Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 2:01 am to 3:01 am Tues., 9:52 am to 10:51 am Thurs., and 1:43 pm to 2:45 pm Sat.



ALL SIGNS: Mercury is retrograde, so start no new projects, relationships nor major purchases before August 28. Until then, protect ongoing projects/relationships from indecision, delays, and supply shortages, or reprise one from the past. This is NOT a good planning period — wait until Sept. onward to form solid schemes.


Perhaps one of the best illustrations of Mercury retrograde (the villain above, under “ALL SIGNS”) was the Hubble space telescope. Within days after its launch, NASA had to replace the main mirror because it had been wrongly ground and was misshapen. After replacement, it worked fine.


Stock markets fell around the world Friday and Monday, Aug. 2 and 5, putting some in correction territory. The Nikki, for instance fell over 12% in one day — worst drop since 1987. I think I hinted a while ago that mid 24 to mid 25 would not be an easy time economically, because Jupiter is squaring Saturn.The square pits prosperity against structure. In this case, because Saturn is above Jupiter, structure wins. We might see poor economic news every time Jupiter crosses the square line, which it does in August (hinting that this week and next could bring more deflating news.

Other peak “crosses” occur (almost) in December and early Jan./25, and May 2025. However, the present cross — this August — might be the worst for now. 

This Jupiter-Saturn square gets a brief respite, a mild escape from decline, Sept./25 to Mid-Feb./26. Then economic decline threatens again March to June/26. (Followed by a great year for the economy, July/26 onward.)

My stock-market advice? (Full disclosure: I’m often wrong.) Buy a major index via an ETF, during one of these downturns, for a nice upturn in 2026.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Start nothing new, Aries. General trend: romantic! Reprise the past (esp. in nutrition, health, work/employment) and/or protect ongoing projects, relationships from indecision, delays, misunderstandings, shortages, etc. — all August. Co-workers are pleasant. You remain restless, energetic, and romantic — tho’ old flames (everywhere this month for other signs) don’t attract you now. Your unpredictable money/income trend (since 2018) will stabilize July 2025 onward. Money success until then might be tied to your social activities. Sunday/Monday bring secrets, heightened intuition, privileged information, major financial commitments, sex and medicine and “changes.” An easy interval that ends well. Intellectual, far travel, religious, higher learning and social rituals (e.g., weddings, bat mitzvahs) enter Tuesday to mid-morning Thursday (PDT). This is usually a great, gently loving influence for you, and splendid ideas or confirmation of an adventurous “bond” could occur, but there are also obstacles, mostly Wednesday morning and early afternoon — with sweet success Wed. night and Thurs. morning. But relationships (mostly casual ones, communications contacts) hit obstacles again Thursday night. Be ambitious, aware of your rep, Thursday morn to Saturday afternoon. Fri./Sat. flow smoothly — social joys available Sat. night.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Start nothing new before August. 28, Taurus. A former flame/lover might return now, as your romantic sensors wake up. Money is still a major — and lucky — factor. Investigate whether you can access $ from gov’t programs. Sunday/Monday emphasize relationships, opportunities, public appearances, and relocation themes. A pretty good interval, although Monday can get a bit rocky. Collect $ (or possessions) Tuesday to mid-morning Thursday (PDT). Wednesday morning and late night best. Be nimble — many little obstacles exist. Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Saturday brings a mellow, gently loving mood, and might spark success in international, legal, media or intellectual zones Fri./Sat. (Careful Thursday night, as passion fights restraint, and might result in “muffled anger.” Saturday eve starts a weekend of ambition, social climbing.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Start nothing new before  August. 28, Gemini. You are rethinking a family or home situation — you’ll get the answer, the right plan, in September, so don’t push for a solution now. Your family is upbeat and affectionate. And you are in one of the luckiest years of your life — though higher-ups can be slow to recognize your talents before next May/June. This month emphasizes errands, communications, paperwork and casual friends. Some (or one) of these casual acquaintances has a link to your past (or is an ongoing relationship) — this person sees you as a hopeful, fortunate individual, and wants to hitch his or her wagon to your rising star. That’s okay! Tackle chores Sun./Mon. Eat, dress sensibly. All’s well. Exciting meetings, relationships, agreements or arguments, public appearances, relocation themes — these fill Tuesday to late morning Thursday. Be cautious, many glitches exist. You might meet someone very adventurous Wed. — but is it practical? You’ll “know” by Friday, if not sooner. Life’s deep side, intuition, research, major finances, lust and lifestyle or medical decisions arrive Thursday noon-ish to mid-afternoon Sat. (PDT). Careful Thursday (Friday in Asia) — muffled anger, or “repressed enthusiasm” gets in your way. Fri./Sat. are smooth, productive. This eve starts a weekend of love and understanding.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

Start nothing new before August. 28, Cancer. This month focuses on money, possessions, rote learning and casual sex. (Learning and sex are, in a sense, possessions.) Your love prospects are slow but deep. One you miss now will return in November. Your dealings with others — communicating, paperwork, trips — are both confused, delayed and mistake-prone, and gracious, affectionate and mildly lucky. A former friend or “friendly lover” might return. Sunday/Monday are romantic, pleasurable and creative. Tackle chores Tuesday to mid-late morning Thursday (PDT). Be nimble, as numerous glitches exist — but so might a major gov’t or management or institutional incident or “trend” that favours you strongly, Wednesday morning and night (not the day in-between). Relationships confront you Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Sat. Careful Thursday — that person or project or situation will “fail” due to legal or gov’t restrictions or practical realities. Friday/Saturday are smooth, promote empathy.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

Start nothing new, Leo. That said, your energy, clout and charisma are soaring, and you’ll receive a lot of attention. You’re the star of these days! I won’t say this every week, but once more: your wishes will tend to come true in the next 10-11 months. Your optimism and popularity will rise, flirtations and entertainment will occur. If an old flame re-enters this month, he/she might be a true partner prospect. Money matters slow down, but remain fortunate; a former income source might return. Be home or in the ‘hood Sunday/Monday. All’s well, but Monday night might be a little stressful. Get lots of rest. Romance, creative urges, speculation, charming kids, beauty and pleasure fill Tuesday to mid-morning Thursday (PDT). It’s a pretty jumbled interval, though, so be nimble and keep your sense of humour. Good stuff early Wed. morning, and late night (not in-between). Tackle chores Thursday mid-morn to mid-afternoon Saturday. Eat, dress sensibly. Thursday’s blighted (do NOT invest) but Fri./Sat. flow well, efficiently. Saturday night: relationships.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Start nothing new before August. 28, Virgo. You are in a “recuperation” phase — so rest, to restore your physical, mental and emotional reserves. This is a very indecisive month for you. Your physical charms glow, so someone is “interested.” But you should not try to pick a forward direction, nor make plans. Just rest, contemplate, examine your past (and situations/people) meditate or seek spirit, be charitable, and liaise with gov’t or head office. Your career remains under powerfully good auspices until next June. Sunday/Monday bring errands, communications, paperwork and perhaps travel — a mixed up interval, but with success around morning and night Wed. (PDT). Romance, creative surges, beauty and pleasure enter Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Saturday. Thursday’s dicey (avoid a showdown in sex or money with a partner) but Fri./Sat. flow smoothly and affectionately. Saturday night: work, watch food intake and electricity or driving dangers.  


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Start nothing new before August. 28, Libra. Until then, memories, duties or unfinished tasks and perhaps a “secret lover” might return from the past. Even if it’s just work, it will be pleasant work. Your legal, intellectual, media zones remain lucky (until June/25) and are “on fire” this month (to Sept. 4). If single, you might meet the one you will marry — but (hopefully) he/she has a past connection with you. The general accent is on optimism, popularity, entertainment, flirting — you’re happy! Chase/collect money Sunday/Monday — casual sex, rote learning also possible (tho’ sex isn’t probable). Errands, trips, communications and paperwork fill Tuesday to mid-morning Thursday (PDT). It’s a bumpy interval, but might also reward, Wednesday morning and night (not in-between). You might see, connect with, that “marriageable one.” Bend yourself toward home, family, real estate, security and rest Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Sat. Thursday brings a “No,” but Fri./Sat. are smooth and easy. Saturday night: romance.

scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Start nothing new before August. 28, Scorpio. Long-lost friends (or a friendly lover) might return. So might an entire social group. Others’ affection will make your heart glow, and, oddly, puzzle you. The general accent lies on ambitions, career, prestige relations and worldly status. Pursue these, but not in a brand new area, nor with a brand new project. Your good luck continues (for another 10 months) in investments, debt, sex and surgery. This trend grows intense now to early Sept. Your energy and charisma surge to a peak Sunday/Monday. Charge ahead, esp. in career, but be careful with relationships Monday pm (PDT). Collect $ Tuesday to mid-morn Thursday. (Lust and learning, too.) This is a bumpy interval, with various obstacles, but Wed. morning and night (not full day) offer success. Errands, trips, paperwork and communications fill Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Sat. Thursday’s not great (avoid an expensive date, or investing in a “gamble”) but Fri./Sat. flow with successful ease. Saturday night: home, rest, sleep.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Start nothing new before August. 28, Sage. The general accent lies on international, intellectual, legal, educational, philosophical themes, gentle love, and publishing. Until Sept. 4, your romance planet travels through your marriage sign, Gemini. Lucky Jupiter, your planet, travels there also, but for 10 more months. If you do fall in love, marry, in the months ahead, it will be an “identity love” in which you see yourself in another, or find you true self through “being together.” A former career, job, position returns — yes, grab it if you want/need it. Higher-ups like you now. Rest, lie low, contemplate and liaise with gov’t or head office Sun./Mon. All’s fine. DON’T make future plans — they will change. Your energy, charisma and clout rise nicely Tuesday to mid-morning Thursday (PDT). However, lots of little obstacles are scattered in your path. Best: Wed. morning and night. Chase money, buy/sell, kiss a friend, or read a book Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Saturday. Thursday’s difficult, can provoke a relationship fight over “realities” or lack of wherewithal (or a feeling of boredom at home). But Friday and Sat. flow with ease and mild good luck. Saturday night: calls, texts, trips, friends.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Start nothing new before August 28, Cap. The general accent lies on privileged information, research, lust (for sex or  power) major finances, and medical and lifestyle decisions. Work also demands big swathes of your time (and will bring a large reward, eventually — unless you quit this month.) A former flame, or international, legal, educational or media situation/attraction might return, with a beneficial outcome. Rising popularity (somewhat) social delights, flirtations, optimism and cheerfulness fill you Sun./Mon. (But don’t pursue sex, nor mix friends and money, Monday.) Retreat, find quietude, rest and contemplate Tuesday to mid-morning Thursday (PDT). Liaise with gov’t, head office or medical staff — but realize many glitches exist here. Best Wednesday morning and after supper. Your energy and charisma rise nicely Thursday daytime to mid-afternoon Sat. — Lots of success potential here, but be careful Thursday, when missed directions, muffled resentment, mobility/transport problems or similar obstacles can stymie you. Saturday night — hug the one you’re with.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Don’t start anything brand new before August 28, Aquarius. The general trend now lies in relationships, opportunities/opposition, public appearances, relocation themes, and agreements-vs-separations. These will tend to be beneficial, as your romantic, creative side “comes to the rescue.” A former sexual partner, investment or debt (or hidden facts) lures you (probably luckily!) until Wednesday — then until the 28th, a former partner or opportunity might return (still beneficially). Some single Aquarians might re-unite with someone, and see marriage as a future. Be ambitious Sun./Mon. — all’s productive, but Monday night might bring an unexpected wrinkle (from home, family?). Happiness comes Tuesday to mid-morn Thursday (PDT) as your popularity, optimism, and mischievous side rises. Friendly romance would be favoured if there were not so many little obstacles — in any case a wish might come true. Best times: morning and night, Wednesday. Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Sat. Liaise with gov’t, management, institutions. Connect with spirit. Thursday holds a dilemma between pleasure/creativity and money, or romance and possessiveness — be careful. But all flows smoothly Fri./Sat. Saturday eve, your energy and charisma soar.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Don’t start anything new before August 28, Pisces. August holds a pile of chores. Work hard, but safely — and eat, dress sensibly (or minor health concerns could pop up). Last week ands this one, a former spouse, associate or partner might appear — there will probably be more good than harm if you “re-associate.” Real estate remains puzzling and fortunate, to next June. (For best results if buying/seeking a new home: think “prestige.”) Wednesday to late month might bring a former, perhaps neglected chore. You’ll be conservative yet hopeful, for one more year. Sunday/Monday bring international, intellectual, legal, media and philosophical themes — and gentle peace/love. Midweek, Tuesday to late morning Thursday (PDT) emphasizes your ambitions, career, prestige relations and worldly standing. These days are fraught with little obstacles — your best chances for successful action are Wed. morning and night. Thursday noonish to mid-afternoon Saturday finds you optimistic, happy, more popular and group-oriented. Fri./Sat. are great, but be cautious Thursday, when you might face more domestic expenses than you want, or an argument with family members.





In the 1950’s and 60’s, we envisioned outer space and space travel/exploration as the prime frontier of experience and perception. But space exploration had, and has, its limits, most of them physical. Meanwhile, other “scientists” have proliferated, but have been “blocked” by circumstance, among them those physical boundaries. This blockage has sent them into lateral explorations, often of “situations” much closer to home, and much smaller. So we are receiving a huge harvest of knowledge in other frontiers, of quantum mechanics, of sub-absolute zero worlds, with fusion, etc. 


Last Friday morning, August 2, Venus squared Uranus. In the 24 hours preceding, without warning, suddenly multiple prisoners were freed from Russia, and flew home in what they claim was the biggest prisoner swap since the Cold War. And on Aug. 2 the NASDAQ instantly fell over 3 per cent, the Russel over 4 % , and the Dow over 700 points. So the square, considered the worst aspect by astrologers, can have bad (stock falling) and good (prisoner freedom) results. (Note: since I wrote this, the Dow fell another 1,100 points on Monday, and Japan’s Nikkei fell over 12 %.)


The year ahead isn’t the best economically, as Jupiter squares Saturn. The last time we had such a square was in 2014, then 2016. Both years, the Dow (DJIA) gained, though with a lot of hesitancy in 2016. But both times, Jupiter, planet of prosperity, was above Saturn, planet of realism and restriction, indicating “Jupiter wins.” In 2024-25, though, Saturn is above Jupiter, so we should not expect such benign results. Economy-wise, we just saw a big decline in U.S. employment in July. Often, the economy and the stock market have very little correlation. But this time, the employment report dropped all markets between 2 and almost 4 %. (Note: all markets dropped another 3 % Monday, Aug. 5.)


It’s quite possible that Kamala Harris will be the next U.S. president, but with the Senate and Congress solidly Republican. The American psyche might love Harris and her freshness compared to Trump, but will also recognize the dangers of her communist goals. 


China is a Libra nation — an air sign. America is a Cancer nation (Canada too) — a water sign. China has developed a huge superiority in hypersonic missiles. The U.S. Pentagon has tried for eight years to develop a hypersonic missile, and so far has failed. America’s biggest military budget goes to the navy (water). It’s a bit more difficult for water to fly, than air. Russia also has hypersonics now. Russia’s an Aries nation, which is a fire sign. Fire flys more easily than water. Russia — and Putin’s — seeming invulnerability will end in January 2025. After this, negotiations will be more possible/probable. On the same note, China’s present run of terrible luck, its falling economy and property collapse, should also end in January 2025.


Every flower has its beauty. Even among the lowliest weeds. “Weed” is a pejorative term. It reflects humanity’s prejudices. In reality, weeds are the most successful plants. We dislike them for that very reason. We want to preserve our dirt for our favourite plants, the majority of which we grow in soil and climate conditions that are not Naturally supportive.


Remember two or three weeks ago I wrote here that there would be a lot of conspiracy theories about the attempted assassination of Trump? A Rasmussen poll Released last week found that 47% of Americans believe that the assassination was ordered by the Harris/Biden duo.


The Secret Service counter snipers at the Butler, Pennsylvania Trump rally killed Crooks immediately after he fired on Trump. Here’s the thing: according to reports, counter snipers had NEVER been at ANY Trump rally before. Were they there to kill the assassin — so he wouldn’t talk. In other words, the assassination was planned by someone who controlled the Secret Service. Who could that be? Another report claims that Crook, the assassin, was visited four times by individuals whose cell phones geo-tracked to Washington, DC to a “building beside FBI headquarters.” History will, hopefully, tell. 


Did you ever notice that the bad guy actors in A movies, are often the heroes and good guys in B movies?


I watched Kamala holding a small presser on an airport tarmac with Joe . She was Boasting about the prisoner release/exchange with Russia. The whole time she talked, Biden stood beside her staring into the distance as still as a statue. he wasn’t facing the cameras, but stood so his line of sight was perpendicular to Kamala’s. He is now just a lifeless prop that Harris  drags around with her, I guess to give herself legitimacy.  It was very eerie, as if he was a cardboard cut out.


The US Army is having trouble gaining recruits. I think the forces have already shrunk in manpower terms. Here’s the simple and very obvious answer to their problems: when they started becoming woke, and DEI, and homosexual (Bill Clinton onward) it was accepted by the recruitment pool. But the recent move into gender bending surgeries and transgenderism in general – that was a place too far. The army’s greatest recruitment pool fills certain social and economic strata. Many recruits come from poor backgrounds, many others from middle income yet conservative backgrounds. These are the very young men, ages 18 to 25, that hold generally deep-seated beliefs/prejudices. Although intellectually they might strive to be tolerant, the three pillars of the current madness, wokeism, DEI and transgenderism, have turned them away. Not only do they not agree with those sophisticated ideals, they literally fear to semi-permanently enter an all encompassing environment/world where everything is “wrong.”  Tolerant or not, they feel a physical repulsion toward the modern services. Hence, recruitment is down.


Warning: this item’s long and boring.

The Canada Pension Plan is a rip-off. Here’s how they calculate your pension: they eliminate your 8 lowest earnings years, then average the rest of your earnings over your entire life, and that average determines what you get for a monthly pension. For example, say you worked 40 years — 10 at $ 50,000 per year, 20 at 80,000/an, and 10 at $ 100,000 per year. So that is $ 500,000 + 1,600,000 + 1,000,000 = 3,100,000 divided by 40 years = average $ 77,500 earned per year. 

But when we deduct 8 of the lowest income years, the total is only 3,100,000 minus 400,000 (8 x 50,000) =  2,700,000. Divided by 32 years = $ 84,375/year. The pension payout is calculated on this amount. 

In my life, I worked a summer job at 15,16 and 17, earning about $ 1.25 an hour. CPP took its pound of flesh, even then. Then, the next 5 years (18-22) I worked at odd jobs, earning perhaps $ 10,000 per year. These were the “lowest 8 years” deducted from the CPP calculations.

Then, ages 23-29 I spent 7 years at university — my average wage at this time was probably under $ 10,000/year including part-time work, scholarships and a fellowship. After that, for perhaps 4 years, I earned $ 25,000 per year.  That equalled an average of less than $ 15,500 per year income.

Then, for about 20 years, I earned about $ 100,000 p.a., and paid the maximum in CCP premiums.

My pension? $ 900 per month, while the maximum payout is $ 1,400 a month. 

Now, say I was born in an affluent family, and attended university until I was 25 and came out a lawyer, dentist or doctor, whatever. Within the first 8 years of work (low salaries here not counted for pension) I steadily climb in salary until, say, I earn $ 100,000 p.a. in the 9th year (the first year counted for CPP) and continue so for the next 20 years, then retire and move to Tahiti. My pension will be at the maximum, $ 1,400 — or $ 500 more than someone who also contributed the maximum for 20 years, but worked as a child and young adult — 55 % MORE to the rich kid who worked far less.

Once more, the poor are discriminated against, and the working poor even more so. Had I simply lived on air, or through crime, until I graduated college, I would also be receiving $ 1,400 per month, for I, too, contributed the maximum for 20 years. 

The CPP has deliberately punished me for working as a teen and a young man and during university, while rewarding a fat ass lawyer for not having to work until he/she was deeply into adulthood. 55 % LESS pension because I worked MORE and LONGER than wealthy kids. 55 % LESS even though I contributed MORE than the wealthy kid/adult who didn’t work until he/she was 30 years old. 

The feds should be sued for such cruel, biased and glaringly unfair treatment of the non-wealthy.

(One more “inequity” — I receive, after working more than 50 years, the same amount in CPP and OAS, as someone who has not worked a day in their life. One of my sisters has very seldom “officially” worked. Her CCP is only $ 200 per month. So I earn $ 900 CPP plus $ 700 OAS = 1,600/month. My sister receives $200 CPP plus $ 1,400 OAS = $ 1,600/month. Someone who never, ever worked, will also receive $ 1,600 per month, all of it OAS. So that fancy-pants lawyer who gets an unfair $ 1,400 per month, would get $ 200 OAS, for $ 1,600 total. In a very real sense, you could say that our CPP contributions are really charity for the non-working. You could say, almost, since they have no reasonable correlation to your pension amount, that our CPP contributions are legalized theft by an unfair, even fraudulent gov’t program.
