Tag Archives: money

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ MAY 9 – 15, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:  3:50 pm to 4:46 pm Sun., 5:23 am to 5:43 am Wed., and 3:51 am to 6:30 pm Fri.

                HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

ALL SIGNS: Mercury starts retrograding again May 29. Work now to complete projects rather than start large, new, important ones.
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This May to July might raise the spectre of inflation, but it will subside — until a real inflationary swelling in 2022, esp. 1st half.  In 2023 and ‘24, I think (haven’t looked closely) inflation will abate markedly.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Continue the pursuit of money and possessions, Aries. Memory is a possession. Your home life is both vibrant/fractious, and attractive/compelling. Hug the kids. Casual friends and conversation — and casual intimacy — are favoured for the rest of May. Thursday ends a 4+ month celebratory, social phase — good luck here is siphoned off and injected into your management, gov’t, secluded and spiritual self — until late July. (When the celebratory, joyful stage will return for 5 more months.)

You start Sunday with loads of energy — jump on a project and get it done. Late this afternoon (PDT) to dawn Wed. brings everything this month is about: money, seeking $ sources, pleasing/attracting clients, shopping for bargains, learning something new and rote, or enjoying a “no strings” roll in the hay. Monday’s interests face a hard road ahead, but Tues. and early Wed. are filled with mild good luck and progress.

Errands, paperwork, filing, travel, casual friends, communications and curiosity fill Wed. to suppertime Fri. An easy, smooth interval. Information you receive Wed. is realistic, reliable. Info arriving late Thurs. or early Friday is NOT reliable. (Tho’ things still speed along.) Bend your heart toward home Fri. suppertime through Sat. All’s well. Horticulture bargains Saturday.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

You’re on top and in charge, Taurus! Be a leader, gather allies, impress others, see and be seen. Travel, talk,and communications burst out everywhere until June 10. Ask questions of the gov’t, tax dept., hospitals, other institutions. You’ll get quick answers.

Your $ fortunes grow all May. One income or spending project won’t end until almost mid-July. (It has to go through a June delay, re-figuring.) Thursday to late July dampens your recent career luck, transferring it to your social one — expect delights, a buoyant mood, popularity and “friendly” love for awhile!

Sleep in Sun., rest, contemplate. Late Sunday (5 pm PDT) to Wed. dawn, the curtain is drawn back, and you’re the star of the show. Act, do, accomplish important things — difficult to do Mon., esp. late, but very achievable Tues. Chase money Wed. morn to suppertime Friday. Good luck accompanies you, so plunge in. One caution: Fri. morn, when deception or fuzzy thinking prevails. Chase errands, mail, visit and travel, communicate, ask questions Fri. supperttime through Sat. — all’s well. A good week!

gemini icon  GEMINI: May 21-June 20

Continue to lie low, Gemini. Get plenty of rest, pamper your health, deal with hospitals, government, head office, warehouses and admin. types. Seek spirit, be charitable, examine your past and make plans for the future. Until June 11, money flows to you and from you. Careful with spending — don’t assume you have a bottomless bank account. Despite present weariness and solitude, your physical and personality charms seem to be working just fine.

This isn’t the best time to start projects, but if you do, ensure they are capable of completion before May 29. From Thursday to July 28, your intellectual, international, legal, and media side deflates a bit, as your luck pours from this zone to your career, prestige and ambition zone. However, you probably shouldn’t start an important career project this early summer, as this luck influence is thin — wait until January 2022 onward, when this lucky career influence returns with “full sails.”

Sunday’s happy, social, optimistic. But retreat late this afternoon, right into Wed. dawn (PDT) as all that spirituality, seclusion, planning and relaxation — May’s themes — reaches a peak (or nadir, I guess). Your energy and pizzazz return this early summer — somewhat (‘cuz you’re still in May’s weariness) Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime. Charge after what you want, despite weariness and low charisma, for this interval is very fortunate.

Chase $ Friday night, Saturday. Seek bargains, ask for a pay raise, pay bills. Casual sex might be offered. All’s well.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Another week of high spirits, Cancer. You’re popular, socially eager, optimistic, might flirt or start a “friendly love” affair. A wish might come true (though likely one already has in the last 3 weeks). Until June 11, you’re filled with assertion, determination, courage and sex appeal — and ambition. It’s up to you which way this goes. Yet, despite the general festive, social atmosphere, you are quietly drawn to your inner life, too, which might mean many May friendships will be of the confidential, share advice type.

Starting Thursday, lasting to late July, the planet of big good luck leaves your investment and sex sign, to bring optimism and fortune to your legal, far travel, intellectual and cultural (ritual) interests. However, don’t try to build too much on this, as it will not become full blown, reliable luck until January to May, ’22.

Be ambitious Sunday — e.g., dress “upscale” for church. Late Sun. afternoon (PDT) to dawn Wed. reinforces the festive atmosphere, brings that social, popularity, optimism streak to a peak. (One you meet Mon. pm will not make a good mate.)

Withdraw from the party Wed. dawn  to suppertime Friday. Meditate, plan, rest, be spiritual, charitable, liaise with gov’t or head office or institutions. All’s mostly well — avoid legal, media, educational situations. Your energy and charisma soar upward Fri. night through Sat. Start things (but not projects that will take more than 2 weeks to finish). A loving weekend looms!

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Continue down an ambitious pathway, Leo, esp. this Tuesday and pre-dawn Wed. (PDT). Offer proposals, show talents, and if you see the brass ring, grab it. Despite all that ambition and “stiff collar” stuff, your days will be happily social, even flirty. You won’t lack companions!

Strictly avoid lawsuits until June 11 — you’d be on the “weak” side. Thursday starts 76 days during which your lucky relationship/opportunity phase (Dec. ’20 to mid-May, and Aug. to Dec. ’21) “disappears” slightly, temporarily replaced by May-July’s great luck in sex, finances, debt, research and health.

Sunday is for gentle love and philosophical thoughts. But late afternoon starts a period of heightened ambition until dawn Wed. (Read more above, first paragraph.) Careful Monday — what you aim for, or promise to do, will not be possible due to work or machinery problems. Tuesday offers easy success — you might form a bond with a co-worker, an inscrutable but loyal type.

Happiness arrives Wed. morning to suppertime Friday. Social delights, popularity, parties, optimism, light romance — you’ll beam! But use caution Thurs. night or Friday morn — deception might lurk. Withdraw for rest, quietude Fri. suppertime (PDT) through Sat. Be philosophical, contemplate. Examine your past (esp. in practical, ambition areas) and plan future actions. A good week!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your intellectual, philosophical side remains uppermost, Virgo. Themes of distant travel, publishing, learning, law, cultural rituals, and love flow around you. Your career standing is very favoured through the rest of May — start things, propose projects, smile at your boss. (However, start only short things, as a period of delays and critical mistakes occurs from late May to June 22.)

Your social life is unusual now to mid-June: not a lot of friends gather around, but a friend might become a sex partner, or vice-versa. Though I don’t want to send you on a dead-end chase, I have to tell you that the planet of great good fortune enters your marriage and partnership sign Thursday and stays there until July 28.

These 2.5 months will bring perky, bright partnership vibes, meetings, possible relocation, possible fame, possible public dealings, possible opportunities… but these are like plastic child’s toys at the edge of the ocean. The big ocean, the big opportunities, relocation, public dealings, etc., occur from January to mid-May, 2022. The months ahead are just a try-out, or an alerting, of this area for most Virgos. (Though if you were born approximately Aug. 22 to 25, of any year this May-July ’21 phase might truly bring the door to a whole new, lucky world — if so, step in!)

This is a good, satisfying week. Sunday’s for sex, financial planning. This late afternoon to dawn Wed. brings all that intellectual, distant travel, gentle love stuff described above. Careful Mon. — do not commit. Tuesday’s fine, charge ahead. Wednesday morning to suppertime Fri. highlights your career, social standing, ambitions. Charge ahead, you’ll impress somebody. (Don’t seek agreement, bonding, late Thurs. night or Fri. morn.) Hopes, happiness, friends and flirts fill Fri. night through Saturday.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The main accent lies on sex, lust, pregnancy, investments, debt, secrets, research, medical and lifestyle choices, Libra. You might be leaning this way in a romantic bond, as 2021 has been very favourable for you romantically. Two complications:

1) Higher-ups are impatient, temperamental, but they are also willing to “partner” with you. (You’re always willing to partner.) In rare cases, you might both marry and work for a certain higher-up.

2) Jupiter, (which has been boosting your romantic prospects since last December), now, from this Thursday to July 28, abandons your love zone, and boosts — expands — your work duties. (Thankfully, it returns to your love zone from Aug. through Dec. ’21.) If you’re already attached, substitute “creativity” or ”children’s future” or “sports/games,” “gambling” or “inventing” for the word “romance.”

Two gentle, intellectual love influences buoy you — one lasts to June 2, and causes affection, luck; the other lasts to July 11 and causes talk and quick action, but this one runs into chaos and “near misses” from late May to just past mid-June, so be patient and don’t expect much from this “talk about love/wedding” influence until June 23 onward.

Sunday’s for relationships, opportunities. This eve to dawn Wed. (PDT) highlights everything mentioned in the first sentence above (“The main accent…”) Caution Mon., DON’T commit. Tuesday onward’s good for action, commitment. A far travel, intellectual, gentle love, wedding, publishing, legal and cultural wave slowly lifts you Wed. dawn to suppertime Fri. Charge ahead, all looks good! (Careful with a work/health “bump” late Thurs., early Fri. Friday night and Sat. offer career, prestige progress.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The main accent remains on partnership, relocation, public dealings, fame and general opportunities, Scorpio. Strictly avoid legal fights before June 11 (and after, if you can). The rest of May awakens your sexual desires (and your investment savvy). You might start an intimate liaison which lasts into July, with confusion/indecision late May to mid-June.

Your home and real estate have been a lucky area for you since last December. This luck will resume again, August to December ’21. But in-between, this Thursday to July 28, fortune moves into your romantic, creative zone. This might not lead to much, as it’s more a precursory hint than a solid wave. A huge romantic phase begins January ’22. Patience!

Tackle chores or pamper your health Sunday. This eve to dawn Wed. brings everything mentioned in the first sentence above: partnership, etc. What’s started Mon. might later fail; so wait until Tues. to act — you’ll succeed if diplomatic, eager to join another.

Sexual temptations, fertility, secrets, research, investments and debt, medical decisions — these fill Wed. morn to suppertime Friday. Charge ahead here, Scorpio — everything’s lucky, except romance or gambling Thurs. night, Friday morn. A mellow, wise, loving mood arrives Fri. night, Saturday. Talk about the future with a loved one.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The emphasis continues on work and health, Sage, but developments also occur in relationships and in financial, sexual areas. You won’t be bored! Now to mid-July, you will likely be dealing with a clever, talkative, nervous person — this could be in a work association; or in love, a marriage question. Others treat you affectionately all May.

Your sexual magnetism simmers until June 11; you’re determined and brave, same phase. A sort of big deal: on Thursday, your planet, Jupiter, moves out of your errand-paperwork-curiosity area, to your domestic and real property zone — until July 28. This might bring good fortune in family and real estate, but it only lasts 2+ months, and the influence is a bit weak, or “not established.” (It will return, more powerfully, in ’22, so don’t act hastily.)

Sunday’s romantic, creative. But this eve to Wed. dawn nudges you into work and health concerns. Careful Mon., when projects have a difficult future. Act Tues., when success is likely. Relationships face you Wed. morn to suppertime Fri. — and you will agree on everything except home, kids, and where to live (Thurs. night). Grab opportunities, they’re good ones. Friday night, Sat., bring secrets, sex, finances, lifestyle choices — commitment and consequence. Dig deep for answers. All’s well!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Romance continues, Cap! So does your luck in creative, sports/games, speculative, and pleasure areas. Relationships, in love and in everything, are intense until mid-June. Be diplomatic in public, eager in private. You might decide to end an affair/marriage.

Work and health situations catch your attention now to midsummer. From May 29 to June 22 confusion and obstacles will hit this employment/machinery/work/health zone, then a straight-ahead path will resume, through July. Advice: start no big projects now: wait until after June 22.

Thursday through July lessens your income luck mildly, and expands your “small stuff” — errands, paperwork, etc. By August to December, your earnings luck comes roaring back. Until then, be curious: you could uncover items/info that could help you “earn big” August onward.

Sunday’s for home, family. Suppertime Sun. to dawn Wed. (PDT) tickles your romantic fancy — go, do whatever appeals. If single, make that phone call or whatever. But act Tues., NOT Mon. Tackle chores and guard your health Wed. morning to Fri. suppertime. Excellent time to buy machinery (cars, toasters, backhoes) and to accomplish work goals. One teeny caution: don’t communicate nor send messages, etc., Thurs. pm.

Friday suppertime through Sat. brings relationships, need for co-operation. This might start with a bang right around Fri. supper/eve, as a new person enters, or an old one returns — with fanfare.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The accent remains on home, family, security, nature, real estate, food, stomach, and relaxation. This would usually be a sluggish, quiet, “down home” month, but two planets spark a romantic streak, one of them to May’s end, the other to mid-July. Until June 11, your work will be intense — don’t over-exert your heart, or twist an ankle. Slow and steady wins.

You’ve been on the cusp of adventure or of launching a new  project, lifestyle, or simply standing up firmly for yourself, ever since last December. Any of these could involve initial trepidation — e.g., waking up scared, or worrying that acting will upset some apple-cart. Well, this “cusp of adventure” (which, BTW, can fulfill a major life wish) actually ends this Thursday to July 28, then resumes August to December this year. In-between, now to July’s end, your income might get a boost — but it is probably too early. The big boost will be available Aug-Dec.

Sunday’s for errands, talking. This late afternoon to dawn Wed turns you toward home and everything listed in the first sentence of your forecast above. Monday holds future barriers (will set them up if you act) so wait until Tues. to act — fortunate results. Romance calls Wed. morning to suppertime Friday. Enjoy, all’s beneficial, lucky. (Avoid chasing money Thurs. night.) Tackle chores Fri. night, Sat. — all’s well, fairly productive.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The emphasis continues on errands, paperwork, trips and visits and communications. A light, easy time and a good week. Your home will occupy a portion of your thoughts now into July’s end. Romance and creative projects, adventures and games, take on an intensity that’s close to passion, until June 11.

Since last December, your luck in outside feats has been low; but high in meditative, spiritual, managerial, health and gov’t areas. That changes, Thursday to late July, when suddenly you will be the lucky one, cheerful, optimistic and friendly. But this is only a “touch” of the full-fledged luck that will accompany you in ’22.

Shop, pay bills or collect money Sunday. But re-read the first sentence above for the activities of Sun. late afternoon to Wed. dawn (PDT). Act on these Tues., not Mon., for Mon. contains hidden flaws, future problems. Tuesday’s fine. Lean toward home Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime. You’ll make great progress with family, garden, a construction project, painting, etc. Only caution: avoid pushing your weight around Thurs. night, Fri. pre-dawn. (Avoid painting, same small period.)

Romance lifts your heart Fri. night, Saturday. If attached, creative, speculative, decorative, sports and other interests will please you. A good week!



I notice San Francisco’s apartment prices have fallen below Vancouver’s.
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I urge all of you — even Canadians — to stop buying Coca-Cola and stop flying Delta. In fact, there is a list of about 400 companies who have declared their loyalty to the left, and have tried to bully the State of Georgia into changing election laws. You should stop buying any of their products. You can probably find the list on Google, under “List of companies protesting Georgia’s voting laws.”

If you’re American, these companies have tried to bully you and force you into a political stance they favour. It’s time to bully back. If these companies can “cancel” Georgia and attempt to marginalize Republicans, then you can cancel them, too. You could also stop watching Major League Baseball, though that’s a lot to ask…
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I see filmmaker Dinesh D’Sousa has called for the abolition of the FBI due to their corruption and political interference. I’ve brayed for the last year or two about the FBI’s corruption. What’s scary is the Democrats using the FBI as a sort of secret police, an instrument of repression that is reminiscent of Chile, Nazi Germany and Communist China.

The scary thing is, you cannot fight back against the FBI, for they hold all the power and all the law (because judges have become sheep) and all the secrets, and do not have to answer to anyone, not even politicians. Look at Congress’ “grilling” of McCabe, Comey, Stzrok and all the criminal actors in the FBI ranks — these witnesses basically laughed at Congress and refused to answer any questions they didn’t want to answer, or lied with cheeky impunity.

All are free men, have never been charged or indicted.

The FBI are turning into the SS.

The Democrats are probably the most corrupt organization in America; the FBI, which does their bidding, is second in this ranking. This secret police (FBI) ignored the law when they lied to FISA courts; they ignored the law when they criminally spied on the Trump campaign and on Trump’s lawyer; they ignored the law when they seized all privileged lawyer-client documents/information from Rudy Giuliani’s house. They ignored the law when Hunter Biden committed a felony. They ignored Hillary’s 20,000 email treason; they ignored the Clinton’s pedophile adventures. They withheld exculpatory evidence (i.e., proving innocence) during Trump’s impeachment trial.

This is a dirty org. that acts with impunity. The present FBI is worse than J. Edgar Hoover’s bribery-laden mafia.

Hunter Biden has committed at least one felony (lying on a gun purchase application), is suspected of tax evasion and might have trafficked underage girls, as well as having sold his politician father’s favours to U.S. enemies such as China. But Biden has not been charged by anyone. Have the FBI raided Hunter’s home? No. Why should they? He’s not a Republican.

The FBI ignores the violence, killing, arson and destruction caused night after night by leftist thugs such as Antifa, yet have almost burst their brains trying to find and charge every single American (that is, every Republican American) who was present in Washington on January 6, when very little crime or destruction occurred. And when the only person killed was a woman shot in the face by a cop.
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Okay, this is it, I’ve had it. No more politics (after today).
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Only half of Americans are racist. The other half are Republicans.
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I have vowed to get out of political commentary, mainly because it’s filled with anger and loathing. But just to compare, morally:

When Trump won, he did not pursue Hillary Clinton nor prosecute her for her crimes.

Now Biden has won, he is chasing and still bad-mouthing and scapegoating Trump* — who, unlike Hillary, committed no crimes.

*(E.g. — Biden consistently declares that he, not Trump, developed the Covid vaccines — yet news photos show Biden receiving the vaccine in December 2020, before he was even elected, and while Trump was still President. — Recently Biden sent the FBI on a pre-dawn raid on Trump’s lawyer, illegally confiscating all privileged Trump-lawyer documents.)

Considering their moral height, many Democrat leaders (Maxine “Bully Girl” Waters, Adam “Liar” Schiff, Nancy “Vengeful” Pelosi, Eric “The Spy Who Loved me” Swalwell, Governor Gretchen “I hate Everyone” Whitmer,  Hypocrite Nadler, “Black” Hillary, Pedophilic Bill, Joe “Am I dreaming?” Biden) should live in (I originally wrote “public toilets,” but my “editor” thought that was too much, and suggested “ghetto” instead. Well, whatever you want — but many good people live in ghettos, and it would be unfair to them to dump this bowl of  worms into their neighbourhoods.)

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If cops were not the army of the elite, they would be not only accepted, but embraced by all Americans (excluding criminals, of course).
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Here’s what I really think: there are three major movements in the emancipation of American blacks. (And generally for all races.) The first was the Civil War and the emancipation. This was the master stroke, the sword of karma striking. The Second evolvement took place in the 1950s to 70s during the civil rights demonstrations, and enforced integration in schools and elsewhere.This was the socializing phase, which preceded a wave of Black professionals — including a whole cadre of politicians with the temerity to speak up.

I think this second wave raised Black consciousness and expanded their horizons. It also gave them a sense of pride and national community (e.g., the Million Man march).  Now, Critical Race Theory is sparking the third, and I think last, major movement: Hopefully CRT, which threatens to tear the nation apart, will end in microscopic cleansing of bias in all 3 or 4 races, hence an end to racism.

Eventually, we will toss aside the very notion of racism like we toss an old idea such as living without plumbing — who needs it. This will be the total absorption phase, not because skin colours disappear — in fact they might temporarily grow more definite, maybe more flagrant — but because there is no film between people of different races/ethnic origins. No film of obscurity, of cultural “brag,” of ancient grudges. No film of mistrust, no forms of negativity sparked by distance or alienation. In a sense, we will not “see” (i.e., react to, even subconsciously) skin colour. We will only see personality.

This third phase has only just begun; though I’m sure it has roots that could be traced back for decades. It was really the green new deal, the move towards socialism, BLM and the woke crowd and cancel culture that kicked off the present large, somewhat amorphous, elusive, complex movement. All of these social activists/orgs (BLM, etc.) are too blunt and zealous to be part of the solution — instead, they are the “start engine,” the spark to get the vehicle of elevated consciousness rolling.

I think this third phase will be the last large movement, which hints at its future success. Though the (inevitable) march toward success might be fringed by violence, like the edges of a document burning, the big goal will never be accomplished by violence or Biden-style (or KKK-style) repression. Biden opened the door; that might have been his history-making move. Now 7 billion consciousnesses need to work out the details, every day, in every encounter. (For the problem does — and the solution must — span the Earth.)
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America has always been a duality, and it shows again: just as half of America embraces socialism, the other half rails against communist China.
