Tag Archives: Weekly Forecast


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Happy Kwanzaa!

START NOTHING: 0:39 am to 8:24 am Sun., 1:11 pm to 1:16 pm Tues., and 9:10 am to 3:08 pm Thurs.


If you want too see me yet again in another YouTube interview, click on:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-SRbpHg9hg

Again, not promising anything, but….

This is my first YouTube interview:  https://youtu.be/pTC4roAShPM 
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A new, great luck cycle begins for everyone this week (Dec. 28) lasting to May 10, 2022. Generally, same period, inflation should grow wings and climb even higher. Oil and natural gas will flow unimpeded — ditto for much of the “supply chain.” (I know this seems contradictory, as the choking supply chain created present inflation.) Biden will be less popular, but a bit more successful.

In your weekly forecasts below, I’ll look briefly at what this looming luck cycle offers.
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None of us should start any projects which will take more than 10 days or so to complete. I’ll tell you why next week.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The general accent remains on ambitions and your status, Aries. Now to May, your worldly luck will be low (except in career, where your good fortune holds until March — for best results, aim toward management, away from “hands on.”) These 5 months ahead will be, essentially, a rest period, and a chance to clear away neglected chores and stale or outlived situations.

Friends gather around in January/February — you’ll be optimistic, mildly happy. Lots of intellectual, travel, cultural and, perhaps, legal activity. (Careful with the last.)

Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. brings relationships, opportunities and potential relocation. You’ll encounter various problems (be diplomatic) but all’s well that ends well, and this interval ends with “lucky optimism.” Deeper waters swirl Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. (All PST). Dig into research, investments, sexual desires/consequences, medial and lifestyle stuff, but DON’T take any action until Wed. eve, early Thurs. morning.

Far travel, international affairs, academia, law, culture, religion and love occupy your meandering thoughts Thurs. pm through Sat. All’s well. Oddly, a money/career “benefit” also visits — chase it Fri., or late Sat.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The general accent remains on travel, law, higher learning, media/publication, culture, life philosophy, and love, Taurus. These will yield nice rewards until March, although you can be decisive about them through January. Tuesday begins five months (to May 10/22) of great good luck in social, entertainment, public desire, and future visualization zones. This is a great time to join a group, even 2 new groups, as they will bring benefits for a number of years. The “group” could yield either or both financial opportunity and sexual partnering. However, don’t be too impulsive in either (finances nor sex) in January — wait until after Feb. 3.

Tackle chores and protect your health (dress sensibly, etc.) Sun. to midday Tues. (PST). You’ll accomplish, Sun,/Mon., but will face some obstacles early Tues. (and perhaps a final success Tues. afternoon). Relationships dominate Tues. eve to mid-afternoon Thurs. You might be rebuffed early Wed., but Tues. night and Thurs. offer progress and happiness — you and another could speak like soul mates, at least for awhile! Seize opportunities.

Sexual temptations, depths, intuition, subconscious promptings, possible medical procedures, fill Thurs. eve to Sat. A sudden opportunity in everything listed in the first sentence above (“travel, law…”) could occur — grab it.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The general accent remains on secrets, research, large finances, sexual temptations, lifestyle choices and changes, possibly medical demands. This arena is basically benevolent and rewarding until early March, but you’ll contend with a lot of indecision in these matters in January, so go slow.

From this Tuesday to May 10/22, your career is under very good auspices, best in over a decade, so be ambitious, forward, vocal — make higher-ups notice you (in a good way of course). Many Geminis could be promoted in 2022. Relationships could be intense until January 24 — be diplomatic. (This might bring love, passion —but with what kind of person? Is he/she good for you? Maybe.)

Romance (and pleasure and sports) call Sun. to 1 pm Tues. (PST), though the cosmos doesn’t give you much — care Monday, early Tues., present problems, but all ends well, Tues. daytime/afternoon. Tackle chores midday Tues. to mid-afternoon Thurs. Wed.’s tough; Thurs. more fortunate. Relationships surge Thurs. night to Saturday. Be diplomatic, co-operative. You might learn a secret money method or spy a good investment. Intimacy with someone intellectual?

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Tuesday night starts 5 months of great good luck in these areas, Cancer: far travel, law, culture, belief systems, publishing/media, statistics, science and higher learning — and love. In fact, the 70 days ahead bring sweet, affectionate people, who will respond eagerly and fairly to any proposal you might put forth. (Within reason, of course.) Your workload is demanding, your efforts intense, until late January — practice safety, esp. around sharp tools. Your “output” will be noted by bosses.

Be home, at least in your heart, Sunday to early afternoon Tues. (PST). Sunday’s productive, Monday’s relaxing, but this night and Tues. morning glitches and obstacles might rule. Still, all ends well Tues. Romance, beauty, pleasure, sports, risks, creative surges Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Wait until Wed. pm, and Thurs. to dive in. To work, Thurs. eve to Sat. — eat, dress sensibly. You might hear good “love news.” Yes, go out Saturday night!

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The general accent remains on work and health, Leo — and in both these, you are favoured until early March. (Though you can suffer some indecision about work, methods, approaches, all January. If in doubt, be receptive, follow others/another.)

Tuesday night begins 5 months of great good luck in finances, stocks/investments, research, intimacy (pregnancy highly possible for young couples), lifestyle changes and medical procedures. Though this is a “work phase,” you might spend the weeks ahead hotly pursuing someone. Realize another might be racked with indecision about your advances.

Sunday to midday Tuesday sends you on errands, trips, calls, emails, paperwork, detailed stuff.  But double-think what you’re sending/saying Mon. night and Tues. pre-dawn (PST). There might be a final note with someone you’ve chased all 2021, even longer. (Alternatively, the one you’ve chased might finally open the door to intimacy, now to May.)

Your domestic situation rises in importance midday Tues. to mid-afternoon Thurs. Obstacles here Wed. morning, but overall this is a warm, harmonious interval. Hug the kids! (And look at a possible property investment.) Romance, beauty, pleasure, sports, gambling — these visit Thurs. eve to Sat. But don’t push romance to intimacy, or you’ll create confusing conditions. Possible work/career success, almost suddenly.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The general accent remains on romance, love, charming kids, beauty, pleasure, sports and games, Virgo. You get an extra helping of good fortune in this area until early March, so dive in, don’t be shy. Until late January, avoid becoming a dictator at home; be gentle with the kids. (Avoid starting large renovations, also — this caution lasts to Feb. 3.) See a doctor if you have heartburn or stomach pains.

Tuesday begins 5 months of significant developments in partnership, love/marriage, opportunities, public dealings and possible relocation. Either a relationship (opportunity, etc.) will expand quickly and benevolently, or it (the relationship, opportunity, relocation) will end — abruptly, maybe. My advice: chase these super-lucky things (marriage, etc.) — accept someone’s waffling, indecision, passivity, dreaminess — that’s just part of their nature, and a good balance to your dry logic.

Sunday to midday Tues. is for chasing money: buy/sell, mail invoices, etc. If purchasing, or asking for a pay raise, do it Sunday or dawn to midday Tues. (PST). Errands, calls, communications, trips, paperwork fill Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Careful Wed. morning; otherwise, all’s smooth. Home, family, mother nature, garden, nutrition and security concerns grab your attention Thurs. eve to Saturday. Mostly good here. You might be surprised by a sudden attraction.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The general emphasis lies on home, family, nature and rest until late January, Libra. This zone is blessed by sweet Venus, not only throughout January, but until early March. Communications, esp. with partners, spouse, members of the public, tend to be fast and impulsive until late January. Might be an idea to “double think” or re-read any communication.

Tuesday begins 5 months of work expansion (or health concerns, perhaps affecting your ankles, or kidney’s, liver, GI tract). Dive into these growing chores; they can later pay off with $ and/or career advancement. Great time to find a job if you need one.

Your energy and charisma surge upward Sun. to midday Tues. Be a leader, a trail-blazer. But pause Mon. to dawn Tues. (PST) when obstacles arise. Pursue $ Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. — buy/sell, collect and pay. Bargains are out there, but not Wed. morning (so act before or after). You might receive a note, or news, of a somewhat destined home/family matter.

Errands, communications, travel and paperwork arise Thurs. eve to Sat. All’s fine, just get it done. A door might open to sexual, financial or other “deep regions.” Be home or in the ‘hood, Sat. night.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The accent continues on errands, communications, paperwork and short trips, Scorpio — until late January. But a sweet, mild good luck prevails in this area right into early March. (March is often your month of romance.) This sweetness will aid you in communicating with a spouse, partner, even the public at large.

Tuesday begins 5 months of huge romantic, creative, speculative, sports, teaching, and self-expressive adventures. Dive in, your luck will be tremendous! Money rushes to you, and maybe through you, until late January. Conserve, save, or you could end up with less, due to an unconscious need to spend.

Lie low, power and plan, rest, connect with head office, gov’t, charitable or spiritual sources, seek advice, Sunday to midday Tues. Caution Mon., and pre-dawn Tues. (PST). Your energy and charisma surge upward Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Charge ahead — but only launch projects that will take less than 2 weeks to complete.  Caution Wed morning, when obstacles slow you down.

Chase money, buy/sell, invoice and pay, Thurs. pm to Sat. All’s well. (Maybe a flat tire Fri. — but if every Scorpio got one, the roads would be littered.) News or a message you send could “announce” an attraction — or an agreement.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You continue to ride the money wagon, Sage, to late January. Buy, sell, send bills and pay bills, haunt garage sales, angle for a pay raise, etc. This is also a sensual time when all you want is someone warm beside you. These matters are blessed even beyond January, to early March. You’re more impulsive, temperamental, assertive, romantic and determined than usual, to late January. Good — but keep a hold on your temper.

Tuesday begins 5 months of great good luck in real estate, domestic situations, family, nature and security. Start looking — you’ll find a cozy rental or a bargain buy.

Sunday to midday Tuesday brings optimism, popularity, social joys and wish fulfillment. Be happy! Obstacles Mon. night to dawn Tues., but the rest of Tues. can fulfill a dream. Withdraw from the world’s bustle Tues. pm to midday Thurs. — lie low, rest, contemplate and plan, liaise with head office, gov’t, charities or spiritual orgs, complete neglected chores, and pamper your health. Caution Wed. morn, when obstacles arise.

Your energy and charisma surge upward Thurs. eve to Sat. — be a leader, exercise your clout, start projects — but only ones that can be finished in under 2 weeks. A money-for-work offer or opening is a good one.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The general current flows your way, Cap, bringing extra energy and luck, clout and a good sense of timing until late January. But this can also be an indecisive time (esp. the last half). Don’t start any projects which will take more than a week to complete.

A glow of mild magnetism surrounds you until early March. You can attract love — and your mind will be fairly evenly split between ambition and romance/creativity until then (March). Until late January, avoid belligerent people and “dark alleys.” Tuesday begins 5 months of expanded travel, communications and paperwork — be curious, ask questions — esp. of gov’t or management types. If you’re a manager, you’ll be issuing a lot of memos.

Be ambitious Sunday to midday Tues. (PST). Obstacles are small, but do confront you Monday night, Tues. pre-dawn. Otherwise, charge ahead. Wishes can come true Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. Your popularity rises, friends gather round, optimism, entertainment, flirtations thrive. Glitches Wed. morning; otherwise, good luck rides with you.

Withdraw from the hustle and bustle Thurs. eve to Sat. — meditate, ponder, plan, liaise with gov’t, management, be charitable, spiritual. All’s good. Romance might be building, suddenly “shows up.” Plan a Sat. night date — you’ll be strong, energetic, impressive.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The general mood is “weary,” Aquarius. Use the weeks ahead to rest and recuperate. Not the best planning period, as indecision and changing circumstances make your “planning platform” unstable. On the nice side, solitude and contemplation will be gentle and sweet, affection-prone. You’ll (re)discover your love for yourself. This “sweet solitude” influence lasts until March — and aids you in everything governmental, managerial. Until late January, you’ll talk, write about your hopes. (Is one for a new car/truck?)

Tuesday begins 5 months of extra money, maybe piles of extra money! — Herein lies your greatest good luck until mid-May. Chase it, seek a pay raise, work overtime, sell large items, etc.

Legal, international, ethical, intellectual, publishing/media, culture, philosophy — and love — occupy your thoughts Sunday to midday Tues. Best Sunday and dawn to 1 pm (PST) Tues. Be ambitious, show bosses what you can do, Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs. A good interval, but go slow Wednesday morning.

Wishes, flirtation, friendly love affairs, entertainment, popularity, social joys arrive Thurs. eve to Sat. (These won’t be huge — but still heart-lifting, worthwhile — as you’re in a “recuperation” period.) Withdraw Saturday eve, seek rest.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

A beautiful time awaits you, Pisces! The general emphasis lies on wish fulfillment, popularity, flirtations/friendly love, optimism, social delights, and general joy, until late January. More luck and affection fills this area than usual — and this sweet, loving luck lasts until early March. In addition, Tuesday starts 5 months of personal expansion and great good luck, esp. if you chase career or other ambitious goals. Get ready to charge forth!

But, a word of caution: you, and your friends, and eventually partners and circumstances, float on a sea of indecision next week to Feb. 3, so the better action will be to use Jan., and the toe of Feb., to plan, see ahead, delve into what you really want (peel away the superficial wishes) and observe changing conditions — then strike, in Feb. You could hit a salary or income “mine” with a golden vein. Until late January, beware temperamental, impulsive bosses: be diplomatic.

Sunday to midday Tues. is for secrets, digging deep, major financial moves, sexual temptations. Look at your life: what change(s) will bring more abundance or happiness? Sunday and 9 am to 1 pm Tues. (PST) are best. Intellectual, legal, love, cultural and philosophical harmony reigns Tues. pm to mid-afternoon Thurs.  But avoid Wed. morning, when barriers are high. Be ambitious (and diplomatic to bosses) Thurs. eve to Sat. — a good interval. Seek friends, love, Saturday eve.



In 2026 onward, I think rebels will attack the NYSE and the U.S. financial system. These are locals. Other nations might face the same; in each case, it’s local talent.
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The NBA and NFL might consider America their father, but they obviously consider China their mother — and no one criticizes their mother, right?
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My stories are like the Mona Lisa. You can see everything, but it remains a mystery.
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I told you last May that inflation was coming, and that it would be a lot bigger in the first half of 2022. On course, so far. Lock in your mortgages. (Maybe) sell your REITS and anything that doesn’t want to, but must, compete with higher interest rates. I discussed my REIT dilemma a few columns ago: should I sell because they should slide in price if interest (bond) rates skyrocket due to inflation? Or should I ride out the storm rather than lose all those (potential) months of interest payments? Maybe it all balances out?

Well, I sold half of everything. So I only get half the dividends, and if the market goes up, I only get half the gain; but if it goes down, which I think is more likely, I suffer only half the decline. And, at some envisioned nirvana of patient investing, I buy back my REITS, but at a substantially reduced price, yielding a higher dividend. For example, say I sold 100 ABC REIT at $4, but bought it back at $3, I would gain substantially more shares. By selling I received $400. Upon buying at $3 per, I can buy 133 shares — a gain in shares of 33%, all of them paying a higher rate than the REITs sold at $400. (Though this isn’t a double bonus — it’s just another way of seeing the increase in shares.)

But I only committed half: half a loss, half a gain. And I have a coward’s comfort: I’m alive. AND, I have no financial training or any of that. Just so you know.
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I do not think we should demonize immigrants. These are people who had the courage and drive to seek a better life, and who bring those qualities of adventure and ambition to the host country — both as actors in daily life, and as carriers of healthy DNA.

Immigration is an important component of growth, especially in a nation that has a low birth rate. I also believe that all humans are born equal in rights; because someone was born in Nigeria or Latvia or Bolivia or the Dominican Republic, should not bear on his right to live anywhere in the world, and to work and thrive there.

National borders should be dissolved. There would be major problems implementing this: timing, trust issues, “valuations” and more. But once implemented, we would see “patterns,” we’d see regions of the earth dominate in certain economic, resource, tech or agri fields. Dominant regions in one area would be balanced by a different dominating region. E.g., one region has coal, one has corn.

They trade, so both are warm, and both eat (ideally — this is where capitalism is, so far, the best facilitator). Each region would be inextricably intertwined with its neighbours, and they with theirs, and so on forever. Also, many regions overlap, for example an iron ore vein might run through an industrial city, which just happens to be on a beautiful bay, so it is also a tourist centre.

Nature does not draw squares and triangles, so these regions are amorphous, shaped like blobs, though most will have strong natural borders. Language teachers and interpreters would thrive for years. This is likely to occur much more slowly than I imply, though with swift steps 2230 AD onward, if we need that long.

The main thrust has been away from nations with artificial boundaries, for quite a few decades already (1960’s civil rights, Reagan’s “tear down that wall,” Yugoslavia’s break-up, Middle East turmoil over imposed national boundaries) — and toward more homogeneity, more identification with and compassion for people of other nations, even among politicians. In future, the thrust will be toward the dissolution of nations, except as cultural heritage “bodies.”
