Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.


Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 6:40 pm to 8:04 pm Sun., 0:14 am to 1:47 am Wed., and 8:24 am to 10:09 am Fri.




ALL SIGNS:  Mercury turns direct this Wednesday, at 2:14 pm Pacific (PDT) — or 5:14 pm EDT. So we can return to “forward motion” in the weeks ahead, esp. in romantic, communication, and health services.

Venus enters Libra this Thursday, to bring 25 days of “truth in love.” It can also spark some rather volatile affairs in September.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Delays and indecision end Wednesday, Aries. Last Thursday started a month of work and minor health issues — and machinery. This Thursday starts almost 4 weeks of possible “true love” — but chores might limit your time. Much better before Sept. 4 than after. You remain buried under a snowbank of details, messaging, paperwork, applications, reports, trips and duties to casual friends — this lasts until next June, AND can be deeply rewarding. (For example, details or paperwork can help you win a lawsuit.) These “details,” etc., are highlighted late Sunday night to pre-pre-dawn Wed. (2 am PDT). Success is promised, especially. Monday and daytime Tues. Earlier, collect $ or hug someone sexy but “unclaimed,” or read a book Sunday daytime. Steer toward home, family Wednesday morning to mid-morn Friday. This interval might bring confusion about love, but even more about who’s responsible for what (Wed.) but it then marches toward smooth success. Hug the kids, flatter the spouse. Chase romance, creativity, be inventive, take a risk, seek pleasure and beauty Friday pm into the weekend. (Good but mild results as you’re in a work cycle.)


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

You can delve into new projects, relationships or purchases after Wednesday, Taurus. Last Thursday began a month of creativity, invention risk, romance, and joy. The Moon is in your sign Sunday until 8 pm (PDT) — later in the rest of the world. This gives you the charisma to chase and attract — it’s a lucky day! Late Sunday night to dark morning Wednesday, collect $, buy/sell, read to learn, or hug a friendly face — it might lead to more. Be mildly cautious Monday (when love might strike like a lightning bolt) but charge ahead Tuesday. Errands, paperwork, messaging and travel fill Wednesday to mid-morn Fri. Wednesday’s a little shaky illusion-wise, but holds sweet affection/fantasy, too. Thursday into Friday is blessed with affection, understanding, friendship — chase someone with words, notes. Settle down, rest, be with family or mother nature, Friday noonish into the weekend.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You can start new things, projects, relationships, major purchases, after Wednesday, Gemini. Former friends or acquaintances still appear. Your home remains affectionate to mid-week, but Thursday begins over 3 weeks of romantic feelings — and abilities. The general focus, though, lies on home, mother nature, family, security, until late September. Your determination and testosterone (even if you’re female) remain high until Sept. 4. You remain the luckiest sign in the zodiac until next June. Soon (Sept./Oct.): money excitement. Lie low, rest, contemplate and seek spirit Sunday. Late this night to just past midnight Wednesday morning, your energy and charisma surge upward. You might find a real innovation in your home, or other properties. Charge ahead, finish tasks, get ready for “freedom of action.” Collect money, chase casual sex, and/or learn something by rote or reading, Wednesday to mid-morning Fri. A bit of “stars in your eyes” or “fantasy” Wed., then good, smooth success into Thurs./Fri. Friday noonish starts a weekend of travel, messaging, paperwork and errands. All’s well, unless you’re trying to escape from work early Friday.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

Delays end Wednesday, Cancer, so you’ll be free to plan and to act. The weeks ahead bring errands, paperwork, reports, short trips and communications. (These are already favourable, but now they’ll become more voluminous, frequent.) Continue to avoid sketchy venues and belligerent people (to Sept. 4). You’ll continue to have good relations with the gov’t, and might step up in management, to next June. Money matters will clear up after Thursday. Sunday brings popularity, flirting, optimism — you’ll be happy! Late Sunday night to just past midnight Wednesday morning (PDT) nudges you to find peace, rest, contemplate, seek spirit and liaise with gov’t or management types (remember, you’re fortunate here). You might receive a surprising but gratifying message. (Someone doesn’t agree with you on a legal or philosophical matter.) Your energy, charisma and clout soar Wednesday morning to mid-morn Friday. Charge ahead, get things done, start things. Gather allies — see and be seen. Chase money, buy/sell, hug a friend of the opposite sex, Friday noonish into the weekend.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

You can start dealing with the future after Wednesday, Leo. Until then, remain cautious about starting projects or relationships. Thankfully, a lot of your recent indecision will end. You remain incredibly fortunate in group affairs, light, friendly romance, entertainment (industry) and anything touching on public desires — until next June. A group you join before then can have a major beneficial effect on your life for decades. A romance that starts in a group can lead to marriage. The general accent lies on money, income, buying/selling, and casual intimacy for the weeks ahead. Be ambitious Sunday — attend a company picnic, or strut your stuff downtown, or prepare a proposal for a higher-up, whatever. Late Sunday night into earliest morning (2 am PDT) Wednesday brings hopes, optimism, rising popularity, good luck, and one of those groups you should join. You’ll be happy! But retreat pre-dawn Wed. to mid-morning Fri. — rest, contemplate, plan (yes, you can finally plan now) and liaise with gov’t, head office or institutions. This is a smooth, beneficial interval, so sink deeply into that rest. Your charisma and energy shoot up Friday morning into the weekend — all’s well!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

At last, delays and indecision will end, Virgo — Wednesday. You might feel “tied to” a government program or regulation that’s been holding you back, but by Thursday onward, those ropes loosen and fall off you. Your energy and charm — and effectiveness and clout — are at a yearly high, until September 22. So, after Thursday, charge ahead on whatever project or relationship you choose — though my advice is this: you’re very blessed in career, ambitions, prestige relations until next June. Perhaps the most blessed in over a decade. So why not aim high? Oddly, your career good luck coincides with security, real estate, parenthood, or some related sector (food, agriculture, cafes, forestry, mining, fishing, camping/hiking, animals/livestock) — and you might lose a job, even a whole career, to find a better one. Sunday’s for gentle love, understanding, international and intellectual themes — fortunately. This night to 2 am Wednesday (PDT — all day Wednesday for Europe, China, Aust.) highlights that ambition, and its good auspices. A major love “incident” might occur Mon./Tues. (And even again, perhaps, Wed.) You’ll be in the mood to celebrate Wednesday to mid-morning Friday. Popularity, happiness, entertainment, flirting and social delights visit you. Retreat Friday noonish through the weekend — rest, contemplate, meditate, plan, liaise with gov’t or head office. A good week!


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You can push forward with new projects and/or relationships Thursday onward, Libra. (Recent delays and indecision start to melt away Wed.) Despite the friendly, hopeful and social last few weeks, you have also felt that others don’t see your charm, that you’ve met a few grouches. That changes Thursday, when Venus enters your sign for 25 days: you’ll be admired, desired. Social and friend-related projects that were “abandoned” can now move forward. However, the general influence through the few weeks ahead is one of weariness, rest, contemplation or meditation, planning, and liaising with gov’t or head office. Secrets and mysteries — valuable ones — arise Sunday (and to some degree haunt this whole week, Wed. and Fri. too). Sunday night to pre-pre-dawn Wednesday brings a mellow, tolerant mood, gentle love, far travel, international, legal, media and intellectual themes — mostly good. Be ambitious Wednesday to mid-morning Friday. Much good fortune here, so plunge in, esp. Wednesday pm onward. Social joys, popularity, optimism, flirtations and entertainment start Friday mid-morn, and last into the weekend. Have fun!


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Recent delays and indecision end Wednesday, Scorpio. This especially affects investments, sex, and social contacts — and plans/dreams. The weeks ahead bring optimism, cheer, popularity, wishes come true, flirtations, and happiness. You’ve been indecisive or stymied in career, but your ambitions should begin to march forward and yield fruit by late week (to Sept. 8). Sunday’s for relationships — an exciting meeting has a good “message.” This night to the end of Tuesday (PDT) highlights a reservoir of great fortune that hovers around you until next June. This reservoir holds: research, secrets, intuition (rely on it) major finances, deep sex (e.g., to become pregnant) therapy, accounting, lifestyle changes, and medical procedures. Wednesday to mid-morning Friday brings a mellow, tolerant mood, gentle love, with international, legal, media, and intellectual themes — a nice cycle, but be careful Wed., when delicious fantasy and reality don’t necessarily conflate. Be ambitious Friday noonish into the weekend — dress “up,” visit/approach prestige people, plan your campaign.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Indecision and delays, esp. in career, travel and intellectual zones, end Wednesday, Sage. Thursday forward, you can plan, pursue new goals, etc. Higher-ups continue to favour you, but only through Wed. After this, “favour” turns to your social life — a “dance” or two lies ahead. The general trend (until late Sept.) lies in ambition, career, worldly standing, etc. (to become more serious Sept. 10 onward). But remember, your greatest luck until next June lies in relationships of all kinds, contracts, agreements, relocation, public appearances. Be diplomatic (esp. until Sept. 5). These — relationships, et al — are highlighted Sunday late night to around 2 am (PDT) Wed. Earlier, Sunday daytime brings chores, nutrition — all succeeds. Wednesday morning to mid-morn Friday brings depths, secrets, lust, power plays, valuable information, major financial action, and medical or lifestyle decisions. Other than a bit of dreaming Wed., all is well here — you might make a good investment. Friday morning into the weekend lights your mind with profound thoughts, brings tolerance and gentle love, international themes, law, religion, media — mostly all good.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Recent delays and indecision dissolve Wednesday, Cap. The general accent lies on intellectual, international, legal, educational and media involvements — and on gentle love. You’ve already enjoyed a “minor” influence of these during August, but now the influence broadens, strengthens. A financial or commitment (or sexual) situation, garbled lately, will straighten out after Wed., into Sept. (Remember, until next June, work is your fountain of good luck — from June ’25 to June ’26, your great good luck will reside in relationships and opportunities — your progress in the “lucky work world” will bring those opportunities after next June.) Sunday’s for romance, creativity, beauty and pleasure. Tackle work Sunday night to about 2 am Wed. (PDT). (Remember, this is your source of good luck.) Exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities and public appearances slated for Wednesday to mid-morn Friday. (You might perceive a hint of what awaits June 2025 to ’26.) Good results, if you can avoid “mistaken fantasy” Wed. Friday noonish into the whole weekend brings secrets, lust, power plays, financial actions, commitment and consequence. A pretty “harmless” interval.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Recent delays and indecision end Wed., Aquarius, so you can march forward, plan and conquer new areas Thursday onward. A relationship might have recently wavered, as indecision and circumstances delayed a meeting, an agreement. This should resolve itself after mid-week. The general accent lies on sex, temptations, finances, medical and lifestyle decisions, power, secrets and research. This zone has been mildly lucky for a few weeks, but now becomes the biggest influence (to late September). Remember, your source of major luck, until next June, lies in love, romance, children, creativity, risk, pleasure and beauty. (Not quite the same as lust and secrets.) These, love, romance, etc., are highlighted Monday/Tuesday. Earlier, Sunday’s for home, family, the joy of nature. Tackle chores Wednesday to mid-morning Friday — a good, productive interval. Friday noonish through the weekend brings relationships, opportunities, fresh air, fresh feelings, relocation themes…


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Delays and indecision start to fade by Wednesday, Pisces. Your work has been affected by these slowdowns, but will “recover” soon.The general emphasis lies on relationships, opportunities, public appearances and relocation themes. These have been fortunate, but minor, in August — now they become full and meaningful. Sunday’s busy, filled with conversations and short trips. Late this night to just past midnight Wednesday morning nudges you toward home, family, real estate, nature. Remember, this sector is your greatest source of luck until June 2025. A fine few days, but don’t commit early: wait, be patient. Wednesday morning to mid-morn Friday sparks romance, a creative surge, or fun with kids, arts, play. A lovely, happy interval, but don’t wear rose-colored glasses Wednesday. Friday morning starts a weekend of chores — eat well, dress seasonally. You’ll get a lot done.





Here’s a funny thing. The Democrats first night speaker at their national convention, Raphael Warnock, an elected rep., is also a dyed-in-the-wool slum landlord, with a reputation for putting old people out on the street. (This sounds much more innocent than he is.) He has learned the democratic playbook well; he covers this evil side with a pious veneer: he’s a preacher. (An easy “diploma” to obtain in the U.S.)

So did the DNC ask him to speak because they couldn’t see beneath his pious exterior? Or were they fully aware of his “bad side,” but considered it harmless, or more than compensated for by his “good” side?

In truth, there can be no good side, for the good side itself is an artifice, to cover the “base” side — so it is an accessory to the bad side’s crimes, helping to hide them (itself a sin, or crime). At best, it is a lifeless artifice, without consciousness nor morals.

I have long predicted and criticized  the corruption of the Democrats. They have become so bold, they hardly bother to cover up, while they parade around their holier-than-thou platitudes and ideas as a glittering promise to America.

In this sense, the DNC convention is a huge turtle shell painted “innocent —idealist — democracy” over an entire stadium of miscreants.


The Quetzalcoatlus, a flying dinosaur, had a wingspan of 40 feet. If you live in a house on an ordinary city lot (33 ft.) and this bird perched on your roof, its wing tips would rest in the yard to the right and the left of yours.

Dinosaurs existed for about 165 million years — or 100’s of times longer (so far) than humanoids. If the earth’s existence since Dinos were “born” is compressed into one calendar year, then the dinosaurs would occupy the calendar from January 1 to late September. Humans wouldn’t even appear until December 31.

(From “History Facts” on the internet.)


Our subconscious has a library of knowledge perhaps 50,000 times larger than our conscious mind’s store of knowledge. Buried in there, I am sure, are the secrets to DNA, to God, to quantum anomalies and beyond.  If subconscious knowledge was the American library of congress, then the conscious store would be a primary school library.

As we accumulate more knowledge, and equally as we grow in comprehension and empathy, we will extend our primary school library more and more. Even now, we have passed the first few moats. The more we grow in knowledge consciously the more we will begin to blend with the subconscious; and the more we know about the subconscious, the larger the conscious mind will be. Additionally, the merger of the two takes pressure off the subconscious, because it has really been in charge for many years. To have part of this “duty” or “knowing” lifted from its shoulders must give some happiness to the subconscious, and what being cannot be happy when the subconscious is happy?  When the two, conscious and subconscious minds, are totally merged, we will enter a new state — of being.


Humanity is essentially a creature of exclusion. We exclude wild beasts From our cities. We exclude insects also, which drives away the birds. In our gardens, we only accept  the plants which we have planted. We use everything in our power, right up to death by chemical, to exclude all plants  we don’t approve of – We call them weeds .


Superficial questions usually get superficial answers. Not always, if the question can be used as a fulcrum to voice something much louder and far flung, or vast, as the furthest the imagination can reach.
