Tag Archives: zodiac



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific DAYLIGHT Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:  3:06 pm to 5:29 pm Sun., 2:40 am to 6:09 am Wed., and 11:55 pm Thurs. to 5:25 pm Fri.


I often use the term “public dealings” in the Weekly Forecasts. It sounds huge, like a crowd of buyers — but even a shoe salesperson, or a bus driver or plumber, engages in public dealings every time a new customer appears.

ALL SIGNS: DON’T start any new projects, relationships nor major purchases before October 2.


Love, romance, are either serious, or won’t work, if started now (until next Sunday, August 28). Demands of loyalty and other restrictions will be a solid part of any romance begun this week.




ARIES: March 21-April 19

Tuesday night switches your focus, Aries, from romance and pleasure to work and health — for four weeks. Now to March/23, you will be more involved than usual in short trips, communications, swift, easy chores, and paperwork. (And now to May/23, you will be more confident and fortunate than usual, with a lucky emphasis on travel, media, higher education and law. These two trends, one to March, one to May, will support each other.)

Though work grows, your romantic leanings remain fortunate — esp. if your objective is partnership. Groups and social life remain (to next March) a “slog,” a chore that you must undergo, or lose social “contact.” (This eventually can reduce your status, so start upgrading social skills.)

Sunday daytime brings more errands, calls, paperwork, short trips. Suppertime to dawn Wednesday emphasizes home, family, rest/naps, garden, repairs, security — a good interval. Rest up for the hard work ahead. Wednesday morning to 5 pm Friday (PDT) brings a boost in romantic feelings, creative surges and risk-taking urges. Dive in, except Thursday night. Work comes due, dawn Friday through Sat. Take initial frustrations, obstacles in stride — you’ll find solutions later Saturday.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Hey, Taurus, Monday night ends (mostly) 4 weeks of down-home, domestic and security focus, and starts 4 weeks of romantic, creative and speculative interests. (“Mostly” — because now to early September, your domestic side/situation grows affectionate, mildly lucky.) Until March/23, money will flow to you in unprecedented volume or quickness. During this time, strive to 1) pay down debt; and 2) NOT spend. Otherwise, you could be poorer in March! But if you follow this advice, you could be appreciably richer.

This might be connected to another trend, lasting to May/23, that emphasizes your management skills, perhaps a promotion (esp. if you’re a civil servant, or institutional or admin worker). Be patient with all this for now, push hard after late November/22.

Money, shopping, Sunday. But Sunday suppertime to Wednesday dawn brings calls, errands, paperwork and minor travel — with good results. Steer yourself toward home Wednesday dawn to Friday suppertime (PDT) — hug the family, repair and renovate, garden, hike, hug a tree, embrace the goodness of our earth, sun and this natural paradise. A good interval, but disruption and “no solutions” arrives Thursday night.

The month ahead’s romantic, creative and pleasure experiences are emphasized Friday night, Saturday. Wait until Saturday (late day best) to chase anyone or any project.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Now to March’23, Gemini, you will be the “hottest” sign of the zodiac — sexually magnetic, temperamental, determined, courageous. If you’re male, you’ll attract females — but watch Nov./22 to mid-January/23, when you might 1) fail in your “manly duty” perhaps from indecision [do I want to be with her? him?] or 2) could meet a woman who has a way of subtly undermining male egos. So chase your adventures now to October’s end, and mid-January to March/23.

Simultaneously, male or female, you are being blessed by group involvements, your own optimism, and “wish faculty.” A major, major wish could come true — and it will be linked to those 7 months of sex appeal and courageous determination. Monday night ends a month of errands, messages and travel to start a month of domestic, down-home concerns. 

You’re filled with energy and charisma Sunday daytime, but this supper hour to dawn Wednesday turns you toward money: buy/sell, hug the one you’re with, and maybe learn something that demands memory. All’s well! The errands, paperwork and communications that filled August become fortunate now, affectionate, and “swell up” Wednesday morning to Friday suppertime (PDT). Good before Thursday night; after this, not so much. Friday night, Saturday bring domesticity: home, family, garden, security, etc. CAUTION Saturday morning (predawn PDT) — okay after.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Your pursuit of money grows quieter, Cancer, as Monday night starts a new month of errands, messaging, short trips and paperwork. (Despite this, your money picture will actually grow luckier, now to early Sept.) Be curious, ask questions. Now to March/23, avoid belligerent people, dark alleys, and angry civil servants. Same period, you can move up in management, admin or gov’t circles. Set your aim. Simultaneously (to May/23) your career ambitions, prestige and worldly status desires, are under super-fortunate vibes.

Sunday finds you weary, contemplative. But this suppertime to Wednesday dawn your energy and charisma surge upward. Start something, see and be seen. A fortunate interval — could contain a good conversation with spouse, partner, or with someone you wish was one. Good travel/cruise ideas, too.

Chase $ Wednesday morning to Friday suppertime (5 pm PDT). Buy and sell. Success before suppertime Thursday; obstacles then into Friday. Friday night, Saturday bring the errands, communications and paperwork mentioned above — be very cautious, double-check addresses, words (and attitude!) before Saturday dawn (PDT). The rest of this day flows smoothly, brings friends.

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Tuesday starts a month that reduces your energy and charisma a wee bit, and shunts your attention to money, buying/selling, possessions, casual sex, and memory learning. (You remain, tho, quite attractive as a friend or career worker, until early September.) Your hopes, wishes, flirtatious side, and social desires get a huge boost now to March/23 — a boost that might bring foreign-born people, scholars, lawyers and media types into your sphere — and might send you travelling afar.

If your main wish is for a wedding or other rite of passage, a successful lawsuit, or entry to a prestigious school, it will probably come true. Partners, prospects remain wary, conservative, slow to act through next March. Your career/job might be due for some changes, but they won’t arrive until next year.

You’re social, optimistic Sunday, but this eve to Wednesday dawn shunts you into “rest mode.” Find a quiet place to ponder, plan, and seek “karmic balance” (i.e., spirituality). Seek advice, liaise with gov’t or head office, and rest deeply. Your energy and pizzazz leaps skyward Wednesday morning to early suppertime Friday (PDT). A good interval, but slow down Thursday night. Money, buying/selling, casual sex draw you Friday eve through Sat. Be cautious anytime before 4:30 am PDT Sat. After this, all’s smooth — ask for a promotion.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Monday night ends 4 weeks of seclusion and weariness, Virgo, and propels you into a high-energy, strong charisma, and overall effective phase, until late September. Although your seclusion ends, a mildly lucky influence lets you “win” with gov’t, head office, until early Sept. Now to March/23, your career/prestige sector will be red-hot, intense and filled with opportunities (esp. if you invest in your career, your employer, or your own business). Higher-ups will be impatient, temperamental, so be diplomatic. These people, tho’ they might explode, will also “return to mellow” after the tantrum.

Professional money managers, investors, therapists, researchers and surgeons will have a banner 7 months, with deep success(es). However, unless you’re investing in something from your past, hold off on pulling the financial trigger until after late Nov. 

Sunday daylight supports ambition, but this night to Wednesday morning fills you with hopes and wishes, social yearnings, and makes you popular and flirtatious. You’ll be happy — and you’ll attract allies/admirers. But retreat, catch a second breath, Wednesday morning to early suppertime Friday (PDT) — rest, ponder and plan. If interfacing with anyone (incl. gov’t) do it before 5 pm Thurs. Your energy and effectiveness soar Friday eve, Saturday. But you’ll encounter glitches, critics, obstacles before Saturday dawn — act after this.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Well, the party’s over (for 4 weeks) Libra. Monday night starts a month of quietude, retreat, pondering and planning. Seek advice, liaise with gov’t and admin types. You’ll get answers from them, and might hear secrets from others. Be charitable, spiritual.  Despite this “descending energy” influence, your social contacts remain upbeat and affectionate, and you keep your dreams alive. This is a superb, lucky relationship year, but chances, progress, might stall until late November, when a rush of messages and trips will seat you again in the partnership lane (to May/23).

While resting, retreating, you might spy a connection between sex and romance: these years, they go together for you. For 7 months, to next March, you should avoid lawsuits. Same period, one who chases you might well become your life mate. Gemini or Aries (or, hopefully not, a Taurus) might be involved.

Sunday starts with wisdom and understanding, and a whiff of “far away.” But this evening to Wednesday dawn (PDT) nudges you to be ambitious — and rewards such action. Your wishes, optimism, social leanings and popularity revive, somewhat (a kind of last hurrah) Wednesday morning to early suppertime Friday. Splendid stuff before Thursday suppertime; not so good after. That quietude described above increases Friday night through the weekend. Lie low, replenish emotional, mental and physical reserves. Some disruption, friction, disappointment before dawn Saturday — good after that.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The pressure eases (somewhat) Scorpio. Monday night ends an ambition-prone influence, and starts a month of “celebration” — flirting, popularity, social delights, optimism, entertainment — and most of all, the joy of living. A Virgo might become your “social organizer.” Despite this plunge into fun, your career and prestige interests remain fortunate, might even attract a potential mate (or a hanger-on).

Intimacy, surgery, lifestyle changes, major finances, debt, research/investigation intensify now to March/23 — think 2 X before making ANY commitment, sexual or financial. (Somewhat safe investment zones: machinery, tools, health co’s, employment agencies. — These dovetail with your superb luck in work areas, lasting now to May/23.)

Sunday starts mysterious, with deep urges. But this eve to dawn Wednesday brings a mellow, wide, understanding mood, and favours far travel, higher learning, social rites, law, culture and media. Ambition (or career demands) return Wednesday morning to early suppertime Friday (PDT). You’ll succeed, esp. before Thursday night. Best to work alone late Thurs.

Friday night though the weekend features fun, frolic, social delights, flirtations, popularity, and blue-sky optimism — all of it “denied” by developments, situations, late Friday, early Saturday (well before dawn, PDT). Saturday daytime runs smoothly, brings friends (esp. in domestic areas).

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Monday night begins a month of ambition, prestige relations and worldly status concerns, Sage. You might have been fed up with work recently, because dreams of far travel enticed you. But now it’s time to climb the ladder. You remain in a loving mood, this week and next. The 7 months ahead intensify relationships — and could bring a romantic, hot, marriage. Bad time to fight or challenge anyone, tho. (Read Gemini message for a clue — this is your relationship sign, it’s full of fight!) Listen to bosses at work — they’re giving important and clear information.

Sunday starts with relationship “confusion.” But this eve to Wednesday dawn steers relationships and opportunities into deeper, maybe darker waters. Major finances, medical procedures, life changes, lust — these call, and can reward nicely. Dig deep for treasure.

Wednesday morning to early suppertime Friday (PDT) brings back the mood of recent weeks: broad understanding, pondering big ideas, far travel, law, media, culture….and love. Much better before late Thursday night. Friday eve through the weekend features ambition, career, prestige relations. Almost impenetrably bad aspects until early Saturday morning (e.g., 1 am PDT) — after that, smooth sailing.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Weeks of “deep action” (or at least “deep knowledge”) end Monday, Cap, as a new month starts, featuring pondering, understanding, wide vision, and international, legal, media, cultural and educational themes — and gentle love. You might have made an important commitment in recent times; those commitments remain, even grow more fortunate. (If a love commitment, affection grows.)

Your work will be hectic now to March. Pace yourself — an upset stomach means “slow down.” You might begin a large project on the home front, or in real estate generally — a very lucky area until May. Money/income are not generous, but are solid, to next March.

Sunday begins with chores, but this suppertime (5:30 pm PDT) to Wednesday dawn brings relationships, opportunities, relocation themes and dealings with the public. Good responses, good results here, so dive in — diplomatically. (Because in this interval, others hold the power — tho’ you might try to reverse that situation late Tuesday night, to “conform to your dreams.” Good idea? Not sure.)

Wednesday morning to suppertime Friday might seem like a repeat — secrets, hidden knowledge (dig deep) major finances, lust, perhaps medical exigencies “return” — but in a more fortunate way until just before suppertime Thursday (PDT — 8 pm EST, 1 am Britain, etc.). After this point, luck flees and obstacles rush in. Friday eve through the weekend brings a wise, mellow mood — re-read “a new month starts” above. However, Friday to pre-dawn Saturday is tempestuous, frustrating. The rest of Saturday flows with smooth and friendly (even loving) ease.

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Open, “public” relationships and opportunities turn more private Monday night, Aquarius, for a few weeks ahead. Harmony, affection still bless relations, which might become even luckier to early September. But the tenor turns deep (so you must dig deep for rewards, truth) — medical exigencies, life changes, major finances and intimate lust fill the month ahead. Don’t be overly quick to agree or commit to an investment or other financial program, nor to a sexual partner. Think, then commit.

Now to March, you will be determined, courageous, and sexually assertive in romantic areas. Creatively, same period, you might write or sculpt a masterpiece. You’ve heard the phrase “follow the money” — in the month ahead, follow the secrets.

Sunday starts with romantic, creative and adventuresome juices flowing — but this eve to dawn Wednesday loads a bunch of chores on your shoulders. You’ll get them accomplished, quite easily. Relationships and opportunities are obvious and fortunate Wednesday to suppertime Thursday (5 pm PDT — 2 am in Europe) — then quite unfortunate to Thursday midnight. The influence of the month ahead (described above) arrives in serious ways Friday night through the weekend. It starts badly, bringing disruptions and argument until pre-dawn Sat. After that these deep matters, finances, sex, pregnancy, grow harmonious and workable.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Weeks of drudgery end Monday night, Pisces, as a month of relationships, exciting meetings, fresh horizons, relocation themes, and public dealings begins. It’s a time to look out, away from yourself. As if your environment is filled with little gems. (Work continues, of course, but is lighter, and more enjoyable, to early September.) Your home life might be fractious, or it might be lucrative, or a “money pit” now to March/23 — make sure you know which path you’re on here. Your income looks excellent, esp. this Nov. to May/23. Others are talkative this week — listen, as they might not be so forthcoming after Thursday.

Sunday starts sluggishly, good time for a leisurely breakfast. But this eve to Wednesday morning brings sweet passion — romantic, creative, risk-taking, sports/games, beauty or pleasure oriented. A good interval, so leap in. (Remember, this is the start of a significant relationship month — but if you’re single and looking, don’t expect a new love (formed now to March/23) to “work” on the home front. So maybe romance, not marriage.

Tackle chores Wednesday morning to early suppertime Friday (5 pm PDT). This interval yields success before supper (5 pm) Thursday but “fights you” after that. Friday eve through the weekend brings those relationships, fresh horizons, etc. (described above) that will fill the weeks ahead. Terrible luck Friday into pre-dawn Sat., then smooth, good daytime Sat. and Sun.



The U.S. reports that inflation fell in July. So my long-ago forecast that inflation would peak in May, was off by 1 or 2 months. (My timing isn’t always perfect. When in April 1980 I forecast the start of the Dow Jones bull market (we’re still in it) for November that year, I was 3 months “out” — it actually began earlier, 4 months after my prediction, in August, 1980.)

It doesn’t seem probable in light of present events, but the U.S.A. often goes to war when Mars or Uranus hits 8 degrees Gemini — which Mars does in early Sept./22 (minor) and January/23 (major influence) — and Uranus does in 2027, July to November, and again in 2028.

Hillary Clinton, Merrick Garland, Joe Biden — all Scorpios. Donald Trump — Gemini. Gemini is the one sign Scorpios do not understand. They are fascinated by Gemini, sexually attracted to Geminis, and frightened by the sign. This fear makes them attack Geminis — or marry them! (*) Pelosi, Trump’s other life-long sworn enemy, has a Scorpio Moon. So it’s the Scorpio cabal chasing the Gemini target. What these poor Scorpios can’t seem to figure out though, is that Gemini is the one sign that can defeat them again and again. Being stubborn Scorpios though, they never give up. It’s kind of close to the definition of insanity: if something doesn’t work, just keep doing it.

(*) Jill Biden, Joe’s illegitimate wife, is a Gemini. (Scorpio is the death-and-rebirth sign, and Gemini is Scorpio’s death and rebirth sign/house, so they feel a need, when dealing with a Gemini, to either destroy or seek pregnancy. Scorpios are more sexually attracted to Geminis than to any other sign. Thus, I think Pelosi “wanted” the Donald, and now carries the fury of a woman scorned. (She’s an Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon — in Pelosi’s age group, women often express/live by their Moon more than their Sun.)

In these older women’s charts, the sun shows the character of the significant men in their life; whereas the moon shows their own character — and marks the events. This is due to their — and astrology’s — social conditioning.)

(Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe, both FBI higher-ups who plotted to destroy Trump through the Russia hoax, are Pisceans. Pisceans automatically co-operate with Scorpio, which is their sign of law, life philosophy and beliefs. And Pisceans “rule” Geminis.)

(BTW, I’m not trying to malign my Scorpio and Pisces readers — there are “bad people” in every sign. Geminis, for example, can be light-fingered, and often skirt the law; also, they’re outrageous flirts who won’t necessarily be around for the consequences. Taurus is too acquisitive. Cancer can suffocate loved ones with too much attention, too much protection. Sagittarians can be arrogant know-it-alls, and have trigger tempers. And any sign can rob a bank, cheat a relative, murder, etc.

All signs have very good qualities, too. Scorpio is the most loyal, sentimental sign, and it produces natural healers, doctors, researchers, scientists, and saints. Pisceans are sensitive, empathic, intuitive, even psychic. If you need sympathy, find a Pisces. They are excellent managers. Cancers might be over-protective, but they are also ambitious, usually work hard, and are dedicated parents — and patriots. (More nations are born in Cancer than any other sign.) Sagittarians are cheerful, and boost many people’s moods as they go through life. This sign reveres knowledge. Taurus might be too acquisitive, but it is also the best lover in the world, and is the best arbiter of quality there is. Many Taureans would make excellent purchasing agents; they are also usually mellow, wise parents.
