Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 8:16 am to 2:17 pm Mon., 1:40 am to 2:31 am Thursday, and 2:45 pm Fri. to 3:34 pm Sat.




ALL SIGNS: Start no new projects, relationships nor major purchases before August 28. Until then, protect ongoing projects/relationships from indecision, delays, and supply shortages, or reprise one from the past. This is NOT a good planning period — wait until Sept. onward to form solid schemes.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Read “ALL SIGNS” above, Aries. The general accent remains on love, romance, charming kids, adventure, risk-taking, beauty, pleasure and creative surges. Communications remain your forte — so talk, convince someone(s). Your money, income have been erratic for 6 years, and remain so until mid-2025. The more social you are, the better your earnings. A former co-worker might re-appear now — but this is not a good romance prospect for most of you. Work will be pleasant during August. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT) highlights romance, creativity, etc. Tackle chores Monday eve through Wednesday— act Wednesday for success. Relationships, exciting meetings, opportunities (remember, nothing new) public appearances arise Thursday to Saturday afternoon — good stuff here, especially Thursday into Friday. Saturday eve needs care, brings “secret sources.”


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Read “ALL SIGNS” above, Taurus. Your focus remains strongly on home, family, property, security and “snuggling in.” (Highlighted Sunday/Monday in a “neutral way.”) Until next January, you will benefit more if you manage and delegate, rather than doing tasks yourself. Your $ picture looks buoyant and fortunate until June/25 — especially this August. Casual sex will be easy to obtain, also, but realize it could lead to deeper things. For the next 20 years, your career, ambitions, status and relations with higher-ups will be crucial, transforming, inescapable — and tied to others, so consider their views, reactions before you take any big steps. Many of you singles will “marry up.” Sunday starts a month of sweet romantic feelings — an old flame might appear. (Reject brand new relationships.) Monday afternoon through Wednesday brings romance, creative surges, beauty and pleasure — but not easily Mon./Tues. Wednesday, tho, is made for love! Tackle chores Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday (PDT). All goes well here Thursday./Fri., but Saturday’s rather quiet. Saturday eve/night — relationships.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Gemini. A former residence, or hoped-for residence, might “re-appear” in August. But to what purpose? Relocation might be on your mind for the 10 months ahead; so might marriage for you singles. In any case, your present abode and family relations are enjoyable, affectionate all August. You’re subject to conflicting factors most of this month. Mars and Jupiter are almost begging you to become more social, make new friends, chase your dreams — while Mercury is saying, don’t start anything new, especially in the domestic arena. In any case, your good luck keeps on coming! Until next January, you’d be wise to cultivate friends, groups, and “friendly romance” rather than pursue creativity or a powerful, one-on-one romance. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT) creates errands, paperwork, communications and travel — a peaceful interval, with some disruption Monday morn (be careful driving). Monday afternoon through Wednesday steers you toward home, family, property issues —  okay Mon., tough Tues., and productive, affectionate Wed. Romance tickles you Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday (PDT) — expect some good moments, especially if you live in Europe or Asia. Saturday’s a bit blah.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Cancer. August emphasizes $, earnings, buying/selling, and easy or casual intimacy. Until September 4, avoid belligerent individuals and sketchy venues, Cancer. (Gemini had this same warning in July, when Gemini Trump was shot.) Your management skills are honed and obvious all month — you can make a good impression on higher-ups. Many errands, communications, trips and paperwork. But remember — nothing and no one brand new (the “new” will slowly collapse in future). All 2024, favour outside ambitions over domestic “demands.” Chase $, buy/sell, hug a friend (even suggestively) Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). DON’T ask for a pay raise Monday. This eve through Wednesday brings friends, contacts, communications, errands and travel — frustrating Tuesday, successful Wed. (This last day might offer romance, friendly affection — perhaps with a former flame.) Be home or in the ‘hood Thursday to mid-afternoon Sat. This is a lovely interval — maybe a family adventure! Saturday eve starts a romantic, creative, pleasure-seeking weekend.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Leo. A wish — an old wish — can come true this month. Your charisma is high. Your intellectual and romantic sides merge until Sept. 4, which can equal true love. But until May 2025, sex will be slow, elusive, even in a love affair. That’s okay; someone might be testing you, your loyalty. A former income source or coveted purchase might return before August 28 — check it out, but be ready to say “Yes.” Your career and worldly status continues to be erratic, unpredictable, and dependent on others, until July 2025. (Then, 2025 to 2033 brings huge, happy love and partnership to single Leos — one of the best, maybe the best, in your whole life.) Your energy and charisma are at a peak Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). Collect money, buy/sell, hug a former casual lover Monday eve through Wednesday. (Affectionate Monday, difficult Tuesday, and successful Wed.) Errands and “thoughtful” friends, communications, paperwork and travel fill Thursday to Saturday afternoon. Get it done on a fortunate Thurs. and Fri., as Saturday’s a dud. Home early, relax, Saturday night.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Virgo. Rest, seek solitude, contemplate and avoid competition for the next few weeks. Examine your life thus far, but don’t make plans — they will change. Your energy and charisma will be low until Aug. 22. Despite this, your career, status, and relations with higher-ups are all luckily-starred. (Think “managing” rather than hands-on “doing.”) Until January/25, deep money, investments, mutual money, are far more benevolent than daily money, pay check, spending. A former project might return; it might involve money or love or far travel. Probably a good one! Don’t be frustrated when various things slow or become confusing — turn to what is working in other situations. Your weariness might deepen Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday: good, just rest! You recover Monday afternoon through Wednesday, as your charisma, energy and confidence rise. Monday eve is sweet, and Wednesday offers great luck, perhaps love. But exercise care Tuesday, in finances, family, and travel. Collect $ Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday (PDT). Casual intimacy, $, career bless you. Saturday night — short trip or paperwork.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Libra. August will treat you very nicely, with popularity, social delights, flirts, wishes coming true, romantic “returns,” optimism and entertainment. (These are highlighted Sunday to Monday afternoon (PDT). Until next June, your love and intellectual  capacity blossom with good fortune and expansion. Until September 4, these involve a potential marriage partner or business partner (or just plain good buddy) and will be more intense than usual. Yet, until late August, you should avoid all NEW contacts, relationships and projects. One or more of these might return from the past — in a good way. A former chore, dependant, burden, spiritual situation or management position might also return. Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Monday eve through Wednesday — only Tuesday is ”troubling” — avoid arguments, relationship “showdowns.” Your energy, charisma and clout return Thursday to Saturday afternoon (PDT). Success, triumph, joy Thursday./Fri., but a quiet Saturday. This eve starts a weekend of $ — shop only for necessities.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Scorpio. The general accent this week and the next two, lies on your ambitions, worldly standing, career and prestige relationships. Protect these from mistakes, supply shortages, indecision and second-guessing. A more fortunate sector for you is the one of deep sex, pregnancy, occultism, finance, medicine, and lifestyle changes — these remain blessed until next June, but are “supercharged” now to Sept. 4. (And will grow super-lucky in November.) Your social side isn’t hibernating, either — friends, even a whole group might return from the past to embrace you, perhaps to offer a lover or mate. Be ambitious Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT) — don’t let a partner or rival interfere Monday. Your mood and heart lift Monday eve through Wednesday, as your popularity, optimism rise, bringing social delights, perhaps bringing a former love back. Retreat from the fray Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday — rest, contemplate, deal with gov’t or head office. Thursday/Friday are fortunate, but Saturday’s a yawner. Saturday eve starts a weekend of heightened energy, charisma and success.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Sage. August brings things you love: far travel, international issues, higher learning, law, publishing, philosophy or religion — and gentle love. (All favoured this Sunday to mid-afternoonMonday — PDT.) But it also brings delay and frustration in career or with other ambitions. (DON’T start anything new in this department.) However, despite the delay and mistakes that might come to your ambitions, there is no ultimate harm — in fact, higher-ups interpret any set-back as either not your fault, or a credit to you. Relationships remain very fortunate until next June — but they intensify, late July to Sept. 4, which favours a combination of gentle love with romance’s passion. But reject all new relationship prospects — stick with old faithful, or with a re-appearing old flame. Now to January/25, deep passion is better than social stuff or light romance. Creativity better than committee. Monday eve through Wednesday turns your focus to career, social standing, prestige relations — blessed Monday, smoothly lucky Wednesday, but gnarly, frustrating Tuesday. Your popularity and optimism rise Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday. Saturday’s a bit blah, but the prior two days are packed with good results — get out and mingle! Retreat Saturday eve: rest, contemplate, meditate.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Cap. August is filled with secrets, research, valuable information, financial and sexual lures, medical and lifestyle decisions. These are highlighted, reach a peak, Sunday through Monday afternoon (PDT). Your intuition will be high. You face a (pretty lucky) expansion of your duties/chores for ten months ahead — but this intensifies until Sept. 4. Before that date, avoid gastric upsets by eating sensibly. And old flame might appear anytime this month, someone you suddenly feel is growing more physically alluring — and if you rejoin, it will veer into sex mid-month onward. This person (or someone new — but avoid starting new bonds) might have been a natural “teacher” for you, and you might have been born in different countries. Such a person might “arrive” Monday afternoon through Wednesday. (Also, legal, intellectual, learning and international themes.) Monday and Wednesday are fortunate and successful; Tuesday is not, so be cautious this day. Be ambitious Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday — your efforts are strongly favoured Thurs./Fri., but Saturday’s dim, unrewarding. Sat. eve, join friends, seek entertainment — you’ll be popular!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Aquarius. August is filled with opportunities (business and emotional) and you are ready and willing to put up the money, or to deepen an attraction with ultimate intimacy. (But remember, no one brand new — so a former sexual partner might appear.) Be diplomatic, to prevent opposition. You and others will be open and honest, but indecisive and hesitant to act. (That’s a good thing.) You will be very favoured until next June in romance (and creative, risky, beauty zones) — this is intensified until Sept. 4. A call or message, a short trip, might be involved. Those opportunities and attractions arise Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). The sexual, commitment, funding stage comes Monday pm through Wednesday. Act Monday or Wednesday, not Tuesday. Someone loves you Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday. Thursday and Friday are excellent for learning, intellectual discussions, far travel, international or philosophical interests — and love. But Saturday’s a bit blah. This night, your status will be “observed.”


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above, Pisces. August sends much work your way. Be skeptical if a partner or “peer” wants to control how you work, or the tasks you take up. Your real estate  luck sits at a 12-year high until next June, but August (to Sept. 4) intensifies this trend, and nudges you to buy or sell real estate — or on a smaller scale, anything for the home: furniture, repairs, new windows, a backyard pool, etc. Only one problem: Until the 28th, August is filled with mistakes, indecision, delays, supply shortages. In addition, your spouse or partner might balk at the whole process. If you are dealing with a property from the past (e.g., you saw it before, wanted it, were curious, but didn’t act, or were told someone else claimed it, whatever) then go ahead your luck is great! Although this is a work month, a strong thread of relationship winds through your days — affection reigns. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT) heightens the work, and offers mild success. Avoid electricity, computers Monday. This afternoon through Wednesday brings those relationships — with a confusing wealth of opportunities, possible pathways — Monday’s good, affectionate, Tuesday’s difficult, and Wednesday brings favourable outcomes, maybe even declarations of love. The depths of life, your subconscious, your intuition, rise to the surface Thursday to mid-afternoon Saturday. Thursday/Friday are superb, filled with good luck, smooth action in finances, research, sex, medical and lifestyle zones. Saturday’s a bit blah, but this evening promotes romance, creativity, and entertainment.







In the Paris Olympics, they let a man pretending to be a woman beat the shit out of a (real) female boxer. The fight lasted 45 seconds. Obviously, the Europeans have been infected with the same “woke” perversions as America. Their misogyny has reached the point of surgically trying to create a “super woman” out of a man, and of beating true biological women senseless if they dare to practice sports.

I have an idea for all the women athletes in the Olympics — or any event supporting the denigration of women promoted by Western Democrats/leftists: Immediately upon learning that a stealth male has been inserted into the lineup of any women’s sport, EVERY woman should withdraw. There would be no event, unless all these phoney male transgender turkeys want to fight themselves. Maybe that would be the best outcome.


After watching the coverage, including the 25 minutes during which the Secret Service ignored multiple reports of a man with a rifle on the roof, I think the odds are 80-20 that the Trump assassination was ordered by the Biden administration. Sound crazy? Remember that Joe Biden raped his own daughter, created numerous false lawsuits and installed biased judges and prosecutors to jail Trump, or at least to keep him in court and off the campaign trail. Biden has repeatedly called Trump “Hitler” and worse — would such a character stop at assassinating the man whom he says will end, destroy democracy? The real dictator here is Biden. He has tried to demolish democracy, brick by brick, for three years. He has turned the FBI into storm troopers. Ah, I’m not going to blather on…


Scientists suspect there are reservoirs of frozen water in caves on the Moon. They say these caves are large enough to house earthling “Moon dwellers.”


There have been 46 U.S. presidents, and 17 assassination attempts. (Though this does not necessarily equate to 17 presidents.) So the citizens have tried to kill over one-third of their presidents. Perhaps this is a downstream effect or echo of the American Revolution, which in effect “eliminated” King George. Perhaps America is a patricidal nation. Or perhaps they are so democratic that they hate leaders. Or, the administration, and U.S. politics in general, are so corrupt that they breed resentment in the citizenry.


Did you know it takes light about three seconds to shine from the Earth to the moon and back? (Or 1.3 seconds on a one-way trip, to travel the 250,000 miles). When you think about it, that’s really quite slow. Try counting it off, not slowly nor quickly, and say this: “One Chimpanzee, two Chim—“ That’s how long it takes light to reach from the Earth to the moon, or vice versa. That’s probably one of the shortest distances in space. In our solar system it takes (an average) eight hours for light to travel from the Sun to Pluto. This, sunlight to Pluto, is less than a microscopic dot in our universe. Surely there’s a faster movement or carrier, say 1000 times faster than light? Light is so slow!


I just noticed — both Trump’s presidential opponents have been women —Hillarious and now Humping Harris. (That’s a slur alright, but a true one — Kamala slept her way to the top by bedding San Fransisco’s [married] mayor.) The only luminary in Trump’s seventh house of competition and opposition (and mates) is the Moon, which rep’s women. (And is connected to “J” [and “U”] as his letter of enemies.) Kamala can be a much more formidable adversary than Hillary; Trump better prepare for any debate. She’s a Libra with an Aries Moon, Gemini rising. These two are very compatible (he’s a Gemini, Sage Moon, Leo rising). That they are opponents, is everyone’s loss.


Trump announced on July 15 that J. D. Vance would be his running mate. The Moon was in Scorpio, not a good sign for Trump. (*) (**) The Sun was in Scorpio — and conjunct the malefic lunar south node — when Trump began his campaign, indicating all the troubles and obstacles, from law fare to assassination attempts, in his way. That’s why I predicted (Nov. or Dec., 2022 blog) that he would lose the election. So far, though, he looks like a winner. More, it looks like even God is helping him out. That’s the effect of Jupiter in Gemini. (Trump’s a Gemini. But Kamala is a Gemini rising.) Jupiter stays in Gemini until June ’25, so easily covers the election.

Jupiter in either the first or tenth house often points to election wins. This election, it will be in Trump’s sun sign, but Harris’ rising sign. That’s why she’s received such a boost in popularity since she engineered Biden’s demise. Sun sign-wise, Kamala will work under Jupiter in her 9th sign during this election — a favourable position — though she was born so late in Libra that lucky planet will be in her 8th house, which gives it a muffled effect. These bits would seem to give Trump the win.

What about the lunar south node, then? It tends to cause wrong decisions, temptations and brings so many obstacles, one succeeding the other, that final failure is almost certain. And Donald has certainly faced a cascade of obstacles (law fare, assassination, perjuries by corrupt govt. agencies such as the CIA and FIB).

But Biden is a Scorpio. Trump’s starting his campaign when the south node was in Biden’s sun sign might have ultimately indicated not Trump’s defeat, but Biden’s — tho’ it being the south node, Trump has not escaped herculean struggles with obstacles in this campaign.

(*) J.D.’s “J” is an ominous hint. “J” and “U” indicate Sagittarius, where, at Trump’s birth, the Moon and the South node resided. So marriage, women, partnerships and those whose first initial is “J” or “U” — these number among Trump’s problems in life.

(**) A small note: Trump’s campaign launch was Nov. 15/22. His announcement of J.D. as his running mate was made July 15 — exactly two-thirds of the way around the zodiac. (Approx. 23 Scorpio to 23 degrees Cancer.) There are patterns upon patterns, most fulfilled semi-consciously. (Semi-consciously, such as the Secret Service’s refusal to detain a man with a rifle on a roof at Trump’s rally.)


BTW, Kamala’s Sun is at 27 Libra, a good degree emphasizing strength. Her ascendant is 24 Gemini, a very friendly, happy degree. (This is where her famous laugh comes from.) Her Moon is in 27 degrees Aries, exactly opposite her Sun; this moon promises early and swift success followed by collapse.

It used to be possible to read the charts for the first Tuesday in November, but no longer. Now voting starts in September, and continues for months. But if we look at November 8 as the “climax,” a couple of things emerge:

1) the Moon is in Capricorn, indicating “an end” to Libra — but success to Aries, where Kamala’s “early success, subsequent collapse” Moon lies. (Much of her rise has been via this Moon — e.g., sleeping her way to the top.)

2) Jupiter is retrograde at 19 degrees Gemini — behind his Sun (22), and her ascendant (24). At its peak in early October, Jupiter reached 21 Gemini before retrograding. Trump’s Sun is at 22 Gemini. Harris’ ascendant is 24 Gemini, so both are “touched” by Jupiter’s political luck, Trump a bit more closely. But Trump’s Moon is 21 Sage, so this Jupiter exactly opposes it. If a major scandal hits Trump in Sept. or Oct., he will lose this election.

If we go back to August, 2023, the lunar south node was on K’s Sun, and the favourable north node sat on her Moon. I think this is approximately when she either hatched the idea/plan, or began the process, to eliminate Biden and take his place. At the time, Venus (K’s ruling planet) was retrograde, hinting that she would have some very murky waters to wade through — and maybe indicating that she can’t reach her goal.

Astrologically, this is a hard race to call.
