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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING: 7:58 am to 11:17 am Sun., 6:09 am to 12:38 pm Tues., 8:10 am to 2:43 pm Thurs., and 1:44 am to 6:230 pm Sat.


I’ll be giving a Zoom talk March 11, Thursday, at 7:30 pm Pacific Time in Vancouver, B.C. For more information, please call or email Rebecca, at rebecca.garcia@shaw.ca. Subject: predictions, national and other, and the lunar nodes.
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In the forecasts this week (and most weeks around this time) I am advising you to “march ahead confidently,” because the Mercury retrograde is over. HOWEVER, starting late April, Pluto retrogrades. In late May, Saturn turns retro. In June, Jupiter and Neptune go retro, and these four planets stay that way until October, when three of them resume direct motion.

This will cause an almost unnoticeable yet strong “reluctance” by the cosmos to let anything charge forward or complete. Many of us will face delays in our major projects from June to October but not know why (and in some cases not even be aware of the delay). That’s why I’m urging you to advance quickly and solidly now, while you can build things, big and growing and strong things.
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aries iconARIES:  March 21-April 19

You remain a bit secluded, Aries. It’s a good time of year to relax, meditate, ponder and plan, and to deal with gov’t or large co’s/org’s. If you contact institutional  or admin or workers, you’ll receive a gracious, helpful response. Most socializing will die down, but one small group will remain, instrumental to your year ahead, and your hopes. The hectic money events of Jan./Feb. end (technically) Wed.

Relationships face you midday Sun. (PST) to Tues. noon. Much goes well here, so use this time to contact others, to spy opportunities, to co-operate and join others’ projects. Careful early Tues. morning, when a disagreement might arise over career vs. home, or your ambition vs. someone’s need for security.

Secrets, sexual temptations, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions slide in Tues. noon to Thurs. afternoon. Good and bad luck mingle, so depend on your intuition, your gut feeling, to tell you when to act, when to hang back. Thursday afternoon to suppertime Sat. brings wisdom, a wide viewpoint, far travel, law, learning, publishing, cultural involvements, and love. (Thurs. night, a wish could come true involving a call or trip, and a talkative person.)

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The main emphasis, Taurus, is on joy! You’re popular, social, flirtatious, optimistic and ready for a bit of fun. Until Wed., you’re still sexually magnetic. Your career and status interests are still important, and will evolve successfully all ’21. This is the year, above all others, to strive for success — either it comes, or you create it. Recent indecision in this area has ended, so answers, viable options arrive.

Sunday morning is peaceful, romantic. This pm to about noon Tues. (PST) brings chores, machinery, OTC health aids. Monday’s quite successful. Relationships (and fresh horizons, opportunities, maybe enmity) arise Tues. lunchtime to mid-afternoon Thurs. Good and bad fortune mingle here, so use your intuition to know when to act. Best times: Tues. night, Wed. morning and late night.

Wednesday starts almost 2 months of “rushing money” — you’ll get more than usual, but might spend more, too — bank it! Sex, finances, secrets, research, power, medical and lifestyle decisions fill Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime. Don’t try anything too big/daring here — e.g., an investment might be a dog, so invest very lightly. Thursday pm could open a door to career success — information or communication vital.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

It’s time to strive, Gemini. Chase career, prestige relations, status and other ambitious goals. Nothing’s holding you back. (But don’t involve a partner or spouse: they would “dampen” your drives or results.) A long-term view: your luckiest year in 12 for career will be 2022 — there might be a minor hint of that luck May to July this year, ’21 — but you should not wait. What you accomplish this year in career zones will benefit you in ’22. The reward is at the end of the race; you can’t start the race at the reward stage. ’22 is that stage.

Starting Thurs. (to March 21) higher-ups favour you more then usual: present plans, proposals, display your skills. Remain wary of belligerent people — but only through Wed. Answers start to come. If male, you’re going to attract interest for seven weeks, starting midweek.

Sunday’s for relaxation or strenuous activities, but not stress, and not work. Romance this night to pre-dawn Tues. Monday daytime (late night, pre-dawn in Asia) is lucky, friendly. Tackle chores, seek employment midday Tues. (PST) to mid-afternoon Thurs. Luck is mixed, so be nimble, intuitive.

Wednesday starts 7 weeks of heightened courage, determination, hope, and sex appeal. Relationships, Thurs. night to Sat. suppertime. Be co-operative, eager, skeptical.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your intellectual month, Cancer. Learning, travel, contemplation of new ideas, a mellow mood, cultural involvements, publishing/speaking, and love — one or more of these will capture your attention in the weeks ahead. There is a sweet, mild luck in all these. Midweek you begin a seven-week phase that will shunt your career efforts into a management, admin. or “behind scenes” area. For best results, cultivate allies. Same 7 weeks, avoid places/people of violence.

Sunday starts active, promotes trips, chats, paperwork maybe. But by midday, and carrying through to lunchtime Tues., you incline toward home, family, rest, quiet, nature, nutrition, children. Monday daytime brings a lucky secret, or an open door to an investment (in some cases to intimacy).

Romance dances around you Tues. noon to mid-afternoon Thurs. (PST). Your luck is good and bad here, so be nimble, intuitive. Deep, meaningful love could succeed. Tackle chores Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime. Eat, dress sensibly. Don’t buy machinery. Thursday (esp. pm) holds a “generous secret,” or a financial or intimate opening.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Life’s secret side holds sway in your life until late March, Leo. Until 2025, your career or status undergoes changes — the main one being an avenue to rise through partnerships/associations or dealings with the public, a secondary one being increased computer involvement. This trend has already lasted almost 3 years, so you’ve already experienced it to some degree.

2021 heightens the partnership, public dealings luck to a decade peak — this includes relocation and opportunities. (Which, again, boost your career prospects.) But this March, the accent lies on the private or hidden side of life — power struggles, research, sexual temptations, lifestyle and medical choices, and financial actions. Research, learn all you can here, as what you learn will aid you immensely in ’22, when huge good luck will hit this area.

Shop Sun. morning. Errands, friendly contacts, travel, communications and paperwork fill this afternoon to noon Tues. Be curious, ask — esp. Mon. Home, family, mother nature, nutrition and “back porch rest” fill Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Be thoughtful — luck is mixed (good Wed. night, PST).

Romance, creative and gambling urges lift your heart Thurs. afternoon to suppertime Sat. Not much doing, except Thurs. night, when you might meet a partner (new or ongoing) in a lucky way. An opportunity you spy this night could be a great one!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Relationships bloom in March, Virgo. Some good fortune can come from this, but it’s not even near the spectacular luck in relationships that faces you in 2022. In a way, you could take this month’s relationship themes as a sort of testing or training ground for next year. (Includes relocation, public dealings, opportunities, new prospects.) Confusions and delays at work are clearing now. Expect some discussion about your role or position until mid March.

Wednesday begins almost 7 weeks during which higher-ups and bosses can be temperamental and impatient – but the same time opens doorways to “invest” in your ambitions. (Anything from buying a few of your employer’s company shares to starting your own business.)

You’re energetic Sun. morning — could impress/woo spouse, lover! But deal with money, salary, purchases, casual sex, and memorizing tasks Sun. pm to Tues. noon. Monday best. Easy chores, communications, travel, paperwork and office systems, and curiosity — ask questions! — fill Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Double-check figures, addresses. Not much luck here.

Thursday afternoon to Sat. suppertime nudges you toward home, kids, real estate, relaxation. Thursday eve/night might bring/offer a great work/employment or machinery opportunity.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The weeks ahead feature work, work and more work — and a minor health issue or two. (OTC stuff.) Clarity is starting to come to a romantic situation — good, as this will be your major, fortunate focus of 202. Wednesday ends two months of sexual drive and desire, and starts seven weeks of affectionate, almost intellectual involvement with someone who could be a good lover, even spouse. Might be foreign-born. Urge to relocate might be strong.

Lie low, rest Sun. morning (PST). Your energy explodes this afternoon to Tues. noon. Lead, give work projects a healthy push forward. Use your charm — it’s high now. Monday’s best for success. Handle $, buy/sell, memorize, respond to a casual sex attraction Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Luck’s mixed, some good, some bad — be nimble.

Thursday eve to Sat. suppertime brings errands, calls, paperwork, trips. Again luck is mixed. Best: Thurs. eve/night can open a door to romance, success with kids, or a writing project.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

January/Feb.’s intensity (and possible enmity) in relationships fades mid-week, as the “intensity barometer” moves into the more secret, private, sexual, financial, medical and lifestyle zones of relationships and opportunities. Yes, do invest, do jump into bed, etc., but think twice first, each time. Inspiration and mistakes can intermingle.

This month, March, is very romantic, could even bring a life-mate. (Attraction first, talk later.) But if it fails, don’t worry — 2022 will be super-romantic, best year for love (and sports, creativity, risks, etc.) in a decade. Domestic misunderstandings clear now, still much to discuss.

Sunday morning’s (PST) for happiness, friends. But withdraw this pm to noon Tues. — rest, contemplate, plan, liaison with gov’t, charities, spiritual orgs, or your own head office. Monday’s best. Your energy, clout and charisma surge upward Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Be a leader, tackle big things, but realized luck is mixed; be willing to let go of losers. Thursday night, perhaps a great inspiration about home, family, security.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Big stuff coming, Sage! The general accent in March lies on home, family, real estate, security,  nutrition, nature, and rest. Your home, family will be affectionate, loving. But Wednesday starts seven weeks of intense relationships — fiery tempers, love, life-bonding, all possible, esp. as late March and April arrive. Be diplomatic, romantic. (Good news: the weight of work lifts.)  Recent communications/travel might have been delayed, confused. That clears now, talk/writing leads to mutual understanding.

Sunday am (PST) favours an ambitious action. This pm to Tues. noon lifts your heart with popularity, social joys, optimism and flirtation(s). Monday’s best. Withdraw Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. — rest, sleep, contemplate and plan, connect with gov’t, head office, spiritual orgs. Luck is mixed. Best Tues. eve.

Your energy and charisma, clout and sense of timing bloom nicely Thurs. eve to suppertime Sat. Again, luck is mixed, so advance carefully. Thursday eve/night might bring love, a serious partnership or a doorway to it.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

March continues the emphasis on errands, paperwork, office systems, telephony, travel, contacts and communications. A sweet luck, affection, imbues this communication and travel. In Jan./Feb., romance, if it existed, was intense and “hot.” Now that intensity (mid-week to late April) “fires up” your work and health zones. Work hard. Avoid burns, too much sun, quick temperature changes. Confusion in money matters clears up now, esp. through communication.

Sunday morn’s for love, mellow outlook, understanding. This afternoon to Tues. noon encourages you to act ambitiously. Monday by far the best day. Tuesday afternoon to mid-afternoon Thurs. lifts your heart with popularity, social delights, friends, entertainment, flirtation, and optimism. Enjoy, but be nimble and don’t take anything too seriously.

Seek solitude, quiet Thurs. afternoon to Sat. suppertime (PST). Liaison with gov’t, head office, institutions, spiritual and charitable orgs. Be mildly skeptical: don’t accept deception. Possible $ break-through (or opportunity) Thurs. eve/night.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Confusion (about what road to travel, about yourself and about a romantic situation and a sexual element) tends to clear now. Discussions bring clarity quickly. This is important, because the entire year will tend to grow and develop whichever project or path you choose. January and Feb. were filled with anger, rancour or strife, esp. at home. This ends Wed., when seven weeks of hot intensity begin in romantic, pleasure, creative and adventurous zones. You might fall madly in love.

March highlights money, buying/selling, clients, possessions, memory, and casual sexual attraction — good fortune rides with you in all these.

Sunday morning (PST) is made for investing, sex (supports insemination) and digging deep for information. This afternoon to Tues. noon pours a sweet balm of peace over you, of understanding, international and intellectual themes. You’ll understand why the last 2 months have been so argumentative. Monday best, could bring love.

Be ambitious Tues. afternoon to mid-afternoon Thurs. Walk lightly, though, as obstacles proliferate. Best time: Wed. night, when you could find a “new money” source (or the way to increase an ongoing source). Thursday afternoon to suppertime Sat. brings popularity, social delights, entertainment, flirtations, optimism. Not good days for practical action. Best: Thurs. night, when a wish could come true (perhaps involving love).

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

This is your time, Pisces! Your energy, clout, charisma, timing and effectiveness are at a yearly high (to March 20). In addition, Venus is making you look good, making others notice/admire.

You may receive or make a communication or two with government, admin head office, or a charitable or spiritual group (or a therapist) — this comes from Jan./Feb., and will clear up outstanding issues — good. You’ve been quite active/restless the last two months. That ends Wed., when 7 weeks of intensity affect your domestic sphere — be patient, calm, understanding — don’t intimidate children.

Sunday morning is for relationships — a sexy one, or a conversation about $. Sunday pm to Tues. noon shunts you into depths and secrets, into consequential decisions, promises. Sex, finances, medical and lifestyle themes. Act Monday daytime — luck’s good.

A mellow, wise mood steals over you Tues. pm to mid-afternoon (PST) Thursday. International, legal, religious, philosophical concerns — and love — grow here. Best Tues. night and Wed. night. Be ambitious, deal with higher-ups Thurs. afternoon to suppertime Sat. But be cautious, too — good luck is slim. Thursday night might offer a good retreat, success with gov’t, or admission to an institution. (Hospitals, colleges, banks are institutions.)



Remember when last week I wrote that there would be a series of conflicts between high tech on one hand and the “old way” or a practical way or establishment on the other hand. I could only find Bitcoin as an example.

But now Australia is fighting with Google and Facebook and both have threatened to withdraw services. (Note: Feb. 20, I just heard that they had settled their differences.)

And here’s another: on Feb. 19* The Epoch Times reported that Poland had proposed $13.5 million fines for tech giants (such as Facebook and Google) who engage in “ideological censorship.” (*Though this column runs Sunday to Sat., it’s always posted the prior Thursday; in this case, Feb. 18.)

And another: South Dakota is writing legislation to let the state control FB, Google and Twitter; and, I think, to let them be sued by private citizens.
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I also wrote last week that there might be a “nasdaq recession” — i.e., a tech recession. As I write this, Feb. 19, many high-tech names are falling. Since Feb. 12 (to 25th) the index has fallen slightly over 6.4%. Whether the decline holds or not, who knows. But I suspect it will continue to some degree until early 2023, two more years. (With a peak intensity around December 2021.)
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BTW, I wrote about Bitcoin last week. You can now buy a cryptocurrency ETF on the Toronto Stock Exchange for about $10-$11 a share. Ticker symbol: BCTT.B.  It just launched Feb. 19. I’m not recommending it, just saying!
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The 9 biggest cowards in the U.S.A.: Supreme Court Judges. (Not “justices,” as they evade the meaning of that word.) Second biggest: teachers (U.S. only — in my corner of Canada, teachers and children have been together in class at full class size this entire school year.

Biggest coward in North America? Canada. This nation has let China imprison and abuse their diplomat, for no crime, just as an attempt to bully Canada into breaking their extradition treaty with the U.S. I think Canada should have (for this is years old) immediately imprisoned China’s ambassador, who has done nothing but sneer at Canada and Canadians from his Ottawa perch. This cowardly government can’t even practice tit-for-tat.

I’m ashamed of them, and of Trudeau. (Rational minds/cooler heads will say, “you can’t fight lawbreakers (China) by breaking the law yourself. That would destroy the rule of law.” Fine. If the law(s) had any strength — they don’t, when you’re dealing with the unjust, bully-boy dictators of a population 35 times larger than poor Canada’s.)

Maybe I’m wrong about all the above. Who am I to call anyone a coward, when I don’t fully know the ins and outs, and maybe don’t perceive/understand the big picture.
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How to defeat FaceBook, Twitter and Google (advice for Republicans) — launch 10 million lawsuits against each one. It doesn’t even matter if most of them fail. They will tie up the courts for years, but more importantly, they will tie up these companies. It takes a lot of lawyers to defend against 10 million suits. Say, 10 suits per lawyer, 1 million lawyers per company, at $500/hr. or $8,000 per day (this is why you should avoid lawyers)… let’s say 10 “man days” are spent on each case. That’s $8,000 times 10 = $80,000 per case (this is very conservative).

At 10 million cases, that’s 800 billion dollars — even Zuckerberg and Dorsey would find this hard to take. Hopefully, esp. with new, conservative search engines and platforms, Parler and Gab, AONN, etc., these 3 malefactors will become bankrupt.

Such lawsuits are easy to start: a writ, demanding FB’s, Twits, etc. involvement, would only cost a few hundred bucks. Maybe city, county, state and federal levels of the party machinery could help with this, guide plaintiffs through their process, help with legal bills, etc.

Now let’s see… 75  million voted for Trump, so 1 in 7.5 Republicans would need to start a lawsuit. That’s almost one suit per 2 families. Unrealistic, of course. Say they launch only 1 million lawsuits, that needs only 1 in 75 republicans to participate. That would still cost these Biden cronies $80 billion, enough to sting and slow — and slowly erode their reputation, esp. as facts began to be revealed in a million court rooms across the country.

So how do these republican complainants avoid also paying $80 or $800 billion in legal fees? Easy, they represent themselves. You don’t need a lawyer in court. For legal technicalities, ask the judge to help. (They should do so, or admit their courtroom is prejudiced.) For really tricky stuff, the plaintiff merely has to ask the court for a delay of one day so he/she can consult with a lawyer, and Republicans should have a cadre of advising lawyers standing by. Every delay will cost FB and the other Biden cronies more legal fees.

The advisory lawyers, if/when they spot a case that has some solid chance of winning, would “join in” and give help to the plaintiff.

The Republicans could do the same thing with all the election fraud suits, which were mostly thrown out by those people we call judges. Same method: at least 100,000 suits, maybe 1 million. They might or might not win — the purpose is to tie up the courts. It’s the same method hackers use to attack a website — they flood it with “requests.” The effect is called “denial of service.” (How ironically perfect.)

These same courts which refuse to hear Trump cases, would pay for it by being unable to conduct other business, due to a “full docket.” Just a bit of payback for their cowardly reaction to the election (denying to hear cases). Of course, the courts could simply deny these lawsuit applications — but even that takes a day from the judge, and probably 3 days from the twit lawyers. (3 days = $24,000 per case.) And cost the plaintiff only some time and a few hundred dollars.

There are probably flaws in all this, but it’s an idea they should think about, see if they can massage something similar into reality. (NOTE: DO A PLUTO RETURN CHART — 1776 BASE — TO SEE NEXT “U.S.”)

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In 1776 Pluto was in 27 degrees Capricorn. In 250 years it has circled the Sun once, and will first return to 27 degrees Cap in February 2022. (It comes within a whisker of that degree in April, 2021, so we should look around us now through April for clues to 2022. (I’ve earlier said that 2022 to 2040 will see the rise of a major subversive organIzatIon in the U.S. No, not the FBI — to date, they are the largest subversive org. in America, but this future one will be much bigger.

Empires often rise and fall on Pluto. Because it has an orbit of approximately 250 years, major nations often “rule” for 250 or 500 or even 1,000 year chunks. (Think Rome, Britain, others.) The U.S.A. is approaching its 250-year marker, so it will be revolutionized, and death and “raw power” will proliferate. But a new U.S. will be born!

(Yes, it will likely be a police state, with draconian subjugation of the citizenry, and blanket control of information. A kind of China, if you like. Canada will escape this, I think. Eventually, as I’ve said for at least 4 decades, Canada will “rule” the U.S.
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“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” — but so is the road to Heaven!
