Tag Archives: Weekly Forecast



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific DAYLIGHT Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:  5:49 am to 9:43 am Sun., 9:21 am to 4:15 pm Tues., 2:20 pm to 9:03 pm Thurs., and after 2:46 pm Sat.


ALL SIGNS: Avoid launching any new projects, starting a new relationship, or making a major purchase before Oct. 2. Delays, indecision, circular efforts, elusive goals, and lemons, all are abundant now. Shop only for routine items (e.g., groceries).

Trump is innocent, and will be judged so. See the Oct. 2 column AFTERAMBLE next week to see why.


I’ve said it before (a few months ago) but I’ll say it again: high tech stocks (e.g., NASDAQ) will remain under pressure until, technically, March 7, 2023. But the stock market is forward-looking, so I’d buy tech stocks around Jan./Feb. of ’23. (If you doubt this forecast, look at my earlier warning about tech stocks — since then, many have fallen by half.)

Remember, though, when looking at tech stocks in ‘23, keep an eye out for the “not quite achieved yet” stories: fusion energy, quantum, whatever — because high tech will undergo a huge transformation, March ’23 to the 2040’s. Far outer space, nuclear (or some other, presently unimagined) power, sex, death and birth medicine — these will be at the core of the second techno-revolution. (The first began in 1984 – to the present.) Today we talk about gender transformation; but I think in the 2020 to 2040 phase, there will be an emphasis on non-gender — asexual?


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

No matter what I might say below, Aries, avoid starting any brand new projects, relationships or major purchases this week. The weeks ahead feature relationships, opportunities and relocation themes, Aries. But wait until next week to act on anything (or anybody) new. Be diplomatic, eager to co-operate, to join forces. Thursday onward (to late October) Venus will be in this zone, also, promising loving responses and affectionate “company.” Mercury could bring a former or neglected job back: do it, and be done with it. You remain restless, travel-prone.

Sunday starts with a chore, but soon (10 am PDT) “locks in” to a strong relationship trend, until Tuesday suppertime. Big, lucky meetings, opportunities, esp. if you have known this (these) person(s) before. But ultimately (Tues. morn) an obstacle looms: involves status, prestige, maybe sex, health or work — or simply destiny. I’d jump in anyway,  just for the experience. (But be honest with him/her if you’re just playing.)

Dive into deeper things Tuesday eve to Thursday night — intimacy, consequence, big finances, medical problems, research, revelation, perhaps life changes. A sweet, mellow, understanding mood steals over you Fri./Sat. Best Thursday night, Friday. Saturday’s dicey — flirtation, love attraction, an “exciting call,” but this is followed, soon, by possible deception, groundless worries.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

A month of work and daily health has just started, Taurus. A health “bother” that’s typically Taurean might occur: stiff neck or genitals might be involved. You’ll like the work part — it’s enjoyable, reflects your “true talents.” Remember, don’t start any new work projects, relationships or major spending before Oct. 2. Money continues to flow your way until next March: bank it, reduce debt, avoid spending.

Sunday morning is romantic (a beautiful sunrise?) but from 9-10 am Sunday until late afternoon Tuesday, tackle chores, esp. ones that have been neglected (for some weeks, perhaps). This is a great interval, you can accomplish wonders. But work mostly alone or with a Virgo or Gemini — or a last minute “desertion” might occur early Tuesday.

Exciting meetings, relationships and “opportunities” arise suppertime Tuesday (PDT) through Thursday. Best: Thursday, dawn onward. (Worst: Wed. night.) Be diplomatic. Friday/Saturday bring intimacy, lust, power drives, financial urges/actions, maybe medical or lifestyle situations. Friday’s smooth, co-operative, and this day or Saturday morning a money or sexual opportunity might arise, but it is followed by deception or self-illusion, which can result in separation or alienation.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Groups — friends, clubs, political parties, concerts — continue to welcome you and offer fortunate new horizons all the way to next spring, Gemini. (Remember, don’t start any new associations, projects or purchases before Oct. 2.) But the month ahead (to Oct. 23) offers the opposite: one-on-one romance, poetic beauty, pleasure and creative flurries — a deeper thing than the flirtations that will arise in groups you attend. Your sexual magnetism, courage and optimism shine powerfully until next March.

Thursday onward (to late Oct.) adds a deep sweetness, a beauty, to love and physical attraction scenarios. Your work either: stops, ceases to a large degree, or involves 1) home/family or 2) brings a chore from the past. (Tackle these to rid yourself of the burden.)

You might sleep in Sunday morning. But most of this day, and to late afternoon Tuesday (PDT) brings creative or speculative urges, love of your kids if married, romance if single. A  splendid interval, filled with surges of intimacy, affection, but don’t push for sex Tuesday forenoon. Tackle chores and protect your daily health (from small complaints — and boredom) Tuesday eve to Thursday night (9 pm PDT). Friday/Saturday bring exciting meetings, opportunities and relationships — but remember, no one new — yet. Saturday morning promotes excitement, (sudden?) attraction, but this is followed by indecision, perhaps deception, and bungled communications. Ah, well.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The weeks ahead focus on one of your favourite areas, Cancer: home, food, garden, children. Your optimism about this area rises nicely late week into late October. A good time to hold parties or gatherings at home (better in Oct.). This week, you might receive a “long lost” message, a bit of mail, or find a missing old document or photo, etc. Or a sibling visits. Friction might occur between you and the gov’t, or “head office” through next March, but you could also be promoted by these same people. So be friendly, open.

You might wake up Sunday and charge after errands, other easy tasks. But by late morning onward (to late afternoon Tuesday, PDT) you’ll hunker down into the comfort of home, family, property. This is a splendid interval for these interests, as long as you don’t seek romance Tuesday forenoon. Late day Tuesday to Thursday night brings romance, or at least romantic feelings. Good for decorating, crafts, hanging pictures, etc. Best: Thurs. Worst: Wednesday night.

Friday/Saturday bring chores and minor health cautions: e.g., eat/drink sensibly. You’ll handle those chores easily Friday, even Saturday forenoon (PDT — 7 pm Britain, etc.). But as Saturday matures, deception, indecision take over — not a good time to act. Read “ALL SIGNS” above in the PREAMBLE.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Errands, easy chores, contacts, messaging and communications, trips and visits, paperwork — these fill the weeks ahead, Leo. Some of that messaging might involve deeper themes and subjects such as education, law, cultural and international environments, and media — and gentle love. You feel optimistic about these areas, and rightly so — on or before May ’23, a huge wish could come true in this zone.

Two big things happen in March: 1) your reluctance toward or fear of “life commitment” — or that slow, quiet rejection by others — disappears, for 27 years. And 2) your “home and children” planet enters Aquarius for about 2 decades. This will create many things, but mostly, a desire to join another to have a home and children, but at the same time some rejection of the total domestic/union idea (which can lead to a series of affairs and break-offs). Your life is likely to change dramatically 2023 to 2040.

Sunday mid-morn to late afternoon Tuesday (PDT) emphasizes the “errands, easy chores” stuff described above, in the first two sentences. This is a very fortunate interval, so plunge in. (Remember, start nothing new before Oct. 2 — so this probably involves an ongoing or past situation, person.) It might, ultimately, bring a break-away from a present home that causes you too much work. Home, btw, is the main focus Tuesday night to late Thursday. Difficult pre-dawn Thursday, with success (long) before and (shortly) after.  Romance, creative and risk-taking actions, beauty, pleasure and charming kids fill Fri./Sat. Friday’s good, so is Saturday morning, but later this day confusion, indecision, perhaps even “intimate deception” might occur.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Don’t worry about your finances or assets, Virgo. Late this year and early next any losses will be “returned” — and more! The weeks ahead are not heavily focused on finances or assets, but on income and buying and selling (all of which will prove fortunate). You’re charming until Thursday, when that “charm luck” shifts to your earnings and possessions (and to casual sex).

You’ve been indecisive about money and purchases all September; but now that indecision focuses on yourself: where are you going, and why? What’s the best life path? (For this and other reasons, read “ALL SIGNS” in the PREAMBLE above.)

You wake Sunday with plenty of energy — chase $ (or buy, but only routine items) until late afternoon Tuesday (PDT). This is a splendidly fortunate interval, so look for luck, and leap on it! (But quit by 9 am Tues., PDT.) Errands, friends, paperwork and communications fill Tuesday suppertime to late night Thursday. Be cautious late Wednesday night to pre-dawn Thurs. Otherwise, march ahead. Your home, family, property, security, and “Mom Nature” become prominent Fri./Sat. Friday’s good, esp. early, and Saturday’s opportunistic to about midday (PDT — 7 pm in England, etc.). Indecision, possible deception after that.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your energy, charisma, timing and effectiveness rise sharply during the weeks ahead, Libra. Relationships are still buoyant. You’ll attract/be drawn to, Aries, Geminis, foreign born people, scholars and intellectual workers (e.g., lawyers). (You might be saying to yourself, “why do they like me?”) On or before next May, this could bring single Librans a life-mate, or at least a good imitation of one! Until May, it will bring all Librans lucky opportunities. One or more of these could involve travel (or relocation) either local or within your nation. (But remember, until Oct. 2, start nothing new, even relationships.)

Until March ’23, avoid lawsuits. Same period, you might wed, meet the one you will wed, or simply have a big love affair. This week, the gov’t or other agency might yank you back to “reality” — quickly handle anything neglected, important. (You’ll have to Oct. `10 to finish it.)

You might awaken “groggy” Sunday, but this soon turns to energy and pizzazz, until late afternoon  (PDT) Tuesday. You’re in charge, Libra, and others watch with admiration. Get out, see and be seen. Clear something up with the gov’t, or an institution or “head office.” This is a very fortunate interval. Pursue $, buy/sell, embrace someone (casually, as this is not love) Tuesday afternoon to Thursday night. Not as good, luck-wise.

Be cautious pre-dawn Thurs. Friends, trips and visits, communications, errands and paperwork fill Fri./Sat. Friday’s smooth, good. Saturday morning’s opportunistic, exciting, but later illusion, indecision set in.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Lie low, find quietude and a place to rest for the next 4 weeks, Scorpio. This will be a difficult time for personal achievement, for winning contests or challenging others. But it will be an excellent time for dealing with gov’t, seeking more management duties/ position(s) pondering and planning (plan after Oct. 1, not before), and replenishing your emotional reserves, and your physical and psychic energy. Hands-on tasks give you a small break or rest, until late November.

Your financial, sexual sides are heated up, will remain so until March. Same 6 months, don’t invest impetuously. In sex, protect against rashes, “burning.” A conversation might raise your hopes about a social “entry” or a romantic, friendly person. In fact, you might be embraced by a group you left long ago. (But remember, no new projects, relations, or big purchases before Oct. 2.)

Other than a brief flash of optimism Sunday morning, the remainder of this day, to late afternoon Tuesday, slides you into this period’s main theme: solitude, rest, and contemplation. An excellent interval to liaise with gov’t or head office, solve a tax problem, seek an advisor, etc.

Your energy and charisma rise somewhat late afternoon Tuesday to late night Thursday. Handle and overcome problems Wednesday night, Thursday pre-dawn, then impress someone Thursday daytime. Chase $ Fri./Sat. — buy/sell, invoice, pay bills, hug someone, memorize something. Friday’s good, and Saturday morning’s opportune (might spark casual sex) but late day is deceptive, indecisive, goes in circles.

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You are “stalled” in one of your most important pursuits, Sage, from last August to this coming November 23. That important pursuit? It can be romance, creative or speculative projects, adventure, pleasure travel, or child-oriented involvements. (Could be setting up a drama stage in the back yard, and helping the kids write a fun play.) The thing to remember: you are blessed in these (romance, et al) through next May. And December-May will probably be one of the most romantic periods of your life. Adding to this, now through March brings “hot intensity” to relationships — good for “hot intimacy,” not so good for exchanging words after a fender-bender.

The 4 weeks ahead promote socializing, popularity, optimism, entertainment, flirtations.    A memorable love affair could easily spark now. (Better if it sparks after Oct. 1 — until the 2nd, avoid new starts, projects, new relationships, big purchases.) Bosses want you to handle a former or old work/career duty (you’ll have until Oct. 10 to do so).

Sunday to late afternoon (PDT) Tuesday highlights the very things the month ahead promotes: friends, social delights, popularity, optimism, etc. A very fortunate interval, so plunge in, make calls, meet and greet. Lie low, rest, ponder and seek advice Tuesday night to late night Thursday. This interval needs caution late Wednesday and pre-dawn Thurs.

Your energy and charisma soar upward Fri./Sat. Get out, see and be seen, display your skills, be a leader. Friday’s fine, and Saturday morning (early afternoon, EDT) presents opportunities, esp. in social and romantic areas. But late day brings indecision, possible deception. Family unhappy, briefly.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The month ahead highlights your ambitions, your career outlook and actions, prestige relations, and worldly status, Cap. Remember, don’t start anything new before Oct. 2. But this Sunday to Tuesday afternoon (PDT) brings such great career luck that it would be a shame to waste it. If there’s an ongoing or “retrieved from the past” project you can dive into, do so! Work is hard and intense until next March, so you might as well “overwork” this week and the next few.

You have one, quick chance (until Thursday) to solve a legal, far travel, international, publishing or educational matter in your favour. Might involve someone from the past.

Sunday morning to Tuesday late afternoon (PDT) emphasizes your ambitions, and taps you with good fortune. (If a new job or position is offered to you, accept — but plan to start Oct. 3 or later.) Optimism, popularity, entertainment and social delights fill Tuesday eve to late Thursday night. This interval has some good luck (Tues. night and Wed. daytime) but also holds obstacles (Wed. night, predawn Thurs.). Find a quiet place to rest and ponder Fri./Sat. Seek advice, deal with gov’t or your employer’s head office. Friday best, but Saturday morning might work, also. Saturday pm is deceptive, indecisive, maybe even illegal!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

A sweet, mild mood of understanding, tolerance and intellectual curiosity flows through you for the 4 weeks ahead, Aquarius. Far travel, international affairs, law, publishing, higher education, these will form your focus until late Oct. All these are fortunate, perhaps very fortunate, this Sunday morning to late afternoon Tuesday (all PDT). Until Oct. 2, don’t start any new projects, relationships now make major purchases. (If something seemingly fortunate appears Sunday to Tuesday, grab it or file it away, then tackle it Oct. 3 onward.)

Until March, you will be “intensely moved” by a romantic, creative, or sports/gaming /pleasure pursuit. This could lead to true love. (Though this present week, you are more interested in sex [and secrets] than in love. A former intimate partner right appear.)

Sunday-Tuesday is described above (first 3 sentences). Be ambitious, show your skills, give important projects a push, Tuesday late afternoon to Thursday night. A bit of a struggle here, tho’ in struggles you’ll thrive, Wed. eve to pre-dawn Thurs. Best money/income time: Thursday morning PDT — early afternoon EDT. Your hopes, popularity, social instincts and entertainment swell Fri./Sat. Friday’s fine. Saturday, early daytime, might bring a flirtation or other excitement — or an argument. But later this day, insecurity, deception, indecision might set in.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

The money’s slow in coming Pisces— but it will come, and come big, tho’ perhaps not until December into next spring. Your home life is fractious until March — be gentle, don’t frighten children. Same period might bring extensive spending on a home, furniture, garden, etc. A former mate might “walk in the door” — but if you want to reprise this relationship, be quick — you only have this week and next. Meanwhile, the month ahead features secrets, intimacy, lust, financial actions, investments, debt, research, perhaps medical and lifestyle choices.

These (secrets, intimacy, etc.) are highlighted Sunday morning to Tuesday late afternoon — and very fortunately. Though I advise you not to act on anything new before Oct. 2, these financial and/or sexual opportunities are almost too good to pass up. Well, try your luck — or make a note of possible actions, then make them Oct. 3 (not 2) onward.

Tuesday eve to late Thursday night brings peace, intellectual understanding, a mellow and gently loving mood. But good luck is scarce, so avoid plunging into import-export, school, law, publishing, far travel or cultural venues — step in carefully, and keep a “safety.” Tuesday night and daytime Thursday are best. Avoid commitments late Wed., predawn Thurs. Your worldly status, your career and other ambitions, call you Fri./Sat. Friday’s okay, and Saturday morning too — but this afternoon/eve are filled with “No’s.”



Do you ever wonder why I always include the name of your sign in the first sentence of your weekly forecast (E.g., “Chase romance, Aries.”)? When I was a young man of 19, I worked for a large daily newspaper. They way they received their horoscope column was in bulk — 50 or 100 days would be sent to them by teletype, and they would just tear off the columns and insert them into the paper on the appropriate date.

But here’s the trouble: I watched as sometimes the people who put the paper together would mix up the dates and put, say, Wednesday’s column in Saturday’s paper. Sometimes, the actual signs were purposely mixed up — as the editors grinned. Although this is a blog, it’s my way of protecting against “editorial deception.” (Yes, fake news was alive and well even 50 years ago. In fact, if you go back 100 years, at least in Vancouver, Canada, daily newspapers were blatantly, drastically, racist.) Go ahead, find one and merely read the first page…

The Libran way of occultism is: investment in my deeper self. The Scorpio way of occult progress is to examine the moment and the depth of casual comments. For Sagittarius, occult truth is found in home, family, security. For Capricorn, in glamour and exhibitionism and creative projects (and sports).


In general, if you count your own sign as #1, then count counter-clockwise in the zodiac until you hit sign number 8, you will have found your “occult sign.” By researching the qualities and rulerships of this sign (e.g., Cancer rules home, patriotism and security) you’ll find your own path to occult learning.

If you want to find the centre, first seek the rim. (Applies in sex, too.)

When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis flew 50 migrants north to proudly proclaimed Massachusetts sanctuary town Martha’s Vineyard (where uber-wealthy Americans live and play) — when these 50 migrants arrived, the poor rich residents froze their hearts in disgust. They called the National Guard to remove these unwashed voyagers to an army base far away and out of sight. 

NBC reported that one wealthy resident called the National Guard action “taking out the trash.” 

These poor rich Martha-ites told the news media that their island just didn’t have enough accommodation to house the 50 migrants. Really? Martha’s Vineyard houses an extra 200,000 tourists every summer. But now that school’s started and family vacations have ebbed sharply, there are no rooms?

MSNBC, the left-wing child of NBC,  has spent the last two weeks attacking DeSantis for his stunt, and gleefully reporting that everyone in the (left) world is suing DeSantis, for “kidnapping” the migrants (who signed authorizations for the flight).

Oh, well.

Women wear make up to attract men. But a man always runs into this dilemma: after the high heels come off, the legs aren’t so slim; after the mascara comes off, the eyes are no longer biologically fascinating. Lips, cheeks, same story. Sometimes, breasts also. So the man thinks, I didn’t sign up for this, I didn’t do the whole courtship dance, I didn’t risk humiliation, for this.

Most men, although noting the change, won’t mind at all, because the woman is still the most valuable and exciting and mysterious creature that they get to hug at night. These ones will slowly grow to see and accept their mate’s real beauties. A small portion had looked through the make up in the first place, and was not only not surprised by the change, but welcomed it. How much happier our world would be if we abandoned make-up entirely, and saw everyone’s natural beauty. It shines from their hearts and eyes.

In all our solid things, we are less than a puff of air.

Looking back on my life, I can say that I followed destiny even when I had no inkling that I was doing so. Looking back, the  astrological junctures shine with proof. Why that should be, I don’t know. Is it that the universe is a kind of endless Fauci curve or an endless mirroring? Or do the planets really emit some kind of radiation that intricately affects life on earth? Or is the whole universe so intricately and brilliantly constructed that an event on one plane is reproduced by pattern on all planes.

That is, perhaps we all follow a basic pattern, and this pattern is displayed in and on multiple levels. For example, I’ve heard that people of the first nations in coastal BC can tell if rain is coming by looking at maple leaves. If the leaves turn upside down, it will soon rain. The leaves do not cause the rain, and the rain does not directly cause the leaves to bend. — though they might bend in response to atmospheric pressure and/or humidity, which itself would be a harbinger of the rain storm to come. But to our naked eye, there seems to be a magical or unprovable connection, one that we know so little about, that we take a sort of conscious snapshot of this phenomena and file it away under the label of “pattern.“

Like the “patterns” of astrology.

America’s Republicans need to realize they are at war – beyond any elections.
