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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific DAYLIGHT Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

NOTE:  If you’d like to view Tim’s 2 YouTube interviews, and his 2022 forecast, click on these links:  Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2
Jan 07 2022 The Transits of 2022 – YouTube

START NOTHING:  2:59 am to 5:31 am Sun., 11:04 am to 3:25 pm Tues., and 6:04 pm to 10:15 pm Thurs.


All signs:  All week, good and bad aspects mingle, so be like a mountain goat, and watch your footing.


aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent on home continues, Aries. Hug the kids, dig the garden, walk in nature, enhance your and family’s security, take long naps and eat nutritiously. Communications are affectionate and easy — short trips, visits, too. Saturn continues to make you wish for increase status, political and economic power, but is slow to grant any other (social) wishes — until March 2023. Your good personal luck will last 10 more months. Now to August 20, more $ than usual will flow to you. Don’t spend It all, nor walk confidently into debt.

Tackle chores Sunday to Tuesday afternoon (3 pm PDT). Eat, dress sensibly. You’ll accomplish a fair amount. Relationships, opportunities, public dealings, and possible opposition arise Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. Harmony and friction intermingle. Best time for love or agreement: very late Tues., or very late Wed. Life’s depths, secrets, rise up Fri./Sat. — your intuition rises, too. Investments, debt, lust, research, medical procedures are slated, but again good and bad luck mingle, so pick your goals carefully — best Friday morning.

taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

The emphasis lies on errands, trips/visits, new contacts, paperwork, communications and curiosity. Civil servants and managers favour you until May 2023. (So a good time to solve a tax problem, or apply for a gov’t grant, etc.) Money flows nicely until July 17 — can you afford a small luxury item?

Sunday morning to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT) brings romance, creative and adventurous urges, beauty and pleasure. Good fortune here — singles might end with a good feeling about a relationship! (You are mildly blessed for a year ahead, but this can attract those who are not, and who could have “bad intent.” So make agreements, partnerships very carefully.)

Tackle chores Tuesday pm through Thurs. Eat, dress sensibly.  Wednesday’s best. Relationships, opportunities, relocation themes, public dealings fill Fri./Sat. Again, luck and obstacles mingle — Friday morning and suppertime onward (PDT) Saturday (with a friend or group) are best for success. Be diplomatic, don’t create opposition.

gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The main focus lies on money, income, buying/selling, possessions (NOT investments) — and rote learning — and casual sex, Gemini. You remain attractive physically and emotionally. Until August 20, beware belligerent people and “dark alleys.” Same period, a gov’t or admin person could help make a wish come true (perhaps about a social matter?). For 10 more months, your social prospects are splendid — make friends, join groups — they could benefit you for years, even a decade, to come.

Steer toward home Sun./Mon. — hug the kids, garden, start pension or scholastic funds, etc. Best times: Sunday (okay) and after breakfast Monday, to midnight. Romance calls Tuesday afternoon through Thurs. (And beauty, and pleasure, risk, sports, gambles, charming kids.) Luck is mixed here, so proceed carefully, be alert to clues, esp. from one you love. Best time: Wednesday night (PDT) — the later the better. Work needs doing, Fri./Sat. Good fortune and obstacles mingle, so don’t undertake too huge a task, and don’t buy machinery. Practice safety rules.

Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Your energy, clout, charisma and effectiveness are at a yearly peak, Cancer! Get out, see and be seen, show others the way, start significant projects. That said, this is a jumbled week, so your progress might be like wading through knee-high water, with all the weeds slowing you down a bit. A boss or higher-up might do something before August 20 that will fulfill a wish you’ve had. (Maybe a promotion?) Anyway, bosses befriend you now — take advantage! (Management and civil servant types like you also, to July 17, and will grant small favours, if asked.)

Overall, you are favoured for strong career success now to May 2023. Don’t waste this time, Cancer. You might want to have a “quick affair” with a Gemini — I wouldn’t.

Paperwork, errands, trips/visits, contacts, communications and curiosity fill Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Best: daytime Sunday in Europe, daytime Monday in North America. Be home, hug the kids, access more nutrition, garden, hike in the woods, and take deep naps, Tuesday eve through Thurs. Best: very late Wednesday night. Romance calls Fri./Sat. — so do beauty, pleasure, sports, charming kids, creative and speculative urges. But luck could disappoint you, so step carefully. Very late Saturday, you might meet the one, but he/she might not be “free to engage.”

Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Take plenty of naps, Leo. Rest, recuperate, contemplate and plan your future. Avoid competitive situations. You might have to deal with gov’t, or admin., or large organizations, all on the management side, for a few weeks. A friend or sweet member of the opposite sex buoys your spirits now, with a chirpy, quick, intelligent good humour. You might exchange secrets — with anybody.

Your legal, academic, international, media, cultural and love interests remain benevolent, and can swell to major success in the 10 months ahead, if you pursue them. VIPs or bosses are cranky, impatient, from Tuesday to August 20. Be diplomatic!

Chase money Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday (PDT). Buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, and chase casual sex. Your luck is mixed, so pick your spot. Best time: morning to late afternoon Monday (PDT). Errands, talks, emails, trips, visits and paperwork fill midweek (Tues. pm thru Thurs.). Again, mixed luck. Re-read any communication before sending. Happy friend, late Wednesday (after 7 pm PDT, 10 pm EDT, 3 am Britain). Home, family draw you Fri./Sat. — work on your home, but also take frequent rests.

virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Wishes can come true, Virgo, and are usually most likely to do so in the month of July. You’ll be popular, happy and optimistic, flirty and social. Bosses still favour you, until July 17. Ask for something, give something. Until August 20, strictly avoid lawsuits. The same period, if you study, can give excellent insights into finances, investments — and actually into almost anything you research. (The 10 months ahead will present great luck in investments, cosmetic surgery, sexual intimacy — and research itself.)

Your energy and charisma peak Sunday to Tues. afternoon. Get out, do things, start projects, persuade others. Chase $ midweek (Tuesday eve through Thursday) — buy/sell, pay and collect bills. Luck is mixed — Wednesday best for action. Casual intimacy might occur. Errands, communications, paperwork and short travel fill Fri./Sat. — again, with mixed results. Ah, well, do what you can, and enjoy life.

libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Be ambitious this July, Libra. Opportunities will arise — you could see them on paper, a bulletin board, or hear from others. Discussions will occur with higher-ups from about the 5th to the 18th — followed immediately by a period (to August 10) of favour and largesse from these bosses, other VIPs. Don’t waste this time! Although marriage and other, practical partnerships are blessed with luck until next May, you might have already decided upon “the one.” This link can turn deeply sexual, might bring mingled finances, this July/August.

Rest, lie low and contemplate Sunday to Tuesday afternoon. Plan, deal with gov’t and/or “head office,” and complete neglected chores. Some charity and spiritual search would be good. Your energy and charisma rebound Tuesday eve through Thursday. You’ll succeed, but you might have to push through some obstacles, reluctance by others. Wednesday’s best. Chase $ Fri./Sat. — but carefully and diplomatically, as luck is very mixed. Best: Friday morning.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The intellectual, pondering influence remains, Scorpio. Far travel, legal, academic, publishing or cultural matters — and love — draw your attention this month. Work will be fortunate and expanding until May; but this week takes the intensity away. Instead, “intensity” transfers now (to Aug. 20) to relationships, relocation themes, opportunities and public dealings.

Be very diplomatic (esp. in traffic) as others can fly into a tantrum (or simmer for a later “attack”) at a careless word or impulsive gesture. If you’re single, your gift of (intimate) gab shines until the 19th of July.

You’re optimistic, happy, social, flirty and more popular Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. Best time: 2nd half of Mon., into Tues. Retreat from the fray Tuesday pm through Thurs. Rest, ponder and plan, seek advice, be charitable and spiritual. The aspects aren’t great, so step carefully. Wednesday’s best. Your energy and pizzazz return with a bound Fri./Sat. Usually this would be a good time to launch new projects, or convince others to back you — but these 2 day hold a few obstacles. Best time: Friday morning (PDT).

sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You’re still surrounded by secrets, Sage, unknown information that can be gained by research or investigation. This can lead to financial actions (investments), physical intimacy, medical procedures, or a change of life-style. Your intuition will be tops, maybe better than logic. A brief but powerful breeze of romance in May/June retreats now somewhat, but that won’t diminish the huge romantic “waves” coming now to next May. This week and next, someone responds affirmatively, sweetly, to your approach. Your chores grow hectic, intense, until August 17 — but they might also grow more creative, fascinating.

Be ambitious Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. Your efforts could end on a good money note. Social delights draw you mid-week (Tues. afternoon through Thurs.) as your popularity, optimism and flirty side grow. But obstacles exist, so step carefully in practical matters. Love might flare late Wednesday night. You can see the future of love Wednesday morning (dawn). Retreat, lie low, rest, contemplate and plan your future moves Fri./Sat. Indulge your weariness: most action now will be “misspent.” Seek advice, contact spiritual, charitable orgs.

capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Relationships are everything, Cap. But this month of bonds, opportunities, public dealings and possible relocation also has a few glitches, so proceed alertly and carefully. Your peers are very willing to talk. Work goes well, and co-workers are friendly, fun. Your romantic urges heat up now to August 20; you’ll have the courage and determination to pursue someone, too. Your family, real estate and security concerns meet tremendous good luck before next May. Focus on this, look for advantages — they’re there!

A mellow, wise mood slips over you Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT). Contemplate — and/or act on — themes of far travel, culture, religion, law, higher learning, and love. (Love in all aspects, for humanity, or for one person.) Be ambitious, status-conscious Tuesday eve through Thursday. Potholes exist, so be aware, nimble. Wednesday’s best for action. Wishes manifest Fri./Sat. — a social, popular, hopeful time for you. Practical matters face a confusion of glitches and openings (I.e. are a struggle) but your mood is splendid. Just enjoy life!

Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Work, work, work — that’s your fate for the next few weeks, Aquarius. But all that work will be relieved by a nice streak of romance — a Libra or Gemini might play a key role. A chatty person relieves the monotony of your chores. Many short trips in your 10-month future, perhaps spurred by curiosity, perhaps by seeking a new place to stand. Your domestic sphere grows fractious this Tuesday to August 20 — be gentle, not a “domestic dictator.”

Sunday to Tuesday afternoon brings secrets, hidden forces, and a lust — for sex, power, money or whatever. Your luck isn’t tremendous here, though, so proceed carefully, and keep investments small, not “whole hog.” Monday daytime best.

A mellow, wise mood steals over you Tuesday eve through Thursday. Love rises — or someone offers it. Contemplate far travel, higher education, law, culture, a philosophy to live by. Again, obstacles mingle with openings: proceed cautiously. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — now the obstacles actually increase, but somehow obstacles can become your stepping stones. Just don’t make any enemies, step on no toes.

Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Romance, creative passions, risks, pleasures, beauty, charming kids — these fill the weeks ahead, Pisces. This week, your gift of gab can start a meaningful, affectionate bond. Your home life is filled with affection, soothing calm and natural beauty. The money rush has abated for awhile, but the 10 months ahead hold “bags of cash” for you. Think about a pay raise, or seek employment that rewards. Until August 20, there will be a flurry of notes, emails, errands, paperwork, conversations — most of it about $ or possessions. Keep up, don’t let files, papers and notes go astray.

Relationships loom large Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday. This isn’t the easiest interval, but it ends well, with a feeling that you’re loved, accepted. Midweek (Tuesday pm through Thursday) brings subterranean currents, hidden forces, heightened intuition, and financial, sexual or “power” lures — careful, luck is mingled. Wednesday best. A mellow, wise, loving mood enters Fri./Sat. Glitches and obstacles exist, so if love isn’t working, leave it for another day. Ultimately, you can step back and understand a lot about you, love, and the world, and by Saturday night you’re satisfied.



Alien UFOs: I think this is bunk, basically. When I first heard of the NY Times and the Pentagon’s revelations/photos of UFO’s Mercury was square Neptune — a classic indicator of deception or untrue rumours/data.

But we have an earthly hint of how such vehicles might work (super speeds, 90-degree turns, etc.). In Antartica, researchers have found a “bug” that actually lives in the glaciers, and speeds through the ice with amazing quickness. (As fast as, say, ants swarm over a rock — faster, actually.) How do they do this? Maybe they emit a chemical that instantly melts ice, and the vacuum left — ‘cuz water is denser than ice, so melting the ice would create a “hole” — the bugs slip into this “hole” and by constantly creating this “collapsing barrier” they speed along through this apparently solid, impenetrable ice.

Military scientists are probably already trying to adapt this to flying vehicles (in which the air would be like the Antarctic ice, “melting” or “disappearing” from the edge of the flying machine, letting the machine proceed as if through a vacuum. A vacuum that might only be a millimetre (or a tenth) wide. (I’ve mentioned this Antarctic bug before.)

Remember when about 2 years ago I saw Bill Barr’s eyes go wild, and I said he’s very afraid of something involving the deep state? (Barr was formerly attorney general under Donald Trump.) Well, I still don’t accurately know where that fear comes from, but it has obviously persuaded him to betray Trump and side with the Democrats on their Jan. 6 propaganda “hearings.” He testified to the Jan. 6 committee that there was no election fraud (despite voluminous evidence to the contrary). He laughed at the film “2,000 Mules” and called it “bunk.” (The film proves election tampering was deep, consequential and widespread.) Dinesh De’Souza, the film’s maker, has publicly offered to debate Barr and his hasty, chuckling dismissal of the film. Barr has not met De’Souza’s challenge — and he never will. Snakes hide in their enemies’ clothes.

Got some push-back on my calling the Uvalde, Texas police “cowards.” Sorry, no apologies here. When you are armed, with bullet-proof shields, and there’s ten of you, and you stand FOR AN HOUR, refusing to open an UNLOCKED door to access the murderer, while you listen to 19 children and 2 teachers being murdered, sorry, but you’re a coward.

The real problem for the Republicans is how to ensure the honesty of the 2022 and 24 elections. It has recently been proven that the 2020 election was indeed stolen by a criminal mafia. Whether Joe was involved in the 2020 schemes or not, he has always been a favourite of gangsters. Joe’s entry into politics 50 years ago held similar characteristics to the illegitimate 2020 election.

Back then, when Joe was running for his first political seat (in the Senate) a local mafia boss met him, then destroyed an investigative front page expose on Joe the night before or the morning of the election; he did this by sending his goons into the printing press and not allowing one newspaper to leave the premises of the publisher. Twitter and the Hunter Biden laptop, anyone?

The question is, will that same mafia (or its Democratic equivalent) try again to pirate the 22 and 24 elections? Will something like conscience hold back the mafia? Or will fear of exposure and indictment – much stronger now that their methods have been exposed – will that stop them?

If you’re a Republican, you cannot rely on the Democratic mafia to abstain from future crimes. So you must prepare for the likelihood that they will… worse, that they might try an even more massive assault. How do you stop them? Not, sadly, with the courts and judges, for in the present stage of the empire these have grown blatantly corrupt and biased. (They refused to hear about 80 cases claiming election fraud. Their “excuse?” They said that the fraud allegations had to be submitted BEFORE the election.

Nor can the Repub’s rely on political power of the formal kind: there are only five months until the 22 elections, and during those five months the Democrats possess all the political power. This is, for example, why the Dems are so focussed on getting a federal voting law and structure set up, because it would allow the Democrats to control all elections across the land. This will get rid of all those pesky independent rebellious states who want some say over the fairness of the elections (as called for in the Constitution). Republicans must win this 2022 election to prevent this movement toward autocratic control of “elections” (in quotes, as they will no longer be real elections).

All that is generally accepted, but Republicans have not yet found a solution to this threat of the Democrats rigging the elections again. I think it will be a war of many battles, many of them localized. Most judges are biased, but the 10 or 20% who are not should be enlisted beforehand. (Legal?) Then for the rest, I would go to the police on a grassroots level and persuade their allegiance, at the very least to a fair and open policing of both parties during the election and vote counting. Where it appears they might be needed, pre-hire private security personnel, private detectives, and off duty police. These can serve as reliable witnesses also. Support state legislatures in taking back their constitutional control over elections.

And scream, loud and early, at any irregularities.  Attack with a vengeance, no holding back. The Democrats have demonstrated their willingness to use tactical violence. (Antifa, jailing their opponents for 18 months [and counting] without trial, etc.). I am not advocating violence, but that the emotional intensity of the Dem’s violence should be met with similar passion.

If that does not solve the problem, and the election is once again thrown to the Democrats through criminal means (for the 2020 election was criminal, w/Biden the Godfather of Lies) the only course left for the GOP will be violence. It needs to be a very well directed violence, perhaps in the form of a coup. It will have to be quick, and to a large degree unexpected. Proto armies such as city police forces and the National Guard would have to be enlisted. (Extremely difficult, if the Dems have won the majority).

The first target should be the FBI, since it is basically the Dem’s private army. Its headquarters should be surrounded and “locked.” I don’t know how to gauge the political temperament of the true military. I suspect, partly from experience (USMC) that most enlisted men are conservative in nature and would tend to vote Republican. However, it’s hard to tell where the upper echelons (generals, etc.) stand. Four years ago I would have automatically assumed that this “upper layer” of the military was also rather conservative leaning. But the recent news that the military is doing some very gay things such as painting their bullets and their battleships with rainbow colours, makes me pause.

I’m growing so tired of US politics that I seldom turn the news on anymore. I used to watch it three hours a day. There is a lot of riot and war on both sides; but on the Democratic side it goes a little deeper, into thuggery. For example, it was thuggery  to arrest Roger Stone in the middle of the night, an old, defenceless man asleep in his bed, with 25 armed SWAT agents.

More thuggery: news organization Project Veritas informed the FBI that they had been given the diary of Joe Biden‘s daughter and offered to give it to them, no strings attached. They weren’t going to use anything from the diary. The FBI‘s response was to smash down the door of the private apartment of Project Veritas’ CEO, handcuff him and steal all hard drives, computers, laptops, all intellectual property, with absolutely no law being broken by anyone except the FBI. Oh, and Joe Biden, whom the diary accused of incest and pedophilia (see below).

Joe is good at harming people who might have something on him. Remember, he told Putin he wouldn’t mind if he invaded Ukraine “just a bit.” Proof of Joe’s treason lay in Ukraine; hopefully, for him, the war destroyed it.

Or this week when Peter Navarro, Trump’s economic advisor, refuted a congressional subpoena, based on his claim to executive exclusion. Suddenly the FBI arrested him at an airport and put him in handcuffs and leg shackles. That was thuggery.

I suspect the Democrats are seeking revenge for their massive loss in the Civil War. What else explains them wasting their entire majority and five years trying to impeach (now trying to criminally convict) Donald Trump? (I really think Pelosi had a crush on Trump, and Trump rejected her. The impeachments and the Jan. 6 commission, all three Pelosi’s projects, were the result of “a woman scorned.”)

Anyone could’ve told you that the impeachment would fail if for no other reason than the Republican majority in the Senate would veto it. Yet they proceeded ferociously and mendaciously toward their goal of impeachment. There is more irrational emotion than logic in this approach. Democrats are running on passion, not ordinary sense.

This passion might have a super level, another distant purpose: the advancement of mankind. But I do believe that violence in the form of thuggery is a strong element of democratic passion. I think this passion is 50 or more percent of democratic motives.  There is a frustration with normal channels of political discourse and change. And this sense of impotence and frustration sparks the violence, and their hatred of Republicans.

Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley’s accusations of her father’s “inappropriate” naked showers with her are now confirmed. (Via her diary — Breitbart News.) (Like Hunter, who might also have been sexually “interfered with” by daddy Joe, Ashley — Biden’s daughter — is a drug abuser.)

Joe: this is the man who wants all children above the age of 5 to be schooled in man-on-boy, woman-on-woman and similar sexual practices. Disgusting. America run by a pedophile. In 2020 I wrote here, “electing Biden will be like buying a haunted house.” I forever rest my case.
