring Giuliani and other lawyers (and more) — was never elected, but planted by crooked actors such as Zuckerberg and his legions of dishonest vote workers. It’s a slow, evolving coup that started in 2016. Could be. Could be the election was rigged (I believe it was). Anything could be, since we seldom get the truth.

Now, a person can always be drawn back in by the temptations of rage or outrage, but I’m trying once again, as I did years ago, to rise above the urgencies of the day and not care about consequences. This way, I hope, lies peace, a clear view, and — prediction!

(*) You might remember before Trump was elected I worried that some “defenders of democracy” might do some very undemocratic things to unseat a duly-elected “dictator” or tyrant-in-waiting, which they saw Trump as being. The conundrum, I said, was this: do you obviate or destroy democracy to preserve it? I also predicted the 45th President would be a scapegoat. The Dems brought both my “predictions” true.

You might remember, also, that I said Bill Barr was “afraid” — spooked by the deep state so thoroughly that, to save himself, he would probably turn on Trump. Barr. I think Bill Barr isn’t easily spooked, so I suspect that his life, or his family’s, has been threatened. Barr has been loudly saying for six months that there was no fraud in the 2020 election.

Sources are now revealing that Barr did not even look at the elections nor at the 1,000+ witness affidavits nor at any evidence of fraud before giving his opinion — and still today has not looked at any of the evidence. (He might have also been instrumental in the Supreme Court refusing to look at the evidence, too.) So obviously Barr has just become a frightened mouthpiece for whoever is controlling him from the swamp. If he’s not being controlled, if he’s a free, brave man, then where is the Durham report?

But I wash my hands of them all, good and bad. (Of course, these AFTERAMBLES might shrink a bit as the balloon of politics deflates.)
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I couldn’t agree more, with Kendi, below. What will survive is the last sentence.

“In Ibram X. Kendi’s best-selling book, ‘How to Be an Antiracist,’ the celebrity professor writes that cultural relativism ‘is the essence of cultural antiracism. To be antiracist is to see all cultures in all their differences as on the same level, as equals.’” (from WND)
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Some years ago I predicted that British Columbia weather would be much more like California’s. After we had 50 C or 122 Fahrenheit last week, I rest my case.
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Into the greenness. You don’t hear it much now, but in the 1980’s and ’90’s the suffix “ish” was popular. “It’s kind of greenish,” we’d say, or ”I’ll be there at… noonish.” The trouble with the latter one is that it “binds” the hearer to an unfair amount of waiting time. It’s basically selfish. If someone said, ”I’ll be there at noon,” you expect to see them at noon, 12:00 pm. But “noonish” can mean anywhere from 10 to to 10 after noon. To some people, it means “early lunchtime,” to others anywhere between noon and 1-ish.

Unless two people are good friends, it is also a subtle put-down, for it devalues the time possessed by the other person. (*) But it’s very indefinite, this “ish.” And this self-centric attitude is also subjective, for it abandoned objectivity when it stepped through the door of self-interest. This subjectivity is deepened/intensified by any pleasure the wielder might gain, including the pleasure of money.

This subjectivity  becomes further layered by the tendency for utterers of “ish” to vary in what they believe “ish” to indicate. In our example, some will think “ish” has a 10 or 15 minute “window, others a whole hour, and some really centric people, who see it as a segue into not showing at all.

So it’s probably a good thing the suffix fell from favour.

But back to the beginning, “into the greeness:” Say a writer wrote: the man ran — into the woods. So? Say he wrote: the man ran — into the forest. Same — so? Into the leaves? A little better, leaves has not been used as often as wood or forest. But they all are stale, they’ve lost their taster, their pithiness. What’s left? the man ran — into the green. It’s got the punch, alright.

Yet it fails on another level — it sounds artificial, as if ”made” to “have a punch.” It sounds poetic, too consciously so; it takes our brain out of the work, and has us look objectively at the story, news, whatever’s there. What does our wily writer do? This: the man ran — into the greenness. Here, “ness” substitutes for “ish” — it denotes uncertainty, maybe different shades of green, or different sources of light, it’s pastel, passive rather than assertive, but in the passivity is the strength of a tide, like the ocean sucking its breath or stomach in after a big wave. So here we are left with an intriguing mystery: where did he go? — hinted at by the misty, indefinite “greenness.”

(*)  Between good friends, time may be a very elastic thing, I think partly because even though two people might be physically apart, say on different sides of town, they feel so close to each other and so ensconced in each other’s worlds — the environment, the shady trees on the downtown avenue — have already been and still are being shared, with memories’ sweet hands — whether they see each other or not —  that to be a half hour early or late here or there doesn’t matter between them.
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There are many good Catholic parishioners, and my diatribe below is not directed at them, but at the leaders, the Pope and priests. So if I offend you, please forgive me. I don’t know if circumstances similar to the residential schools’ castles of crime occurred under the aegis of other Christian religions, so this is only directed at Catholics. Only those Catholics who protested before now deserve to have a religion; and even you need to find new masters. 

I see they burned two Catholic churches in B.C. last weekend. (A reaction to the residential school murders by Catholics. — I wrote this two weeks ago — since then, more churches have burned.)

Today on TV, the parishioners of one of these churches were lamenting and grieving over the loss of their church. Well, people, when your leaders go around raping toddlers and killing as many children as they can get their hands on, do you really think you deserve to even grieve or lament? Instead you should be on your hands and knees begging forgiveness from the people and families that you have murdered, yes you, through your proxies and leaders and priests and nuns who have systematically committed genocide — in your name. Where were you when this was taking place? When this was taking place right under your noses? Where were you, faithful Catholics?

So good. Burn more. Burn every one. The Catholic Church has been an evil organization for at least 1,000 years. Inquisition. Wars. Pedophilia. Stripping priests of property and life mates (done in order to increase the church’s coffers). And now the murder of children. I was raised Catholic, but in my adult life have only had 2 interactions with priests, both fairly casual; both of them surprised me by their selfishness and resentful attitude.

Now the Canadian government is proposing to give survivors of these residential schools $10,000 each. In other words, in exchange for totally ruining someone’s life, beating down their will to live and love with a sledgehammer, making them drug addicts and alcoholics, treating them worse than the American Blacks can claim, they give them a huge, historic reparation: the equivalent of a used car. I am ashamed of Ottawa, and especially of PM Trudeau, who was born with millions. If he had any real social conscience, he would give at least half of his (inherited, not earned) fortune to the Indians.

The worst thing is, it might still be going on, not now through the Catholic church, but through the government itself. Several years ago I watched a CBC documentary that showed that hundreds, perhaps even thousands of Inuit and/or Dene children were, a scant few years ago (and probably are still) regularly being pulled from their native families in Labrador and Newfoundland and shipped south to St. John’s, where they are put in foster homes. Why? Cultural genocide.

The foster parents, mostly lower income whites, are paid thousands a month to keep these kids, who are pre-school to puberty in age. It’s probably one of St. John’s leading industries. This is Canada. We got rid of residential schools, cess pits of forced sexual abuse on babies and children, terror, beating, torture and murder (the usual Catholic pleasures) — but only 25 years ago! This isn’t history — it’s now — it’s when most of you were (and are) alive.

Now we feel proper, of good conscience about this, even giving “reparations.” (“Oh, did I ruin the rest of your life? Well, here’s a peanut. Quit snivelling.”) But is the genocide of Labrador natives still occurring? It was, only several years ago, and probably still is. But you hear nothing of it. Good old Canada, modest, self-effacing, and deadly.

Today, June 30, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau condemned the burning of churches. Think of the poor parishioners deprived of their spiritual guidance, was his basic message. This is the same Trudeau who can’t seem to get drinkable water on some of the cess-pool reserves. Let’s get real: Every Catholic is guilty of this crime. Trudeau is telling them they are not. Perhaps he wants to be elected again.

Trudeau said that the burning of churches left many people without a place of solace or healing. Well, my friend, if you think you should seek solace or healing in the breast of the devil, then you might as well go ahead. You have missed your true spirit for decades — what advice can save you now? Only light, painful light, can save you now.
