Author Archives: Tim Stephens



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Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 11:04 pm Mon. to 6:48 am Tues., 6:55 pm to 7:06 pm Thursday., and after 3:49 pm Sat.



ALL SIGNS: Mercury will bring three weeks of delays and mistakes in August. if you have any projects in planning, especially domestic projects, consider how long they will take. If you can complete them in July — easily — go ahead. But if they will take more than a couple of weeks to complete, consider waiting until September onward to start.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent continues on your home, family, roots, security, mother nature, gardening — and pruning wasteful projects and stale relationships from your life in order to make space for new things to grow. all these are blessed by a certain mild good luck. Family remains affectionate. For two more weeks, more money than usual is available to you. You are beginning to think romantically; Thursday into August intensifies and sweetens this romantic trend, and could bring a summer love to singles — perhaps more in late July and into August than immediately. Sunday to Tuesday dawn (PDT) brings this romantic feeling to an early semi-peak, best on Sunday. Avoid a fight/disruption Monday p.m. Tackle chores Tuesday morning to Thursday evening — generally, a successful period, especially Thursday daytime. Exciting relationships and opportunities pop up Thursday night through Saturday. You might meet someone new early in this interval, or “separate” from love’s promises. Friday daytime is lucky for a romantic communication, or just a breezy, friendly flirt. Saturday? Not so easy.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

This week and next continue the travel, errands, communications and paperwork of the last couple of weeks, Taurus. You remain, for the same two weeks, sexy and lustful and courageous — but don’t “courage” yourself into a mistake. Your deep heart knows; listen to it. You are starting to think more about your home and where you stand in the world; from Thursday onward for a few weeks, your home will be very pleasant and affectionate. If you have any decorating or painting to do, do it now, before August (when projects will go haywire). Your good income luck will manifest itself sometime in the next 11 months, in a big way. Choose a permanent pay raise over bonuses or overtime pay. The 11 months ahead are also a great time to find lucrative employment, and a good time to purchase an investment, especially one that pays a good dividend or rent or whatever. Be home and with the family Sunday to dawn Tuesday (PDT) — a good interval, but avoid a fight (money argument?) Monday pm. Romance, creative and speculative projects fly with success Tuesday dawn to suppertime Thursday — esp. Thursday. Tackle chores Thursday night through Saturday. Friday afternoon is a fortunate time to buy machinery or tools.


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The emphasis on money and possessions continues for two more weeks, Gemini. This time may also bring you physical intimacy, but without intense passion. Still, it’s sweet and warm. You will be talking, travelling and handling more paperwork than usual until the 25th. These are highlighted Sunday to dawn Tuesday (PDT). That’s your skill set, so you should enjoy yourself. Until July 20, avoid dark places and belligerent individuals – and over-exercising. You are lucky and optimistic, my friend, and that will bring surprising good fortune over the 11 months ahead. (Look at Gemini Donald Trump, and his recent legal victories, and the collapse of his political rival.) Be cautious, avoid disruption or friction Monday pm. Be home, with family, hug the kids, Tuesday morning to Thursday evening. Some real success awaits you here Wednesday, but even more Thursday. Romance, beauty and pleasure and creative surges visit you Thursday p.m. through Saturday. Some surprises here, maybe even a change of partners, but good luck also Friday.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

You are on top, Cancer, this week and next. Your energy, charm, clout and effectiveness sit at a yearly high. Venus sits in your sign until Thursday, attracting others. No matter your sex, men befriend you (until July 20). You are talking and thinking about earning money and will for the weeks ahead. But as soon as this trend grows full and fruitful (about July 19-25) projects begin slowing down, accumulating mistakes, and even turning backwards. So don’t put too much faith in money plans — just collect what you can — and this will be bigger than you think from Thursday onward for a couple of weeks. You are blessed for the next 11 months with the government, or any management situation. (Good time to angle your career ambitions into the management area.) Sunday through Tuesday dawn (PDT) nudges you into the money chase — fortunately Sunday and early Monday, but difficult after that. Errands, Communications and paperwork fill Tuesday morning to Thursday evening. All goes pretty well here, especially Thursday — a good time to communicate with friends and those you want to be friends.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

Continue to “lie low,” Leo — find quietude, rest, contemplate and plan. This is one of the best months of the year too improve your karma with charitable acts and to meditate or otherwise contact your spiritual self. Also a good time to liaise with government or management levels of any company or institution. Some single Leos might have been having a secretive but not very important love affair. Until July 20, be diplomatic and mellow with higher-ups — don’t fight them You can talk and write very well now to July 25 — you will receive gracious or affectionate responses this Thursday to early August. However tired or unenthusiastic you might feel at times this month, remember that your most cherished wishes might come true in the next 11 months. Your energy and charisma are fine Sunday to just past dawn Tuesday (PDT) so gather allies and get things done. but exercise caution Monday, onward, as you might perceive injustice or otherwise be frustrated by a relationship. Chase money, buy/sell, memorize something, make astute purchases, and welcome intimacy with someone “okay,” but who could never be your true love, Tuesday to just past suppertime Thursday — better Wednesday, best Thursday. Errands, communications and paperwork fill Thursday eve through Saturday. Best time: Friday daytime, when what you communicate or whom you contact could be the key to a wish coming true in future, although you might not sense that.


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Enjoy this week and next, Virgo. Some wishes are coming true, your popularity is rising, social delights are calling and a general atmosphere of celebration, happiness and optimism buoy your heart. This is a good time to join a new group, especially one that focusses on spirituality, management, or charity and medical or nutritional aid to others. Your career prospects look splendid for the next 11 months. Relationships have stalled until November, but you might be surprised at the residual loyalty that someone feels toward you, even in the slow times. strictly avoid lawsuits before July 20. You will feel tired and a bit ignored Sunday to Tuesday Dawn (PDT) but by Tuesday daytime you will bounce back. Use Sunday to communicate with the government, a large corporation, or management. Be cautious Monday p.m., when friction or investment losses mate bother you. Your energy and charisma soar upward, Tuesday morning to Thursday evening — get out and about, start projects (but only ones that can be completed IN July — see PREAMBLE above). You have splendid luck Wednesday in a stable, quiet way (see “love’s loyalty” a few sentences ago) and even better fortune in a more demonstrative and affectionate Thursday. Chase money, buy/sell, memorize something or embrace a friend more intimately, Thursday night through Saturday. you might experience a split and a new potential relationship Friday.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The general emphasis lies on your career, prestige relations, worldly standing and ambitions this week and next, Libra. Higher-ups maintain their favourable opinion of you, at least until Thursday (but probably longer as positive impressions last for a while). Although you’re mired in ambition, your social side is starting to perk up, especially Thursday onward into early August. A minor wish might come true soon. You are rather highly sexed right now (to July 20) but be careful: think of consequences. You might also be eager to invest — but first tone down impulse, study the prospect(s) calmly. If you are single, love of the wedding kind might face you before next July. The same period, international travel, higher learning, media, and law will have beneficial results. If you separated two years ago, the months ahead bring the final legal divorce. Work is long and heavy, has been for the last year and will be until Feb. 2026. Sunday to Tuesday dawn lifts your heart with popularity, social delights, a bit of flirtation and lots of optimism. However, Monday/Tuesday will not bring a viable partnership prospect, and could bring friction with a present partner. Retreat, lie, low, meditate and contemplate — and plan — Tuesday morning to just past suppertime Thursday (PDT). Poor results Tuesday, good, but not glamorous results Wednesday, and truly good results Thursday. Applies to liaising with gov’t or management anywhere. Your energy and pizzazz leap upward Thursday eve through Saturday. Your luck is jumbled here, but Friday daytime stands out, bringing luck to education, legal matters, international affairs and media.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The general theme for the next two weeks, Scorpio, lies in far travel, international concerns, higher learning, law, media, and profound ideas — and love. All these are favoured, but most highly before Thursday, so act fast if you have something to do, or someone to approach. After Thursday, extending into the first week of August, higher-ups favour you. Already, you are on a “communications level” with bosses, favouring memos, talks, plans until July 25.  Your finances and intimate life flow with very good luck until next June. Be cautious, diplomatic with others until July 20. Your career, ambitions and worldly status are emphasized Sunday to dawn Tuesday. Sunday’s great; Monday needs care, especially in arguments and with sharp tools. Your popularity rises as optimism puts a shine on your happiness Tuesday morning to late suppertime Thursday. Wednesday daytime’s good but Thursday’s best. Expect social delights, entertainment and flirtations. For some, true love is hovering Thursday. But retreat, lie low, rest, contemplate and plan this night through Saturday. You might learn a valuable secret Friday, or stumble upon a great investment.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Deep investigations and knowledge, commitment and consequences, lustful or power-hungry temptations, major (and mostly favoured) investments or debt, medical and lifestyle decisions — these continue to occupy you for the next two weeks, Sage. All this is mildly more lucky before Thursday. Although relationships now are mostly physical or financial, there is some chance that you will meet a talkative person who forms a really promising bond or promise with you. Remember, mid-2024 to mid-25 is very likely to bring a potential mate to single Sages. (Same period strongly favours public appearances, grabbing opportunities, and relocation.) Yes, domestic matters are slow — DON’T start any projects here (especially renovations or construction) before Nov. 15, 2024. Work is hard (yet somehow creative) for two more weeks, so get it done. Sunday to dawn Tuesday awakens your higher, more profound mind, opens you to love. Sunday’s best; Monday holds friction, disruption. Head for home, hug the kids, garden or walk in nature, Tuesday morning to late suppertime Thursday. Tuesday goes against your interest, but Wednesday (better) and Thursday (best) open your eyes to love, family and local attractions. Thursday night through Saturday brings popularity, social delights, flirtation, entertainment and optimism — you’ll be happy! Best Friday daytime.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

The accent remains on relationships, public appearances, opportunities, and relocation themes, Cap. Affection and grace have filled your interactions for a couple of weeks and continue now to Thursday. After this, both affections and opportunistic meetings/agreements/communications go “underground,” or private, confidential. Little sparks of lust, desire for power and/or money, grow in July, and assume “full force” from the 22nd onward into August. However, make no important agreements that require you to act on them in August — for that month will be studied with delays, mistakes and indecision. You are still filled with romantic courage for two more weeks. You receive a preview of that private or underground influence Sunday to Tuesday dawn (PDT). Sunday is fine, for sex or investments or research, but be ready to handle some friction or disruption Monday. A gentle, wise and mellow mood floats into you Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday. Far travel, love, media, law, higher education, religion and profound ideas are favoured. Tuesday has “happy problems,” Wednesday is stable, and Thursday is simply lucky and loving! Be ambitious Thursday night through Saturday  — Friday holds a lucky job or career opening.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Keep ploughing away at all that work, Aquarius. Coworkers are pleasant and helpful. You are starting to communicate with someone attractive; this might mature into partnership type affection, even though you may be a long way from sealing any deal in love or business. (But remember, this is your best year in a decade, to June 2025, for romance. A huge attraction can occur that fulfils a lifetime wish.) Bosses might not be so pleasant, as they are a bit stressed and impatient until July 20. Take care of your health this weekend next; eat, and dress sensibly. Relationships, opportunities, relocation themes and possible public appearances arrive Sunday to dawn Tuesday (PDT). Sunday into early Monday morning is fine for accomplishment, but beware afternoon friction and late disruption Monday. Secrets, research, major financial action, medical and lifestyle decisions, lust and temptations arise Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday. This is quite a fortunate little interval: neutral Tuesday; stable but with a serious outlook Wednesday; and almost purely lucky Thursday. a mellow wise mood flows into you Thursday night through Saturday. Love, romance, and wishes come true are possible Friday — after a break off or alienation with someone late Thursday or early Friday.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

You remain in a generally lucky, romantic, creative, and risk-taking frame of mind, Pisces. You might have even met a potential partner in the last few weeks. in any case, you succeed in romance (et al) into Thursday. After that, mild good luck and affection tend to occur with coworkers until early August. You are probably already receiving some communication about your work; perhaps a new project is planned. Be careful with this — realize a period of delay, mistakes and indecision will fill most of August. (That month, a former business partner or lover/spouse might return.) You are very busy with papers and communications and driving — slow down with the last one. Your home and real estate in general and kids are all very very lucky in the 11 months ahead — start thinking about this. You are likely, if you move, to land in a better or more prestigious neighbourhood. (One thing about Pisces: you are a kind of human sponge. You absorb and reflect your surroundings. So if you want to be wealthy, move to a wealthy neighborhood, even if it’s just a basement suite! If you want to be poor, of course, move to a down-at-the-heels ‘hood.) Tackle chores Sunday to Dawn Tuesday – Sunday is best. Exciting meetings, regular relationships, opportunities, public appearances, and relocation themes face you Tuesday morning to suppertime Thursday. Tuesday might be a little awkward Wednesday has stable luck, especially with groups and friends. Thursday is filled with relationship magic. Secrets, the depths of life, your subconscious and intuition, major finances, lust for sex or power, medical and lifestyle decisions fill Thursday night through Saturday. the aspects aren’t great, so don’t bet the farm. But you might have some very good news or a fortunate discovery Friday, especially in real estate or domestic zones.







Do you remember about four years ago when I wrote here that if America elected Joe Biden as president it would be like buying a haunted house? In the June debate, Biden himself looked haunted, as his eyes went round as mini-saucers, and stared into a blank distance. Joe IS the ghost. And now the problem for the Democrats: how do you unload a haunted house? How do you sell it? (Especially when many of the participating Democrats have become the scaffolding and walls of this doomed house.)


CLUES:  During last Thursday’s debate between Trump and Biden, at one point they were arguing about the border and Trump said that the immigrants were rapists and murders of American women. Biden rejoined that many more rapes take place among American citizens, and then he made a list: in-laws are raped, and family members, husbands rape their wives, and brothers and sisters are raped…etc. It was an odd moment, as he went on and on. Notice that every instance he noted involved incest — sex between family members. Remember Joe’s daughter, Ashley, who accused Joe, her father, of incestuous interference (as the social workers would label it). Joe’s list of “rapists” was, I suspect, a sideways confession. It shows what was on his mind.
