Tag Archives: money



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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING: 4:52 pm to 11:41 pm Mon., 7:32 pm Wed. to 6:44 am Thurs., and 8:38 am to 3:44 pm Sat.


I’ll be giving a Zoom talk March 11, Thursday, at 7:30 pm Pacific Time in Vancouver, B.C. For more information, please call or email Rebecca, at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca. Subject: predictions, national and other, and the lunar nodes.
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Sometimes patience can accomplish more than effort.


aries icon  ARIES: March 21-April 19

Two more weeks of seclusion, weariness and recuperation, Aries. Despite this, you’ll also be busy, restless and curious now to late April. Expect many errands, calls, emails. New contacts come in, and old friends are “explained” (i.e., differences, delays solved). All year, chase your dreams and expand your social group — both hugely favoured!

Your career and reputation are under good auspices Sun./Mon. — work hard, seize opportunities. Wishes can come true Tues. to dawn Thurs. (PST). Again, despite your weariness, friends appear, you’re “approved of,” and optimism brightens your days. Possible lucky event Wed.

But this week has been tiring: collapse into relaxation Thurs. morn to late afternoon Sat. Ponder and plan, be charitable, spiritual. All’s well — great time to liaison with gov’t, research, hold private conversations. An easy week!

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A smooth, easy, gently lucky week, Taurus. Wishes could come true; your popularity, optimism, flirtatiousness and desire for company will keep you “walking on air.” Now to late April, money could come rushing toward you; but it can also rush through you, so avoid debt, spending. (“Rushing” — you won’t notice anything most of the time, then unexpectedly some bonus comes around, maybe two, three, over the six weeks ahead.)

This week is a good time to ask for a raise or promotion (esp. Wed. morning). Bosses favour you all 2021, but the present week gives you the ability to speak clearly and concisely with higher-ups.

Mental peace and gentle love, intellectual pursuits and far travel, these fill Sun./Mon. — with good fortune. Tackle ambitions, career zones Tues. to dawn Thurs. (PST). Lucky, again. (Maybe big opportunity Wed. morn., in sex, money or career.) Wish fulfillment, popularity, social delights, flirtations, entertainment, optimism — these bless Thurs. morn to Sat. afternoon. Retreat, rest Sat. eve.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Maintain an ambitious approach this week and next, Gemini. You could be promoted, given more responsibilities. People in charge are noticing — and they favour you until March 20. Ask for a chance to rise! Philosophical, legal, love and life questions stymied you in February, but now these issues are clearing, bringing mutual agreement, love, understanding — all year.

All year too, aim for international, publishing, legal, intellectual, travel, love success — this is where your fortune and growth lie, until Dec. 28. These might also “lean” luckily on your career prospects. You will be a ball of energy now to April 23 — social, friendly, optimistic, and “applauded” by the opposite sex.

Secrets, sexual desires, lifestyle and medical choices, large finances — all are lucky Sun./Mon. Take a chance — commit. Those philosophical, legal, love and life questions, those international interests, blossom fortunately Tues. to dawn Thurs. — except Tues. afternoon (PST) when some disruption might interfere.

Plunge into career tasks, meetings, projects Thurs. morning to late afternoon Sat. — again, lucky and growth-oriented! (A woman might open a career door for you.) Friends, Sat. night.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Two more weeks of gentle meandering, Cancer. The general accent lies on international, philosophical, intellectual, legal and love, and travel interests. If single, you’re dreaming of love — but are you doing anything about it? It’s pretty likely that someone is “soft” on you. Recent doubts about finances (or your sexual prowess) dissipate now. Taxes, other financial commitments, can be quickly cleared away if you act this week.

Until late April, avoid belligerent people and dark alleys — same time, career opportunities might occur in management areas.

Relationships, opportunities, confrontations, negotiations and agreement, fresh horizons and relocation themes fill a lucky Sun./Mon. — dive in! Secrets, privileged information, financial and sexual lures, medical and lifestyle options, fill Tues. to dawn Thurs.

Let caution stop you Thurs. daytime, but otherwise march ahead, for all is good. Everything this month is about to come to a gentle peak Thurs. morn to late afternoon Sat. — publishing, travel, other countries, love, law, intellect, etc. Careful Thurs. daytime (argument). Be ambitious Sat. night.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Two more weeks of mystery, quietude (watch, don’t speak) and of consequential action, Leo. (Which might pay off in 2022 with a major prize.) Commit to something during this benevolent, easy week — to a medical or lifestyle choice, to intimacy, even pregnancy, to a major investment (or debt). Research, find the fundamentals, act on facts — AND instinct/intuition.

Until April 23, your popularity, social profile and optimism will rise unexpectedly. Good friends, a lover for singles, seem to swirl in the social brew. Relationship misunderstandings (of Jan./Feb.) now clear up — be willing to talk.

Tackle chores Sun./Mon. Eat, dress sensibly. Good time to buy machinery. Easy chores! Relationships face you Tues. to Thurs. dawn (PST). Be diplomatic Tues. daytime, when erratic reactions are likely. Otherwise, a great interval. Declare love, if you feel it.

The main thing — secrets, sexual longing, financial and other consequential actions — expands to fill Thurs. morn to Sat. afternoon. Jump in, the waters are deep but fine! Saturday night, let your mind wander.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Two more weeks of relationships, Virgo. Others will treat you kindly, perhaps are even awaiting your approach in love or business. Work concerns that “went sideways” or fell into confusion the last two months now clear up, and you see your path forward quite well. Co-workers are very willing to listen and discuss.

But until April 23, bosses, judges and other higher-ups will act temperamentally, impatiently. Grin and bear it. (Strong ones among you might start your own business, or invest in your boss’s operation.) Your work might seem large and hard at times in ’21, but work is also your biggest source of good luck this year. You might buy a machine that increases your earnings.

Romance calls Sun./Mon. — answer! (Creativity, speculation, risk, pleasure also.) Those lucky work/machine vibes come Tues. to dawn Thurs. (Exception: DO NOT buy machinery or start a new work project Tues. before “early suppertime” PST.) Relationships face you Thurs. morn to Sat. afternoon — be friendly, co-operative, for you can win others over now. You might fall in love — magic’s everywhere. A good, easy week!

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Tackle chores for the next two weeks, Libra — and protect your health wth sensible eating, dressing. This whole week is benign, easy and smooth, so charge ahead everyday except Tues. and Thurs. daytimes. You might earn a promotion, or an extra pay check. Until April 23, avoid lawsuits.

You might meet your future mate, or tie the knot with someone familiar. A Gemini, Aries or Aquarian could figure prominently. Opportunities exist at a distance, perhaps in foreign lands.

Be domestic Sun./Mon. Hug the kids, garden, rest, decorate/repair, go camping, etc.  All’s well, so choose your preference. Romance looms Tues. to dawn Thurs. — careful Tues., a sexual impulse could disrupt a romance. Otherwise, an interval of sweet success! Tackle work Thurs. morn to late afternoon Sat.

Be cautious, esp. around sharp tools, caustic chemicals, Thurs. before 4 pm (PST). Friday, early Sat., are good times to buy machinery, tools. You might discover a beneficial new job, or role. (You could also fall for a co-worker — not recommended.)

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Ah, sweet romance! This, and creative, risk-taking actions, the pursuit of beauty and pleasure, teaching kids, all swell fortunately for two more weeks, Scorpio. One you’re pursuing now could be a fine life-mate. The week ahead is unusually benign and smooth. Apropos your romantic mood, your sexual magnetism (and courage) hits a two-year peak now to April 23.

All 2021, deep meaningful intimacy is favoured, “walks” you into green pastures, but casual sex is not only a bit difficult to obtain, it “walks” you into a place of want, emotional barrenness.

Errands, calls, paperwork, casual contacts fill Sun./Mon. — in a fortunate way, so reach out, communicate, travel. Be curious! Family, home, garden, mom nature, rest and contemplation embrace you Tues. to dawn Thurs. (PST). Again, all’s good, smooth — except Tues. daytime, when disruption might affect a relationship. (Avoid working with electricity, too.)

This month’s main theme — romance (et al) — blossoms spectacularly Thurs. morn to late afternoon Sat. Thursday daytime isn’t great — argument possible; also, romance and sex will not mix. Otherwise, dive in — true love is available!

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent continues on your domestic situation for two more weeks, Sage. (This area will be blessed by huge luck in 2022, so don’t be too eager to “go big” now, e.g. with renovations, etc.) Both weeks are unusually smooth and benevolent, so march ahead confidently with family, garden, meal planning, security issues, and your “territory” at work. (Fine time to lease premises.)

Errands and communications that were held up in February can be handled easily, quickly now. (Don’t wait until next week.) Until April 23, relationships will be intense, hot. This can either produce a hot romance (with marital overtones) or a major conflict. Be diplomatic!

Chase money, buy/sell, Sun./Mon. All’s well! Errands, paperwork, visits/calls fill Tues. to Thurs. dawn (PST). Tuesday daytime needs care, as electronics, computers, driving, your workload in general, face some disruption. Otherwise, all’s good.

This month’s main emphasis — home, roots, family, security — “doubles” Thurs. morn to late afternoon Sat. Avoid conflict (and romance) Thursday daytime. After this, you have a green light to start or finish anything domestic. Excellent interval for decorating, painting, family reunions — love and beauty are everywhere. Saturday night, chase love.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Quick, (mostly) easy chores, communications, errands, paperwork fill this week and next, Cap. Be curious, ask questions (esp. next week). Money matters from Jan./Feb. now clear, and flows resume. (Money, income, is your biggest good luck zone in 2021.) Until April 23, work will be intense; you might quit a job, or begin one, or both. Be physically careful around tools, etc.

Your energy, charisma and clout rise strongly Sun./Mon. Charge ahead, no obstacles hinder you. Chase $, buy/sell, learn, memorize something Tues. to dawn Thurs. (PST). Only Tues. daytime needs care: avoid accidents, disruptions, acting erratically. Otherwise, again, charge ahead. Those errands, missives and trips come in a flurry Thurs. morning to late afternoon Sat. Caution Thurs. daytime — sidestep argument, conflict; drive carefully. Otherwise, all’s smooth, successful — and affectionate!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Continue to chase money for the next two weeks, Aquarius. Your luck is good in this — and in buying, learning, casual sex. Your mind is clearing more each day, as Feb.’s confusions recede. Until April 23, your passion is awakened, and your romantic, creative courage grows strong. A love affair looks quite possible. (All ’21, deep romantic love is better than social, friendly love.)

Withdraw, lie low, rest and contemplate Sun./Mon. All’s well, so be confident. Connect with gov’t, spiritual or charity orgs, advisors, institutions and “head office.” Your personal gifts shine Tues. to Thurs. morning. You’ll have extra energy, charisma, and effectiveness — charge ahead, be a leader. Be cautious Tues. daytime, though — don’t show your “rebel side” to higher-ups. (And drive carefully.)

This month’s main focus, income, possessions and casual sex, are highlighted Thurs. morn to late afternoon Sat. Again, charge ahead — except Thurs. daytime, when arguments or accidents can arise. (Avoid a romantic approach.) Otherwise, good luck visits you — $ will gratify.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This is your time, Pisces! Your energy, charisma, clout and sense of timing are top-notch now. Be a leader, start projects, go straight to your goal(s). Your interior world stays mildly active, might spur confidential discussions, spiritual seeking, or a health matter. That’s okay, all’s well — and this interior side, although “outshone” this week and next by your growing energy, will be the “good luck” story of your 2021.

One discordant note: until April 23, try to avoid impatience and temperament (at home, mostly). One money source might end, another begin.

Wishes can come true during a delightful, happy, popular Sun./Mon. Be social, outgoing — friendly romance possible. Withdraw to ponder, plan, examine Tues. to Thurs. morning. Rest, meditate, seek spirit, seek advice, and liaison with gov’t or “head office.” Careful Tues. daytime, which is mildly disruptive. Otherwise, a smooth, easy interval.

You come into your own Thurs. morn to Sat. afternoon. A burst of energy, charisma, good timing fills this interval. As noted above, be a leader, start things, gather allies/followers! A good week!



Blacks have a much richer cultural future (not heritage) than whites. You can see this in Hollywood. White actors have been largely cut into a number of stereotypes. The biggest stereotype: everyone must be handsome or beautiful. Even the old man dispensing unwanted advice in a sit-com, a dishevelled buffoon, upon closer examination has a classically “hewn” face, a strong jaw and handsome brow, etc.

White Hollywood films have become very sophisticated, and have split into many genres, e.g., film noire detective movies. The growth of variety of these genres has slowly “frozen” them into a more elevated or sophisticated production.

For instance, the cowboy film was, early, a black-and-white morality tale. But as this larger portion of the creative vein was consumed the western had to become a portrayer of anti-heroes, an examination of moralities, and a vehicle of doubt and query. The thing is, none of these, nor all these together, is as strong an impulse, as vital, as the original black-and-white morality tale.

This split into genres has also, I think, contributed to an increasing tendency to stylize. (But has it? I don’t know.) I think stylization is a sophistication, a symptom of maturation and increasing weakness.

But Blacks have not had the time nor the resources to mature as a film culture as broadly nor as deeply as white Hollywood. Their actors are still young, or naive, or natural. This frees each actor to use his or her own genius to express an emotion or whatever, which imbues their acting with power, and increasing flexibility. (I say ”increasing” but not in support of that argument. I think the obvious increase is due to the ongoing increase in freedom granted blacks by whites.

From my view in western Canada, Blacks have been accumulating more and more power and empowerment since the 1950’s. After the 70’s — BLM aside — Blacks ceased rioting and marching (generally) and progressed more in law, politics, commerce, sports, etc. (*) And Black films and Black heroes began to emerge — Sidney Poitier, Shaft, Spike Lee — 60 years after White Hollywood began. I think “Black Hollywood” is going to gather a larger and larger White audience as this decade unfolds.)

In addition perhaps, Hollywood hasn’t had as great a chance to put its rigid stamp on Black filmmakers and actors, allowing them to work within broader ranges than those granted to white filmmakers/actors. That is one advantage of being an under-culture: the culture above doesn’t understand you fully, and will leave you alone to a larger degree than it leaves itself alone.

* It will be interesting to see whether this secular sophistication and enrichment of Blacks through middle class means hit a peak under the Trump regime, or whether it will continue (even if after a hiccup) under Biden. I think the latter. (Almost wholly because I think Blacks in general, esp. in Africa, are going to rise over the century ahead.)
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Eternity is not unending time, it’s the absence of time. Just so, infinity is not endless distance/space, it’s the absence of space and distance. When mathematicians look at quantum mechanics, especially that effect where an electron is in two places at once, have they entered a symbol or equation for infinity? Is infinity the same as nothing?
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You can never say a particular God is dead, because God is the Omni of Omnis, and a God who is no longer followed still exists because God is everything. That said, in the West the Gods of the Old Testament (Judaism) and the New (Christianity) no longer have a hold on the consciousness of the populace. We live in the beginning phase of a third stage (Judaism 1st, Christianity 2nd) of spiritual contact.

There will be a “Second Coming,” I think around 210 years from now. But it won’t be Jesus. If it has any predominant sex, I think it will be female. (More details on this in the “Bible” article on PLATFORMS. Go about 1/3rd down, to “Third Testament” discussion.)

The Bible predicted this phase: Jeremiah said (I paraphrase all this) that when mankind can turn night into day, can plumb the depths of the earth and calculate the heavens, then God will leave. We have done all these things (jet passengers, astronauts; neutrino research; astrophysics).

God’s leaving us is meant benignly. Jeremiah says that when we do break these covenants or perform these herculean tasks (you choose) — that God will no longer (need to) teach us, so He will make it so we all know Him intimately, one-on-one, without priests or teachers. Implicit, when you know God intimately, you won’t harm another or commit a crime. You won’t start a war. Then he says a curious thing, that God would increase the priests by millions, as numerous as the stars.

You could interpret this to mean that, considering no one needs priests any more, that in effect we are all priests, our own priest. Quite an elevation for us! (See, Marge, I told you we were slowly heading toward angel-hood.) These “priests,” at one level, could be an active conscience, or an even deeper anchor to goodness in everyone’s psyche.

God’s new role (his first being “YHWH” and his second Christ) will be as a binder of people. The new role will be female, and Christ’s cross will be gently left for a sphere — the new religion’s symbol. This religion will not have written text (or only for historical purposes?) Instead, it will live, alive, in everyone’s consciousness. Each will experience and respond to, and even massage, this “religion.”

It is not really religion for it is in stage 3 that spirit replaces religion. Spirit thereafter lives permanently in us. But in the meantime, during the transition days (current times) God will operate no longer as a figure, a statue or a human image, but as karma.

(Now, how this all fits into reincarnation, I don’t know. Haven’t thought about it. Yet we can’t ignore this, as reincarnation must exist. Proof: a baby, tortured.) (Dostoyevsky, probably the most devout of all the great novelists, who presumably had never heard of re-incarnation and karma, wrote that the suffering of children proves there is no God.)

(Boy, am I going to feel stupid if tomorrow some alien drives up to CNN in his spacecraft and says, “Nope, we did all that. The pyramids? The Flood? The plagues of Egypt? The copper snake? The ten commandments? Yea, we did that. God? Well, call us what you want.”)

In 500 years, we will act psychically, both individually and as a group. Votes will be taken in a second. We’ll live in small villages, mostly, of about 10,000 pop. There will be more peace than now. This trend toward empathy, psychic bonding and “being with God” has already started: you can see it like a thin, watery film on current events and actions. To some degree, the “woke” and “cancel” cultures are preparing the way for this. This “conversion”  or growth will accelerate around 2230, and from there to about 4477 AD, development with be like a bird’s flight.
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COOL — Scientists have found a bug that “swims” through glaciers. It emits a form of anti-freeze around itself — so swiftly that it actually swims. In the film footage I saw, they move like little fish, or butterflies in the air. They say this is a strong indication that life is possible on Europa, one of Jupiter’s frozen moons. (They aren’t all frozen: one’s volcanic, I think.) This suggests life could exist on Mars, too, doesn’t it?
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I see Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, says the Jan. 6 attack on Congress was “domestic terrorism.” He also testified that domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to America. Umm, pardon me, what America? When your own citizens rise up in revolt, call it what you want —it means there is something wrong with the country itself.

Domestic terrorism is a reaction to the “domestic tyranny,” practiced by the elites who warm their pampered selves in Congress. Were the participants in the Boston Tea Party in the 1770’s “domestic terrorists?” Surely that’s what England would have called them. Remember one thing: England lost.

(BTW, to keep the historical parallel going, is Joe Biden the Mad King George of the Revolutionary War?)
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Destiny seemed to play a huge role in the recent U.S. presidential elections. For example, Trump planned and organized his re-election campaign to start on a certain day — a good day, a winner’s day astrologically, but he was bumped from his venue by someone’s protest or whatever, and so held his election campaign start the following day — a day indicating loss and disappointment (south lunar node prominent).

Even the “steal” of six states by crooked democratic civil servants and judges, if it happened, must have been destined. For 60+ judges to refuse to hear republican election lawsuits, despite massive evidence of fraud — that seems destined, too. To be beaten by a doddering old man scared to leave his basement, an old man slimed with many white collar crimes, that’s got to  be destiny.

For Trump to consistently draw crowds of 10,000 to 30,000 at every rally, and for Biden, in the few “rallies” he did hold, limp affairs that drew a crowd of, it appeared, on average, 10 or 20 people —  that’s got to be destiny, too. Almost everything in this election went against logic and justice. (E.g., no one indicted for fraud.)

Here’s the question: if karma, God and/or destiny did control this election with such casual, blatant strength (for who can fight God) — why? To what purpose? There must be one. “Destiny” is never just cruel nor kind; it always has a bigger picture, a bigger process in mind. So the question is, what? I mean, on a large, world-wide, century-long scale, what does destiny want?

I think, btw, that just as a person’s destiny actually reflects their deepest subconscious desires, so a nation’s destiny is probably created in the subconscious of the “body politic” — i.e., a nation “desires” its destiny, works blindly (subconsciously urged) to trigger/fulfill it, as vibrantly as an individual person does.

In this sense, the U.S. must have desired Biden and the green new deal, censorship (not perceived as such by those who believe) and confinement (face masks, et al) and (achieved by these) a “uniformizing” of the population.

If you want to turn a country communist, first you kill all the small, entrepreneurial businesses, as they have effectively done. Then you control the media, as they have effectively done, then you rig all elections so only one party can win, which they are effectively doing. (Bill HR1, for instance.)

You leave alone, or even boost, the large companies and rich people which/who co-operate with you. (For even dictators need a team of helpers.) And you vilify any intellectuals who do not embrace your ideological bias/narrative, which universities are effectively doing by firing profs with “other” views. (Way back in 1984 — and since, several times — I wrote that universities would be places of bad morals and falsehood until 2229?)

(BTW, the myth that communists and the Biden gov’t are “all inclusive” and non-racist, was contradicted last week, when the Los Angeles Teacher’s Union began racially profiling teachers, and sending them emails requiring them to “admit” their origins — black? hispanic? white? Pakistani? Asian? a little brown? — before they returned to work. These emails also asked the respondent to “explain” their last name. Here’s another room in Biden’s “haunted house.”)

The collapse of childhood education is part of this agenda. It’s due, basically, to teachers’ fears — and to the promise of collecting a pay check without working. (One of Biden’s main goals — to have the government pay everyone, rather than letting people earn their own.)

This is In the U.S. — In Canada, at least my corner of it, kids have been in full time attendance, K-12, since last September.) But there is a bigger picture, one that does influence much of a century. Educators have for decades instilled a one-sided cultural, religious, ethical, social, and political view in their students. I’m sure this “indoctrination” happens on both sides, but I suspect it occurs ten times more in democratic/socialist/liberal classrooms than in republican ones, simply because they are ten times more numerous.

Republicans have missed the boat on these indoctrination activities. They need to recognize how serious the results are. Political attitudes can change in an instant. But what you are taught when you’re young stays with you forever; it grows with your bones and grows with your brain, and forms the adult.

The teachers who earned their education degree during the radical, rebellious and left leaning 1960’s and 70s, and who formed ever-growing ranks of/portions of the teaching staff, have now controlled or “educated” any child going through the education system between approximately 1975 and 2015.

These kids — a 40-year swath of the entire population — were raised, taught, to believe liberal ideals, and liberal truths (in Canada they leaned more toward socialism) and to disparage other ideas. That is a very broad portion of the population and a long-enduring legacy/movement or ideational bias. The republicans missed the boat on this.

The dems figured out long ago — 50 years ago — that the path to control lay in the education of the young. The republicans are generations behind; they have a very hard road ahead. To survive, they will almost have to build a second country; to even add their own infrastructure (e.g., create their own google, FB and Twitter). I have never seen America in such danger, within and without.

The Civil and Revolutionary wars were more violent, but this “war” is taking place on the fields of competing “truth,” propaganda, blanket censorship and information control, in/justice, prejudice, cancelling of individual rights, including the right to work and earn survival (loyalists to one party are allowed to work, to run businesses; those who belong to another party, or who express “unapproved” opinions or facts* are not). It is an imprisoning movement.

(*) Opinions/facts unapproved by the Ministry of Truth. (Ministers today: Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Alphabet Dancers.)

In a general way, Republicans begin with a belief in the individual and want to address “every day” and particular matters affecting individuals. Democrats begin with an ideal or abstract philosophy and want to address the large parameters of that ideal. Democrats will sacrifice the individual for what they perceive to be the greater good of the group. This is why Biden excuses China for its imprisonment and genocide of the Uighur — because China is more important to the big picture than a mere million or so Uighur.

(Yes, I am biased against democrats at present. I find it ironic that the party (Dems) who imported negroes for slaves, and were up to their bellies in slavery practices, now call the republicans “racist.” The dems are enjoying the triumphs of propaganda.)
***  ***

But I’ve wandered from my main question: what does destiny have in mind? To foresee, we should look at the bigger aspects over the — well, my ephemeris only goes to 2050, so I’ll try to carry it that far.

First, the pandemic. Then the Dems win the federal election and begin censoring, “cancelling” and ghettoizing republicans.

Next: Republicans fight back. As I forecast awhile ago, this fight will be most successful on the state level rather than the federal.

I hate to predict elections, but the dems might stay in power for many decades, unless republicans can lift enough states to battle the fed dems.

The U.S. “civil war,” which will peak in 2022, will probably be fought by individual states against the federal government. These states will pass a series of laws nullifying federal mandates, instructions, rulings, laws. States which do oppose the feds will tend to have growing economies and low unemployment; mainly, these will be the interior states, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Arkansas, Texas, etc. Blue or coastal states (Florida to N. Carolina excepted, as they will join the “rebels”) will tend to decline, in economies and freedoms.

Texas and Mississippi very recently overruled the mask and business closure “laws,” and opened 100%. South Dakota and others have opened the door to suing the fed’s main propaganda machine, the Twitter-FB-Alphabet triad. (The “Ministry of Truth.”)

Ultimately, the “red” (repub) states might refuse to surrender tax income to the Feds (if possible?) or otherwise refuse all financial co-operation. They will claim that the feds are trying to bleed their (red) economies to “feed” the millions in blue states, whom they have made into welfare recipients. The blue states will be known as “vampire states”.

Whether this “revolt” against the federal government will become violent or martial on a large scale, I doubt. The violence of this civil war is intellectual. It’s somewhat like the War of Roses in England, but perhaps without armies clashing. Still, “rebel” organizations will expand and take root deeply, 2022-2043, and, by 2025 onward, these groups will be violent — and largely secretive. They will work to overthrow the government, and many will cheer them on.

Again, though, why?

I think ultimately, the world is moving toward a new, hybrid governmental structure that will not be communism, democracy, capitalism, fascism — these are dried leaves, ready to fall from the tree. Perhaps a clue lies above, in the first article in this AFTERAMBLE — the “psychic state” in  which votes occur almost instantaneously.

Now, despite everything I’ve said above, the Democrats are moving us to this “new state” much faster than Republicans. You could see the Biden move toward communism as a reflection of China’s move toward capitalism. Perhaps they will meet in the centre. In any case, it seems “destined.”
