Tag Archives: zodiac

WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JULY 24 – 30, 2022


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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific DAYLIGHT Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING: 1:14 am to 10:54 am Mon., 5:54 pm to 11:36 pm Wed., and 9:29 pm Fri. to 11:11 am Sat.


I often use the phrase “casual sex.” I mean a nice, affectionate coupling, but one without deep love or strong romantic passion. (Usually makes a poor marriage, as boredom often sets in.)



aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Romance, at last — now or sometime in the weeks ahead, someone will brighten your life. If you’re married, kids charm and creative projects lure you. A good few weeks for sports, games, and taking risks. Remember, this is your lucky year (to next May) — chase something or someone to late August. Relations with head office e, gov’t and institutions go well until Aug. 11. More $ come until Aug. 20, but save it, don’t overspend.

Sunday, early Monday, are for errands, trips, paperwork and communications — deal with old, reliable contacts. Steer toward home late morning Monday through Wed. Watch spending Tuesday. Progress in background, management areas Wed., but higher-ups are “incommunicado.” Romance awakens your senses Thursday to midday Sat. Some glitches, obstacles, but love can still win (pm Thurs., PDT). Hint: your sexual nature now is possessive, rather than romantic, which might be creating the glitches. Saturday pm — get to work.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The weeks ahead emphasize your domestic side, Taurus. This usually brings rest, a mini-hibernation, pondering and lazy afternoons. But you’re determined, assertive, brave and ready to sink your hands into something (until Aug. 20). Sounds like a good chance to lay out new garden lines, or repair those eaves, or start an in-ground pool… or whatever! (Also a good pruning period — get rid of stale, unworkable projects and relationships, to make room for the new — but be assertive, not aggressive. Your social and practical contacts remain gracious, affectionate (to Aug. 11).

Sunday into Monday morning emphasizes money (and casual sex). Buy, sell, memorize something (e.g., how to run that new lawnmower) or give someone a hug. (But not if it will upset a spouse, etc.) Trips, visits, new contacts, errands, paperwork, communications and easy chores fill Mon. pm through Wed. A jumbled interval, best Tuesday night and Wed. (Esp., that last day, for making new friends — note the one person who does not overtly “welcome” you. He/she can play a critical role in ’22/23.) Thursday to noon Sat. (PDT) hits the tone for the month ahead: home, family, hugs, laughter, security. Best around suppertime Thursday. Late Sat., romance, beauty, pleasure. (Way better the following Sunday.)


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The month ahead features lots of travel, talk, writing, errands, and friends/contacts. Be curious; your might discover things/subjects/places that can blossom into significant things in ’23 or ’24. Right now (to Aug. 20) your hopes are somewhat dimmed, but they will return in a huge way after the 20th, when your courage and determination will “explode” into action. Until then, avoid “fighting words” and dangerous places. (If you’re a Gemini rising pro athlete, you’ll shine, win.) Your money luck stays high until Aug. 11. Buy your loved one(s) a nice gift.

Your energy and charisma shine Sunday into Monday morning, but take slow steps — best focus: higher mind, writing, profound thoughts, far travel, love. Chase $ Monday pm through Wed. Buy/sell, collect and pay. Casual sex needs caution. You might strike a “pipeline of income” around morning, midday Wed. Those errands, communications and paperwork actions increase Thursday to noon Sat. Most successful Thursday around afternoon/early supper (PDT). Saturday night, head for home, rest, family.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The weeks ahead focus on money, income, buying/selling. A good time to learn something, and for casual sex. (By this phrase I always mean a nice, affectionate coupling, but one without deep love. Usually makes a poor marriage when boredom sets in.) You remain attractive, “good looking” until Aug. 11. Be gentle in communications to Aug. 20 — harsh words can spill out too easily. But you can use communications to prepare the way for a promotion or ambitious business plan (both favoured hugely until May 2023).

Lie low, rest, ponder and plan Sunday, early Monday. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness soar late morning Monday through Wed. Use this energy to overcome or sidestep a number of obstacles. Wednesday could bring true love or true inspiration, or a “meaningful rejection” — or partnership! Chase $ Thursday to midday Sat. (Read first 2 sentences above.) Best time: Thursday eve. Saturday pm: calls, trips, curiosity.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

You’re coming to the top of your 2022 — your influence, energy, charisma and effectiveness are “in gear” for the coming weeks, Leo. You’ll be talking, tripping, flirting, selling yourself or your ideas. Good! Charge ahead esp. in “abstract” areas — higher learning, law, social and cultural rituals, insurance/statistics, far travel and international affairs — and love. (These are hugely fortunate until next May.) Until Aug. 20, higher-ups might be impatient, snarky. Grin and bear it — these people might play a role in advancing you later. Despite your bursting energy, private and confidential relations go well, reward you until Aug. 11.

Your hopes and popularity rise Sunday into Monday morning. Best Sunday, with an older friend or a faithful one. Retreat, lie low and rest, ponder, seek spirit, and make plans Monday pm through Wed. Best Tuesday night and Wed. — esp. for investments, financial actions, secrecy. For Thursday to midday Saturday, re-read the first few sentences above — you’re “in power.” Some obstacles. Best Thursday eve (PDT — 1 am in Britain, etc.). Saturday pm is for money, shopping.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Spend the weeks ahead quietly, Virgo. Rest, contemplate, watch others, and plan. Meditate, work with charitable orgs. Liaise with gov’t, admin types. You’ll learn some secrets if you research. Could add to your profits/fortune if you invest later. (Until May ’23, your investments, financial actions, can be hugely fortunate. So might be a relationship built on sexual attraction. Good few months to achieve pregnancy.) Despite your withdrawal, some friends remain faithful, active. Someone foreign born, or a traveller, or a “teacher” to you, might appear powerfully sexual, too — until Aug. 20. Strictly avoid lawsuits, same period.

Be ambitious Sunday into Monday morning. Show higher-ups what you can do. (Best Sunday.) Friends, hope, lifting mood, social delights and a flirt or two fill Monday pm through Wed. Lots of glitches here, so enjoy the mood without over-pursuing practical objectives. Best time: Wednesday, when a potential partner shows up. Re-read the few sentences above, about “rest, contemplate,” etc. for Thursday to midday Sat. Best Thursday eve, tho’ it’s “tight” (near a bad aspect). Your energy and pizzazz return somewhat Saturday pm — good for a short meeting or similar.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

A month of “celebration” lies directly ahead, Libra. Your heart will lift from hopes and a wish coming true, from enhanced popularity and social delights, and, very much for many, a developing love and partnership “future.” Remain a bit cautious until Aug. 20, as in the interim you might be led astray by purely sexual and/or financial (asset) motives. Make sure these hold hands with pure love. Same period, be wary of impulsive investments. Higher-ups favour you until Aug. 11 — take advantage. Relocation, partnering, public deals and chasing opportunities — these are sources of (perhaps massive) good luck until May ’23.

Sunday’s mellow and wise — Monday am too. Your only action should be toward home, or toward gentle love (pillow talk?). Be ambitious, hard-working, midday Monday through Wed. A few glitches here, but you can use some of them as stepping stones. Don’t argue with a Leo or Aries or Taurus Tuesday. Re-read the first two sentences about celebration — such a happy mood fills Thursday to noon Sat. Best around Thursday afternoon (PDT) and late suppertime (EDT). Remember my warning about “purely sexy.” Saturday pm, retreat, rest, contemplate. All’s well!


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead point you toward ambition, status, career and prestige relations, Scorpio. Your work is growing, and will until May ’23. This makes the month ahead important and “helpful” to you. Angle for a promotion or additional duties. (Not for $ primarily.) Be ultra-diplomatic with upset people (to Aug. 20). Legal, travel, academic and love matters ends to go your way until Aug. 11.

Sunday into late Monday morning (PDT) favours investigation, secrets, finances and “lust.” These work (somewhat) Sunday, encounter setbacks Monday. A wise, mellow, gently loving mood steals over you Monday pm through Wed. Best time: Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon — love “appears” Wed. Re-read the few sentences at the beginning of this message, for Thursday to noon Sat. — let ambition be your guide. Many obstacles, but these might just be fuel to your efforts. Best time: Thursday late afternoon. Saturday pm — find a party, give and accept invitations, enjoy your popularity, your “like-ability.” At the very least, find people, go to a pub/tavern.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

A mellow month of your favourite things awaits you, Sage: far travel, international affairs, law, learning, publishing, big ideas, and love. It’s probable that another will accompany you into these “realms.” You remain mildly favoured in finances, investments, surgery, research and lifestyle changes, until Aug. 11. Your work might be more intense than usual, to Aug. 20. Now to then, don’t believe you have just found your life’s love — if it’s real, it will be there after the 20th. (Until May ’23, single Sages face a powerful probability of finding true love, major true love. The same period favours all Sages in art, creativity, sports, games, pleasure, beauty.) Your communications (and that old car) tend to be a bit slower than you’d like, but only to next spring.

Relationships and opportunities fill Sunday into late morning Monday (PDT). Be slow, steady. Life’s secrets, lust, power urges, financial goals, possible surgery arise Monday pm through Wed. As mentioned, you’ll find good luck here. This month’s main theme, intellectual and other “travel,” arrives Thursday to midday Sat. (Read first 2 sentences above.) Some obstacles, so remain alert. Best Thursday around early suppertime (8 pm EDT). Saturday pm might bring a “power contact” or ambitious urges. Okay, they’re fine.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Life’s depths float to the surface for the few weeks ahead, Cap. Your subconscious will tap you on the shoulder; your intuition expands, deepens. Secrets and puzzles surround you. But the possibility of major profits — and/or of a deeply sexual affair — brew all around you. Act ethically, cross no social boundaries. DON’T gamble — that’s not investing. Your romantic courage is high now. You might toy with the idea of “getting domestic” with someone sweet. Remember, all year (to May ’23) promises good fortune from/in real estate, home, kids, mom nature, nutrition.

Tackle chores Sunday and Monday morn. All’s well, but avoid plumbing, other water-connected tasks. Relationships are demanding, even fractious Monday pm and Tuesday, but a possible “win” Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon. A new friend possible. For Thursday to noon Saturday, re-read the first 6 sentences above. Glitches mingle with good luck, so be cautious. Best time: Thursday, late afternoon PDT, evening EDT. Saturday pm is for mellow thoughts, wisdom, grace and gentle love.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Significant relationships fill the month ahead, Aquarius. Also, themes of relocation, practical opportunities and public dealings enter the picture. It (and September) will be an all-or-nothing time: commit, or go home. Speaking of home, yours might be intense, even friction-prone, until Aug. 20 — get past this by not taking it too seriously. Some chores remain from the immediate past — you’ll handle these with ease now to Aug. 11. (After which day, love will grow sweeter.) You are more than ready to travel, esp. around your province, state or nation.

Sunday’s romantic, Monday morning too. But not much happens, maybe some late night intimacy. Tackle chores Monday pm through Wed. Protect your daily health, too — eat, dress sensibly. DON’T buy new machinery/tools before Tuesday afternoon (PDT) — after this, you can find exactly what you want/need, esp. if liquids are involved. (E.g., pressure washer or dump truck). Those significant relationships begin to appear Thursday to midday Sat. It’s not an easy interval, though late Thursday afternoon could bring a “bonus.” You might be dealing with themes of age. Dive into the mysterious Saturday pm. Look, learn, but only commit after lengthy thought.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Hey, Pisces. A month of work, machinery and small health concerns faces you. Just put your head down and slog through it, and you’ll be fine. Even a spouse nudges you to work. All is good, as your great luck to May ’23 lies in $ income, and present efforts will boost that. Some of last month’s fond passions will continue to Aug. 11, like a sweet stream meandering through your days. Until Aug. 20, bite your lip before you say something sarcastic or even mildly disdainful. You can come across much more fiercely than you think.

Stick close to home Sunday into Monday morn. Not an easy, nor a difficult interval. Rest, hand over the gavel or boss’s megaphone to someone else. Love, art, romance, games, sports, pleasure and beauty kiss you Monday pm through Wed. Some minor glitches (temper, Tues.) but some sweet success, too, Wednesday afternoon. Tackle chores Thursday to noon Sat. Re-read the first 4 sentences above. Again, obstacles litter the field, but you could succeed Thursday pm, if you can avoid an earlier verbal upset. Saturday pm is for relationships, exciting meetings, but don’t put too much faith in others — they have restrictions you can’t see. (Wait until Sunday, the 31st.)



Cassidy Hutchinson, the Jan. 6th “witness” who testified that a secret service agent told her (then said, I think, that Trump lawyer Pat Cipollone told her) that when Trump was being chauffeured away from the crowds on January 6, he grabbed the steering wheel from the secret service agent and tried to force the car to go to the capital, where the so-called insurrection occurred. And that he spewed oaths at the agent who prevented him, and held him down.

If true, this would be the most damning evidence against Trump so far, because it shows the only instance of actual motive — that Trump really did want to lead an insurrection, and was only stopped by force, by his S.S. agents.

Only trouble is, it was a lie manufactured, not solely by Hutchinson, but, I suspect, by the Jan. 6 committee itself. I am sure her testimony was preceded by a closed-door meeting in which the story was cooked up by Hutchinson and members of the committee. It’s too laughably false to have come from just one person. You wouldn’t tell such a bold-faced, obvious lie, unless you felt supported in some way by a group (of co-conspirators). I suspect Raskin and Schiff, both serial liars (and both on the J/6 committee) cooked the story up, with Pelosi’s (tacit?) approval. They then found Ms. Hutchinson and promised her something, some reward of money or position, to utter the lie as her testimony.

She should be thrown in jail for perjury, and persuaded to “give up’ her co-conspirators, who also should be barred from congress and thrown in jail — because, basically, they are not only committing (suborning) perjury, falsifying evidence (the fake note Hutchinson said she wrote, proven later not to be in her handwriting) and engaging in pure, calculated slander/libel, they are also, essentially, committing treason.

The real coup attempt did not take place on Jan. 6, but in the years of attempts, without justification, to destroy a presidency and supplant the elected officials of the day, a campaign that was simply continued by the Jan. 6 committee, which was solely gathered for that purpose.

This J/6 committee is really just an extension of the Democrats’ previous, morally small, partisan attempts to politically destroy Trump — attempts, we should remember, that included illegal wiretapping, slander, police-intimidation, entrapment and false charges — none of which crimes have carried any consequences, because the liberal-controlled deep state, including the obviously corrupt FBI, CIA and Justice Dept., will only arrest and charge Republicans).

(Or why else is Hunter still mixing with the glitterati, while his friends pour millions into the IRS and Justice dept. to keep him free? Why else was Clinton’s lawyer Sussman set free by a blatantly biased democrat judge and democrat jury (several of whom had worked for and socialized with Clinton and Sussman) even after he, Sussman, basically admitted to his crime? Why have members of Trump’s administration been arrested, thrown in handcuffs and leg irons in public without charge or a phone call or Miranda rights — Peter Navarro — their houses stormed by 25 SWAT thugs at 3 am — Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani — or threatened with harm to their family if they didn’t plead guilty to false charges — Mike Flynn…. and many more.)

Add to this the media’s panting eagerness to believe and broadcast 24/7 the mantra that “Trump is bad, he’s unpredictable, he’s insane.” They revelled in making him a scapegoat, dove into the false stories (many of which they made up themselves) like pigs into a hog wallow. It was recently revealed that of the 12 reporters allowed to ask Biden questions in the White House press room, 11 voted Democrat.

The Democratic Congress has wasted many years of a majority on one major goal: destroy Donald Trump. They were surprised by his popularity, which scared them into crime, lurking, lies, spying, innuendo and character assassination.  I hope every one of them is voted out of office, or how else will honesty ever return to U.S. politics? (Then again, was it ever there? I think so, maybe under Jimmy Carter?)
