Tag Archives: Weekly Forecast



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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  10 am to 4:11 pm Mon., 3:32 pm to 5:52 pm Wed., and 9:10 am to 5:52 pm Fri.


Happy Hallowe’en!
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The French used to say, when there was a crime or mystery, “Cherchez la femme” (Find the woman.”) In politics today (and always?) we only have to remember: “Cherchez l’argent.”
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After all my items calling judges cowards and politically biased, Joe makes a judge his Attorney General. And the first thing he does is break the law (ordering unlawful use of force against parents, and financial fraud). Under Senate questioning last week he ran from every question, refusing to say anything but the self-excusing sentence he had prepared.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Mercury and Venus are trying to get you into love, especially by conversation. Meanwhile, Mars is driving you toward sexual intimacy. All good, IF you aren’t crossing boundaries (e.g., chasing someone married). The two best things you can be doing now are:

1) working to launch or expand a group project, in politics, social areas and clubs. This also includes deepening a flirtatious relationship. And
2) delving deep into research, investing, paying down debt, making life-style choices, and acquiescing to a medical procedure.

Number 1) is much more significant, reward-rich, and lasting (I.e., you can work on this social/political/flirtation-into-love scenario right up to December 28. (Whereas the financial/medical/lifestyle trend only lasts to Nov. 22.)

Sunday/Monday are for work, machinery and health. Some great good luck here, esp. Sun. — good time to buy a car or any machinery. Relationships fill Mon. suppertime to suppertime Wed. There are some glitches in this interval that will shake out what or who does not belong, especially Monday p.m. and right around noon Wednesday (PDT). What and who does belong (with you) will come through this interval easily, safe, sound and loving.

Life veers into deeper realms Wed. eve to Fri. eve. — sex, finances, secrets. Be wary of making a commitment — you’ll start to see why by Fri. night, and Saturday, as mental awareness expands, and you see things (sex, $, etc.) from a “distance” that enables you to be objective.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Relationships fill the air, Taurus. So do opportunities (some at a distance) public meetings, and possible opposition, even enmity. (Be diplomatic, and eager to jump on another’s bandwagon, as it has more chance of success now than your own.) Relocation opportunities also arise. Be wary of any “fight” — others’ tempers are hair-triggered (until mid-December).

You are still dealing with a task that was neglected or interrupted in early October (or late September) — best to finish it up this week.

You’re favoured in sex, research and finances — until Friday. Act early (Sunday best.) As one financial or sexual opportunity ends Friday, another “begins to begin” for a few weeks. You might be tempted to marry, but I’d be cautious — arguments might lie ahead. Best goal to work toward, rest of ’21: career, prestige, ambitions, status. Here, a solid boost upward awaits you if you work hard AND promote yourself to higher ups.

Sunday/Monday are for romance, creativity and speculation. Sunday’s best. Beauty surrounds you. Tackle chores Mon. night to Wed. night. Be safety-minded, and don’t let ethical or legal matters “interfere.” The relationship trend intensifies Wed. night to Fri. night. Those met up to Thurs. morning (dawn PDT) will eventually disappoint; those met later Thurs. will surprise (or you will surprise him/her) and could bring a “friendship romance” — a good one!

Saturday’s for sex, secrets, research, finances and commitment — be wary of the last one, as you might not be seeing things realistically.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Better get to work, Gemini: a lot of it faces you now to late November. This week, you remain romantically interested in someone, but it’s fading fast. Unless the two of you make a solid move to be together before Friday, the relationship might be put on hold, if not ended entirely. However, Friday to late November enhances your intimate feelings, and can lead to new boudoir experiences.

Two “love paths” face you — one is long, perhaps arduous or entails work and sacrifice, has been around since last winter, and offers a lifetime “sinecure” in your loved one’s heart. The other one leads to chasing (and perhaps conquering) someone new, ultra-handsome/beautiful, almost irresistible; sexuality seems to radiate from their presence. This one might last a month, a year, even a few years, but it won’t ultimately survive.

(Gemini, balance all this against the advice, late 2020 to January 2022, not to marry anyone. This influence can also bring the “destined mate” to some. How to know? If you’ve been facing seemingly irrational or unexpected frustrations over the last year with someone, he/she should NOT be in your life.)

(Also, this advice is for singles. The general influence before year’s end also very beneficially supports International affairs/travel, insurance/law, publishing/media, cultural/philosophical and intellectual/academic accomplishment. Chase this, Gemini!)

Home, kids, land and property, security, nutrition and mother nature fill Sunday / Monday. Sunday’s very fortunate, filled with loving affection. If single, phone or visit someone. Romance, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges arrive Mon. eve to  Wed. suppertime. This is not an easy interval, and might even contain relationship breaking aspects; if you go forth quietly, co-operatively, you’ll succeed or avoid grief. This interval links to the first, and better love path mentioned above.

Tackle chores Wed. night to suppertime Fri. Be safe; eat and dress well — laugh at surprises, don’t rant at them! Friday night, Saturday bring relationships, opportunities, and maybe conflict.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Ah, sweet romance! The weeks ahead bring beauty, pleasure, joy from children, creative and speculative urges, and general good luck. It might take a few days to get fully in the stream of these passions, as this week contains the last trailing tendrils of work, health and family matters — but by Friday, the current will take you (if it didn’t already midweek).

One odd component: in these romantic, creative or pleasure pursuits, a streak of ambition also exists, a strong one. Despite this blooming of love’s instincts, your main (and rewarding) chore now to Dec. 28, lies in finances, investments, sex, pregnancy, changing your life, digging up secrets and “treasures.”

Sunday/Monday are for errands, contacts, communications, travel and paperwork. Sunday is superb, so send your most important messages and inquiries. (Esp. those involving home, family, sex, investments, secrets and “deep health.”) Your home, family, security and nutrition grow important Mon. eve to Wed. suppertime.

All that romantic stuff above intensifies suppertime Wed. to suppertime Fri. There’s good and bad here, so be nimble, flexible, listen to your intuition for “timing action.” To work, Fri. night, Sat. — all’s well, but don’t assume your opinion/view is right. It might be mildly confused (thru Nov. 7).

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

The focus remains on your domestic side, Leo — until November 21. Home, kids, nature, security, nutrition, birth, real estate become a major focus. But one other, important thing is going on: a relationship, a relocation, a “public” opportunity/ dealings perhaps. This has “been around” since late 2020, was in a “holding pattern” June to October, and should be “running warm” now (if not hot).

Dive in — there is hard work here, a need to overcome someone’s skepticism, but there is also a world of possibility, a lucky connection/personality harmony, and a potential reward that can keep on giving for up to 3 decades. (E.g., marriage, or a business deal, whatever, that demands a lot of convincing from your side, but offers a stable, very long-lasting beneficial connection. But don’t be starry-eyed: realism rules.)

Chase $ Sun./Mon. Sunday’s better — and includes a chance to “make contact” with someone who attracts you. (You might blow this contact by Mon./Tues., if you focus only on home/family.)  Errands, paperwork and communications, curiosity and travel fill Monday eve to suppertime Wednesday. Luck’s mingled, so be humble, and think twice before hitting “send.”

That domestic trend doubles in intensity Wed. night to suppertime Fri. A fairly benign interval — a surprise or exciting meeting could have a financial or sexual “pot of gold” attached. Saturday’s romantic — go slow, think.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

In some ways, the month ahead is not an important one, Virgo. It will be filled with errands, trips, visits, communications, paperwork, and swift, easy chores. A good time to organize files or search for papers that have been “put somewhere.”  Give your curiosity free rein, as it might uncover something that you can later use profitably.

In one way, one area, the month ahead — actually, the 2 months ahead (to Dec. 28) — IS important in work and health, machinery and hiring areas. Here, you can creatively carve out a niche, a new direction, a bigger or better job. It will be hard, take effort, but is definitely worthwhile, and can result in 12 to 28 years of reward and protection.

Your energy and charisma are tops Sun./Mon. Be forward, assertive, launch significant projects. (Something involving work, home and career/prestige looks good.) Chase $, buy/sell, but cautiously, Mon. eve to suppertime Wed. Predawn Wed. best.

Those errands, trips, etc. loom large Wed. night to suppertime Fri. Again, good luck and bad mingle, so be nimble. Think before hitting “Send.” You settle down physically Fri. night and Sat. Be home, embrace your family, sidestep friction with your spouse.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The weeks ahead focus on money, Libra, on earned income, cash cows, possessions and purchases, memory, casual sex, and rote learning. This is your main trend, but a larger, more important one exists until Dec. 28 — it’s romantic, creative, a risk, it draws you with beauty and promises of pleasure. I have been mentioning this for months, but now it’s crunch time. You have almost exactly 2 months to seal the deal on a love relationship.

One warning: if this relationship demands fairly extensive travel, or if it is with a friend, it’s just a sort of casual, friendly romance, then it is probably not the right one, and could continually put little obstacles in your path. (This should only have happened to a few Librans but if it describes your relationship, you might reconsider.) On the other hand is a slowly growing relationship that has been around for a year or so, and takes a lot of work and responsibility to manage. This is the prize. Capture it before December 28.

Lie low, rest and recuperate, ponder and plan, Sunday/Monday. Phone your love Sunday night. Your energy and charisma shoot upward Monday night to supper time Wednesday. Get things done but be wary of starting projects that may have a “beginners flaw.” Your luck is mixed all week, so be nimble, back off when your intuition issues any small warning.

Your money pursuits become serious Wednesday night to suppertime Friday. Again, your luck is mixed. The best time to act is Thursday p.m. to well before dawn Friday (PDT) when you could discover a job or health solution. DO NOT INVEST Nov. 3, 4 or 5. Friday night and Saturday bring trips, calls, friends, errands.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This is your time, Scorpio! Launch projects, make new contacts/allies, be a leader. Others are attracted. By next week, you’ll become even more charismatic, might attract more than one lingering glance. One warning: you might be extra-assertive now to mid-December. Don’t let this intensify to aggression or cruelty. Turn extra energy into work tasks.

Simultaneously, your real estate, family, and security interests are the most important in 30 years. This trend is opening now, and lasts to Dec. 28. An excellent time to sell/buy real estate, or to Iife in any food/shelter area: furniture factories, toy retailers, mom-tots stuff, cafes, farms, food processors (e.g. Tyson Foods) etc.

Listen, Scorpio, even if you’re relatively penniless, beg/borrow a few thousand from friends/relatives, and buy a woe-begone lot somewhere in the forest. Even this small step will shower you with new confidence, benefits — and will very likely grow in value. Excellent time to set up your kids’ future, scholarship plans, etc.

Happiness visits Sun./Mon. You’re popular! A phone call or other investigation can turn up some realty bargains, or at least get you started on the path to real estate luck. Retreat, lie low and rest, ponder and plan — and research these realty and family areas. Good time to find, peruse gov’t regulations.

Your energy and charisma soar Wednesday eve to Friday supper time. You might experience an exciting meeting, especially Thursday, that can lead to passionate romance. Or, you might only meet someone too anxious, stressed or abrupt for your taste. (Maybe you have to work with this person, tho?) Chase money — reasonably — Fri. night, Saturday.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You face a quiet month, Sage. (To Nov. 21.) It’s a good time to settle into your thoughts, to seek advice, to line up gov’t regulations, and to ponder your life thus far, and your plans for the year ahead. Take care with temper, violence — avoid biker clubs and dark alleys (to mid-December). Some important mail or other communications (or a significant trip, perhaps to fact-find) are likely before year’s end. Documents, permission might be involved.

Your ambitions are favoured and higher-ups approve of you, Sun./Mon. Sunday’s better: a social connection can open the door to a new friendship, new group, or new car. Wishes (small ones this time) can come true Mon. eve to suppertime Wed. Your popularity rises, social delights arrive, and finally your optimism returns. It’s an unreliable time for practical action, for starting projects.

That “quiet time” mentioned in the first sentence above, Sage, doubles Wed. night to suppertime Fri. Seek deep rest, meditate, liaise with gov’t. Again, aspects are mixed, so be humble and nimble. Best time: Thurs. night to pre-dawn Fri. Your energy and charisma “reboot” mildly Fri. night, Saturday — enjoy, but remain conservative, cautious.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

You’ll enjoy the weeks ahead, Cap! A wish will be fulfilled, your popularity rises, friends give delight, and you see a “blue sky” future! This trend will intensify after Thurs. Until mid-December, you will be “friends with” someone deep, aggressive, maybe cruel, maybe saintly. Some Caps will join a football team or whatever.

An important money-earning situation or project has been around since late 2020, and was recently delayed, but now runs on all cylinders until Dec. 28. Dive into this, Cap — it holds BIG potential reward, income. There is work involved, and it won’t turn on the money taps overnight, but what you build/rebuild in the next two months can pay off for 30 years.

A mellow, understanding and intellectual mood steals over you Sun./Mon. Sunday opens the door (by communications?) to a major career-income pathway. Jump in, at least intellectually. Your career, your prestige and your worldly status are highlighted Monday eve to suppertime Wednesday. Your luck is mixed here, so proceed with some caution, be nimble. You’ll pass any test.

Wishes come true, social joys, popularity and optimism flow in Wed. eve to suppertime Fri. Again, luck is mixed, so remain alert. A romantic option could electrify you Thurs., and later morph into “affectionate friends.” (It’s a little too electric to last long comfortably.) Retreat Fri. night and Sat. Lie low, rest., ponder and — rather than plan, look for (subtle) flaws in existing plans. All’s well, happiness reigns this November!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Your “deserved” place in the world comes up for review, action and expansion, Aquarius. Your career efforts will be observed, maybe tested. Be ambitious, esp. in management, gov’t, institution, and policy realms. The 2 months ahead might be one of the most important periods in your life. You have luck, expansiveness, cheerfulness and optimism — a perfect “break out” formula.

You also have your planet of management (et al) in your sign through 2023. But what you do now, Nov. and Dec., is what counts. Think promotion, and keep striving toward it. (In late Nov., and Dec., your social instincts will substitute for ambition, and will keep you gaining ground toward that goal.)

Sunday/Monday are sexy, deep, revelatory, steeped in financial and lifestyle “consequences.” Act Sunday, when your luck is highest, esp. in intellectual, travel and love zones. Speak up, state your case. That zone, travel, intellect, law, culture and belief systems, blossoms Mon. night to suppertime Wed. Perhaps “blossom” is the wrong word, as your luck is mixed.

The ambition trend of this month is concentrated Wed. eve to suppertime Fri. Again, luck is mixed — but now you make more progress, as difficulties can spur you to new effort. You might face a home-vs-career dilemma. Pick career for now. Money/income luck Thurs. night, predawn Friday (PDT). A wish might come true Fri. night into the weekend. Your popularity, optimism and “flirtatious side” emerge to delight everyone. Don’t throw your money away.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

A month of intellectual stimulation began last week, Pisces. This brings themes of far travel, international affairs, legal, cultural and philosophical/religious venues, science — and love. That’s one path, to Nov. 22. Another path exists, to Dec. 28. This one aims toward management, security (and job security), finding/acquiring a retreat (e.g., vacation lot) or toward a gov’t position. This second path takes effort, but will reward with long-term career success. Bosses favour you through Thursday. Same days, you learn new secrets.

Sunday/Monday bring exciting meetings, relationships, fresh horizons and new opportunities. Sunday’s better — and offers a glimpse into a secret area, as well as career/financial/investment luck. Those secrets and financial affairs (and a sexual temptation) fill Monday eve to suppertime Wed., but now your luck is mixed, good and bad. Proceed cautiously. Don’t commit or invest unless you are certain. Best time: pre-dawn Wed. (PDT).

Those international, intellectual, cultural (etc.) influences grow quite strong Wednesday eve to suppertime Fri. After a bit of a bumpy rise, you end up a winner (Thurs. night, Fri. pre-dawn). Be ambitious Friday night, Sat. — all’s well. Sidestep a temptation, and you can succeed.



(The novel, Chapter Two, will continue next week)
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Though I have criticized Critical Race Theory, esp. the draconian way it is used and the heavy-handed tyranny of those wielding it, I still agree with the basic premise: there is a quiet, systemic residue of racism in each of us, still left after the big movements in the 1960’s and strong integrative progress since. If humans were a bowl, it has been largely dumped out, emptied of racism, but the bottom eighth-inch of prejudicial syrup still sullies the bowl’s bottom, the other 15 7/8  inches having already been emptied or cleaned.

Still, as we work toward perfection as an omni-conscious species, winnowing out these last vestiges of racism is important. Who wants a bowl with even just a skin or film of old sin on the bottom? Let’s clean the bowl entirely.

However, I don’t approve of universities turning into fascist camps of donkey professors who left their objectivity somewhere in the forest of books they climbed out of. In the 30s and 40s, these professors swooned for Marxism, but when society at large rejected their call to communism, they turned instead to their students, inculcating them with Marxist ideals; these in turn educated the teachers of today, who are deeply socialist. And, to a certain degree, they hold “ignorant on socialism” parents in disdain.

And, I believe Blacks are more prejudiced than Whites. How do you solve that one?
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Quantum physicist Richard Feynman, who declared “nature…is—absurd,”  was wrong. Nature is never absurd. Classical physics still “works” — it got us to the Moon. But on sub-atomic and atomic levels, different energies, events and laws apply. Quantum physics came along to study this new world — which on a macro level did/does behave like the corporeal world we know and love, but on a micro level behaves very differently — and perhaps to our everyday eyes, behaves bizzarely, miraculously or shockingly. Quantum mechanics tries to explain why.

But why is this new level, or this new view of nature, absurd? It’s a whole new level of existence, a whole new world of knowing and discovery, a world perhaps as vast as our “known” universe. Surely there are other levels deeper than quantum, deeper than this. Maybe I’m just being an old man, but when I realized what quantum mechanics was, almost a wave of restored — no, refreshed — belief sang through me.

Someone’s a lot smarter than we are — this quantum mechanics, this photons of light, perhaps was just an afternoon’s effort, or perhaps it took a month of warm October afternoons to construct this “second level” of existence. Think what such a being is doing else-wise and elsewhere. But also think what new worlds this might open up. Classical physics will never take us to time travel, or to the nearest star; quantum mechanics, though, will at least open the door to the third level, or the fourth after that, until we can control gravity, time and “space.” (Space travel, but also, “space around us.”)

Almost more intriguing, what will our social growth be like? I think many cultural mannerisms will fade, and expressions, though still on every face, will express what is inside almost flawlessly, and each of us will be able to read each other, instantly.

The more we learn, the more it will lead us toward him/her/it: the source.
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(ALL incorrectly capitalized words are contributed by Apple, who/which can’t seem to create a workable word processor. My advice to writers is: DON’T buy Apple.)
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If you see the American consciousness as a large balloon floating down the current of history, then the CRT movement and all its brethren have punctured that balloon with the idea of critical race theory. The puncture doesn’t deflate the balloon (well, only temporarily, with porn in primary schools and secretive teachers and Dr. Mengele Fauci). Instead, the idea it represents will be woven into the American consciousness going forward.

This is one of the seed ideas… By this I mean current progressive leftist theory, including the manifesto of BLM, the violence of antifa, and the socialism of Bernie and Biden… One of the seed ideas of the new political structure, just as J.J. Rousseau’s “General will” seeded the concept that led to the American and French revolutions.

The whole “woke” movement will have a deep effect on the American psyche, but I suspect a positive effect. As Norman Mailer wrote, America is constantly in a revolving revolution… I paraphrased him. The Woke POV will ultimately not rule, but will enrich the American experience. It will also be one of the steps toward the new political structures that are coming.
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