Tag Archives: money


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            Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  The annual forecast, the luck forecast & the karmic forecast for 2021 are now available under PLATFORMS, above.

START NOTHING:  3:10 am to 3:25 am Mon., 10:15 pm Tues. to 6:15 am Wed., and 1:20 am to 9:16 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS: Remember, Mercury is retrograde until Feb. 20, so don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before then. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Happiness and hope continue, Aries! Flirt, play, join new groups — your popularity rises, friends gather around. Through most of Feb., a female becomes a lively, perky, unpredictable and gentle friend. She will not agree with your monetary or sexual urges, tho. An old flame might appear. This might begin something big and consequential, something that can affect the decades to follow.

Money continues to flow to you (and hopefully not through you). Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc.

Tackle chores Sunday. Despite some temper or accident potential, you’ll get an important task done, might relate to intimacy, finances, or an investigation. Relationships arrive Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. (PST). Monday, esp., might bring great luck in love or friendship. Be co-operative, grab opportunities.

Life’s more hidden forces ooze to the surface Wed. to early morning Fri. — secrets, finances, sexual lures, medical or lifestyle decisions — expect a lot of opposition or glitches to about 10 am Thurs., then success (esp. with large companies, gov’t or institutions). Later Friday through Sat. brings wisdom, profound ideas — but are they the right ideas? Love exists, but is hampered by mistrust, or a conflict between wishes/friends vs money/possessiveness.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Until Feb. 20, Taurus, don’t start new projects, situations or relationships. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. The general accent continues on your ambitions, career, and worldly standing. A former career role might return (or a former boss) — in any case, your career is under beneficial aspects, so show your stuff, display talents.

Your determination, courage, and sexual prowess are heightened all February. Whether you chase sex or money at this time, you will probably succeed. So choose which you want.

Sunday begins with a wee disappointment, then blossoms later to bring co-operation, and a doorway to (romantic) love, which can lead even to marriage. BUT examine this: are you being too hasty, or ignoring some restriction? If not, go ahead. Tackle chores Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. — Monday’s best. Dress “weather wise.”

Relationships are rather terrible Wed. to mid-morn Thurs., then they get a lot better, esp. Thurs. afternoon (PST). Sex, secrets, temptations, and financial, medical or lifestyle decisions fill Saturday — keyword: caution.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Love and learning, peace and wisdom, law, beliefs, culture, media, foreign travel — these fill February, Gemini — and grow luckier, sweeter now (Feb.) than just a week ago. An old flame might return. This could change your life. Remember, Gemini, all 2021, your instincts are correct, despite “lobbying arguments” from others. (“Lobbying,” because they want something.)

Until early March, avoid belligerent people and places of violence. Same period, you feel hopeful about gov’t, health, large organizations. Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc.

Sunday’s for home, family, security. Success at a chore or something intimate, this night. Sweet romance grabs your attention Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. (Ah, how I remember those nights-turned-into-sunrise-dawns in my 20’s! Now, in my 70’s, nights turn into the sweet oblivion of sleep and dawn slips by me like a girl on light feet, whom I’ll never catch.) If you’re looking for love, or dating, Monday is by far the best time.

Tackle chores and health concerns dawn Wed. to mid-morn Fri. (PST). Glitches and frustrations rule until late morning Thurs., success then onward. (Career lucky Thurs. afternoon — approach a higher-up.) Mid-morn Fri. through Sat. brings relationships — diplomacy needed (and a diplomatic non-involvement).

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20, Cancer. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc.

You are investing a lot of hope in an ambitious (career?) project until early March — a good cycle to schmooze with higher-ups, but keep your temper, esp. about money, and esp. Sun. and Wed. this week. The main accent lies on sex, secrets, pregnancy, investments, debt, medical and lifestyle decisions — and investigation. Of these, only investigation is recommended as a go-forward action, though any of these matters coming from the past, can also succeed.

Sunday is for errands, talk, trips, paperwork — all better toward suppertime (PST) than in the morning. Home, family, security, nature call Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. Monday is splendid, can be hugely successful, but wear caution’s cloak after that.

Romance and creative urges arrive Wed. to Fri. morning. Lover’s tiffs or other frustrations exist until about mid-morn Thurs.; sweet convergence after that. Tackle chores and pamper your health Fri./Sat. There’s some good stuff here, but also one major glitch, perhaps involving friends, power, electricity, computers. Walk softly, act calmly, read instructions twice.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

This is a powerful month, Leo, with major significant consequences in relationships, where you live/operate, what dealings or negotiations or public appearances you engage in. If single, you might not be that way for long. Yet there is something complicated about all this, perhaps something missing such as a conviction on your part that you should be with someone. An old flame or ex-spouse could appear. If you’re not otherwise attached when/if this happens, take this person seriously, as they might be your future.

Until early March, step lightly with impatient bosses. If you’re in a lawsuit, its outcome can affect your career. Others treat you affectionately. Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc.

Chase money Sunday — after 10 am (PST). Errands, talk, paperwork, trips, easy chores fill Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. Act Monday — your luck’s high. (Great day to phone/write someone attractive.) Tuesday’s tough. Lean toward home, family, garden, comfort and rest Wed. morning to Fri. morning — obstacles before mid-morn Thurs., success after. Romance calls Fri./Sat. — but this is likely not the “golden partner” (i.e., isn’t good for marriage) — tread lightly, avoid commitment.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Remember, Virgo, Mercury is retrograde until Feb. 20, so don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before then. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. February’s main accent lies on work, employment, machinery and dependents. This area is potent with growth right now, and throughout 2021 — but especially now.

A former job might return, or a machine you coveted but could not “reach” might be within your grasp now. (However, it’s a bad time to start a completely new job or buy machinery not connected to the past — it will be a lemon, or “not needed.”) What occurs is quite important, as it might bear on, influence or colour, the next 3 decades in the work zone. If you want to take decisive action on this front, schedule it for the last week in Feb.

Strictly avoid lawsuits until March 4. You will, until then, tend to elevate sex to love. (Don’t justify an extramarital temptation by calling it “love” — it ain’t.)

Your energy and charisma soar Sun., but friends/lovers are easier to deal with late day, than a partner is this morning. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. (PST). Monday’s great, successful, esp. with a work-money situation. But Tuesday’s a dud (good to noon in Europe, to evening in Asia).

Errands, talks, trips and paperwork fill Wed. morn to mid-morn Fri. — difficult to Thurs. morning, then good later and Fri. Double-check addresses, instructions. Drift toward home, garden, family, security Fri./Sat. All’s okay, but keep an eye on your spouse’s reactions Sat., and on a legal, travel or health concern.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

February’s main emphasis falls on romance, creative self-expression, arts, sports,, games, charming children, beauty and pleasure. An old flame might return, or a creative project that you dropped might be worth taking up again. In love, whether love for your children or your spouse or your romantic object, developments and situations can be extremely significant for your future. This influence lasts all year, but is at a peak in February.

Your sexual drives intensify, until March 4. Same period don’t make impulsive moves with your assets/finances. Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc.

Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday. Avoid relationship “tests.” Your energy and charisma surge upward Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. Monday’s superb — act! But see the obstacles Tues. Pursue $, buy/sell, cultivate clients or the boss Wed. daytime to mid-morn Friday. Hindrances exist, but so do lucky, open doors. To experience the latter, wait until 10 am (PST) Thurs. onward, to act. Earlier, life rebuffs you.

Errands, casual friends curiosity, short trips, paperwork and communications fill Fri./Sat. Perform these, but cautiously. Romance and sex don’t mix right now.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20, Scorpio. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. February’s main accent lies on home, family, garden, nature, nutrition — and a rest before you go on. This is actually the theme for almost all of 2021, but it is more intense and significant now, despite confusion and indecision everywhere.

A prodigal child or a former home, or a home you wanted in the past but couldn’t “land,” might return. Your family displays affection almost every day. If you’re in the market for real estate, looking for a “new” place, I advise waiting until Feb. 21 to act, or to begin to act. Despite your family’s affection, many relationships are friction-prone until early March. Be diplomatic, co-operative, esp. on work, machinery and health fronts.

Sunday’s for happiness, esp. this evening. Withdraw, rest, contemplate Mon. to pre-dawn Wed.  Monday’s best here, so perform necessary duties — these would be harder Tues./Wed. Your energy and charisma grow Wed. morning to mid-morn Friday. Be a parent; if not, a leader or encourager. Offer shelter, plural ways.

Wednesday, early Thursday are a bit choppy, but Thurs. afternoon helps romance. (Though sex might lag.) Friday/Sat. feature money in some form. Buy/sell, collect and pay — be friendly to casual acquaintances. Romance might disappoint Sat., but that’s temporary. Later, you and another might suddenly decide to break up, or to join more deeply, domestically. Any break-up might not last more than a month.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This month is filled with errands, messages, calls, contacts, appointments, short trips, paperwork and, perhaps, deadlines. Busy! But this is the very area that is afflicted by delays and mistakes. Double check addresses, figures; make a list before you leave home/office; keep a running list so you’re not depending on one moment’s memory.

Don’t start new projects, especially in this “errands” zone, nor new situations or relationships before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. I make it sound terrible. It won’t be; in fact, you’ll be treated with respect and affection in this zone, all Feb. — and you could meet a special friend. A former (but somewhat casual) lover could re-appear. Your work is long and intense until early March, so take some time for rest.

Sunday’s for ambition, mingling with prestige people — late day better than early. Wishes can come true Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. You’ll be popular, optimistic, social and flirty. Monday’s best; Tuesday goes mildly “against destiny.” (E.g., new people won’t last long.) Withdraw to rest and contemplate Wednesday morning till mid morning Friday. Pamper your health. Be charitable and spiritual, and seek an advisor. Tough before mid-morn Thurs.; smooth, easy after.

Your energy, charisma and clout surge upward Fri./Sat. Get things done, impress others, meet a long-time friend. Saturday holds a late surprise, not necessarily a good one. Step softly where coworker affections might be involved.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Avoid starting new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20, Cap. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. The general focus is on money, earnings, possessions, buy/sell, memory learning, and casual sexual attractions.

A former intimate partner might appear, but you didn’t deeply love him or her then, and won’t now. In all these, money to sex, the confusion/delay mentioned above is most intense. That said, your $ luck runs high and sweet almost all Feb. Your romantic courage and sexual magnetism are strong all month, to early March.

Despite my advice not to start anything, this month and virtually all 2021, you can be building a “castle of money,” or an earnings project that can last and grow for 3 decades. All 2021, avoid the gov’t.

Sunday’s wise, mellow, loving. Early confusion will clear. Be ambitious Mon. (PST) to pre-dawn Wed. — grab an old opportunity, or display your talents. Monday’s best for action. Optimism, popularity, social joys and a feeling of “celebration” fill you Wed. to mid-morning Fri. Events, situations aren’t so easy before mid-morn Thurs.; then, they improve nicely. A pleasing phone call this afternoon.

Withdraw to quietude and rest Fri./Sat. Contemplate the “restrictions” involved in a romantic (or pleasure) choice.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20, Aquarius. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. Your energy is high, and your charisma actually increases over the month ahead. Use this extra energy to give ongoing projects a meaningful push.

Until early March, friction can exist in your domestic sphere. Be gentle and forgiving. An old flame is almost certain to appear in the weeks ahead. This year you’ll both assume a burden and expand your social and “luck” horizons. It’s like someone gives you a super energy drink that makes you want to run, then ties a ball-and-chain to your foot. But this is not bad: it slows you down enough to seriously, with stability and joy, embark on a new life.

Sunday’s sexy, good for research (after 9 am PST) esp. about career prospects. A mellow, wise, gently loving mood steals over you Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. Far travel, intellectual and cultural pursuits, law and social mores capture your attention. Monday’s best — could include a bonus late day — something lucky!

Be ambitious Wed. to mid-morn Fri. — higher-ups are watching. Don’t start any projects/proposals, just show your stuff. Problems before about 10 am Thurs.; success after that. You will enjoy Fri./Sat. — a wee wish comes true, you’ll be popular and social. Join a group for a pleasure outing. But remain aware: a family member might be restless, question your “position.”

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The general accent remains on rest, contemplation, spiritual progress/expansion, charity, gov’t or “head office.” In any of these, as well as in warehousing, medical, spa/resort, nursing, management and delegation of tasks — in these, 2021 gives you the open doorway to expand realistically, in a way that “grows” for 3 decades ahead. E.g., you could buy a small warehouse now (in ’21) and have 20 warehouses in a decade or two.

However, don’t start new projects, situations or relationships before Feb. 20. Instead, reprise these from the past, or work to protect ongoing situations from confusion, indecision, delay, supply shortages, etc. Seek advice — but from a professional or a peer — not from your boss or parent. (All 2021, you will gain from home, real estate, a humble attitude — and lose if you over-emphasize career, prestige and pride.)

Sunday’s for relationships — irksome until mid-morn, then good after that. (Casual or “public” bonds don’t work, tho.) Secrets, sex, finances, research, depth psychology attract you Mon. to pre-dawn Wed. Monday’s great for action; Tues. not so much.

A mellow, understanding, gently loving mood comes over you Wed. to mid-morn Fri., and brings themes of far travel, law, learning and cultural rites. Obstacles until mid-morn Thurs.; success after this. Show your ambition or work skills Fri./Sat., without launching anything new. Don’t gossip nor reveal secrets. The gov’t’s saying: don’t travel.



I promised to stop writing about politics. The following is not exactly political. Well…

Remember when I wrote here that Covid-19 cases would tend to decline after Dec. 17, but said it would take awhile to be evident, and that at first the media will deny the decline? Look at this Canadian report just out (lost the author, tho!):

“Never trust the CBC. I just checked the stats directly (https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data) and cases are down, hospitalizations are down and deaths are down. I wonder why Trudeau’s state broadcaster didn’t actually tell you that. #liars” (

Last week, The New York Times reported that Covid cases have declined 21%  since Jan. 9.

The Los Angeles Daily News carried a report last week that covid cases had plateau’d, were declining.

(*) — Canadian media is not free of the prejudices and falsehoods of American media; in fact, they parrot U.S. Democratic opinions ceaselessly, presenting them as facts and “news.” It makes me sad to see my adopted country fall into such mindless parroting. Once, Canada had a backbone — its media, too. I don’t get it — why would they abandon their former admirable seat of objectivity, to parrot the partisan viewpoint of another country?  I wonder why?

How do I know this parroted viewpoint is biased mis-reporting? Simple: the use of adjectives. A news report would say: “Trump’s claims of election fraud”… CTV and CBC (along with the corrupt U.S. media such as CNN) ALWAYS say: “Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud…”  (They have been using the “baseless” word since the election fraud issue first emerged, long before a mature set of facts was presented, hinting that this descriptor was not reached by consideration of evidence.) Wow, I just have no respect for these guys anymore.

Son, if you want to be a writer or reporter when you grow up, first you must go to Propaganda School, to learn what you must say and cannot say. And to learn who is a boor and who is not a boor, and what we do to uppity boors who get out of line, and what we do to all those who were taken in by him.
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Australia is no such wimp. From the beginning, Aussie media has reported whatever they could find of the truth in America.
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Local carpenters, when a stud or rail or anything sticks out too much, call it “proud.” Maybe the expression is widespread. The proud portion then has to be sawn, cut, chiseled or sanded down — or removed entirely. In the Cabinet of Drawers called Washington, Trump was proud, and had to be clipped.
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“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were inaugurated in a ghost town.”

— WND News Services, Jan. 24/21

Remember when I wrote that voting for Joe Biden was like buying a haunted house? And in 2019, my “vision” of Congress surrounded by the Army? Well, now we have both! Biden’s “ghost town,” surrounded by 7,000 troops until March.
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I am trying, I am trying to stop writing about politics!
