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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:  3:13 am to 3:47 am Mon., 1:37 pm to 3:05 pm Wed., and 3:26 am to 4:50 am Sat.


ALL SIGNS: A period of slow downs, delays, second thoughts, mistakes and “no shows” occurs technically May 10 to June 3. But the slow-down often begins a week or so “early,” so my advice is: don’t start any new relationships or major projects before June 3.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent remains on money, Aries — making, collecting, spending it. This area is mildly blessed until mid-2023, so work to increase your income level. You’ll make wise money decisions. Your personal charm increases all May, which can create a casual sexual affair. Be honest with this person. Don’t start any big new projects before June 3.

Sunday emphasizes money, but in a difficulty way. Be cautious. Errands, messages, travel and paperwork fill Mon. to early suppertime Wed. (PDT). A good, productive interval, but watch disagreement or accident potential Tues. morning. Head for home Wednesday eve through Friday. Good stuff here, esp. Friday. Get some rest, hug the kids, dig the garden. Saturday’s for romance, esp. in the afternoon/eve. You might think of an old flame.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Your energy and charisma have climbed to an annual peak, Taurus. And your wisdom and calm intuition are at an 18 year peak. Also, your enemies have become your friends. But all this occurs as a period of delays and mistakes enters, next week to early June.

Sunday is yours — show off, gather allies, see and be seen. But DON’T start big projects nor significant relationships now. (The exception: therapy, self-discovery, investigation/ research — these are okay to start.) Monday begins almost 4 weeks of “quiet comfort” or affection in background zones (gov’t, admin., hospital, privacy of your home, etc.). Monday to late afternoon (PDT) Wednesday favours $, shopping and selling, casual intimacy, and rote learning. Avoid someone’s tantrum Tuesday morning, and be alert for deception (Intended or not) Wed.

Errands, communications, trips and paperwork fill Wednesday eve to pre-dawn Sat. (PDT). A good interval; you’ll get lots done. Saturday’s for home, kids, property, rest — you’re surrounded by family affection — soak it up!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You remain in “quiet mode,” Gemini, until May 20. Your energy and charisma are low, but you don’t really mind, as you have a lot of puzzles to contemplate, work out. You almost value solitude. But you won’t be alone very much, as friends keep calling, inviting. Mix, but quietly. Bosses and important people are generous until My 10, but also temperamental, so go slow, smile, do your job, and don’t push for a promotion or pet project. This advice lasts to May 24. Secrets —good/valuable secrets — will unfold soon.

Sunday is about as low as your energy can go — just rest! Your vitality and charisma resurge a little pre-dawn Monday to pre-supper Wed. (all PDT). Do what you want to do these days — serve yourself, do things for yourself (e.g., visit the doctor). Chase $, buy/sell, “accept” casual sex, Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. A fine interval, no need for hesitation. Saturday’s very active — trips, errands, paperwork, calls, texts, etc. Meet nice friends this afternoon. (A secret lover might be hovering.)

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is celebration and wish-come-true time, Cancer. Be social, be lively, flirt and respond to the same! You’ll feel popular, optimistic; social delights await you. Higher-ups favour you this Monday to May 28 — take advantage, show your skills, grow closer socially, etc. — but DON’T start a new project before June 3 — it would fall apart in the face of delays and mistakes. Strictly avoid lawsuits until late May.

Sunday’s for “limited happiness” — yours, but not your partner’s. Retreat from the bustling world Monday predawn to early suppertime Wed. — rest, ponder, be charitable, seek spirit. All’s good, but sidestep any frictions early Tues. Your energy soars and your charisma glows Wednesday eve to Saturday predawn — you can get things done (clearing away every chore would be good) and attract people. (But remember, start no important relationships before June 3.) Saturday’s for shopping, collecting money, casual intimacy. A good day (to 5 pm PDT, 8 pm EDT) to purchase a luxury item, e.g., jewelry.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The accent remains on your ambitions and your place in society, Leo. You’ll make wise decisions in this “status” area until summer ’23. (Your status is emphasized Sunday, but this might only serve to show you someone else’s “restricted state.” This might be your last week to make a magnificent investment, or to change your life completely. (After this week, a strong life-change or investment or sexual drive remains through May, but it doesn’t quite yield as much.) That said, this is not the time (to June 3) to start a big important project or relationship.

You’ll hear from friends all May — former ones, soon. Monday predawn to late afternoon Wednesday brings friends, popularity, delights, flirtations and optimism. Enjoy! But retreat Wednesday eve to pre-dawn Sat. (PDT) — contact gov’t, head office, institutions; seek an advisor; ponder, but don’t plan anything exact (it will change). Your energy and charisma surge just in time for Saturday fun, esp. around 5 pm PDT (8 pm EDT, 1 am UK, Sunday in Asia). 

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your higher mind is exercised until late May, Virgo. Themes of international travel, higher learning, law, publishing, cultural rituals and beliefs — these waft into your life now, in a pleasant, benevolent way. (All month, but esp. this Sunday — tho’ delay commitments this day.) (And these travel/intellectual themes are favoured generally until the summer of ’23.) Higher-ups are talking, planning, but anything launched before June 3 will likely crumple and fail. So if they lay something on your shoulders, ask if you can start in June, not now. (Read ALL SIGNS in the PREAMBLE above.) Others both snarl and attract you — this could lead to a highly sexualized affair.

Monday to early suppertime Wednesday (PDT) emphasizes your ambitions, prestige relations, and worldly status. All’s pretty good here, but DON’T invest nor seek sex Tuesday morning. A happy, social, optimistic interval arrives Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. Love thrives! Saturday should start a weekend of rest and recuperation, gov’t contacts, finding advice.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

May will bring you secrets, sexual desire, hidden interludes, investigation/research, large financial actions, medical procedures, lifestyle changes, commitment and consequence.  (This week, Sunday highlights these — but not in a particularly lucky way. In the long run, though, these zones are beneficial for you until the summer of ’23.) Your partnership planet is still in your work sector, so love can be work, or vice-versa. Others sense your desire to be with them, so they treat you graciously, affectionately, most of May. A good time to seek an agreement.

A mellow intellectual mood wafts over you Monday to late afternoon Wed. This is a good interval, but sidestep friction Tuesday morning, and avoid political arguments Wed. Be ambitious Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. — show your skills, schmooze with higher-ups, luck favours you — but DON’T start a new big project, as next week May will turn “backward.” Saturday’s for fun, socializing, flirting — esp. around suppertime PDT.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The main accent lies on relationships, opportunities, public dealings and possible relocation, Scorpio. These are highlighted Sunday, but not very luckily. Still, over the weeks ahead — and to a degree until summer of ’23 — these zones favour you. You are assertively romantic now. Your work and work place are pleasant, and a co-worker romance might appear. A former sex partner might return now or (more likely) later in May.

Monday predawn to Wednesday late afternoon (PDT) brings such things to the surface: sexual desire, power hunger, financial opportunities. Generally, the outlook is favourable, but skip a romantic or other “gamble” Tuesday morning. A mellow, wise mood steals over you Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. A beautiful interval — someone’s quirkiness is on display, but so is someone else’s charms. You could fall in love Friday. Saturday’s for ambition, status, career. Chase these, but don’t involve a partner or spouse. 

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Work, work and more work, Sage, until June 20. But remember, start no big new (work or other) projects before June 3. Keep your health in prime condition: eat, dress well, etc. Someone talks, gets in touch. This might “prefigure” a visit by an ex. All month, tamp down friction at home — home, real estate, furniture, etc., all face “big luck” to May 10. Romance calls, whispers, until late May.

Sunday, what else? — more chores. Relationships, exciting meetings arise predawn Monday to late afternoon Wed. Be diplomatic, co-operative, or you might lose an opportunity (several exist!) — or even make an enemy. Secrets, intuition, your subconscious, these stir you Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. (PDT). Investments, debt, medical exigencies, lifestyle changes lure you, but look ahead. Not a good time to start any major projects, until June 3 onward. Still, this is a good, smooth interval. Saturday brings a mellow, wise and loving mood, with streaks of international., academic, legal, publishing and cultural themes. Love’s natural, this afternoon/eve (PDT).

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Romance still thrives, Cap, all May! (If you’re married or whatever, this month highlights luck in creative, pleasurable or speculative actions, sports/games, raising children and general joy.) Your home is blessed with affection, mild pleasure almost all month. Many errands, calls, letters to be written, etc. until late May. These are mostly “chores” rather than personal. A former chore is on the horizon, returning soon. DON’T start any major new projects or relationships before June 3.

Sunday’s for romance, but keep possessiveness, $, out of it. (This attraction might not fit your deeper needs of emotional response.) To work, predawn Monday to early suppertime Wed. (All PDT). A good interval, but be careful around sharp objects Tuesday morning. Relationships bring excitement, love, lust, opportunities and relocation themes Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. Again, a good interval, esp. for love, partnering. Saturday’s for secrets and big finances or deep lust. It’s a lucky day, but proceed carefully: surprises might exist down the road.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Home, family, the earth, garden, mother nature, nutrition, sleep and “where you stand” are highlighted until May 20, Aquarius. You’re having one or two romantic stirrings, but any new attraction won’t come to much… perhaps because an old flame stands on the horizon, might return in May. Your money/income picture looks good all month, but realize you’ll have to save, or you could let more flow out than flows in. Until May 10, a “big” $ prize might be available. But DO NOT start any brand new relationships or big projects before June 3.

Affectionate communications all May — these might dovetail with those romantic stirrings mentioned above. That “home, family” influence is strong Sunday, but contains a seed of rejection — by you. Romance, speculative and creative interests, beauty, pleasure, and games, these blossom predawn Monday to early suppertime Wed., a pretty smooth interval. Tackle chores Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. You’ll get a lot done, so pick important chores, and you won’t have to do them later when a mistake/delay influence arrives. (Next week into June 3.) Saturday’s for relationships. Sweet love — or at least agreement!

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Swift, easy chores fill May, Pisces — paperwork, communications, short trips, errands, etc. Be curious — sometime in May you’ll learn something new about home, family, or kids, maybe something you should have known years or weeks ago. Your personal luck, optimism and career drives remain strong until next Tuesday (May 10) — after this, you face a year of tremendous money fortune. (More on this later — though your money picture loos good even in May.) You are “infused” with determination, sexual magnetism, and lust until late May — a casual sex affair not unlikely.

Sunday’s for those errands, trips, etc. Turn toward security, home, mother nature, family, garden, nutrition, sleep and rest, predawn Monday to early suppertime Wed. Don’t lose your temper Tuesday morning (PDT to EDT). Passion enters Wednesday eve to predawn Sat. — a creative fury, romance, gambling, sports, children’s talents. It’s a lucky interval, and you win. Tackle chores Saturday. Eat, dress sensibly. Affection available, but money’s closer, easier. 




(Some of these were written in CAPITALS for my recent talk, and I’m not bothering to correct this.)


— INFLATION has peaked this month, April, and should not accelerate here forward. 

Accelerating inflation ends now, true inflation ends March 2023 (Sat. In Pisces) but some remnants remain through March 2025, then should slough off. 

— RECESSION:  Hard to see anything seriously wrong with economy (except tech). Uranus remains sextile Neptune for 10 more years, Saturn and Pluto do not conflict, and Saturn in harmony with Nep, Pluto. Maybe mild recession mid-23 to mid-24.

— HIGH TECH STOCKS. — Despite the relative health of the economy, Tech stocks will continue the downward slide I forecast last year, into at least March/23. (Saturn Aqua. sq. Uranus).

Then in late ’23, Uranus squares Pluto, lasting to mid 2025. Another blow to tech stocks, but this time almost as a WAR. Many tech companies “killed” — disappear — while others shoot up, surprising the pundits.

ORDINARY STOCKS — Mild decline, but different sectors act markedly different.. With Pluto in Scorpio, we will face big upheavals every decade or so: 2001, 9/11, the credit crisis of 2008, the pandemic of 2020. — So one of these tsunamis might hit the economy/markets — maybe late ’23 to mid-’25 — but generally, all the major planets are more harmonious than fractious. MAYBE A HIT DOWNWARD MAY/22 TO MAY 23, WHEN JUP. SQ. PLUTO. IN THIS CASE, DEATH PANDEMIC, WAR, ETC., SQUELCH ECONOMY.

— REAL ESTATE: Globally, higher interest rates should bring property prices down, tho’ this will be a slow process if raising rates is slow, too. However, in VANCOUVER, I would hold or buy. As I wrote in the 1980’s, Vancouver will become a world class city, with appreciating real estate. IF YOU WANT TO BUY — take advantage of some small panic listings due to fears of rate hikes. BANK REAL ESTATE WILL BE AT BARGAIN PRICES BEFORE 2026.

VANCOUVER — Is a Virgo-Aries city, so it will receive 2 huge new investments in the year ahead — perhaps 1 infrastructure, another housing.


BITCOIN — is under pressure from Saturn. So Bitcoin won’t excite anyone before March 2023.

— MEGAN AND HARRY — Split up, as I predicted before they married. He’s a Virgo, she is a Leo, and he just can’t stand her constant need for attention.


GOOD LUCK IN YEAR AHEAD:  JUNE/22 TO MAY/23 — Good time to START a business, and to buy undeveloped real estate — where latrines exist. IN GENERAL, FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BOLD.

H20 — much of the world lacks water, especially clean water. This will be solved to a large degree with new technology from March 2023 to 2044. 

FISSION — will be achieved on a useable/commercial scale, same period, 2023-44.

RELIGION — OUR Main religious symbol will change from a cross to a sphere. From radiating to infinity, to INFINITELY encompassing all. WE will see this in 2229 onward. For more on this, read my April 17 blog.

U.S.A. — The “civil war” I forecast should hit its peak this year and next. Very civil war — I.e., armies not involved. Nation split down the middle, most violence has occurred in the mid-west, and will continue so. 

This war is not really like the Abe Lincoln one: in effect, the U.S. is being re-born., as Pluto opposes the U.S. birth Pluto.

PLUTO ENTRY 1983 — MANY PREDICTIONS BASED ON THIS: aids, USSR break-up, 1st gulf war, great bull market starting 1980, historic interest rate decline, Chernobyl, etc. THIS IS THE BASE MAP FOR THE 250 YEARS AHEAD. You can see concentration of power — 6 planets, sun and moon within 57 degrees — one/sixth of the chart. Here also is the police state, the swamp in many gov’ts, Canada too, — and look at Jupiter IN SAG, WITH NEPTUNE AND THE LUNAR SOUTH NODE — JUP IS LAW, UNIVERSITIES, JUDGES, POLITICIANS, MEDIA, AND  NETUNE IS PERCEPTION AND ILLUSION AND PORNOGRAPHY AND SPIRITUALITY. ALL THESE ARE PERVERTED, TURNED IMMORAL, BY THE DARK LURE OF THE DESCENDING SOUTH NODE. THIS IS WHY I KEEP CRITICIZING THE FBI, THE JUDGES AND COURTS, UNIVERSITIES, MEDIA — ALL OF WHOM HAVE BEEN DEMONSTRABLY, BLATANTLY LIARS. 

