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Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:   Before 8:45 am Sun., 9:01 am to 11:59 am Tues., 5:59 am to 2:54 pm Thurs., and 4:51 pm to 5:55 pm Sat.


aries icon  ARIES: March 21-April 19

Your energy and charisma enter high gear Sunday, for the month ahead. Start important projects, plan, realize your luck will soar May ’22 to mid-2023. Now to mid-23, you’re favoured in earnings and purchases, but NOT in finances, debt, investments. Casual sex will be offered, but chasing extramarital or immoral sex can bite you (now to mid-’23).

This week, Sunday to noon Tuesday (PDT) focuses on birth and death, on a new path forward, even a life change. Your luck is good and bad here, so proceed cautiously. Management, gov’t affairs go well, socializing does not. DON’T mix friends and $.

Legal, international, academic, cultural and philosophical, media and love matters arise Tuesday pm to Thursday afternoon. A good interval, dive in — but pull back late Wed., early Thurs., when deception, muddled thinking prevail. Be ambitious Thursday eve to Saturday — you’ll achieve something, will impress the boss!

taurus iconTAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The four weeks ahead nudge you into rest, physical recuperation, dealings with head office or government or institutions, and spiritual or charitable organizations. Seek advice, ponder and plan your future moves. Not a good month to challenge anyone. Bosses will display a combination of impatience, temper, and affection, grace. Just smile. Despite your weariness, your social life maintains a healthy existence.

Sunday to noon Tuesday (PDT) brings relationships, opportunities, relocation ideas — careful, bad and good luck mingle. Bosses, career not great, but socializing rewards. Secrets, sexual temptations, valuable assets, investments, research, medical issues emerge Tuesday pm to Thursday afternoon. More good luck than bad here — charge ahead, but stop late Wednesday night, early Thurs. morning. Law, far travel, foreign born people, love, media, academia — these fill Thursday eve to Sat. Wait until Friday, then charge ahead — success awaits!

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Ah, pressures fade, Gemini. You move, this Sunday, from a month of hard work and career demands, to a month of socializing, popularity, flirtation and optimism. Blue skies! Love might also come. (Okay, there are two or four career matters — mostly paperwork or communications, or a trip — that need to be cleaned up, finished — hopefully, you’ll accomplish these this week.) A mental love can grow now into April, esp. with an Aquarian, Libra or Aries. Higher-ups continue to favour you — to May.

Tackle chores and health needs Sunday to Tuesday noon (PDT). Proceed cautiously, esp. around machinery. Exciting meetings, relationships generality, relocation ideas, opportunities and public dealings Tues. pm to Thurs. afternoon. Tuesday/Wednesday better — quit Wed. night. Sex, secrets, lust, research, investments, debt, lifestyle changes and medical issues fill Thurs. eve to Saturday. Forget Thursday — Fri./Sat. bring success. Be ethical!

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

A month of ambition, prestige relations, worldly status, career starts now, Sunday. Two love planets in your sign of sex can produce some wild, complicated attractions and liaisons, into April. These planets will also tempt you to invest. Until May, your love, legal, intellectual and travel projects remain, survive, grow.

Romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and gambling urges — these fill Sunday to noon Tues. (PDT). But advance cautiously, as good luck and bad exist equally. A philosophical insight can bring peace. Tackle chores and protect your daily health mid-week. Good progress here, but quit late Wed. Relationships energize Thurs. eve to Sat. Better Fri., and all day Sat. Opportunities are real. Taurus, Aquarius might play key roles.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

You emerge from a strangely-lighted basement of desires, schemes and financial actions Sunday, Leo, to enter a month of clear sight, big ideas, love, humanity, law, college/ university, publishing and cultural rituals. You’ll be happy, less serious. Two love planets fill Aquarius, your partnership sign. Singles could exit these weeks married, or at least involved. (And that sexual drive still lingers, in a lucky way, to early May.)

Be home, or at least work for your family’s safety, future, Sunday to noon (PDT) Tues. Be astute, aware and conscious, as luck is both bad and good. Romance comes like a wave mid-week. (Ditto creative and speculative urges, nature’s beauty, pleasure.) Tues./Wed. better than Thurs. — quit Wednesday eve (esp. if you want intimacy in the future). Tackle chores Thurs. pm to Sat. You’ll get a lot done. Eat, drink, dress sensibly.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You have been in a month that promoted open relationships, contracts and agreements, and obvious opportunities, Virgo. Sunday starts a month in which all of these “go private” — e.g., obvious attraction becomes boudoir intimacy, or contracts are discussed privately, or closed door discussions revolve around politics, management or work. Secrecy, “put up or shut up” deadlines, hidden values, investigation — these will predominate. You might become involved with a co-worker. Some “openness” remains in relationships until May — fortunately so. You could grab a good real estate deal — esp. if you enlist a partner.

Sunday to noon Tues. (PDT) brings errands, busyness, trips, calls, paperwork — go carefully here, double-check words, addresses. Relationships smooth, work rough. Midweek focuses on home, family, security, garden, nutrition, Mom Nature, and real estate. These meet with good luck Tues. and Wed., but back away Wed. night.  Romance, beauty, pleasure, these call strongly Thurs. eve to Sat. Fri./Sat. better.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Weeks of drudgery end now, Libra. Sunday starts a month of relationship, opportunities, relocation themes and public dealings. You might see this month ahead as “the serious approach” (or level-headed approach) to exploding, greatly lucky relationship prospects from mid-May ’22 to mid-year ’23. For now, be diplomatic, eager to join — and praise others’ efforts. The two romantic planets sit in your romance sign — one to April 5 (Venus) the other to April 14. Singles might meet a life-mate anytime now to mid-’23.

Chase $, buy/sell, Sunday to noon Tues. (PDT). Stick to routine purchases, as luck’s elusive. Errands, papers, calls, trips fill mid-week. Proceed confidently, as now good luck does prevail. But quit before Wed. night. Home, family, and nature call Thurs. pm to Sat. — charge ahead here, you can get a good amount done. Investing in an apartment or “co-operative” situation is well-starred.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

March has been romantic, Scorpio, but now you move into four weeks of work and health concerns. (Actually, romance and creative projects remain very lucky to early May, but they just aren’t part of the main flow now.) Study children’s needs. Eat, drink and dress sensibly — daily colds are easy to get. You look fondly now on your residence, yard, mother nature, family, etc. There is work here but also beauty — e.g., planting flowers, or painting the deck.

Your personality, charisma, energy and clout grow Sunday to noon Tues. (PDT). Luck isn’t great in most things this interval, but it is good in romance, creative areas. Chase money, buy/sell, deal with a casual sexual attraction, Tuesday pm to Thursday afternoon. This interval is NOT good for romance, but is for most other things. Errands, paperwork, trips and calls fill Thurs. eve to Sat. Skip Thursday eve — you’ll succeed Fri./Sat. — could make a new friend.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

A domestic phase ends. Sunday starts four weeks of romance, thrills, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges. Your romantic “touches” have been rather casual lately, as the romance planets sit in your sign of errands and “comfortable” associations. That continues, but romance deepens. From mid-May to mid-’23, your romantic (and creative, etc.) luck soars to a decade high. Same luck: sports and games. You remain in a fortunate phase for real estate until May 10.

Sunday to Tuesday noon finds you tired, unfocused — a clue that you’re in a rest/recuperation interval. So withdraw, rest, ponder and plan. Visit a health clinic if needed. Midweek is much luckier — your energy, charisma and effectiveness soar — now you’re on the launch pad for a month (year!) of adventure. Thursday eve to Saturday features money, possessions, buying/selling, casual sex, all of which go quite well.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

A month of busy, somewhat scattered energy ends now, Cap. (Though those errands and calls remain above average, into May.) Sunday begins four weeks of domestic focus — kids, spouse, security, nature, nourishment, rest and rejuvenation. To some degree, your home (or neighbour’s) will be the scene of a “great romance.” (Not necessarily yours.) Casual sex is available.

A wish might come true Sunday to noon Tuesday (PDT) — you’ll feel social, popular, flirty, bouncy. And happy! But don’t attempt too much — obstacles abound. Retreat, rest, ponder, plan — and seek spirit, advice, be charitable — midweek. All’s well here. Contact gov’t or a large company to iron something out. Your energy, charisma and clout soar upward Thurs. eve to Sat., and fortune favours you  — start something significant, esp. on domestic scene.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Most money trends ebb now, though a couple of minor ones remain, esp. in investment, debt and similar areas. (You will be $-lucky until early May.) Don’t reject help. Sunday starts a month of swift, easy chores, telephone tag, paperwork, errands, trips and casual contacts. Your (romantic) charisma is super right now (and into early/mid April).

Be ambitious Sunday to noon Tuesday (PDT) — but don’t force matters, as obstacles are numerous. (Some good money stuff, though.) Mid-week (Tues.-Thurs.) brings social acceptance, popularity, optimism. A wish could come true. Flirt — you’re a natural at it this month! Chase money Thursday eve to Sat. — a good interval, offering shopping bargains, payments to you, and casual intimacy with someone you’ll likely not marry.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You’ve been energized, charismatic and effective the last few weeks, Pisces. But Sunday starts a new month, focused on earnings, buying/selling, possessions, memory and casual sex. Your star will still be rising, though, as strong luck continues in three areas: career/ prestige, home/family, and relationships. A secret desire distracts you (might be someone at work).

Law, international issues, far travel, higher learning, publishing and cultural rituals and love — these call you Sunday to noon Tues. (PDT). But your luck isn’t strong here, so step cautiously. Midweek (Tues. – Thurs.) brings career pressures and openings — plunge in, work hard, talk to the boss. A promotion possible. Your popularity springs up Thurs. eve to Sat. — optimism, social delights, flirtations and (possibly) wishes coming true — you’ll be happy!



About last week’s “tank attack” suggestion for the Ukrainians:  Have another 500 soldiers advance from the far side of the tank snake, to round up and if necessary shoot at those fleeing the tanks in their direction. The whole operation would be a major military blow and a P.R. coup. Major danger: that the whole 40 mile convoy is a trap, they have set up guards at night, they have mined the roads on both sides of the tanks (unlikely because it would prevent any escape route for them) danger of a spy/mole, etc. Is it still possible or is that 40 mile convoy on the move? (I think it’s dispersed, as the media never mention it anymore.)
