Tag Archives: Weekly Forecast

~ WEEKLY FORECAST ~ AUGUST 15 – 21, 2021


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Email: suningem@gmail.com

START NOTHING:  8:05 pm to 8:12 pm Sun., 6:43 pm to 10:58 pm Tues., and 4:59 pm Thurs. to  1:49 am Fri. 


I’ve received many answers to my question: should I keep the forecasts short, or long? Most voted for long, but it was only a 60-40 split. What I’ve decided is, I’ll just write as I feel like it each week. Some of you complained that another sign’s forecast was longer — each will vary as I see more or less to say. Thanks for your emails!

BTW, I am really bad at returning phone calls, so you have a much better chance of reaching me by email: suningem@gmail.com. I really have to apologize to the ones who left me phone messages over the years. For the last year or more I just haven’t been answering or even listening to the phone. I’m trying to slow down, to do what I want to do, but I keep getting clients. So I don’t answer the phone, I’m sorry, it’s my way of retreating, finding some time. I do answer emails, tho’. 

BTW again, if you look my name up on Google, besides a few search words/urls, you might also see a photo on the right, purporting to be me, of some full-faced (very well fed) dude in a suit and tie… It ain’t me! I wonder where Google dug him up? Oops, now it’s someone else, a bald 50-year old. Weird. Oh, hey, there’s a whole trove or gallery of these pictures of different Tim Stephens. Real people. Huh! It’s a weird feeling to see someone with your exact name. Like a cloudy mirror that teases but doesn’t really give a reflection. Don’t know how to correct it, but if you want to see all the T.S.’s, just click on the (wrong) photo of me.
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What’s the greatest reward from helping and giving, esp. anonymously? Wisdom.
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aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Last week of major romance, Aries. New work duties are already starting to creep in. (Have been, since late July.) The end of romance might be the beginning of a true, loving relationship of equals. Your hopes remain expansive yet sober, and probably involve your worldly status. (For youngsters, this can mean a good year to begin higher studies, or to switch majors.) Money remains unpredictable yet hopeful (until 2026) but now to next January might come more easily from old ideas, projects or relationships than from new starts.

Sunday’s for depths and secret desires. This night through Tues. brings intellectual, legal, far travel, media/publishing, cultural and love pursuits. You won’t get everything you want here, and the more you want something big, the less chance you’ll get it, so be patient, flexible: watch and learn.

Tuesday pm brings success, harmony, love. Be ambitious Wed./Thurs. — major success possible! Friendship, popularity, delicious hopes fill Fri./Saturday. Early Fri. best. Both days, you might “meet” a work-money opportunity — grab it.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

One more week of domestic concerns, Taurus. As they say, get your house in order. A nice romantic streak has tickled you since late July — but that tickle could become a full embrace next week onward. A “future” job project begins in small ways now, and includes at least one very likeable co-worker. Hug the kids, set them on a good course or path.

(Do you notice how you’re becoming more unpredictable, stubborn and rebellious the last year or two? That will increase to 2026, then ebb away. You’ll question this part of yourself now to next January — some good insights. This same period makes you more ambitious — a good thing — but also more stressed — not so good. Learn relaxation techniques.)

Sunday’s for relationships and opportunities, though not particularly splendid ones. Best time, early morning (dawn on N.A.’s west coast). Late Sun. night through Tues. dips you into more secretive, lustful, financially ambitious spheres. Dig deep, research: treasures lie hidden. (Treasure: e.g., a stock that will rise strongly in future.) Best Tues. pm.

Wisdom, gentle love, far travel, intellectual, legal and cultural pursuits are highlighted — and very favoured — Wed./Thurs. Ambition, prestige relations and worldly status grab your attention Fri./Saturday. Friday’s best. Both days, love might come suddenly.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

This is your last week of travel, restlessness, casual contacts and conversation, paperwork and errands, Gemini. Although you excel in these areas, you’re getting a bit tired of it, and increasingly want to settle down, to enjoy good food and good rest. That will come soon, next week.

You are starting to build an idea of, or a commitment to, a “large” intellectual or travel or love (wedding?) project, but it might be mid-October before you can put it in play. That’s alright — better to wait than to risk confusion and delays. But if this is an old project resurrected, you don’t need to wait. It might involve an investment (or financial sacrifice) and/or deep research.  A romantic interest blossoms, and might lead to bigger stuff in a month or so.

Sunday’s for work and health concerns. Eat, dress sensibly. Relationships and opportunities, distant shores and public dealings face you Sun. night through Tuesday. Careful, know that the wisest, safest place is within yourself. Argument Mon., agreement Tues.

Lust, for power or intimacy (i.e., your “Cuomo moment”) tempts you Wed./Thurs. Dig deep, treasure, perhaps big treasure, lies hidden. Make medical, lifestyle and commitment decisions. A fine interval! Gentle love, wisdom, international and intellectual, legal and cultural decisions fill Fri. (good) and Sat. (ho-hum). Both days offer unique invention, machinery, or sex on the home front.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

This is your last week of hauling in money (or handling money problems). Although you’re always interested in money (being a security-minded Cancer) your mind has increasingly been drawn to paperwork, conversations, travel and other “non-money” activities. By next week, these swift, restless zones (mail, travel, errands, et al) will predominate.

On the “big money” side (investments, net worth, family or shared finances) you remain not only lucky, but in a very unusual “building” phase until Dec. 28. Until mid-October, apply your financial efforts to projects already begun (or at least thoroughly contemplated). Then, through December, focus on new launches.

Sunday’s romantic, esp. early day, tho’ there might be a cultural or philosophical glitch. This night through Tues. brings chores and minor health concerns. Monday’s tough, argumentative; Tuesday ends well, with agreement. Relationships and opportunities — as well as challenges and enmities — face you Wed./Thurs. (Which, is largely up to you and your approach — diplomacy wins.) Good fortune, very good opportunities both days — plunge in!

Life’s mysterious side emerges Fri./Sat. Both days are pretty workable, with Fri. most affectionate — both days, too, promote friendship, great friendship, at the same time as they pull you toward financial, medical or lifestyle commitment, and toward sex, maybe verboten sex.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

You’re still the star of the show, Leo. Get out there and start things, make new contacts, lead others and basically get your way (in the nicest way). Next week will start a month of money interests, but these are already filtering through, have been for awhile.  Conversations and travel will be pleasant, intriguing for the weeks ahead. Don’t spend extra money. Bills are coming, too. Relationships remain centred on the past — potential treasures here! 

Be home Sunday; relax, ponder. Mon./Tues. accent romance, creative and risk-taking urges, beauty and pleasure. Monday’s person doesn’t agree with you in deeper, life philosophy terms. Harmony, potential love arrive Tues. pm.

Tackle chores and protect your health Wed./Thurs. Good luck here — you’ll get things done. Good time to buy machinery, car, etc., esp. Wed. Relationships, opportunities and relocation themes arise Fri./Sat. Be diplomatic, charming — not the time to contest or challenge. A money or career idea, impulse, might be genius!

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This is your last week of seclusion, Virgo, of being held back by “fate,” of handling neglected chores and management duties. Continue to rest, as next week begins a month of huge energy expenditures (and success). Despite your weariness, sexual temptations abound — and won’t decrease soon (to mid-Sept.). Your money luck improves now to early Sept.— a luxury item or gift would be a good idea.

Already, you’re becoming more talkative. You have one or two giant chores “from the past” to tackle this summer into mid-Oct. — you might have already begun in the last 2 months. (Highlighted Thurs. to Sat.) Remember, overall: career, outside, trumps domesticity, humility.

Sunday’s for short trips, gab sessions, paperwork and swift chores. Family/home grab your attention Mon./Tues. Don’t try for too much here. Mon.’s argumentative; Tues. pm offers harmony. Romance calls in a splendid, fortunate way Wed./Thurs. — Chase it, or creative, inventive, risky, sports, teaching projects. Tackle chores Fri./Sat. Dress, eat, sensibly. Friday best, but both days offer “sudden love.”

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your last week of fun and frolic, Libra. You remain popular, optimistic and happy. But the quiet side of life is starting to mist over you like fog on the seashore. Friendships, especially new friends, tend toward the confidential. If you meet a new life mate prospect between last July 29 and September 14, he/she is not likely to be a good one. He/she has an unconscious desire to restrict you.

Don’t confuse this, however, with a major romance that might’ve started anytime since last December. This love (you are in love) might have stalled since June, and could continue treading water until mid-October, but from that point on it can explode into ecstasy. Be wary of business “opportunities” — do they involve too much management, paperwork?

Sunday’s for shopping — be mildly tight-fisted. Errands, easy chores, paperwork, travel and communications fill Mon./Tues. (And Sun. night, PDT.) Not much here, a good contact Tues. pm. Steer toward home and family Wed./Thurs. — a splendid, lucky interval, so plunge into children’s affairs, real estate, food, repairs, garden, etc. A love or happy social opportunity Thurs.

Romance, creative urges, beauty, pleasure fill Fri./Sat. “Okay” days — Fri. better. Both days, secret desires, successful surgeries, brilliant financial ideas.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Remain ambitious, Scorpio. Next week begins a round of fun and frolic. (Although hints and streaks of this fun have dotted the last few weeks, they grow stronger soon.) Oddly, just as the social world is opening to you, your inner world grows sweet and beneficial. This week, that influence will aid you in working with management, or assuming a managerial role. If you aren’t there yet, make your bid!

(Best “career bid” times: around 2 – 3 pm Tues., late day Wed., before 5 pm Thurs., and Fri. morning — all times PDT, so add 9 hours for Central Europe, 13.5 hours for India, 15 for China, etc.)

Your home (and real estate) hold blessings, profits and upgrades for you, though these might not appear until mid-October onward.

Sunday is yours — energy high, charisma functioning — do something significant. Chase $ Mon./Tues. — buy/sell, seek pay raise, etc. — but cautiously, as fate/karma has a way of fooling you. You sail through errands, paperwork, trips and communications Wed./Thurs. — make new contacts as all is fortunate!

Home and family beckon Fri./Sat. — hug the kids, rest, garden, spend the time de-compressing. If single, esp. if female, you might meet a stunning, quick, lively person — a potential mate (potential partner in business).

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

One last week of intellectual (and real) “travel,” Sage. Continue to pursue love, foreign shores, learning, publishing/media, and cultural interests. Bosses have grown impatient, temperamental in August, and will stay so until mid-September. Show cheerfulness, creativity, and they will soften, maybe even boost you.

Paperwork is still a pain, so much of it, and so much going nowhere — that will change Oct. to Dec., when a new rush will come, but in lucky ways. (E.g., you receive your divorce papers, or a passport, or the deed to some property.) 

Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday. Dreamy, sleep-in morning. Your energy and charisma rise strongly Mon./Tues. Get out, see and be seen, launch good projects. (Best would be humanitarian or other morally good ventures.) DON’T lord it over anyone: karma would come back to bite.

Chase money Wed./Thurs. — buy, sell, ask for a raise, raise client fees, etc. — good luck accompanies your efforts! Errands, paperwork (see above) contacts, trips and communications fill Fri./Sat. — but are only really lucky before 11 am PDT. A brilliant work/career idea or impulse — follow it!

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This is your last week of dealing with secrets, tempting desires or lust, major financial and lifestyle decisions/commitments, Capricorn. You can still make headway with these — for best times, see the list in Scorpio’s forecast under “best career bid times.”

Major fruit seems to be hanging on the money tree, just waiting to be plucked, but only “old gold” will ripen before mid-October. After that, through December, lucky new sources of income will arrive, be available. Strong hints of travel, education, legalities, media and/or love have occurred in August — next week, these will coalesce, blossom into a major theme. 

Sunday’s for socializing, optimism and flirting. Your popularity remains strong. But retreat late this night into Mon./Tues. Ponder, plan, liaise with gov’t, head office or institutions, be charitable and merciful. Rest deeply. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness soar Wed./Thurs. — and to good result(s). Start things, enlist allies, be a leader. Chase $ Fri./Sat., but not too strenuously, as both days are a bit dull. Best Fri. morning. Both days might bring a sudden romance.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Relationships remain your primary focus, Aquarius. This week can also spark opportunities — read Scorpio’s “best career times” (in that sign’s forecast) for good times to grab/pursue opportunities, or explore relocation. Your future is like a foreign language right now: impossible to read. But Oct.-Dec. will lay out your future plainly — and reward you for acting on it. Meanwhile, keep up the optimism — it will be fulfilled!

A strong sexual streak has nibbled at you since late July, but it will become much stronger in the weeks ahead, to mid-September. You’ll face a choice soon: sex or love? (Two people.)

Be ambitious Sunday, even if that means nothing more than buttering up your father-in-law. Hopes, popularity, wish fulfillment, flirtations and social delights fill Mon./Tues., but not quite to the level you might want. That’s okay — accept what comes, without forcing the universe.

Withdraw, find quietude Wed./Thurs. Rest, ponder and plan, liaise with gov’t, head office, institutions and warehouses, advisors. This is a fortunate interval, so don’t hesitate to, say, call the gov’t about your taxes, whatever. Your energy and pizzazz return nicely Fri./Sat., but not much occurs. (Love benefits, Fri. morning PDT, early afternoon EDT, evening in Europe, etc.) Possible brilliant idea, impulse or action involving home/family and “change” or investment.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You last week of hard work and drudgery, Pisces. The past week or three has raised the possibility of exciting relationships: those that have arrived will blossom further in late Aug., Sept., and new ones will come down time’s river next week onward. Meanwhile, get your work done, even get ahead, so you’ll have lots of time for the relationships (and practical, $-related opportunities) that are on the horizon.

This isn’t the world’s best time to buy machinery, tools, computers, etc., but it’s not a bad week, either — see a list of good times for this in Scorpio’s forecast above, after “best career bid times.”  A gov’t or head office decision you’ve been waiting on delays you 2 more months, but mid-Oct. to late Dec. will bring a favourable answer. 

Sunday’s meditative, mellow. Be ambitious — but not to the point of “bending” rules — Mon./Tues. Best Tues. pm. (11 am – 3 pm PDT.) Wishes can come true Wed./Thurs. — your popularity and optimism soar, flirtations and social delights buoy your heart. A lucky interval, so chase your dreams!

But withdraw, find solitude Fri./Sat. Rest, ponder and plan, seek advisors, be spiritual, charitable. You might have a brilliant idea, or write a brilliant piece/mail, or communicate to a relationship in a clear, concise and successful manner. (You might also meet “sudden attraction” — or love/hate.)



Sorry, I have to ask again: why are American judges such cowards? Or are they in the pockets of a leftist cabal? These are the only realistic possibilities I can think of. A third, that they nobly acted to prevent election and government chaos by refusing to look at the evidence, is so much hogwash — and a moral, constitutional raspberry, as it assumes control over both the elected congress and the administration (Biden, et al). Some judges are even trying to prevent election audits. Morally, scum. The question is: do they hate Trump, or the idea of Trump, or democracy itself? Probably, ultimately, by their actions, the last.
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A trans man (into woman) crossed more than a biological boundary recently in South Carolina: he was arrested for raping his/her 79-year old mother. (“Every three days,” he told a friend.) You can change the penis, vagina and/or breasts, but you can’t change the DNA, nor the crippled mind.
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Isn’t it kind of ironic that woke people won’t open their eyes?
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Joe Biden said, around July 20, that the January 6 assault on the Washington Capitol by maybe 600 – 1,000 naïve, generally weaponless, empty-handed civilians was “worse than the Confederates owning slaves.” (Whatever sense THAT made. He was really trying to say it was worse than the Civil War — which he did say later, after careful coaching by the Wizard of Oz. The big question: who or what group is the Wiz?) But of course it was worse than owning slaves, because, Joe figures, owning slaves wasn’t so bad, since the slave owners were almost all Democrats, just like ol’ Joe!

Which reminds me: those Texas democrats who fled Texas in order to stymie the legislature and try to illegally prevent a vote, whom the Governor said will be arrested when they return – Listen: don’t just arrest them, throw each Democrat into solitary confinement, and keep them there as long as the Federal Dems keep the Jan. 6 rioters in the same solitary — AND add 6 months beyond that, for the time those hapless Jan. 6 rioters have been held, incommunicado and in solitary. Tit for tat.

Biden and Pelosi’s actions are identical to the communist Chinese, who jail dissenters mercilessly, without due process. The very same thing.  Remember when horror stories were written about such societies as the one Biden and his Gremlins are trying to impose?
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Is BLM (Black Lives Matter) anti-male? Their 13-point manifesto states that they are dedicated to the destruction of the nuclear family, and that children should be raised in “villages” (like the Israeli kibbutzim, perhaps). Men are not mentioned in these “villages.” 

From WND News Services:

“For those who don’t remember, BLM listed its 13 Guiding Principles online for four years before they removed them after public criticism in 2020. Here is the text of the “Black Villages” principle:

“”We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.’” 

(No mention of fathers ‘cuz Black fathers tend to not stick around? Or is fatherhood, like hard work, labelled a white racist thing? A tool of oppression?)
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The U.S. Democratic Party’s symbol is a donkey. I can hear A.O.C. (*) braying now…and Pelosi na na neighing, and Liar Schiff licking his own ears…. But I hate to make fun of them — it might make us forget how evil they are. Hmmm. Evil Donkeys — sounds like a good anime or Disney film…. 

(*) You know A.O.C., the poor girl who, though a mile away from the Jan. 6 disruption, locked herself in a closet and later brayed that she was afraid she’d be raped. Now, is there a man with a penis that long, even among Republicans? Ah, fantasies everywhere. Maybe she needs a better husband, with better equipment, or at least a lover. No, I don’t apologize for this sexiest comment; it’s an answer to the deep sexism of AOC’s comment, which implies conservatives are rapists.)
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Did’ja notice that 4 cops who were at the Jan. 6 uprising have committed suicide? Odd. Weird. It hints at something hidden. I suspect, on a superficial level, it came from one of two sources: despair at the manipulations of the elites such as Pelosi; and/or reluctance to be part of Pelosi’s carnival “commission” to investigate the very fiasco she was responsible for — which turned out not to be an investigation, but another attempt at theatre (third after two impeachment attempts) — during which police officers wept on cue.

(Responsible: Pelosi refused to let a sufficient number of police/army be present, so that the few who were in attendance suffered the humiliation of being overwhelmed by the public throng. Now she trots them out to display their fear and timidity as a political circus act. In other words, she humiliates them before all America.) But I suspect there’s a deeper reason. Four suicides is not chance.
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I see many of the American “woke” athletes failed to win anything at the Tokyo Olympics… including the male weightlifter who trans’d to a “female” so he could cheat the women out of their rightful place — in the first qualifying round, he couldn’t even lift as much as any of the women, and was disqualified! What a dork. The U.S. women’s soccer team, supposedly Number 1, led by woke purple-haired anti-American Rapinoe, lost to humble Canada. I think there’s a lesson here, that wokism — which condemns competition and considers hard work the mark of an oppressor — just isn’t the philosophy of winners. 

Another example: The U.S. men’s relay team, considered a favourite for gold, couldn’t even beat China, Ghana, or a bunch of small countries. Why? Though swifter runners than the Chinese, et al, they completely goofed the hand-over of the relay baton — twice. The relay team was all Black.

The event was a display of Blacks co-operating with other Blacks. If Blacks can’t co-operate together on a high level (I’m sure millions can) it might stem from an anxiety coming from a need to compete. This in turn occurs because, unlike their white neighbours, Blacks generally have grown up in simple surroundings, and their understanding of corporate board rooms, high executive behaviour, etc., no matter their education, was limited — by the simple fact that their father or father-figures had never been there either.

It is easy to see the ongoing slow grinding of this wheel as systemic oppression, and it is. But here is the essential element, ignored by all the woke ones: that oppression is slowly lifting, that racist bigotry is also slowly, unstoppably, receding; and that Blacks more and more are filling the positions of dentists, doctors, lawyers, CEOs, politicians…
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Oh, and mankind. To my knowledge there has never existed a civilization that did not war, murder, imprison, rape, torture — and direct, shepherd and address the common group, the common good and the common identity. That last was important for purposes of war and cohesiveness in peace.

So if no civilization is innocent of the most heinous crimes, you face a choice: to love these civilizations (or at least one) despite their failings — or to love none. The latter choice is tantamount to self-exile, and unhealthy past adolescence. It leads to alienation and intellectual suffocation, and has no fertility, cannot partake in genesis. 

But to love a civilization and its great joys and triumphs, its art and thought, is a pleasure. From it springs further civilization; or alternate sippers at the spring of life, which is all a civilization is: a blossoming of this form of life, a civilization, is the fulfillment of a beautiful rose in the gardens of history. Sometimes cities seen from the sky in daylight, look like a large, successful fungus or growth on the earth’s surface, usually a tan-coloured one. I do believe we can make that growth harm/destroy the planet, but I also believe we won’t.

Worldwide, most governments recognize that human life is worth preserving, in broad, social terms. We are like a huge ship, that takes decades to shift direction; we are going there, we are getting there. Through hundreds of weeks of delay, e.g., with the Paris Accord, we’re slowly getting to pollution curbs, to sanctity of human life, compassion for all cultures.

Primitive cultures like the Taliban or Chinese still practise barbarism, but they will slowly wake up (or what is wokism for, eh?). (That was a joke.) But to my point: the Chinese torture and rape and practice genocide, but they also have written some of the world’s great literature (Five Kingdoms, Dream of the Red Chamber, etc.).

No country’s innocent: England and the U.S.A. practised slavery, Canada and the U.S. demolished entire Aboriginal nations/cultures, and imprisoned them in reservations and residential schools. (Canada might still be doing this, despite Trudeau’s tears. Instead of residential schools, the Canadian gov’t recently was shipping school age and younger Inuit from Labrador to White foster homes hundreds of miles south, according to a CBC documentary.)

The Uighurs in China  are no different than the Indians in North America in the 19th century.
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Xi Jing Ping had a temper tantrum a month or two ago, which really seemed a collective tantrum, with many Chinese suddenly critical of the U.S. This was obviously defensive, an attempt to erase their huge loss of face from the Wuhuan virus and their guilt for killing millions worldwide, by exploding with impotent anger.

I don’t think we should be overly worried about the Chinese. They have a large army and reputedly the largest Navy in the world. But when I saw China a few years ago — it was not a strong country. They might have a strong military, but on the local policing level, they are like the Polish army in the second world war, riding their horses.

The infrastructure — the main, show roads and major highways were beautifully done. There is a high-speed rail, it travels up to 450 km (forgive me if I’m wrong; it might be more) per hour, without a ripple of sensation. Trouble is, it only goes a few kilometres. It’s more a show piece than a useful train.

In many places people live in villages, in huts; they fish and farm. Their only weapons would be tools.  Much of the land is mountainous, little good for farming. In Beijing, China’s capital, telephone and utility wires are strung through the trees, a slap-dash solution to urban growth. This hints that China’s recent threats are at least partly the puffery of an opponent who feels threatened. 

In addition to their loss of face, China is afraid that their economic hegemony or domination is being cut off or diminished. Or even, in cases, exposed, I suppose. This rooster posturing of the Chinese roughly coincided with the reality of the Covid-19 pandemic. If it’s true that “face” is very important to the Chinese, then Covid was a major disaster.

It was practically, too — China’s GDP sank, and some small nations balked at contracts. Worse, an anti-China pall settled over the earth. It will clear; but maybe not before 2026. But for China to react with angry aggression is a losing option. Every government has to learn what is hard to describe — a respect for humanity over citizenship.
