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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:  12:08 pm Sun. to 10:51 am Mon., 10:40 am to 6:21 pm Wed., and 9:15 pm Fri. to 5:28 am Sat.


About a year ago I wrote that the pandemic would, eventually, have a “reward” or a good result (but I couldn’t imagine what, other than an advance in medicine). Now it’s here: social observers are saying that the pandemic has caused many more fathers to engage with their children. Good! It takes a village to raise a child, but maybe it takes a pandemic to change fatherhood.
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aries icon   ARIES: March 21-April 19

The main accent lies on domesticity, Aries. Pay attention to security, nutrition, stomach, soul, and of course your family. This is a “sinking down” period to rest you for the adventures ahead — romantic ones, it appears. This might even start early, as love planet Venus enters your romance sign until July 21 or so. Mars, your own planet, your “guide,” is already there. Soon — late July, lucky Jupiter enters your “wishes come true” sign for 5 months, which will boost your chances in love. Yet, despite all this, you remain somewhat “home bound” until July 22. Communicate.

Sunday into Mon. morning brings happiness, popularity, social delights and optimism. All’s okay! But withdraw into quietude, rest and contemplation around noon (PDT) Mon. to suppertime Wed. All’s good — seek advice, plan your future, liaise with gov’t or head office.

Your energy and charisma return (halfway, since you’re in a “down-home” period) Wed. eve to dawn Sat. Go after what you want, but don’t oppose someone who’s too strong, or try to seduce someone who couldn’t care less. You might make an indelible career mark, but for good or bad? Saturday’s for money — caution, sudden surprises.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Life’s filled with swift chores, errands, paperwork, communications and travel. Be curious, ask questions. Your home will be “sweet and sour” for weeks ahead: argument and restrictions on one hand, sweet affection on the other. If unattached, you might have a “kitchen sink” love affair for awhile. Talk, emails, about $ now flow smoothly, letting you gain the info you need, and to give answers to others. Some wishes promise to come true, but they won’t now — will in 2022. 

Spend Sun. and Mon. morn (PDT) at or near home. If you do, you’ll get a rewarding smile. Hopes, social joys, popularity, entertainment and flirtations fill Mon. noon to Wed. eve. Good friends, friendly romance (except Tues. night, when romance is nixed).

Retreat, rest, ponder and plan Wed. night to dawn Sat. Seek advice, liaise with gov’t or head office. Watch a “muffled storm” in career-vs-home, ambition vs. security, early Thurs. Your energy soars Sat. — you attract others, but they also find you disruptive. Practice fire safety.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Indecision, delays are over, Gemini. Turn your attention to money until late July, Gemini. Pay bills, seek bargains, angle for a pay raise, schmooze with clients, etc. You’ll be very active, busy, with short trips, messaging, and casual friends. One or two of these will be more than casual. (Libra figures prominently; he/she sees your flirtation as a “mate bid,” and perks up willingly!)

Your career seemed about to expand lately, but now it won’t — until the first half of 2022. (Or, a “feeler” you put out before might now be answered, in this prestige, career arena.) 

A mellow mood, understanding, international, legal or cultural involvements fill Sun. into late Mon. morn (PDT). Love exists. Be ambitious, chase career goals noon Mon. to suppertime Wed. Charge ahead, few obstacles!

Happiness, social joys, optimism and entertainment fill Wed. night to dawn Sat. You might need to decide where your loyalties will lie: in casual friendship, or in a deep, meaningful relationship. If you speak too impulsively, with “fire,” you could trigger a cold reception. Withdraw Sat. — be quiet, contemplative. Examine your past and plan your future.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

You’re on top, Cancer! Your energy, clout, timing, charm and effectiveness have seldom been higher! Issues with gov’t, management or an institution, long delayed/confused, now clear — tackle this and get it over with. Money continues to rush toward (and away from!) you during the weeks ahead, but now a sweet luck accompanies this, so $ results should please you!

If you’d had a “notion” to travel internationally, to sue someone, or to start school, step carefully — these things stop “forward motion” now — wait until Jan.-to-May ’22, when this zone will be packed with lucky growth/expansion. 

Secrets, buried treasure, lust and temptations face you Sun. into late morn Mon. All’s good — you’ll learn that secret Sun., unless you close your eyes. A loving, mellow, wise mood steals over you Mon. noon to suppertime Wed. A wee misunderstanding Tues. night — otherwise, this is a lovely interval. If you feel love, say so.

Ambition and your place in society figure prominently Wed. eve to dawn Sat. You might have to make a “grotty” or serious money or intimate decision Thurs. Saturday’s for friends, entertainment, flirting, popularity and happiness, but your money needs care.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Lie low, Leo. The weeks ahead afford you a chance to rest, to regather your emotional and physical strengths. Be in contact with gov’t, other administrators. Seek advice (esp. from a person who’s first name starts with E or X). Ponder your past and plan your future. Your weariness will be mixed with an extra helping of charisma, sex appeal and determination. Someone might seek you out, and prove more of an energy drain than you anticipated.

Recent good fortune in intimacy and/or in finances might dwindle now: you’ll sustain much of this luck, but it isn’t “active,” so make decisions — e.g., whether to sell stocks or not, as markets weaken. One clue: your investments can soar January to May in ’22. New friends come around — how tired are you?

Relationships, opportunities face you Sun. and into late Mon. morning. Seek to seal agreements Sun. (Monday’s too late.) Sex, secrets, hidden treasure, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions fill Mon. noon to Wed. suppertime (PDT). All’s well, so march ahead confidently.

Wednesday eve to dawn Sat. brings a mellow mood, gentle love, understanding, and “world-wide” ideas. Mostly good, but don’t be too quickly assertive toward someone you’d like to be with — you could be “forcing rejection.” Saturday’s for ambition, career, neighbourhood standing. You might work hard to elevate yourself, but watch accident potential, and don’t “shock” higher-ups.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A joyous month awaits you, Virgo! Popularity, social delights, optimism, flirtation and play — you’ll be happy! BUT a promising relationship or opportunity that might have arisen in May/June could “slow” now. (However, it, or something better, will “fully blossom” in the first half of 2022.)

Avoid belligerent individuals and places of violence until July’s end. Same period, almost, your inner world opens a door to a fascinating realm of insights, revelation and understanding. A quiet, “secret” ally might stand beside you. Career delays are over, so begin communications in this area for the next two weeks.

Tackle chores Sun. into late morning Mon. Eat, dress sensibly. Relationships, relocation themes, fresh horizons and new opportunities fill Mon. noon-ish to suppertime (PDT) Wed. (Well, some might be old opportunities. But read above.) Lust for power, money or intimacy rises in you Wed. eve to dawn Sat. And you can achieve these, but avoid a work “show down” or a particularly dirty job (morally?).

scorpio icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The main emphasis falls on career, prestige relations, ambition and worldly standing, Libra. Your social life won’t suffer — this could be one of the more interesting times for romance in awhile. If you’re attached, your mate is happy, humorous. If you’re single, a potential mate might appear in a group you visit or attend. Even if nothing comes of it, you’ll have fun, and plenty of flirtations!

Speaking of career, your work duties started to expand, but also to reward, the last 5 weeks, but this slows now. Expect a “big wave” of this to come the first half of ’22.     A legal, academic, international, cultural matter, perhaps abandoned or buried in indecision most of June, clears now — make decisions, contact people “on this road.”

Sunday into late morning Mon. is for romance, creative urges and risk-taking — best Sun. Tackle chores Mon. noon to suppertime Wed. Eat, dress sensibly; protect your health. Your accomplishment could put a shine on your career prospects.

Relationships, fresh horizons, public appearances and opportunities face you Wed. eve to dawn Sat. (PDT) Be diplomatic, co-operative. Your mate might get in a “grudge” against someone Thurs. Saturday’s for investment and/or sex — but it’s not likely, as “awkwardness” rules.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

A sweet, mellow mood wafts over you these weeks, Scorpio. You’re “far minded” — you can perceive consequences far down the road, and see international, legal, philosophical, cultural and love matters with insight and awareness of ramifications. This is a good few weeks for love. Romance (and/or creative, pleasure or “gambling” projects) which promised to blossom the past month or two, remain, but without forward motion. That’s okay — this has been a mere hint; the full wave comes January to May, ’22.

Meanwhile, you have a couple of fires to put out on the career or reputation front — if you do this well, a reward will follow. Research, investment, sexual intimacy, debt, medical and lifestyle concerns — all mixed in a chaotic stew recently — are now cleared for action. 

Sunday into Mon. morn is for home, family, security, rest — indulge laziness, all’s well. Romance or equivalents (creativity, speculation, beauty, pleasure) greet you late morning Mon. to suppertime Wed. This is a splendid interval, so take a heart plunge! But don’t expect sex late Tues.

Tackle chores and protect your daily health Wed. eve to dawn Sat. You’ll make progress, but avoid a home-vs-outside-ambitions struggle. Probably best to fulfill the ambition side. Saturday brings relationships and opportunities — of the “opportunity in crisis” kind. Be cautious, esp. driving and with machines, tools, electricity.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The emphasis lies on sex, secrets, research, independent business, investments and debt, worth., medical and lifestyle concerns. Strictly reject temptations; act ethically, honestly. Dig deep – treasure lies hidden. Your intuition is strong, reliable. (Intuition is that soft, almost unnoticeable tug or nudge.) Relationships have been awry or delayed for some weeks; now all gets straightened out, delays end.

You love thinking, ideas, distant cultures, law and philosophy — these will be intensified until late July, invigorating you to think creatively, could even create love, or turn a present love toward a wedding. A real estate “bounty” won’t come until the first half of ’22, so don’t waste time on it now. 

Errands, paperwork, casual friends fill Sun. into late Mon. morning (PDT). All’s well, but careful with machinery Sun. dawn. Home beckons noon Mon. to suppertime Wed. — charge ahead with projects here, landscaping, garden, repairs, kids’ future, etc. Mate won’t co-operate Tues. night.

Wednesday eve to Saturday dawn sparks romance (or dreams thereof) creative surges, risk-taking urges, pleasure and beauty. Avoid a fight/struggle between friends or viewpoints — if you must side, side with the “long.” Tackle work Sat., but be careful with machines, sharp tools, cars, and electricity. Control that temper!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The emphasis falls on relationships these weeks, Cap. — And on opportunities, distant horizons, relocation themes, public appearances. Be diplomatic, co-operative, or you could face opposition, perhaps very strong opposition. Delays and false starts are over in work and health zones, so “re-start” these (but they’re minor themes right now, so don’t spend too much time on simple “work”). Your sexual side intensifies until late July — romantic, loving emotions accompany this. Think before investing.

Chase $ Sun. to late Mon. morning. Shop for bargains. Errands, casual friends, communications, paperwork and travel fill Mon. pm to Wed. suppertime. All’s good. Home, your domestic situation, family, garden, security, real estate, rest, soul and stomach/nutrition — these are emphasized Wed. eve to dawn Saturday. Most things go well, but somehow deep success eludes you — perhaps because you refuse to spend “freely” on this (home) zone. Can also apply to sales territory.

Saturday’s for romance and creative, pleasurable activities. Good, as long as you don’t attempt sexual intimacy.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week and the next few bring chores, drudgery, a bit of boredom, perhaps some small health concerns. (Mostly solvable with OTC drugs.) But much happens on other fronts: romance, which has been definitely delayed or “missing” for a month, starts to re-appear. Simultaneously, relationships heat up, both in sweet and hot ways.

Be careful, avoid confrontations, road rage, etc. (esp. this Thurs. and Sat.). If you start talking a mile a minute at someone, it could mean you’re attracted. Your income will swell in ’22 — but maybe not now, despite promising clues.

Your energy and clout are high Sun. to late morning Mon. All’s well, march ahead. Chase money Mon. noon to suppertime Wed,, buy/sell, have a bit of casual (i.e., pleasurable) sex and/or learn/memorize something new. All’s good again! (But don’t try for romance, nor gamble, Tues. night.)

Errands, communications, travel and paperwork fill Wed. night to Sat. dawn. Again, a pretty smooth interval, but don’t oppose/confront anyone — their bite is worse than their bark. Saturday’s for home, family. Gather the kids around, relax and sit on the porch. (Not easy, that relaxation.) Avoid fights, enemies, sharp tools, electricity.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Ah, sweet romance! This, and creative gushers, risk-taking urges, charming children and the pursuit of beauty and pleasure — these create joy until late July. Home affairs, held back for a few weeks, can now be deeply indulged (e.g., renovations, repairs, new rentals).

Your work has started to intensify, and will remain demanding until July’s end. But for the 4 weeks ahead, there’s a reward “due” for your efforts — and co-workers will be affectionate, tolerant. You recently might have received a little boost to your career or worldly standing — but be patient, as there’s a lull until ’22, when luck strikes this area — and your whole life — in generous ways!

Rest, lie low, ponder and plan Sunday into late morning Mon. Your energy and charisma shoot upward Mon. noon to suppertime Wed. — be a leader, go after what you want. Romance good, but “marriage” or co-operation not (Tues. night).

Chase money, buy/sell, pay and collect, Wed. eve to Sat. dawn. Be cautious with work, duties, esp. Thurs. You might need to choose between doing it yourself or delegating a chore. (Doing it yourself wins, eventually.) Saturday’s for friends, communications, details, errands, travel — go slow, try not to mix friends with workmates. Calm your nerves, if applicable, this p.m.



China will run into trouble July ’23 to January ’25. Enemies win.
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Xi Jinping, China’s leader,  can do no wrong these days. He’ll struggle in 9 years.
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Boris Johnson, British PM — blessed/protected now, at least through ’21.
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Trump is “protected” until at least Jan. ’22, but perhaps right into mid-’23. His “star” reaches a peak in ’24-25. He will always have enemies, enemies who are convinced of their rightness, even righteousness; but these enemies, as gargantuan as their allies and structures, as questionable as their motives might be (e.g., the NY Attorney General) tend to fail — but they also drain huge time and energy from the Donald. That’s his karma.
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Feminization of the military: I think this is a good thing. Women can be coolly cruel and hotly fierce. (About homosexuals and the rest of the rainbow I just don’t know.) Women have only been the subservient sex for millennia because nature had its way: they were smaller and less powerful than men. But their skills were 1) as good or better than men’s, and 2) developed on a plane which many men find puzzling, but which broaden the emotional, genetic and skill arsenal of any enterprise. Combining two sets of skills and viewpoints must create a stronger army. 

I remember during some middle east war in the ’80’s: as we were watching two television employees commenting on the war from an office building in Israel, wherever it was, suddenly Scud missiles started raining down. The man tried to report what was happening, but he fell apart within seconds. His voice quavered unintelligibly; he couldn’t hold the mike. The woman took the microphone from him and calmly began reporting on the bombing, adding background during the lulls, and continuing so for the next few hours.

The more our world becomes digitized, the less we value physical strength, and the more the female mind/personality will be valued, because the basic switch in focus from strength to precision has allowed women to exercise their full range of intelligence and to successfully pursue many traditionally male occupations. In a trend throughout North America, there are more women graduates of law school and medicine than men. These ideas/revelations are not new, but. They hold a neat lesson: We (men or women) don’t overcome Nature, we build beyond Her.

Technology has been the great liberator of women. It opened many doors and passageways, ones never before imagined, to previously unreachable reactions and sensitivities, intelligence layers and expanding p.o.v./consciousness.

(Ultimately, if/when the consciousness keeps expanding in all directions, the existence of so many points of view is likely to eventually lead to a circular or, as a higher place/expression, a spherical p.o.v. As the viewpoint expands to include many, many “seeings,” a myriad of “seeings,” it is almost like a fly’s eye, made up of many many individual lens or eyes, so the fly sees everything. In the Old Testament, Ezekiel described and emphasized this “eye” of a thousand eyes. My memory’s terrible, but I think it also appears in Assyrian art.)

But back to the growing clout of women: many of these new fields, I suspect, are “female friendly,” in that being female, I don’t know but we should thank God/karma that it’s true, ultimately, is a different life experience than being a male. As I mentioned above, two differences combined are always  better than no differences, for that way lies stagnation.

It also means that women, beside their success in business and legal or dental, psychiatric and all traditional careers, have something else, I can’t define it. They have unique experiences and skill sets, from easily sympathetic — good in a nurse — to a consciousness that knows human nature and operates a business, to a consciousness, awareness and p.o.v. that shines, because it sees the whole.

The consciousness, reaching outward in all directions (for it must; lust is as important as prayer, the sky as the earth) must form a sphere. When a spherical consciousness is reached, the person shines with spirit. I saw an image; for some reason it looks like a pyramid on top of a wedding cake. The pyramid means spirit, illumination and insight; what does the cake mean? Perhaps that this is the eternal groom, as Christ (and other Sun Gods) are sometimes referred to. Or that such an elevated individual would in a sense bond to or feel love for, every person, animal, plant — the entire environment. There are such people. There must be.

I’ve gone off on a spiritual riff, but I was trying to say there are new, as yet unimagined roles, skills, that will be particular more to women than men, perhaps some totally and solely feminine. Not the traditionally feminine roles, but new roles created by technology. The same “development” that freed women should not be abandoned; it might be the vehicle to future expanded horizons.
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If Joe Biden was really born at 8:30 am, he will be in trouble around September 2021. One of two things might occur: 1) he does something unwise, which will later have consequences; and/or 2) he will suffer some “punishment” from past deeds. A reaction to 2) can trigger 1). It has some connection to his environment, and to opposing voices.

Trouble comes again in February 2022. (This more in the sense of the cosmos acting upon Joe.)

He will be “rescued” by a woman, maybe Jill, June/July 2023.
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Remember all those WW II movies in which the nazis encouraged children to turn in their parents for un-nazi-like behaviour? Now the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is donning its SS pants and asking that American children report their parents if they see any suspicious activity, such as speaking favourably about Trump, or showing other signs of white supremacy.
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Why are there prisons? Turn them into schools! Teach criminals how to be fathers. (Or mothers.) From this, love and responsibility will come. Perhaps, also, emotional turmoil and subsequent understanding. Is there no one who cares enough to do such teaching? No gov’t agency that will let them, aid them?
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I  see Fox is now calling it “the Biden crime family.” (Joe’s brother was arrested for theft [shoplifting] and DUI, had a long string of traffic violations.) (Son Hunter, whom Joe was “so proud of” on the campaign trail, is now reportedly selling personal “paintings” for $500,000 each to anonymous buyers. Smells like money laundering more than linseed oil.)
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RACIST? In his now famous laptop, Hunter Biden uses the “N” word repeatedly, and when discussing obtaining women, told his sister who was finding them for him, “No yellow.” (No Asians.) Does a son become this casually racist on his own?
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I think the U.S. is in more serious trouble than during the Civil War. I long ago said this one would not be fought with armies, but I couldn’t quite see what the war would be. Now it’s obvious: the control of information and the attempt to silence competing views and bankrupt their supporters.

This is a first and most powerful step to a totalitarian state. (This occurs in lock-step with the Woke stuff: the repression of all other p.o.v.s by violence, suppression, forced job loss, position loss, corporate cowardice, forced indoctrination in schools, universities and employment, threats, a passive judiciary, etc. — all happening in the U.S.A. today, as it did in 1930’s Germany.)

If the Dems manage to control the election process as they did in 2020, they will win in ’22 and ’24. If so, America might be lost as an entity, a being. The republican party will become an impotent party. Depending on the level of violence the left is raised to or remains at, prominent republican leaders might be incarcerated; whether in camps of steel razor-wire, or of a more subtle, “regionalizing” segregation, depends on the subtlety of the society by then. (Yes, change implied.)

Both would be possible. Republicans could become Biden’s Uighurs. I realize these are extremes, but extremes are easier to describe than the subtleties of normalcy. I suffer from a species of dramatic fatigue — when I get tired and lazy, it’s easier to be dramatic than accurate or careful in argument.
