Tag Archives: money

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ MAY 2 – 8, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:  7:38 am to 12:31 pm Sun., 5:05 pm to 7:09 pm Tues., and 0:36 am to 4:52 am Fri.


COVID TESTING:  In British Columbia, if you want to get a covid test, DON’T tell them you might be travelling in a month or so; and DON’T tell them you have no Covid symptoms. If you admit to either of these, they won’t test you. Which seems a little prissy to me.
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If there ever was a fire in a IKEA, many customers might die. IKEA would face devastating lawsuits, all revolving around the fact that this company purposely hides its exits to force you through multiple showrooms and purchase points.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Continue the pursuit of money, Aries. Your charisma and gift of gab will help. Monday night onward boosts your restlessness and talkativeness, to almost mid-July. A Gemini might play an important role. You could find a real bargain or lucky money source this week.

Your domestic situation — time to make some serious decisions here, now to June 10. Same time, your temper is showing! Remain hopeful — at least some of your present dreams will come true this year. (You’ll later see they were the important dreams.) You might end a relationship.

Work hard Sunday morning, but relax with friends or organize a neighbourhood “party” later day. However, don’t agree to anything long-term. No promises — Monday’s problems will show why. Careful this whole day, esp. the am. Despite problems, you’ll be unusually happy — Tuesday might show why!

Retreat to regain silence, balance, and spiritual centre, suppertime Tues. through Thurs. Ponder and plan, liaise with gov’t, head office, mentors and advisors. Good luck makes this interval smooth, productive. You might witness a friend’s “love destiny.” Your energy and charisma surge upward Fri./Sat. A good, smooth interval, tho’ you might have to decide between $ and friends.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Your energy, charisma and confidence are at a yearly peak, Taurus, so start things, get things done, be a leader, crush whatever has been holding you back. (BTW, a “backwards” delay period will come May 29 to June 22, so only start projects that you can finish in May.)

Monday eve starts 9 weeks of “money activity,” buying, selling, etc. This will cause you to examine your employment or other $ sources, with an eye to improving them. You might start a casual sex affair, same 9 weeks. Remember, your major luck in 2021 lies in career zones. Until mid-June, expect a flurry of paperwork, travel and communications — busy!

Sunday morning’s thoughtful, gently loving — and successful. But from noon (PDT) Sun. to suppertime Tues., higher-ups have you in their sights, wondering how you’re performing. Show your best, most reliable and creative/inventive side. Work hard. Monday’s filled with obstacles, but bosses see them too, so your efforts won’t be in vain. Tuesday pm could open a door to promotion.

Life grows enjoyable, friends scintillating, good times offered, suppertime Tues. through Thurs. Good for love, flirting, Wed./Thurs. A “destined mate” might appear. Withdraw from the bustle Fri./Sat. — rest, contemplate, meditate, plan. Be in touch with advisors, gov’t or admin. workers. All’s okay!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Continue to take it easy, Gemini. Rest, contemplate, avoid competitive situations or those which depend upon charm, personal presence. Solitude is sweet, renewing this week. Monday starts an important 9 weeks of decisions and indecision, of setting your course/path, of asking, talking, travelling, seeking information. This “quest” will provide fortunate answers next week to May’s end.

Money continues to flow toward you, but so do debt and spending urges. Make sure you’ve paid your taxes before you buy that Cadillac. Your lucky destiny this year might involve a foreign country, a law suit, school, or publishing/media.

Sunday morning’s sexy, lures with a mystery. But from noon (PDT) to suppertime Tues., a sweet, mellow, gently accepting mood flows over you. Think far travel, exotic places, higher learning, law, culture, media. Little good here to Tuesday morning, but an open door, a solution (to love, travel, intellectual matters) arrives Tues. pm — look for it.

Be ambitious Tues. night through Thurs. Show higher-ups what you can do. All’s good! You might spy a good investment. Friends, popularity, optimism and fun enter Fri./Sat. These will be a bit dampened by the general “rest phase” you’re in, but gratifying nonetheless.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Wishes can come true, Cancer, esp. this month! Friends gather ‘round, flirtations lift your heart, your future is bright, and life is just… delicious. You are filled with determination, courage and magnetism — and ambition — until mid-June. Proceed assertively but gently — aggression would work against you after the first “victory.” Monday starts 9 weeks of pondering, mulling over who you are, where you belong, what will comfort your soul, your inner self…

Sunday morning’s for relationships, affectionate disagreements. Sunday noon (PDT) to suppertime Tues. shunts you into deeper waters, into “commitment time” in relationships, big purchases, etc. (Remember, in ’21 your major luck lies in research, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions. Having a goal here could answer many of the “yearnings” about where you belong, soul comfort, etc.) However, think before you leap — Mon. holds many obstacles, but Tues. (pm) holds an open door — step in.

Tuesday night through Thurs. lifts you on a gentle tide of understanding, love, and an urge to be “with humanity.” (Which can mean international travel.) A lovely interval, which could introduce you to a possible destined love, mate. Be ambitious and practical Fri./Sat. — you can get ahead. Bosses are observing.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The general accent, Leo, remains on ambitions, climbing the career ladder, practical affairs, worldly standing and reputation. You’re favoured by higher-ups, but only this week, so advance while you can.

Monday starts 9 weeks of communications revolving around friendship, light romance, optimism, popularity, the future — at least 2 wishes will come true. (These 9 weeks contain 3 weeks of delays and mistakes, May 29 to June 22, so plan your projects around these 3 weeks, rather than within them.) Until mid-June, avoid dark alleys and belligerent people.

Tackle chores Sun. morning. This afternoon to suppertime Tues. brings relationships (your major source of good fortune this year) to the fore. But struggles ensue Mon., when no one co-operates. Tuesday’s alluring, smooth but tricky early, then offers a doorway to relationship success this night.

You’ll be shunted into deeper waters Tues. night through Thurs. — mysteries, medical and lifestyle commitments, sex/lust, financial commitments and consequences — in a very fortunate way. Charge forth, seize the day! Some Leos will be promoted. A gentle, intellectual mood steals over you Fri./Sat. Love isn’t super-recommended, but it flows fairly well — still, make no “indelible” commitments. Seek knowledge.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your intellect is “lit up” during May, Virgo. Not like a Christmas tree, but with slowly emerging, newer, deeper ways of looking at the big questions, such as “why am I alive? what will Europe and Russia do? where’s my library card?” Males befriend you now to June 11— which can turn swiftly to romance, if you’re female. If you’re male, hopes rise. Women befriend you also, but only this week.

Lots of discussion due on your ambition, career scene — all the way to July 11. Higher-ups will listen this week, favour you next week to May’s end.

Sunday morning’s romantic, a beautiful day. From Sun. noon to suppertime Tues. (PDT), tackle chores and protect your daily health. (Eat, dress sensibly.) Monday’s pretty frustrating:  so go slow, methodically. Tuesday’s better — and might contain an employment opportunity.

Relationships fill Tues. eve through Thurs. Here, you could strike gold: luck, co-operation’s high, and destiny might be tempting you with “someone found.” Dig deeper Fri./Sat. — clues, treasures lie hidden. Be wary of making an irreversible commitment.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

May is your month of depths and secrets, Libra. Some of those secrets, if unpeeled, can lead to successful investments or “findings.” Young couples might face pregnancy. For many reasons, it’s time to choose your lifestyle, your path. Are you falling in love, or still seeking? If the latter, 2021 is custom-made to bring you love. But in May you might be in danger of choosing lust over love. Be aware.

Until almost mid-june, bosses are impatient, temperamental. (This might reveal an attraction.) For the next 9 weeks, foreign travel, rituals (weddings, etc.) education, publishing, law and religion can occupy your thoughts — and actions. If you’re seriously romantic in ’21, you will find a lover, perhaps a life mate.

Sunday morning’s for kids, home, garden. From noon PDT to suppertime Tues., romance looms large — so does a creative, inventive or “risky” project, a pleasure, and a beautiful person. Monday’s made for failure, but Tues. offers love success, perhaps even a new one.

Tackle chores Tues. night through Thursday. Eat, dress sensibly. An excellent time to buy machinery. Relationships face you Fri./Sat. They’re true, but mild. (Possible small argument late Fri. night.) Be comfortable, but avoid long-term actions.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov, 21

Relationships fill May, Scorpio. This is an opportune time, filled with openings, distant shores, public appearances. You could meet true love — but you can also meet strong opposition if you forget to co-operate and be diplomatic. Partly this week, and partly next, your good luck in “hidden areas” will swell (favourably all May; then favourably or not, to July 11).

For 9 weeks, you will be fascinated by — or controlled, restricted by — powerful sexual urges and financial opportunities. Until June 11, avoid lawsuits. Be quiet rather than a rabble-rouser at work. You might start a co-worker affair.

Sunday morning’s for errands, communications, travel. From Sun. noon (PDT) to suppertime Tues., the accent lies on home, family, property, security — this is your zone of great good luck in 2021. On Monday, you’ll hit these areas head-on, and get a headache. Tuesday’s better — and contains a doorway to great domestic success (buying a home? having a baby?).

Romance calls you Tues. night through Thurs. — answer the call! Beautiful luck accompanies you Wed. and Thurs. You could meet your destined mate. To work, Fri./Sat. Eat, dress sensibly. Possible glitch, “angry machine” late Fri. night. An easy interval, but don’t do anything with long-range import. (E.g., don’t start renovations or buy a car.) All’s well.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

May means work, Sage. Lots of it. Pamper your health. Co-workers are pleasant, at least this week. A romantic affair turns intimate over the 6 weeks ahead, as your intimate, lustful, investigative and financial side blossoms with intensity and creative urges/ideas.

Now to mid-July you’ll have many conversations, perhaps many short trips, involving a relationship. (This will hit the shoals of confusion late May to late June, then “right itself.”) If someone offers marriage, why would you refuse? Someone is going to start looking very attractive next week onward.

Do a bit of shopping or love-making Sunday morning. This pm to suppertime Tues. brings errands, paperwork, travel and communications. Monday’s difficult. Tuesday’s fine, even holds a bit of opportunity late, to travel or really express yourself.

Your home, family, property and security come into focus Tues. night through Thursday. Seek nutrition, mother nature, go hiking. Two splendid days to start a garden, landscaping, repairs — even renos if they are minor. (Should be finished by May 20 or so, as a period of significant mistakes begins May 27.) Romance tickles your senses Fri./Sat. Both days are a bit hum-drum. Don’t commit to anything serious.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

A romantic influence continues, Cap. If you’re married/attached, this can bring joy with children, teaching kids, beauty and pleasure, decorating the house or buying fine fashions. A gamble attracts you; so do sports, games, and art. These appeal also if you’re single, but romance might outshine all else, esp. this week.

Now to mid-June, relationships are intense in all situations, love, war, traffic accidents. Be diplomatic! You might end a bond, or establish a new one. For 9 weeks (to July 11) you’ll be busy at work, but sometimes with more talk than action, or hurried action.

Your energy and drive are impressive Sunday morning. But Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday suppertime nudge you toward money, buy/sell, earnings, clients, etc. Monday is straight-up difficult. Tuesday’s easier, and holds a pm opening that could spell a good pile of $ — see it, step through.

Errands, paperwork, communications and trips fill Tues. night through Thurs. All goes very well here. Ask some Q’s, be curious. Write to one you love. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. Protect your throat; dress well. Not a great interval, not a bad one.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The main accent lies on home, Aquarius. It’s time for a rest; sit on the porch and contemplate where you’ve been and where you want to go. Start to design your life accordingly — cut out old, stale ideas, situations, even relationships, and plant new ones. If gardening, decorating, painting, etc., do it/start it this week, as it’s pregnant with plant and beauty luck, whereas next week onward this grows less. (Don’t start renovations that you can’t finish well before May 29.)

A nice romantic streak enters Monday, and stays until mid-July. For 6 weeks ahead, work will be intense, rushed — and maybe satisfying. Protect against burns (chemical and fire) rashes, sudden temperature changes, the whole 6 weeks.

Lie low, sleep in or contemplate Sunday morning. Sunday noon (PDT) to suppertime Tues. boosts your energy, presence, charm, and clout. Go your way: be a leader, start things, see and be seen. Monday holds various challenges — meet them head-on. Tuesday’s easier — and late day, a wish might come true.

Chase $ and clients and bargains Tues. eve through Thurs. Good luck rides with you, so press forward, dive in! Applies to (finding?) a casual sex partner, too. Errands, communications, contacts, travel and paperwork fill Fri./Sat. An “okay” interval, but nothing special. All’s well!

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

May is not an important month for you, Pisces, but it sure can be an interesting, even tittilating one. You deliver messages, travel, talk, make new casual friends, write and read. Ask questions, be curious. Others are very gracious, even affectionate — even strangers — this week. Take advantage. There’s a ball of fire (Mars) in your romance sign until June 11, so passion will emerge, perhaps erupt.

Your home and family will be very affectionate, pliable May 8 until early June. This week, discussions/information gathering start involving the home (or a home office). A partner or another plays a crucial role. This trend will last to mid-July. But don’t perform major renos or other starts from about May 27 to June 22.

You waken hopeful and friendly Sunday. Good! But Sun. noon to suppertime Tues. drags you back a bit, to rest, to touch spirit, to contemplate and plan. Careful Monday — traps, glitches everywhere. Tuesday’s better, might hold a brilliant management plan, or an inspiration about your job — or about God.

Your energy and charisma soar Tues. eve through Thurs. You’re in charge, so go after what you want. Be a leader, make contact. Your luck couldn’t be better (well, w/o exaggerating). You might see two friends falling in love, or you could feel a little heart-arrow yourself. Destiny hovers. Chase $ Fri./Sat. Buy, sell, schmooze with clients, visit garage sales, etc. Your  luck is rather neutral, so just put out medium effort, collect medium results. A “casual pick up” won’t end well.



I might have been wrong about Patrisse last week. She’s the Black woman who founded Black Lives Matter, then bought four houses in affluent areas. I wondered where she obtained the funds, and if it was graft within BLM. Since then, I’ve learned (particularly from one British author) that Patrisse had various income sources, among them a contract with Disney about something (not acting). So Patrisse might be “clean.” If so, I apologize. I think it’s about 50-50, whether some BLM money is in those houses.

Actually, this is the second time I have repeated an unsubstantiated story about a public figure. The first involved Malia (sp?) Obama, Barrack’s girl, and cocaine and Harvard. In the end, there was no proof. I am not a good researcher. But I apologize, to both. Is it odd, or not, that the 2 times I do this, both involve young Black women?

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I received a long, cogent email in response to my “Patrisse” article mentioned above. Basically, the writer was supporting the concept of systemic racism, critical race theory, and police injustice toward Blacks.

The following items are lifted from my response:

“Your view of the Republicans is shared by everyone but Republicans. Generally, I think of the Democrats as atheistic/humanitarian/future oriented. I think of the Republicans as preservers of lifestyle, security and enjoyment of life.

“This would usually make two bookends of a good, workable democracy. But at present the US is going through a very civil kind of Civil War. I think it is somewhat like the war of the roses in your country, but (so far) w/o clashing armies.

“You accuse me of not being subtle enough to understand your position. I understand the concept — and in fact the reality — of systemic racism, and I also agree that it exists. Your prejudices are showing, btw — you practised ageism by saying (in your own PC words) that my generation is stupid.

“If you survey the last 60 years in U.S. civil rights for Blacks, I think you will find that the ranks of Black professionals, upper level business persons and merchants, has swollen far beyond 1960 levels. I have no facts/research, but I suspect one level of Blacks has risen to affluence, power and influence. The other level has remained in the economic/social sink, in many ways kept there by democratic policies.

“As Trump proved beyond any doubt, the Republicans teach the blacks to fish — and lo and be hold they did fish! Lowest unemployment in history, etc. etc. — whereas the Democrats keep them in thrall by giving them fish. So, an easy, carb-filled prison, or a hard-work success?

“It is easy to criticize my age, my whiteness, or anything else, and so effortlessly consign my views to your reject pile. This is the same intellectual error as calling someone racist because you don’t like their views on the world in general, or because you don’t like their politics, or their skin colour. The left, and especially Blacks, make this error every day. It is essentially racist. (In general, democrats are far more racist than republicans.)

“Tho’ I remain uncomfortable with their methods (lying, shaming, cancelling, intimidation, violence, looting, character assassination, ruining people’s employment and lives), I agree with the Green New Deal’s progressive ideals and goals (except their race to communistic aristocracy).

“If you have read me for very long, you’ll know that since the 1980s I have been predicting that a new governing system would replace both capitalism and communism. I see the present upheavals as an essential part of this process.

“You write: ‘Black men and women are killed by police as they were just going about their business.’ Floyd was apprehended after he stole; Duwante (sp?) was stopped after he committed armed robbery; M’Kayla was killed as she was about to gut a girl with a knife. To you, these are unfair killings because the perps, all Black, and all to some degree responsible for their own deaths, had been raised in poverty, disadvantaged, etc. And I know and believe all that.

“I was humiliated throughout my childhood because I had no father. I was sexually abused by relatives as a child. I have been discriminated against because I was poor white trash, because I was Irish, because I did not have good teeth, etc. But I made something of myself — as you have.

“Us ‘Whites’ have a saying: ‘You can’t blame your parents for anything once you’re 30 or older.’ Maybe Blacks should take the same approach toward the ancient sins of Whites. (And of Blacks — some American slavers were black: about 3,000, say most historians.)

“Thank you for saying I can’t understand justice or humanity. That’s one of your more biased, racist (I assume you’re Black and I’m White) comments. You accuse others of being unconscious or systemic racists, but can’t see your own skein of prejudices.

“You say of the storming of Congress Jan. 6:  ‘If Black people or BLM had tried this, the cops would have opened fire long before the steps of the Capital were breached.’ I watched hours of the Jan. 6 “storming,” and I noticed many Blacks, Hispanics, and other shades in the crowds. How many Blacks are among the 500 arrested? On that note, how many Black cops are there in the U.S., and how many Black cops have shot White people and Black people?

“The storming of the Capital seems to upset you — perhaps because it is reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party? And while democrats like Maxine Waters can publicly call for confrontation and assault on Republicans, and not even be censured, you and your fellows accuse Trump of inciting violence when his only words were “I want you to march patriotically and peacefully…

“Then, of course, an Impeachment, because POTUS is not allowed to say “patriotically and peacefully.” Both Democratic impeachments against Trump, as you well know, were based on black-hearted lies by the Democrats… And both failed, as they should have.

“Or the pandemic — Dems continue to propagate the lie that Trump wanted to inject people with bleach. Huffington Post just repeated this falsehood this April. Just as they do about Charlottesville and the demonstrations by left and right. He said, “there are fine people on both sides.” The left immediately called this a super racist statement, and said Trump was a big supporter of white supremacists.

“Only the left, which believes that anything not in their propaganda is a falsehood, believes that Trump was racist. He said at the time that racists “should be condemned totally.” The left has a habit of projecting, in psychological terms. Because they’re racist, they accuse everyone else of being racist. (Blacks do this a lot; so does Biden.) Because they cheat and destroy the lives of people who don’t agree with them, they call others “impeachment material.” Because they lie constantly and control the media and manufacture false evidence, false charges and false witnesses and manufactured whistleblowers, they condemn all Republican facts as “misinformation.”

“Oh, I can’t go on….”
