Tag Archives: money

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ APRIL 11 – 17, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:   5:06 am to 10:44 am Mon., 5 pm to 11:35 pm Wed., and after 8:03 am Sat.


This is not an easy week. Pluto, planet of transformation, killing some things, birthing others, is in a series of bad aspects Sun., Mon., Fri. and Sat. This is NOT a good week to purchase machinery or start a love affair. There are some “golden spots,” but you’ll have to “hunt them” — for example, 3:15 pm to 5 pm Wed. aids partnerships and relations generally. Or 8:30 pm Fri. to noon Sat. can bring superb luck to travel, friendly relations, even love/romance. But these times are Pacific Daylight — add 3 hours for Eastern, 8 hrs. for Britain, 13.5 hrs for India, 16 for China, etc. This is where the hunting comes in — converting to your own time zone.
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Physicists might find some of their equations are solvable if:

      • 1) they count infinity as zero (for only zero, or “nothing” is infinite*) and
      • 2) they see time not as a measurement, but a force, like gravity is.

* For example, an object standing an infinite distance from you is not on the other side of the universe, but standing right beside you.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You’re still on top of the pile, Aries. Use your increased energy, charm and communicative abilities to either launch a significant project or to push an ongoing one forward. You are very communicative now. From midweek onward your money fortunes will improve. This week, you are likely to confront an obstacle or a person in your career, or who has judgement over you, such as a parent or cop or court judge. Be diplomatic, willing to take an altered path, but stand firm in support of yourself.

You’re in charge, energetic, Sunday to mid-morn (PDT) Monday. A love (or relocation or business partnership) situation meets a strong (but familiar?) obstacle. DON’T chase anyone — a brand new person would frustrate you forever. Chase $ late Mon. morn through Wed. Shop for bargains, flatter clients or the boss, memorize things, and chase casual intimacy. Be cautious up to noon Tues. — bargains aren’t.

Errands, easy chores, paperwork and applications, travel and communications arrive Thursday to noon Saturday. This is mostly an easy interval, and one that holds rewards from 8:30 pm Friday to 8 am Saturday — all PDT. However, be cautious up to Fri. night — obstacles occur, but so does a doorway to approaching a higher-up. (But back out that door if you sense negative vibes from him or her.) Saturday pm’s for home, relaxing, and going over what happened Friday.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

One last week of solitude, tiredness and low charisma, Taurus. Soon, life will be brighter! (Even by Wed. onward. your charisma begins to climb back to normal levels.) You can learn secrets this week — also a good time to liaison with gov’t, argue taxes, apply, etc. Money sources continue to “occur” — pay down debt or bank extra funds now, to prevent a “May regret.” You can be quite determined and intense this week and next about pruning your expenses – do so!

Lie low, rest and ponder Sunday to late morning Mon. (PDT). Avoid “schemes” both days — be morally, legally upright. Your energy soars midday Mon. through Wed. Use it to solve a couple of career/business/ambition obstacles — or to use those obstacles as stepping stones upward.  Best times for co-operation: Tues. pm and Wed. late afternoon, PDT. Your charisma is starting to show.

Chase $ Thurs. to noon Sat. This interval is packed with developments, obstacles (especially legal and moral ones) deception or fuzzy thinking (Fri., esp. late) possible wrong words (Sat.) and potential super productivity (Sat., too). Be aware, and nimble.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

One last wish-come-true week, Gemini. Continue to seek fun, friends, and love. Communications are important — don’t neglect to call someone, to issue or answer an invitation. 2021 will see more single Geminis wed than usual. Your private and government-oriented side grows mildly lucky, Wed. to May 8. Romance will demand commitment, perhaps a travel ticket.

Your hopes — and popularity — ride high Sun. to late morning Mon. (PDT). A wish might come true, but it likely won’t include sexual intimacy. DO NOT start a new love. Retreat, lie low, rest, ponder and plan midday Mon. through Wed. Be spiritual, charitable. A smooth, easy interval, if you avoid intellectual, legal or travel involvements (Tues. morning, Wed. afternoon).

Your energy and charisma leap upward Thurs. to  lunchtime Sat. Take care Thurs./Fri., as deception or drugs or fuzzy thinking might throw one of your wishes away. Friends don’t mix with money or sex Saturday. But this day has many potential successes, too, esp. in love, travel and media.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Remain ambitious, cancer. Do all you can to impress higher ups and to enhance your reputation in the neighbourhood (e.g., coach the Little League team, or join a local political party). Continue to avoid violent people or places (to April 23, when your “inner warrior” will finally show up). Wednesday onward brings an early hint of May — of sweet friends and flirtations, and sky-blue hopes. Remember, ’21 is your year of great luck in investments — and lifestyle changes.

Double-down on your ambitions Sun. to late morn Monday — but act alone (others won’t co-operate) and accept a temporary defeat, if it occurs, in good humour. (Be careful Tues. morn and Wed. afternoon — don’t invest, nor seek sex or surgery.) Beautiful partnership stuff Wed. suppertime.

Retreat from the world Thursday to noon Saturday. Meditate, be spiritual and charitable, ponder your next moves, and get some deep rest. Again, your ambitions might run directly into conflict with your cooperators or partners. Beware deception, wonky ideas, Friday. Saturday holds many great go-ahead aspects, but you’ll need to act early (pre-dawn PDT best). Saturday pm brings energy, charisma — and another relationship difficulty. Ah, well.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The accent remains for one last week on law, far travel, intellectual pursuits, gentle love and understanding, and a world vision. These elements are a pathway to wishes coming true, Leo, at least until April 23. Wednesday starts three + weeks of favour from higher-ups. You’ll do well at court, will gain approval for projects you propose or undertake, etc. Remember, Leo, your great luck source this year is “partnership,” and/or relocation, public dealings, negotiations, and seizing opportunities.

This month’s whole impetus on law, far travel, etc., etc., is “heightened” Sunday to mid-morn Monday (PDT). Protect your health, and be diplomatic in the work place. Midday Mon. through Wed. nudges you into ambition, prestige relations, career and reputation zones. This is a smooth interval, but with potential disagreements or opposition from others Tue. morning and Wed. afternoon.

Stay cheerful! Life’s joys, friendly romance, wish fulfillment, social delights and popularity — these bless you Thurs. to midday Sat. Still, work demands, machinery glitches or health concerns are a thorn in your side Fri. (watch deception esp. around sex or finances) and Sat. Saturday night? Find “deep rest.”

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

One last week of deep secrets, Virgo — it’s not the easiest week, so proceed cautiously, esp. where finances, investments, debt, sexual intimacy, lifestyle changes or medical problems are concerned. These could come into flat-out conflict with your romantic, creative urges…gambles could disappoint. Bosses remain impatient, temperamental until April 23. (Remember, your main good luck in ’21 comes from work.)

Those secrets, finances, debt, sexual intimacy stuff, are highlighted Sunday to late morning Monday (approx. 11 am PDT). A sexual attraction is not love, not this interval.  Your mental side, understanding, law, science, stats, far travel, religion — these expand Mon. midday through Wed. A slow-down Tues. morning; a disagreement Wed. afternoon; and possible love, blossoming, outside these two times (esp. good Wed. around suppertime).

Respond to bosses Thurs. to midday Sat. They’re impatient, but also willing to boost you Thurs. and Sat. morning (pre-dawn, PDT)  — try buying equity in your employer’s stock. Caution needed Friday: don’t invest, don’t commit, be wary of smooth talkers. Saturday pm, the sex-romance, or the investment-vs-gamble conflict, again.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The main accent falls on relationships — and relocation, opportunities, negotiations — for one more week, Libra. Wednesday starts a few weeks of good fortune in financial, sexual lifestyle and medical zones. This is a precursor, as next Monday (April 19) starts a big, monthly trend of private relationship dealings. Meanwhile, someone obviously wants you. Answer them (might be two). Your “prize” might stand at a distance, requiring travel, perhaps internationally. 

These relationship energies reach a climax of sorts Sunday to late morning Monday (PDT). However, exercise caution: domestic matters could drive a wedge into a budding bond, both days (and to some degree all week, esp. Fri./Sat.). You might have to make an ultimate decision, Libra. Somehow, if you want true love (and you should) this year or the next several, you are going to have to solve a rather deep rooted domestic problem — or abandon it and/or your family entirely for a new love.

Monday afternoon through Wednesday brings secrets, depths, intuition, and consequential decisions on investments, finances, sex, procreation, lifestyle and medical questions. A good, productive interval, but exercise “ordinary caution” Tues. morn and Wed. afternoon. A mellow, wise, loving mood drifts over you Thurs. to midday Sat.  Your mood remains mellow, but certain barriers counsel slow-walking almost anything, particularly relationship-vs-domestic conflict(s).

Thursday’s not bad, steadily productive, and very late Fri., or Saturday morning (pre-dawn PDT) offers some luck. Romance could soar; marriage might be discussed. Say you’ll make a decision by Sunday night, then Sunday, say yes. Love might mean a $ reduction.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your last week of burdensome work, Scorpio. (Though you’ll still work pretty intensely to April 23 — on, perhaps, a financial, investigative or lifestyle-connected goal.) Continue (?) to eat and dress sensibly. This is usually a good cycle in which to buy tools/machinery, but this week is dicey — I’d delay such purchases.

More work, Sun. to late morning Mon. (PDT). Co-workers are pleasant, but not really co-operative. Relationships — rather unpredictable the last 2 years — are featured midday Mon. through Wed. — with fair luck. In general, interactions will be sweet and natural this Wed. to May 8. This goodwill sparks agreements, opportunities and new relationships — a trend that will “thicken” and strengthen next week onward. If single, you could meet a life-mate, but this is a once-per-year influence, so it’s only a leaning toward…

Life’s depths, secrets, sexual urges, financial and power manipulations, medical and lifestyle decisions — these fill Thurs. to midday Sat. Exercise caution, as opposition, deception are almost certain. Opportunities here, too: a real estate investment could be very fortunate. Saturday pm is for love, pondering, mellow stuff.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

One last week of romantic excitement, creative energy, speculative pursuits, of soaking up beauty and pleasure. Someone (a Gemini?) continues to “stand opposite” you until April 23. This can mean a fight or an embrace — you choose! Next week begins a month of work and health — but this Wed. starts it off with a new streak of co-worker affection. 

Sunday to late morning Monday offers romance and creative urges, but also says your money is too short for your dreams. Don’t gamble nor invest. Work, health, dependents, machinery are highlighted midday Mon. through Wed. Your luck seems good up to Tues. noon, but isn’t; after this, it is good. Ask for a pay raise Wed. — you might get one.

Relationships face you Thurs. to noon Sat. Be careful; some bonds are about to fall apart. Argument = separation; diplomacy = alienation. Deception, too, Friday. But late this night and pre-dawn Sat., some splendid opportunities are ready for the taking. Romance, partnership, lucky! Saturday pm, think, examine, research, but make no commitments. Be quiet, restful. Intuition brings answers.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

One last week of domestic duties, Cap. Use this somewhat awkward and difficult week to deepen your roots, strengthen your base for new, bigger accomplishments and projects. (Remember, in ’21 your great luck source is income, earnings — do all you can to increase these.) Most of March and April (to date) has been an excellent period to renovate or start large landscaping, construction, similar property projects. However, the present week calls for some caution.

Those domestic factors are top priority Sun. to late morning Monday (PDT). However, problems with events and situations seem to go against your plans/dreams. Patience wins. Sweet romance calls midday Mon. through Wed. Expect at least one happy surprise. Slow, delays, before Tues. noon, progress then on. Love, beauty, pleasure — these are more promises than reality — but true promises (to be fulfilled in 2023/4).

Tackle chores Thurs. to midday Sat. — eat and dress sensibly. Be cautious, esp. Fri., as deception and domestic necessities pull you this way and that. Saturday is great before noon — mostly before dawn. This eve, domestic power plays? Anyway, be diplomatic, and keep that twinkle in your eye.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The general accent lies on communications and travel, Aquarius — for one more week. But for two weeks — this and the next — travel or communications could bring you to romance — or romance will demand travel. Wednesday begins a few weeks of affection at home, gardening luck, and “sweet peace” — all a precursor to a month of “down home” vibes to start April 19. This week isn’t easy, so proceed alertly.

Sunday to late morning Monday (PDT) highlights those communications, errands and trips. A bit of gossip might trickle out about you. Best stance: ignore it. The gov’t won’t help — avoid it.  Head for home and family Mon. pm through Wed. A good, satisfying interval, except for Tues. morning. You might need to lead, to tell others what to do, Wed. — good results.

Romance awakens Thurs. to midday Sat. Thursday’s okay, Friday’s deceptive and difficult, and Saturday (8:30 pm Friday onwards, PDT) is excellent — to noon. Love might be declared, esp. if a Friday night date “stays over.” But be alert, careful: this (Sat.) afternoon, the gossip (or self-doubts) might start again.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Continue to pursue money sources for one last week, Pisces. Shop for bargains, memorize things, dabble in a casual, informal “lust.” Your home remains friction-prone to April 23. (Until then, it’s a good time to start renovations, landscaping, felling tress, etc.) Wednesday begins a few weeks of slightly less income, but more and sweeter friendships. The whole week needs care, caution.

Sunday to late morning Monday accents money, and obtaining it. Forget wishful thinking. Goals will be hard to achieve. Go slow. DON’T buy machinery this week. Errands, conversations, trips and visits, paperwork and phones, office systems — these fill Mon. pm through Wed. Not much good before Tues. noon — and very good after.

Wednesday night (until 8 pm PDT) could bring true love, or “secret flirtation” in a group setting. If you sit and think awhile (Wed. pm) you can see your path to fulfilling a goal, a wish. Turn toward home Thurs. to noon Sat. Thursday’s pretty smooth, easy, but Friday is filled with deception, fuzzy thinking, and a very deep disagreement (despite surface smoothness) — likely about family/home/security versus socializing/travel/adventure. Let the first half (home) win. From 8:30 pm Fri. to dawn Sat., PDT, you can encounter good fortune at home. If seeking pregnancy, or finding a design for the back yard, you’ll succeed. 



I’ll likely have a heart attack autumn 2027.
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When Neptune and Saturn are “awry” in a birth chart it points to the possibility of perceptual problems. In February 2026 Saturn and Neptune join together in the sky, indicating a new “paradigm” or zeitgeist or a new wave of consciousness will roll over the world, esp. America, bringing the physical expression of spirituality — or fantasy. The last time this happened was 1989/90, when this conjunction marked the end of the U.S.S.R.   

That “year” (89/90) brought, as Wikipedia notes:

“1989 was a turning point in political history because a wave of revolutions swept the Eastern Bloc in Europe, starting in Poland and Hungary, with experiments in power sharing, coming to a head with the opening of the Berlin Wall in November, and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, embracing the overthrow of the communist dictatorship in Romania in December, and ending in December 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. These are collectively known as the Revolutions of 1989.

“It was the year of the first Brazilian presidential election in 29 years, since the end of the military government in 1985 that ruled the country for more than twenty years, and marked the redemocratization process’s final point.

The first commercial Internet service providers surfaced in this year,[1][2] as well as the first written proposal for the World Wide Web. The first babies born after preimplantation genetic diagnosis were conceived in late 1989, beginning the era of designer babies.
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Then there’s the U.S. war degree, being activated in 2027…
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I see my idea of two months ago — that Republican citizens should boycott all pro-left businesses, esp. the ones that are firing Republican employees — is starting to catch on with U.S. politicians such as Rand Paul and ex-prez Trump.
