Tag Archives: money

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ APRIL 18 – 24, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:   5:03 pm to 11:11 pm Mon., 5:05 am to 6:08 am Thurs., and 3:50 am to 9:06 am Sat.


Again, a rather difficult week, although it gets better in the second half. As last week, none of us should start a love affair, or pursue someone new, unless we love disappointment. This warning lasts to April 25.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The four weeks ahead focus on money, possessions, rote learning, and casual sexual attractions (friendly, but not love). Lots of activity, communications and fairly good luck in these matters until at least early May. (By next week, the frenzied “running around” will gear down partially, as you start to turn toward home, rest.) 

Sunday/Monday are down home days. Hug the kids, praise the spouse, putter, repair, garden, obtain deep rest. All’s well, but avoid a small “showdown” Mon. night. Romance is in the air Tues. to dawn Thurs. But don’t let daydreams distract you from Tuesday’s slew of problems. Wednesday’s better, and might hold a very late opportunity (to 1 am Thurs., PDT).

Thursday dawn to mid-morn Sat. brings chores, employment, machinery, dependents, minor health concerns. You can make great machinery purchase(s) Thurs. morning to midnight (PDT). After this, your luck becomes mixed, so step nimbly. Computers might lead you to money. Saturday is for relationships — be diplomatic, don’t spark fights. DO NOT start a love affair this week.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

At last — Monday starts 4 weeks of energy, charisma, rising effectiveness and accomplishment, Taurus. Weariness vanishes. You’ll be much more social and communicative — even restless — than usual. Money continues to flow to you, but this is a “last gasp” — the money train stops or slows Friday onward, while your social side grows livelier. Remember, your great good luck in ’21 lies in career, prestige relations, enhancing your rep.

Sunday/Monday are for errands, making contact, trips, communications, paperwork. Be curious, ask questions. You get a valid glimpse of your future. Lean toward home and family Tues. to dawn Thurs. (PDT). Tuesday’s filled with obstacles, accident potential, but Wed. and early Thurs. are smooth. Very late Wed., you might discover a career opportunity.

Romance visits Thurs. morning to Sat. morning — so do creative, speculative urges, and a sense of peaceful beauty. You could fall in love Thurs., even Fri. morn or Sat. morn — but the long-range outlook for any love affair started now is poor. Saturday, tackle chores — follow safety rules.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Well, you’ve had your fun for the last few weeks, Gemini. Now, Monday onward, you enter 4 weeks of peace, solitude, pondering, rest and recuperation. Liaison with gov’t, head office, an advisor/mentor, and various institutions — you’ll obtain good responses. Be charitable, spiritual. Though these are usually weary, low-energy weeks, this time you’ll be more active. Pamper your health.

Seven weeks of boosted popularity and boosted optimism quietly end Friday. Love continues — so do international themes. Someone in another country might be “ready to build” with you.

Chase money and bargains Sun./Mon. (Sunday better). Errands, paperwork, communications and local travel fill Tues. to dawn Thurs. (PDT). Be careful Tues. — many glitches. Wednesday night might hold an opportunity in love, relocation. Steer toward home and family Thurs. dawn to mid-morn Sat. Hug the kids, start a garden, repair the garage door, etc. Thursday is excellent. Friday might hold some deception, or an opportunity. Saturday’s good pre-dawn, bad daytime. Don’t start a new love/attraction this week.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Four weeks of extra responsibility, of hard work, end Monday, to be replaced by four weeks of social joys, popularity, optimism, flirtation, and happiness. The first half of this week is tough; the second half is better. Expect many friendly or uplifting contacts with others. Issue invitations. A thorn in your side, perhaps a gov’t, management, tax, or institutional “itch,” will almost dissolve after Friday.

(Which will start 6 weeks of intensity, determination, courage and sexual magnetism — and, despite what I wrote above, will spur you to new career/ambition efforts.) (Leave room in those efforts/plans for research, lifestyle changes, and big finances — these are your deep good luck source in 2021.)

Your energy, charisma, clout and timing are “right on” Sun./Mon. State your case Sunday — you’ll win the argument, might even win love. Chase $ Tues. to dawn Thurs. — carefully! Tuesday is packed with problems. Wednesday’s okay, might even offer an investment or sexual opportunity. Errands, travel, communications fill Thurs. dawn to 9 am Sat. (PDT).

Thursday’s superb, could spark friendship, casual love affair, ease in travel — success! Friday might be deceptive, or inspirational; could bring rejection, or sweet acceptance. If not a new friend, certainly a new idea. Saturday’s a bit gritty — avoid friction. DO NOT start a new love attraction this week.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The emphasis changes now, Leo, from abstract and intangible things such as love or pondering the fate of the world, to much more practical ambitions. Monday starts a month of career pressures and opportunities, hard work, prestige relations, and worldly standing. Higher-ups will favour you until May 10. Expect lots of talk in elevated offices.

Friday starts almost 2 months during which your athletic abilities might stand out, but you should avoid belligerent people and dark alleys, and legal disputes. (Remember your source of great good luck this year lies in relationships, relocation, opportunities and public appearances. But if you litigate, a lawsuit could expand and become a real burden.) 

Lie low, rest and ponder Sun./Mon. Be charitable, seek advice, and mull over plans. All’s well. Your energy, charisma and clout return Tues. to dawn Thurs. You face many obstacles Tuesday, but Wednesday runs fairly smoothly (and late this night you might encounter a glowing relationship opportunity).

Chase $ Thurs. dawn to mid-morning Sat. Buy/sell, seek a pay raise, hike your fees, whatever. Thursday is splendid (esp. for these $ actions). Friday gets a bit sexy, could spark a casual-sex affair. (Likely a mildly regrettable one as time passes. DO NOT seek real love this week.) A brilliant career idea or significant message late this day. Saturday is argumentative in the am. The pm steers you toward friends, talk, travel.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You’ve been swimming in the depths for a month Virgo, dealing with secrets, sexual attractions, research, large finances. But Monday eve begins 4 weeks of light, understanding, compassion, a feeling of oneness with humanity. You move from secrets, intuition and subconscious realms, to abstraction, idealism, intellectual alertness. You can now communicate what you discovered in those depths. Love will not be a stranger. But DO NOT start a love affair or new relationship this week.

Friday ends almost 2 months of career pressure and impatient bosses, and starts 7 weeks of intense, upbeat relationships. From a group, a sexual lover might emerge. You will feel very optimistic about your finances this Friday to June 11.

Sunday/Monday bring friends, popularity, optimism and flirtations. Monday night, you need to decide: join or split? (Not a big deal, happens 2 Xs every month.) Withdraw from the busy world Tues. to dawn Thurs. Rest, ponder and plan, interact with gov’t, head office, advisors. Be quite cautious Tues., many obstacles. Wednesday’s okay, might hold a late job opportunity.

Your energy, pizzazz and clout soar Thurs. to mid-morn Sat. Charge ahead Thursday — take chances, aim high, your luck is strong, esp. in intellectual, travel, legal and cultural areas. Friday, you face another, or the prospect of being with another. Uplifting news might arrive. Saturday has some friction, as money matters might disappoint.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Monday ends four weeks of intense relationship developments, Libra, and starts a month of secrets, investigation, lust, financial commitments, and medical and lifestyle choices. It’s like being in the sunshine, then diving under water. This new zone will contain much good luck and much discussion — but the week ahead is difficult, so step cautiously. Friday, 7 weeks of intense intellectual or love fires “die down”, while 7 weeks of “fired up” ambition and career action begin. Bosses will be impatient, but also willing to “partner” to reach a goal. 

Work hard, Libra, esp. Sun./Mon., when ambition is highlighted and rewarded. Sunday better. Popularity, social delights, flirtation, optimism and a bright future bless you Tues. to dawn Thurs. Don’t expect much success Tues., as difficult aspects fill the day. Wednesday’s fine, even holds an emotional “opportunity” late night.

Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Thurs. dawn (PDT) to mid-morn Sat. Fortunate dealings are possible with gov’t, head office, medical workers, unions, institutions, mentors, warehouses (e.g., “Amazon” is essentially a warehouse business) etc. Plan future moves. Avoid deception/fuzzy thinking in work or health areas Fri. night. Saturday, mid-morning onward, boosts your energy and magnetism — but don’t chase the opposite sex — yet.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Well, I told you the work would end, Scorpio, and it has. Monday starts 4 weeks of opportunity, relocation themes, relationships, negotiations, etc. Friday ends 7 weeks of intense work, and starts 7 weeks of “intellectual passion” (or intellectual work) — strictly avoid lawsuits. Be willing to work overseas. Expect fresh horizons, be co-operative and diplomatic. In a sense, a new world is coming for you — in ’21 you build the foundation, in ’22 you dive into a pool of romance, creativity, invention, adventure…

That romance, creativity, et al, visits you Sun./Mon. (Sunday to mid-morn Mon. best.) Be ambitious Tues. to dawn Thurs. Tuesday holds career opportunities, but also criticism or various obstacles. Wednesday’s better. Happiness enters Thurs. morning to mid-morn Sat. Optimism, popularity and social delights, flirtation and entertainment buoy your heart.

Thursday’s splendid, soaked with good luck. Friday either deceives, or faces you with an alluring person, a love potential. Retreat Sat. pm — seek quietude, rest. Ponder, plan, seek advice — but mostly rest. Minor procrastination is probably a good thing this weekend.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

A strong romantic streak partly ends Monday, as a month of work and health concerns begins. Co-workers will be pleasant. (Much of this work seems to involve communications, travel, paperwork.) Friday, your romance planet leaves your partnership sector and enters your sex zone, lighting it up until early-mid June. 

Sunday/Monday are actually a precursor of late June, July, when sex (lust), large finances, research, medical and lifestyle commitments are highlighted. Be ethical, honest. Sunday to 8 am Mon. (PDT) is best for action. Your intellectual, idealistic, political side wakes up Tues. to dawn Thurs., as themes of law, social rituals, statistics, science, justice, international events and travel, publishing/media and culture fill your thoughts. Tuesday’s difficult, packed with obstructions; Wed.’s okay.

Be ambitious Thurs. morn to mid-morn Sat. Thursday is superb, pre-dawn Fri. also — charge ahead, speak to power, propose a project to the boss, approach VIPs, launch a project. Friday night might demand a choice between home/security and outside world/ambition. Saturday pm highlights your wishes and social side, optimism and happiness — but not romance, where argument lies hidden.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Monday releases you from your confines, wakes you from your “rest” (tho’ it wasn’t much of one) over the last few weeks. This day starts 4 weeks of romance, beauty, art, pleasure, self-expression, creative and risk-taking activities. Friction or a “hard work” project at home lasts a few more days, to Friday. That day starts 7 weeks of intense relationship — for good or ill, as much depends on your diplomacy, and how co-operative you want to be.

It’s a wild toss-up: you and another might fight, divorce, end a big project, or start a big project, join hands to build the foundation for something, or even join hands in a journey to life-mating. Next week onward, the combo of lucky romance and intense “relating” could lead to big things, or big blow-ups! But much of this plays out Thursday onward, not earlier. DO NOT start a love affair this week.

Sunday/Monday bring relationships, opportunities, distant horizons — good stuff, esp. Sunday. Life’s mysteries float to the surface Tues. to dawn Thurs. Investments, debts, sexual nudges, research, medical and lifestyle options, power plays — all these meet “cold reality” Tues., but can succeed (mildly) Wednesday.

Thursday dawn (PDT) to mid-morning Sat. brings a sweet, mellow mood, understanding, intellectual pursuits, far travel, media, science, and love. Thursday  (and the wee hours of Fri.) offers splendid good luck here, so dive into any of these things. Friday needs some small caution when nighttime deception/illusion prevails — but, oddly, so do brilliant ideas. Saturday pm, think about your standing, career, rep.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your recent talkativeness and restlessness settles down Monday onward, Aquarius. This day begins a month of domestic influences. Home, property, security, nutrition, Mother Nature, rest and relaxation, gardening or somehow “touching” the earth, pruning useless or stale projects/people from your life, and giving birth to new situations, new growth — all these are good ways to use the 4 weeks ahead.

Romantic “madness” or “furor” has gripped you for the past 6 weeks, but will end this Friday. So if you have a strong romantic move/action to take, do it now, before Friday. Remember, ’21 has one instruction for you: promote yourself, grab life!

Tackle chores Sun./Mon. Protect your “everyday” health. Buy machinery late Sunday (or early Monday in the east, afternoon in Europe, midnight in China, etc.). Relationships face you Tues. to dawn Thurs. Tuesday contains significant obstacles, disagreements, so step carefully. Wednesday’s better — someone might approach/contact you because they see you as a source of good luck or favour.

Thursday dawn to mid-morn Sat. brings mysteries, large financial decisions/ commitments, lifestyle and medical choices, heightened intuition and powerful sexual desires. Dive into these Thurs. into Friday’s wee hours, as your luck is high — rewards could be significant. But take care with money, asking prices Fri., esp. late night. Deception could hover around you. Saturday daytime could spark conflict — it’s minor. DON’T start “new love” this week.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Monday lets go of a month of money focus, Pisces, and begins four weeks of easy chores, paperwork, visits and casual acquaintances, communications and errands — in an atmosphere of affection. Above all, be curious — you could learn something that proves valuable in 2022. Friday ends 7 weeks of friction/activity on the home front — and starts 7 weeks of intense passion — for romance, a creative project, a risk/speculation, for beauty in general. However, be patient: DO NOT start a new romance THIS week. 

Speaking of which, romance’s sweet tendrils tickle your heart Sun./Mon. Good for creativity, risky adventures, vacation, beauty, pleasure, and teaching charming kids. Tackle chores Tues. to dawn Thurs. Tuesday’s difficult — handle problems rather than launch projects. Wednesday’s fine: boost your nutrition.

Relationships face you Thurs. to mid-morn Sat. Thursday’s superb, morning to night. A partnership formed now (practical, not love) will have much success. Friday says: be with another, or not — little room in-between, unless you’re diving into fantasy. Saturday morning’s smooth. This pm, sexy temptations, secrets and large finances hover around you — don’t bite.