Tag Archives: romance



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  Before 7:48 am Sun., 7:51 am to 6:18 pm Tues., and 0:57 am to 6:33 am Fri.


You cannot steal wisdom.


NOTE: Tim remains ill, so the weekly forecasts are shorter than usual.

aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

This is your last week of secrecy, temptations, sexual and financial commitments, life changes and/or medical procedures, Aries. Lots of action still in store. Higher-ups like you now, so press your case for promotion, etc. — this might lead you down a long and somewhat complex but very rewarding path right until next January/ February. A Taurus or Libra might play a key role.

Your energy and charisma are high Sunday into Tuesday. Something unexpectedly lucky might occur. Chase money Tuesday suppertime to dawn Friday. Early obstacles Tuesday and Wednesday can turn into real success later. Wednesday and Thursday, A bit of information or a government pronouncement aids your cause. Errands, friends and information fill Fri./Sat. Early information is gold but Saturday’s data is ripe for argument.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A legal or academic matter goes in your favour now to February, Taurus. International travel, media and love will also be favoured. (you will grow indecisive about these matters in December, but keep the faith — although the road might be winding, it will take you to the right destination.

The present week emphasizes relationships, opportunities, relocation and public dealings. To a large degree you will get your way in these things Tuesday night to Friday morning, as your bright energy and charisma attracts allies and suitors — Wednesday night into Friday is the best portion of these days. (True love might appear Thursday night — Friday morning in Europe, etc.)

Earlier, lie low, rest and research Sunday to suppertime Tuesday — your luck is pretty good, but don’t test a relationship Tuesday morning. Ditto Wednesday morning. Chase money Friday/Saturday — Friday is for stable money, Saturday is more for a bit of a gamble.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

This is your last week of work and health concerns, Gemini. Well that’s a bit incorrect, as one kind of chore that makes you feel hopeful hangs around until mid December. It might have to do with a group of people, with a wish you have, or even because you’re attracted to someone in the work sphere.

Friends, optimism and popularity left you in their gentle arms Sunday to suppertime Tuesday. The only danger is that. this socializing might cause a problem with your work, especially Tuesday. Your energy declines Thursday night to Friday morning. Withdraw from the hustle bustle, to rest, contemplate and plan. Seek advice. (A Pisces or Scorpio might enlighten you.) This isn’t the luckiest interval, so don’t stick your head into any nooses, or climb out on any thin branches.

Your energy and charisma return at least halfway Friday/Saturday. This interval offers stability, but not really any agreement, especially in partnership areas. Your finances, investments and intimate sexual life blossom with good fortune until February. (Some indecision and backtracking in this mid December into January, but it will work out well.)

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your last week of romance, Cancer, so make the best of it — especially Tuesday night to Friday morning, when you feel social, witty, confident and happy — the very qualities that attract potential lovers. There will be some bumps Tuesday into Wednesday morning, but then to Friday morning brings luck and love.

Earlier, Sunday into Tuesday suppertime accents and favours your ambitions, search for prestige, and worldly status. Good luck here, tho’ in unexpected ways. Retreat Friday/Saturday. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan. All’s well, but when planning, favour love, media, travel or academic plans over “mere sex.” As I mentioned, romance only has a week to run, but serious relationships blossom with love and luck until February.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

It’s the last week if domestic influences, Leo — though some remains, enough to warn you against family friction until mid-December. Be gentle, esp. with kids. Until February, your workplace and workmates will be pleasant and fruitful. This is a great few months to begin employment, to improve your job, to hire employees or to purchase tools or machinery.

Legal, academic, far travel, media and love matters arise Monday to Tuesday eve. It’s neither the worst nor best of times. Your career and prestige relations, your worldly status and ambitions are in focus Tuesday night to Friday morning. These present real challenges before Wednesday noon; after this, good things flow. You might buy a great investment early Thurs. morning (PST).  Friday/Saturday bring popularity, rising optimism, and social delights. You will be happy! Don’t argue with someone who is very good for you.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s your last week of errands, contacts, communications, paperwork and travel. Be curious! Until mid December, these communications, paperwork, etc. might involve important finances or a sexual (and perhaps secret) attraction. This trend is emphasized Sunday morning to Tuesday eve, with mixed luck.

Now until February 2022, a very sweet romance might begin. It will hit some snags of indecision or delay mid December into January, but still prove very fortunate not only for love, but also for creative and speculative projects and dealing with children. Tuesday eve to Friday morning brings a mellow, understanding mood, a broad view, and love — of one person, or all humanity. Disruption, obstacles before midday Wed., success after that.

Be ambitious Friday and Saturday. Your luck is pretty good here – Friday is stable and Saturday is lucky, but carve out your words carefully. You don’t need an “opinion argument.”

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The emphasis lies on money, on income and spending, Libra — but only this week in a major way. However, you might be dealing with themes of money or possession in a relationship or a love affair, until mid-December. Until February, you are going to be more interested in your home than usual, and also find that home and family are a sweet place to be. You might even buy a piece of real estate.

Sunday morning to Tuesday eve brings relationships, relocation themes, opportunities and public dealings – but not super fortunately (nor disastrously). Sex, secrets, large finances, temptations, and lifestyle changes or medical procedures fill Tuesday night to Friday morning. Timing’s important: obstacles before midday Wed., success after.

A mellow, loving and understanding mood steals over you Friday and Saturday. Your luck is a little mixed here, but mostly fortunate, so go ahead with academic, legal, international travel, media, cultural and love concerns.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  OCT. 23-NOV. 21

It’s your last week of super energy and quite high charisma, Scorpio – so enjoy it and use it well. The portion of your charisma that is composed of sexual magnetism and determination will continue to support you until mid December. Now to next February is a great time to communicate with a loved one, talk to someone you’re attracted to, or travel to a sweet destination. During these months, that little tug you feel is something in your subconscious telling you to pay attention to a possible restriction or liability.

Tackle chores and improve your health Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime. Though your luck is mixed, it’s generally favourable. Relationships, opportunities, exotic shores and public dealings fill Tues. eve to Fri. morning. Time yourself: obstacles exist to midday Wed., success is offered after that.

Friday/Saturday steer you into deeper waters: sexual temptations, major financial actions, research, secrets, medical and lifestyle decisions. All’s good, esp. in home, real estate. (These favoured in a deep, beneficial way until year’s end.)

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Celebrate, Sage — it’s your last week of illness, lowered energy, low charisma. In a week, you’ll be back to your old self. Still, one vestige of this “quiet” period will linger into mid-December: oddly enough, romance (or a creative/pleasure project). You might feel that a romance is holding you back, or that you need to be quiet about it or your true feelings.

Last week began a long (to February, 2022) streak of good fortune in money matters. These months ahead might also feature a casual sexual bond — nice, but not the love of your life.

Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime features romantic notions and creative urges. Remember, your charisma/energy are little low, so proceed tentatively. Tackle chores Tues. eve to Fri. morning. Dress and eat sensibly. Time your actions: obstacles to midday Wed., success after that.

Friday/Saturday highlight relationships, opportunities and public dealings (and relocation themes). It might be a little early or a little too late to dive into this area, but there’s no harm and some nice luck. If doubtful, you might want to wait until next week to make major decisions or ventures.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

You might wonder where all the good luck comes from, Cap, as now to February a subtle grace and magnetism surrounds you, bringing moments of love, beauty, career success, and an all-round feeling that life is sweet and “open” to you. This period might bring a memorable romance. The present week is the last of a social, optimistic and flirty trend. (However, a vestige of this delightful feeling will accompany you to mid-December, and will be tied to home, family, or an “end.”)

Turn toward home, family, security issues Sun. morning to Tues. suppertime. An easy, fairly fortunate interval, but don’t make a commitment Tuesday that might diminish social delights, or a cherished wish.

Midweek, Tues. eve to Fri. morn, emphasizes romance, creativity, sports/games, beauty, pleasure and risk. As implied above, this is your “strength” until February. But obstacles defy you until midday Wed. — after this, success is far more likely. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. — you’ll get lots done, esp., Fri. Don’t mix friends and $. Dress, eat sensibly (next week starts a month of natural tiredness, lowered immunity).

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

It’s your last week of ambition, of being “tested,” Aquarius. Next week begins a month of optimism and social delights. But until mid-December some of that “testing” remains — be cautious about what you say, as it will reflect on your character and could influence whether you rise or ebb in career and prestige areas.

Now to February, your inner world provides rewards and validation. An excellent time to meditate, or learn to, and to deal with gov’t, taxes, institutions, to seek advice. You might find the law/ethics “disagree” with your urges/actions. Your home might benefit (to February) — it becomes a place of “sweet retreat.” You might embrace love in your home.

Errands, communications and paperwork fill Sun. morning to suppertime Tues. Your luck is mixed, but “fair.” Don’t “cut someone off” Tues. Home sweet home prevails Tues. eve to Fri. morning. Security, property, family, nutrition, mom nature absorb your attention. Timing is everything: obstacles face you to midday Wed., then success calls to Friday.

Romance, pleasure, beauty, creative and risk-taking urges fill Fri./Sat. All’s well, so dive in. (Not promising success, but dangers are almost non-existent. A great interval to impress the boss or grab an ambitious opportunity. Don’t argue or it will flee.)

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19 – March 20

This is your last week of looking at life philosophically, Pisces. However, parts of the present trend stay with you to mid December. These parts might be legal or academic or travel oriented or cultural or in the realm of love… But they all will connect strongly to your income and/or your spending.

Now to February 2022, your social scene will blossom with affection, grace, pleasure, and lots of communications or travel. A memorable friendly love affair might occur. You will be optimistic about your future, especially about friends, major finances, sexual intimacy and life changes. (And it’s a good time to make those changes.)

This week, chase money or hunt for bargains Sunday morning to Tuesday suppertime. Your luck is pretty good here, but stay away from government, head offices or institutions. Mid week — Tuesday eve to Friday morning — brings errands, short trips, communications and paperwork. Be careful and cautious to mid day Wednesday, then charge ahead in these areas after that. Be home or putter around the ‘hood Friday/Saturday. This is a lucky little interval, so dive into domestic matters — family, kids, garden, nutrition, security, even a sojourn in nature.



“SOMETHING’S ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK” (Apologies to Hamlet) — Every week, I vow not to comment on politics or criminals like Fauci, but then my back gets up at the injustices being wrought. But if people aren’t aware of the “rot” yet, they never will be. So, after today, I VOW — NO MORE POLITICS!
***.  ***

Joe Biden, the Gentle Hitler who continues to strangle these Jan. 6  innocents, will have success in November, because he’s a Scorpio. (Only his surface is gentle: inside, he’s a fanatic — Aquarius Moon.) So his infrastructure bill was passed, and the other (“Build Back Better”) might also, as he’s at the peak of his power right now. But what isn’t passed before late November will languish and probably die. Remember, in 2022, bad news for Biden — before the Nov. ’22 elections.

I’d kinda like to see Pelosi be impeached, along with her henchmen Swalwell, Adam Schiff, etc. I’d like Comey, Brennan, Merrick Garland, Strzok and the rest to be prosecuted by Durham. Now Durham’s investigation is finding that key witnesses at Trump’s impeachment trial lied in their testimony. That’s called perjury, a felony.

My fear is that Joker Biden and the FBI will cut the feet off Durham, perhaps even murder him, or arrest him on some trumped-up charge. When the FBI, a government sanctioned and protected “police force,” 35,000 strong, is utilized to arrest, harass, intimidate and ultimately destroy anyone who is not part of Biden’s snake pit, you know the nation’s in trouble. (Democracy isn’t in trouble; it’s already dead.)

Biden’s criminal mates: Google, FaceBook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBC. All suppressors of the truth, all swimming in their own slime.
***   ***

Well, the police state grows bolder and bolder. Last week the FBI raided Project Veritas, thereby shutting down the top investigative journalism organization in the United States. Suppression, anyone?

The reason for the raid? Biden’s daughter’s diary went missing about a year ago. It was, in fact, delivered to Project Veritas. (Not sure by whom.) Veritas, unable to confirm its authenticity, voluntarily handed the diary over to law enforcement. Now, long after, the FBI (Fraternity of Bleeding Idiots) used it as an excuse to raid this news organization and its’ president’s home.

This has Merrick Garland written all over it. Garland is Biden’s Justice Minister. He’s an ex-judge who’s turned to the dark side. He’s the guy who (illegally, which conforms to the Biden administration’s disregard for the law) sicced the FBI on parents who were concerned that teachers and school boards were giving elementary students pictures of erect male cocks being sucked by other men, who were encouraging boys to dress like girls, who tried to convince boys that they needed sex change operations, who hid the fact that more than one girl was raped in a school bathroom by a boy wearing a dress, who (you can’t make this up) expelled a female student who had been raped by a male student — because she complained to the police, who confirmed the rape and arrested the rapist (to these leftist low-IQ teachers, being raped is a crime!) who promoted CRT in every school, then lied, publicly and repeatedly, to say they didn’t, who sent 5 and 6 year olds crying away in shame because they were Caucasian, who demanded elementary students drop their interracial friendships, and then browbeat them to admit they were racist. To name just a few instances.

When the FBI raids, they take everything right down to the toilet paper. They take laptops and computers and files and contacts and phone numbers and peoples’ names and addresses and all the stories that Veritas might have been working on… those stories might as well be killed, as the FBI has a well-known habit of gathering evidence, then never letting it see the light of day again. (Have you heard anymore about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which proves Joe Biden’s treason against America? Have you seen the exculpatory evidence the FBI hid during Trump’s impeachment in an effort to falsely convict him?)

The FBI is only the second most corrupt organization in the USA. Numero uno: the Biden administration.

The police state I forecast in the late 1990’s is here. Period. It’s arrived. So, weep or revolt before it’s too late. Best scenario: Republicans retake Congress in 2022. (This will gridlock Biden. But it will not stop his administrative destruction of America.) Then, impeach Biden. Impeach Garland.
***.  ***

Did it ever strike you as strange that after Joe and his son Hunter flew to Communist China, were surreptitiously given about $1 billion by China (part to Joe and part to Hunter) — in essence were hired by China — and subsequently, after Joe Biden was appointed President, that now China’s Marxist critical race theory is being taught in all the schools and virtually at all grade levels?

Think: China — $ to Biden — Biden promotes communist propaganda in schools — and doubles down on his treason by siccing the gestapo FBI on parents who (legally!) protest. It all makes perfect sense when you accept the fact that the Chinese have been paying Joe and his family very handsomely, much more handsomely than the President’s salary.

But why are American schools giving pornography to students as young as six? Think, if you’re China ascending — how do we cripple America? (Without war, or perhaps in preparation for possible war.) Well, we take the syringe of perversion and stick it into all students, 5 years old to twenty. We glorify homosexuality, trans, — everything EXCEPT man-woman natural sex. This will slowly and irremediably dissolve the natural fibre of American morals. This done, they will be divided among themselves, and the nation as an organism will be psychologically bled of self-confidence, and ripe for a communist take-over.

Did it also ever strike you as strange that Biden’s attorney general’s (Garland’s) family now earns millions from supplying critical race theory books and programs to the schools? And that all this was done in defiance of parents and the U.S. Constitution? Strike you as strange?
***.  ***

I wrote here in 2020 that whoever was elected the next president might be assassinated because Jupiter was conjunct Saturn — an aspect that occurred when Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan were elected. However, it might not work in Biden’s case if he was “placed” rather than elected.

I don’t know if the 2020 election was stolen or not. There just is not enough evidence that the election was materially fraudulent; neither is there enough evidence to prove that it was a legitimate election. We just don’t know. And that’s a problem. A problem that will never be solved by the winners, who have fought tooth and nail against any investigations of the election.
***.  ***

In the 1860’s and 1940’s, when the planet Uranus entered the 8th degree of Gemini, the U.S. was involved in a major, nation-altering war. (Civil and WW2.) Uranus enters that 8th degree again, less than a decade from now.
***.  ***

Teachers: “We would rather indoctrinate than educate.” (Thanks to WND news for that tidbit.)

Ain’t it the truth. Teachers have been morally “wanting” since the 1950’s (at least). I was almost expelled from school in Grade 8 for criticizing the intellectual weakness (specifically, bad grammar) of a teacher. In those days, teachers did not only not need any expertise in their field, they often had less than a Grade 12 education.
***.  ***

Wow, that Biden kills me. His first week in office he stops the Keystone pipeline construction. No consideration for Canada, which had spent billions of dollars to bring their cheap oil to the US. Now he’s considering killing another pipeline from Canada, Line 5. Canada’s oil regularly sells for 25% less than Texas oil [WTI].) So he immediately condemned his own country to paying 25% more for oil. Then he outlaws fracking. Then he suspends all drilling on federal land. (The US was self-sufficient in oil until Biden became president.)

The result? America now has to import oil, and the price of gasoline has doubled at the pump. When reporters ask him about that, Biden‘s reply is straight out of the 1970s : “We are going to go after all the oil companies for gouging. We’re going to make sure they aren’t gouging.“ This is the Biden who needed 80 of those black, hearse-like sedans for his little parade through Europe — FOR CLIMATE DISCUSSIONS!

Poor Kamala, still in Europe as I write this, only has a motorcade of 20 cars. Kerry, Biden’s Environment Minister, jets around the world in his guzzling private plane. Biden flew to the climate conference in Scotland in a plane that was probably 1,000,000 times his weight and girth. He’s like a flea in a 10-foot high dog.

The trouble with hypocrisy as it is practised by the elites, is that it is hypocrisy without shame. (Thanks to Fox News for that insight.) So Kerry, Kamala, Biden, Merrick Garland, Pelosi and the others lie constantly and say you must do this but they do not do it themselves. Yet they feel no shame about that. Why? Because they feel justified, because at their level of importance they should not be hampered by the same rules that they unsympathetically impose on you and I. To them, we are just idiots, peasants and ignorant fools, equivalent to mulch in the gardens of their leftist, racist Palaces.
***.  ***

Why is the FBI hunting down parents? Because the FBI’s bosses, the politicians, want to be the parents. Like Xi JinPing is the “parent” of a billion Chinese. Every dictator wants to be a parent. Doesn’t Joe look like a kind, gentle grandfatherly parent?
***.  ***

It is kind of contradictory: supplies will begin to flow swiftly again in 2022, especially in drugs, natural gas and fossil fuels, optical areas and nursing staff. (The supply chain blockages have caused present inflation.) Yet instead of inflation abating in ’22, it will rise two-fold (but only to May).

So just as the phenomena that caused it — Joe’s supply chain bottlenecks — is being quickly solved, its manifestation, inflation, grows, perhaps wildly.
