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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:  5:08 pm to 10:33 pm Mon., 5:29 pm to 10:59 pm Wed., and 10:24 pm Fri. to 1:13 am Sat.

PREAMBLE:  (It’s all in the AFTERAMBLE, after PISCES.)


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

You’re at the top of your game, Aries – be a leader, make new contacts, start significant projects, and keep your eyes peeled for love. You are on track to make a significant life wish come true (sometime in ’21). You’re attractive, restless and curious now. Secrets are still being revealed.

Sunday/Monday focus on relationships, opportunities, public dealings, and the need for cooperation and diplomacy. Both days are good, but Monday eve might bring up a status, career, or domestic obstacle (one that’s been around for 12 years, and will stay until ’25).

Your subconscious and intuition rise strongly Tuesday/Wednesday, turning you into a bit of a lie detector. Wednesday is excellent for investing, research, confidential discussions, medical and lifestyle decisions, and intimacy… Tuesday, not so lucky. Cultural rituals, intellectual pursuits, legal, publishing and far travel involvements sweep you up into a mellow, gently loving mood.

Your good luck shines Thurs., but little glitches or delusion mar Fri. morning (PDT). Saturday is for ambition, worldly status. This is a very inventive day, so look at new angles around your career goals, etc.

taurus iconTAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Remain quiet, contemplative, restful. Stay out of sight, deal with neglected chores, private issues, and liaison with gov’t, other bureaucracies. This whole area is favoured, rewarding. A good time to “touch spirit.” Last bit of social life this week (until it picks up again late April). Money rushes to you before April 23: bank it, or lose it. Remember, your great good luck in ’21 lies in career, status, ambition, prestige relations.

Tackle chores and take care of your health Sunday/Monday. You will get a lot done both days, but might run into some barrier Mon. late afternoon/eve (PDT). (Barrier = you’re probably distracted by someone flirty and “cute.”) Relationships fill Tuesday/Wednesday. Tuesday has some problems, but Wednesday is almost spectacularly good. Jump on opportunities, negotiate, co-operate. Someone holds a wee bag of “gold” for you.

Sexual temptations, financial actions, research and intuition, and making lifestyle choices… these fill Thursday/Friday. Thursday’s great; Friday’s difficult until late morning. Surgery better Thurs. than Friday. Saturday is for mental love, broad understanding, and international, intellectual, media and cultural or legal interests. Your luck is great until suppertime, so dive in!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You’re still optimistic and happy, Gemini. Popularity, social delights, entertainment, bright plans for the future, friendly love, and a major wish might come true, before late April. Someone you see as a potential mate “inhabits” your social circle for awhile. This is your last week for awhile of conversations with bosses, VIPs. If you must make contact, do it Wed., Thurs. or Sat.

Remember, your main, lucky goal for this year should centre around publishing, law, higher education, principles, international affairs/travel, and cultural affairs — e.g., weddings. Make and accept invitations!

Sunday/Monday focus on romance, perhaps with a capital R. There is a lurking problem with money/assets or sexual intimacy, it shows up Mon. pm. Sunday night could take you to love, and the other person involved is almost impatient to form a “good bond” — i.e., a love accepted by society. He/she has marriage on the mind.

Tackle chores Tues./Wed. Dress, eat sensibly. Tuesday’s difficult, but Wed. your “work luck” is splendid. Okay day to buy machinery. Exciting relationships fill Thurs./Fri. — Thursday with love and luck; Friday with a chip on someone’s shoulder. Someone might be saying (this whole winter and April) “I’ll love you if you change.” Say No, Thanks! Saturday’s for sex, intellectual enlightenment/revelation, intuition, research, medical and lifestyle decisions — plunge into these, all is well.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The main focus lies on your ambitions, Cancer, your career and social standing, and prestige relationships — until late April. Your career planet, Mars, is “trapped” in Gemini, your management sign, for another 25 days, providing an opening to management levels, if you apply. Otherwise, bosses and their orders can be a bit burdensome now — though they favour you, appreciate your efforts until mid-April (so approach now or soon, esp. about management levels). Ask, also, about acquiring some equity in your employer. (Remember, ’21 is your great year for increasing assets.)

Hold your home dear Sunday/Monday. Hug the kids, dig the garden, repair and paint and most of all, get some rest. All is good, but avoid an alienating spat Monday p.m. (afternoon PDT). Sweet romance calls Tues./Wed. — some rough spots Tues., but overall smooth sailing Wed. Chase adventure, beauty, pleasure, be creative.

Thursday/Friday dip you into the depths of life: subconscious promptings, sexual urges, heightened intuition, medical and lifestyle decisions, and major financial dealings. These run beautifully and successfully Thursday, then get all tangled up Friday morning, so time your actions/ appointments for Thursday. Saturday brings friendly and mildly quirky relationships. Your mate is fun, teasing.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

April is an intellectual, mellow, enquiring and loving month for you, Leo. It nudges you toward far travel, legal issues, and intellectual pursuits — these can be sources of wish fulfillment before April 23.

(E.g., you might travel to France [despite Covid] and meet your future life-mate. This isn’t so far-out, when you remember that ’21 is the best year in at least a decade to marry/meet prospects. Includes business partnerships.) You’re favoured in these zones, so you could win a lawsuit, or catch a publisher’s eye. Secrets lie around you, one more week — be curious.

Sunday/Monday are for errands, easy chores, short trips and visits, communications and paperwork. All goes well and smoothly, but put up your caution signals in the p.m. as a bit of work or a bit of communication might not garner the results you want. Watch for a potentially brilliant financial idea.

Be home Tuesday/Wednesday. Hug the kids, putter in the garden, rest on the back porch and generally vegetate. Tuesday holds an obstacle or two, but Wednesday is almost entirely beneficial. Good day to buy furniture. Be open to romance, beauty, games Thursday/Friday. Thursday is probably better, and definitely favours love. Friday is a little more deceptive, mostly in the morning. Saturday? Work — esp. for career, or in tandem.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You will sense the subterranean forces of life in the weeks ahead, Virgo. These are the forces that move karma, finances, sexual desires. Be curious, research, ask questions. The accent is on commitment and consequence. You might be sorely tempted sexually, or you might make a great new investment, or change your lifestyle, or opt to have surgery. All these matters should proceed fairly fortunately through the weeks ahead.

Until April 23, higher-ups will be temperamental and impatient… But they may also hold the key to that great new investment or a medical plan, etc. Relationships continue to produce “openings” this week (esp. Monday night).

Chase money, buy and sell, butter up at clients, etc. Sunday/Monday. Sunday better. A “message” might confirm or start, love. Errands, swift, easy chores, short trips, communications and paperwork or office work occupy you Tuesday/Wednesday. Wednesday is far better, so if Tuesday frustrates, just wait for your cosmic turn.

Turn toward home, kids, spouse, security, garden, mom nature, Thurs./Fri. Thursday’s great — decorate, repair, landscape, start renovations. But go slow Fri. morn (PDT) — deception, argument possible. Saturday brings a loving, mellow mood. Romance is favoured, so is creative/inventive work.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A prime accent on marriage exists over the next few weeks, Libra. The Sun is in your marriage sign, and your marriage planet is in your wedding sign. Also your own planet, Venus, is in your marriage sign, and Jupiter and Saturn are cruising through your romance sign. Don’t use Covid as an excuse.

If you’re single, major developments await. But if you’re married, these developments can be practical and/or business-oriented. (For singles, love and mating is top priority; if you’re married, relocation, many opportunities, negotiations and public dealings are emphasized.) Your mission for  ’21 is simple: have fun, create and love.

Your energy and charisma soar Sun./Mon. — start something (or someone!). Sunday better. Chase $, ask for a raise, persuade clients, seek bargains, Tues./Wednesday. Wednesday’s better, so you might want to “wait out” Tues.

Errands, light chores, trips, visits, calls, communications and paperwork fill Thurs./Fri. Good time for a trip. Thursday’s better — Fri. morning holds disagreement or deception, or both. Saturday’s for home, kids, security, garden, mom nature, Home Depot, etc. A good day! (But mild night friction.)

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Three more weeks of work and drudgery, Scorpio. Ah, well, it happens to everyone — and is lightened this week by pleasant co-workers, perhaps a co-worker “attraction.” Your work could contain an element of secrecy, or might be a situation you’d like to invest in, or might offer intimacy. Think, then act.

Guard your daily health with good habits, nutrition. It’s a good time to buy/repair machinery/tools. (This week, all PDT, try Sunday eve/night, Wed. afternoon, Thurs. eve/night, and Sat. morn to suppertime [car, bike, plane].) Sex (or desire) is intense. Send a love note — it will find its reader. Remember, this is your year to buy a home (or otherwise gain some kind of fortune from real estate, farms, cafes, food, clothing, furniture, mines, trees, etc.).

Lie low, rest, ponder and plan Sun./Mon. Your energy and charisma burst forth Tues./Wed. Be a leader, start significant projects, see and be seen. Tuesday tries to stymie your efforts, but Wed. welcomes them — act accordingly. Chase $, seek bargains Thurs./Friday. Act Thursday, not Fri. morning. (All PDT.) Trips, errands, calls, emails, paperwork fill Saturday. Meet a nice friend for lunch… this person or another represents a possible (but unorthodox) partner, in love or business (or, most profitably, in real estate).

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Still romance, Sage! All year, you will have good luck in socializing, casual friendships, but truly romantic openings only occur this March/April, again in June/July, and some in October. Then, it’s a wait until May/22 to May/23, when the biggest romantic prospects arrive. In the present phase, both your love nature, and your mating (marriage) instincts are at “peak mode.” Plunge in, unless you’re determined to wait. Some discussion at home, maybe about partnering, labour division. Avoid all fights.

A wish might come true Sun./Monday. You’re popular, happy, and social — a flirtation could blossom into more. (Caution Mon. suppertime, PDT. — secrets momentarily have no boundaries.) Withdraw to quietude Tues./Wed. Rest, contemplate, make plans, liaison with gov’t, spiritual, charitable agencies. Tuesday might frustrate; Wed.’s fine, dreamy, smooth and “aware.”

Your energy and pizzazz leap up Thurs./Fri. Start significant projects, gather allies, impress someone. Thursday’s great for this, but Fri. morn’s not. Chase money Sat. — you’ll find it. Good day (before 5 pm PDT) to buy machinery, lawn mower, electric appliances, etc.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The general accent lies on your home and family, Cap, on security, mother nature and nutrition, foundations and sales territory. This area is affectionate and “spiked” with beauty until mid-April. Flowers in the garden. Yellow and red. Last week for fun with friends, repartee. Get your rest. Work is intense until April 23. Remember, your greatest luck in ’21 lies with money, income, buying/selling. Also a great year to improve memory.

Be ambitious Sun./Mon., display your talents, embrace a new project. News might thrill, announce someone’s arrival. Wishes might come true Tues./Wed., as your popularity grows and social life expands. Tuesday holds a glitch or two, but Wed.’s a charm — get out, mingle, enjoy people. (Covid?)

Withdraw from the bustling crowd Thurs./Fri. Rest, ponder, plan, be charitable and spiritual. Careful Fri. morning, when conflict and/or deception possible. Your energy and charisma shoot upward Sat. — meet someone (or two) for a meal, join a sports event, charm people!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Errands, quick chores, paperwork, trips, contacts and communications fill the weeks ahead, Aquarius. As I wrote last week, these could lead to romance, a rather fiery one.  A bit of money, or discussions about it, occur. Remember, your main source of luck in ’21 is yourself — be forward, approach others, ask questions, see and be seen — people will welcome you.

Intellectual, legal, cultural, international, philosophical and love pursuits succeed Sun./Mon. But take care Sunday around suppertime (PDT) when a secret (about your status?) might undermine your confidence. Be ambitious Tues./Wed. Prestige relations, status, career/business are highlighted. Tuesday obstructs you, but Wed. welcomes and rewards your efforts.

Wishes might come true Thurs./Fri., when your popularity soars and social/love delights embrace you. Issue and accept invitations. Happiness lives! Careful Fri. morning — don’t believe everything. Retreat to solitude Sat. — rest, sit on a park or cafe bench and just watch everyone. Think, plan. If something isn’t working, why? Despite the solitude, friends find you.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The main accent lies on making money, Pisces. Buy and sell, seek new clients, ask for a pay raise, etc. Your money luck appears quite good until mid April. Your home might be the scene of some conflicts (at least 2) so keep your temper, don’t be overbearing with kids. This “scene,” though, can also be a source of extra $. (Work at home, sell real estate, etc.)

Sunday/Monday open the door a crack into subterranean forces: sexual yearnings, intuition, financial “realities,” and medical and destiny currents. It’s a fortunate interval, so do invest, seek intimacy, or research. Careful suppertime (PDT) Mon. Wisdom, a broad mellow outlook, love, law, international affairs, intellectual pursuits and belief Tuesday’s irritating, obstructive, but Wed. purrs like a cat — pounce on your goals!

Display skills and ambition Thurs./Fri. Excluding Fri. morning this is a fine interval for success, impressing the boss(es) and starting projects. A small dream could come true Sat. — get out, visit, meet friends, call, issue invitations — happiness shines around you! Best daytime — not the greatest night for a date.



In the United States, there’s a chance the red states might secede from the union in 2022. Maybe Texas first, then 20 or so other states join the movement. The chances of this reach a peak when Pluto returns to its July 4, 1776 position (Declaration of Independence ratified by Congress) around lunch time PDT March 20, 2022.  Many astrologers have that date top of mind as they try to figure out what, if anything, will happen.

I think any “secession” will be mainly legal and partial — for instance, many states are now suing the Feds over the Biden cancellation of the XL pipeline. Others over election integrity, sexual rights, etc.

I cast a solar chart for the moment Pluto (“moment’s” a misnomer — we could be 12, even more hours off base — or we could be, as the math claims, plus or minus 2 minutes) — the “moment” Pluto occupies the same spot as it did on July 4, 1776. I can’t find strong evidence for any kind of massive violence or war. It all looks pretty benign. Even Pluto, the planet on which this chart was based, sits in a place of social happiness, of friends and light romance. There will be great questions of destiny asked of the leaders; if they refuse or can’t answer/figure them out, they will be subject to destiny, its pawn. I don’t see a great civil war.

BUT THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR started 15 months before the Declaration, on April 19, 1775. Pluto will return to this point much earlier — April 6, 2021 — next Tuesday. This hints to me that ’21 will be the height of “violence” in this “civil war.” The cancel culture is essentially violent, as have been actors, corporations and the media the last 4 years. Violent, too, are BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys and Oath Takers, etc. A large enemy looms, both internationally (China, not Russia, not both) and in hidden regions (domestic “terrorists”).

This April 6/21 “Pluto” chart has the Sun and 2 planets in Aries, with Moon and hyper-political Jupiter and long-enduring Saturn in Aquarius. Aries means fighting, and Aquarius favours rebels. With Jupiter there, people or rebels or whatever are forming ideas of revolt that have the cogent logic of law and a philosophical belief behind them. The “rebellion” will grow internationally. With Saturn there, these rebels will have deep roots and staying power. (And paradoxically, some roots in the deep state/swamp, too. Some deep within “turn” to the rebels.)

The huge influx of migrants from Mexico might seem to be part of the “large enemy” of this Pluto “return” phase, but at most it is a stressor. If the migrants are welcomed and adopted, they will eventually benefit the U.S. And Republicans need not fear: many of these immigrants will become as right of centre as the ex-pats in Miami.

I think there is some likelihood that a portion of Dems and a portion of Republicans might join hands, perhaps in 2022, and leave present leaders out of their projects, or demand a costly entry. These people will try to restore  American political co-operation, the kind that existed in the second half of last century. Anyway, ’21 and ’22 will give us a good glimpse of the two centuries ahead for America. (1984 gave the prime glimpse of the future, to 2229.)
***   ***

I just saw somewhere that Sydney Powell, a lawyer who had 1,500 affidavits showing election fraud, has said her evidence was false. If so, it blows the whole “election fraud” story out the window. Did she actually say that? (Evidently her lawyers are saying it, to get her out of a $1+ billion lawsuit.) It gets curiouser and curiouser. (Oops, did I just quote Dr. Seuss? The racist??)
